The Stanley Kubrick Conspiracy – Part 1: Tales from a Paper Moon

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There is something about Stanley Kubrick and here’s a nice collection:

The Stanley Kubrick Conspiracy – Part 1: Tales from a Paper Moon

Science fiction’s portrayal of covered-up or faked space missions dates back many decades. In the February 1955 issue of “Galaxy Science Fiction” magazine, author James Gunn published a story entitled “The Cave of Night”. The story deals with a manned mission to Mars which goes awry, stranding an astronaut with no hope of rescue. The climax of the story is shocking, utilising the notion of fakery to portray an erroneous perception of the outcome of the mission.

The plot of the 1969 movie “Marooned” also involved a manned mission to the Moon going wrong – failure of a re-entry rocket leaves the occupants of the lunar capsule stranded in space. Although there is no cover-up inherent to the plot, the original script called for the “suggestion” that a story would be created to perpetuate the notion of a heroic attempt to rescue the astronauts, should they have perished. The film received full support from NASA, including the use of Cape Kennedy for interior and exterior location filming.

“Capricorn One” (1978) went much further than “Marooned”, featuring a plot that utilised Hollywood trickery and gimmicks to fake the first manned space flight to Mars. In the film, the astronaut crew are removed from their rocket and driven to a film set in the desert to record fake footage of their planetary touchdown. Bizarrely, this film also received full support from NASA – which is strange given how NASA has generally avoided supporting Hollywood productions that cast the agency (or fictional agencies with a resemblance to NASA) in an unflattering light (see: NASA’s refusal to support Spielberg’s “Close Encounters of the Third Kind”). The film was directed by Peter Hyams, who would go on to helm “2010: The Year We Make Contact” (the sequel to Kubrick’s “2001: A Space Odyssey”) six years later.


The film “Sneakers” also featured a character (played by Dan Aykroyd) who mentions the Apollo cover-up – including “this LTX71 cancellable mike is part of the same system NASA used when they faked the Apollo moon landings.”

More recently, the film “Apollo 18” used the ‘lost footage’ plot device (popularised by films like “The Blair Witch Project”) to posit the notion that NASA carried out secret manned missions to the Moon. In this case, the “Apollo 18” mission (involving NASA astronauts landing on the Moon in 1974) was covered-up following the discovery of an extra-terrestrial insect-like organism on the Moon – an organism that subsequently kills the “Apollo 18” astronauts. Interestingly, the film shows the astronauts discovering a dead cosmonaut (along with a Soviet landing module) on the lunar surface – suggesting that, like NASA, the Soviets were also conducting clandestine missions and cover-ups.

The reality of this latter concept has been studied by a number of researchers and is known as the “Lost Cosmonaut” paradigm. Whilst the evidence of Soviet space cover-ups isn’t as obvious as that of NASA, at least one account has been evidentially verified. Valentin Bondarenko was a would-be cosmonaut whose death during training was covered-up for decades by the Soviet government.

In 1960, the science fiction author Robert Heinlein wrote an article for Pravda describing how (whilst in the Vilnius region of Soviet-occupied Lithuania, May 15, 1960) he was told a Red Army cadet that the USSR had launched a man into orbit that day. The account was denied by officials later the same day. Heinlein elaborated on the story in a speech he gave at the XIXth World Science Fiction Convention Seattle in 1961.

“A Russian cosmonaut is circling the Earth!’ All the other cadets nodded agreement to everything he said and sometimes added details. I congratulated them on their country’s wonderful scientific achievement–with a frozen smile and a sick feeling in my stomach. We talked a bit more about it, then they went on up the hill and we went down. That afternoon, we tried very hard to buy a copy of Pravda. None were available anywhere… We did listen to the Voice of Moscow–Mrs Heinlein told me that it did report the rocket–but just as one of the Sputnik, no mention of a passenger. That evening our guide joined us to go to the ballet–and she immediately told us that the cadet had been mistaken; it was not a rocket ship with a man in it–just a dummy. The cadet had misunderstood. Well, perhaps so… but, if so, then all those dozen or more cadets were mistaken exactly the same way.”

Another science fiction luminary and who has expressed views about the Apollo cover-up is Canadian novelist Margaret Atwood. Atwood authored the dystopian novel “The Handmaid’s Tale” – a story that addressed such concepts as population reduction, female fertility and ecological disaster. In a 2009 interview, Atwood questioned the technology of the 1960s, why man hasn’t landed on the Moon again, and mentioned the shadow discrepancies as well as the radiation belts.

Perhaps the most unusual (non-science fiction) movie to allude to the Apollo cover-up is the James Bond film “Diamonds Are Forever” (1971). “While investigating multimillionaire recluse Willard Whyte’s Tectronics Space Centre outside Las Vegas in the Nevada desert, his cover blown, James Bond (Sean Connery) finds it necessary to make a hasty exit. Finding himself in an artificial moonscape complete with trainee astronauts, Bond dashes for a nearby Moon Buggy vehicle and crashes out of the centre and into one of the 007 films’ most famous chase scenes.”

Although I am slightly digressing for a moment, it is worth noting the larger esoteric significance of James Bond. Bond’s creator Ian Flemming has a documented connection with the British Intelligence Community, which in turn has connections with the occult – remember that the occult also appears to have been prevalent in agencies like NASA. Bond’s roots lie with John Dee – a sixteenth century mathematician, astronomer and navigator. Dee was an imperialist and devoted consort of Queen Elizabeth I. He was a student of philosophy, alchemy, divination, the occult and an associated freemason. He was also instrumental in the then-version of what we would now call MI5 and his code-name was 007! John Dee was Ian Fleming’s inspiration for James Bond.

Many of the designs on “Diamonds Are Forever” were conceptualised by Oscar-winning Production Designer Ken Adam. Adam was born into a German Jewish family that fled the Nazi Regime in 1934 to settle in England. Adam was a close friend of the legendary filmmaker Stanley Kubrick and worked on many of his films (he famously designed the “War Room” set featured in “Dr Strangelove”), with one notable exception: “2001: A Space Odyssey”. Adam once described how he was asked by Kubrick to join the production of the film. “I found out that he had been working with experts from NASA for a year on space exploration and all that sort of thing. And the moment I saw that, I thought, not for me. Because I could only function properly with this very powerful computer-like brain of Stanley by knowing as much visually about the subject matter as he did, because then I could justify departing from the visual reality that he knows.”


Kubrick is often cited as the likeliest candidate to have filmed fake footage of the Apollo 11 Moon landing. Some researchers have suggested that a deal was struck between Kubrick and certain agenda players sometime in the mid/late 1960s. It is known that the production history of “2001: A Space Odyssey” overlapped the era of NASA’s Apollo program and that NASA collaborated extensively with the film’s production team. The film was released in 1968, over a year before the Apollo 11 mission. The film’s narrative also featured a cover-up (a story is perpetuated about the spread of a fictitious virus, prompting a quarantine of a lunar base) to hide the discovery of an extra-terrestrial artefact – the Tycho Monolith – on the Moon, and a subsequent mission to the planet Jupiter with a “secret” agenda.

In 1997, a number of “Apollo Hoax” researchers appeared as guests on Jon Ronson’s Channel 4 discussion show “For the Love of Lunar Conspiracies”. The show was one of a series that “examined” subjects often attributed to the hidden-global-agenda players. The guests on this episode were David Percy, Mary Bennett, Barry Reynolds, Matthew Williams, Andy Thomas and Marcus Allen. The guests predominantly discussed the then-prevailing evidence of a cover-up. At one point, Percy discussed the scene in the Bond film “Diamonds Are Forever”.

Percy: “It’s a James Bond movie and people say ‘what’s that scene doing in there!?’ He walks into this lab and they’re going to the Moon and he says, ‘I’ve come to inspect your radiation shields!’ The next thing he does, he walks out of the lab into a Moon set with astronauts poncing around and phoney backgrounds to it…”
Bennett: “…And a studio above it”
Percy: “That’s right. A complete studio… (Inaudible) he’s being chased out of the set. So you have a connection in a James Bond movie of a lunar set and a statement just prior to it: ‘I’ve come to inspect your radiation shield!’ Isn’t that interesting?”
Ronson: “And these movies were made for a purpose then?”
Bennett: “Well the… certainly all movies are made for a purpose. One is to entertain; two is to make money… or possibly the other way around. One is the product of the other.”
Ronson: “Or are they also made for a slightly more sinister purpose?”

Bennett: “I don’t think James Bond is made for a sinister purpose. I think we have a, erm… possibly… there’s a zeitgeist in artists that they’re going to pick up the general energy of what’s going on and scriptwriters who are very close to the edge of things are going to incorporate it in all work, as anybody does – a painter, writer, whatever. They’re caring about things and, as you know, in repressive societies you can get a lot said in fiction or in entertainment that you can’t actually say straight out. And just because America is not labelled a communist society, it doesn’t mean to say that it’s a democracy either.”
Percy: “But, in some cases, you can have a situation where things are done to confuse…”

The conversation quickly turns into a discussion of Hollywood’s perception management of the ET/UFO subject and no further mention of the lunar fakery subject in movies is made.  It is interesting that there is no mention made of Stanley Kubrick throughout the discussion. Given the nature of the subject, I am surprised his name wasn’t mentioned at least once. It is possible that Kubrick’s possible involvement was discussed, but never made the final edit. Alternative knowledge researchers who have participated in “conspiracy hit-pieces” for the mainstream media have regularly described how they have been, on occasion, interviewed for several hours – with only a few minutes of the interview footage ultimately being used in the final edit.


However, Jon Ronson is a life-long fan of Kubrick; he has written numerous pieces about the filmmaker. He even conducted an interview with Kubrick’s widow, Christiane, for an article published in The Guardian newspaper in 2010.
“After Stanley Kubrick” by Jon Ronson ( – Wed 18 Aug 2010)

Interestingly, researcher and host of the popular “Richplanet TV” show, Richard D. Hall, has alleged that Ronson may be connected to, or an asset of, the British intelligence establishment. Here is a quote from his article “MI5 Exposed”:

“Ronson is another close associate of John Lundberg who runs Jon Ronson’s website. Ronson is the author of ‘The Men Who Stare at Goats’ and producer of many UK television programmes which have essentially debunked people like David Icke and Alex Jones. If there is going to be a mainstream documentary about an “alternative view”, it is often given to Ronson because he’ll make sure that truth and objectivity are the last things on the agenda. His recent book ‘The Men Who Stare at Goats’ is quoted by Colonel John Alexander, who the book is about, as being ‘based on about 5% reality and 95% hokum’, yet this hokum was made into a Hollywood film which therefore makes the film another piece of disinformation. Ronson’s close association with John Lundberg, along with the complete lack of truth seeking in both his writing and programme making makes us believe that Ronson is part of the MI5 psy-ops operation.”

It is possible that the reason why Kubrick’s alleged connection with the Apollo Hoax wasn’t discussed in Ronson’s show was because there was next to no awareness of the possibility in 1997. Whilst researching the “Kubrick connection”, I have attempted to identify who originated the story and when it first became publicly known. This has been incredibly difficult. I have watched, listened to and read as much material relating to Kubrick as I can lay my hands on. Although Kubrick’s knowledge of esoteric, alchemical and occult subjects (and the allusions, made to these subjects, in his films) has been examined for several decades, there appears to be no mention of Kubrick in relation to the Apollo cover-up prior to the mid/late 1990s… at least as far as I am currently aware of. It is possible that Percy, Bennett, et al, were unaware of the connection in 1997.

In Part 2, I will examine the origins of the Kubrick / Apollo Hoax paradigm…
Stay tuned folks!


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