Tag Archives: Health Ranger

Have you ever thought why the lyrics in songs on the radio are so stupid?

Have you ever wondered why the lyrics in the songs are so stupid? That’s because big companies don’t want to play songs which contain something “Truth”. It is always just partying, leaving your boy/girlfriend, partying, reunite with your boy/girlfriend, partying, satan worship, partying, satan worship, partying, partying, partying, etc. They just want that you are in DEEP sleep and keep on partying and they want to demolish your family units and that’s why they are pushing single/gay agenda, why? Because they don’t want strong family units, they just want you partying,  sleeping, consuming, sleeping, consuming,… WAKE UP!

So I just want to post some different kind of songs from Mike Adams “Health Ranger”. It would be very different world if these kind of songs would get some air time too:







So there you have some different kind of music for a change and here is Healt Ranger’s website:

>> Natural Health News

And then I just have to post this song, because it contains some Truth also:


Have a nice weekend!