Tag Archives: Youtube celebrities

Donald Marshall: Youtube celebrities

If you know Donald Marshall story then you know that celebrities bash him at the cloning center. Now also Youtube celebrities do the same to him. Here are Mr. Marshall’s words about the situation:


Was brought back to cloning several times recently. Having problems with grade Z celebrities called youtubers. I’ll tell you about it and then tomorrow.

Certain youtubers have said they’ll harm me at cloning more and try to have me charged with slander if I mention them and what they’ve done. I’ll say more tomorrow.

I opened my up my eyes at cloning a short time ago. People in the stands said Logan Paul needed an idea to use in his YouTube video shows, something big. I’d never heard of him. I said there was a spooky forest in Japan at the base of Mount Fuji where a lot of Japanese people commit suicide and it’s supposed to be haunted. He said “oh wow what if I found a body”? They found a Japanese person that had attempted suicide before a few times, he was in a different cloning center. They brought him to the main one and Logan Pauls people made him an offer. If he would hang himself in the suicide forest before Logan went in so he could “find” the body they would siphon money to his family members later on the low. He agreed. Then didn’t want to but they bothered him until he agreed. Logan Paul went to Japan and LO AND BEHOLD, he found the man hanging about 50 yards into the forest park there as he knew he would. He made an insensitive video about it, laughing and videotaping the hanging body. The video caused a major uproar from the public. He had to delete the video and apologize. I opened my eyes at cloning again after this one night and he said “There was major backlash from that video, everyone is mad at me”. I said “I thought that would happen” and I laughed. I was hit from behind and beaten to a pulp as clones. I want this to be known so that he and all involved will be punished in future even if I am dead. The guy is such a scumbag.
