Tag Archives: Underground Military Bases

Philip Schneider: “If I ever ‘commit suicide’, I’ll have been murdered.”

And so ti happened… he was murdered. Here is something before:

>> https://www.auricmedia.net/dulce-base-the-thomas-castello-declaration/

>> https://www.auricmedia.net/is-that-a-rabbit-hole-no-its-a-d-u-m-b/

>> https://www.auricmedia.net/silenced-speakers-part-i-philip-schneider/

And something new…

The True Story of Philip Schneider

Philip Schneider died on January 17, 1996, shortly after conducting several controversial lectures throughout the US, including Denver where he covered topics such as, Space-Defense, black helicopters, railroad cars built with shackles, extraterrestrials and the secret black budget.

He was reportedly strangled by a catheter found wrapped around his neck – the bizarre death being dismissed by the authorities as suicide.

If the circumstances of his death seem highly controversial, they are matched by the controversy over his public statements uttered shortly before his death.

Philip Schneider was a self-taught geologist and explosives expert. Of the 1,477 underground bases around the world, 129 deep underground facilities of which were located in the United States, he claimed to have worked on 13.

Two of these bases were major, including the much rumored bioengineering facility at Dulce, New Mexico.

At Dulce, Schneider maintained, “gray” humanoid extraterrestrials worked side by side with American technicians. In 1979, a misunderstanding arose. In the ensuing shootout, 66 Secret Service, FBI and Black Berets were killed along with an unspecified number of “grays”.

It was here he received a beam-weapon blast to the chest which caused his later cancer many have confirmed that a large scar indeed existed.

Philip Schneider recounts his encounter with extraterrestrials in the following excerpt:

“I was involved in building an addition to the deep underground military base at Dulce, which is probably the deepest base. My job was to go down the holes and check the rock samples, and recommend the explosive to deal with the particular rock.

“As I was headed down there, we found ourselves amidst a large cavern that was full of outer-space aliens, otherwise known as large Greys. I shot two of them.

“At that time, there were 30 people down there. About 40 more came down after this started, and all of them got killed. We had surprised a whole underground base of existing aliens.

“Later, we found out that they had been living on our planet for a long time, perhaps a million years. This could explain a lot of what is behind the theory of ancient astronauts.”

An fire exchange occurred between gray aliens and secret service personnel.

In the ensuing shootout, 66 Secret Service, FBI and Black Berets were killed along with an unspecified number of “grays”. It was here he received a beam-weapon blast to the chest which caused his later cancer; many have confirmed that a large scar indeed existed.

Schneider maintained that numerous previous attempts had been made on his life, including the removal of the nuts from one of the front wheels of his automobile.

He had stated publicly he was a marked man and did not expect to live long.

“If I ever ‘commit suicide’,” Schneider told a close friend, “I’ll have been murdered.”

Some of Schneider’s more major accusations are worthy of attention:

1) The American government concluded a treaty with “gray” aliens in 1954. This mutual cooperation pact is called the Grenada Treaty.

2) The space shuttle has been producing special alloys in orbit. A vacuum is needed for the creation of these special metals, thereby justifying the mandate for a large, permanently manned space station.

3) Much of our stealth aircraft technology was developed by back-engineering crashed alien craft.

4) AIDS was a population control virus invented by the National Ordinance Laboratory, Chicago, Illionois.

5) Unbeknownst to just about everyone, the US government has an earthquake device. Neither the 1995 Kobe earthquake nor the 1989 San Francisco quake had a pulse wave.

6) The World Trade Center bomb blast and the Oklahoma City blast were achieved using small nuclear devices. The melting and pitting of the concrete and the extrusion of metal supporting rods indicated this. (Schneider’s forte, he claimed, was explosives.)

Finally, Phil Schneider lamented that the democracy he loved no longer existed: we had become instead a technocracy ruled by a shadow government intent on imposing their own view of things on all of us, whether we like it or not.

He believed 11 of his best friends had been murdered in the last 22 years, eight of whose deaths had been officially explained as suicides.

Whatever one might think of Phil Schneider’s claims, it’s clear that he was of particular interest to the FBI and CIA.

His widow has stated that intelligence agents thoroughly searched the premises shortly after his death and made off with at least a third of the family photographs.

In the following video Philip Schneider talks about his experience and what the government is trying to hide, furthermore, the history of underground bases told by Richard Dolan and Richard Sauder.

In closing, I will reiterate what Phil said to a close friend:

“If I ever ‘commit suicide’, I’ll have been murdered.”


Read more from Auricmedia:


The 1979 Attack On Dulce Base

Interesting info about this battle between humans and aliens:

Part I

The 1979 Attack On Dulce Base

Located almost two miles beneath Archuleta Mesa on the Jicarilla Apache Indian Reservation near Dulce, New Mexico was an installation classified so secret, its existence would be one of the most protected realities in the world. There was the Earth’s first main joint United States Government/Alien biogenetics laboratory. Others existed in Colorado , Nevada , and Arizona , not to mention in a number of other locations like Afghanistan and Russia – but Dulce (is)/was the largest…

In an era when the officers in charge of the major military units were still part of the generation that looked on young women – potential mothers – as a treasure to be protected, to learn that thousands of young females were being abducted, and even created (cloned, etc.) for use as sex slaves by aliens was simply too much for such men to allow to continue.

The turning point came when National Security Adviser Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski met with President Jimmy Carter in the White House on June 14, 1977, with a number of other “intelligence operatives and leaders”, to bring the President up to speed on a number of top secret programs, including “Project Aquarius”, and the work being done at Dulce, Area 51, and other secret bases. Brzezinski, a member of the power elite that backed the “Grey” cause, never guessed that the President would be so shocked that he would soon turn to trusted military advisors in the military intelligence community for options of how to stop what had been going on.

The National Security Agency (NSA) had been secretly fighting the alien cause, and the humans that worked for or with the aliens, since it was established in the mid-1950s’. Project Aquarius was originally established in 1953, by order of President Eisenhower, under control of NSC and MJ 12. In 1966, the Project’s name had been changed from Project Gleem to Project Aquarius, and portions of it went into DEEP COVER, hidden even from the CIA and the NSC. At that point, the NSA had opened “Department X” (to identify and study all alien or enemy operations that could be a threat to the United States or the Human Race in general), and “Department Z” (to “react” and “neutralize” any sort of threat to the United States or the Human Race).

Under secret Presidential Order, signed by President Jimmy Carter, the NSA’s Department Z, the newly established DELTA FORCE, and a specially hand-picked group of Air Force SOC, Navy SEAL, and Army Rangers were organized for a mission so secret that not even command officers were told what it was about until the night of the attack. The only ‘Attack Team’ leaders who knew what this would be about were the men involved in the NSA Department Z, who had been involved with fighting aliens for years. The commanding officer of the attack was none other than Captain Mark Richards, the son of the infamous “Dutchman”, Major Ellis Loyd Richards, who had been the commander of International Security (IS) since Admiral Chester W. Nimitz died in 1966…

By 1978, the NSA Department X was warning the human commanders of new programs starting at Dulce that were so frightening that even seasoned men of war were shocked. Thousands of young human females were being “created” in test tubes to be sex slaves for the aliens. But these clones were proving to be less than satisfying for the aliens’, because they didn’t “suffer” the same way that once free victims did. They could be engineered to provide better sexual tools for some of the stranger life forms, but they were proving to be nearly “mindless”, and thus couldn’t react with the “fear” that normal young women could. For that reason, while the clone program would continue, it had been decided that the abduction program would be stepped up – with the forced “short-term” attacks to increase by 1980 to over 100,000 a year, and the facility to be enlarged for “long-term” victims (who would stay there for as long as they lived) with numbers over 75,000.

The labs at Dulce started cloning human females by a process perfected in the world’s largest and most advanced bio-genetic facility, Los Alamos . The elite humans who manipulated the worlds’ governments from the shadows would soon have a disposable slave-race, for medical culling of body parts and their own perverted pleasures. Like the alien Greys, the U.S. (secret) Government secretly kidnaped and impregnated young females, then removed the hybrid fetus after a three-month time period, before accelerating their growth in laboratories. Biogenetic (DNA Manipulation) programming was then instilled – many being implanted with all sorts of devices, some that allowed them to be controlled at a distance through RF (Radio Frequency) transmissions…

“Level 7 is worse… It was like a whore house for pervert ETs’. Human females were brought there for ‘experiments’, but you can’t convince me that most of it wasn’t just sadistic pleasure for the Greys. They wouldn’t just impregnate the girls, they would sexually torture them for hours. Sure there were the scientific procedures, but there were also orgies where a few pretty human females would be given to a large number of Greys for nothing less than a brutal gang-rape. And this was constant. Hundreds of Greys, and other species that seemed to be friends to the Greys, would come and go every week, for no other clear reason than to take sexual pleasure with the provided human females.”

When the truth was evident that sub-humans and other creatures were being produced from abducted human females, impregnated against their will, a secret resistance group formed within the military and intelligence agencies of the U.S. Government that did not approve of the deals that had been made with the ‘Off-worlders’. Many of these brave humans would be assassinated, or “died under mysterious circumstance,” or would be silenced in other ways. But in 1979, they would manage a victory that would cost the Greys, and the humans that backed the Greys, dearly…

The Air Force Intelligence Officer that reportedly was the man who met with the Aliens at Holloman (Air Force Base) in 1964, was the legendary ‘Dutchman,’ Ellis Loyd Richards, Jr. – the same man who would reportedly order the attack on Dulce in 1979, and whose son, Captain Mark Richards, would lead the human attack on the facility.

The Richards names come up time and time again when one looks into any of the mentioned Top Secret Projects that Military Intelligence, or the Eyes-Only, Tops Secret agency known as International Security, were involved in from World War II through the Cold War years…

The in-house political argument that developed within MAJESTIC TWELVE in the late 1970s, when the military/intelligence men objected to the deals with some of the Aliens on the side for the selfish gain of such groups as the Illuminati of thousands or the “Club of Rome” at the expense of thousands of innocents, if not all of mankind, helped to cause the rift that would lead to the military action taken against the Dulce facility in 1979…

(Later on in the DULCE BATTLE report, it is written…)

“It would be ONE OF the reptoids who taught several of the men involved in the attack on Dulce a number of the informative points that would first cause them to look more deeply into what was being done at the facility, and then helped them better understand the enemy, and how to defeat them. Indeed, it would be this Reptoid who communicated the factual basis for a number of the plots being organized against humanity by a number of off-world sources, and (some of them) had proven their willingness to aid the human cause in the Battle for Central Asia in 1976, and in the August 1979 space defense of Earth against alien invaders. It was also (they) who warned of the danger that such life forms as bacteria represented to both aliens and humans…

In 1979, there were 37 alien species represented at the Dulce facility. Only 6 of those had their own space or dimensional traveling ability, while the others were guests of the Greys. All of those species that had come as guests of the Greys were there for genetic and reproductive experiments with humans – and 8 of those were also interested in humans as A SOURCE OF FOOD. Of those interested in reproductive experiments, 25 could enjoy direct intercourse with human females (although several needed the female to be placed on special hormone treatments ahead of time), and the facility apparently got the reputation for being a sexual pleasure spot for the quadrant.

Of course, not all the Reptoid-type creatures are friendly towards humans. According to Lear and others, the U.S. government may have made a ‘pact’ with a non-human race as early as 1933. According to some this ‘race’ is not human yet claims to have had it’s origin on Earth… Some sources allege that this predatory race is of a neo-saurian nature. This has led others to suggest that the dinosaurs which ruled the surface of the Earth in prehistoric times may not have become entirely extinct as is commonly believed, but that certain of the more intelligent and biped-hominoid mutations of that race developed a form of intellectual thought equal to, or surpassing (in some respects – especially with their ‘collective mind’ matrix – Branton) that of the human race…

The theory then suggests that some of this race went into space, only to return to find that their founders on their home planet had not survived (on the surface, that is, however there are several reports of reptilian humanoids being encountered in deep underground natural cavern systems all over the world… and in time, the space-based reptiloids learned of these. – Branton)

There were a number of facts quickly put forward; for instance one branch or mutation of the supposedly extinct sauroid race, Stenonychosaurus, was according to paleontologists remarkably hominoid in appearance, being 3 ½ to 4 ½ feet in height with possibly greyish-green skin and three digit clawed hands and a partially-opposable ‘thumb’. The opposable thumb and intellectual capacity are the only thing preventing members of the animal kingdom from challenging the human race as the masters of planet Earth. For instance, the ape kingdom possesses opposable thumbs yet it does not possess the intellectual capacity to use them as humans do. The dolphins possess intellects nearing that of humans but do not possess opposable thumbs or even limbs necessary to build, etc.

The cranial capacity of Stenonychosaurus was nearly twice the size of that of human beings, indicating a large and possibly advanced though not necessarily benevolent intellect.

According to researchers such as Brad Steiger, Val Valerian, TAL LeVesque and others, this may actually be the same type of entity or entities most commonly described in ‘UFO’ encounters, as well as the same type of creatures depicted in early 1992 in the nationally viewed CBS presentation “INTRUDERS.”

According to Lear, the government may have established a ‘treaty’ with this (reptilian) race, which they later learned to their horror was extremely malevolent in nature and were merely using the ‘treaties’ as a means to buy time while they methodically established certain controls upon the human race, with the ultimate goal of an absolute domination…

The fact that a base like Dulce might house dozens of ‘types’ and ‘races’ of ETs’ would never be admitted by most humans, and would be reduced to the stuff of legends if ever turned over to the general public. The years of work to cover up the alien threat had worked very well by 1979, and normal people would not admit seeing an alien for fear of being called crazy.

The types and races at Dulce at the time of the attack are still in question, and many races have not wanted to admit their taking part in what took place there in 1979…

Many victims find their abductors to be nothing less than brutal beasts. The casebooks of researchers are filled with incidents in which malice and hostility played a significant role in the abduction. Unfortunately, most of the victims who suffer these more vile attacks do not get the chance to make any report to any human authority about the event – as they vanish, and become another statistic in the growing number of “missing persons” across the country.

By the early 1970s, the number of these missing persons – most of all, young white women – were going up. While the abductions of humans by superhuman forces of varying descriptions appeared to obey the same mechanisms worldwide, it was clear that young white women were the most frequent victims, and that there was little support for abductees should they survive…

In the more controlled environment of Dulce, researchers had no… disclosure problems (concerning stem cell and cloning research). The fertilized eggs of hundreds of healthy young human females could be ‘harvested’ constantly, for unlimited embryo and stem-cell research, ‘killing’ uncounted human embryos in the search for everything from cures to alien skin infections caused by Earth germs, to how to better create a sub-human slave race of cloned worker creatures.

Such research also moved into other dangerous fields, such as ‘enhancing’ humans into becoming creatures that would serve other alien needs. One of the more shocking of these that the ‘attackers’ would find in huge holding pens were the human females who had been ‘enhanced’ to become reproductive ‘cows’, as the need for human milk and reproductive systems had grown. Hundreds of young women had been ‘altered’, to become little more than cows…

‘Free will’ is always dangerous to a fascist society, or a police state! ‘Free will’ is what allowed a group of men to take the moral high-ground, and attack the Dulce Facility…

The attack plan centering on crippling the main generator, then doing as much damage as possible — while freeing as many victims as possible — started to take shape in the Fall of 1979, after the August space battle between forces of the USAF Space Command and an alien invasion force, with none other than Brigadier General Aderholt (USAF) brought in to head the organization that would be formed for the invasion of the Dulce Facility.

Funded by Texas businessman Ross Perot, CIA/DIA frontman Edwin Wilson, and a massive black ops’ fund long hidden (by Major E.L. Richards Jr.) the plan moved forward quickly within a small community of intelligence officers and their backers…

Brigadier General Harry C. Aderholt would pull a team together in September and October of 1979 that would have made any commanding officer proud, and perhaps shot fear into any enemy who had any idea of what was being put together. Colonel Roger H.C. Donlon, stationed at Fort Levanwvrth at the time, would head one combat team, drawing heavily from the newly formed DELTA FORCE, Navy SEALS, and USAF Special Operations Command (AFSOC). Flight teams were organized by astronaut scientist Karl Gordon Henize, and included the best of the best in combat and test pilots, with special operations training – or who could be counted on to keep their silence, including Captain Mark Richards, who was recovering from his command roll of Dragon Squadron in the battle that had taken place in August.

While exact numbers of the human force involved is still so protected that there seems to be no firm record of the exact count, there were never more than a few hundred who knew anything about the operation. The center of the operation was clearly found in USAF Space Command, and the Director of I.S., Major Ellis L. Richards Jr.

The President (of the U.S.), the Secretary General of the United Nations, and the Chairman of the JCS were never informed of the pending operation, and it should be noted that the humans and aliens involved in the attack took part in the action without orders or clearances from higher authorities.

Those who fought against the aliens did so against the will of the human elite. (Many of whom may even be reptilian shape-shifters in human form, according to some sources, like David Icke and others… – Branton)

One of the men who was hit the hardest (by the horrifying stories emerging from out of the Dulce underground base) was William Randolph Leathers. Born in St. Louis Missouri . A graduate of Yale in 1941, he served in the O.S.S. as a Captain during World War II, teaching map reading in Aberdeen , Maryland for much of the war. One of the members of the top secret task force that hit the secret German military facility in Afghanistan in 1945, he had been a close friend of The Dutchman from that time, moving to Greenbrae, in Marin County, California, in 1967 to be part of the headquarters team for I.S. (his cover was as an employee with the John Hancock Life Insurance Co.) Captain Leathers had lost his wife in 1971, and identified with several of the husbands and fathers of victims (he had four children of his own) for his own reasons (Captain Leathers died on October 22, 2001, at age 83). It would be Leathers who worked with NRO satellite photos, U2 and SR-71 photos, and military maps of the area until all of the major portals to the Dulce Complex were spotted and marked. He would lead one of the assault teams himself.

Having turned 60 in 1978, Captain Leathers would be the oldest member of the assault team, to take an active roll in the attack.

Most of the troops would come from three sources: The Delta Force, USAF-SOC, and the NSA Department “Z”.

The U.S. Army’s 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta (SFOD-D) would be one of two of the U.S. government’s principle units tasked with counter terrorist operations outside the United States (the other being Naval Special Warfare Development Group, better known as SEAL team 6). Delta Force was created by U.S. Army colonel Charles Beckwith in November 19th 1977 in direct response to numerous, well-publicized terrorist incidents that occurred in the 1970s. From its beginnings, Delta was heavily influenced by the British SAS, a philosophical result of Colonel Beckwith’s year-long (1962-1963) exchange tour with that unit…

The Delta Force at Bragg was already considered the best special operation training facility in the world. After the assault on Dulce, the CQB indoor training range would be given the ominous nick-name, “The House of Horrors”, in memory of what could not be remembered.

Most important; the Delta Force had their own fleet of helicopters (the aviation platoon). Painted in civilian colors and fake registration numbers, the helicopters could deploy with Delta operators and mount gun pods to provide air support as well as transportation, while not being easy to spot as ‘military’ units from the ground. It was decided that these air units, after delivering Delta Operators to several locations for forced entry into the facility, would come in with the NSA “Z-Team” as air support in the assault on the main landing port.

The Air Force Special Operation Command (AFSOC) would be in charge of taking and holding the main ‘landing port’. The job of AFSOC “operators” was to quickly turn a given patch of hostile terrain into a fully functional airfield. Sometimes this meant a stealthy attack by motorcycle and ATV. Other times it meant cleaning out hostile forces by whatever means was necessary. In years to come, an AFSOC Special Tactics (ST) combat controller might have used a Special Operations Forces Laser Marker (SOFLAM) to create a spot where a laser-guided bomb could aim and neutralize the enemy; but in 1979 they had to do that with manpower…
Performing a diversified job required a diversified range of combat hardware. Air Force ST operators carried a variety of small arms, including the M9 9mm pistol with sound suppresser, the Remington 870 12-ga. shotgun, the M203 stand-alone 40mm grenade launcher, the M4A1 SOPMOD (Special Operations Peculiar Modification) 5.56mm carbine, and the M249 5.56 SAW (Squad Automatic Weapon). By making extensive tactical use of night vision gear, AFSOC’s airborne capabilities were provided by the 16th Special Operations Wing, which is based at Hurlburt Field, Florida, and by units of Special Operations Groups at RAF Mildenhall, England. These wings had been the long-time vision of Major Ellis L. Richards, Jr., and others like him, and the Dulce Battle would be the first time they were used fully in combat.

But because of the special problems of entry into the Dulce facility, normal helicopter attack would not work. As well trained as they were, to attempt a landing into the hanger area of the facility would have been suicidal.

The Dulce landing ports were set up to accept the “lightcraft” and other Mass Accelerator Beam (MAB) Riders used by the Greys to transport from planet to orbital pick-up points. These craft generated magneto-hydrodynamic thrust, driven by microwaves and pulsed lasers, to accelerate the classic “flying saucers” up to altitudes of 50 kilometers and accelerations that easily allowed orbital velocities. This made the human-style of heavy-lift chemical rockets an expensive folly, and allowed the aliens Earth-to-orbit travel at will for a relatively low cost.

It also gave the human forces a way into the facility.

Because an infrastructure of orbiting stations were used to reflect energy from a solar-power station hidden on the Dark Side of the Moon, there were a number of ways to track such a ship. The lightcraft focused the microwave energy to create an “air spike” that deflected oncoming air – that could be tracked. And electrodes on the vehicle’s rim that ionized air and formed part of the thrust-generating system could be seen by real-time cameras (and even the human eye at close ranges). Thus, it was planned that one of the attack teams would enter the facility when the main port’s doors were open for an incoming lightcraft.

This was not going to be an easy stunt. Sensors around the area set off an alarm if anything got too close to the doors, not to mention warn the operators of any air or space vehicle that got too close. The mouth was too small for anything larger than a good sized helicopter, but helicopters would be too slow to reach the doors before the base defensive systems went off. And once inside the port area, any attack force would be likely overwhelmed by the base defenders – unless, whatever craft was used could carry a number of heavy automatic weapons, and land a large number of attackers at one time.

The Greys were quite content that no such craft existed in the human military inventory. And not even the Reptoids had a craft that could be used under all of the required conditions, that wouldn’t be spotted long before it could reach the port.

What they hadn’t counted on was one, single, experimental aircraft, that was still so secret that it had never been entered on any inventory list.

Manufactured by the Bell corporation, the X-22 was a ‘research’ craft, with some interesting abilities. The first successful V/STOL VSS (Variable Stability System) aircraft, this strange mix of wings, jets, and huge ducted props might not have been pretty, but it was perfect for the mission needs of the Dulce Attack Force…
Because of the lack of time, the only man involved who also had the skill to fly the X-22 under such combat conditions was Captain Mark Richards. Thus he was chosen to lead Combat Assault Team (CAT) Three, that would be responsible for attacking the main landing port – and hold it long enough for other teams to land in conventional helicopters and for the evacuation of CAT’s and victims when the attack was concluded.

According to records, Captain Richards had no more than 12 hours flying the X-22 before he took it into combat.

While the attack teams were being organized and trained, the attack itself was being planned by the men responsible for the situation. Objectives and alternative were picked, including a nuclear option in case the manned attack failed. Astronaut David Griggs was chosen to go with CAT-3 to make an attempt to ‘loot’ one of the alien space ships, while astronaut Ronald Ervin McNair went in as Richards’ co-pilot and “laser weapons expert” (the fact that he was a blackbelt in Karate also came in highly helpful before the event was over). Astronaut Lieutenant Colonel Ellison S. Onizuka (USAF) and Colonel Stuart Allen Roosa (USAF) also went in as members of CAT-3 to gather information, and hopefully escape with alien ships or equipment, with Colonel Roosa commanding the Material Acquisition Team (MAT). None of their efforts could be of value, of course, unless the attack plan worked.

To make sure of success, the full information gathering ability of several top-secret departments within the NSA was turned loose on Dulce. Facts were gathered from sources far and wide, including everything from sightings listed in newspapers to interviews with people who helped to build the facility.

John V. Chambers, a Kentfield, CA resident…spent his working life in management and finance of large engineering construction projects…It would be Chambers, who had been involved with the Bechtel work at Dulce and other top secret government projects, who would be contacted by the forces that intended to attack Dulce, and became convinced to aid them in their effort…
It would be Mr. Chambers who would mention a number of weak points in the Dulce systems that would allow an attack to have a much better chance of success…It was Chambers who pointed out major weak points for the aliens…It seemed taht the aliens had reason to worry about a number of the germs found outside the facility, and that some of the alien species were highly vulnerable to a number of human-passed diseases…”

The germs and bacteria that are everywhere on the planet, that humans and other mammals have (for the most part) developed ways to cope with, can offer great threat to aliens and their life forms. Earth dust, or bacteria blowing on the winds, can be deadly to a life form that has no resistance to such things. What humans refer to as ‘hay fever’ can be just as deadly to a creature that is having a difficult time ‘breathing’ in the Earth’s oxygen rich atmosphere.

It was quickly realized that if the filters used to make Earth’s ‘air’ more acceptable for the aliens could be disabled, many of the enemy would soon be sick and unable to continue to fight, and a large number might simply die on the spot!

Again, for lack of time, Lieutenant Colonel Onizuka took on the extra duty of leading a secondary team inside the main landing port once CAT-3 had secured the area – to disable the central air filter exchange that was next to the landing area. He created the title of Filter Assault Team (FAT) for his group, with his customary smile.
As the intelligence gathering expanded, a number of shocking facts were uncovered. In 1947, the Dutchman had been involved with Admiral Byrd in the attack of the last Nazi base at the South Pole.

Now he and others would come to better understand the connections that elite humans had developed with aliens, from the days of the Nazi efforts to modern times. This included helping the aliens to build secret bases all over the Earth (including the base at the South Pole, and the facility at Dulce), aiding in the abduction of young women for alien research and pleasure needs, and the addition of more pollution to the planets atmosphere to bring on global warming and make the Earth more friendly to alien life forms.

One of the most shocking finds was the extent of the alien underground base-and-transportation network. While tube-trains had been expected, the vast bases that had been created came as a shock to even the best informed officers…

The reason such bases became more important now was that the human forces had to quickly find out where every base was that might react to an attack on Dulce, and how long it would take before they might send rescue forces. Another question was, how would they react in general? Might they attack humanity in some more deadly fashion than simply abducting a few thousand females a year? In the end it became clear that because of divisions in alien intentions, there was little organization between groups. Like a number of competing collages at a ruin, for the most part they were only interested in their own little outpost and research…
As for the rank-in-file men who took part in the mission, most of the names will be avoided to protect those men who are still alive (as of 2001, there aren’t many still living), and those who are still involved as military operatives in one service or another. Men of the USAFSOC and Delta Force are some of the best trained warriors anywhere on the planet, and were more than ready for the challenge – even if nothing could have made them ready for what they would find once they got into the facility. There are a few general things to know about such men.

If one’s self-esteem was fragile and required constant positive reinforcement, then a career in any of the organizations was definitely not for that person. Consider a typical Delta Force training exercise held in The Shooting House, where manikin terrorists held a real live “volunteer” hostage. The goal: Destroy the terrorists without harming the hostage, who happened to be a Delta Force trainee. Of course, for special missions, the ‘terrorist’ manikin could be replaced by a ‘Grey’ alien one.

Command Sgt. Major Eric L. Haney had been there for the formation of the elite group in 1978, being there for some of the first missions and the grueling training… “Within the next ten minutes, the door would be blown in and four of my classmates would assault the room using the close-quarter battle techniques we had learned. Bullets would rain throughout the room and someone would be firing live rounds within inches of my head. If they missed a single terrorist or hit me by mistake, the team would fail this phase of training… I sincerely wanted them to pass the exam,” Haney would write in his 2001 book, Inside Delta Force: The Story of America’s Elite Counter-terrorist Unit (Delacorte Press).

Of course, one got to participate in this practice session only if one successfully completed torturous training that culminated in a rugged 40-mile hike across the steep mountains of North Carolina , a 50-pound rucksack and a machine gun strapped on your back. Haney’s description of that 18-hour test of his physical and mental stamina was one of many excellent narrative highlights in his account.

Haney, an Army Ranger when he was handpicked to try out for the elite unit, was one of 12 men out of 163 who made it to the level of Delta Force Operator. The new Delta Force members then “disappeared” from the more visible military units. “We operated like guerrillas. Or terrorists. Because the reality was, in order to become experts at counter-terrorism, we had to first become expert terrorists,” he wrote.

While Haney did not mention the Dulce mission, he did include the failed attempt to rescue Americans held hostage in Tehran in which eight American military personnel died. Other missions included some of the world’s toughest places, such as faction-torn Beirut in 1981 to guard the U.S. Embassy; quelling rebel insurgencies in Central America, including fighting Cuban guerrillas in Grenada; and protecting ambassadors, presidents, CEOs, celebrity prisoners and the offspring of all of the above. This was not accomplished without killing people, a task that Haney described in chilling detail.

Like most of the men involved in the Dulce attack, Haney was the kind of guy you wanted on your side in a street fight: skilled, intelligent and disciplined, but distrustful of the motives of some authority figures, especially career-climbing colonels and D.C., bureaucrats…

With Beckwith, Leathers and Donlon leading the three land-force CATs, the SOC men would be attacking under the command of a man most had never fought beside, but whom most had heard about…

Now, for the mission against Dulce, they were under the command of the Dutchman’s son, who was something of a legend in his own right in the black ops circle. Two things were beyond question: the younger Richards had proven himself in combat, and he had never asked his men to do anything he wasn’t ready to do, or left any behind. While his missions had almost always been so top secret that nobody knew details, the rumors and trail of evidence was more than clear to any in the know. The only problem for the command chain was his reputation for being something of a loose cannon when it came to following orders that he didn’t think were in the best interest of his men or the mission – A fact that just made him more popular with his men.

In a typical command move on his part, as he sat in the X-22 with his troops ready to take off on what looked to many to be their last mission, he recited the prayer/poem; “I Am A Commando” to his men – their motto more than his –

“As my brother Commandos before me, I am proud to step into history as a member of the Air Force Special Operations Command.

“I will walk with pride with my head held high, my heart and attitude will show my allegiance to God, country and comrades. When unable to walk another step, I will walk another mile. With freedom my goal, I will step into destiny with pride and the Air Force Special Operations Command.”

As he powered up the X-22, and gave the order for the helicopters to follow, he pushed the strange tilt-rotor aircraft to its flight limits in a wild high speed bank over the runway to impress the troops still on the ground – and set the tone for the mission. Over the earphones and speakers came first his voice, then the voice of the team members with him in the X-22, singing the Air Force hymn; “Up and Away, Into the Wild Blue Yonder…”

“We couldn’t very well let that bunch smash open the Gates of Hell without the rest of us being right behind them,” said one USAF helicopter pilot.

Timing was everything, with the X-22 taking the first wave of CAT-3 racing over the desert at over 250 miles-per-hour with the bottom of it’s rotor tubes missing the rocks by less than twenty feet at times. They had to hit the main landing port as an expected ship landed, as CAT-1 and CAT-2 came in on cargo tube trains several levels underground. CAT-4 was going to hit with a SEAL team coming through a water intake as the main group hit a small support hatch that would allow them to open another hatch to allow the SEAL team in. Everything, however, revolved around the success of CAT-3’s attack in the main landing port, as they had to remove the main security control room and the ‘sonics’ weaponry systems that were controlled from there.

The X-22 came in as planned, racing over the badlands at over 200 mph while less than 20 feet off the sand. Five miles behind her was the main assault force being flown in heavy Air Force helicopters. The timing had to be perfect, hanging on the timely arrival of a large disk-like vehicle that was a known and expected cargo shuttle from space.

As observed, the main landing port “blanketing” holographic projectors were turned off, and the entry ‘blast doors’ were opened for the landing shuttle. Witnesses said that Richards’ brought the X-22 so tightly that it’s landing gear missed touching the top of the moving disk by only inches, lowering his roaring craft with the disk until he had cleared the upper support girder-system. Then the X-22 shot around the side of the shuttle, using it to block any attack by the main gun mounts of the landing port. The X-22 fired its Hellfire rockets to smash two gun blisters on the closer side of the port, as it landed on the roof of the main port control facility.

The attack was textbook, with the CAT-3 forces blowing an entry into the control tower and taking full control of that facility within 55 seconds of the X-22 breaching the port. Hovering, the X-22 continued to use its rockets and guns to rake any enemy weapons in the port area, silencing them before the Air Force started to enter the open port doors.

It was Ted Cochran of San Rafael, CA, who had been an Air Force helicopter rescue commander in the HH-43 Huskies based in Saigon in the height of the Vietnam conflict. Licensed since the age of 18 as a pilot, Cochran also served with the Air Force in Europe, where he had participated in the recovery of the lost thermonuclear weapon in Palomares , Spain . On one of his last helicopter missions before his legal retirement from the USAF, he was part of the recovery force for the Apollo 9 Mission after the first moon landing in 1969.

Returning to California , he got a master’s degree in communications from Stanford University in 1972, and became a well-known film maker. A sailor, outdoorsman and aviator, Cochran combined his spirited passions into a career that allowed him to share his adventures with film audiences. His best known film was Island of the Bounty, about an international sailing expedition that traced the 1789 route of the famed HMS Bounty mutineers to Pitcairn Island in the South Pacific…

At age 39, Cochran was in his prime and had been more than willing to accept the request for his help as a helicopter pilot in some event like the Dulce Mission. The fact that he was a long-time friend of the Richards’ family seemed to have something to do with his involvement as well. Indeed, it was rumored that he had taught the Dutchman how to fly the big HH-43 Huskies, and had flown in black ops’ missions with the Dutchman’s son several times before. He was one of the first names to be considered as a pilot.

It was Cochran who led the USAF AFSOC helicopters in, bringing his bird in fast and putting her down on the main floor of the chamber, where the troops would have the cover of a nearby disk as they ran for the nearby passenger entry hatch.

Seeing that the landing disk was now trying to escape, Richards landed on its edge and kicked the props of the X-22 into full down draft, nearly flipping the disk. Fighting to regain control of the X-22, he was forced to make a hard landing on a nearby pad, sending four more rockets into the shuttle forcing it to crash onto the two parked triangle-craft that were known to be fighter-type vehicles.

Although the men of CAT-3 were now taking heavy weapons fire from a number of directions in the landing port, they had disabled the main weapons pods, and the sonic systems for the whole facility, allowing the other teams to attack from different directions and locations. Holographic image systems were shut off, so that entry ports, airshafts, and other systems that were normally hidden now became fully exposed.

An alien security team had managed to close the main doors into the central HUB, and the first two men who attempted to get explosives close enough to damage the huge blast doors were cut down by enemy fire. Taking heavy damage, the X-22 rolled forward, and from less than 40 yards fired her remaining rockets. The resulting explosion blew the doors open, and wiped out any aliens on the other side for a hundred feet.

Forced to feather the now burning engines of the X-22, Richards took command of one of CAT-3’s attack teams, and led the attack through the still smoking entry into the main central HUB, as other teams attacked from other directions.

The multi-leveled facility at Dulce, with its central HUB controlled by an extensive base security force, proved far more extensive and complex than the human attackers had been ready to cope with in the original plan. Information sources like Thomas (Castello) had clearance levels that did not allow them to know the full scope of the operation. His ULTRA-7 clearance granted him knowledge of seven (known) sub-levels – there were more. Most of the aliens supposedly were on levels 5, 6 and 7 – but there were more. There also was a more vast network of shuttle connections under the ground than expected, extending into a global network that had not been reported – providing escape routes and entry ports for rapidly deployed additional security forces that had not been expected.

In a report filed in early 1980, believed by a number of CIA sources to have been written by Brigadier General Aderholt, the author states:

“What those young men did was nothing less than the stuff of legend. Against overwhelming numbers and technology, they fought from Level 1 (containing the garages and hangers) down into the bowels of the enemy base. Portions of the combat took, and held, the Level 2 ports where tunnel shuttles and disc maintenance areas would have allowed enemy reinforcements to enter, while the main force charged forward towards Level 6, and ‘Nightmare Hall,’ to rescue the thousands of human victims kept there.”

They were not ready for what they found in Level 6. Reports spoke of multi-armed and multi-legged humans and cages (and vats) of humanoid bat-like creatures as tall as 7-feet. The aliens had learned a great deal about genetics, things both useful and frightening. And most of it had been learned at the cost of human suffering and lives.

Captain Leathers’ flight reached Level 7 first, blowing the main HUB entrance open and neutralizing the security force there with extreme prejudice in less than 45 second. On entering the security station, they realized the extent of the facility for the first time, finding systems for watching, and controlling, over 30,000 captives on that one level(alone), and the control and security systems for moving the captives to “testing facilities” and “pleasure centers” in over 62 different locations – where another 4,600 captives were currently kept.

Captain Leathers’ report to I.S. would mention the moment:

“I looked out over holographic images of scenes of horror that are impossible to express in words, and a zoo of human being in various states of health and mental condition. Seeing images of young women being tortured at that very moment, all I could think of were my own daughters for several moments. Then I collected my wits, and gave the order to move forward to release as many of the victims as we could.”

While the original mission plan had called for the teams to attack, smash as much of the enemy facility as they could, and withdraw in less than half an hour, the introduction of so many human victims added a new dimension to the problems at hand. While none of the officers in charge will admit to who made the order, recorded radio communications, and eyewitness reports, seem to suggest that Aderholt allowed the young Richards to change the
mission demands as the numbers of “savable” victims became more apparent.

Captain Leathers’ I.S. report reads:

“It wasn’t like we had choices. We couldn’t leave those poor girls behind alive. We knew that any that we didn’t evacuate, we were going to have to terminate. Our problem was simply numbers. Thousands of aliens trying to kill us. Thousands of human females screaming for help. Thousands more so far gone that we knew we would have to leave them behind. Thousands of enemy troops starting to arrive on the subway trains. We just weren’t set up for a mass evacuation. The subtube back to New York , and one to Mexico, seemed to still be open, so we started loading girls into tube trains and shooting them off as soon as we knew our forces were in control of the stations at the other ends. We blew two air shafts wide open, so a couple squads could get girls out that way into the fresh air where hopefully our people could pick them up. CAT-4 took a real beating as they fought to keep alien reinforcements from entering the main subtube stations. There is no doubt in my mind that we stayed in the facility too long, but at the time it was very hard to leave those poor young women behind. You knew that everyone you failed to send out in front of you was going to die, and soon.”

Exactly one hour after the X-22 had first attacked the main port entry, Aderholt ordered a full recall. David Griggs and R.E. McNair had by then managed to get two alien craft airborne – one disk-craft and one of the highly advanced triangle fighter-craft – and were running for Area 51. Roosa’s men also had managed to get a huge disk-shuttle moving, in which over 3,600 human females had been loaded and were now being taken to a safe base.

The human attack teams were now withdrawing behind walls of smoke and set explosions. One of the frightening bits of equipment that the MAT men had found, but been forced to leave behind, was a type of “Cell-Electrostatic-Disruption” (CED) device – a weapon that could be set to disrupt the cells of a living creature at a subatomic level, thus killing everything living in an area while not doing much harm to any structures or equipment. To make sure there would be no survivors left in the facility, that device was set by the MAT technicians to go off shortly after the full withdrawal of the attack teams.

Lieutenant Colonel E.S. Onizuka, who had led the Filter Attack Team, managed to repair the X-22’s battle damage before taking command of a captured alien triangle fighter-craft. As the wounded Richards fought a running retreat with the last of the rescued females and the survivors of CAT-4 and CAT-3, Ontzuka provided cover fire from the alien fighter-craft. This gave Richards the time to reach and restart the X-22 as Colonel Donlon loaded the last victim as he and two of his men fought off attacking alien shock troops.

Nearly overwhelmed, the human fighters in the X-22 would have likely not made it into the air if at that moment several battlecraft hadn’t darted into the port facility and started to lay down a brutal fire pattern against the other aliens.

While one can only guess at the reasons for this sudden aid, it has long been reported that the Dutchman, and his son, had highly questionable off-world contacts. From eyewitness accounts of the battlecraft, one had the symbols on its wings of what human experts in the field suggest marked the craft as belonging to something like a ‘prince’ of a ‘royal house’. Whatever the case, the Reptile battlecraft fought on the side of the humans (indeed, two of their craft were lost in the battle), and gave the X-22 and Ontzuka’s fighter-craft and the last two helicopters the chance to escape.

Seventy-two minutes, 14 seconds, after the attack had started, the X-22 and the Reptile battlecraft with princely markings cleared the landing port’s blast doors and dashed for safety. Explosions from dozens of set bombs started to blow up enemy craft as they took off, and thirty-five seconds after they cleared the doors, the CED went off, causing every life-form – alien and human – left inside the facility, to demolecularize on a subatomic level. Only a few in the heavily shielded lowest shelter levels survived.

The human female survivors were taken to several top secret military bases where they were “deprogramed” and “rehabilitated” so that they could be slowly farmed back into society with no memory of what they had suffered.

As the mysterious “Commander X” stated:

“…From my own intelligence work within the military, I can say WITH ALL CERTAINTY that one of the main reasons the public has been kept in total darkness about the reality of UFOs and ‘aliens’, is that the truth of the matter actually exists TOO CLOSE TO HOME TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT. How could a spokesman for the Pentagon dare admit that five or ten thousand feet underground EXISTS AN ENTIRE WORLD THAT IS ‘FOREIGN’ TO A BELIEF STRUCTURE WE HAVE HAD FOR CENTURIES? How could, for example, our fastest bomber be any challenge to those aerial invaders when we can only guess about the routes they take to the surface; eluding radar as they fly so low, headed back to their underground lair? …the ‘Greys’ or the ‘EBEs’ have established a fortress, spreading out to other parts of the U.S. via means of a vast underground tunnel system THAT HAS VIRTUALLY EXISTED BEFORE RECORDED HISTORY…”

All of the men involved in any of the attack teams were either ‘mindwiped’ or sworn to secrecy on pain of death, or terminated (…by higher-level insiders following the battle, self-serving politicians and ‘elite’ who had nothing to do with initiating the attack, but who had everything to do with suppressing any information concerning it after the fact. – Branton). Because the officers in charge were seen as heros by many of the political right-wing that took control in Washington in 1981, most were protected by the changing political elite. Many of those who had either openly backed the alien cause, or had profited from it in one way or another, were forced to pull back from their position for nearly ten years. Only when George Bush Sr. became President were the aliens able to return, and then only in much smaller numbers.

The Battle of Dulce ended the alien hope for using the Earth as a breeding tank for a subspecies, or for their take-over of the planet at any time in the near future. While the Grey’s restarted a breeding program in 1993, and some of the lower levels of the Dulce Facility were reopened by 1998, the numbers are in the tens’ or hundreds rather than the thousands. And USAF Space Command now tracks all alien craft, with the constant threat that Top Secret “Flights” can react and attack an otherworld enemy at any moment, with dramatic results…

Part II

Over 50 years of intense UFO interest, investigation, researching, evaluation, and theorizing by countless UFO aficionados have enabled modern field investigators to better examine, evaluate, and identify many of the unusual airborne objects that are being reported. Yet a small percentage of the reports continue to elude positive identification. Rumors of what took place at Dulce in 1979 have already been reduced to legend at the end of the 20th century. Indeed, the continued ‘conmen’ involved with such reports have helped the USAF cover the truth of events that took place at Dulce, and continue to aid in the effort to hide the ruined facility and those who took part in events there.

Men like intelligence officer William Cooper, who have become too loose with their knowledge of the truth, can be discredited in any number of ways, or terminated if they become too great a threat. It should be clear from their actions, and their willingness to challenge authority, that these men must never be allowed into such a position of power or authority again (or rather, such is the mindset of the human – or shapeshifting!? – elite). While the “Dutchman” was terminated in 1996, and his son will be in prison for the rest of his life, the mindset itself that created such men must be crushed if the human race is to know peace with the aliens (but then again, the elite & gray-alien version of ‘peace’ is more akin to ‘assimilation’ – Branton). The illusion of freedom that may be lost by those few who know what is really going on will be a worthy exchange for amazing technology that will come into the hands of the human elite (so they reason) that takes part in the new transfer. This may not take place easily, of course, until all human resistance has been removed either through retraining or through conquest. (This is the distorted reasoning of the ‘elite’ who would sell out our planet for their own selfish personal physical gain – Branton)

One of the key lessons to be learned from the Dulce Battle is as long as there are small, highly trained and well equipped human forces, that can, may, or will go into action on their own accord to protect the people of the Earth, easy conquest of the planet becomes difficult. A departmentalized military, with some branches so Top Secret that even the political elite who rule the country aren’t too sure of what is out there, is a threat to any enemy. At this time, there are arms of the USAF Space Command so Top Secret that no one in the Pentagon knows that they exist in anything but legend.

If humanity is to survive long enough for it to take a historic place in the civilized social structures of the universe, they must either defend themselves from any life-form that would harm them or their planet, or surrender themselves to some sort of interplanetary police force that will protect them. At this time, only rumors of such a police force have reached those in the know, leaving self-defense as the only real option. The men who attacked the Dulce Facility in 1979 understood that reality, and took the task of defending humanity into their own hands. One can only make subjective guesses at what might have happened if they had not done what they did.

******* ******* *******



COLONEL CHARLES BECKWITH: Commander of Delta Force and CAT-1.

J.V. CHAMBERS: Engineer for Bechtel.

WILLIAM COOPER: Intelligence Officer.


DAVID GRIGGS: Astronaut, liberated UFO.

COMMAND SGT. MAJOR E.L. HANEY: Delta Force Commander/Writer

GENERAL R.T. HERRES: Commander of USAF Communications Command at Scott Air Force Base, Ill.

KARL GORDON HENIZE: Organized mission flight teams.

GENERAL D.C. JONES: Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff.


R.E. McNAIR: Laser expert, liberated UFO.


ROSS PEROT: Helped to fund the mission.

MAJOR E.L. RICHARDS, JR.: ‘The Dutchman’ – Commander in Chief of the Dulce Mission, Head of I.S.

CAPTAIN M. RICHARDS: Commander of CAT-3.


EDWIN WILSON: Helped to fund the mission.


CAT = Combat Assault Team.

FAT = Filter Attack Team.

MAT = Material Acquisition Team.

IS = International Security

VAT = Victim Assistance Team.

CUT = Clean up Team.


Read more from Auricmedia:


Project Aquarius

It’s hard to find new stuff, but here’s something to dig in:

Located almost two miles beneath Archuleta Mesa on the Jicarilla Apache Indian Reservation near Dulce, New Mexico was an installation classified so secret, its existence would be one of the most protected realities in the world. There was the Earth’s first main joint United States Government/Alien biogenetics laboratory. Others existed in Colorado , Nevada , and Arizona , not to mention in a number of other locations like Afghanistan and Russia – but Dulce (is)/was the largest…

In an era when the officers in charge of the major military units were still part of the generation that looked on young women – potential mothers – as a treasure to be protected, to learn that thousands of young females were being abducted, and even created (cloned, etc.) for use as sex slaves by aliens was simply too much for such men to allow to continue.

The turning point came when National Security Adviser Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski met with President Jimmy Carter in the White House on June 14, 1977, with a number of other “intelligence operatives and leaders”, to bring the President up to speed on a number of top secret programs, including “Project Aquarius”, and the work being done at Dulce, Area 51, and other secret bases. Brzezinski, a member of the power elite that backed the “Grey” cause, never guessed that the President would be so shocked that he would soon turn to trusted military advisors in the military intelligence community for options of how to stop what had been going on.

The National Security Agency (NSA) had been secretly fighting the alien cause, and the humans that worked for or with the aliens, since it was established in the mid-1950s’. Project Aquarius was originally established in 1953, by order of President Eisenhower, under control of NSC and MJ 12. In 1966, the Project’s name had been changed from Project Gleem to Project Aquarius, and portions of it went into DEEP COVER, hidden even from the CIA and the NSC. At that point, the NSA had opened “Department X” (to identify and study all alien or enemy operations that could be a threat to the United States or the Human Race in general), and “Department Z” (to “react” and “neutralize” any sort of threat to the United States or the Human Race).

Under secret Presidential Order, signed by President Jimmy Carter, the NSA’s Department Z, the newly established DELTA FORCE, and a specially hand-picked group of Air Force SOC, Navy SEAL, and Army Rangers were organized for a mission so secret that not even command officers were told what it was about until the night of the attack. The only ‘Attack Team’ leaders who knew what this would be about were the men involved in the NSA Department Z, who had been involved with fighting aliens for years. The commanding officer of the attack was none other than Captain Mark Richards, the son of the infamous “Dutchman”, Major Ellis Loyd Richards, who had been the commander of International Security (IS) since Admiral Chester W. Nimitz died in 1966…

By 1978, the NSA Department X was warning the human commanders of new programs starting at Dulce that were so frightening that even seasoned men of war were shocked. Thousands of young human females were being “created” in test tubes to be sex slaves for the aliens. But these clones were proving to be less than satisfying for the aliens’, because they didn’t “suffer” the same way that once free victims did. They could be engineered to provide better sexual tools for some of the stranger life forms, but they were proving to be nearly “mindless”, and thus couldn’t react with the “fear” that normal young women could. For that reason, while the clone program would continue, it had been decided that the abduction program would be stepped up – with the forced “short-term” attacks to increase by 1980 to over 100,000 a year, and the facility to be enlarged for “long-term” victims (who would stay there for as long as they lived) with numbers over 75,000.

The labs at Dulce started cloning human females by a process perfected in the world’s largest and most advanced bio-genetic facility, Los Alamos . The elite humans who manipulated the worlds’ governments from the shadows would soon have a disposable slave-race, for medical culling of body parts and their own perverted pleasures. Like the alien Greys, the U.S. (secret) Government secretly kidnaped and impregnated young females, then removed the hybrid fetus after a three-month time period, before accelerating their growth in laboratories. Biogenetic (DNA Manipulation) programming was then instilled – many being implanted with all sorts of devices, some that allowed them to be controlled at a distance through RF (Radio Frequency) transmissions…

From: EDH Archives: Dulce Interviews; WC-289487346–80…

“Level 7 is worse… It was like a whore house for pervert ETs’. Human females were brought there for ‘experiments’, but you can’t convince me that most of it wasn’t just sadistic pleasure for the Greys. They wouldn’t just impregnate the girls, they would sexually torture them for hours. Sure there were the scientific procedures, but there were also orgies where a few pretty human females would be given to a large number of Greys for nothing less than a brutal gang-rape. And this was constant. Hundreds of Greys, and other species that seemed to be friends to the Greys, would come and go every week, for no other clear reason than to take sexual pleasure with the provided human females.”

When the truth was evident that sub-humans and other creatures were being produced from abducted human females, impregnated against their will, a secret resistance group formed within the military and intelligence agencies of the U.S. Government that did not approve of the deals that had been made with the ‘Off-worlders’. Many of these brave humans would be assassinated, or “died under mysterious circumstance,” or would be silenced in other ways. But in 1979, they would manage a victory that would cost the Greys, and the humans that backed the Greys, dearly…

The Air Force Intelligence Officer that reportedly was the man who met with the Aliens at Holloman (Air Force Base) in 1964, was the legendary ‘Dutchman,’ Ellis Loyd Richards, Jr. – the same man who would reportedly order the attack on Dulce in 1979, and whose son, Captain Mark Richards, would lead the human attack on the facility.

The Richards names come up time and time again when one looks into any of the mentioned Top Secret Projects that Military Intelligence, or the Eyes-Only, Tops Secret agency known as International Security, were involved in from World War II through the Cold War years…

The in-house political argument that developed within MAJESTIC TWELVE in the late 1970s, when the military/intelligence men objected to the deals with some of the Aliens on the side for the selfish gain of such groups as the Illuminati of thousands or the “Club of Rome” at the expense of thousands of innocents, if not all of mankind, helped to cause the rift that would lead to the military action taken against the Dulce facility in 1979…

(Later on in the DULCE BATTLE report, it is written…)

“It would be ONE OF the reptoids who taught several of the men involved in the attack on Dulce a number of the informative points that would first cause them to look more deeply into what was being done at the facility, and then helped them better understand the enemy, and how to defeat them. Indeed, it would be this Reptoid who communicated the factual basis for a number of the plots being organized against humanity by a number of off-world sources, and (some of them) had proven their willingness to aid the human cause in the Battle for Central Asia in 1976, and in the August 1979 space defense of Earth against alien invaders. It was also (they) who warned of the danger that such life forms as bacteria represented to both aliens and humans…

In 1979, there were 37 alien species represented at the Dulce facility. Only 6 of those had their own space or dimensional traveling ability, while the others were guests of the Greys. All of those species that had come as guests of the Greys were there for genetic and reproductive experiments with humans – and 8 of those were also interested in humans as A SOURCE OF FOOD. Of those interested in reproductive experiments, 25 could enjoy direct intercourse with human females (although several needed the female to be placed on special hormone treatments ahead of time), and the facility apparently got the reputation for being a sexual pleasure spot for the quadrant.

Of course, not all the Reptoid-type creatures are friendly towards humans. According to Lear and others, the U.S. government may have made a ‘pact’ with a non-human race as early as 1933. According to some this ‘race’ is not human yet claims to have had it’s origin on Earth… Some sources allege that this predatory race is of a neo-saurian nature. This has led others to suggest that the dinosaurs which ruled the surface of the Earth in prehistoric times may not have become entirely extinct as is commonly believed, but that certain of the more intelligent and biped-hominoid mutations of that race developed a form of intellectual thought equal to, or surpassing (in some respects – especially with their ‘collective mind’ matrix – Branton) that of the human race…

The theory then suggests that some of this race went into space, only to return to find that their founders on their home planet had not survived (on the surface, that is, however there are several reports of reptilian humanoids being encountered in deep underground natural cavern systems all over the world… and in time, the space-based reptiloids learned of these. – Branton)

There were a number of facts quickly put forward; for instance one branch or mutation of the supposedly extinct sauroid race, Stenonychosaurus, was according to paleontologists remarkably hominoid in appearance, being 3 ½ to 4 ½ feet in height with possibly greyish-green skin and three digit clawed hands and a partially-opposable ‘thumb’. The opposable thumb and intellectual capacity are the only thing preventing members of the animal kingdom from challenging the human race as the masters of planet Earth. For instance, the ape kingdom possesses opposable thumbs yet it does not possess the intellectual capacity to use them as humans do. The dolphins possess intellects nearing that of humans but do not possess opposable thumbs or even limbs necessary to build, etc.

The cranial capacity of Stenonychosaurus was nearly twice the size of that of human beings, indicating a large and possibly advanced though not necessarily benevolent intellect.

According to researchers such as Brad Steiger, Val Valerian, TAL LeVesque and others, this may actually be the same type of entity or entities most commonly described in ‘UFO’ encounters, as well as the same type of creatures depicted in early 1992 in the nationally viewed CBS presentation “INTRUDERS.”

According to Lear, the government may have established a ‘treaty’ with this (reptilian) race, which they later learned to their horror was extremely malevolent in nature and were merely using the ‘treaties’ as a means to buy time while they methodically established certain controls upon the human race, with the ultimate goal of an absolute domination…

The fact that a base like Dulce might house dozens of ‘types’ and ‘races’ of ETs’ would never be admitted by most humans, and would be reduced to the stuff of legends if ever turned over to the general public. The years of work to cover up the alien threat had worked very well by 1979, and normal people would not admit seeing an alien for fear of being called crazy.

The types and races at Dulce at the time of the attack are still in question, and many races have not wanted to admit their taking part in what took place there in 1979…

Many victims find their abductors to be nothing less than brutal beasts. The casebooks of researchers are filled with incidents in which malice and hostility played a significant role in the abduction. Unfortunately, most of the victims who suffer these more vile attacks do not get the chance to make any report to any human authority about the event – as they vanish, and become another statistic in the growing number of “missing persons” across the country.

By the early 1970s, the number of these missing persons – most of all, young white women – were going up. While the abductions of humans by superhuman forces of varying descriptions appeared to obey the same mechanisms worldwide, it was clear that young white women were the most frequent victims, and that there was little support for abductees should they survive…

In the more controlled environment of Dulce, researchers had no… disclosure problems (concerning stem cell and cloning research). The fertilized eggs of hundreds of healthy young human females could be ‘harvested’ constantly, for unlimited embryo and stem-cell research, ‘killing’ uncounted human embryos in the search for everything from cures to alien skin infections caused by Earth germs, to how to better create a sub-human slave race of cloned worker creatures.

Such research also moved into other dangerous fields, such as ‘enhancing’ humans into becoming creatures that would serve other alien needs. One of the more shocking of these that the ‘attackers’ would find in huge holding pens were the human females who had been ‘enhanced’ to become reproductive ‘cows’, as the need for human milk and reproductive systems had grown. Hundreds of young women had been ‘altered’, to become little more than cows…

‘Free will’ is always dangerous to a fascist society, or a police state! ‘Free will’ is what allowed a group of men to take the moral high-ground, and attack the Dulce Facility…

The attack plan centering on crippling the main generator, then doing as much damage as possible — while freeing as many victims as possible — started to take shape in the Fall of 1979, after the August space battle between forces of the USAF Space Command and an alien invasion force, with none other than Brigadier General Aderholt (USAF) brought in to head the organization that would be formed for the invasion of the Dulce Facility.

Funded by Texas businessman Ross Perot, CIA/DIA frontman Edwin Wilson, and a massive black ops’ fund long hidden (by Major E.L. Richards Jr.) the plan moved forward quickly within a small community of intelligence officers and their backers…

Brigadier General Harry C. Aderholt would pull a team together in September and October of 1979 that would have made any commanding officer proud, and perhaps shot fear into any enemy who had any idea of what was being put together. Colonel Roger H.C. Donlon, stationed at Fort Levanwvrth at the time, would head one combat team, drawing heavily from the newly formed DELTA FORCE, Navy SEALS, and USAF Special Operations Command (AFSOC). Flight teams were organized by astronaut scientist Karl Gordon Henize, and included the best of the best in combat and test pilots, with special operations training – or who could be counted on to keep their silence, including Captain Mark Richards, who was recovering from his command roll of Dragon Squadron in the battle that had taken place in August.
While exact numbers of the human force involved is still so protected that there seems to be no firm record of the exact count, there were never more than a few hundred who knew anything about the operation. The center of the operation was clearly found in USAF Space Command, and the Director of I.S., Major Ellis L. Richards Jr.

The President (of the U.S.), the Secretary General of the United Nations, and the Chairman of the JCS were never informed of the pending operation, and it should be noted that the humans and aliens involved in the attack took part in the action without orders or clearances from higher authorities.

Those who fought against the aliens did so against the will of the human elite. (Many of whom may even be reptilian shape-shifters in human form, according to some sources, like David Icke and others… – Branton)

One of the men who was hit the hardest (by the horrifying stories emerging from out of the Dulce underground base) was William Randolph Leathers. Born in St. Louis Missouri . A graduate of Yale in 1941, he served in the O.S.S. as a Captain during World War II, teaching map reading in Aberdeen , Maryland for much of the war. One of the members of the top secret task force that hit the secret German military facility in Afghanistan in 1945, he had been a close friend of The Dutchman from that time, moving to Greenbrae, in Marin County, California, in 1967 to be part of the headquarters team for I.S. (his cover was as an employee with the John Hancock Life Insurance Co.) Captain Leathers had lost his wife in 1971, and identified with several of the husbands and fathers of victims (he had four children of his own) for his own reasons (Captain Leathers died on October 22, 2001, at age 83). It would be Leathers who worked with NRO satellite photos, U2 and SR-71 photos, and military maps of the area until all of the major portals to the Dulce Complex were spotted and marked. He would lead one of the assault teams himself.

Having turned 60 in 1978, Captain Leathers would be the oldest member of the assault team, to take an active roll in the attack.

Most of the troops would come from three sources: The Delta Force, USAF-SOC, and the NSA Department “Z”.

The U.S. Army’s 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta (SFOD-D) would be one of two of the U.S. government’s principle units tasked with counter terrorist operations outside the United States (the other being Naval Special Warfare Development Group, better known as SEAL team 6). Delta Force was created by U.S. Army colonel Charles Beckwith in November 19th 1977 in direct response to numerous, well-publicized terrorist incidents that occurred in the 1970s. From its beginnings, Delta was heavily influenced by the British SAS, a philosophical result of Colonel Beckwith’s year-long (1962-1963) exchange tour with that unit…

The Delta Force at Bragg was already considered the best special operation training facility in the world. After the assault on Dulce, the CQB indoor training range would be given the ominous nick-name, “The House of Horrors”, in memory of what could not be remembered.

Most important; the Delta Force had their own fleet of helicopters (the aviation platoon). Painted in civilian colors and fake registration numbers, the helicopters could deploy with Delta operators and mount gun pods to provide air support as well as transportation, while not being easy to spot as ‘military’ units from the ground. It was decided that these air units, after delivering Delta Operators to several locations for forced entry into the facility, would come in with the NSA “Z-Team” as air support in the assault on the main landing port.

The Air Force Special Operation Command (AFSOC) would be in charge of taking and holding the main ‘landing port’. The job of AFSOC “operators” was to quickly turn a given patch of hostile terrain into a fully functional airfield. Sometimes this meant a stealthy attack by motorcycle and ATV. Other times it meant cleaning out hostile forces by whatever means was necessary. In years to come, an AFSOC Special Tactics (ST) combat controller might have used a Special Operations Forces Laser Marker (SOFLAM) to create a spot where a laser-guided bomb could aim and neutralize the enemy; but in 1979 they had to do that with manpower…
Performing a diversified job required a diversified range of combat hardware. Air Force ST operators carried a variety of small arms, including the M9 9mm pistol with sound suppresser, the Remington 870 12-ga. shotgun, the M203 stand-alone 40mm grenade launcher, the M4A1 SOPMOD (Special Operations Peculiar Modification) 5.56mm carbine, and the M249 5.56 SAW (Squad Automatic Weapon). By making extensive tactical use of night vision gear, AFSOC’s airborne capabilities were provided by the 16th Special Operations Wing, which is based at Hurlburt Field, Florida, and by units of Special Operations Groups at RAF Mildenhall, England. These wings had been the long-time vision of Major Ellis L. Richards, Jr., and others like him, and the Dulce Battle would be the first time they were used fully in combat.

But because of the special problems of entry into the Dulce facility, normal helicopter attack would not work. As well trained as they were, to attempt a landing into the hanger area of the facility would have been suicidal.

The Dulce landing ports were set up to accept the “lightcraft” and other Mass Accelerator Beam (MAB) Riders used by the Greys to transport from planet to orbital pick-up points. These craft generated magneto-hydrodynamic thrust, driven by microwaves and pulsed lasers, to accelerate the classic “flying saucers” up to altitudes of 50 kilometers and accelerations that easily allowed orbital velocities. This made the human-style of heavy-lift chemical rockets an expensive folly, and allowed the aliens Earth-to-orbit travel at will for a relatively low cost.

It also gave the human forces a way into the facility.

Because an infrastructure of orbiting stations were used to reflect energy from a solar-power station hidden on the Dark Side of the Moon, there were a number of ways to track such a ship. The lightcraft focused the microwave energy to create an “air spike” that deflected oncoming air – that could be tracked. And electrodes on the vehicle’s rim that ionized air and formed part of the thrust-generating system could be seen by real-time cameras (and even the human eye at close ranges). Thus, it was planned that one of the attack teams would enter the facility when the main port’s doors were open for an incoming lightcraft.

This was not going to be an easy stunt. Sensors around the area set off an alarm if anything got too close to the doors, not to mention warn the operators of any air or space vehicle that got too close. The mouth was too small for anything larger than a good sized helicopter, but helicopters would be too slow to reach the doors before the base defensive systems went off. And once inside the port area, any attack force would be likely overwhelmed by the base defenders – unless, whatever craft was used could carry a number of heavy automatic weapons, and land a large number of attackers at one time.

The Greys were quite content that no such craft existed in the human military inventory. And not even the Reptoids had a craft that could be used under all of the required conditions, that wouldn’t be spotted long before it could reach the port.

What they hadn’t counted on was one, single, experimental aircraft, that was still so secret that it had never been entered on any inventory list.

Manufactured by the Bell corporation, the X-22 was a ‘research’ craft, with some interesting abilities. The first successful V/STOL VSS (Variable Stability System) aircraft, this strange mix of wings, jets, and huge ducted props might not have been pretty, but it was perfect for the mission needs of the Dulce Attack Force…
Because of the lack of time, the only man involved who also had the skill to fly the X-22 under such combat conditions was Captain Mark Richards. Thus he was chosen to lead Combat Assault Team (CAT) Three, that would be responsible for attacking the main landing port – and hold it long enough for other teams to land in conventional helicopters and for the evacuation of CAT’s and victims when the attack was concluded.

According to records, Captain Richards had no more than 12 hours flying the X-22 before he took it into combat.

While the attack teams were being organized and trained, the attack itself was being planned by the men responsible for the situation. Objectives and alternative were picked, including a nuclear option in case the manned attack failed. Astronaut David Griggs was chosen to go with CAT-3 to make an attempt to ‘loot’ one of the alien space ships, while astronaut Ronald Ervin McNair went in as Richards’ co-pilot and “laser weapons expert” (the fact that he was a blackbelt in Karate also came in highly helpful before the event was over). Astronaut Lieutenant Colonel Ellison S. Onizuka (USAF) and Colonel Stuart Allen Roosa (USAF) also went in as members of CAT-3 to gather information, and hopefully escape with alien ships or equipment, with Colonel Roosa commanding the Material Acquisition Team (MAT). None of their efforts could be of value, of course, unless the attack plan worked.

To make sure of success, the full information gathering ability of several top-secret departments within the NSA was turned loose on Dulce. Facts were gathered from sources far and wide, including everything from sightings listed in newspapers to interviews with people who helped to build the facility.

John V. Chambers, a Kentfield, CA resident…spent his working life in management and finance of large engineering construction projects…It would be Chambers, who had been involved with the Bechtel work at Dulce and other top secret government projects, who would be contacted by the forces that intended to attack Dulce, and became convinced to aid them in their effort…
It would be Mr. Chambers who would mention a number of weak points in the Dulce systems that would allow an attack to have a much better chance of success…It was Chambers who pointed out major weak points for the aliens…It seemed taht the aliens had reason to worry about a number of the germs found outside the facility, and that some of the alien species were highly vulnerable to a number of human-passed diseases…”
The germs and bacteria that are everywhere on the planet, that humans and other mammals have (for the most part) developed ways to cope with, can offer great threat to aliens and their life forms. Earth dust, or bacteria blowing on the winds, can be deadly to a life form that has no resistance to such things. What humans refer to as ‘hay fever’ can be just as deadly to a creature that is having a difficult time ‘breathing’ in the Earth’s oxygen rich atmosphere.

It was quickly realized that if the filters used to make Earth’s ‘air’ more acceptable for the aliens could be disabled, many of the enemy would soon be sick and unable to continue to fight, and a large number might simply die on the spot!

Again, for lack of time, Lieutenant Colonel Onizuka took on the extra duty of leading a secondary team inside the main landing port once CAT-3 had secured the area – to disable the central air filter exchange that was next to the landing area. He created the title of Filter Assault Team (FAT) for his group, with his customary smile.
As the intelligence gathering expanded, a number of shocking facts were uncovered. In 1947, the Dutchman had been involved with Admiral Byrd in the attack of the last Nazi base at the South Pole.
Now he and others would come to better understand the connections that elite humans had developed with aliens, from the days of the Nazi efforts to modern times. This included helping the aliens to build secret bases all over the Earth (including the base at the South Pole, and the facility at Dulce), aiding in the abduction of young women for alien research and pleasure needs, and the addition of more pollution to the planets atmosphere to bring on global warming and make the Earth more friendly to alien life forms.

One of the most shocking finds was the extent of the alien underground base-and-transportation network. While tube-trains had been expected, the vast bases that had been created came as a shock to even the best informed officers…

The reason such bases became more important now was that the human forces had to quickly find out where every base was that might react to an attack on Dulce, and how long it would take before they might send rescue forces. Another question was, how would they react in general? Might they attack humanity in some more deadly fashion than simply abducting a few thousand females a year? In the end it became clear that because of divisions in alien intentions, there was little organization between groups. Like a number of competing collages at a ruin, for the most part they were only interested in their own little outpost and research…
As for the rank-in-file men who took part in the mission, most of the names will be avoided to protect those men who are still alive (as of 2001, there aren’t many still living), and those who are still involved as military operatives in one service or another. Men of the USAFSOC and Delta Force are some of the best trained warriors anywhere on the planet, and were more than ready for the challenge – even if nothing could have made them ready for what they would find once they got into the facility. There are a few general things to know about such men.
If one’s self-esteem was fragile and required constant positive reinforcement, then a career in any of the organizations was definitely not for that person. Consider a typical Delta Force training exercise held in The Shooting House, where manikin terrorists held a real live “volunteer” hostage. The goal: Destroy the terrorists without harming the hostage, who happened to be a Delta Force trainee. Of course, for special missions, the ‘terrorist’ manikin could be replaced by a ‘Grey’ alien one.

Command Sgt. Major Eric L. Haney had been there for the formation of the elite group in 1978, being there for some of the first missions and the grueling training… “Within the next ten minutes, the door would be blown in and four of my classmates would assault the room using the close-quarter battle techniques we had learned. Bullets would rain throughout the room and someone would be firing live rounds within inches of my head. If they missed a single terrorist or hit me by mistake, the team would fail this phase of training… I sincerely wanted them to pass the exam,” Haney would write in his 2001 book, Inside Delta Force: The Story of America’s Elite Counter-terrorist Unit (Delacorte Press).

Of course, one got to participate in this practice session only if one successfully completed torturous training that culminated in a rugged 40-mile hike across the steep mountains of North Carolina , a 50-pound rucksack and a machine gun strapped on your back. Haney’s description of that 18-hour test of his physical and mental stamina was one of many excellent narrative highlights in his account.

Haney, an Army Ranger when he was handpicked to try out for the elite unit, was one of 12 men out of 163 who made it to the level of Delta Force Operator. The new Delta Force members then “disappeared” from the more visible military units. “We operated like guerrillas. Or terrorists. Because the reality was, in order to become experts at counter-terrorism, we had to first become expert terrorists,” he wrote.

While Haney did not mention the Dulce mission, he did include the failed attempt to rescue Americans held hostage in Tehran in which eight American military personnel died. Other missions included some of the world’s toughest places, such as faction-torn Beirut in 1981 to guard the U.S. Embassy; quelling rebel insurgencies in Central America, including fighting Cuban guerrillas in Grenada; and protecting ambassadors, presidents, CEOs, celebrity prisoners and the offspring of all of the above. This was not accomplished without killing people, a task that Haney described in chilling detail.

Like most of the men involved in the Dulce attack, Haney was the kind of guy you wanted on your side in a street fight: skilled, intelligent and disciplined, but distrustful of the motives of some authority figures, especially career-climbing colonels and D.C., bureaucrats…

With Beckwith, Leathers and Donlon leading the three land-force CATs, the SOC men would be attacking under the command of a man most had never fought beside, but whom most had heard about…

Now, for the mission against Dulce, they were under the command of the Dutchman’s son, who was something of a legend in his own right in the black ops circle. Two things were beyond question: the younger Richards had proven himself in combat, and he had never asked his men to do anything he wasn’t ready to do, or left any behind. While his missions had almost always been so top secret that nobody knew details, the rumors and trail of evidence was more than clear to any in the know. The only problem for the command chain was his reputation for being something of a loose cannon when it came to following orders that he didn’t think were in the best interest of his men or the mission – A fact that just made him more popular with his men.

In a typical command move on his part, as he sat in the X-22 with his troops ready to take off on what looked to many to be their last mission, he recited the prayer/poem; “I Am A Commando” to his men – their motto more than his –

“As my brother Commandos before me, I am proud to step into history as a member of the Air Force Special Operations Command.

“I will walk with pride with my head held high, my heart and attitude will show my allegiance to God, country and comrades. When unable to walk another step, I will walk another mile. With freedom my goal, I will step into destiny with pride and the Air Force Special Operations Command.”

As he powered up the X-22, and gave the order for the helicopters to follow, he pushed the strange tilt-rotor aircraft to its flight limits in a wild high speed bank over the runway to impress the troops still on the ground – and set the tone for the mission. Over the earphones and speakers came first his voice, then the voice of the team members with him in the X-22, singing the Air Force hymn; “Up and Away, Into the Wild Blue Yonder…”

“We couldn’t very well let that bunch smash open the Gates of Hell without the rest of us being right behind them,” said one USAF helicopter pilot.

Timing was everything, with the X-22 taking the first wave of CAT-3 racing over the desert at over 250 miles-per-hour with the bottom of it’s rotor tubes missing the rocks by less than twenty feet at times. They had to hit the main landing port as an expected ship landed, as CAT-1 and CAT-2 came in on cargo tube trains several levels underground. CAT-4 was going to hit with a SEAL team coming through a water intake as the main group hit a small support hatch that would allow them to open another hatch to allow the SEAL team in. Everything, however, revolved around the success of CAT-3’s attack in the main landing port, as they had to remove the main security control room and the ‘sonics’ weaponry systems that were controlled from there.

The X-22 came in as planned, racing over the badlands at over 200 mph while less than 20 feet off the sand. Five miles behind her was the main assault force being flown in heavy Air Force helicopters. The timing had to be perfect, hanging on the timely arrival of a large disk-like vehicle that was a known and expected cargo shuttle from space.

As observed, the main landing port “blanketing” holographic projectors were turned off, and the entry ‘blast doors’ were opened for the landing shuttle. Witnesses said that Richards’ brought the X-22 so tightly that it’s landing gear missed touching the top of the moving disk by only inches, lowering his roaring craft with the disk until he had cleared the upper support girder-system. Then the X-22 shot around the side of the shuttle, using it to block any attack by the main gun mounts of the landing port. The X-22 fired its Hellfire rockets to smash two gun blisters on the closer side of the port, as it landed on the roof of the main port control facility.

The attack was textbook, with the CAT-3 forces blowing an entry into the control tower and taking full control of that facility within 55 seconds of the X-22 breaching the port. Hovering, the X-22 continued to use its rockets and guns to rake any enemy weapons in the port area, silencing them before the Air Force started to enter the open port doors.

It was Ted Cochran of San Rafael, CA, who had been an Air Force helicopter rescue commander in the HH-43 Huskies based in Saigon in the height of the Vietnam conflict. Licensed since the age of 18 as a pilot, Cochran also served with the Air Force in Europe, where he had participated in the recovery of the lost thermonuclear weapon in Palomares , Spain . On one of his last helicopter missions before his legal retirement from the USAF, he was part of the recovery force for the Apollo 9 Mission after the first moon landing in 1969.

Returning to California , he got a master’s degree in communications from Stanford University in 1972, and became a well-known film maker. A sailor, outdoorsman and aviator, Cochran combined his spirited passions into a career that allowed him to share his adventures with film audiences. His best known film was Island of the Bounty, about an international sailing expedition that traced the 1789 route of the famed HMS Bounty mutineers to Pitcairn Island in the South Pacific…

At age 39, Cochran was in his prime and had been more than willing to accept the request for his help as a helicopter pilot in some event like the Dulce Mission. The fact that he was a long-time friend of the Richards’ family seemed to have something to do with his involvement as well. Indeed, it was rumored that he had taught the Dutchman how to fly the big HH-43 Huskies, and had flown in black ops’ missions with the Dutchman’s son several times before. He was one of the first names to be considered as a pilot.

It was Cochran who led the USAF AFSOC helicopters in, bringing his bird in fast and putting her down on the main floor of the chamber, where the troops would have the cover of a nearby disk as they ran for the nearby passenger entry hatch.

Seeing that the landing disk was now trying to escape, Richards landed on its edge and kicked the props of the X-22 into full down draft, nearly flipping the disk. Fighting to regain control of the X-22, he was forced to make a hard landing on a nearby pad, sending four more rockets into the shuttle forcing it to crash onto the two parked triangle-craft that were known to be fighter-type vehicles.

Although the men of CAT-3 were now taking heavy weapons fire from a number of directions in the landing port, they had disabled the main weapons pods, and the sonic systems for the whole facility, allowing the other teams to attack from different directions and locations. Holographic image systems were shut off, so that entry ports, airshafts, and other systems that were normally hidden now became fully exposed.

An alien security team had managed to close the main doors into the central HUB, and the first two men who attempted to get explosives close enough to damage the huge blast doors were cut down by enemy fire. Taking heavy damage, the X-22 rolled forward, and from less than 40 yards fired her remaining rockets. The resulting explosion blew the doors open, and wiped out any aliens on the other side for a hundred feet.

Forced to feather the now burning engines of the X-22, Richards took command of one of CAT-3’s attack teams, and led the attack through the still smoking entry into the main central HUB, as other teams attacked from other directions.

The multi-leveled facility at Dulce, with its central HUB controlled by an extensive base security force, proved far more extensive and complex than the human attackers had been ready to cope with in the original plan. Information sources like Thomas (Castello) had clearance levels that did not allow them to know the full scope of the operation. His ULTRA-7 clearance granted him knowledge of seven (known) sub-levels – there were more. Most of the aliens supposedly were on levels 5, 6 and 7 – but there were more. There also was a more vast network of shuttle connections under the ground than expected, extending into a global network that had not been reported – providing escape routes and entry ports for rapidly deployed additional security forces that had not been expected.

In a report filed in early 1980, believed by a number of CIA sources to have been written by Brigadier General Aderholt, the author states:

“What those young men did was nothing less than the stuff of legend. Against overwhelming numbers and technology, they fought from Level 1 (containing the garages and hangers) down into the bowels of the enemy base. Portions of the combat took, and held, the Level 2 ports where tunnel shuttles and disc maintenance areas would have allowed enemy reinforcements to enter, while the main force charged forward towards Level 6, and ‘Nightmare Hall,’ to rescue the thousands of human victims kept there.”

They were not ready for what they found in Level 6. Reports spoke of multi-armed and multi-legged humans and cages (and vats) of humanoid bat-like creatures as tall as 7-feet. The aliens had learned a great deal about genetics, things both useful and frightening. And most of it had been learned at the cost of human suffering and lives.

Captain Leathers’ flight reached Level 7 first, blowing the main HUB entrance open and neutralizing the security force there with extreme prejudice in less than 45 second. On entering the security station, they realized the extent of the facility for the first time, finding systems for watching, and controlling, over 30,000 captives on that one level(alone), and the control and security systems for moving the captives to “testing facilities” and “pleasure centers” in over 62 different locations – where another 4,600 captives were currently kept.

Captain Leathers’ report to I.S. would mention the moment:

“I looked out over holographic images of scenes of horror that are impossible to express in words, and a zoo of human being in various states of health and mental condition. Seeing images of young women being tortured at that very moment, all I could think of were my own daughters for several moments. Then I collected my wits, and gave the order to move forward to release as many of the victims as we could.”

While the original mission plan had called for the teams to attack, smash as much of the enemy facility as they could, and withdraw in less than half an hour, the introduction of so many human victims added a new dimension to the problems at hand. While none of the officers in charge will admit to who made the order, recorded radio communications, and eyewitness reports, seem to suggest that Aderholt allowed the young Richards to change the
mission demands as the numbers of “savable” victims became more apparent.

Captain Leathers’ I.S. report reads:

“It wasn’t like we had choices. We couldn’t leave those poor girls behind alive. We knew that any that we didn’t evacuate, we were going to have to terminate. Our problem was simply numbers. Thousands of aliens trying to kill us. Thousands of human females screaming for help. Thousands more so far gone that we knew we would have to leave them behind. Thousands of enemy troops starting to arrive on the subway trains. We just weren’t set up for a mass evacuation. The subtube back to New York , and one to Mexico, seemed to still be open, so we started loading girls into tube trains and shooting them off as soon as we knew our forces were in control of the stations at the other ends. We blew two air shafts wide open, so a couple squads could get girls out that way into the fresh air where hopefully our people could pick them up. CAT-4 took a real beating as they fought to keep alien reinforcements from entering the main subtube stations. There is no doubt in my mind that we stayed in the facility too long, but at the time it was very hard to leave those poor young women behind. You knew that everyone you failed to send out in front of you was going to die, and soon.”

Exactly one hour after the X-22 had first attacked the main port entry, Aderholt ordered a full recall. David Griggs and R.E. McNair had by then managed to get two alien craft airborne – one disk-craft and one of the highly advanced triangle fighter-craft – and were running for Area 51. Roosa’s men also had managed to get a huge disk-shuttle moving, in which over 3,600 human females had been loaded and were now being taken to a safe base.

The human attack teams were now withdrawing behind walls of smoke and set explosions. One of the frightening bits of equipment that the MAT men had found, but been forced to leave behind, was a type of “Cell-Electrostatic-Disruption” (CED) device – a weapon that could be set to disrupt the cells of a living creature at a subatomic level, thus killing everything living in an area while not doing much harm to any structures or equipment. To make sure there would be no survivors left in the facility, that device was set by the MAT technicians to go off shortly after the full withdrawal of the attack teams.

Lieutenant Colonel E.S. Onizuka, who had led the Filter Attack Team, managed to repair the X-22’s battle damage before taking command of a captured alien triangle fighter-craft. As the wounded Richards fought a running retreat with the last of the rescued females and the survivors of CAT-4 and CAT-3, Ontzuka provided cover fire from the alien fighter-craft. This gave Richards the time to reach and restart the X-22 as Colonel Donlon loaded the last victim as he and two of his men fought off attacking alien shock troops.

Nearly overwhelmed, the human fighters in the X-22 would have likely not made it into the air if at that moment several battlecraft hadn’t darted into the port facility and started to lay down a brutal fire pattern against the other aliens.

While one can only guess at the reasons for this sudden aid, it has long been reported that the Dutchman, and his son, had highly questionable off-world contacts. From eyewitness accounts of the battlecraft, one had the symbols on its wings of what human experts in the field suggest marked the craft as belonging to something like a ‘prince’ of a ‘royal house’. Whatever the case, the Reptile battlecraft fought on the side of the humans (indeed, two of their craft were lost in the battle), and gave the X-22 and Ontzuka’s fighter-craft and the last two helicopters the chance to escape.

Seventy-two minutes, 14 seconds, after the attack had started, the X-22 and the Reptile battlecraft with princely markings cleared the landing port’s blast doors and dashed for safety. Explosions from dozens of set bombs started to blow up enemy craft as they took off, and thirty-five seconds after they cleared the doors, the CED went off, causing every life-form – alien and human – left inside the facility, to demolecularize on a subatomic level. Only a few in the heavily shielded lowest shelter levels survived.

The human female survivors were taken to several top secret military bases where they were “deprogramed” and “rehabilitated” so that they could be slowly farmed back into society with no memory of what they had suffered.

As the mysterious “Commander X” stated:

“…From my own intelligence work within the military, I can say WITH ALL CERTAINTY that one of the main reasons the public has been kept in total darkness about the reality of UFOs and ‘aliens’, is that the truth of the matter actually exists TOO CLOSE TO HOME TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT. How could a spokesman for the Pentagon dare admit that five or ten thousand feet underground EXISTS AN ENTIRE WORLD THAT IS ‘FOREIGN’ TO A BELIEF STRUCTURE WE HAVE HAD FOR CENTURIES? How could, for example, our fastest bomber be any challenge to those aerial invaders when we can only guess about the routes they take to the surface; eluding radar as they fly so low, headed back to their underground lair? …the ‘Greys’ or the ‘EBEs’ have established a fortress, spreading out to other parts of the U.S. via means of a vast underground tunnel system THAT HAS VIRTUALLY EXISTED BEFORE RECORDED HISTORY…”

All of the men involved in any of the attack teams were either ‘mindwiped’ or sworn to secrecy on pain of death, or terminated (…by higher-level insiders following the battle, self-serving politicians and ‘elite’ who had nothing to do with initiating the attack, but who had everything to do with suppressing any information concerning it after the fact. – Branton). Because the officers in charge were seen as heros by many of the political right-wing that took control in Washington in 1981, most were protected by the changing political elite. Many of those who had either openly backed the alien cause, or had profited from it in one way or another, were forced to pull back from their position for nearly ten years. Only when George Bush Sr. became President were the aliens able to return, and then only in much smaller numbers.

The Battle of Dulce ended the alien hope for using the Earth as a breeding tank for a subspecies, or for their take-over of the planet at any time in the near future. While the Grey’s restarted a breeding program in 1993, and some of the lower levels of the Dulce Facility were reopened by 1998, the numbers are in the tens’ or hundreds rather than the thousands. And USAF Space Command now tracks all alien craft, with the constant threat that Top Secret “Flights” can react and attack an otherworld enemy at any moment, with dramatic results…

Over 50 years of intense UFO interest, investigation, researching, evaluation, and theorizing by countless UFO aficionados have enabled modern field investigators to better examine, evaluate, and identify many of the unusual airborne objects that are being reported. Yet a small percentage of the reports continue to elude positive identification. Rumors of what took place at Dulce in 1979 have already been reduced to legend at the end of the 20th century. Indeed, the continued ‘conmen’ involved with such reports have helped the USAF cover the truth of events that took place at Dulce, and continue to aid in the effort to hide the ruined facility and those who took part in events there.

Men like intelligence officer William Cooper, who have become too loose with their knowledge of the truth, can be discredited in any number of ways, or terminated if they become too great a threat. It should be clear from their actions, and their willingness to challenge authority, that these men must never be allowed into such a position of power or authority again (or rather, such is the mindset of the human – or shapeshifting!? – elite). While the “Dutchman” was terminated in 1996, and his son will be in prison for the rest of his life, the mindset itself that created such men must be crushed if the human race is to know peace with the aliens (but then again, the elite & gray-alien version of ‘peace’ is more akin to ‘assimilation’ – Branton). The illusion of freedom that may be lost by those few who know what is really going on will be a worthy exchange for amazing technology that will come into the hands of the human elite (so they reason) that takes part in the new transfer. This may not take place easily, of course, until all human resistance has been removed either through retraining or through conquest. (This is the distorted reasoning of the ‘elite’ who would sell out our planet for their own selfish personal physical gain – Branton)

One of the key lessons to be learned from the Dulce Battle is as long as there are small, highly trained and well equipped human forces, that can, may, or will go into action on their own accord to protect the people of the Earth, easy conquest of the planet becomes difficult. A departmentalized military, with some branches so Top Secret that even the political elite who rule the country aren’t too sure of what is out there, is a threat to any enemy. At this time, there are arms of the USAF Space Command so Top Secret that no one in the Pentagon knows that they exist in anything but legend.

If humanity is to survive long enough for it to take a historic place in the civilized social structures of the universe, they must either defend themselves from any life-form that would harm them or their planet, or surrender themselves to some sort of interplanetary police force that will protect them. At this time, only rumors of such a police force have reached those in the know, leaving self-defense as the only real option. The men who attacked the Dulce Facility in 1979 understood that reality, and took the task of defending humanity into their own hands. One can only make subjective guesses at what might have happened if they had not done what they did.
******* ******* *******



COLONEL CHARLES BECKWITH: Commander of Delta Force and CAT-1.

J.V. CHAMBERS: Engineer for Bechtel.

WILLIAM COOPER: Intelligence Officer.


DAVID GRIGGS: Astronaut, liberated UFO.

COMMAND SGT. MAJOR E.L. HANEY: Delta Force Commander/Writer

GENERAL R.T. HERRES: Commander of USAF Communications Command at Scott Air Force Base, Ill.

KARL GORDON HENIZE: Organized mission flight teams.

GENERAL D.C. JONES: Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff.


R.E. McNAIR: Laser expert, liberated UFO.


ROSS PEROT: Helped to fund the mission.

MAJOR E.L. RICHARDS, JR.: ‘The Dutchman’ – Commander in Chief of the Dulce Mission, Head of I.S.

CAPTAIN M. RICHARDS: Commander of CAT-3.


EDWIN WILSON: Helped to fund the mission.

CAT = Combat Assault Team.

FAT = Filter Attack Team.

MAT = Material Acquisition Team.

IS = International Security

VAT = Victim Assistance Team.

CUT = Clean up Team

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The Secret Space Programs

Do you know what black budget is? It’s the tax money, which is used to black military and space projects you know nothing about. Should you, because it’s your money they are spending?

The Secret Space Programs.

Over the last few months there have been incredible claims about multiple secret space programs, extraterrestrial intervention, and future massive document dumps that will lead to trials against those that have committed crimes against humanity. To date, no physical evidence or documents have been offered to substantiate these claims, yet there is a compelling body circumstantial evidence that does support them. This evidence makes it very possible that humanity will soon witness massive document dumps disclosing secret space programs along with the existence of extraterrestrial life, followed soon after by Nuremberg-like war crime trials.

On May 30, Corey Goode (aka GoodETxSG) claims that he had received the go ahead from both a Secret Space Program Alliance, and a Sphere Alliance of five extraterrestrial races, to publicly reveal the truth about the darker side of human trafficking and exploitation in secret space programs. Goode revealed in great detail these practices and the organizations responsible for them. These disturbing disclosures were followed soon after by a series of meetings from June 5-9 involving the main parties from different secret space programs who were discussing ways to minimize large scale armed hostilities while humanity is prepared for the truth about these programs existence and extraterrestrial life.

Goode says he attended these meetings as a delegate for the Sphere Being Alliance and was accompanied by a Lt Col Gonzales (pseudonym) who was the delegate for the Secret Space Program Alliance. At the third meeting involving a “Committee of 200” and other global elites that was held on June 9, only two days before the 2015 Bilderberg Group meeting, an extraordinary offer was made. The Committee of 200 wanted to start a limited disclosure program in November 2015, and provide legal amnesty for 50 years for those responsible for crimes. While the offer was turned down, it reveals the great fear that the global elite have of being exposed and prosecuted for their roles in human trafficking and slave labor.

Subsequently, an offer was made by one of the secret space programs associated with the global elites called the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate to give an inspection tour of one of their Mars facilities. The offer was done in order to respond to accusations that slave labor was used at ICC facilities. After terms and conditions for the inspection tour were agreed upon, Goode and Gonzales traveled to Mars to conduct an inspection tour on June 20. Goode published his report of the tour two days later substantiating accusations that slave labor was indeed being used; and the facility was run by a megalomaniac commander who subverted all agreements and imprisoned dissenters.

Recent events provide circumstantial evidence supporting Goode’s claims that the global elite are very concerned about massive document releases revealing secret space programs, and crimes committed in these programs that lead to arrests and Nuremberg-like war crimes trials. It is worth pointing out that circumstantial evidence is admissible in courts of law where direct evidence is lacking. Circumstantial evidence together with direct eyewitness testimony, as given by Corey Goode, is sufficient to convince juries of guilt or innocence in cases so it’s important to consider this type of evidence in relation to Goode’s claims.

The first circumstantial evidence to consider is that on June 15, the U.S. House of Representatives took a major step in passing a bill that provides legal protection to space mining by U.S. based corporations that establish off-world operations. The “Space Resource Exploration and Utilization Act” will protect corporations “from harmful interference” and “discourage government barriers” to their space operations. If eventually signed by President Obama, the owners and managers of space mining operations would be protected under U.S. Federal Law from international organizations such as the International Criminal Court investigating them for using slave labor and other crimes against humanity. Such accusations would have to be heard in U.S. district courts which are not a suitable venue for fully investigating or hearing cases of crimes against humanity. Judges and juries in U.S. district courts can be more easily influenced than judicial bodies such as the International Criminal Court.

The timing of this bill does raise the possibility that it is orchestrated by a global corporate elite concerned about impending criminal prosecution for past and current space mining operations. The Space Resource Exploration and Utilization Act’s submission is compelling circumstantial evidence in support of Goode’s claim that “crimes against humanity” trials are being secretly being prepared.

The second circumstantial evidence concerns a June 4 announcement that up to four million US Federal government employees had their personnel files hacked by an unknown source. More recent estimates are that the hacking involved up to 18 million personnel files going back to the 1980s. The hacking incidents involved extensive information about the backgrounds of individuals gained in security reviews for classification clearances. While most mainstream media have focused on such information being used for blackmail purposes by foreign espionage agencies, what is not being considered is that this is exactly the kind of personnel information that would be needed if one was investigating individuals that may have been involved in off-world operations that used slave labor or committed other crimes against humanity. The computer hacking incident is additional compelling circumstantial evidence supporting Goode’s claim that trials are being prepared for those responsible for crimes committed in secret space programs.

The third circumstantial evidence to consider is that on June 11, the British Interplanetary Society began a two day meeting on: “How to Overthrow a Martian Dictatorship” according to a BBC news article. The meeting envisaged a Mars colony ruled over by a ruthless dictator who trampled on the rights of workers in a futurist society controlled by a corporation. The dictator needed to be overthrown without destroying the colony itself. According to the author of the BBC article published on June 22, Richard Hollingham, the meeting brought together 30 prominent scientists, engineers and philosophers who took their “task seriously,” only “two short blocks from the London headquarters of Britain’s security service, MI6” thereby hinting at official support for the meeting.

The similarities in the scenarios discussed at the June 11/12 British Interplanetary Society meeting, and the June 22 reports by Goode and Hollingham, suggests that key figures in Britain’s scientific establishment are preparing for future disclosures about secret colonies on Mars and elsewhere that have been run as corporate dictatorships by megalomaniac tyrants that have been abusing workers for years. How to remove these Mars Colony dictators without them killing off their personnel and/or destroying their valuable facilities is a problem that British and other national policy makers will soon have to confront. Once again, this is compelling circumstantial evidence supporting Goode’s claim of crimes against humanity committed in secret space programs.

Finally, Goode has been claiming that we are soon to witness a massive document dump that will reveal the truth about secret space programs, and criminal abuses that have occurred within some of them. “Coincidentally,” Wikileaks has again begun releasing massive document dumps that made it a media sensation back in 2000. In early May, after a five year hiatus, Wikileaks restored its electronic drop box for whistleblowers to again anonymously share data. All is in place for an organization like Wikileaks to share the document dumps that Goode claims will reveal all.

In summary, we have compelling circumstantial evidence that support Goode’s incredible claims made over the months of May and June. This includes:

1. “Space Resource Exploration and Utilization Act” forwarded on June 15 to the full House of Representatives for a vote that offers legal protection to global elite involved in off world mining operations and crimes committed in them;

2. The June 4 and subsequent announcements of hacking of up to 18 million records of Federal employees and contractors with detailed personnel information that could be used for setting up “crimes against humanity” trials;

3. The June 11 meeting of British Interplanetary Society discussing ways of how to remove from power tyrannical corporate personnel from colonies on Mars who have committed crimes against humanity;

4. The reemergence of Wikileaks’ digital drop box system in early May that allows whistleblowers to anonymously upload massive document dumps for public release by an organization with a track record in doing precisely what Goode claims will be occurring soon.

None of this circumstantial evidence is definitive proof of Goode’s claims. Yet it is compelling evidence insofar as it corroborates his core claims that global events are occurring that will lead to future disclosures about secret space programs, extraterrestrial life, and trials for those responsible for crimes against humanity in space.

A new whistleblower has appeared who is creating quite a stir in the UFO and exopolitics communities due to his claims of having worked with a number of secret space programs; and, more recently, having become a contactee with a powerful new group of extraterrestrials that have entered our solar system.

Using the online pseudonym GoodETxSG, the whistleblower (who announced yesterday that his first name is Corey and that he will soon end his anonymity) has described in interviews and posts on two major online forums his former covert background with a number of secret space programs run by various military, corporate and earlier human civilizations. He says that contrary to widespread perceptions in the UFO research community of a single secret space program belonging to a breakaway civilization, that there are in fact up to ten breakaway civilizations indigenous to Earth.

Each of these breakaway civilizations, according to GoodETxSG/Corey has their own secret space program. He says that there are currently three major secret space programs belonging to various national and international entities on Earth. One of these is a large corporate entity similar to what was described in the movie Avatar. The other two are multinational covert space programs that are similar to NATO in their manner of operations and activities. In addition, he says that there are between 5-7 secret space programs belonging to earlier breakaway civilizations on Earth including Nazi Germany, and another dating as far back as an astounding 500,000 years ago!

Adding another level of complexity to what is really happening with the various secret space programs, GoodETxSG says that off-world extraterrestrial civilizations interact or collaborate with one or more of these secret space programs. In a comment responding to the claims of another alleged whistleblower from a secret space program, Randy Cramer (aka Captain Kaye), GoodETxSG summarized the complex situation:

There are many who have been a part of the 3 Separate Secret Space Programs that are independent of the Secret Earth Governments (One of which is a powerful Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate that owns most of the Mars Bases). There are also 5-7 “Ancient Earth Break Away Civilizations” that have Bases here on Earth. All of the groups mentioned above are “Allied” with various and different “Off World Entities’ and “UN Type Federations” both with the “Human Like ET’s” and the “Non-Human ET’s” (All with DIFFERENT AGENDA’s). There is also a “Shadow Civil War” going on among some of these Secret Space Programs and their “Off World Allies” to end control of the Secret Earth Governments using the “Babylonian Money Magic Slave System” to control Earth Humanity.

A significant point concerning security in GoodETxSG’s postings is that concerning the threat posed by artificial intelligence. According GoodETxSG, artificial intelligence (AI) has been developed by multiple extraterrestrial civilizations that have created synthetic AI humanoids, only to have them turn against their creators in a manner similar to what was depicted in the remake of the television series, Battlestar Galactica. Consequently, all secret space programs have created security procedures to identify individuals displaying evidence of AI influence.

As a last resort, individuals trained as intuitive empaths were employed to identify AI influence as well as any form of deception. This was the main job that GoodETxSG says he performed during his 20 year tour of duty.

More recently, GoodETxSG claims that up to 100 spherical ships have entered our solar system possessing technology far in advance to anything used by the different secret space programs and their respective extraterrestrial allies. GoodETxSG says that extraterrestrials from this “Sphere Alliance,” have been physically contacting him and other private individuals to disclose information about major new events that will profoundly change life on Earth. He says that this Sphere Alliance is assisting humanity in breaking free of the control exerted by powerful elite organizations on Earth, what he calls the “Babylonian Money Magic Slave System.”

GoodETxSG’s claims that he and 70 other private citizens were recently taken to a secret space location for an “Alliance Conference” where along with about 120 others representing the different secret space programs, the “Sphere Alliance” revealed some of their plans. Among the extraterrestrials from this alliance who interacted with the conference delegates, according to GoodETxSG is a “Blue Avian” race up to 8 feet tall, and a taller 10 foot thin golden brown being with triangular head and blue eyes. The Sphere Alliance apparently is intent on helping bring about full disclosure of extraterrestrial life.

GoodETxSG has been sharing his information with David Wilcock who apparently vetted GoodETxSG with other confidential sources and found him to be credible. Wilcock has subsequently incorporated GoodETxSG’s testimony into a number of public presentations attempting to outline the full complexity of issues concerning secret space programs and visiting extraterrestrial life. Wilcock is a major proponent of the idea that extraterrestrial disclosure is imminent due to the collapse of the elite control system that has been in place for centuries. He accepts GoodETxSG’s information as validation for his optimistic pro-disclosure position. Before offering my own evaluation of GoodETxSG’s claims, it’s good to review what is known about his recent public activities.

GoodETxSG first became widely known because of two audio interviews he did that were initially promoted through the Project Avalon forum in Oct 2014. He previously had been a long time member of Project Avalon where he had shared personal information, but not his covert background in various secret space programs. That changed in Sept 2014 when he consented to do an informal sit down conversation with a Project Avalon member on behalf of the forum’s founder Bill Ryan. The conversation was intended to be used solely for Ryan’s personal research but GoodETxSG was persuaded to have it published on Project Avalon with the proviso that all steps would be taken to keep his identity anonymous. While this introduced a wide audience to GoodETxSG’s experiences with different secret space programs, this ultimately led to his identity being exposed on the forum, and ultimately a break with Ryan and Project Avalon. Currently GoodETxSG’s is posting on a new forum, “The One Truth,” where he is answering questions and informing members of new developments. He also has a website which has much of the information he has shared on the two forums.

How credible is GoodETxSG? According to Wilcock, GoodETxSG’s testimony is consistent with multiple other insider sources discussing secret space program and extraterrestrial life. In my own database of whistleblowers, contactees, leaked documents and breaking news on the secret space program(s), I have found nothing awry in GoodETxSG’s claims. His claim of separate space programs is consistent with Randy Cramer’s claims that he served with the Earth Defense Force (a multinational alliance) for 17 years on Mars to defend five civilian bases belonging to the Mars Colony Corporation. In his alleged 17 years on Mars, Cramer claims he never once ventured into the Mars Colony Corporation facilities, even for R & R. That appeared strange to me when I first heard of it. That degree of formal separation between military and corporate bases on Mars, however, supports GoodETxSG’s claims of separate space programs.

GoodETxSG claims that he served a 20 year tour of service with the secret space program(s) before being age-regressed back to a time shortly after his duty began. Essentially this allowed him to live a 20 year time-span twice. Also, his memories were wiped or “blank-slated” and GoodETxSG, now a civilian, was encouraged not to rejoin any military service in case that triggered memory recall of his prior 20 year service. This is consistent with the claims of Michael Relfe (The Mars Record) and Randy Cramer (Earth Defense Force) who say they went through a similar security process.

Furthermore, GoodET discusses 22 ET races that have genetically intervened with the human genome. They comprise a UN Type Federation of “Off World” beings interested in humanity. This is consistent with the testimony of the ‘contactee’ Alex Collier who claims that extraterrestrials from Andromeda had revealed to him that a total of 22 extraterrestrials races provided the genetic material for humanity:

In a nut shell, we are a composite of a lot of different races, 22 to be exact. It is a physiological fact that there are 22 different body types on the planet. And that is the result of the extraterrestrial races.

While there has been no concrete evidence offered to corroborate the testimony of GoodETxSG, his claims are consistent with those of other whistleblowers and/or contactees on a number of significant issues. It’s clear from anyone viewing the extensive postings and commentary by GoodETxSG, that he sincerely believes that his claims are based on truthful events and experiences. Nevertheless, it is always possible for an individual to sincerely pass on implanted memories as truthful testimony even though they have been fabricated to serve the agenda of one or more shadowy intelligence corporate organizations,

In the original 1962 film, Manchurian Candidate, mind controlled military personnel were given false memories and programmed to act in ways that served the interests of shadowy entities behind the scenes. Project MKUltra was exposed to be a real CIA mind control program by the 1976 Church Senate Committee that targeted thousands of individuals. Mind control through the use of false implanted memories would over the decades have become even more sophisticated with the development of more powerful computers. It’s possible or even likely that implanted memories have been used for those that have previously served in secret space programs and undergone a blank slate mind control experience when reverting to civilian life. This would enable former covert space operatives, now working as private civilians, to continue to be of use in any psychological warfare operations against the US or world public. It’s important to point out that the Edward Snowden NSA document leaks confirm that online covert operatives have indeed been used to subvert the public about the UFO issue.

Different mind control techniques used on former secret space program personnel does not mean that ALL recovered memories are false or compromised. Individuals may be programmed to release genuine information along with disinformation as a means of an agency fulfilling an agenda that evolves with time. It’s also possible that former secret space program personal have been able to successfully remove most if not all implanted memories or mind programming. It’s worth mentioning that in the cases of Michael Relfe and Randy Cramer, both underwent years of extensive deprogramming to remove signs of mind control, and get to the truth of their experiences.

At this stage, it’s vital to separate GoodETxSG’s claims of 20 years service with multiple space programs with his more recent claims of being an extraterrestrial contactee. Importantly, the latter experiences from his public statements so far, provide information about current off-world events that can be corroborated by others attending the alleged “Sphere Alliance” conferences. If 70 private individuals attended the same event, it can be expected that some will soon also go public and offer their versions of what happened. Significantly, there does not appear to be any mind control involved in GoodETxSG’s claimed contact experiences. If confirmed by others stepping forward, his contactee experiences will support the validity of his claimed earlier experiences with secret space programs.

Researchers need to be very cautious when examining testimony of whistleblowers that have been subjected to mind control as a standard security measure during their alleged service in one or more secret space programs. GoodETxSG/Corey may very well be one of the most significant whistleblowers ever to come forward with his claims of twenty years service with multiple secret space programs if confirmation can be found. His current revelations about an alien “Sphere Alliance” may be even more significant if events transpire as he suggests, and also offer a means of confirming his alleged prior covert service. At the moment it’s important to keep an open mind while remaining cautious when examining the full extent of GoodETxSG’s/Corey’s claims concerning multiple secret space programs, and their reactions to a powerful new group of visiting extraterrestrials supportive of full disclosure.


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Deep Underground Military Bases

I have posted about this before and just to refresh your mind here we go again DUMBS:

Deep Underground Military Bases.

The U.S. Government alone classifies over 500 million pages of documents each year. As far as transparency goes, there is none. How can we know anything about what is happening on our planet if so much information is hidden from the public domain? By now, the classified world has moved far beyond the reach of the public, and far beyond in its power and capabilities with regards to technology, scientific and cosmological knowledge and more.

“According to our best estimates, more than half of all U.S. government records are classified. For an archivist seeking to preserve and understand our history, that means most of our history is kept secret from us, think about that for a moment ”

The United States has a history of government agencies existing in secret. The National Security Agency (NSA) was founded in 1952, its existence was hidden until the mid 1960’s. Even more secretive is the National Reconnaissance Office, which was founded in 1960 but remained completely concealed for 30 years.

Recent leaks from Edward Snowden, a former intelligence contractor, have shed light on the black budget world. This is a world full of Special Access Programs (SAP) that garnishes trillions of dollars every year to conduct operations the general public knows nothing about. These programs do not exist publicly, but they do indeed exist. They are better known as ‘deep black programs.’ A 1997 US Senate report described them as “so sensitive that they are exempt from standard reporting requirements to the Congress ”. One aspect of these ‘deep black programs’ is the development of deep underground military bases, and they can go up to several miles underneath the surface.

There are also known underground facilities in existence. Take for example, the Swedish underground military facility at Musko. It’s a large naval base built underneath a mountain. The hospital alone within this facility holds over 1,000 beds. Musko engineers blasted out 1,500, 000 cubic meters of stone in order to build it.

“The military utility for underground construction is obvious. I recall years ago studying the matter in the context of American Cold War military strategy. during the 1950’s, motivated by a fear of Soviet missiles striking American installations and cities, military planners recognized the value of secure facilities deep underground”

In 1987 Deputy Director of Engineering and Construction for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Lloyd A. Duscha, gave a speech at an engineering conference entitled “Underground Facilities for Defense – Experience and Lessons.” In the first paragraph of his speech he states the following:

After World War II, political and economic factors changed the underground construction picture and caused a renewed interest to “think underground.” As a result of this interest, the Corps of Engineers became involved in the design and construction of some very complex and interesting military projects. Although the conference program indicates the topic to be “Underground Facilities for Defense – Experience and Lessons,” I must deviate a little because several of the most interesting facilities that have been designed and constructed by the Corps are classified.

He then went into a discussion of the Corps’ involvement in the 1960’s in the construction of the large and elaborate NORAD base buried deep beneath Cheyenne Mountain, in Colorado. This is just a public statement, but you will not find a more significant public admission of secret, underground bases than this one. People speaking is not the only evidence available, there are actual documents obtained by researchers through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) that shed more light on the subject, and clearly outline plans for the contraction of underground facilities.

There are documents available which expose a deep underground command center that was to be built far below area’s such as Washington, D.C. and China Lake, California during the Cold War. Documents available show that in 1964 the military was considering building a huge underground cavity 4,000 feet deep beneath China Lake. It’s well known that the United States and the Soviet Union created a vast infrastructure to support a complex of offensive and defensive weapons during the Cold War. This infrastructure included sites and facilities for developing, testing, storing and manufacturing weapons. There was also a host of communication and command centers.

The worlds most prominent researcher on Underground Military Facilities (in my opinion) Richard Sauder, Ph.D, told of an interesting story in his book Hidden In Plain Site that I’d like to share with you.

“As it happens, after giving a public talk a couple of years ago, I was approached by a man who had been a uniformed member of the United States Navy. We chatted for a while and when he mentioned that he had spent some time at China Lake my ears perked up. I asked him if there was an underground facility at China Lake. He said that indeed there is, and that it is impressively large and deep. I asked him if he had ever been in it, and he said that he had, though not to the deepest levels. I asked him how deep the deepest part extended. He looked at me soberly and said very quietly, “It goes one mile deep.” I then asked him what the underground base contains. He replied, “Weapons.” I responded, “What sort of weaponry?” And he answered without pausing, “Weapons more powerful than nuclear weapons.”

The very first TOP SECRET memo on the subject was issued by Robert McNamara, on November 7th 1963 from the office of the Secretary of Defense. This took place right before the Kennedy murder.

There is a very grave danger that an announced need for increased secrecy will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment. That I do not intend to permit, to the extent that it is in my control. We are opposed around the world by a system which has ocnscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.

In this memo McNamara discusses the topic of the National Underground Command Center. The memo was addressed to McGeorge Bundy, Kermit Gordon and Dr. Jerome Wiesner. Bundy was the special assistant for National Security Affairs of President Kennedy. Gordon was the Director of the Bureau of the Budget and Wiesner was Kennedy’s science adviser. McNamara stated that they would meet sometime during the end of November, unfortunately Kennedy was dead by then.

A Second memo was issued on the same day concerning a proposed Deep Underground National Command Center that would be approximately 3,500 feet underground Washington. The memo also mentioned elevator shafts below the State Department and White House that would descend to 3,500 feet with high speed, horizontal tunnel transport to the main facility. Remember we are talking about the 1960’s, what type of technology would be available for them to complete a project like this?

The reality of Deep Underground Military Bases is extremely fascinating. There is an enormous amount of evidence that proves their existence. Secret military bases used to be labelled in the conspiracy theory category. Not long ago, the Department of Defense officially declassified the existence of Area 51.

There are hundreds of military bases, and underground military bases spread all over the world. Dr Richard Sauder documents this phenomenon well in Hidden In Plain Sight, among his other works. What I’ve provided above is not even the tip of the ice berg. In his book he goes on to illustrate the technology behind such developments, under ocean bases, and more. This is a fascinating topic to explore, and the next question to ask is what goes on in underground military facilities?

We know that the military operates at these defense installations, and it’s safe to assume that a number of classified projects go in within them. One that seems to be a common occurrence that’s related to Deep Underground Military Facilities are UFOs and extraterrestrials.

Best selling British author and researcher, Timothy Good, has written several books dealing with the question of possible extraterrestrial interaction with Earth. Another one that comes to mind is historian and UFO researcher Richard Dolan. Both have hinted to having been privy to some very interesting information in some of their books.

In After Disclsoure, Dolan shares an experience he had with a politician who was deep underground in a military base.. He was briefed on the extraterrestrial reality and said that ETs and UFOs are just the tip of the ice berg when it comes to information that’s concealed from the public.

Timothy Good has been privy to information from a variety of sources, including private ones that discuss a variety of locations around the world for alleged undersea and underground extraterrestrial bases. Abductees and contactees constantly refer to deep underground installations within the Planet. Could the extraterrestrial phenomenon be directly related to Deep Underground Military Facilities?

I’ve had two personal encounters with Canadian Military Personnel. One of them was a Coast Guard veteran, he personally told me that if I would like to know about extraterrestrials, “come work for us and you can ask them yourself.” This is something I’ll remember for my entire life. The second one was bizarre, I encountered a senior Canadian Air Force officer, had a short conversation with him and brought up UFOs. He instantly turned around and started walking away from me. About an hour later, in a completely different location, he walked right by me and didn’t even look at me, accompanied by two men in suits.

Below is a video of Phil Schneider. Much of what he says with regards to methods of underground base development correlates with the research I’ve done. He was murdered shortly after giving a few lectures as he did here below.


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