US Gov Suppresses Solar Hydride Free Energy System!

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Here’s some interesting free energy technology from Bob Lazar:

Bob Lazar, former Area 51 Engineer has a proven method that could let everybody run their cars and home completely for free by using solar energy to create hydrogen that is then stored in a hydride material to safely store the hydrogen.  Once the hydrogen is stored in the hydride, it is 100% safe.  You could shoot the tank with an incendiary bullet or a cut the tank with a chain saw and it will not blow up!

To release the hydrogen as it’s needed you simply supply heat the tanks and hydrogen is released as needed.  Bob Lazar has converted a Corvette to run on this solar hydrogen hydride system.  The Corvette, converted to run on hydrogen has a 400 mile range with 4 small tanks in the back of the car.  Bob can then fully recharge the system overnight with his home hydrogen unit that is powered by solar energy.  So he drives the Corvette for free!

So why can’t we all start doing this?   Well, Bob says that the US Government has banned anybody from selling this hydride material!  The reason they give is that one of the materials used in the hydride is used in nuclear weapons!   This material is not radioactive or dangerous in any way but they still won’t let you buy it because it’s been restricted by the US Government!

This material for the hydride could be mass produced right now to free the world from the greedy oil corporations that are taking more and more of the wealth of the planet but of course the US Government is in bed with these oil corporations and politicians get lots of money to keep the status quo raping of the world going!  Bob Lazar had to make the material because it’s legal to make it.  The catch is that you have to build a particle accelerator to make it!   Bob Lazar made his own miniature particle accelerator to make his own hydride!   He and others could begin selling the material tomorrow but the US Government prevents anybody from selling it.

Please spread truth about the technology that could get the world off fossil fuels tomorrow.  Join if you want to be informed of the very latest free energy devices, natural cures and much more!

Here’s all the details about Bob Lazar’s incredible hydrogen powered Corvette that the US  Government doesn’t want you to have in your garage!




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