Donald Marshall and Avatar 2045 project

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I have studied this transhumanism and cloning agen for years and best info about it gives Donald Marshall. One of the key projects is called Avatar 2045, which turns us into clones controlled with microchips, sounds grazy? Just read about it.

Here’s more links to Donald Marshall info:

And here’s info about Avatar 2045 project:

According to their website, the main goals of the Avatar 2045 Initiative is to create technologies enabling the transfer of an individual’s personality to a more advanced non-biological carrier, extending life to the point of immortality. They state that they hope to realize a new strategy for humanity’s development, and in so doing, create a more productive, fulfilling and satisfying future.

According to Marshall, Avatar 2045 is just another well-funded PR campaign using drip-feed disclosure to introduce the science of human cloning and microchip brain implant technology to the public which Marshall claims, members of the elite have secretly utilized for many decades.

According to Marshall, human cloning is not only possible, but has been practiced by the Illuminati since the 1940’s, when world leaders would send their human clones in public as a safety measure against assassinations. Today, he explains that a type of cloning technology called R.E.M. Driven Human Cloning is used to transfer full human consciousness into a clone copy during normal R.E.M. sleep cycles.

Marshall claims that this is accomplished by using blood or tissue samples to create an identical clone body stored in a remote location, and once that person is asleep, secret technology is used to transfer their consciousness to their clone double, complete with personality and memories intact. Marshall explains that this is the primary way the Illuminati communicate, by using the hours of sleep to meet in underground military bases, to discuss and plan future world events. Furthermore, he tells us that there are entire floors at each base where clone bodies are grown in large glass tubes, stored on stainless steel racks and activated when needed.

Marshall explains that once he falls asleep at night, and enters natural R.E.M. sleep, he opens his eyes to find himself in an identical clone body at a top secret military base, and he says he is trapped there until his anchor body wakes up, at which time, his clone body deactivates and drops to the floor. According to Marshall, he was 5 years old when he remembered being brought to the cloning center by his mother for the first time. He says he never remembered how he got there, only remembers being there. In fact, Marshall claims that many of those at the cloning center don’t fully understand how they get there, as only some are told the truth. Many are told that they are in another dimension, or on the astral plane. Very few are informed that they have been cloned and have had their consciousness transferred to a clone body kept and maintained at a top secret military base. In fact, when Marshall first posted his online expose in late 2011, many members read this and were angry to learn the truth for the first time.

According to Marshall, R.E.M. Cloning began as a way for world leaders to meet secretly and plan global events. However, these meetings gradually devolved into a sick, nightly spectacle where hundreds of Illuminati members gather to watch children and adults get hurt, tortured and murdered in bizarre ways. Marshall says that it makes Illuminati members feel powerful to watch horrible things done to innocent victims. Some members just pretend to enjoy the show, but secretly want out. Trapped by cloning technology into attending the cloning center every night, they see no way out. According to Marshall, every once in a while someone will speak out and say they don’t want to attend anymore. The Illuminati will then use them as an example for the others and they end up ruined, destroyed and in some cases, dead. Marshall hopes that by exposing the perverse activities that go on in underground military bases, the public will be outraged and demand an immediate stop to this depravity.


According to Project Avatar, in less than 30 years, the public will embrace both human cloning and microchip implant technology, in which, they say, a human brain is transplanted at the end of one’s life into the body of an avatar, presumably, an enhanced clone version of yourself.

According to Marshall, this has already been done. He claims that in addition to human cloning, microchip implant technology was developed in order to attain immortality. In the 1940’s, a group of powerful elite wanted to live forever and they funded the research that led to microchip implant technology. By recording a person’s consciousness on a chip before they died, scientists were able to insert this microchip into a precise location and upload all of their memories into a clone brain. They found however, that using clones for microchip brain implants was not ideal, as clone behavior can become erratic and unreliable. The problem was solved by stealing the body of another. The stolen brain uploads the inserted memories and new programming begins to run. The victim has been successfully bodysnatched by microchip technology, allowing the dead to live on and on. These microchipheads now live among us, hopping from body to body, in essence, living forever.

As shown in the 2015 science fiction film Self/Less whereby using advanced technology, a wealthy, dying man uploads his memories into the brain of another, giving him more time to fulfill his potential. However, he discovers that immortality has some side effects when he begins to access his new brain’s previous memories and learns that a man was murdered in order to supply his new body.

It’s not science fiction, Marshall claims, but reality among elite members of the Illuminati who never die, but simply go on to the next body, this includes powerful world leaders, the rich and powerful, many royals and many well known celebrities who, according to Marshall still slither the earth wearing new bodies and identities.

However, according to Marshall, microchip implant technology is a dead-end tech, deeply flawed and cannot be corrected, despite decades of efforts by Illuminati scientists all over the world. For some reason, microchipheads have difficulty controlling basic impulses, and revert to primitive, caveman-like behavior, with a tendency to attack small children and engage in depraved acts of cannibalism. Which begs the question: What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind? How do you want to be remembered? According to Marshall, dead is better.

Marshall calls for a complete ban on all microchip brain implant technology, calling it immoral and unethical. One can only wonder why those that endorse the Avatar 2045 initiative would try to promote a technology they know is hopelessly flawed, unless they simply want to profit by creating a billion-dollar market selling immortality to those afraid to die.


>> Project Avatar 2045 website

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