Tag Archives: Forbidden knowledge

The Elite Chose “Alternative 3”

Here’s this TV program, which was banned and not shown in US, why? Maybe it told the Truth and it was forbidden. Here’s the video:

This is an old video from the late 1970’s (the 3rd and final in a series of 3 end game scenarios proposed by the NWO:


And here is one explanation about this video:

MISSION CONTROL: Can you see anything? Can you tell us what you see?
GRODIN: Oh boy, its really…really something super- fantastic here. You couldn’t ever imagine this…
MISSION CONTROL: O.K….could you take a look out over that flat area there? Do you see anything beyond?
GRODIN: There’s a kind of a ridge with a pretty spectacular…oh my God! What is that there? That’s all I want to know! What the hell is that?

(Apollo Astronaut “Bob Grodin” – Alternative 3 by Leslie Watkins, David Ambrose, and Christopher Miles)


20 June, 1977

On that Monday evening, the UK’s Anglia Television broadcast the last program in its Science Report series, a series of serious science documentaries that were produced by highly respected science reporters. The program was called Alternative 3, and it was simultaneously broadcast in the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Greece, and Yugoslavia. However, it was never telecast in the United States. Some say that the “powers that be” prevented it from being screened here.

The documentary focused on a number of amazing “facts”:

  • There is a secret joint U.S./U.S.S.R. space program that has gone far beyond what the public sees. Astronauts landed on Mars in 1962. It has been discovered that there is other intelligent life in the universe.
  • The earth is dying. We have polluted it beyond repair. The increasing “greenhouse effect” will cause the polar ice caps and glaciers to melt and flood the Earth.
  • Extreme heat, such as that which is now inevitable, will melt land glaciers. That will result in a marked rise in sea level and then there’ll be the start of the extensive flooding – with London and New York among the first cities to be affected.

There are three possible solutions for mankind:

Alternative 1 – Stop all pollution immediately and blow two huge holes in the ozone layer. This would allow excessive UV light to reach the earth and millions would die of skin cancer.
Alternative 2 – Immediately begin digging underground cities for the Elite (The “New World Order”?) – the lucky ones deemed worth saving – and let the teeming billions perish on the polluted surface.
Alternative 3 – Build spaceships and get the Elite off the planet – to the Moon and Mars. Kidnap and take along some “ordinary” people for use as slave labor. Use “mind control” techniques to control them. Leave the remainder of humanity to wallow in its own filth.

The disappearance in bizarre circumstances in the past two weeks of 20 people from small coastal communities in Oregon was being intensively investigated at the weekend amid reports of an imaginative fraud scheme involving a “flying saucer” and hints mass murder. Sheriff’s officers at Newport, Oregon, said that the 20 individuals had vanished without trace after being told to give away all their possessions, including their children, so that they could be transported in a flying saucer “by UFO to better life”. (Alternative 3)

The Elite chose “Alternative 3”

You may recall that during the 1970s and 1980s, there were news items about a British “Brain Drain.” It was said that the top scientists of Britain were being lured away to foreign countries by high salaries and lower taxes. Many of these, the television program intimated, were never heard from again. It was as if they had simply vanished off the face of the earth….

The television program hinted that these scientists were really being whisked away as part of ….. “Alternative 3.”

Not only were scientists leaving their homelands for higher pay in foreign countries, many of them were killing themselves or were dying under mysterious circumstances. I believe Omni magazine carried an item about this. Were these deaths really suicides? The TV documentary hinted that scientists who refused to cooperate with “Alternative 3” didn’t live long. They knew too much. Or…. were all of them really dead at all? Maybe some of those graves were empty…..

The phones at Anglia Television began ringing as soon as the program was over. In the context that it was presented, as the final installment of a non-fiction science documentary series, people became quite alarmed. Callers were told that the program was originally intended to be shown on April 1st, as an April Fool’s joke, but some glitch in the programming schedules had prevented it from being telecast until June. Anglia insisted that the program was a merely a hoax, and that all the people seen in the footage were actors portraying newsmen and scientists.

The newspapers of the next few days made a joke of the whole affair, comparing it to Orson Wells’ War of the Worlds broadcast in the 1930s.

The Book

That, however, was not to be the end of Alternative 3. By the next year, a book titled Alternative 3 by Leslie Watkins, David Ambrose, and Christopher Miles, appeared on the bookstore shelves. According to Watkins, Ambrose and Miles didn’t help write the book, but their names were included for copyright purposes because they had written the television program on which it was based.

The book was a greatly expanded version of the same story that was told by the television program, with many items that have become part of modern UFO conspiracy mythology thrown in. Things like censored communications between NASA Mission Control and the Apollo astronauts in which the astronauts are supposed to have seen aliens on the moon. The book version also elaborated on the themes of environmental problems and vanishing scientists.

William Cooper incorporated many of the Alternative 3 elements into his complicated conspiracy theories. See MJ-12 and the Secret Government.

Several readers have written to me about Alternative 3. Many are looking for videotapes of the original Anglia Television program. No video tape of the program has ever been released in the U.S., as far as I can determine. You can still obtain a copy of the film on videotape from Anglia Television, but it’s expensive, and they won’t convert from the European Standard to VHS format for you.

Other readers ask about the book. It’s difficult to locate a copy of the book in the U.S. these days. It was first printed in the UK by Sphere Books, which was later bought by Robert Maxwell, who died under mysterious circumstances after his company published one of the last editions of the book. The book has been through at least seven printings, but it is currently out of print in the U.S. Amazon.com doesn’t even list it, and they list a follow-up book – Mind Control and UfO’s : Casebook on Alternative 3 by Jim Keith – as being out of print as well.


Was the Anglia Television program fact or fiction?

Well, everyone involved with the Alternative 3 documentary admits that it was fiction, as Georginia Bruni explores in this column. She spoke to one of the film crew, located the names of the actors, and tried to trace the writers. She says that Christopher Miles, who also directed and co-wrote the documentary, is the brother of actress Sara Miles, but that she was unable to trace David Ambrose, the other writer.

There is, however, a British science fiction writer of that name, who may or may not be the same individual. The writer of the book, Leslie Watkins, was a writer of thrillers even before Alternative 3. The Fortean Times recently printed an article in which Nick Austin, then editorial director of Sphere Books, reveals how he commissioned Leslie Watkins to write the book version at the behest of literary agent Murray Pollinger.

The question remains, however, as to whether there was any fact behind that fiction.

In fact, the amazing mountains of letters from virtually all parts of the world – including vast numbers from highly intelligent people in positions of responsibility – convinced me that I had ACCIDENTALLY trespassed into a range of top-secret truths.
Documentary evidence provided by many of these correspondents decided me to write a serious and COMPLETELY NON-FICTION sequel. Unfortunately, a chest containing the bulk of the letters was among the items which were mysteriously LOST IN TRANSIT some four years when I moved from London, England, to Sydney, Australia, before I moved on to settle in New Zealand. For some time after Alternative 3 was originally published, I have reason to suppose that my home telephone was being tapped and my contacts who were experienced in such matters were convinced that certain intelligence agencies considered that I probably knew too much.

(Letter from Alternative 3 author Leslie Watkins to “MS Dittrich” of Windwords Bookstore)


Could there be fact behind Alternative 3?

There really was a “Brain Drain“, and there still is. Scientists are no different from anyone else; they’ll go wherever they can make more money and obtain support for their research. The main cause of Britain’s “Brain Drain” was their high income tax rate. I’ve never seen any evidence that people who left Britain for higher pay elsewhere “disappeared“.

I also recall reading in the late 1970s and early 1980s about a mysterious spate of suicides and untimely deaths among scientists, not just in Britain, but all over the world. I believe there was an item in Omni magazine about it. However, no conclusions were reached about any links between the deaths that I ever heard. The statistics may have been exaggerated at the time.

Alternative 3:
There is a secret joint U.S./U.S.S.R. space program that has gone far beyond what the public sees. Astronauts had already landed on Mars in 1962. It has been discovered that there is other intelligent life in the universe.

There may be many secrets contained within the U.S. space program, but the scenario that it is really so far beyond the public perception as to have landed on Mars 37 years ago seems highly unlikely. It also seems unlikely that the U.S and the U.S.S.R. would have cooperated to such a degree. More likely, they would have been trying to outrace each other, as was the public perception. As for NASA having knowledge of alien life, who can say?

Alternative 3:
The earth is dying. We have polluted it beyond repair.
Extreme heat, such as that which is now inevitable, will melt land glaciers. That will result in a marked rise in sea level and then there’ll be the start of the extensive flooding – with London and New York among the first cities to be affected.
(Alternative 3 by Leslie Watkins)

Well, destruction of the environment is surely a problem. In 1977, it seemed possible to many that we had damaged the environment beyond repair. We don’t hear as much about the ozone layer and the greenhouse effect today as we did then


The Alternatives

Alternative 1 – Stop all pollution immediately and blow two huge holes in the ozone layer. This would allow excessive UV light to reach the earth and millions would die of skin cancer.

It seems that there are already “two huge holes in the ozone layer” – at the poles, attributed to our use of CFCs. Is that really how they got there? Maybe this alternative was tried….

Alternative 2 – Immediately begin digging underground cities for the Elite (The New World Order?) and let the teeming millions perish on the polluted surface.

Some conspiracy theorists apparently think that this alternative is already reality. There are many sites on the Internet about “underground alien bases” and the like.

Alternative 3 – Build spaceships and get the elite off the planet – to the Moon and Mars. Take along some “ordinary” people for use as slave labor. Use “mind control” techniques to control them. Leave the remainder of humanity to wallow in its own filth.

It doesn’t seem likely that the space program is that far ahead of the public perception. It doesn’t seem possible that the technology was available for self-sufficient colonies on the Moon and Mars in 1977. Theoretically, it could be done today, though….

Alternative 3:
The disappearance in bizarre circumstances in the past two weeks of 20 people from small coastal communities in Oregon was being intensively investigated at the weekend amid reports of an imaginative fraud scheme involving a “flying saucer” and hints mass murder.
Sheriff’s officers at Newport, Oregon, said that the 20 individuals had vanished without trace after being told to give away all their possessions, including their children, so that they could be transported in a flying saucer “by UFO to better life”.

Sound like “Heaven’s Gate“?

Anyone want to be a lobotomized slave of the New World Order?

Alternative 3:
The names and personal details of tens of thousands of people scrutinized by the Special Branch for reasons of national security are to be fed into a new criminal intelligence computer bought by Scotland Yard and shrouded in mystery.

This would have been possible on a limited basis in 1977, but possible now on a grand scale …. What’s all this talk in the news lately about establishing DNA databases, not only of convicted criminals, but of all newborns?

Leslie Watkins, author of the book version of Alternative 3:
It would be a mistake to file “Alternative 3” away too cozily with Panorama’s spaghetti harvest and other hoaxes. Suppose it were fiendish double bluff inspired by the very agencies identified in the program and that the super-powers really are setting up an extra-terrestrial colony of outstanding human beings to safeguard the species?

It would also be a mistake to take this or any other conspiracy theory too seriously without some solid evidence….

Gosh, with the right actors, wouldn’t it make a good TV series, though…


The Hutchison Effect

Always fascinating John Hutchison is an Canadian scientist who do some remarkable things in his lab.

Long before John Hutchison began his pioneering experiments into electromagnetism and alternative energy, travelers in the Bermuda Triangle had reported odd occurrences involving electromagnetism:

their ships or planes would be seized by a strange vapor, then all equipment would go haywire; unexplained fogs would sit over the ocean, yet in all cases the weather was not right for creating fogs, and there was certainly no reason for electromagnetic aberrations such as they reported.

These were, in due course, put down in the category of “sea lore,” sensationalism, or attributed to occultists trying to push their supernatural views of nature. It didn’t seem to matter that most of those reporting them were veteran pilots, shipmasters, and even Coast Guard officers.

Working on alternative energy sources in his lab.

These unusual phenomena quickly formed the backbone of the “mythos” of the Bermuda Triangle, the enigma of unexplained “forces,” hints of the laws of nature running wild, of possible time warps, interdimensional transition, wormholes, and invisibility. To speak about them is to speak about the “supernatural,” the impossible, and the occult… until now.

Though they remain unexplained, there is no longer the lack of a cross reference for them – and this has to do with electromagnetism.

And that’s where Vancouver scientist John Hutchison comes into play.

His experiments into electromagnetism has unintentionally produced every phenomena reported in the Triangle. The term “Hutchison Effect” has become a moniker applied to all the peculiar and startling effects his plethora of machinery can produce.

John might be likened to many of the fictional characters of movies who stumbled onto fantastic inventions – Flubber, The Shaggy Dog, and the many other Disney movies of Kurt Russell being transformed by his madcap experiments at Medfield College.

The great exception is that John is not fictional, nor are his experiments. They have penetrated the very building blocks of matter and looked squarely into the labyrinth of time and space. . . .and they are all created by electromagnetism and its effects on various wavelengths!

It all began back in 1979.

While studying the longitudinal wavelengths of Tesla (Nikola Tesla, a radio pioneer), Hutchison, limited by space in his small apartment, crammed into one room various devices that emit electromagnetic fields and wavelengths, like Tesla coils, RF generators, van De Graaf generators, etc.

He turned them on and went about his work. In some unexpected way, the wavelengths these machines created interplayed to create astonishing effects. John first noticed this when an object touched his shoulder… one he wasn’t expecting because it was levitating!

Repeated tests have produced a number of astounding effects.

These include the continued levitation of objects: wood, styrofoam, plastic, copper, zinc –  they hovered and moved about, swirl around and ascend, or shoot off at fantastic speeds.

With further experimentation:

  • fires started around the building out of non flammable materials, like cement and rock
  • a mirror smashed (80 feet away!), metal warped and bent and even broke, (separating by sliding in a sideways fashion), in some instances crumbling like “cookies”
  • some metal became white hot but did not burn surrounding flammable material
  • lights appeared in the air, along with numerous other corona manifestations
  • water spontaneously swirled in containers,

…to name only a few.


  An aluminum bar, ABOVE, and LEFT, shredded and split by the Hutchison Effect. The metal turned wobbly like jelly before coming apart. This is called “cold melting” because no heat is involved. RIGHT: metal cylinder crumbled apart. Photos Courtesy of John Hutchison  


More than one observer of Hutchison’s experiments and demonstrations (he has given over 750), have not only been amazed at the results but uniformly express astonishment at the weak electrical power which seems to be sufficient to empower very stupefying results.

Since basic outlets in the house supply sufficient power to operate his many machines, the power which unleashes all these incredible effects is believed to lie elsewhere, such as where these various fields interplay, since on their own the wavelengths or fields these machines create have never been noted to do this.

It is at this point – call is a warp or vortex, whatever you like –  where things begin to happen.

But how they interact is still largely a mystery. Even where they interact can be perplexing. Sometimes one must wait for days for something to happen, and 99 per cent of the time nothing happens at all. To draw an analogy, it is like trying to boil water without being able to determine the strength of the heat –  in such a scenario it is not surprising it may take different amounts of time to produce the boiling effect.

Photos of his equipment and lab

Over the last 22 years, Hutchison’s work has been subject to broad though varying interest and approval.

His laboratory was ransacked by Canadian officials who seized his equipment under the pretense of confiscating his antique gun collection which was, however, subsequently returned with no explanations or charges.

  • Three nations have aired his work
  • He was courted by scientists in Japan, accused of treason in Canada when he went to Germany for funds to continue
  • Los Alamos Lab has done research on his Effect
  • The Canadian government seized his lab equipment once again while crated and in transit to Germany in 1990 (and never returned it despite a court order), when he was seeking financial aid to continue his studies.
  • The military of Canada and the US has expressed a covert interest
  • He has been arrested by the Canadian government and placed in cuffs on his doorstep while his lab was ransacked and investigated (under the excuse of checking on his antique gun collection again)
  • This last incident was on March 17, 2000, and may have been initiated by a neighbor who experienced an unexpected levitation in their house and then complained to the police.

Because of all this, which has been ongoing for over 22 years, his lab has undergone numerous changes, from completely disappearing into government hands, to vital pieces having been sold off to pay for subsequent financial problems.

Nevertheless, John Hutchison has continued with his work.

He has “tinkered” and adjusted his equipment and continues to get varying and remarkable results, many of which have been documented and photographed by McDonnell Douglas Aerospace and the Max Planck Institute in Germany.


“Tinkering” in his lab. Hutchison has developed extensive forms of free energy, including fuel cells and the Hutchison Converter, which apparently can run forever. It was first displayed in Japan in 1996 and is still running. A scientist sees fact, but a philosopher sees potential. John is both.

The Hutchison Effect’s connection with the Triangle comes in many forms. Many of the effects he has created mimic those reported out there: strangely swirling clouds and lights, green glows and phosphorescence, and electromagnetic anomalies.


But one discovery in John’s experiments clearly underlines the connection of the Bermuda Triangle with electromagnetism. During one experiment, John produced something undeniably “Triangle-esque.”

I have personally experienced the grayish-type mist when I was doing my high voltage research; and this mist would appear and disappear. To look at it, it looks like metallic. I couldn’t see through it.


So it exists… it exists.


In other tests, objects have appeared that “had a cling of gray fog” moving about the room, all of which were clearly filmed on 8 mm film.

One is reminded of Bruce Gernon’s feeling that the “electronic fog” traveled with his plane, or Don Henry’s encounter where the fog formed around the metal barge and caused it to vanish while at the same time effecting all of his electronic equipment.



While our first instinct is to believe that these forces can only be engineered in a laboratory, a disturbing thought comes from an observation made by electromagnetic researcher, Albert Budden.

“The original way that Hutchison set out his range of apparatus was, by industrial standards, primitive and crowded, with poor connections and hand-wound coils.


But it was with this layout with its erratic standards that he obtained most of the best examples of objects levitating, despite the fact that the maximum power drawn was 1.5 kilowatts, and this from the ordinary power sockets of the house mains.”

These crude ways seemed better adept at tapping into the vast power all around us.

The watts produced in a lab, however, would be infinitesimal compared to the potential in the atmosphere. The estimated power in the atmosphere is best demonstrated during a thunderstorm in which lightning streaks across the sky with infinitely more watts of electricity –  enough to scramble radios and other equipment dozens of miles away, enough to destroy trees and houses and melt sand into glass.

But can electromagnetism cause a plane or ship to disappear? John has kept abreast of the unexplained in the world and is well aware of the effects reported in the Bermuda Triangle.

In commenting on the applied ramifications, he has observed:

It is highly probable that nature can form these fields on her own and create the right situation for the ship or aircraft to either totally disintegrate or disappear into another dimension or domain.

What should we make of such radio reports like Jenson’s, in which he says he is lost in clouds at 150 feet elevation?

Remember, he vanished thereafter, but 11 hours later, long after fuel starvation, he reemerges in time briefly, to make one last call 600 miles from where he was lost, only to vanish again without trace.

  • What about the other maydays picked up hours after fuel starvation?
  • What about the radio and compass quirks so often reported?
  • Is nature telling us something?
  • Or is it guiding us to the potential in natural energy?
  • Is the Hutchison Effect merely a small example of the greater machines in nature?

However esoteric some of this may sound, we may well inject here Time’s association with gravity and magnetism.

Atomic clocks record time passing slightly faster in orbit than at sea level, the difference being that gravity is weaker higher up. An electrical current will produce a magnetic field at right angles to it, but since there are three planes of space, where is the gravitational plane? No one, including Einstein, could ever find it. What forces are really out there? Electromagnetism may also be a gateway to something far more startling.

Mark Solis writes:

“It is surmised by some researchers that what Hutchison has done is tap into the Zero Point Energy. This energy gets its name from the fact that it is evidenced by oscillations at zero degrees Kelvin, where supposedly all activity in an atom ceases. The energy is associated with the spontaneous emission and annihilation of electrons and positrons coming from what is called the ‘quantum vacuum.’


The density contained in the quantum vacuum is estimated by some at 1013 joules per cubic centimeter, which is reportedly sufficient to boil off the Earth’s oceans in a matter of moments.”

… A disappearance, a disintegration seems mild by comparison.

A long time ago, biologist Ivan Sanderson noted that the greatest number of disappearances in the world occurred in specific locales, “vortices,” he called them, which,

“lie on the right or east sides of the continents, and all precisely in curious areas where hot surface currents stream out of the tropical latitudes toward the colder waters of the temperate. . .”

An example of Sanderson’s 12 vortices set at regular intervals around the earth, brought to his attention by the higher incidence of unexplained disappearances therein. The North ands south Pole account for the 11th and 12th vortices.


He explains this is of “enormous significance” because,

“these are the areas of extreme temperature variabilities which alone would predicate a very high incidence of violent marine and aerial disturbances. What more likely areas,” he continues, “for storms and wrecks and founderings, and even magnetic anomalies?”

He went on to ask,

“Whether these vast [natural] ‘machines’ generate still another kind of anomaly that might cause something to ‘go wrong’ . . .in our space-time continuum. In other words, could they create. . . ‘vortices’ into and out of which material objects can drop into or out of other space-time continua?”

Hutchison’s studies may not prove this, of course, but continuing results prove the unlimited potential of electromagnetism on matter.

Fusion dissimilar of materials.

One of the most remarkable effects is the fusion of dissimilar materials. In describing this, Mark Solis makes note that “dissimilar substances can simply ‘come together’ yet the individual substances do not disassociate.

A block of wood can ‘simply sink’ into a metal bar, yet neither the block of wood nor metal bar come apart.” Moreover, he adds “there is no evidence of displacement, such as would occur if, for example, one were to sink a stone in a bowl of water.”

But perhaps one of the most remarkable aspects of his Effect is,

spontaneous invisibility of materials in the ‘active zone’ of a Pharos-type Hutchison apparatus…

A phenomenon which Richard Hull uncovered in historical investigations took place in the Farnsworth Fusion Machine in the 1930s, where solid metal portions of the apparatus became transport during a number of tests. (Philo T. Farnsworth was the inventor of the electronic TV).

Hutchison has added that invisibly surrounds metallic objects.

Properly adjusting his equipment, he adds, the “cronons” and “gravitons” generated by his technology could cause entire buildings to disappear. The propulsive part of the Effect could get us into space faster and cheaper than any conventional fuel.


Since the effects and the materials vary exceedingly, it seems logical to assume there is some form of disruption of the basic atomic structure, considering that fusion of non identical materials, fires, levitating objects, invisibility, etc., have nothing else in common but these building blocks of matter.


Electromagnetism is a doorway into a world of which we are all made. As such, its potential seems unlimited.

Since the Earth is itself an object generating electromagnetic fields, are there areas where some of these fields will intermittently interplay and cause aberrations?


To be more explicit, is the Bermuda Triangle properly situated on the Earth, in the areas of correct temperatures and weather volatility, in areas of electromagnetic stresses, to create effects as Hutchison has done in his lab?

We can no longer say “impossible” to anything once the doors to the very building blocks of the universe are unlocked. The dreams and even wistful fancies of past philosophers and scientists are daily becoming reality in our modern world.

It is time we as a species woke up to them. For too long we called them “supernatural” when they were not “above nature,” they were merely above our understanding of it. It is also time that science looks beyond a mere fact.

We must start looking at potential whether it has immediate profitability or not.

The greatest contribution in the Hutchison Effect is that it shows us the great potential in nature all around us.


The technology of the Gods

It may be, that everything we consider as high tech has been developed thousands of years ago, but it has been vanished and now we are discovering it again:

The Gods and Their Flying Machines

The major attribute of the gods is that they could fly. Here are a few clues:

– When flying Quetzalcoatl appeared to the ancient Mexicans as a feathered serpent: “…first it flies, quite high up, well up it goes, and it just descends…”. And when it flies or descends a great wind blows. Wherever it goes, it flies” (Baldwin, 1998).

Don’t you wonder what kind of aircraft might appear to the natives as a “plumed serpent” accompanied by a “great wind”?

– “…there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven.” (2 Kings 2:11).

– “And Jehovah was going before them by day in a pillar of cloud, to lead them in the way, and by night in a pillar of fire, to give light to them, to go by day and by night…” (Exo 13:21).

– Yahweh lands on Mt Sinai. “…And on the third day, it being morning, it happened. There were thunders and lightning, and a heavy cloud upon the mountain, and the sound of a ram’s horn, very strong! And all the people of the camp trembled… And mountain of Sinai was smoking, all of it, because Jehovah came down on it in fire. And it’s smoke went up like the smoke of a furnace; and the mountain quaked exceedingly…” (Exodus 19:16-18).

– “…And the spirit lifted me up, and I heard behind me the sound of a great tumult, saying, Blessed be the glory of Jehovah from his place; and the sound of the wings of the living creatures touching each other to the other; and the sound of the wheels along with them; and the sound of a great tumult…” (Ezekiel 3:12).

– Jehovah comes down on the high places with a great heat: “For behold, Jehovah is coming out of his place, and will come down and walk on the high places of the earth. And the mountains shall melt under him, and the valleys shall cleave themselves as wax before the fire, as waters poured out on a steep place…” (Micah 1:3-4).

– A reference to flying gods in the Mahabharata:

“The gods, in cloud-borne chariots… bright celestial cars in concourse sailed upon the cloudless sky.” (Sitchin, 1985).

– Sitchin (1985) also mentions the flying Maruts:

“…loud roaring as the winds make the mountains rock and reel…(as they) lift themselves aloft…these verily wondrous, red of hue, speed on their course with a roar over the ridges of the sky…and spread themselves with beams of light…bright, celestial, with lightning in their hands and helmets of gold upon their heads.”

– Egyptian King Pepi ascends:

“As an imperishable star; Flies who flies! He flies away from you, O men! He is no longer upon earth; he is in the sky! He rushes at the sky like a heron. He has kissed the sky like a falcon. He has leapt skyward like a grasshopper.” (Frankfort, 1948).

– An angelic messenger announces to Manoah about the birth of Samson to his wife, and who, after telling Manoah that his name is secret,

“…ascends in a flame of fire from the altar.” (Judges 13:2-15).

– Naymlap, the leading god of the Indians of Ecuador, was

“taken heavenward by the god of the speaking stone” (Sitchin, 1990).

– Von Daniken (1982) states that the “fiery heavenly chariots”, described by Enoch and Elijah are also found in Buddhist (Padmasambhava) and Hindu (Ardjuna) mythology. Apparently every child in India is well aware of ancient flying gods and their aircraft, which they called Vimanas.

– In the Sumerian tale of Nergal and Ereshkigal (Pritchard, 1975), there are hints that there were periods when the gods were not able to travel from one location to another, perhaps because their orbital positions or the planetary alignments were not favorable:

Anu opened his mouth to say to Kaka:

I will send thee, Kaka, to the Land of no Return,

To Ereshkigal…thou shalt say: “‘Thou art not able to come up,

In thy year thou canst not ascend to our presence, And we cannot go down,

In our month we cannot descend to thy presence…”

Probably the most familiar description of the AA’s aircraft (possibly spacecraft) is in the biblical book of Ezekiel. It is a very convincing description by a very astute observer. From this description former NASA engineer J. F. Blumrich designed and patented his impression of the vehicle (Blumrich, 1974) (Fig 7-1). A small cockpit, where Ezekiel observed the “Lord”, rested atop the body of the vehicle.

Fig 7-1.

The body, which Ezekiel called the “fiery firmament”, terminated in a single main engine. Attached to the body were four helicopter engines and blades, which enabled the vehicle to land vertically without using the main engine, which would have either covered poor Ezekiel with rubble or blown him away!

Not so well known, and more interesting in my opinion, is the tale of the “Divine Throne-Chariot” from the Dead Sea Scrolls (Vermes, 1962). The introduction to the piece reads:

“The Divine Throne-Chariot draws its inspiration from Ezekiel (1:10) and is related to the Book of Revelation. It depicts the appearance and movement of the Merkabah, the divine Chariot supported and drawn by the cherubim, which is at the same time a throne and a vehicle. The ‘small voice’ of blessing is drawn from 1 Kings 19:112: it was in a ‘small still voice’ that God manifested himself to Elijah. In our Qumran text this voice is uttered by the cherubim and it is interesting to note that although the Bible does not define the source of the voice, the ancient Aramaic translation of 12 Kings (Targum of Jonathan) ascribes it to angelic beings called ‘they who bless silently.’”

“The Throne-Chariot was a central subject of meditation in ancient as well as in medieval Jewish esotericism and mysticism, but the guardians of Rabbinic orthodoxy tended to discourage such speculation. The liturgical use of Ezekiel’s chapter on the Chariot is expressly forbidden in the Misnah; it even lays down that no wise man is to share his understanding of the Merkabah with a person less enlightened than himself…”

Not being a “wise man” I guess I’m free to share my speculation regarding the Merkabah. Of course the ancient Hebrews did not have the words to describe the technology which they were observing; regardless Ezekiel did quite an impressive job with the words available to him.

The description of the vehicle in operation, excerpted from Vermes by Barnstone (1984) reads:

“…and the cherubim utter blessings. And as they rise up, there is a divine small voice and loud praise; there is a divine small voice as they fold their wings.

“The cherubim bless the image of the Throne-Chariot above the firmament, and they praise the majesty of the fiery firmament beneath the seat of his glory. And between the turning wheels angels of holiness come and go, as it were a fiery vision of most holy spirits; and about them flow seeming rivulets of fire, like gleaming bronze, a radiance of many gorgeous colors, of marvelous pigments magnificently mingled. The spirits of the Living God move perpetually with the glory of the wonderful Chariot.

“The small voice of the blessing accompanies the tumult as they depart, and on the path of their return they worship the Holy One. Ascending, they rise marvelously; settling, they stay still. The sound of joyful praise is silenced and there is a small voice of blessing in all the camp of God.”

Here it is again with my “interpretations” in parenthesis:

“…and the cherubim (and the objects with wings – the helicopters) utter blessings (make a soft sound resembling prayer). And as they rise up (as the helicopter blades rise into place), there is a divine small voice (the blades make a swishing sound in the air) and loud praise (along with the loud noise of the engine); there is a divine small voice as they fold their wings (when the main engine is stopped only the swishing sound of the blades is heard as they drop down and stop).

“The cherubim (The helicopters) bless the image of the Throne-Chariot above the firmament (make a soft sound like prayer), and they praise the majesty (and they speak louder, and in amazement, about the brightness) of the fiery firmament beneath the seat of his glory (of the glowing, idling engine under the main body of the aircraft). And between the turning wheels (between the helicopter’s blades), angels of holiness come and go (wispy changing patterns), as it were a fiery vision of most holy spirits (of flames and vapors from the main engine); and about them flow seeming rivulets of fire, like gleaming bronze, a radiance of many gorgeous colors, of marvelous pigments magnificently mingled (the exhaust from the helicopter engines mingled with the multi-colored exhaust from the main engine). The spirits (the helicopters) of the Living God move perpetually with the glory (always move with the flaming exhaust) of the wonderful Chariot (of the wonderful vehicle).

“The small voice of the blessing (the soft sound of the blades) accompanies the tumult (accompanies the roar of the main engine) as they depart, and on the path of their return they worship (they make a loud noise) the Holy One (the god-pilot). Ascending, they rise marvelously (the blades ascend quickly); settling, they stay still (the blades drop down and stop,). The sound of joyful praise is silenced (the loud noise of the main engine ceases) and there is a small voice of blessing (the helicopter blades slow and drop down) in all the camp of God.”

I do not think there is a better description of Ezekiel’s “spaceship”!

Another interesting tale is that of Elijah meeting the Lord. In I Kings 19:11-12, Yahweh makes himself known to Elijah (Eli-yahu):

“And, behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the earthquake; but the Lord was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but the Lord was not in the earthquake; and after the earthquake a fire; but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice.”

My translation: As the spacecraft approaches the exhaust was first perceived as a powerful wind; as it descended on the mountain the engine caused the earth under it to vibrate; the engine’s fiery exhaust then came into Elijah’s view; finally, the main engines are stopped and only the sound of the helicopter blades is heard as they slow and stop.

Zecharia Sitchin (1998) gives an interesting description of Elijah’s ascent to heaven. This apparently was also the time when Ezekiel wrote of his experiences with the Lord’s aircraft – about 592 bc:

“…a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, came. And they separated between them both (Elijah and Elisha), and Elijah went up in a tempest to Heaven. And Elisha was watching, and he was crying ‘My father, my father! the chariot of Israel and its Horsemen!’ And he did not see him again…”

(2 Kings 2:11).

If your language did not include the words aircraft, or rocket, or spaceship, or any other thing that could carry men through the air, what could you possibly call it but a “chariot”? And it seems clear that some of them were what we now call VTOL (vertical take-off and landing) aircraft.

So I am left with no doubt that the AAs possessed the technology to come to Earth in spacecraft, and to move about the Earth in various kinds of aircraft which did not require runways.


Ancient Nuclear Warfare

“We turned the switch, saw the flashes, watched for ten minutes, then turned everything off and went home. That night I knew the world was headed for sorrow”

– Physicist Leo Szilard, atomic bomb builder

“(It was) a single projectile, charged with all the power of the Universe. An incandescent column of smoke and flame, as bright as the thousand suns, rose in all its splendor… it was an unknown weapon… which reduced to ashes the entire race of the Vrishnis and the Andhakas… the corpses were so burned as to be unrecognizable. The hair and nails fellout; pottery broke without apparent cause, and the birds turned white… after a few hours all foodstuffs were infected…”

– The Mahabharata.

During the first Egyptian “pyramid war”, between Horus and Seth, Horus strikes:

“…(and he) let loose against them a storm which they could neither see with their eyes, nor hear with their ears. It brought death to all of them in a single moment…” (Sitchin, 1985)


This sounds to me like the gamma-ray and neutron pulse from a sub-kiloton nuclear weapon, which has no fireball and the nuclear radiation extends far beyond the blast wave.

Zeus battles the Titans:

“The hot vapor lapped around the Titans, of Gaea born, flame unspeakable rose bright to the upper air. The Flashing glare of the Thunder-Stone, its lightning, blinded their eyes-so strong it was. Astounding heat seized Chaos… It seemed as if Earth and wide Heaven above had come together, a mighty crash, as though Earth was hurled to ruin. Also were the winds brought rumbling, earthquake and dust storm, thunder and lightning.” (Sitchin, 1985).

I would guess that this was a large nuclear weapon which was detonated on or close to the ground, thus producing a large mushroom cloud.

Zeus conquering Thyphon:

“A flame shot forth from the stricken lord in the dim, rugged, secluded valley of the Mount, when he was smitten. A great part of huge earth was scorched by the terrible vapor, melting as tin melts when heated by man’s art…in the glow of a blazing fire did the earth melt down.” (Sitchin, 1985).

Biblical references to nuclear warfare:

– The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah:

“…(Abraham) looked toward Sodom and Gomorrah…and he beheld and saw a smoke rising from the earth, as the smoke of a furnace.”

(Gen 18:27).

– “…and the Lord sent thunder and hail, and the fire ran along upon the ground; and the Lord rained hail upon the land of Egypt.”

– Exodus 9:23

“And it came to pass, as they fled from before Israel, and were in the going down to Bethhoron, that the Lord cast down great stones from heaven upon them unto Azekah, and they died: they were more which died with hailstones than they whom the children of Israel slew with the sword.”

– Joshua 10:11

“And the fire of God came down from heaven, and consumed him and his fifty.”

– 2 Kings 1:12

-“Thou shalt make them as a fiery oven in the time of thine anger: the Lord shall swallow them up in his wrath, and the fire shall devour them.”

– Psalms 21:9

“A fire goeth before him, and burneth up his enemies round about.”

– Psalms 97:3

“Thou shalt be visited of the Lord of hosts with thunder, and with earthquake, and great noise, with storm and tempest, and the flame of devouring fire.”

– Isaiah 29:6

There are many other clues regarding nuclear warfare. Childress (2000) discusses ancient atomic warfare, first Hattusas (Bogazkoy) in Turkey where “parts of the city are vitrified, and the walls of rock are partly melted.” He then discusses Sodom and Gomorrah and compares them with Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

He thinks Sodom, Gomorrah, Zoar, Admah and Zeboiim (Gen. 14:2) were destroyed, creating the Dead Sea. He quotes L.M.Lewis, “Footprints on the Sands of Time”, who argues for atomic explosions. And he quotes from the Mahabharata an excellent description of an atomic battle in which Arjuna is given a “celestial weapon” which he cannot use against humans “for it might destroy the world”, but he could use it against “any foe who is not human.”

From the Mahabharata, as quoted by Charles Berlitz (1972), is probably the best description of ancient atomic warfare one can find:

“…(it was) a single projectile, charged with all the power of the Universe. An incandescent column of smoke and flame, as bright as the thousand suns, rose in all its splendor… it was an unknown weapon, and iron thunderbolt, a gigantic messenger of death, which reduced to ashes the entire race of the Vrishnis and the Andhakas… the corpses were so burned as to be unrecognizable. The hair and nails fell out; pottery broke without apparent cause, and the birds turned white… after a few hours all foodstuffs were infected… to escape from this fire the soldiers threw themselves in streams to wash themselves and their equipment.”

Steinhauser (1975) relates a story from the Ramayana:

“…when the god Rama was threatened by a ‘army of monkeys’ (men or robots?) he put a ‘magic arrow’ into action. This produces a flash of lighting ‘stronger than the heat from a hundred thousand suns’, turning everything to dust. The hair of survivors falls out, their nails disintegrate. We know of such magic weapons from Sodom and Gomorrah, and from Hiroshima and Nagasaki.”

Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa, Pakistan: David Davenport (1996), who spent 12 years studying ancient Hindu scripts and evidence at the ancient site of Mohenjo-Daro, declared in 1996 that the city was instantly destroyed 2,000 years bc. The city ruins reveal the explosion’s epicenter which measures 50 yards wide. At that location everything was crystallized, fused or melted. Sixty yards from the center the bricks were melted on one side indicating a blast… the horrible mysterious event of 4000 years ago was recorded in the Mahabharata.

According to that text,

“white hot smoke that was a thousand times brighter than the sun rose in infinite brilliance and reduced the city to ashes. Water boiled… horses and war chariots were burned by the thousands… the corpses of the fallen were mutilated by the terrible heat so that they no longer looked like human beings…”

From one of the oldest chronicles of India… the Book of Dzyan:

“Separation did not bring peace to these people and finally their anger reached a point where the ruler of the original city took with him a small number of his warriors and they rose into the air in a huge shining metal vessel. While they were many leagues from the city of their enemies, they launched a great shining lance that rode on a beam of light. It burst apart in the city of their enemies with a great ball of flame that shot up to the heavens, almost to the stars. All those who were in the city were horribly burned and even those who were not in the city – but nearby – were burned also.

Those who looked upon the lance and the ball of fire were blinded forever afterward. Those who entered the city on foot became ill and died. Even the dust of the city was poisoned, as were the rivers that flowed through it. Men dared not go near it, and it gradually crumbled into dust and was forgotten by men. When the leader saw what he had done to his own people he retired to his palace and refused to see anyone. Then he gathered about him those warriors who remained, and their wives and children, and they entered their vessels and rose one by one into the sky and sailed away. Nor did they return.”

Childress (1999) also presents sketches of the Citadel of Mohenjo-Daro and a discussion of its destruction by nuclear explosion. Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro were the main cites of the “Harappa Culture” of the Indus Valley, an amazingly uniform and advanced urban civilization existing between 2500 and 1500 bc, the beginnings of which remain obscure.

About Parshaspur near Srinagar, Kashmir, David Childress (2000) states,

“It is a scene of total destruction; huge blocks of stone are scattered about a wide area giving the impression of explosive annihilation.”

Zecharia Sitchin (1985) devotes an entire chapter to a discussion of nuclear warfare in ancient times in Mesopotamia and the Sinai peninsula. In this book he also suggests the destruction of the Sinai “space facilities” by nuclear weapons. He offers as evidence

“…the immense cavity in the center of the Sinai and the resulting fracture lines (see figure), the vast surrounding flat area covered with blackened stones, traces of radiation south of the Dead Sea, the new extent and shape of the Dead Sea – is still there, four thousand years later”.

He maintains that the radioactive fallout from this operation wiped out the area around Sumer for a period of 70 years, until 1953 bc.

So did the gods use nuclear weapons in their struggles with each other and with mankind? You be the judge!


The Biotechnology of the Gods

“There are 193 species of monkeys and apes, 192 of them are covered with hair. The exception is a naked ape self-named Homo Sapiens”

– Desmond Morris

“It is difficult to say what is impossible – for the dream of yesterday is the hope of today and the reality of tomorrow”

– Robert Goddard

Tales from various sources suggest that the gods possessed an advanced knowledge of biology many millennia ago:

– The Egyptian god Thoth helped Isis, the wife of Osiris, to extract from the dismembered Osiris the semen with which Isis was impregnated to bear Horus.

– “The Telleriano-Remensis and Florentine codices declare that Quetzalcoatl, as great artificer, ‘formed’ and ‘molded’ the first human beings in his image, and that only he – and no other god – ‘had a human body’.” (Baldwin, 1998).

– “Before I (the Lord) formed you (Jeremiah) in the belly I knew you; and before you came out of the womb I set you apart…” (Green, Jay, 1986, Jeremiah 1:5).

– “…‘though it is said that in truth Zeus, King of the Gods, whom you call Amen-Ra, was her father’. Seti nodded when he heard this and murmured, ‘Even as Amen-Ra was the father of Hatshepsut. Yes, the gods can indeed be the fathers of the spirits that dwell in the bodies of kings and queens’.” (Green, Roger, 1967).

– In the tale of the birth of Samson, Manoah’s wife, who was barren, was visited by “the Angel of Jehovah” who said,

“Behold now you are barren and have not borne. But you shall conceive and bear a son…(who shall be)…a Nazirite to God from the womb” (Green, Jay, 1986, Judges 13:2-14)

(Nazirite: Endowed with special psychic or physical qualities to be used in God’s service).

– “The god Citlaltonac sent an ambassador to see the virgin Chimalma…The god told her that she was to conceive a son, which she did soon after…” (Fernandez, 1982).

– Concerning the birth of the Toltec god Huitzilopochtli: “…a woman called Coatlicue, who was charged with keeping clean a temple on the Cerro de Coatepec, near Tula, was sweeping the building when she saw a beautiful ball of feathers drop from the sky, and put it away in her bosom. When she had finished her work, and tried to find the feather ball, it was no longer there, it had disappeared. At that same moment she became pregnant, although she had been a widow for many years.” (Demetrio, 1983).

– In his discussion of the Sumerian story of the creation of The Adam (” the earthling”) from Mesopotamian texts (clay tablets), Zecharia Sitchin (1985) writes,

“…to achieve the feat Enki suggested that a ‘being that already exists’, Ape woman, be used to create the Lulu Amelu (‘the mixed worker’) by ‘binding’ upon the less evolved beings ‘the mold of the gods’. The goddess Sud purified the ‘essence’ of a young male Anunnaki; she mixed it into the egg of an Ape woman. The fertilized egg was then implanted in the womb of a female Anunnaki, for the required period of pregnancy. When the ‘mixed creature’ was born, Sud lifted him up and shouted: ‘I have created! My hands have made it!’”

These stories raise several interesting questions:

In prehistoric times how in fact did the gods incorporate their ‘essence’ into ape females, a different species (but possibly the same genus), to create modern humans, as ancient texts have suggested?

How could gods and humans, of different but possibly similar species, marry and reproduce as suggested in Genesis?

Within historical times how did the AAs incorporate their ‘spirit’ into the prophets, humans again of a different but probably similar species?

How could the ancient ‘god-kings’ of Mesopotamia and Egypt marry their immediate family members, as custom required, and reproduce without apparent damage to the family gene pool?

Before speculating on how these things were done it will be useful to list some of the bioengineering methods in use at the present time:

IVF: In-vitro fertilization. Sperm and egg of the same species is fused in-vitro. The embryo is implanted in the uterus. A common method of treating infertility since the 1978 British ‘test tube baby’.

CSCT: Cross-species cell transfer (or nuclear transfer). An in-vitro fertilization in which a somatic (e.g. skin) ‘donor’ cell is fused in vitro with the ‘host’ egg of a different but similar species (but of the same genus). The embryo is implanted in the uterus of the host.

CCSCT: Cloned cross-species cell transfer. Same as CSCT except the egg is de-nucleated, resulting in a clone of the donor animal (although a small amount of DNA, in the mitochondria, always comes from the egg). This was the method employed by Advanced Cell Technology, Inc, to regenerate the recently extinct Asian Gaur using an ordinary cow as host (which died shortly after – darn!).

RDNA: Recombinant DNA. Since, in most cases, DNA cannot be transferred directly from one organism to another, in this technique a desirable DNA fragment, isolated from the animal ‘donor’ cell, is incorporated into the plasmid of a benign bacteria (the vector). The bacteria reproduces the fragment as a part of it’s own DNA, and the hybrid bacteria cells are injected back into the animal. This is currently the method of human ‘gene therapy’, but one would expect that the technique could also be used for cross-species cell transfer if the bacteria were benign to both species.

HESC: Human Embryonic Stem Cells. A human somatic cell is fused in vitro with a de-nucleated egg of a different species. “These differentiated cells began to grow as an embryo and then reverted to become embryonic stem cells, which can grow into virtually any type of tissue for transplant use”

So let’s speculate.

Zecharia Sitchin’s statement concerning the development of the Adam sounds like our current technique of cross-species cell transfer (CSCT), the ‘essence’ being DNA fragments (genes) which the gods wanted incorporated into the Ape woman’s egg. The resulting Adam, a hybrid like mules or hinnies, was sterile. Later on some procedure was employed to enable the “mixed creatures” to procreate.

Incorporating the “spirit” (certain traits or abilities) of the gods into the prophets, apparently a partial and selective reprogramming of the central nervous system, could have been accomplished via the technique of recombinant DNA.

Finally, the custom of the ancient ‘god-kings’ of Mesopotamia and Egypt of marrying their sisters and reproducing without apparent damage to the family gene pool would have been possible using the technique of cloned cross-species cell transfer (CCSCT) in the following scenario:

Harvest an egg from a human female and remove the DNA.

Collect a skin cell from a living god, or a deceased god whose cells have been preserved by freezing (or embalming?).

Fuse the skin cell and egg in vitro, and electrically stimulate the embryo to start dividing.

Implant the embryo back into the female, whose immune system will accept it.

If all goes well the human will birth a clone of the god. Now repeat the procedure using a skin cell from a goddess. The cloned god-son and goddess-daughter would be totally genetically different, and could marry and reproduce without genetic damage or violating rules pertaining to incest. Furthermore, since the god-son and his mother are genetically different, they may marry, as was required in ancient Egypt, without violating taboos.

But what if the god and human are of a very different species, or even of a different genus? That this is probable is evidenced by literature suggesting that some of the gods were frightful to look at, and took great care not to be seen by humans, except possibly by the highest priest:

– Concerning the appearance of (the angel) Eleleth. “…now as for that angel, I cannot speak of his power…No, truly, my mouth cannot bear to speak of his power and the appearance of his face.”

(Robinson, 1978, “The Hypostasis of the Archons’)

– In the tale of the birth of Samson, the wife of Manoah says, “A man of God has come to see me, and His appearance was like the appearance of an Angel of God, very terrifying.”

(Green, Jay, 1986, Judges 13:2-14) (This might have been an android).

– “Quetzalcoatl…only he, no other God, had a human body. He was ‘el hombre-dios’, the god made flesh, man embodied with divine spirit.”

– Fanged (Tlaloc) or grotesque (Xipe Totec – ‘The Flayed One’), the gods sometimes hid behind skins of flayed humans.

– “…now it is revealed to us concerning the race of the gods, and we confess it along with everyone else, that they have come into being out of a pure matter, and their bodies are heads only.” (Robinson, 1978, the Asclepius tractate, 21-29)

– “…they (the first male and female earthlings-Adam and Eve?) saw that they were naked, and they became enamored of one another. When they saw their makers, they loathed them since they were beastly forms.” (Robinson, 1978, “On the Origin of the World”).

In these cases probably the techniques of recombinant DNA or the generation of human embryonic stem cells was used. Scary as it sounds the “the hominid-animal mixtures” described by the Babylonian priest Berossus (Burstein, 1978) could have resulted from the modern human embryonic stem cells technique. In

fact when this experiment was announced two years ago by Advanced Cell Technology, biotechnology watcher Jeremy Rifkin strongly objected:

“They should never, ever have done this. We don’t know what kind of creature could develop from that.”

I think we now do know of at least one kind of creature that can “develop from that ” – the Adam!

In summary it appears that our current knowledge of animal biology and physiology permits a close understanding of how the gods might have accomplished their bioengineering feats. Furthermore, since we are assuming that the gods had this ability millennia ago, it’s exciting to speculate concerning their current biotechnology. I suspect we would find it indescribable.


The Immortals

“The more science learns what life is, the more reluctant scientists are to define it “

Leila M. Coyne

“Eternity is very long, especially near the end”

Woody Allen

A universal attribute of the “gods” was their immortality, or at least their very long lives compared to humans. Several references to this characteristic follows:

– “For a thousand years, in your eyes, are as yesterday when it passes, and as a watch in the night.” (Green, Jay, 1986, Psalm 90:4).

This represents a time dilation factor of 1/365,000.

– “…that one day with the Lord is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.” (Green, Jay, 1986, 2 Peter 3:8).

Also a time dilation factor of 1/365,000.

– “…adding up to 1200 divine years of 432,000 Earth years” – The Vishnu Purana, as quoted by Zecharia Sitchin (Sitchin,1993).

A time dilation factor of 1/360 or 1/432,000, whichever way it is interpreted.

– “Put not thy faith in length of years, for the gods regard a lifetime as but an hour.” (Frankfort, 1948).

A time dilation factor of 1/52,840 for a 60 year lifetime.

– Mead (1921) writes,

“Jesus tells his initiated of the dissolution of the universe after its expansion is completed ‘in the years of the light’. Mary Magdalene asks him: ‘My Lord, how many years of the years of the world is a year of the light?’ Jesus answered: ‘A day of the light is a thousand years in the world, so that thirty-six myriads of years and a half myriad of years of the world are a single year of the light.’”

Translating we have 1 day of light = 1000 Earth years; 1 year of the light = 365 days of the light = 365,000 Earth days = 36.5 myriads of Earth years, i.e. as used here “myriad” represents the multiplier 10,000.

– From The Vision of Isaiah:

“After taking Isaiah to Heaven, the angel was requested to return the prophet to Earth. Isaiah said: ‘Why so soon? I have only been here two hours.’ The angel said: ‘Not two hours, but thirty-two years…’” (Slemen, 2000).

A time dilation factor of 1/140,160.

These references seem to imply that the AAs did not live forever, but so much longer than humans that they appeared to be immortal. The texts report that the Sumerian goddess Inanna did age, but she was considered immortal.

One obvious advantage of being even relatively immortal is that one could move about the galaxy without having to achieve very high, and very expensive, speeds. As astronomer Sandy Faber noted, “If we could live longer we wouldn’t have to accelerate to high speeds”. Living longer instead of going faster is of course a familiar science fiction theme.

I can think of four possibilities to account for the alleged immortality of the gods:

(1) Organ replacement, if the gods are biological, or parts replacement if they are not – some of the ‘angels’ and other emissaries of the gods seemed suspiciously robotic:

“Behold, I send an angel before thee, to keep thee in the way, and to bring thee into the place which I have prepared. Beware of him, and obey his voice, provoke him not; for he will not pardon your transgressions, for my name is in him.” (Exodus 23:20-21).

(2) Rejuvenation by somatic cell nuclear transfer.

(3) Time dilation via travel at relativistic speeds relative to Earth.

(4) Gravitational time dilation by orbiting a large black hole.

I am not aware of any references to organ or parts replacement by the gods; however rejuvenation was likely since there was a “Tree of Life” which the gods had access to but humans did not. Zecharia Sitchin (1980) suggests that to be taken up in ancient Egypt meant that one would be immortal, so the rocket ship represented the “tree of life”, and was also symbolized by the obelisks.

According to the ancient king lists the 1st god-king of Ur reigned for 28,800 Earth years, but the texts also mention that the goddess Inanna grew old and fat after being on Earth for an extended period. So was the Tree of Life a repository of spare parts, a cellular rejuvenator, or was it a location such as the vicinity of a black hole?

Time dilation via high speeds seems unlikely, since the degree of time dilation implied by all of the foregoing statements would require velocities very close to the speed of light, which we currently consider to be impossible (although physicists have recently claimed to have transmitted photons, which have no mass, faster than the speed of light, moving a spacecraft faster than the speed of light would seem to require most of the energy in the entire universe).

Rejuvenation by somatic cell nuclear transfer was probably employed since the gods possessed a very advanced biotechnology. In this “still largely theoretical procedure…(the procedure) can ‘rejuvenate’ an aged cell, restoring the proliferative capacity inherent in cells at the beginning of life.” (West, 2000).

Rejuvenation (replacement) by cloning is also very probable. This procedure, which can be used to produce “young cells of any type”, avoids the “Hayflick limit” in which the “telemeres” on the ends of the chromosomes are reduced every time the cell divides until they are used up and division stops (Cibelli, 2000).

I think it’s also logical that the gods might reside, at least some of the time, in an equilibrium orbit about a black-hole which is massive enough to provide an acceptable tidal force across the width of their spacecraft. How massive? If we assume a spacecraft of any length, but having a width of a kilometer (this is a big spaceship folks!), orbiting a black-hole of 32,425 solar masses, the tidal force across the width of the craft would be a comfortable 1g (the pull of gravity at the Earth’s surface). For the case of “1200 divine years of 432,000 human years”, i.e. a time dilation of 0.00278, the ratio of the circumference of the event horizon to the circumference of the orbit of the spacecraft is 0.999992.

Since the horizon circumference for this mass is only about 601,585 kms, our gods would need to drive very carefully! But in this orbit, one Earth year in the life of the gods is 360 years on Earth. The case of “…a thousand years, in your eyes, are as yesterday when it passes” is more difficult since the orbit of the spacecraft would essentially have to coincide with the event horizon.

But there is another clue. In the Sumerian tale of Nergal and Ereshkigal (Pritchard, 1975), there are hints that there were periods when the gods were not able to travel from one location to another, perhaps because their orbital positions or the planetary alignments were not favorable:

Anu opened his mouth to say to Kaka:

I will send thee, Kaka, to the Land of no Return,

To Ereshkigal…thou shalt say: “‘Thou art not able to come up,

In thy year thou canst not ascend to our presence, And we cannot go down,

In our month we cannot descend to thy presence…”

Gravitational time dilation is the logical explanation here. The time dilation factor is of course 1/12, so that the 96,410 km radius of Anu’s orbit is now a comfortable 665 km greater than the horizon radius. Notice that even this modest time dilation, if not close to a black-hole, would require a speed of 99.6% the speed of light – not possible according to current knowledge.

Although astronomers are convinced that the Milky Way’s core contains a massive black hole of about 2.6 million solar masses (Science News, 153:59) it is over 30,000 LY from Earth. So how likely is it that there is a suitably large black hole reasonably close to us, say in the Orion nebula? (The solar system used to be in the Orion nebula but is now about 1500 LY away). One clue may come from Stephen Hawking’s (1988) observation that,

“The number of black holes may well be greater even than the number of visible stars (about 1011 in our galaxy)…then the black hole nearest to us would probably be at a distance of about a thousand million kilometers, or about as far away as Pluto…”.

Furthermore the Space Telescope Science Institute reports recent observations which suggest that they may be numerous:

“Two international teams of astronomers using NASA’S Hubble Space Telescope and ground based telescopes in Australia and Chile have discovered the first examples of isolated stellar-mass black holes adrift among the stars in our galaxy.” (stsci, 2000) .

Finally astrophysicists have recently postulated that there may be as many as 25,000 black holes within 15 LYs of the center of our galaxy (Escude, 2000).

Lacking other clues I’ll speculate that a combination of cellular rejuvenation for those that are biological, parts replacement for those who are not, and gravitational time dilation are probably how the gods achieved their incredibly long lives, relative to Earthlings.



Interesting stuff… don’t step in to the Light… hmmm:


“Religion is what keeps the poor man from murdering the rich.” — Napolean

Krishna with sun haloBuddha sun haloIslamJesus with sun halo

Who are we? Where did we come from? Why are we here? What is the meaning of life? Where do we go when we die? These are the primary questions we all ask as human beings. We wake up one day on this planet as helpless babies raised as children by our parents. Everything we know is pretty much taught to us by our mothers and fathers and the conditioning of society/culture as a whole.

CREATIONISM — Under this scenario “God” created us. This is the view/teachings of the major religions such as Christianity. In this scenario we will go to either heaven or hell (and in some cases pergatory) when we die. Or in the case of Hinduism and Buddhism we will reincarnate over and over again until we attain perfection or nirvana and then we will graduate from this earthly plane. Religion was designed to control the masses through hope and fear. ALL MAJOR RELIGIONS WERE GIVEN TO HUMANITY BY PRINCES OF THE ELITE ROYAL FAMILIES OR NOBILITY. Notice how the religious messiahs are often depicted with the golden halo of the sun.

Krishan halo
The teachings of Hinduism are largely based upon Lord Krishna who was a prince, the eighth son born to the princess Devaki. Krishna married Rukmini, the Vidarbha princess. In the epic holy writing the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna convinces the hero, Arjuna, on the battlefield why fighting the war against his own family with full dedication is just.

In his groundbreaking book “The Gods of Eden” William Bramley explains how the caste system came into being:

“Somewhere between 1500 B.C. (the time of Thutmose in in Egypt) and 1200 B.C. (the time of Moses), the Indian subcontinent was invaded from the northwest by tribes of people known as “Aryans.” The Aryans made themselves India’s new ruling class and forced the native Indians into a servient status.

Precisely who the Aryans were and exactly where they came from is a puzzle still debated today. Historians have generally used the word “Aryan” to denote those peoples who spoke the Indo-European languages, which include English, German, Latin, Greek, Russian, Persian, and Sanskrit…”

“… The Aryans invaded India just before monotheism was created in the Brotherhood, but at a time when the Brotherhood had already begun sending out missionaries – and conquerors. In India, the Aryan conquerers established a complex religious and feudal system known today as “Hinduism.” Hinduism proved to be yet another branch of the Brotherhood network. Some Brotherhood organizations in the Middle East and Egypt maintained close ties with the Aryan leaders in India and frequently sent students to be educated by them. Because of the Aryan invasion, India became an important world center of Brotherhood network activity and remains so today. The Aryan leaders of India claimed obedience to the same type of space age Custodial “gods” found in Mesopotamia and Egypt. Many of the humanlike “gods” worshipped by the Aryans were called “Asura.” Hymns and devotions to the Asura are found in a large collection of Hindu writings known as the Vedas…”

“… If accurate, these and other translations of the Vedas give us humanlike “gods” centuries ago who cavorted in whizzing spaceships, engaged in aerial dogfights, and possessed ffatal beam weapons.

As in Mesopotamia and Egypt, many Hindu gods were obvious fabrications and the apparently real “gods” had an enormous mythology woven about them. Behind the blatant fictions, however, we find important clues regarding the character of mankind’s Custodial rulers.- Hindu writings indicate that people of diverse races and personalities made up the Custodial society, just as they do human society. For example, some “gods” were portrayed with blue skin. Others displayed a kinder and more benevolent attitude toward human beings than others. By the time of the Aryan invasion, however, the oppressive ones were clearly the dominant ones. This was evident in the social system imposed on India by the Aryans. That system was unmistakably designed to create human spiritual bondage. As elsewhere, this bondage was partially accomplished by giving spiritual truths a false twist. The result in India was a feudalistic institution known as the “caste” system. The Aryan caste system dictates that every person is born into the social and occupational class (caste) of the father. An individual may never leave that caste, regardless of the individual’s talent or personality. Each stratum has its own trades, customs, and rituals. Members of the lowest caste,who are known as “outcasts” or “untouchables,” usually perform menial work and live in abject poverty. Untouchables are shunned by the higher classes. The highest castes are the rulers and Brahman priests. During the Aryan invasion, and for a long time thereafter, the highest castes were composed of, naturally, the Aryans themselves. The caste system is still practiced in India today, although it is no longer quite as rigid as it once was and the plight of the untouchables has been eased somewhat. In northern and some parts of western India, the lighter-skinned Indians who descended from the original Aryan invaders continue to dominate the upper castes.

Force and economic pressures were the initial tools used by the Aryan invaders to preserve the caste system. By the 6th century B.C., distorted religious beliefs emerged as a third significant tool.

The Hindu religion contains the truth that a spiritual being does not perish with the body. Hinduism teaches that upon the death of the body, a spiritual being will usually search out and animate a newly-born body. This process is often called “reincarnation” and results in the phenomenon of so-called “past lives.” Many people are capable of recalling “past lives,” sometimes in remarkable detail.

Evidence accumulated from modern research into the phenomenon of “past lives” indicates that highly random factors usually determine which new body a spiritual being takes on. Such factors may include a person’s location at the time of death and the proximity of new bodies (pregnancies). Whether a person chooses a male or female body may depend upon how happy she or he was in the life just ended. Because of these variables, the taking of a new body by a spiritual being is a largely random and unpredictable activity in which sheer chance often plays a role. The Aryan religion distorted an understanding of this simple process by teaching the erroneous idea that rebirth (“reincarnation”) is governed by an unalterable universal law which dictates that every rebirth is an evolutionary step either toward or away from spiritual perfection and liberation. Each Hindu caste was said to be a step on this cosmic staircase. If people behaved according to the laws and duties of their caste, they were told that they would advance to the next higher caste at their next rebirth. If they failed in their duties, they would be born into a lower stratum. Spiritual perfection and freedom were achieved only when a person finally reached the highest caste: the Brahmans. Conversely, the caste into which a person was born was considered an indication of that person’s spiritual development, and that alone justified whatever treatment the person received.

The purpose of such teachings is clear. The caste system was designed to create a rigid feudalistic social order similar to the one created in Egypt under the pharaohs, but carried to an even greater extreme in India.

Hindu reincarnation beliefs accomplished two other Custodial aims. Hinduism stressed that obedience was the principle ingredient bringing about advancement to the next caste. At the same time, Aryan beliefs discouraged people from making pragmatic attempts at spiritual recovery. The myth of spiritual evolution through a caste system hid the reality that spiritual recovery most probably comes about in the same way that nearly all personal improvement occurs: through personal conscious effort, not through the machinations of a fictitious cosmic ladder.”


Buddha with sun halo

Buddhism was given to us by Gautama Buddha or Siddhartha Gautama Buddha. Siddhartha was born in a royal Hindu Kshatriya family. According to the most traditional biography the Buddha’s father was King Suddhodana. His mother, Queen Maha Maya (Mayadevi) and Suddhodana’s wife, was a Koliyan princess. Siddhartha is then said to have spent 29 years as a prince in Kapilavastu and had three palaces. He taught that suffering was part of life and that one should suppress desires. He outlined what is the “right” way to think and behave.

Judaism was given to us from Moses, their most important prophet, via the first five books of the old testament, the Torah, which was said to be written by him and the ten commandments which God supposedly gave to him while on Mount Sinai. He then went on to lay down countless laws in the book of Deuteronomy which were interpreted by the priests and overrode those of the kings. According to Exodus 2 Moses was conveniently said to have been found in a reed basket in the Nile river by the princess daughter of the Pharoah and adopted by the egyptian royal family and raised in the court of Pharoah so Moses was treated as an egyptian prince. Dreamworks Pictures even made a famous animated movie based on this named The Prince of Egypt starring Val Kilmer as Moses. Moses’ name is similar to that particular dynasty (Ah-mose, Thut-most, Kah-mose, etc.).

Turkey flag

Muhammad, the founder of Islam, was the son of the most noble family in Arabia of Banu Hashim and married a wealthy businesswoman from a very prominent family of an elite tribe named Khadijah who was given the title Amirat-Quraysh, Princess of Quraysh. The royal family of Jordan and the Moroccan royal families claim descent from Muhammad, the founder of the muslim faith. (The Arab kings of Seville married into the royal families of Castile and Portugal, which married other European royal families?) The Hashemite royal family of Jordan are direct descendants of the Prophet through his daughter Fatima and her husband Ali bin Abi Talib. From United Press International
October 10, 1986 article entitled MOSLEMS IN BUCKINGHAM PALACE: “Mixed in with Queen Elizabeth’s blue blood is the blood of the Moslem prophet Mohammed, according to Burke’s Peerage, the genealogical guide to royalty. Brooks-Baker said the British royal family is descended from Mohammed through the Arab kings of Seville, who once ruled Spain. By marriage, their blood passed to the European kings of Portugal and Castille, and through them to England’s 15th century King Edward IV.”

Jesus sun haloVirgin Mary standing on moon

Christianity was based upon the life and teachings of Jesus. Jesus was in the line of King David and was the source for the controversial books Holy Blood, Holy Grail and The Da Vinci Code. We can also see how much power the royal family had in the creation of Christianity in the very fact that Emperor Constantine, a murderer, officially made it the state religion. Also, King James commissioned the translation of the King James Bible. There are even two books in the Old Testament named Kings and Kings II. So as you see, Christianity and the Bible was very much rooted in politics. In fact, councils were held to decide which books to include and exclude from the Bible.

As a small group of people with enormous wealth and power, the easiest way to control the masses and prevent them from revolting and taking all that gold and power from them was to placate them and promise them eternal life for being good and doing good works and playing on the fears by scaring them with an eternal hell if they don’t behave. They were instructed to turn the other cheek and forgive others for their sins lest they be judged. The meek shall inherit the earth.

Why wouldn’t a God reveal himself to humanity all at once telepathically by appearing in the sky? Why appear in a localized manner and give conflicting messages throughout time to different racial groups? This is surely a recipe for diaster. Of course, this is by design by the ruling elite in order to divide and conquer. War is a very profitable business for them. It is also quite a convenient excuse to justify their actions. It is quite easy to get the backing of a populace if you can convince them it is God’s will. This has resulted in countless holy wars when the real reasons are to plunder nations for natural resources such as gold, oil and drugs, if not secretly engaging in a sacrificial rite.

Religion and using its books as a propaganda tool are a clever means to control the population. If the people believe that an event, such as armageddon, is God’s will then they will do nothing to stop it. They will not fight back, but allow the “prophesied” event to occur. Has turning the other cheek and loving your neighbors ever worked? Cultures who practice unconditional peace and love set themselves up as doormats for warfaring tribes.

And then you have the question of who created God? Where did God come from? If your answer is that God has always existed then the same thing can be said about the universe itself. God just seems to be a catchall phrase for what we don’t know or understand. No proof for God exists apart from humans who have had “visions” or heard God “speak” to them. So it thus becomes a personal matter of experience or belief. Faith by its very definition is belief in something that can’t be proven or measured.

“Religion is what keeps the poor man from murdering the rich.” — Napolean, Emporor of France (quoted from Robert Byrne, 1,911 Best Things Anybody Ever Said, 1988).

“Religion is the opiate of the masses.” — Karl Marx.

“If I had to choose a religion, the sun as the universal giver of life would be my god” — Napolean

Pope Leo X has been incorrectly attributed with the following quote: “What profit has not that fable of Christ brought us!” These books are nothing more than propaganda given to us by the elite themselves. Much of this has come to light recently in the latest research in the books by Ralph Ellis who relates evidence that Moses and Jesus were pharoahs.

Caesars Messiah book

In fact, the smoking gun may just have been found by Joseph Atwill author of “Caesar’s Messiah: The Roman Conspiracy To Invent Jesus” where Joseph outlines the series of events in Jesus’ ministry that are parallels with the events of the battle campaign of Titus Flavius as recorded by Josephus Flavius in “War of the Jews”. Numerous scholars had noticed the parallels between the Gospels and Josephus’ work before, but Atwill is the first to notice that all the parallels take place in exact sequence and use the names and exploits of Caesar’s family for characters and events in the New Testament. Also the Calpurnius Piso/Flavian dynasty whom Caesar was inlaw of was detailed in the book “The True Authorship of the New Testament” by Abelard Reuchlin.

Researcher Ralph Ellis has further shown in his trilogy of books that Jesus was the great grandson of Queen Cleopatra and was actually the king of Edessa, King Izas Manu. Jesus-Izas fulfills the prophecy that the messiah would be named Emmanuel as predicted in the Old Testament in the Book of Isiah and in the hymn “O Come O Come Emmanuel” in that Emmanuel was said to be translated as “God is with us”. God in ancient texts was called El so Em-Manu-El could allude to “God” Manu.

At any rate even the Bible admits that Jesus is from the line of King David and was mocked by the Roman soldier as “King of the Jews”.

As an aside it is interesting to note a homophone for “god” is “gaud” whose original, archaic meaning is a trick or deceit.

Jordan Maxwell has revealed that Christianity and all of the other major world religions are, in fact, descended from earlier solar, lunar and stellar cults, and represent the sun. In his book That Old Time Religion and his video series The Naked Truth, he explains since no one on earth can claim ownership of the sun, it must be “God’s sun“. Since it provides daylight, the sun of God is the “light of the world“. Ancient man feared the cold, dark conditions of the night and waited each morning for “the risen sun“. Without the energy which the sun sacrifices to sustain life on earth, we would die so it was said that the sun was “our saviour” and “sacrifices his life for us” so that mankind can have “everlasting life” on earth.

Jordan continues to explain how in Egypt, the sun was known as Horus and at daybreak Horus had risen on the horizon (Horus-risen) and was said to be “born again“. When the sun died at night, we were ruled by the “Prince of Darkness” whom the Egyptians called “Set” because God’s sun had “Set” at “sun-SET“. When the sun died, it was said to wear a “crown of thorns” or a corona. The sun is said to begin its ministry at the age of 30 because it enters each house of the zodiac at the 30th degree and is said to die at 33 because it exits at the 33rd degree. He further explains how you can draw a cross over the circle of the sun, dividing it into the four seasons comprised of two solstices and two equinoxes, which is why you can look at the cross on top of most churches even today and see a circle over the top of it. “God’s sun” is on “the cross”.

To quote Jordan, “On December 22, the sun going south, reaches its lowest point in the sky (our winter solstice). At that lowest point, the sun stops moving on the sundial for three days, Dec. 22, 23, & 24th, in the Southern Constellation known as “The Southern Cross”. Hence, our Savior (dead for three days) died on the cross. … The “Southern Cross Constellation”, that is. This is the only time in the year that the sun actually stops its movement in our sky. On the morning of December 25th, the sun begins its annual journey back to us in the northern hemisphere, bringing, of course, our spring. Therefore, on December 25th, our sun is “BORN AGAIN”. And to this day, his worshippers still celebrate his birthday!

book Suns of God

Jordan claims the Bible is astrotheology. In the age of Taurus, the altars were made in the image of a golden calf. In the age of Aries, rams were sacrificed. In the age of Pisces the fish, Christians used the symbol of the fish to signify themselves as believers. In Revelations, a book purported to prognosticate future events, a man bearing a pitcher of water is mentioned. That is the sign of Aquarius which is the sign we are currently entering. The days of our week relate to Gods and their planets. Saturday is Saturn’s day, Sunday is the Sun’s day, and Monday is the Moon’s day. Did you catch that? Sunday, the day when Christians go to church to worship God, is SUNday!

recycle symbolwater cycleinfinity symbolmoebius strip

REINCARNATION (EARTH AS A SCHOOL) — This belief teaches that we reincarnate over and over again in order to learn lessons and once all our karma has been overcome we can graduate from this earthly plane onto a higher dimension. As one of tenets of the major religions of Hinduism and Buddhism, believers are taught that their reward will be given to them in their next lifetime in the form of karma. If reinarnation is true then why don’t we remember the reason we are being punished for? How can we possibly learn from our mistakes if we can’t correlate events of this present life with mistakes we made in a previous one? How can we know what we are being rewarded for? And it seems there are much better teaching mechanisms. When we go to school we are able to learn from text books and from spoken instruction. Yes, there are experiential labs especially in the sciences which could equate to life here. Also if lessons learned are stored in our soul’s character or our subconcious memory, then why can’t the data or knowledge just be transferred directly and save us all the trouble? And why is the process so slow and painful? We could learn lessons without going through so much difficulty, it would seem. If, as most eastern religions teach, we are part of the infinite all, then why limit ourselves like this? Are we that bored? Why couldn’t we cycle through a temporary forgetting of sorts to make experiences still seem fresh and exciting without the dull, tedious boredom which could come with knowing everything. It would be like being able to hit a hole in one on every single hole in golf. There would be no challenge and would become boring. I get that, but why go to the other extreme where there are wars, people being tortured, and children starving? Are they being taught lessons too, and isn’t there any other possible way that would be more humane? Surely an all-knowing, all-loving, all-powerful God could find a better way. Then there is the not so small matter of increasing population. Where do all the new souls come from? Are they reincarnating on a more frequent basis? Are souls being fragmented so that they live multiple lives at once? Many eastern religions teach that god is an energy that flows through everything and that we are all one and have forgotten our true divinity so we need to return to the source that is god.

Evolution to robot

EVOLUTION – This theory is widely believed by most scientists and is based on Charles Darwin’s Origin of the Species. It is the prevailing theory taught in schools today. It posits that man evolved from monkeys based on the similar DNA and appearances.

evolution monkey to alien

INTERVENTIONISM – This recently emerging ancient astronaut theory claims that an avanced alien race of beings intervened in the evolutionary process on earth and created humans by merging their own DNA with that of the evolving primitive man. It is a marriage of both evolution and creationism. There would be no need to find the missing link since there needn’t be one. The theory’s main evidence is the translation by Zecharia Sitchin of sumerian texts and supported by all the ancient out of place artifacts that have been found and mysteries such as who built the great monolithic structures.

book The 12th Planet



Here it is free energy by Nikola Tesla!:


small QEG-HopeGirl-logo

As Promised, here are the open sourced documents for a quantum energy generator. This has been made possible by the people and for the people. It is freely given to the world.


An average modern household requires 5-10KW of power  to operate.

A conventional generator needs   15KW to produce 10KW of power.

To produce these 15KW of power we rely on gas, diesel, propane, coal or other products that can be metered creating profits for the oil industry.

130 years ago Nikola Tesla invented and patented an energy generator. This is a resonance machine that only needs 1KW of input power to produce 10KW of output power.  His patents are now in the public domain.

The Fix the World Organization has reproduced Teslas design with a few modern twists to generate the same results.   Our Quantum Energy Generator (QEG) provides 10KW of power output for less than 1KW input, which it supplies to itself.

We have freely given this technology to the people of the world.  We’ve open sourced a full set of instructions, user manual, schematics and parts list for any engineer to follow and reproduce the same results.

How the QEG works:
First we use a starting power source, such as an outlet or a crank to power the 1 horsepower motor. This motor spins the rotor in the generator core. The unique oscillator circuitry configuration in the generator core causes resonance to occur. Once the core achieves this resonance it can produce up to 10KW of power, which can then be run through an inverter to power the motor that spins the rotor. You can then unplug the motor from the original power source and the generator will power itself.

Cottage Industry Community Units specifically for the production of QEG’s are NOW developing in communities in 30+ countries.  The People are making their own free energy devices.

The QEG belongs to humanity now. Many will make further improvements and we will all co-develop this practical bridge technology together.

The QEG: For the People and By the People

Fix the World is currently traveling to Taiwan, London and Morocco for the month of April to help communities build QEG’s. Everything we have accomplished has been made possible by the donations of people like you. If you would like to help keep us going, every little bit helps! Please consider giving back and making a donation of any amount to the Fix the World Organization. By Clicking here:

