This whole cloning center thing is sick to the core and Donald Marshall tells you everything about it…
Donald Marshall – They torture people for sport rape them and molest and rape and torture children for sport….for a maccabre spectacle of death.
They have a bunch of kids buried out at the cloning center, all mummified lookin like those gold foiled roasted babies but no gold foil, and they did these Satanic rituals on them as they died and buried them in the dirt in the center arena dirt there, and I also wanted to get them dug up and proper burial, because they got the worst burial ever.
They do beastiality stuff there too… on kid clones and they sit around and watch…. whole thing is unbelievably sick… and they’ve only gotten worse and worse in depravity.” It’s off the scale of perversion… Phillip and Elizabeth like to strangle children… Cloned and real… That’s what they used to do with the native children that dissapeared… Would strangle them and watch them die… Sometimes Phillip would crush their testicles in his other hand while he choked the kid… Kid tied up… And when you say that sounds unbelievablle and how could someone do that…I have to say I don’t know why they did and do this…
They clone children and have dogs have sex with them while they masturbate in the stands.Yeah I said masturbate…
Foster care kids get victimized at cloning a lot… wards of the court, group home kids…
When they rape a child they feel as if they’ve achieved a victory somehow over someone,..(the child) and get. A sense of power from it, knowing that they won’t be caught for it because it will be covered up… Some of them go on drugs and kill the child afterwards because its some caveman thing,… Get rid of the evidence, sense of power not getting caught for childrape murder… Also…
When a Vrill lizard drones someone making the human it;s host, sometimes the penis ceases to develop from that point… And the drone is stuck with 12 year old junk for life… And say they need to as the parts fit… And drones are naturally predisposed to molesting children,… Its very wierd.
Mostly it’s just some of these losers are fat ugly and would have a difficult time getting a prostitute to agree being that old ugly and retarded… Also they don’t want to. Pay for it,… They want to feel like they’ve done something wrong and got away with it… And kids cant fight back and are scared more easily. Also sometimes the molester was molested themselves as a child by their own parents… And they keep the “tradition” going to make themselves believe it’s just a normal part of life… Their parents weren’t perverts lol they were just normal, its a normal lifestyle lol. Some families add religion to the mix to make it look as if they HAVE to molest their children in a religious secret tradition… Germans call it Frauderlaine, or something similar… Keeps the cycle going…
At the zone…Theyre blabbin at me like I’m the diddler police,… As clones out there… Why can’t I have sex with my son or daughter Donny? My child is my personal property and no one can tell me what I can and can’t do with my own child if I want to ((they say))). So I told them it’s gross this n that and they act all insulted and attack,… Then new clone, back to the monotonous absurd talking… If I stay silent they just attack…saying “dont ignore us Donny, don’t ignore us!”. Fat old man bald ugly as hell flailing his arms on my face while my clone is paralyzed in the dirt of the arena…
I said why are you asking me? They just have nothing to do or say out there…. Its basically a child molester factory, they keep the premise of oh Donny is going to get us all to have something to talk about besides assembly line child molesting… BECAUSE as clones at first its interesting, turn your pain sensors off and get your arm chopped off and no pain, staring at the stump whoah thats gross, They jump off of heights clone dies and they transfer into the next clone and theyre like whoah thats neat… Swordfight and dont die, occasional clone sex with a celebrity that just doesnt care, it loses the novelty after a very short time… AND then theres the child molesting… And the senior citizens there that KNOW no one wants to have sex with them,… So they spend most of their time there trying to look powerful scary deadly and scare children into never saying no…
People pretend they are hostages out there… Parents… So their kids wont think theyre just perverts… And the parents can secretly trade their kids around for other kids from other people there,… Grossest stuff you’ve ever seen or heard of ever… The league of incredible losers. Incredibly yuck. Worse than you can imagine… And they all sit around and watch these encounters from the stands,… Like theatre… Molestation theatre, pain theatre, death theatre… They all try to act unified. LOL. They don’t even hang with each other in real life, too embarrassed of their behavior there and ashamed lol, but theere while clones they all act like they’re friends… And they’re in power club together, theyre “powerful” hyuck. It is that degree of loserdom and worse…
Every once in a while a kid will be defiant and say he or she doesnt want to engage in the repulsive stuff… Other kids agree, it’s almost a mini mutiny at the cloning center… So while some ids are memory repressed about the clone center times, people like Elizabeth and Charles get the kid killed in some way… And then say at the cloning center, “look what happened to him”. Then the kids dont say anything out of fear, sometimes they show the kids murder on video to scare the kids there into compliance.
Sometimes someone will say they dont want to participate or doesnt want their daughter or son messed with and they want out,… Others agree,… They will start to degrade the ringleaders life in any way possible to discourage others from talking that way… Bring him back for private mental manipulation therapy as clones… Weasel into his and his wifes life in any way possible, get them fired, Impersonate them as clones to the rest of their family members and turn them against them in dramatic ways. Get them fired from their jobs, and privately will continue to bring the kid there and mess that kid up bad, causing the kid to act erratic in real body and not know why (memory suppressed about clone time) Give them childrens aid trouble if possible, anything and everything, and they videotape what they do,… And show others there, look this guy wanted out…. Then Elizabeth says in an official voice, we are worse than the Italian mafia and you dont leave the Italian mafia… Its the goofiest thing. But every once in a while they feel the need to make a new example of someone… When people talk about it they get killed or rendered mentally disabled remotely… I’m amazed I’m still alive actually.
Illuminati = league of extraordinary child molesters… So much happening at the cloning center now and things said it would be a long time relating it all… bunch of people want to leave, but don’t want to lose their jobs or be mentally manipulated for the insult of leaving… only people that want to keep the place going are old ugly fat people, the mentally handicapped massively inbred people and the scuzziest perverts… most want out… old rich people threatening and scaring people there into compliance… it is quite the scene.
Many many sex slaves sold out by their parents in exchange for their parents to get access to other children, and theyre usually not tortured, theyve been shown footage of me getting tortured as a deterrent from protesting, Many people used for talents, they clone businessmen steal theyre ideas inventors anything, beat the ideas out of them and leave them memory suppressed. If they ever start to kick up a fuss theyre killed. The whole place is held together by old fat ugly perverts… no one except greedy people and perverts WANT to go to the cloning center… and even the parents play that theyre scared hostages in front of their children sometimes, so they can play games on kids,… like get filthy with this man or we will kill your mother, or something like that,… its all they do, torture people they dont like and bang children and each other while doing crazy drugs, they dont care about privacy they just do it in the dirt in front of everyone, it lowers the inhibitions of everyone there.
Children they bring there need a familiar face to talk to or all they do is scream and cry, that is where Joy Geizer comes in, she is married to my half brother from my fathers first marraige, Joy Geizer is a girl guide leader and when they clone in girl guides she speaks to them keeps them calm and pretty much pimps them for free, knowing the children will have they’re memories repressed and will not talk about it in real life, all the Geizers are in this stuff, many people that could also be polygraph tested, (Independent polygraph testers) because the police testers in my City of Halifax Nova Scotia are compromised, they cover up for child molesters, as I said commissionaires and C.S.I.S are heavily involved. All it will take is a few lie detector tests to prove these things. I will take them, and demand my mother and step father submit to them as well, it would be as easy as that. They’ve told me they won’t even attempt to lie on a polygraph.
[Queen] Elizabeth has the children there call her “lillibet” and does ungodly things to them, some she fakes being nice to, some she is terrible to, cutting them with swords while they scream, the decent people that are there against their will are afraid to say anything against them, most have their children there as a kind of hostage, to be torn apart if they even think of informing anyone
It doesn’t matter who you are, If you have a cute child or a child with a moneymaking ability (like song making) they will clone your child, and molest them, it’s a pedophiles paradise and must be stopped.
Do nothing and allow them to continue to clone your children and sisters and wives sons, causing them to have learning disabilities unexplained depression and suicidal thoughts all kinds of side effects.
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