Interview with Rabbi Abe Finkelstein about Jewish control of the world

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I just found this interview on the net and it was pretty mind blowing how these monsters have told and are telling all the things before they do it, because all the other people in the world are in sleep. They count on that we don’t care and that they can take this world without anyone noticing.

Here some most disgusting things in this interview:

“Hey, we ARE god’s chosen people. Its just most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer.”
(Rabbi Abe Finkelstein)

“You know, us, Jews, we’re pretty smart guys. I know that actually we’ll get all the rest of their countries around the world. They’ll wipe each other out. Because us, Jews – we are SPECIAL. We are the chosen people. And we are the smartest people in the world and have always said, down through the ages – we want a world of our own.

And we’re gonna get it, and there’s nothing any of the goyim cattle are gonna do to stop us.”
(Rabbi Abe Finkelstein)


“And ah, you know we are, I know you know, cause I’ve got it on your show before, I mean we steal a hundred to three hundred thousand children a year just in this country. And we drain the blood and we mix it with a Passover bread, and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburgers.

McDonald’s is one of our favorite outlets, and the, the people that eat out for breakfast, they [unintelligible, like “eat out their”] children for lunch, and, you know, us Jews, we’ve got to do what we do.”

(Rabbi Abe Finkelstein)

OKLAHOMA CITY – First McDonald’s was under fire for horse-meat, then mysterious “Pink slime”, and now human meat? A shocking discovery has been made in an Oklahoma City McDonald’s meat factory and other McDonald’s meat factories nationwide. Meat inspectors reportedly found human meat, stored in the meat factory freezers of an Oklahoma City meat factory…


So here’s the introduction, video and links…. this is just horrible:

This could be the most mind shattering thing you have ever heard of. If this won’t blow your mind, nothing will, or you don’t have anything to blow, just as ZioNazis openly state it about “goyim” – non-“Jews”.

An audio recording of an interview with Chabad Lubavich Rabbi Finkelstein outlining the doctrine of ZioNazis and their “father”, Lucifer.

According to Finkelstein, you are nothing but a cattle to be slaughtered and sacrificed to their “god”, Lucifer, and milked by “god chosen people” for all you have as long as you last.

This is an outline of what they call the “NWO” nowadays – a ZioNazi Luciferian doctrine of world domination and world takeover. The authority with which rabbi Finkelstein speaks is quite something indeed. He speaks as though he knows it all in and out, down to the last dot and comma.

Basically, it outlines their entire doctrine of evil most profound, world domination, parasitism unlimited, wars and revolutions, puppet governments and how they are controlled, ritual sacrifice of hundreds of thousand of children each year and the rest of it. This is pretty much their entire doctrine. Nothing much to be added to it. And it is pronounced clearly by someone of ultimate authority, pretty much clear on its face value.

Finkelstein is quite casual in this interview and tells it all bluntly, in a semi-humorous manner how “goyim” (non-Jews) are being exploited and destroy each other during all the wars and revolutions staged and managed by “god chosen people”.

“Rabbi Finkelstein amazingly gives honest answers about world Jewry’s control of banking, media and governments, their creation of communism, their founding of the Jesuits, their holocaust hoax, their human sacrifice rituals and many more jaw-dropping subjects. I find the only things more shocking than Rabbi Finkelstein’s blunt admissions are his complete callous disregard and playful disdain for us lowly “goyim.” What do you guys think of this?”

Here’s the video:

Here’s the content of the interview if you want to check details:

And if you want to listen the interview it’s here:


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2 thoughts on “Interview with Rabbi Abe Finkelstein about Jewish control of the world”

  1. Hi, and thank you for your reply. I am not sure, but maybe you could check the source and download it from there.


  2. Hi there,

    I’d like access to this audio for myself. Would it be possible to get access to it? Or how can i download it?

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