Human cloned soldiers & synthetic people etc.

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Great article about human clones and sythetic people check it out:

Azerbaijan Flaunts Human Cloned Soldiers For The World To See???!!! See Them For Yourself!!

1.  From

OMG, it’s not just China; Azerbaijan flaunts human clone soldiers too. I wonder how many nations have them, and what the quantities are.

2.  Whoa!  When I saw this sentence and accompanying pic, I became intrigued.  Too many of these guys look too similar… same height even… I thought to myself, is it possible, this is true, that they not only have cloned soldiers but they are FLAUNTING them too… hmmm…..

3. So I pulled up a few pics:

Again… men who look eerily similar… some of them look like NEARLY EXACT carbon copies of each other… rather than me make little arrows in each pic, and point out the exact copies… why not develop your own ability to discern, and look at these pics… and see for yourself….


4.  If you find this information shocking, that is probably because you have not read Hatonn or the Phoenix Journals… folks, humans have been cloned for a long time on this planet… and is especially used in areas of politics, celebrities, and what it looks like… now military…

Clones and Cloning Pt 3 – Commander Hatonn explains

Clones and Cloning: History and Purpose, from earliest days in Africa through Hitler’s Master Race to political cloning today. Pt 3 – Commander Hatonn explains.

hatonn: doubles, robotoids and replicas – Four Winds 10…/cloning/news.php?q…

Jun 5, 2014 – The Cloning of Man, or I Wonder Who’s Kissinger Now? … You see, I,Hatonn, care not in the least whether or not you believe me nor if you …

message from creator god aton/hatonn – Four Winds 10…/news.php?q…

Jun 1, 2012 – June 1, 2012Anne:Good evening, Hatonn, this is Anne speaking to you. … other than the praise they would get from their clone generals and …

Indian in the machine – ARE US PRESIDENTS CLONED?

shhhhh don’t tell the public the truth about human cloning….or the truth about anything …. –Hatonn. Dieter Braun writes: Let’s have an ongoing examination of the …

SHOCK THE WORLD: ARE US PRESIDENTS CLONED ……/shock-the-world-are-us-pre…

Jun 29, 2009 – This entry was posted in Uncategorized and tagged age aging office,hatonn cloning indian in the machine bush clinton paul mccartney united …

GALACTIC WISDOM | Hatonn Speaks The Truth….about …

Feb 15, 2013 – Hatonn: We cannot interfere with the freewill of the evil ones, and those that will not listen to our calls for communication. The clones (about 80 …

The Best of Times: The Worst of Times – Page 78 – Google Books Result

The Worst of Times Gyeorgos C. HatonnCLONING AND POSSIBILITIES To you who wish to deny the possibilities of robotics, replicas and DNA …

New Series 68: More on “human cloning” – The Age of ……/…

Nov 16, 2011 – New Series 68: More on “human cloning“. 10/21/11 from HATONN/jonur (ns68). Good afternoon; Jonur, let us quickly complete the ..


Check out the Phoenix Journals:

“These Journals are the words of Truth which God promised he would send forth at the endtimes to give man one last chance to choose Truth over the Lie. “The PHOENIX JOURNALS are directed and given forth from the higher brotherhood sent forth as the Hosts for the preparation of this time of cycles when this civilization will make transition into higher understanding or return to the ages of darkness.” —Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn

Note: The only known source of the published paper-back copies of the Phoenix Journals is Phoenix Source Distributors, and the Phoenix Journals are now available for $6.00 per copy. Call 1-800-800-5565 for more information. To download and print out the PDF files from our site, either click on the “Download” link to download a zip file of the journal or right-click on the “View PDF File” link and choose “save as” or “save target as” to download that journal to your hard drive.

The number of pages in each journal is listed below the cover picture. The number listed in parenthesis is the actual number of 8.5 x 11 sheets of paper it would take to print that journal. There are a total of 13,760 (8.5 x 11) pages in all 115 journals. If you choose to download all the Journals, they will take up approximately 1.5 gigabytes of hard drive space.”

First Journals To Read
235727 & 47
Tangled Web Series 
4344454648495051 & 52
Relative Connection Series 
737475 & 76
Birthing The Phoenix Series 
222223224 & 225
Rise Of Antichrist Series 
227228229 & 230
Banned Phoenix Journals
223031323334353637 & 47

Indian in the machine


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2 thoughts on “Human cloned soldiers & synthetic people etc.”

  1. Thank you for your kind comments. Maybe you should research more things about clones and synthetics.


  2. u fookin retarded just bcoz they were the same clothes aint mean they clones

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