Donald Marshall: George Lucas

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Donald Marshall (Fri. December 2, 2011) – George had them light me on fire for the end of his movie Revenge of the Sith, Said he wanted Hayden Christiensen to scream realisticly, Hayden watched me listened to me scream and groan in pain and copied the sounds exactly, he knows all about it. As does Natalie Portman, and a quarter of the cast. Many directors have used me like that, in a role playing situation, cause me some kind of excruciating pain just to see what kind of squeak or screech I will make, as if I were less than a dog, then when I’m a bloody mess on the floor they crawl on my broken body and sodomize me saying something like they love me and can’t control themselves because I made all they’re favorite songs and I’m so “special”. Broken ribs bending and internal bleeding, me crying or screaming if I am able, but they just keep on going and they videotape this so they can view it again like evil pornography.


Donald Marshall (January 2014) – They’re down with cloning,… I had to think up idea’s for both Bethesda and Lucas arts. George Lucas bothered me a lot there, thinking I was just going to die anyway. He’s gonna get it though.


Donald Marshall (Mon. June 24, 2013) – Star Wars concept is not an original idea, George Lucas extrapolated his intrepretation of the Nostradamus prophecy to make it. Just space age setting.

Same basic storyline


Donald Marshall (October 2012) – Vrill were accurately portrayed in the star wars movie (attack of the clones) they are ashamed of their appearance and wanted to see what people would say about them… it was George Lucas’s was of informing on them without informing, and without being killed.


Donald Marshall (October 2012) – George Lucas was told the long necked trolls wanted to be in a movie…. He put them in star wars attack of the clones. Kaminoans. Google image. Exact depiction.…/As…/kaminoans_zpskzbxhaxs.jpg


Donald Marshall (October 2012) – Vrill were accurately portrayed in the star wars movie (attack of the clones) they are ashamed of their appearance and wanted to see what people would say about them… it was George Lucas’s was of informing on them without informing, and without being killed.


Question (November 2012) – You said Peter Jackson went to the Cloning Centre? This creepy guy let 27 horses die in the making of the Hobbit… What is he like at the Centre?

Donald Marshall – He acts like he’s a lord of the land and untouchable… george lucas and steven speilberg do too… all the rich ones do, until a politically powerful person talks down to them and then they hush up and look to the floor.


Donald Marshall (Tue. June 18, 2013) – They wanted to be seen in the movie Star Wars “attack of the clones” to gauge public opinion on their appearance… they used the best looking younger vrill type they could copy from.

Kaminoans they are called in the movie… they run a cloning operation in the movie LMAO!!!

George Lucas and the others at the clone zone were only too happy to put them in the movie… to identify them in future somehow…


Donald Marshall (April 2013) – they make the cartoon the clone wars… disney just bought the rights to star wars from george lucas, who also has a clone attends

all the biggest people in hollywood,… many are host…parasite hosts os lizards


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