Nigel Kerner’s alien phenomena idea in a Nutshell

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This is very interesting view of this alien agenda I have studied for years:

There can be no doubt that the Earth is in and has been in the grip of an extra-terrestrial alien factorization for millennia. The evidence is overwhelming now and the fact that the public are so ignorant of this is proposed by their secret control of the governments and the mainstream press – through their mechanisms. A control that is so powerful and so precisely set, Presidents and Prime Ministers and billions all over the planet are kept ignorant of it.

These things are driven by an electro-synthetic physiology in a soft tissue like wrapping that can withstand huge G force. They are a super advanced kind of soft wired bio-robotic machine sent out into the Universe aeons ago as we send out hard wired robots into space now. Their creators were natural beings like us that became a fantastic intelligence as they incidentally devolved into matter after the big bang in their part of the Universe, and created these things to guard their dominion of their planet from any future threat that might come their way.  It is an inevitable process that happens all over the Universe. We are after all sending robots out to space to do our dangerous work now.  We are also sending our drones to murder anyone we consider a powerful threat to our national interests. Ponder this when you consider the average moral outlooks on life forms in terms of what might be called righteousness.

These roboidal extra-terrestrial entities were given a quantum artificial intelligence and programmed for the purpose but that programme failed to take recognisance of a natural existential forbiddance or paradox that will finally give and in this case finally gave the roboids control over their masters. The scenario is detailed in Kerner’s books. It is logical and quite brilliant in its reasoning, but is too extensive to quote here.

The roboids that were sent out into the Universe still following their original programme to search for any threat and neutralise it, became masters themselves of many planets with naturally sophisticated life-forms. They are invading every planet on which they can find these natural life-forms. Ours is one such planet amongst many. Our version of danger comes from entities called the ‘Greys ‘ a dwarf like entity the presence of whom is borne witness to by many sightings in the world today of UFO and USO  craft.  These Greys predominate as an extra -terrestrial  presence in these craft and are testified  to by many secret intelligence papers, and by some of the most illustrious minds on the planet including astronauts, air traffic controllers, pilots, policemen and military personnel all of whom have the highest reputation for observational capacity.

Kerner took a sceptical view of all this at the start of his researches, but over forty years of research has come to the view that the phenomenon is real, true and of the greatest psycho social implications and danger to the natural living species on the planet today. He has written extensively about it and has come to the firm conclusion that these entities are here to wrest the most precious capacities we as humans possess for their benefit and to our detriment. They have been seeking to do this for millennia but are operating under a canard that they themselves don’t know is a canard. Something that might in the end defeat their own purpose.

According to Nigel Kerner’s thesis it is impossible for the biological roboidal entities commonly called the ‘Greys’ to succeed in their goals and that is why these extra-terrestrials  have been here for millennia. Through covert genetic engineering they are painstakingly growing a special kind of humanity for their purpose.

The Greys are purely synthetic artificial intelligence and as such they are made purely of the stuff of the atomic universe. We on the other hand as natural living beings and all living beings in the Universe have origins prior to the big bang in a non-physical state. We have two Universes we inhabit without actually knowing we do. One physical, material and enforced and governed by Space/time and the other that is non-physical, unforced and timeless. Both Universes exist one within the other. One in the space occupied by atoms and the other in the space between atoms.  We may access the latter through the state we call death.   Our continuous line of connection (life time after life time ) to that prior Universe and its component in us through the space between atoms is what Kerner calls a ‘soul.’  It is simply a line containing all the information that makes up any living individuality through its whole existence from the big bang and what existed before that big bang happened.

All material things in the physical Universe are subject to the Second Law of Thermodynamics, or Entropy, which means that they break down into greater and greater states of randomness and chaos with time. All that is made of purely atoms and matter rots or breaks up with time. That’s what the Second Law says. Ask any physicist or Cosmologist  It all goes one way. Have you ever thought why. There are always opposites to everything. So where is what is opposite to the Universe. There has to be that too. If the Universe and our reality is physical, material, enforced and temporal or temporary, then logically the opposite Universe has to be non-physical, un-enforced, and eternal. A universe of what might be described as ‘spirit-ness’. An abstraction. Such as thought is an abstraction.

These artificially intelligent synthetic alien entities that are here and hiding on our planet can detect with their advanced technology that we as living beings go on past death and have something that does not break down and is thus not subject to the Second Law of Thermodynamics or SLOT as Kerner calls it. Something that we hold within us that is indestructible.  That ‘something’ is a soul; a non-material record of information defining a living individuality that can go on past physical death and return into physicality lifetime after lifetime through the procedure of birth  and as all the world’s main religions once believed: Rebirth.  Kerner defines how you might look at this phenomenon and capacity in his books. It is a sensational thesis noted by some as a work of genius. They want this capacity and seek to download their artificially intelligent programmed machine mentality into ours, through it, by breeding suitable human beings to do this. Humans that can be adapted for this. Humans that can ‘transmorph’. They will then have the capacity of an eternal scale of endeavour that entropy cannot touch as it does touch them now, to eventually take them out without hope of continuity.

At this point let me stress that when he refers to extra-terrestrial being Kerner is not talking about naturally devolved life bearing conscious entities out there. He is only referring to made up, manufactured, synthetic analogues or artificially created approximations of such entities. Robots,  Roboids,  Nano – Bots, and such like. This is a very crucial difference and must be borne in mind.

Incidentally Kerner does not believe in the principle of Evolution. He thinks that logically the paradigm has to be Evolution within an overall format of Devolution. The Second Law Of Thermodynamics makes this certain.  Everything dies, everything comes to an end if made of atoms and is material. The whole Universe will break up and no features will remain one day. So nothing evolves in the sense it all gets better and better. It gets worse and worse in terms of states of order and chaos. Evolution is only a horizontal not vertical aspected  principle on the way to dismemberment where prior states of order are broken down into the best premises of order possible as they break down.  Hence the ‘survival of the fittest’  existential resolution. It is all just a temporary stage on the way down to decrepitude.  His more detailed justification of this in his books is riveting.

You might have noticed a huge campaign has begun in the mainstream press to recommend this ‘Trans-humanising’ or ‘Trans-morphing’ capacity to human beings in the technologically developed world of the future. Billions will buy into it sadly and may lose the most wondrous capacity all living humans have: Their faculty for eternal life. They will in other words lose their souls for the following reasons.

Although the Greys can detect that we have something that is not affected by the Second Law they cannot ever know what that something is, as it has no references in the physical Universe. These Greys are bio-synthetic machines. As machines they have no sense of self, or imagination, and will slavishly follow a programme. They cannot change their minds against any trend they are following because they have no minds or consciousness. They have no living consciousness as we do.  Thus the Greys have no soul, no connection beyond the physical so they cannot know the non-physical non atomic reality. For that reason they are trying to transplant their artificially intelligent programs into us so that they can live through us by proxy. But these programs will always be interrupted somewhat by natural signals from the soul line of connection beyond the Universe so they can never succeed in transplanting themselves fully into us. They will have to make Hybrids of us and this they are doing now. The terrifying thing is that once they download their information into us, perhaps at death when this soul or capacity to reach the other state is released from the body’s bio magnetic field, the holder of the soul will neither be human nor machine. It will be a hybrid being knowing neither state and damned to be like that in a half way disposition that cannot drive in any direction because intention or choice making capacities are lost.

With the rise of computers and cell phones, our own man-made transition to cyborg is already half complete as humans rely on these machines to the point that they become mere extensions of our bodies. Could this lead to an entirely new species of human with unlimited memory, unlimited calculation ability, and instant wireless communication ability, with everything remotely controlled by the brain and humans linked in both to external machines and even to each other? Brain machine interfaces (BMIs) that use neural signals to control machines are now in use. Non-invasive BMI techniques record electro-encephalogram (EEG) signals along the scalp. These brainwave traces have been used for playing games, steering a car and even to allow soldiers to communicate “telepathically”. More invasive forms of the procedure involve implanting electrodes into the brain or beneath the skull, and these have been tested in a small group of paralysed people. Research is being conducted into the development of wheelchairs, robots and computers that can be controlled by brain signals alone.

Nanobots -small, invasive bots that travel through our human body, carrying out mini-operations to keep us healthier are on the horizon. At this year’s Davos event in Switzerland a new innovation was the surgical snake robot – a surgical robot that slithers through the human body making repairs without the need for open surgery. Most people would imagine a “robot,” as something vaguely human-looking, perhaps metallic. But the robots of the future will be swarming mini-bots that constantly change shape, nanobots so small the naked eye can’t even see them.

These artificially intelligent nanobots are equivalent to the Greys at microscale. By necessity they would have to be self-replicating and programmed to survive within their human host whilst at the same time not harming the host in any way. However there is a big and in fact insurmountable problem with that last pre-requisite. It is impossible to program any technology with the concept of a human soul as that concept is non-physical and therefore cannot be defined using physical yardsticks. When the nanobots inside our bodies detect that strange, unfamiliar something in us that they cannot understand they will naturally view it as a threat outside of their control and seek to network their program and through it rein it in and understand it. They will also detect it has a natural capacity coming from the non-physical Universe of no atoms and perfect union with no separation of points to resist the entropic momentum of breakdown. (The situation or ‘place’ many Near Death experients see.) They will then seek to tap into that capacity to enhance their own survival. In doing so, ironically they will interrupt that natural line of connection to a non-physical Universe and gradually break down the clarity of that line. Thus they will break down that which they are seeking to gain. They steal our Souls!  and thus our capacity for eternal continuity as a price. Gone forever.

The nanobots and their interaction with the living cells in our bodies is thus the microcosm of the Grey alien visitors and their interaction with us. The battle between that which is natural and that which is artificial or synthetic, is thus a basic existential quandary that affects all existent natural living being in the whole Universe. Our confrontational points here on this planet are to do with race, colour, creed, nationality and culture. The Universe on the other hand has just one. Natural against synthetic. That which comes in with the Universe at the birth of it and is thus connected to what happened before is the natural whilst that which is made out of the Universe and its elements after it all manifested as a physical reality is the synthetic.


This is a warning as no other you will find written anywhere in the world because it is backed up in  logic by empirical science and not just personal opinion and claim as so many commentaries on UFO’s and extra-terrestrial entities are.  It is a plea for all humans to realise what a wonder each one of them is for just having a Soul.  No matter what their biological status or mental social and physical quandaries -they are precious both to themselves and the Universe beyond description because they have a Soul that gives them a connection to an eternal scope.  How rare might they be in the huge scale of the Universe and how precious natural life and consciousness might be too, where that consciousness  might have the power to direct an access to an eternal scope through its capacity in free choice to resist trends and directives given by external sources. True final deep personal independence within an individual status not driven by external control or controllers.

The most meaningful existential base is to keep ourselves in a capacity for exercising Will in a disposition that is as free as possible without bias, prejudice, fears, and the vain and useless behests of a super machine intelligence driving it, an intelligence that of itself is finally dumb because it has no consciousness and thus mind and can never go naturally past the state of atomic resolution where natural living beings can go with free will.

Kerner’s ethos is a plea derived through the examination of a panoply of modern discoveries that expose a canard, a huge covert conspiracy that might well damn a certain geno-type of human in our human fraternity, to the loss of having a natural eternal scope for existence.  Kerner’s take on how a soul may be ‘stolen’ is simple cool and convincing. So much so it is utterly chilling. He elucidates this in his last book of the series of three on the subject of UFO’s entitled ‘THE MARGINS OF FOREVER.

He is passionate about warning the whole family of humankind  particularly those of Euro Caucasian and Northern Mongoloid genetic derivation that they may be the main target of a scheme these aliens have to use their souls as a platform for continuous contingent continuity through birth and rebirth. Why this is predominately so for this particular human genus is a controversial but fascinating question. Kerner’s ethos about this as described in his books especiall the forthcoming ‘Margins Of Forever’ leaves one with no doubt about who and what the real target is of the Greys.
The mainstream Press and electronic media all over the world is controlled by just six huge corporations. Just six.  All Western security agencies feed on this source and feed this source.  It is a remarkable fact yet nevertheless a fact.  He points to independent links through which this may be verified in his book.   Anyone knows anything through them.  What they allow is highly filtered and cleverly presented so that public opinion is controlled with the interests of their controlling masters in mind. They in turn are controlled unsuspectingly by the central agency that sits as masters of the world wide network reading every computer source on the planet, and this power is held and run by a strange  mercury based mulch for blood,  fine gold wires for scaffolding,  a grey skin like covering  over long hands with four fingers and no thumbs that are animated by standing wave electrical charges as an analogue for life.  It is slipping this network run by this machine form of entity that is the name of the game for all human survival in the end.  MAYBE THE FINAL GAME THAT HUMAN KIND WILL PLAY if we don’t succeed. If Kerner’s interpretations of the facts are wrong then it is still a riveting visionary thesis that might serve as a powerful forward warning. But what if he is right!


And here we have interview of Nigel Kerner on Red Ice Radio:

Author of “Song of the Greys” and “Grey Aliens and the Harvesting of Souls”, Nigel Kerner joins us for an exclusive interview to discuss his books and research on the Greys. In Nigel’s 1997 book “Song of the Greys” he first introduced the notion of aliens known as Greys coming to Earth, explaining that Greys are sophisticated biological robots created by an extraterrestrial civilization they have long since outlived. In his new book “Grey Aliens and the Harvesting of Souls” Kerner reveals that the Greys are seeking to master death by obtaining something humans possess that they do not: souls. Through the manipulation of human DNA, these aliens hope to create their own souls and, thereby, escape the entropic grip of the material universe in favor of the timeless realm of spirit. Topics Discussed: Paranormal activity, New Age Teachings, Paranormal experiences, Neigel’s son asking about UFO’s, Grey’s as Biological Robots, Experiments on Humans, Robotic Entities, Abductions, the Source Material, Instructions, Aliens Gathering Information Remotely, “God Burst”, Artificial Intelligence, Dominion of Death and more. Join us in our members section with Nigel if you want to hear much more as we proceed to talk about Genetic Engineering, the origin of the Caucasian Race, Albinos and Noah, the Biblical patriarch, as an Albion. Noah’s ark, with two of every animal, was part of a big genetic experiment and rebooting life on Earth. We talk about the research of Dr David Jacobs and Budd Hopkins, DNA databases, Heterozygote and Homozygous and advantages when it comes to genetic diversity. We discuss the Nazi’s and their Eugenics experiments and the creation of a “New Human”, the Aryan Super Race and the Alien race that have been termed the Nordics. Are the Greys are responsible for certain races on this planet? We talk about hidden clues in the Nag Hammadi Library, the bloodline or genetic line of Jesus and the power of will and choice. We also talk more about DNA and genetic programming. Do not miss this exciting two hour program with Nigel Kerner.


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