There is a lot’s of talk about the end times and here is an article about how religion can guide you towards to that end of times dead end:

End Times Programming
“The end-times apostasy of believers occurs because of a great satanic deception among believers. What would such a deception look like? It certainly will not be something very obvious. Satan is not going to waltz into the church on Sunday morning and say, “OK everybody! Listen up! I’m Satan and this is the great apostasy, so get in line and follow me!” No, his end times deception will be through a subtle twisting of biblical Christianity, mixing biblical truth with demonic error. So close is this mixture, in fact, that many believe it to be biblical Christianity and fall away from the true Faith. Thus, many believers are deceived and lead away from the Faith through false doctrine-a subtly different Jesus, different spirit, and different gospel. Consequently, because of Satan’s disguise as an “angel of light” and his ministers’ disguise as “ministers of righteousness” (2 Cor. 11:14-15) everything they do looks and sounds very Christian. In other words, the great apostasy from the Faith will be orchestrated by ministers who, on the surface, appear righteous and godly. Their teaching will be so close to true biblical Christianity that many will follow the false “angel of light” and the false “ministers of righteousness” away from the true Jesus, the true Spirit and the true Gospel. ” Jeffrey Mark Spencer, M. Div , The Irenaeus Foundation
By Zeph E. Daniel (
October 23, 2004[Editor’s Note: Zeph Daniel is a victim of satanic ritual abuse and Illuminati mind control programming. He was born into a powerful and influencial Hollywood family and was subjected to the typical horrendous abuse from a very early age that most victims of Illuminati programming are forced to endure. He broke through his programming in 2000 and credits his unwavering devotion to God and Jesus as the lifelines which rescued him from the abyss. You can read more details of his incredible journey on Zeph’s web site. This article deals with a subject that needs to be faced squarely by devote and honest Christians everywhere on this planet, but especially here in the United States: the apocalyptic, End Times scenario that is being hammered into the minds and hearts of fundamentalist Christians across this nation is a set up. If you take the time to read a book written by William Bramley called The Gods of Eden, you will find that the same End Times scenario, the same script, and the same cast of characters, has been used before-many times before.
Self satisfied people often respond emotionally (and irrationally) to information that they cannot handle intellectually or objectively because of pre-conditioning (remember the earth used to be”flat” at one time and everyone just knew it to be true). If you possess a fundamentalist perspective and find yourself becoming upset and angry with the information presented below, then you have to honestly question yourself and ask: am I a victim of mind conditioning too? Words cannot harm you and if you cannot consider the merits of a presentation without going banannas, then you have a problem, dear friend, not the author of this article. Remember, truth will always find a way to surface and that which is false cannot sustain itself indefinitely…Ken]
Original title: ‘Christian’ Mind Control
Suffice to say the average person has no idea that they are controlled from cradle to grave. Many Christian end-times mind-controllees believe they are not mind controlled and that the Anti-Christ will seek to mind control them in the future—that their brethren will be deceived, take the microchip and go to Hell.
My own testimony is as such—I was mind controlled by others, and used for spiritual purposes. I was referred to as the “God-mind” since childhood, was too spiritually different to become a child satanist—where children are traumatized, dissociate and are indwelt with the PROGRAM (the entire demonic hierarchy hive-mind), to be raised up in society to lead.
If I was not able to provide “something” (in this case spiritual power, since they had been cut off from God and had no power of their own)—I would have been eliminated, as many are. Suffice to say, God’s gift to me, His plan for me was ingenious.
My programming broke in the year 2000, roughly—though somewhere in my person I always knew my destiny, and was not worried; I had seen the world falsely, and reality was at the fringes of my consciousness…I was oppressed by the world, but not acceptable to the world.
At the pre-appointed time of my healing, the angelic hosts and the Elohim healed me, a fragmented personality—and I realized that I did not even know who I was for most of my life. I remember someone commenting once, “You thought you were this or that…a writer, a filmmaker,” and they laughed, as even that activity was “assigned, controlled, handled, programmed, etc…” In actuality, in the world’s terms, I was nothing—had done nothing, and had no identity of my own. I did not exist, and I was not even here. I came here in 2000, and in an opposite to the occult way, I am very much a “walk-in.” A walk-in is usually a demon who takes over a traumatized vessel. If you want to see a movie-version of this, confirming it for you, see K-Pax, starring Kevin Spacey. Ask yourself this question—if this is an alien who took over the body played by Spacey, then where is the alien’s life-form? That also answers the riddle of the alien situation as well.
I was used, or the power I had within me was accessed, in order to boost the careers of those around me—the power I had within me could do that… always has been the case. Perhaps God gave me that so they would not kill me. Indeed, why kill me if you could make millions off me! They had the information of course wrong…God gave them over to their lusts, and meanwhile protected one of his own. I suspect there are many others like me—indeed, I know some of you will write me, confirming this with your own testimony—thank you in advance!
But all this leads me to expose perhaps the worst mind control program of all—the Christian end times programming.
* * * * *
As soon as the programming broke, I continued my walk with Elohim YHWH, who reminded me of all things—as I am an eternal person, and never actually fragmented in the spirit. Maybe that’s why I let others think what they wanted to.
But others came around and told me I needed to read certain scriptures, guided by them of course, and that I needed to get into church. I was told not to write my novel LAMB, and especially not GLASS BACKWARDS (the ultimate mind-control satire!) until I had been in church and studied the scriptures for a year. Until I had CHANGED.
I TOLD ONE FELLOW: “Obviously I’ve changed… I know all things. I have nothing to learn.”
He just about dropped off his chair, and asked if he could bring ELDERS from his church to sit and talk with me.
I agreed finally to go to the church of his, and of course everything I thought would happen, did happen!
These people who touted Christianity were all satanists. Every single one assigned to me. They just had to SAVE ME with their activities… their love-bomb hugs, their psycho-babble end-times paranoid philosophy. These differ from actually atheistic satanists in that their minds were anything but reasoned, whereas the classic satanist is a man of reason. This is mostly due to the fact that so many in the Christian mind control program had been sexually abused and traumatized as children—and didn’t take to it as the classic satanists did.
Here, in church, I was judged by men, castigated, my life threatened continuously, and finally, when they realized that they could not make me one of “them,” I was cast out. I toured all the churches and the same thing happened again and again. I gave my novel LAMB to a pastor in one church and he came back SCREAMING: “I didn’t kill anybody! You got any names???”
Next thing I knew my vehicle was sabotaged, and I won’t go into the rest of it. Suffice to say I had to leave town because of a book I wrote.
* * * * *
The LORD was within me, and so he could look through my eyes—I was sent to the churches to put them on notice, and to heal many who were deceived and confused… they may never know it was me, but many have since left, and many remained. They just couldn’t get over that I wasn’t conformed to satanism and society. I remained in contact and prayed over them, but most of the leaders refused to change—and were even angry when I told them they served Satan FORMALLY, and had sold their souls in exchange for ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.
They believed that they were saved, and that they would be going to heaven in the Rapture, another mind-control program. And the RAPTURE would begin any day now!
(this cultish theory also breaks up many a fellowship—when the rapture doesn’t happen, everyone turns on each other)
People come and go from eternity all the time—there is no need of a Rapture. Death of the flesh is a rapture, but I have never seen so much fear of death EXCEPT amongst the Westernized, End Times Evangelical Christians.
I have my own interpretation of the scriptures pertaining to this, and much of it is metaphysical, multidimensional, spiritual—not some comic book literalism as many paint it.
I have never seen as much cruelty and abject hatred of humanity except for these who believe in certain dogma, when they come into contact with others who do not. Jesus is of course out the window at that point.
In addition, many of the mind-controlled Christians want 9/10ths of the humans on earth to go to hell, while they say, I TRIED TO WARN ‘EM! God’s going to teach humanity a lesson, they’ll say, mouths drooling when they finally get even with those who hurt them. Again, most Christians are traumatized mind-control victims, and when deemed born again by men, these no longer deal with their personal trauma that brought them to crisis, but they now attack others out there—they project their collective illness onto the world, and anyone who threatens their precious religion, which is the PROGRAMMING ITSELF.
None would pray over those that FALL from grace—instead, they castigate them, attack them, and bear false witness against them to marginalize them.
This is standard operating procedure for satanists, not Christians. That’s why they are referred to, ultimately, as satanists, as they do the bidding of Satan—accusing the brethren and anyone they do not agree with.
I should preface all this by saying that I was healed of past traumas by the Holy Spirit through the power of the Son of God, Yahushua, who has always been with me and is the reason that I was kept out of things. And the ultimate reason for my protection. I praise His Holy Name, which is Yahushua (Yahweh is salvation).
When my “Christian programming” broke—that which caused me to hate and occluded my walk with Yahushua—I received hatred and false witness borne against me by the mind-controlled so-called Christians, of course. I am sure this report will add fuel to the fire, since what I write threatens their true religion, their programming.
The height of my own FALL into this programming occurred late in 2003, when I received a message to end the ZEPH REPORT and to begin the LAMB REPORT. This directive may have been allowed by Yahweh, but at the same time, it allowed programmers (those who perpetrate mind control, and most of this is from spiritual technology and witchcraft) to surround me—those who serve the occult and not Yahweh, two opposite paths, although many mysteries of Yahweh have been labeled (falsely) as occult, which simply means “hidden.”
The height of the programming occurred over my absolute hatred of Mel Gibson’s movie, THE PASSION. Later, I found out that this was a Mind Control program designed of course on all sides to break up the true following of Christ and to distract those on the Path into hatred, divisiveness, and slander toward the Passion, or toward those who were opposed to it. The whole protestant/catholic, catholic-protestant hate control program also plays into this.
I noticed a lot of fellowships breaking up because of this movie, which is not the evil juggernaut that people said it was, but one man’s interpretation of Christ’s Passion… It became a fresh avenue for Catholic bashing and splitting the protestant camp into many factions. The old war was renewed and Satan laughs all the way to the bank.
Many movies that falsely interpreted Yahushua have been made, and man is incapable of perfect accuracy anyway—we each have a bias. And yes, some say that the movie itself was another Mind Control program—that if killing Jesus over and over again, which is pleasing to Satan, or let’s just say this for those who do not believe in a guy named Satan… it’s pleasing to those who hate Jesus, who wish to see him suffer for being separate, which is considered a sin amongst the worlders.
Those who know Satan exists can look at it that way—micro macro… Satan-world, Jesus-eternal Kingdom. Take your pick.
Movies, in general, are used for Mind Control, some more than others—so one must have discernment. At one point, we were saying, in this mind control camp, that if you have seen Gibson’s Passion, you required deliverance, which is of course another way of saying, “All those who went to see Passion are demon possessed,” a surefire way to marginalize or castigate others into oblivion—PURE SATANIC HATRED DISGUISED AS CHRISTIAN LOVE.
That was one example, and of course the End Times programming is even worse, as it demands that people BELIEVE in the End Times interpretation of the Bible and if they don’t, THEN THEY ARE GOING TO HELL.
At this time, I still have no desire to see Passion, but have nothing against those whose soul-path or soul-journey demands that they see it. I’m sure it helps those who need to see it.
I actually plan on seeing it though—a good way to kill the programming regarding this situation once and for all. Halalu Yah. There is nothing out there that is harmful to me anyway—been all around the block on earth, nothing killed me…nothing harmed my soul.
1Co 6:12 All things are lawful for me; but not all things are expedient. All things are lawful for me; but I will not be brought under the power of any.
It was a good thing for me—seeing all this, to see what the Human Condition upon planet earth really is, since I have never really lived here. I am a spiritual sojourner who lives in eternity, who is here for God’s purposes and no other—none that I can see. I look back on the time I spent here and cannot see myself exactly—I can make an argument that I have not been here… but for His purpose, as I cannot see myself any longer in the past. Indeed, I have no idea how I got here…but questioning it further is of no benefit—I just look and marvel and praise God…for He is the author and finisher of our lives, and our faith.
My purpose, given to me by Yah, is to heal others—not divide or hate them.
I had to experience the irony of Christian hatred first hand—and I had to dish it out as I did during the Passion intrigue. Or the New World Order intrigue, or the pedophile intrigue, or the satanic ritual intrigue involving politicians… my goodness we should at least understand that this goes on and that Lucifer does indeed have rulership over the planet—that the reigning world system is his… why do we still marvel?
And thus, now is the time to have pity and compassion upon those who sold their souls for money and fame and power. Yahushua said,
Mat 19:24 And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through a needle’s eye, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.
I had no idea I was serving the dark side! I thought this: I am a bondservant of Jesus Christ, and him alone do I serve.
How many Christians go to the tunnel of light after death? Some say a true believer in Christ will not see that tunnel, but NDE testimonies beg to differ! Going into the tunnel of light is a mistake that will lead a soul into much pain and bondage for a much longer time, though not forever—it is not fatal.
Most of what we do here upon the earth is not fatal, it is all a learning experience for the soul. It’s all about soul-emancipation.
Souls can be healed by miraculous means!
This scripture is a joy:
Joh 16:2 They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the hour cometh, that whosoever killeth you shall think that he offereth service unto God.
Here, Yahushua is talking about MIND CONTROL—look at the world this way… a TEST. Only God can break your programming.
Here is a checklist:
1) Do you hate anyone?
2) Do you feel the overt need to correct others and threaten them with Hell?
3) Are you mind controlled into certain IMPLACCABLE belief systems (and they must be implacable, as religion), such as the Rapture dogma, the New World Order Dogma, and other dogmas tied to time and space… such as various time-tables for the comic book version of the Book of Revelation to come due?
4) Do you constantly need to correct (read that slander, castigate, hate) all the apostates who are deceiving the nations?
5) Do you shun people who do not believe as you do about the world?
6) Do you throw curses in the Name of Jesus?
(Note: this comes under the mind-control programming of “spiritual warfare,” which is often witchcraft disguised. Last summer, I had people trying to bind and cast me out…and even to kill me, those who were supposedly Christian…their god of course would not answer their prayers, and their programming will not allow them to repent. Often, these will justify their throwing death curses by saying that the target threw death curses at them first, a kind of mind-control sandbox mentality.)
7) Is everybody wrong except the few in your circle?
If everyone is wrong, it means that your circle is filled with spooks, psyops! Get a new set of friends and seek the LORD without the group for deliverance. He delivers all who come to Him by the way. Take this report as your healing, and know that GOD IS WITH YOU.
8) Do you replace lack of faith with THEOLOGY.
I.E. put the Bible above God? Or legalism (interpretation) above God? Have you rendered the Bible as idolatry? Do you worship the idea of God and not God directly?
If any of the above are true, then you are mind controlled—and your controllers are probably mind controlled and do not believe that they are controlling you. To find the wolf in your fellowship is nearly impossible, unless his identity is somehow unmasked.
Those who fall victim to Christian mind control are a danger to themselves and others—hatred always leads to harm of others. Many of these are programmed to hate the government, the world, and humanity—seeing themselves above it all, and never admitting wrongdoing. Christian mind control ensures that no one takes responsibility for sin—sin is forgiven, and they cannot sin or be victimized since they have the Holy Spirit. From there, problems can, with the proper stimulus, escalate into full blown mental illness, the goal of Christian mind-control programming.
It is no different than scientology or any other cult—you know them when you see them, most are extremely fear-based, paranoid, and many have MPD as well, though this symptom is largely unreported.
This writing will be rejected of course by those who are mind controlled, and they will have the need to denounce it—which is a blessing to me, since it helps me further in my healing journey.
Healing is ultimately the “I” in a person recognizing the soul within, and God who made the soul. When the “I” realizes that he is not going to be enlightened, that he will never be God, that he is not the master of his destiny, then hopefully, the programming will begin to break, and the humbling process will have begun.
Healing is not necessarily the curing of disease, the avoidance of physical pain, accident or injury—healing is removing occlusions to the soul’s emancipation. When that happens, of course, the scenery changes—never the other way around. We receive patterns of persecution and trauma (just being born into this world is trauma) for the purpose of soul learning, soul healing, soul emancipation. Healing the body may be a bi-product of soul-emancipation or it MAY NOT, since most who are further down the path are in the process of leaving the world, or serving the world (becoming self-less, or ego-less). When you see people in this state, you will realize that they are first godly, and that they come from all walks of life, from all over the world—and are not relegated to this or that social program, such as churchianity, mind-control Christianity, or other programs designed to keep souls in bondage.
Healers also release souls… though this is a mystery.
And yes, healers also heal in the physical realm too… I don’t want to make it seem that it’s all at the soul level. It’s not. For example, I may be used to change things… to change people’s direction. Careers, sure. Health, absolutely. But it’s all subject to the will of the Father…
When I was under their control, God let them use me for their purposes—making more money, skyrocketing to the top of their life-career, while I was failing… no threat… almost laughable, except that I could be used, which as I said, is why I am here today—I was no threat to the satanists who controlled me, I was a blessing to them.
And even to this day, I have no anger toward any human—I am angry, perhaps, at the situation… and do not understand God’s reasoning as to why everything is so painful… war, disease…just the images from the Sudan and Iraq are enough to make me very sad and upset—Why, Father, would you let so much suffering occur?
Yes, I have anger there. I will be changed though, because the Father will change me… I will one day understand, and even if I don’t, one day I will love the one who must hate me or kill me…and love them till my last dying breath, in earnest… that is true healing.
That is the way of Yahushua.
When you see hatred, you have infirmity, lack, poverty…only through the embrace of the Father’s (agape, unconditional, healing) love can we overcome this world and move on.
Here is what Yahweh (God) said through John:
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but have eternal life. For God sent not the Son into the world to judge the world; but that the world should be saved through him. John 3:16-17
And thus, we are not to JUDGE THE WORLD… Yah (God) judges, and vengeance is of God, and Yahushua was sent that the WORLD (cosmos) would be saved through him.
Through Him the world should be saved, as he is God.
We must feel compassion for those who sold their souls, for those who embraced the world—these need prayer, healing… and they do not need us to wish for their punishment, just because they hate us, or wish us harm. They would not feel that way if they drank of the water of life, which is Yahushua.
Zeph E. Daniel
The Illuminati Formula to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Control Slave:
Chapter 10- Using Spiritual Things to Control a PersonBorn Again Brainwashing (June 6, 2005)