Is our reality real or reality matrix?


For starters we could watch this small clip from The Matrix movie where the main character Neo is introduced with the Matrix. I personally think, that The Matrix I is the best one from the series and two other ones are just futile attempt to cash and rip of people. The main theme is represented in Matrix I and it should have been enough. Here is the clip where Neo takes the red pill and starts his journey into the Matrix:


This topic came to my mind when I red an article about scientists who tried to solve that is the universe a computer simulation. Then it lead to my own investigation to solve this thing. In Matrix there is also a scene where Neo sees a so called Deja-vu, but Morpheus and friends told him, that there are no such things in the Matrix, so it must be a coding glitch. So I tried to find same kind of anomalies in our own reality and surprise surprise I found that people all over the World have seen weird things, which could be glitches in our “reality matrix”.

Here are the pages where people tell about their “Glitches in the matrix”.

They try to figure this out also on the other websites:

Pretty hard topic to swallow, but give it a try and have a nice day in the matrix!

Remote viewing & Baltic Sea anomaly (UFO?)

Aaah… this is a good and one of my favorite topic. I stumbled this few years ago when I was reading how US military was using remote viewers to spy military targets. And because I have an open mind I decided to check it out. And what a world it opened phew… I discovered that first the soviets were using it and then  US adopted these techniques too.

The men behind US remote viewing was Ingo Swann with Russell Targ. Sadly Ingo died in January 2013 and therefore he can’t teach these techniques anymore, but there is a lot’s of books that he has written about this subject. And of course Russell makes books and lectures about this subject too.

This is a big subject and I will return to this later, but for now I put couple of links that might give you a clue what this remote viewing is all about:

Ingo Swann: Penetration (book)
Russell Targ: Inception of Remote Viewing & The Reality of ESP (radio show)
Russell Targ’s homesite

Good book for beginners with remote viewing topic is David Morehouse’s Psychic Warrior (ISBN 0-312-14708-2). This book tells a story about a man with a special skill, which can turn very bad. Sometimes remoteviewing is called image streaming and there is an excellent book about this also called The Einstein Factor check it out if you are interested.

David Morehouse: Psychic Warrior (audio book)

So why I put Baltic anomaly (USO) on the title? That’s because last year I found a site which releases reports of ex-military remote viewers on different kind of targets. So naturally one of their best remote viewer (in my opinion) DELTA remote viewed this object and made some good findings. The baltic sea anomaly was found by Ocean Explorer Team .

Remote viewer DELTA views Baltic Sea anomaly

So this was just a tiny grasp of this topic called remote viewing and I will return to this later that’s for sure 😎

Hello my friends!

Hi! I am Blogman and I welcome you  to my blog. This is my first post… Hmmm what could be the starting point of this journey? Maybe we could start with some introduction of this site. On the left you can find the pages of this site and mainly the static stuff. The right side is for more dynamic content. I try to keep this site simple, but maybe on the long run it will be full of stuff.