Sometimes something odd happens and you just can’t explain it. This could be so called glitch in the matrix. If you support multiverse theory then it could be, that when these multiverses collide there could be glitches. And if these are just stories they sure are interesting to read:
A lot of the time when people think they have had a reality shift / timeline shift or a ‘glitch in the matrix’, what has really happened is that they were abducted by aliens, reptilians or the military. The following are reality shift stories that mostly do not seem to involve abduction, although a few of them might be abductions.
Countries of posters are added in brackets, when known. If no country is mentioned, it is likely the USA. These posts were created in July 2014.
Have you ever experienced a glitch in the matrix? I did. It makes me wonder if we live in a simulation. Yesterday I was going to throw an empty can of coke in the trash then I just went to the kitchen to grab something, when I came back the same can was all full again. It was very shocking and still can’t find explanation for it.
A tree mysteriously appeared by Winehards brewery one day. Full grown.
I’ve also lost a cigarette,i just lit it and was making a gesture with my arms, really wildly I guess. I watched my smoke fly across the kitchen and fall in front of the fridge.
It rolled under right under the middle.
I said oh c—, look at that and went to get it. I looked under while on my knees. But I couldn’t see it. I was given a flashlight from my brother-in-law. It was his house. I was just visiting with my favorite sister.
The flashlight didnt help. All i could see was dust and chunks of old food. I said, Marvin, I can’t find it, it’s not under here, What the hell?
He said okay, and got on his knees but there was not even any SMOKE. He said “I say it got under, it has to be under there, don’t worry I’ll get it.
I was happy when he said that. I couldn’t understand why I couldn’t find it. This was back when I had excellent vision.
He moved that damn fridge. Moved it all the way out into the middle of the kitchen damn floor. Just so you know we NEVER found it. It didn’t jump up or somehow get sent up into the bowels of the underside. There was never any smoke once it rolled underneath that fridge. There was no place for it to somehow jump UP into the workings of that machine. that was plain to see. He couldn’t explain it, and all i could do was apologize and ruminate over it often throughout the years.there was NO WHERE it could have hidden, no cracks in the floor, no pieces of metal for it to hide behind or under, just nothing.
Anyway, I’m SO happy I wasn’t the only one there that day, I had witnesses. That way I don’t break down…and think something was wrong with ME. So I think there was some kind of black hole…maybe a tiny one????
Anyway, several weeks ago the wife and I are driving around Saturday afternoon on our way to Home Depot. In front of us in the right lane is a Jeep Wrangler just rolling down the street. All of a sudden, the entire front end starts to wobble like its made of rubber. I’ve visually never seen anything like it. Quite literally, it looked as if the suspension, tie rods, a-arms were instantly turned into rubber parts. No more than a second or two later all of his components attached to the front axle were normal. As this was taking place the jeep remained on perfect course and the driver never flinched for a second.
I’ve owned 2 different CJs and 1 Wrangler and I can tell what we saw was’t shifting on the fly from 2whd to 4whd.
Thing is… my wife will describe the very same thing! She saw it as well and has no zero explanation as to what took place. One of the most bizarre things I’ve ever witnessed.
My glitch is very weird.
Once I went to the bathroom to take a piss, when I sat, I saw a lot of things that looked like empty medicine blue capsules in my underpants. I can’t imagine where these things came from. I didn’t sat anywhere strange that day and I would never put med capsules inside my underpants. Earlier when I pissed, everything was normal and there wasn’t anything there. So I can’t imagine where this stuff came from. I just took them off. I don’t have any explanation for it though. I am not kidding you, this story is very odd but I am being serious.
I think I had a stupid glitch in the matrix.
When I was 4, my parents took us to a picnic out of town. I wondered off and fell off a 30 feet cliff.
People across the cliff saw me fall and started shouting to attract the attention of my parents. My mum could see the people shouting and pointing but she didn’t know what it was all about since I was sat next to her.
After a few seconds according to my mum they got up and walked towards the cliff. People were shouting and pointing. My mum and dad looked down and they saw me at the bottom of cliff. In confusion my mum looked back but I was not where I was sat a moment ago.
My dad climbed down the cliff half way and jumped down the rest of the way, thereby fracturing both his ankles. He was in hospital and then home for 3 weeks before he could walk again.
As for me? Not a scratch on me. I was just sat on a piece of flat rock crying. According to people I fell 30 feet on to hard rock.
According to my mum, I was sat next to her when people were shouting.
According to my dad who walked towards me with broken ankles to pick me up, there was not a scratch on me.
Mum swears I was sitting down on the picnic blanket when she got up to see what people were shouting about.
As for me. I only remember walking towards the cliff by myself. Next thing I remember I was sitting on a rock and unfamiliar place, crying, not because I was hurt but frightened. I am 55 now.
I was relaxing on the sofa and was falling asleep but not quite asleep, when i saw a green, Matrix code come into my head horizontally, lasted about ten seconds, frightened the life out of me.
Comment on this by another poster:
I’ve seen that quite often in meditation. Looks like a code, but with symbols and ancient writing…. Greenish in color.
I think it’s some sort of energetic encoding…maybe Akashic records?
Original poster (UK) replies:
Wow I am relieved someone else has seen this, the code which was all symbols was all green coming in really fast.
I know this guy from Orlando, named Nikk who almost broked own and cried when he understood i KNEW something was not right, that someone could DO things to our timelines and i swear he almost started crying…said he could SEE the grid, the GRID@!
I haven’t seen it so I didn’t know what he was seeing.
He said he will never EVER forget it.
The grid is REAL!
He could see it and still sees it.
In the area between wake and sleep, I saw both red and green geometric symbols and numbers. They appeared somewhat jumbled in retrospect, but at the time in the “sleep world,” I felt as if I was being downloaded.
Frankly, it did not scare me and I remember being happy and in some odd way “knew” what the symbols and numbers being given me meant. It was a most unusual moment. (Linear time, I estimate, was approximately 10 to 15 seconds.)
This may sound out there, but I had a dog who would disappear and I swear she shifted dimensions or something. She was big too (golden retriever) and would literally be NOWHERE to be found and then a couplehours later she would calmly be lying on the sofa. She did this several times and I never found out where she disappeared to.
I saw the classic glitch , this homeless guy was pushing a shopping cart past my office and 30 seconds later an identical image passed again i ran out and it was just him he said he didnt have a twin brother and that he just now past my place only one time , I never saw him again after that.
I was in the FL panhandle, last summer, lying on my hammock. I saw some popcorn clouds in a mostly clear blue sky, light winds, mid afternoon. Clouds started to appear as if from behind a screen, drift across the sky, then disappear behind another screen on the other side of the sky. I called my dau-in-law out and we both witnessed this for 20 minutes before we went inside.
Yes and so happy to find this thread and share. I went down an escalator from floor 2 to floor 1 when I stepped of the escalator I was standing at the top floor at the escalator as if I had just stepped up to it to go go down it. My mind has a hard time grasping this experience so what I decided is, I had a lifetime glitch and somehow repeated a moment of time.
Comment by webmaster Stephanie Relfe:
Or … There is an underground base that you went to, were abducted, used for your metaphysical abilities, then mind controlled to forget and sent back. What was the building on? Hospital? Military?
(Note: The following sounds more like a miracle than a timeline shift to us):
My uncle D was in his 20’s (hes now about 65); he and his gf at the time were driving in Northern CA at night, up towards the coast. He said his gf was driving and they started to argue about something. She increased her speed causing her to lose control. The car couldnt make the turn and went off of a cliff. It went a good couple hundred feet below before crashing into rocks and catching on fire.
D and his GF stood at the top of the cliff and saw the car impact below. They remember screaming and saying “OH SHIT WE ARE NOT GOING TO MAKE IT” from inside the car and to the next point of stand on the edge watching the car freefall – nothing in between that time.
The rescue unit arrived pretty quickly thinking there had to have been people still in the car because the resident that called it in said they heard the tires screech from breaking as it drifted off the cliff. Long story short, they couldnt believe my uncles story either, but they were unable to explain how it could have happened otherwise and also found them both to be completely sober. She was ticketed for something minor and my grandpa paid to have the totaled car removed.
is not his only experience, but still one of my favorites. He has always said he’s in touch with the spirit world and has surrounded himself with people of similar experience with ‘out of world’ journeys, or visits to different timelines (he would meditate in the redwoods of CA and say he would have out of body experiences with his spirit, going back in time and visit with Native Americans walking around the woods as real as day — pretty eccentric).
He told me about the ‘matrix’ and ‘reptilians’ and the truth about our govt when i was just a kid (early 80’s). – My dad always dismissed him just been born with a slightly different mindset than the rest, but I was always fascinated. It wasn’t until back in my early 20’s did I realize that I too have some kind of intuition and abilities similar to my uncle – thus I began nurturing them.
Back in high school, after I had gotten off the schoolbus, I was walking up the driveway and suddenly tripped over a large and heavy object and I heard the rustling of a thick chain. I turned to see what I had just tripped over to find the driveway was empty of anything.
A neighbor of mine shared an interesting story too.
He was once a funeral driver, he made sure the path was clear for the hearse and the rest of the drivers. He came to an intersection and stopped in the middle. Out of nowhere a woman T-boned him. After a moment he got out of his car and ran over to her. She was bleeding and her head was against the window.
After his anger subsided he decided he needed to get her out of the car. Just before he started he was stopped by what he described as a large, seven foot tall black man in a suit. The man told him not to touch her. The man moved his hand over the car and said,”Help is already on the way”. Looking over the car, my neighbor saw the flashing lights of emergency vehicles coming down the road. He turned to thank the man but he had disappeared. When the rescuers arrived, he asked them where the black man had gone.
The rescuers said that my neighbor was alone on the road as they approached.
A couple of weeks ago I woke up with 3 eggs on my counter. They were all dated April 7. I had just bought eggs the week before & they were all dated April 29. I cooked 4 of them. I live alone & I still have no idea where these other 3 eggs came from. I threw them away as they were past date. I kind of wish I had cracked them open.
Last year I woke up in the middle of the night, and I was complete awake, I saw some lines and some weird symbols, and guys, when i was aware of that presence, I tried to look at it, and when I tried to move my head to see whats there, I felt like something blocked me, I could look down, left or right, but not up, I only saw with the corner eyes, was a bright green, lots of lines, and lots of symbols, freaked me out for 30 minutes, and couldn’t fall asleep, i just stared to them with my corner eyes..
This happened several years ago. I went to the bank to cash in 2 thousand in savings bond. They freaked out when I get there because someone else had just tried to cash the same savings bond with my name on them. But they didn’t cash them because he didn’t have a ID, but I did. This was my neighborhood bank been going for several years.
Same exact amount, same name, same day.
A couple of months ago I was eating m&m’s from a bag and went to get another handful and the bag, which I had eaten half of its contents, was completely sealed and full again.
Freaked me the hell out.
I had baked brownies and let them cool. I cut them into squares. I reached for what was closest to get them out of the pan. It was a large spatula. I started to try and get one out but realized I would just mush them all if I used the spatula. I thought to myself, “I could get these brownies out with this if one brownie was already out.” I set it down and opened the drawer to get a fork to get one brownie out first..
At that moment my son called me from in the garage and asked if he could have the car keys (he was 6). I went into the garage, kicked my son and his friend out of the car and closed the garage door. When I turned the corner to the kitchen, I froze. One brownie was out, sitting neatly beside the pan. I hadn’t even gotten the fork out.
I know two people who said they saw a green grid over everything once!
I was telling my Dad about the sleeping grass that grows on the big Island of Hawaii. I told him it seems consciuos, because when you touch it, it contracts inward towars its spine. He thought it was neat, then we saw it in the movie “Rescue Dawn” one guy touches it and it contracts, so my Dad got to see what I was talking about…too cool if you ask me.
What I like to do is try to manipulate the matrix, but it can result in some unusual things to happening to you.
Mark 11:24: “Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.”
I walked out of my parents’ house with my wife and I saw a man standing in the driveway that looked like he was dressed in 1800’s clothing then he disappeared. It happened so fast that I would have thought I just imagined it except that my wife saw the same thing.
I used to walk my dogs to the same park every afternoon. One day I get to the park and there is a large tree in an odd spot. It’s never been there before. Sort of on the edge of the baseball diamond. It’s a large tree, the ground is not disturbed and it looks like it’s had been there for years.
Next day at the park the tree is gone again.
When I was working in Berkeley: I ordered a smoothie at a smoothie shack and the guy looked at me and said “I already filled that order for you about 10 minutes ago. You want another?”
In the middle of the night I awoke, ostensibly, to use the bathroom. As I was returning to my bedroom I turned. Immediately in front of my eyes — smack dab to the right of me — stood a 3 foot tall leprechaun, complete with bald head (no hat) and green tie, vest, pants, etc. I remember vividly his bald head because even though it was the middle of the night and the hallway was barely lit, the top of his head was shining! He smiled at me and I (raised as a nice parochial school girl — obedient, polite, and compliant) was certain that I had bumped into him or somehow stepped on him and immediately said, “Oh, excuse me!”
Honest to God — I was not under any influences nor did I think it strange to bump into a 3 foot tall leprechaun at 3AM in a darkened hallway in the heartland of America!
It was only after I got back into bed and I put head to pillow did I begin to retrace my trip to and from the bathroom. Reviewing what had happened, I knew that I wasn’t afraid and I started to laugh and giggled for quite a bit.
The leprechaun disappeared the moment I recognized him and has not been seen in my home’s hallway from that moment on! LOL.
Between the above and the matrix green code appearing before me, I think there are consistent and ever expanding glitches in the matrix.
There are numerous posts on various forums about people remembering celebrities dying, who aren’t dead, including Billy Graham, Dolly Partin, Putin’s wife and many more. However, it’s always possible that this was manipulation by the media. If they can get us to doubt our senses, then they can control our minds.
I have seen the green grid. About 7 years ago. When I was “awakened spiritually”. It actually happened on the shitter. I looked to my left and it began at a single point growing to about three feet. I closed my eyes and shook my head and it vanished. Never told a soul.
Another time, maybe off topic, as a small child I woke up in between my older brother and dad. Not wanting to wake them I laid there thinking. The only way to describe these things are “pixels”. First I saw one of these dots floating around the room. The more I concentrated the more dots appeared. After a while there were thousands of them. I was tortured for two years prior to that making me extremely internal so I thought it was all in my head. My brother woke me up and I asked him if he saw it and he said yes. He was in awe when I said “Watch this”.
I started to spin these dots around like a tornado. All of a sudden my dad awoke and the dots vanished.
Driving down my street, I saw a woman walking along the side walk. As I parked my car on the street, she turned the corner and was lost from view.
I went in the house, walked in the living room and pulled up the blinds, and there she was walking down the sidewalk again. In the same spot that I saw her while driving down the road.
Time loop.
The easiest to explain was when I was looped back in time about 6 minutes while in school.
The teacher was reading questions to a test. He had gotten about ten questions in, when suddenly we were back at the beginning of the test. When I realized what was going on, I wrote down all the answers to the questions that he hadn’t asked yet and sat dumbfounded as he asked the exact same questions.
This wasn’t him repeating the questions. I had written down the answers the first time around, and started over with a black sheet of paper.
Then there’s my family tree issues (how many siblings my mother has depends on which timeline I’m in.) But that’s too complicated for my brain to deal with.
Crazy experience, this white car drove past me, older gentleman waving and smiling, about a half block away the car did a full 360 degree turn around without the wheels moving or reversing forwarding or anything, just turned around in place like it was on ice (middle of summer)! He drove back past me slowly waving again then disappeared up the road.
Another incident, a lady in a gold SUV with a dent in the rear passenger door got into her vehicle and put her infant on that side. I was thinking how I wouldn’t want to put my child on the side with the damaged door. After she pulled off, another gold SUV pulled right into the same spot,and had a dent in the SAME door. I had to look twice.
I worked a job where I could listen to the Art Bell show every shift. So I’m listening to the start of a show and it was like, Oh crap. A repeat. And a crappy one.
I remembered it fairly clearly. The guest and all.
So as I’m listening, it turns out that it’s a LIVE show. Absolutely. The whole 4 hour show I remembered as it went along.
But I had totally heard it before.
Remember the scene in the matrix where the same cat walks by twice? I saw the same thing happen to one of my neighbours.
I was walking down the staircase and I saw him walking on the ground, moments later he teleported back and walked the same path again. It was like a movie scene being re-played, some sort of time glitch. I didn’t teleport back to a previous spot just my neighbour did. Really bizarre thing to experience I am still in denial over what I saw.
A few months back, I went to the supermarket right before closing to get a few things and while I was shopping, I had placed a bag of grapes in my basket. Right before I went to check out, I changed my mind about the grapes and made a trip back to the fruit aisle to put it back. Then, I checked out with about ten or so items.
When I got home, not only did I have that bag of grapes in one of my bags, the item wasn’t even on my receipt. Freaked me out.
…. Just remembered another one. One night, I was going out the door with my car/house keys in my hand and grabbed a small bag of garbage to toss into the dumpster. Well, I ended up tossing my keys into the dumpster along with the bag. I heard them fall and then saw them at the bottom.
My son and I spent an hour trying to get them out without having to climb in. We went back and forth in and out of the house, making all kinds of contraptions to try and reach these keys and finally ended up losing sight of the them at some point under the garbage. I was so pissed that I just gave up.
And when I came back in and went back to my room, the keys were sitting right on top of my desk. We still talk about that. It was so weird.
I was 16 and working in one of those shaved ice trailers things. It was a small shack like trailer. The back propped up on cinder blocks.
I was alone as my “manager” went to see his girlfriend.
The entire trailer tilted violently backwards. the equipment shifted and bottles fell. I tumbled backwards and hit the rear door. the door flew open and I fell out of the trailer.
I landed on the ground and looked up thinking I was about to be crushed.
The trailer was fine, not off the cinder blocks like I thought. Nothing wrong with it at all.
I went back inside, on shaking legs and everything was normal. No broken bottles, no shifted equipment… Nothing wrong or out of place at all.
Weirdest thing that’s ever happened to me.
I was shopping and running errands. Two different people at different places said hi to me, and said how odd it was to see me after just having talked a few minutes ago somewhere else. I had been to neither place that I was apparently seen, nor had I had conversations with other customers as these two people indicated had happened.
Driving home alone from my brother’s house, I called my husband saying I was on my way. It’s about a 35 minute drive, it was dark out, I hate driving alone at night. I hung up the phone, and looked up and I was at my exit! When I walked in I said didn’t I just call you? He said yes, how did you get here so fast?
Once I saw the dog of my cousin disappear in front of my eyes as I watched him. He was playing with another dogs in my cousin’s garden, then it simply dematerialized. It vanished into thin air.
The other dogs were even trying to look for him, sniffing his scent.
Me and my cousin were pale and almost passed out from shock. From that day I am 100% sure we live in a matrix, and I know such glitches happen all the time.
I have experienced several glitches but there is only one that I can 100% say could have been nothing else.
I was sitting in front of a cigar shop and looking up at the gorgeous day we were having in the Carolinas. From where I was sitting, I could see the entire sky just about, with no buildings to obstruct the distance of the soft cloudless blue. Not a cloud for miles. And I saw an airplane flying from my right. It was slow, it would’ve taken it about 70 seconds or more to cross from one side of my vision to the other, but just as it hit the half way mark, I saw an attractive women and glanced at her as she walked by and when I looked back up, the plane was gone.
It was impossible for it to have flown all the way by in that one second i looked away. Just then. a plane came into my vision once again, appearing from the far right side.
This plane, flew all the way till it was out of sight, taking about 90 seconds. I even tested myself by glancing away for a moment when it was half way through its path and looked back and it was still their flying just as slow as the other plane.
I told someone about it and they just didn’t seem to fathom it. If they had been there watching it with me, they would have tried to rationalize that all day, getting nowhere.
It’s just a reminder about the nature of this reality.
I think they happen more along geological fault lines, like in Greenland they sit atop 3 major fault lines and they all converg in Greenland . the majority of Greenland’s people have had numerous almost daily glitch type scenerios .
It happened to me a few weeks ago, I drove by a building that was gone and I was shocked that it had been torn down in such a short time. I drove past it an hour later and it was back. It was the freakiest thing I’ve ever seen.
I had to drive in the afternoon for half an hour to get to the high school. For the majority of the way, it’s one lane, no passing. So I’m following this pickup truck pulling a broken down, cream-colored jeep on his trailer. He’s just doing under the speed limit.
I’m not in a hurry so I just drive and concentrate on other thoughts until we can separate and I can turn north. He went west. I could drive faster now!
So I drove for another ten minutes and what do you know? I came upon that same truck and cream-colored jeep way up ahead of me, puttering along. There was no other road he could have taken to get in front of me.none.
There is just NO WAY this same truck could have gotten in front of me.
Back in around 93-94 I was visiting friends 135 miles away in a big city. I had a few drinks and decided time to go since everybody seemed to be leaving the gathering.
I begin the drive with daylight for home and the last thing I recall was passing a semi truck on the 4 lane not more than 20 minutes from departure.
It was like driving into total blackness as the scene faded away. Next thing I was driving out of the darkness into the night time with trees and road and me back in control and not more than 2/10th a mile from my house in the country.
I went wow as I came in the yard and was absolutely perplexed as to what just happened. That coming out of the darkness into the familiar street to my place was just too weird and I knew this wasn’t right.
I grabbed my stuff from in the car and walked into the house thinking this is strange.
Next day I wake and recall the night before and run out to check the car all around for any damage or scratches. Nothing, tires all good, no dents, no scrapes nothing.
Something opened up and swallowed me and that car, then opened at the other end and I drove out and back into the reality I was familiar with.
I don’t recall time but it was light out entering and dark out when exiting.
My sister and I and her husband who was driving were coming down our rural road on a slightly over cast day and I was in the back seat looking at everything out the right side window and as we passed the school across the road from my house, there was no one out there since it was summer vacation and the weekend. No cars, no people no anything moving.
We get in my driveway and my sister lets my dog out and he immediately runs for the road and I am yelling for him to stop but he has his ears shut off and there on the other side of the road is a woman walking a small dog with a kid.
There is absolutely no way anyone was on that road either direction walking a dog with a small kid but there they were and so was my dog running over to check out the mutt.
I am calling this nut case to get back here and the woman from out of nowhere stopped with her dog and kid as the two dogs checked each other out.
>Finally my dog turns to come back and a speeding car comes down the road and you know whats about to happen now. My dog is in front of that car with its brakes skidding and my dogs body brushes the front bumper of that car and his eyes are popping out a his head as he makes back in the yard alive.
I ask my sister why she let the dog out and she says there was no one on the road or around and she thought it was safe to let him out. She again said there was no one on the road anywhere just like I had seen no one on the road when we pulled into my drive.
Just a couple weeks ago. Was driving back home after taking my dog for a walk in the woods. We were driving along a stretch of road (that went through a large field; no trees, no houses, nothing) with no turnoffs, driveways, intersections, or anything like that.
A red car came tearing down the road behind us. I saw it gaining behind me, looked back at the road in front of me, then looked at the mirror again and the car was gone.
Like I said above – no place he could have turned off, and this happened too fast for him to of pulled a U-turn. He simply vanished into thin air.
Freaked me out for a couple days afterwards. Must have hit 88 MPH.
A few years back, I think I popped out of it for a while. I was working, not feeling too good, and walking to a property to do a delivery. I was vaguely aware of a few crows feeding on some grass off to my left did the delivery, then walking back to my vehicle I cut across that same grass as a shortcut, right through that feeding bunch of crows, who didn’t even notice I was there. I could have reached down and stroked them basically.
Sat back in my car and thought, ‘!@#! that was odd’. Normally you cant get within ten yards of crows.
Yes, was stargazing one clear (substance free) night and could see a very faint, hexagonal grid pattern across the sky that was visible for 4-5 seconds, disappeared after shaking my head & rubbing my eyes in disbelief. Each hexagon was roughly the size of my palm at arms length. I have also seen lights appear and vanish on hillsides that I know for a fact didn’t have people trekking/camping on. The local Aborigines call them “Min Min Lights”
(From same poster):
I am a high school teacher. A few months ago in one of my classes something perplexing happened: First of all, we are on block scheduling in the school where I teach. That means that we have periods 1-4 on one day, and 5-8 on the second day, always rotates like that . So the students I saw on that day I hadn’t seen since Monday.
However, when the students in my second class began showing up, I felt like I had just seen them yesterday. I don’t think I said anything, but when the children from my 3rd class began showing up, one boy walked in and said, “I feel like I was just in here.” I told him I’d felt the same way. Then another student walked in, unaware of the first student’s remark, and she said, “I feel like I just had this class.”
The first student and I were sort of mystified at that point. Then, another student walked in and said, “I feel like I haven’t had this class forever.” Well, that was odd. It was odd that he felt the opposite of what three of us were feeling, but perhaps more so that so many of us seemed to feel displaced in time.
Then, another student walked in, stopped suddenly, and said, “Something feels different in this room.” (Now, not to dampen the intrigue, but he had missed the previous two classes and during that time I had some new things up on one of the walls.) I then exclaimed, “What is going on…” and proceeded to review all the strange comments. One of the students replied suddenly, “We might all be dead!” Of course, that was hilarious, but it was still intriguing.
Once I left a big cake in the fridge and it vanished. I lived alone and nobody came in my house that day. I still can’t explain it.
I get them a lot when driving. Just two days ago I was driving along with a motorcycle in front of me. He crosses to the right lane and cuts off a car then makes a right turn. Two blocks up and I pass him again he is still in the left lane.
Almost the same senario with this lawn mowing company truck. It’s going all slow so I pass it as it turns off to a side street. Then a few blocks up I get stuck behind the same guy. It reminds me of The Truman Show, where the same cars are going around the block creating the illusion of traffic. Just have to pay attention to see it.
I get a lot of glitches when I am driving. Once me and my mother were in the car and there was a motorcycle in front of us. Then it vanished into thin air. We just looked at each other freaking scared.
But with time you get used with these weird glitches, and they don’t even surprise you anymore.
A close friend of mine went to his brother’s house once and saw a cat run across the room and then sort of vanish into thin air.
His brother seemed startled and my friend remarked to his brother that he didn’t know he had a cat.
His brother, a little bit in shock, told him he didn’t own a cat and had no idea where the cat came from and couldn’t explain how it just disappeared.
It creeped my friend out so much that to this day my friend doesn’t like to talk about it.
I was sitting in my yard which faced a state highway. I saw a woman wearing yellow pass on an old fashioned looking bicycle, she looked out of another era, and sat on the bike very straight, pedaling slowly. My husband and I watched her pass, looked at each other and said, “That was weird.”
And a couple minutes later she passed again in the same direction. There was no way she went around the block, because the “block” in that rural area was miles long.
Once, I lost the keys of my bedroom and I was looking all around the house for them. I remember locking the door of my bedroom earlier and putting the keys in my pocket. I didn’t go out that day. After searching for hours for my keys I gave up. Then I asked my brother to help to open my door. When we opened the door, the keys were in the other side of the door lock.
It was quite shocking. It had to be a glitch in the matrix.
We were driving down a fairly busy four lane divided road here in town. My daughter turns 16 in a couple of months and we were talking “trucks”. She wants an older 4X4 (gotta love her lol). So anyway, we’re cruising along and this old dark green Chevy short bed was just slightly ahead of us and turned left. My daughter commented “Something like that, but without the gold doors”. The truck was dark green, but had gold doors. It also had a US flag clipped to the passenger window.
Where the driver turned left, there is a smaller outdoor shopping center, it’s about 5 or 6 blocks in length. After the shopping center, we came to a stop light and as we were stopping, I noticed off to my left, an older dark green Chevy truck with gold doors and a US flag coming towards the intersection!
After the driver turned left, we never stopped. It was again, only about 5 or 6 blocks and we were traveling at 45 MPH. There is no way in hell the other driver could have turned left, driven two blocks to get behind the shopping center, turn right, travel the same distance we did and turn back to the right again. Not in that short amount of time.
It was a pretty weird feeling.
Well I had my first true glitch today…At least one that I know was real…
I was out shopping…As I was walking through the store a man just appeared out of no where in front of me…It startled both of us…I looked away for just a second and when I looked back he was gone!…A couple were walking toward me when this happened and were ghost white…The man said I saw that…We just looked at each other for a few seconds…In disbelief of what happened…
I was told by a family member who works in a smoke shop and she said a cigar appeared on a corner of the counter she was standing at just moments before. It was still in its wrapping but had dust on it like it was sitting for a long time. She asked some guys who were working in the shop if they put that cigar there and they said no.
She goes on to tell me how some time before she bought a pack of cigs and rung it up, then set the cigs on the counter next to her register and when she went for the pack of cigs, they were gone.
She looked all over for them and called observations and asked them to review their security surveillance footage and see what happened. they said okay, and will call her back.
Security calls her back and said they viewed the footage and saw her ring the sale and place the pack of cigs down on the counter and then they were gone.
She said this has happened twice to her after buying a pack of cigs with surveillance saying the same thing both times.
a glitch today, actually my first one ever.
I was walking out the door (half way out) and out of my peripheral vision, I noticed that my furniture disappeared. I got a WTF moment and looked quickly over at it, and it appeared instantly. It made a small chirp sound when it appeared.
Sounds crazy, I know but it happened.
I remember opening the front door and the moon suddenly rose in the sky like that hot air balloon in “Ai”. You know the scene when they are capturing the machines for the “flesh fair”? The hot air balloon looks like a moon rising cause it’s white. The moon rose fast like that. Like oops we missed our cue, she opened the door before we could get it in place.
When the moon rose, it even made the “Dolby Stereo” sound that happens at the beginning of movies. That tone that starts off low and gets louder as the pitch goes higher.
I used to drive down this road, and it would go to a community college. And then one day I drove down the road, and it DIDN’T GO TO THE COMMUNITY COLLEGE ANYMORE.
And it turned out, now there was a different road and you had to turn on it, and the other road now went to the community college.
I was like… Ok, here’s proof I’ve totally warped to a parallel dimension.
I remember, as a passenger in my parents’ car when I was younger, stuff like this: We are sitting at an intersection and have a choice to turn one direction or another. We turn whatever way we decided to go, but as we drove away from the intersection I could see myself going down the other direction and slowly kind of fade away.
I had been on a half-dinner break from work and was walking back when everything – reality – warped. Like someone crumbled a paper and then it popped back to normal again. When I walked back into work, everyone was puzzled and wondered #@#! just happened?! Then we noticed that the time was now 15 minutes BEFORE I had left.
I grew up with a guy named Jeremy, and he lived across the street from my aunt. He developed a major drug habit in high school, went to rehab and got well. A few years later he relapsed, overdosed and died. I vividly recall my aunt going to his mother’s house, trying to comfort her. Not only do I remember it, my brother also remembers him dying.
A few months ago my brother and I were talking. He had recently moved back to our home town and had run into Jeremy at the grocery store. He was telling me how freaked out he was, seeing a dead guy and all. I swear, that is a true story.
Also have houses in my neighborhood that change color on occassion, these changes happen suddenly with no evidence of painting going on,this is one way I can tell when I’ve switched timelines.
This happened to the webmasters of this website, Michael & Stephanie Relfe:
We lived in Melbourne Australia for a year. Every afternoon I, Stephanie, would drive to the back of the train station to pick up Michael from work. I would park at the top of an area of raised road, facing the back. In front, nothing except a road, empty lot on the left, footpath and ramp to the train station on the right. Did that for weeks.
Then, one day, I see a red bus stop, complete with bench and roof in front of me. I think, “Oh, that’s new”. But I go to check it – it’s OLD – even got graffiti and chewing gum on it.
When Michael gets in the car, he commented on the new bus stop – realized that there we must have jumped timelines.
I’ll never forget what I saw, as a little girl of 8 years old. I was playing out by my grandpa’s barn, when something like a “doorway” just appeared in the side of the hill. I knew there was NO opening there, but as I looked into it, it was beautiful…. clear, bright, gorgeous colors, clouds, hills, flowers, etc. Just as I took a couple of steps toward it, something seemed to grab me and pull me backwards… I don’t know WHO or WHAT… but I landed hard on the ground – on my butt. LOL
When I looked up at where the “opening” had been… it was GONE. I never told anyone about that, because I knew I’d be laughed at.
Funny, a few days ago I was reading about a missing child, and that memory suddenly came flooding back to me. I found myself wondering how many naive children might actually become a “victim” of that same phenomenon ??? I’ve always thought that I had a guardian angel working over-time in my life… but maybe some kids (or adults) are way too curious, and not as lucky as I was.
About a month ago I was walking home from a friends that’s like 7 blocks from my house and I have done this same routine so many times for like 10 years. But while I was walking I kept realizing I wasn’t really moving I kept passing the same car on my left it felt like but I couldn’t get to the next street. I actually convinced myself I was dead at some point but I turned around and walked one block back turned left and was able to make it to my house from the next street over. It was the weirdest thing I’ve ever experienced. I was completely sober as well.
A few years ago I went out to CA to take some courses. The first year I stayed in the City but I got on the BART and looked around a lot too. I came to like Berkeley a lot so I’d go there sometimes on the weekends to shop and walk around. There’s this hardware shop just off Telegraph that I found when I went there one day when I was out walking. It was my first time in that part of Berkeley actually. I stopped there to look at something in the window.
I was wearing your typical jeans and t-shirt outfit. It was May and it was warm. As I looked into the window something happened though. I got this feeling of pressure and in the window my reflection changed. One second I was there 30 something in jeans and that and the next I was about 16. I was blond, had iron straight hair and I was wearing a crochet dress, cap, and tall boots that were definitely 60’s and had 60’s makeup.
I looked like “me” but it was like it was not me, and the other stuff in the glass, the reflections of the cars and that, they changed too, to cars that were typical of that era. It only lasted for maybe 45 seconds then again, I felt that feeling of pressure and I was dressed normally and older again. It was the oddest thing.
It was like I had time shifted back to like 1963 or something. The clothes they were more early 60’s than late, and they were definite from a time before I was actually born. That was my first time in CA, and I’d never been to that particular part of Berkeley until that time and yet, as I walked around that day I felt like I knew the place, and knew it well. I suppose it was just Deja Vu and maybe my imagination? But it totally felt like something out of the X-files for a minute there. Like a time slip or maybe a past life or something?
I remember when I was about 12 years old(now 21), I saw a commercial on Fuse TV for the release of a new album for a band I was into at the time. The band is named “Blindside”, and the album I am talking about is called “The Great Depression”. What happened on the commercial was a preview of a music video for their single, namely “The Great Depression”, and the announcer talking about the release of the album in the next few weeks. It’s safe to say that I was extremely excited about it coming out, so I went and told my friends about it the next day, and we waited for the day noted on the commercial to get the CD.
Nothing happened. We passed it off as being pushed back maybe a week or so. We waited, nothing. I looked it up on the Internet, and there was NOTHING about them even thinking about making a new album in the next few months, or even that year for that matter, but I knew what I saw. I checked on this weekly for about 2 months, but nothing ever came up.
Fast forward 6-7 months later, and I saw the same commercial on the same channel. I looked at the date, waited, and it actually came out on time.
The last digit of my cell phone number changed two weeks ago.I think it was a timeline shift.
Two men who do painting on my Mom’s house, and other odd jobs, I know well, Ben and his Dad. I’ve worked with them a couple times. They both like their green, as do I.
One day, after smoking, I pulled out a cigarette, and offered one to each of them. They declined, and Ben told me the story of his Mom’s battle with cancer.
Flash forward to about a year ago. Same set of circumstances. When done I pulled out my cigarettes, this time they both took one!
I didn’t say anything, and waited for the story about Ben’s Mom. Well, the story changes, the two had gotten a divorce many years before, and no cancer survival story.
This is 100% how it all went down so I quickly want to get every detail. I walked into Walgreens. Got my usual a couple sweets (on sale) and a gallon of 2% milk. As I’m walking down the aisle my beef jerky I had in my hands from that aisle dropped and I had to pick them up.
Upon standing back up again I saw this guy and said, “Hey, hey! What’s up Brian? How you been man?!”
He’s like “Good, good. Same-oh. Trying to stay out of trouble…you know how that is.” We both laugh.
I ask him “So I hear that your littlest is in school now?” He replied “Yep, that she is. She’s helluva smart too!”
I told him “We gotta catch up like this more often man!”
Me and the dude both shake our heads and quickly veer to the opposite ends of the aisles and on our way to the checkout lane lol.
I get out though. As soon as I left those doors, soon as the electric doors to the Walgreens opened I started crying, just snivelling though.
It happened for a half block, uncontrollably. I felt like I knew everything about this person and he knew everything about me and I felt this sense of All-Knowing or something.
However, I didn’t know the guy nor did he apparently know me lol.
Question: Was his name really Brian? I assume you both knew each other well in past lives – that explains the feeling of familiarity – but does not explain how you knew about his children. How did the conversation go so that you found out that you did not, in fact, know him?
Answer: LOL. When we both got bug eyed as we shook our heads lol and veered far away from each other LOL.
Then there was only one checker and he got in line first. He looked at me like he had seen a ghost lol. NOT saying by that comment, it’s just how it looked.
And I have really no idea if his name was Brian or not.
Posted around 5/1/15
Had the absolute scariest and strangest thing happen to me other day like i went back in time. Still scared and cant get over it…
I have been coming to glp for about a year now reading threads but have never posted anything, but something happened to me the other day so bizzare I felt like I had to post this and see if anyone else has experienced something like this ever as well.
This past Wednesday I had a Dr. appt at 8:30 AM. I woke up late, took a shower got ready and was about to leave at 8:25 for the appointment. This Dr. is about twenty minutes away so I called up and said i was running late and I would be there at about 8:45. The receptionist told me that he was booked back to back to back all morning and may not be able to see me if I came in that late for the appt. So I asked her if I could reschedule the appointment for as soon as possible. She told me to come in at 1:30 PM that day because someone had cancelled so I said Ok and hung up the phone.
For the rest of the day I really had nothing to do so I was at home just cleaning and doing chores. So at 1 PM I left for the appointment at 1:30 that I had rescheduled and like I said the dr. is about twenty minutes away. When I left my house I looked at the clock in my house and it was exactly 1 PM.
So I get in my car and about ten minutes into my drive I glanced down at the car clock and it read 9:24 AM. I drive this car every day and the clock is always set to the right time. So i was like what the hell? I then proceed to look at my cell phone and it also says 9:24 AM. I now start to freak out and almost hyperventilate because I have no idea what just happened. When I get to the doctors office I sign in and the receptionist said your an hour and half late for your appointment its 9:30 AM and your appt was at 8:30, but Ill let him know you are here and he can probably squeeze you in in a few minutes.. At this point I am seriously frightened and freaking out but I do not say anything to her about this. So I see the dr. then go on with the rest of my day after this had happened….
I have not told anyone about this and do not know what to make of what happened this past Wednesday. It was the most insane, scary, bizzare thing that has ever happened to me and I cannot get over what happened. Has anyone else had this happen to them? I dont know what to do or what to make of this… it is very scary to me
The Fiber Optic Theory of Reality
Reality Shift – End up at the Same Place Twice
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