Pretty much sums it up:
“Clone centers operate 24/7, people get activated and deactivated all the time.
They have rooms set up, decorated differently, some are simple, bare concrete walls.When in storage and not being used, the clones are stored on racks like stainless steel bunk beds set into the walls underneath or on the same level.
While on the racks they have a feeding tube that goes down the throat, it has beige tasteless nutritional supplement like Ensure or Boost milkshakes. Without solid food, the clone bodies feel cramped up and sick after a while and even though they’ll only use this REM driven mark 2 clone for a few months, they still eat solid food sometimes.Surprisingly enough, most eat french fries and hot dogs… They have french fry cooking kiosks under the stands, that they sometimes have operating, and with the hot dogs it’s just that they’re quick and easy and cheap. They have a large amount of hot dogs.
Even celebs that would never eat a hot dog, they still eat them sometimes there as clones… just to fill their gut, the clone they are in, will be replaced there in a few months anyway….
They have eaten lots of stuff… children being one.
Celebs don’t get hurt there unless they threaten to talk or attempt to blackmail.
There are low and high level people there.A worker class.Slaves and victimizers.
There is a couple real people in the main control room, but u can’t get to them…They can de-activate all clones on the floor at the same time with the push of a button.
All the clones there have a variety of implants installed.
They can turn the pain receptors in a clone body on or off….the scale is 0 (numb) to 10 full pain…. but they can crank it to 25 if they want, higher than the normal threshold for human pain.
They can that with pleasure sensors too…becomes painful with the pleasure sensors locked on.It’s all done through an implant that every clone has.Advanced technology.
They can also single out a clone and push a button to electrify them until they light on fire and burn to cinders if they want…. lots of remote controlled features.
When the real body wakes up,their clone deactivates and drops to the floor.” ⬇️
Thanks for your comment. They are indeed evil places and we must expose them as soon as possible. Read more here:
These places are hell, and Satan runs,them. If you are there you have given to Satan somewhere along the line , somehow.