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If you don’t know about Donald Marshall info. Now is the last chance to find out. Here is a starter pack and more you can find >> here

The linchpin to Donald Marshall’s eyewitness testimonies. If you are new to Donald Marshall’s testimonies or you are struggling to accept them, or do not know where to start: click “See More” on this post below and start reading -and hopefully it should give you some idea of the level of cognitive dissonance one has to go through in order to understand all that Marshall speaks of. Which really just reduces to highly advanced science and technology, hidden and secret. Once you get pass the cognitive dissonance, you are going to see that cloning, conscious transfer, mind uploading, mind downloading, the soulstone microchip, is heavily referenced in many areas of life -and it is like an exclusive wink-wink joke, which is hinted at, but not discussed openly that only some have been privy to. Well thanks to a very brave whistleblower named Donald Marshall we now understand all these off-hand comments.

Read Donald Marshall’s book on REM driven cloning which should help one understand the full scale of science and technology, as well as the drip feed disclosure articles which reference them, as well as, help one to understand the off-hand comments we hear public figures make:…
Once you are done reading Marshall’s book go and find Marshall on FB and start reading his timeline and all the corroborating articles from March 2012 -it will help with your understanding:

I thought I’d share a conversation I am having with a friend, who is now asking me so many questions about Don. I’ve reached the point where this is topic is the most obvious thing in the world to me. However, speaking to my friend, I realise that there are a lot of difficult concepts to grasp, so far as: who Donald Marshall is; The Illuminati; The people in the Illuminati and how the world is currently operating; cloning centers; and REM driven cloning. He is very smart, and intelligent, one of the smartest persons I know, and if he is struggling to understand these concepts, that tells me the deception is grand. My aim here is to present my experience of how I came to know everything Donald Marshall discloses is in fact of life, and if by sharing this it resonates with you, or you believe that this post will help your friends to understand this topic better –please share it.

“All it is: is science and technology. Throw in, reverse, reverse psychology in the mix and there you have it. Psychology plays a huge part in this deception too. Deceptions within deceptions. I don’t understand why you’re asking me questions after questions? Lol. I know these are all facts. You only have to look at the transhumanist agenda, and considered advancements in technology. Start listening to your heart more, -the heart has the ability to receive precognition about a future event than the mind much faster than the brain. Don’t get caught up in the mind. Follow where the data takes you, and if you have to re-evaluate and reassess what life has taught you so far –then do this. It is the only way you’ll get a firm grasp of this…

It’s science and technology, as far advanced as 3000 years compared to what we are using. Just science and tech. That’s all it is. This kinda reminds me of when dad was in Philippines back in the 70s and he was trying to explain that he wanted to watch the Mohammed Ali fight, on television, and they didn’t have televisions… and he was saying that the people would be displayed in a box size, and you could see how the fight was going on, although they were across the other side of the world… Lol.

Science and technology and 50 levels of cognitive dissonance. Also the questions which you are left with, why don’t you research it yourself… you’re supposed to have lots of questions… but it is better if you come to your own conclusions. I’m no way in the slightest trying to influence your thinking or judgments. However, it helps me understand why people are struggling with this as well as how grand the deception is.

I mean you can take Marshall out of the equation. Look at all the references, and the conclusion you’ll still be left with is that they are cloning people and they do have all this technology.
“When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth” -Sherlock Holmes

Nah I can’t be pissed at you for this. As I’ve said I appreciate your views, because it really helps me see what people are going through. I guess this topic is not that easy for people to understand. Goodness knows why I found it so easy to understand.

But the thing is doing, my dissertation I realised plenty of advanced tech, was being withheld. That really did not make sense to me. There are patents for things like “the soul-stone microchip” -which has the capability to record consciousness -I just kept asking myself questions, and questions, and questions and I went through all that sceptical phase… then I went to the transhumanist phase… they said oh in 15 years from now we’ll be able to download consciousness to a computer, or robot (they never say “clone”. Ever.).

And I was just like something does not add up here… 15 years…. -something is wrong if one consider Moore’s Law… we should have wayyyyy more advanced tech if we consider Moore’s law… and at this point of my research I had evidence that they are withholding tech… So what’s going on…??

Well at first the transhumanist agenda seemed like rubbish to me… I mean seriously, downloading your brain to a computer living on as a robot and all that jazz… nah… wasn’t working for me -but then I “caught myself” -realised my ego was getting in the way. By the way: Thomas Campbell the theoretical physicist said In order to have breakthroughs you must be open minded sceptical and optimistic. You can be sceptical, but at the same time, you have to be open to new possibilities outside the realm of your current thinking (so I said ok fine -even though I was hugely sceptical) – I wouldn’t say I was that optimistic -a little bit, was more sceptical than anything -but told myself I’ll be a little optimistic because I could learn something new… whether there is more to be gained from the transhumanist agenda; there is nothing to be gained; or just a little to be gained… I’d learn something new…

So I started with the possibility what IF: If the transhumanist agenda can be achieved? Ok where would they go from here… well then I guess they would achieve their aim of downloading consciousness, to a computer… but then I kept asking what would the consciousness be like, I mean if they achieve this for the first time it cannot be perfect? Are there articles which have similar things on downloading consciousness… -this is when I got to the point that OMG -so many smart scientists are talking about downloading consciousness -and knowing how scientists operate, they don’t like to gamble on a hunch… if they are talking about this… that means it can be done. That was another “aha” moment.

So then I began asking the question, well if consciousness can be downloaded perfectly and into a computer or robot… what would life be like living in a computer or robot? I thought it would be cool for like a week or two to exist in a computer, but then you would miss your body, you would miss contact etc… -so I started thinking about living on as a robot… and I liked it for a bit… But whoah… hang on a minute… I’m dead, but through technology my consciousness is still intact and I’m here -there are many articles on living on as a robot / avatar of you lol… so again I was like hang on… Lots of people are talking about this… and again scientists don’t like hunches -no matter how far-fetched and unbelievable… I was just like oh my goodness… this could mean there is a possibility that there are people living on as robots… gasp emoticon?!

So I really pondered this… and realised scrap that, I wouldn’t want to live on as a robot, because EVERYONE would know. That I was some freak billionaire with too much money, who instead of deciding to die (because I assumed consciousness transfer would be expensive for first time buyers) continued to live on through technology and now I inhabit a robotic body. I thought goodness me, people would shun me… I can’t take a bus or a train… or plane or any form of public transport… everyone would know I died and continued to live on, and instead of using my money for selfless causes I decided to spend millions on transferring my consciousness and living on as a robot… Not good at all…

This is when I started to think wait: if I am going to be shunned as a robot with my consciousness running it, I would need some fleshy looking parts… although I would still have a robotic body underneath… so science will have to create flesh like skin to go over my robot parts… and if they can download consciousness, allow me to live on as a robot with my consciousness running it, -then this does not take much of a stretch of the imagination—

Fine…. now I look human… however… playing football (soccer)… I’m going to injure a lot of people because I’m literally an android, terminator thing. What happens when I get cut? I wouldn’t bleed… this alone is suspicious… so I’m going to have a fake circulatory system pumping through me just so if I am ever cut… I’ll bleed and this won’t be suspicious… I was just like this is a lot of trouble to go through… just to live on after death… then I realised something… I’m gonna miss the opposite sex, I can’t meet up with women, and when it got down to it, I’d be like I can’t (because I don’t have a junk) -so now I’m gonna have to get a fake junk as well?? This is ridiculous (in terms of living on after death) -so much trouble to go through… and surely there will be laws, in place, that it is unacceptable for a robot living on through technology to sleep with a human being unless the human consents to this?? I felt bad for fooling humans by imagining living on as robot thing…

You see by considering all these possibilities, that is when I realised “aha” -this living on as a robot thing, you are literally, and essentially, trying to live life again as a human… so much trouble to go through, I mean a fake circulatory system and fake junk in the trunk, just so that I can get it on?? Too much trouble… if scientists can download consciousness, and live on afterwards, then the smartest thing to do will be to clone yourself. Just before death; download your consciousness, and insert it when you are born as a clone. This way you start life of as a genetic copy of you, with all your memories intact. Oh my god I thought I had made a huge breakthrough at the time. If this is possible then, humanity will be able to learn from its past mistakes. Just think, with all the mistakes you have made in life, now you will have all the memories of your previous life, as well as all the knowledge you learned, and you can learn new knowledge in this new life of yours as a clone of you, and we can strive to be better human beings. You could also replay your memories to help others learn from your mistakes… wow… what an age we are going to live in… –that’s what I thought at the time…

Then I thought wait a minute… I’m just an average person, and I’ve realised the smartest thing to do is if you can download consciousness, the best thing to do is to clone yourself, not go through the whole rigmarole of robot living. This is also when I realised there is a deception going on. The word clone has not been mentioned in any of the articles I looked at, and I did not believe these scientists to be this dumb.

This is when I started heavily researching human cloning, and found George Green. Who confirmed that human cloning has been going on since the 1930s. So again I had to re-evaluate my thoughts and perceptions about life. It wasn’t going to be a new breakthrough in life after all. Really… they have been cloning people since the 1930s… and kept this secret –but why? I was disappointed in the sense that they had been cloning people since the 1930s and had not come out and publicly announced this, because I saw so many benefits to human cloning (at the time). Like the donor organs, (however Marshall states the cells are grown too quickly from clones to have donor organs) learning from past mistakes, seeing loved ones again, doing dare-devil stunts as clones lol. I was actually disappointed when I realised they had been cloning people since the 1930s –because – I still did not have a solid conclusion for my dissertation. Where is technology and advancements in technology taking mankind? Because up to that point everything I had imagined could be a possibility… already was a reality… it was just hidden and secret… (the answer to the questions I would later find out when I found Marshall’s accounts is that: all technology is CURRENTLY used for is to enslave mankind; our lives really had not gotten that easier considering my research aims and the data analysis and findings I was presented with)

This is also when I started to research military technology, because George Green mentioned that, cloning was a military program, and they had been doing it for years. It is also when I found Phil Schneider who made me realise “For every 12 months which passes military technology advances by 44 years” – which in other words is saying for every 8.29 days which passes, military technology improves by one year’s worth of advancement compared to what the public is currently accustomed to. WHAT?! Every 8.29 days is equivalent to 1 year’s worth of the technological advancement… we see on the surface… Jeez… Every 8 days… I still can’t wrap my head around this… knowing all I know. Schneider then went on to discuss the technological advancements that he had seen underneath the surface of the earth… there were trains which could do 3800 miles per hour which ran on magnets… Schneider made this public knowledge in the mid 1990s…

This added more evidence for me that there is a deception going on. I was just like this is all so nice to know –but it still does not give me a definitive answer for my thesis. I still haven’t answered the question where is technology taking mankind; and why there is a continuous trend to advance technology, yet our lives does not seem to improve that much… I thought about all these things and more before I found Marshall.

At this point in my thinking is when I realised I have been too positive in my thinking, in terms of what these advances in technology can do… especially with cloning; I’ve thought of lots of positive things, about cloning, yet one cannot find plain talking articles about human cloning (because society considers it taboo), and all I’m left with is one whistleblowers account that they have been cloning humans since the 1930s –as credible as his account is. I was just like in terms of research I have to think about the other side of the coin –what negative purposes would you use cloning for? This is when I thought about it, and realised, you could use them as soldiers for war. If you were fighting a country which didn’t having cloning technology, and clones, you could send your clones into battle and wouldn’t have to worry about the loss of human lives; they are clones of real people. What else, what else, I kept asking (I don’t tend to think negatively much –so this counter thinking proved somewhat difficult) –I guess you would use them for sex, but then I thought sex? Really?! The novelty will wear off, and you know you are sleeping with clones, and the clones will be at your mercy because you created them; it’s not the same as meeting someone, and getting mutual attraction. Not the same so for me that novelty would wear off –and I thought people were better, and wouldn’t use clones for sex that much. How wrong I was!

I kept asking what else, what else…. I guess you could beat the sh*t out of a clone, pummel the clone to death and nobody would know… (Kinda like they did in “Hostel”) because everything is done in secret… This must be one of the reasons they have not announced cloning technology… I was just like ugh… I hate this thinking… but then something struck me… what if clones have been used for all these negative things… I was just like gasp emoticon –that means there are trapped clones somewhere and they want to escape… George Green did say “the others / synthetics” could think just like we could… sh*t! What if there is a clone who wants to get out of this…?!
That is when I started researching ‘trapped clones’, ‘missing clones’ –anything –something in me told me this is going on –and therefore it is only instinctual that any cognizant clones would want to get out of this…. So I already anticipated that any clone who wants to get the word out would be anxious or scared etc… –I just did not expect that MUCH anxiety…

The point of all of this is that most people did not just get up and say “yep”, Donald Marshall is telling the truth. You have some of the smartest most knowledgeable and interesting people who have done their background research and come to their own conclusion that what he is saying is true and part of mankind’s reality. As the saying goes “when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth” -Sherlock Holmes. They either had a background in researching the Illuminati, or it took them several months to understand what is really going on because the deception is that grand. It took me weeks though, 3 weeks, to be precise to understand everything and accept it as reality because –I was already researching advancements in technology. So don’t expect to get it straight away, even if you have a background in this, there are going to be plenty of stumbling blocks –barriers –before you accept Marshall’s statements as facts of life. They are really facts of life. Interesting and incredible facts of life.

Through my background research, deductive reasoning and instincts, I found Marshall. I didn’t just get up and say “yep” –these are facts of life. Moreover, when I first read his letter… there wasn’t much which was new to me… I was like, yeh, I know they are cloning people, I know Princess Dianna’s family killed her –this has been alluded to many times, I knew nothing about the Pickton murders –or even heard who that guy was… but we all know they are paedophiles… there’s nothing new here… and it is starting to read like the movie “Hostel” is a reality and not just a film… Just say the queen is awful… if you are really telling the truth… you’ll say the queen is awful… Not Vladimir – I mean that won’t surprise anyone… just say the queen man… every other truther avoids talking about her like the plague, but I know she must have some hold on them that’s why they don’t talk about her so openly, so if there is any truth to this you will say the queen is awful… –and he said it –and I was just like this guy is telling the truth… –this is awful…

But if they are cloning him, and he is a clone, why the hell do they let him retain the memories of his beatings. If they kill him and that clone of him is dead? Why would they grow a whole new clone of him from a baby, and transfer the old consciousness / experiences into this new clone? At this point I had realised consciousness transfer and downloading consciousness is a reality –too many corroborations. But if you are making a clone of him, from a baby, why would you allow or give him his memories from his previous beatings? That is some hellish and sadistic thing to do. I thought he was being grown from a baby up, and through whatever technology they had, they were advancing him to adulthood. George Green said, the memories can be wiped as well as restored… I also thought if the same person is being grown as a clone (from a baby) then he shouldn’t have the previous memories of his past life… these people are sick, by giving him his memories back from his previous experiences… this is beyond sick…

He also mentioned Nostradamus, and this checked out too. Although at the time I thought Nostradamus was whack. Anyway when I was done reading his letter, I knew it was all true – I knew this was going on before I read his letter you see. However, (because you have to be smart about these things) I thought what if this is a guy, who like me, knows cloning is going on, and he’s just an internet troll?? Who has figured out the real core of evil, through deductive reasoning like I had figured most things? I thought oh my god, if he is just like me, then he better hope that nobody sees this otherwise he is going to get a bill on him for slander etc… They will deny military secrets, even though there is too much corroborating evidence… that this is all true… I was actually going to contact him to tell him –that he has to take that down; I know it is true –I’ve figured it out too, but you’re gonna end up in jail, but hopefully that doesn’t come to that and this will just get deleted because people won’t pay attention thinking it is just some joke… but there is a lot of truth to this…

However, I decided to research how long this letter had been up, how many people had seen this, whether there was any other validity to this… I wanted to get my facts straight before contact or… reach the point where I know this is just an internet troll, and these posts would be deleted in time anyway… because these high profile people do not have the time to press charges…

This is when I started to heavily research Marshall. I realised that his letter had been online on Youtube since 2012; (he told me personally, at a later time, it had been up since 2011). When I realised this, this alone made me realise he is telling the truth, (otherwise one of these people he has mentioned would have hit him with legal charges) and he is actually involved in all of this and not just a guy who has figured all this out. They are actually doing this to him. But it still left a lot of questions. One of the first things I also realised was that, he was suppressed.

I mean others have commented that just write “Donald Marshall” on websites people frequent and that could end up getting you banned. I saw that one woman wrote on a different website than the one she was posting to, that she has been banned and her IP address has been blocked for 40 years from a popular website that people frequent just because she mentioned that ‘people should look up Donald Marshall if they want to know some truths’.

At this point I became really angry, disgusted and upset with the world. This stuff is going on, this is all true… and through suppression, and name calling he is made to look like the craziest person in the world, when all it is: is just advanced science and technology hidden from the world –which in turn makes him the sanest person in the world, because he is living in the present while we are all living in the past. GAH! I was so angry! Still am just thinking about it now… His interviews should be by FAR the most popular thing or most discussed thing on youtube… but he is suppressed… they reduce his view count on youtube from time to time, delete his interviews, delete his facebook friends, delete his facebook links which reference his disclosure, he has government agents on his back all the time, many shills try to denounce him, and make it as confusing as possible to understand this… when it really is straightforward once you see; he is tracked through GPS tracking system which is a microchip in his arm, he has a camera in his right eye underneath his optical nerve, so that “they” can see everything he does… he literally is “The Truman Show” (film), and the crazies will do anything, ANYTHING, for people to dismiss him, when all the facts add up, and people who do not understand this are simply living under a matrix of illusion. There are approximately 50 levels of cognitive dissonance. Be smart, and blast your way through all of it. Quickly! The crazies want humanity to believe we are “dumb” –I don’t believe humanity is dumb, slow yes (I’ll agree to that) –but if people take their time and have the patience and be willing to work through approximately 50 levels of cognitive dissonance –then they will see what is right in front of their very eyes. Then they will be ANGRY!

I watched all Marshall interviews… to note any slip ups… I was still sceptical… and you have to remain sceptical so that you do not fall into fallacies… (As Thomas Campbell said), but you do have to be open minded and optimistic to achieve breakthroughs… so I watched his interviews to note any slip ups… because even professionals slip up too… if there were any points of his interview I did not understand first time… I’d just hit pause… read around that particular topic… and come back and press play… pause and play… pause and play… the reason I did this was because he was talking about advanced technology… far beyond even what I had comprehended… I knew they were cloning people… but I thought it was from a baby up… but sleep cloning… transferring consciousness? Going to sleep and waking up as a clone of you, where you have perfect recall of what is going on… Man that is the stuff of cartoons, sci-fi, and star wars like technology –and this is all going on in 2015, better yet this has gone on since 1945… man these people are scumbags…

So yeah, I’ve read everything, concerning Marshall and his experiences and once you know, you know, and “you understand with certainty” that this is all true. You understand that, you cannot just sit back and let this unfold, you actually have a responsibility to help him, and help remove others from the deceptions they are currently under, and this is why I share as many of his posts as possible. As for the songs, it becomes SO glaringly obvious that he made all these tunes under the threat of REM driven cloning torture… and he put all these hints in the songs to reference at a future point in time. It’s so obvious. I don’t even ask him what such and such song is about. For example: “Bring me to life” performed by Evanescence is about REM cloning; “Turn me on” performed by Nicki Minaj is about REM cloning; and “Stricken” performed by Disturbia is about Queen Elizabeth.

“Stricken” –Disturbia Lyrics

Ah ah ah ow You walk on like a woman in suffering
Won’t even bother now, to tell me why
You come alone, letting all of us savour the moment
Leaving me broken, another time
You come on like a blood stained hurricane
Leave me alone, let me be this time
you carry on like a holy man pushing redemption
I don’t want to mention, the reason I know….

It’s so obvious, and all his songs will take on a completely different meaning once you know. He doesn’t want your money, and he is not trying to con you. He could care less. He is a very humble and modest human being, in spite of his genius and success. All he is asking is that you save him from a technological nightmare, which is currently present. Just like you would save your family members, a friend, or a stranger in need, from undesirable consequences when the time called to act. He is asking for the decency in human beings… and this has NOTHING to do with money or conning people. He’s asking people to remember to be decent once more towards their fellow human beings, and do their best to help their fellow human beings when they are in distress rather than ignore them. That is all he is asking. For someone who has done so much for humanity, he doesn’t ask for much. “Save me from a technologically driven nightmare”, which in turn you will end up saving yourself. That’s his message. That’s all.

He’s made approximately 35, 000 – 50, 000 of the world’s most popular songs, he got the Berlin wall torn down for you; He got the Vatican to increase the age of consent from 12 to 18 years of age. He made some of your favourite cartoons and TV shows: SpongeBob, Dragon Ball Z, Power Rangers, He-man –to name a few; he also made some of your favourite console games such as Sonic the Hedgehog (a favourite of mine) and Zelda –and when you think about Zelda, you will realise that it is a kid who goes to caves and stuff to fight underground monsters. He was referencing his life. He’s done so much for humanity, in the background as REM driven clones (which is a fact of life). And the only reason you haven’t heard of him publicly or fully realised who he is; and realised that he is NOT just some guy speaking on the internet, and he is ACTUALLY an insider with valuable information and knowledge for you: is because the crazies have controlled your perception of the this world, and they are also controlling Marshall’s image (online), so that people will just dismiss him as ‘just some guy’, and the crazies have also put in place at least 50 layers of deception,–which your mind is going to have to battle through for you to really “see”, what is right in front of your very eyes. I believe if people are patient and willing to battle through 50 layers of deception, where every single piece of new information they learn, contradicts their old ways of thinking, and makes them have to re-evaluate and reassess their lives, and perceptions about this world, they can realise these truths much easier.

Remember the Illuminati are the ones who want to keep you under an illusion, and they do all that they can, to deceive you. Just know who the bad guys are. Nobody is trying to con you. The facts and the circumstantial evidence add up. The data adds up. Yes it contradicts your old ways of thinking, however: “When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth”. Keep in mind you have to reach a place of certainty where you know this is fact and reality. To “know” is to understand with certainty. Beliefs, can lead people into fallacies… and that’s counterproductive… get to a place where you “know”.

Furthermore, Marshall has done A LOT for humanity in his 40 years on earth. Therefore, as a decent person: when you realise REM driven cloning is real, and the person who disclosed the information is telling the truth, then irrespective of whether this person has made 35,000 songs or ZERO, or did all those wonderful things or NOT, you now know REM cloning is real, therefore, you SIMPLY cannot allow it on your conscience to allow another human being to go through such a nightmare. Say for instance: Marshall didn’t make all those songs, nor did he do all those wonderful things, but now you have got to the point where you know REM driven cloning is real, and you realise that Marshall’s accounts are firsthand witness accounts through the process of consciousness transfer and REM driven (sleep) cloning… and he is REALLY being tortured nightly in his sleep, and because consciousness is linked it gives him a weakened heart, and makes him fill Ill in his body as a consequence of REM driven torture…

Then as a decent person you cannot turn a blind eye to this. You are complicit in this once you know this is real and you sit back and do nothing. My conscience cannot allow me to do nothing. People have to know and this must end. It weighs on my conscience even worse knowing that REM driven cloning is a fact of life AND Marshall has made all these songs, thousands of which are my favourite songs; and he is responsible for most of my favourite childhood games and cartoons; and most importantly: many of the moral righteousness we have seen in this world he has had a part to play in it. It’s even worse that Marshall has explained the matrix of illusion of this world, and told the world there are technologies which could make humanity’s life so much easier if we were NOT living under a kakistocracy (look it up) –and the worst people were not in power. That’s how bad things are.

It weighs on my conscience a lot, because if people do not realise who he is, and realise that his image has been manipulated and is being manipulated by the same people he is speaking out against, then as a species we let him down. Terribly. And I can’t have that on my conscience. My conscience won’t rest until Donald Marshall and his information is globally viral. Because he hasn’t let us down, and you are going to feel incredibly terrible, when you realise that this human being was telling the truth all along and you did very little to see pass the deceptions which have been deliberately put in front of you; you did very little to battle through the cognitive dissonance (50 of them) and realise what is really going on, and in turn you did very little to help. And Yes. You are going to feel ESPECIALLY worse, when you realise he had done so much for you in the background (as A REM driven clone) –and made your life that little bit easier and all he ever asked for: is for you to save him from REM driven cloning.


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2 thoughts on “New to Donald Marshall info: start here ->”

  1. Thank you for your comment. I don’t quite follow what you are meaning, but I know that Donald Marshall info is real and I have no bad words about him. How I know? Just look around you and you feel the info is real.


  2. I too felt like you, that this is true and it is. But I have a different experience, having spoke to Mr Marshall by voice and message over 2 years, I was double crossed and my privacy on private messages was infiltrated, as I caught him out when someone close to him sent me screenshots of our intimate conversation on more than one occasion. The place he describes is part of hell, the songs are not good mainly as it’s hell, and followers are tricked into sympathy and compassion for the illuminati big setup. I have worked this out by standing away from it all, and God have mercy on your soul.

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