Is our reality real or reality matrix?

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For starters we could watch this small clip from The Matrix movie where the main character Neo is introduced with the Matrix. I personally think, that The Matrix I is the best one from the series and two other ones are just futile attempt to cash and rip of people. The main theme is represented in Matrix I and it should have been enough. Here is the clip where Neo takes the red pill and starts his journey into the Matrix:


This topic came to my mind when I red an article about scientists who tried to solve that is the universe a computer simulation. Then it lead to my own investigation to solve this thing. In Matrix there is also a scene where Neo sees a so called Deja-vu, but Morpheus and friends told him, that there are no such things in the Matrix, so it must be a coding glitch. So I tried to find same kind of anomalies in our own reality and surprise surprise I found that people all over the World have seen weird things, which could be glitches in our “reality matrix”.

Here are the pages where people tell about their “Glitches in the matrix”.

They try to figure this out also on the other websites:

Pretty hard topic to swallow, but give it a try and have a nice day in the matrix!

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