Tag Archives: Henry Makov

Politically Incorrect Advice for Young Men

The base of society is a family and now Illuminati is trying to destroy that. Why? Because people are easier to control when they are alone, are addicted to drugs and alcohol and are jumping relationship to another. They are also supporting gay and feminism, because they want to make men weak so that they are not a threat. Just look around you and you see this everywhere. Even church is corrupted and they support this demoralization. Here’s a nice and short article about this fact and how to correct it:

Revised From Nov. 20, 2004

Politically Incorrect Advice for Young Men

by Henry Makow Ph.D.

My life was dysfunctional until the age of 50 partly because I accepted the feminist assumptions purveyed by the mass media.

I never imagined the financial elite is engaged in a war to destabilize society by trashing heterosexual roles. This hateful government attack on the traditional family continues unabated today. The purpose is to create a totalitarian New World Order where people are isolated, and mind control replaces jackboot.Like millions of men, I was let “off the hook” by sexual liberation and feminism. Instead of becoming a husband and father, I was free to have sex and search for my “identity.”

Often sex and identity were confused. I didn’t understand that men mature and find direction and purpose by assuming the responsibility of marriage and family. As a result, I suffered from arrested emotional development and missed my opportunity to have a family.

What follows is an antidote to elite feminist propaganda. I don’t want young men to make the same mistakes i did.

1. The creation of a strong and loving family is perhaps the highest goal to which a man can aspire. This is the natural process by which men (and women) grow over a lifetime. This is how we find love and intimacy. It isn’t for everyone but it is the path to happiness for most.

2. Stop listening to the media, your peer group or parents. “Trust thy self,” Emerson says in Self Reliance (1841) “Whoso would be a man, must be a nonconformist.” What are your instincts telling you? For example, I always knew I wanted to rule my own roost but feminism prohibited this. Obey your instincts.

3. Make work (not women) your passion. Work is the backbone of a man. Men gain self-confidence from performing a task well, and receiving reward and recognition. Women may try to come between a man and his work but don’t let them. Don’t let anyone or anything thwart your gift. Women do not respect men who make them their first priority. Your work will keep you on course and help you avoid temptation.

4. Don’t mistake sexual attraction for love. Our society makes female beauty and sex into a phony religion in order to distract and manipulate us. Sex and beauty soon become tedious. The magic ends. Do not marry someone based on sexual infatuation. Real love develops over a long period of time and is based on mutual dependence, trust and caring.

5. Do not put beautiful women on a pedestal. They is no relationship between a woman’s appearance and her character. Beautiful women are flawed like everyone else. They’re more trouble because of their sense of entitlement.

6. Never show weakness. In courtship, don’t appear eager. Women interpret this as weakness. Keep your dignity. Nothing earns her respect quicker than rejection. Men think they will be loved for their sterling qualities. This is not so. Women are looking for men who make them feel secure. They want men who exude confidence. If you’re insecure, remember there are many woman more insecure than you.

7. The best way to fight sex addiction is to get married. Sex without love is degrading and dehumanizing. Sexual liberation is not wanting sex (because you have it.) Sex is used to distract and sell us. People wouldn’t be sexually frustrated if they got married at a young age as they did in the 1950’s and started families. Women should marry and have kids before going to university; men after beginning their careers.

8. Do not marry a woman who doesn’t make you and her family her first priority. Do you want to share your wife with her boss? If you have an aim in life, why marry someone who doesn’t support it? Or has a competing agenda? In the marketplace of love, men have the power. Our fertility lasts three times as long as theirs. We are the buyers. There are plenty of fine women, especially if we look abroad.

9. Real women are self-effacing. They put their husbands and their children before themselves. This is how women show love: by self-surrender. Avoid the four-C’s. Women who compete, control, criticize or complain. Avoid women who are overachievers or neurotic. Don’t get hung up on unavailable women. They’re aren’t as special as they think. Choose a wife who complements you and is a good companion. Don’t look for your female counterpart. Choose one who has skills and qualities you lack and will be a good mother.

10. Being possessive is natural. A man wants to possess a woman. Women want to be possessed. In the act of love, we say a man “possesses” a woman. Total love equals total possession. This is not the same as domination. It is a partnership based on mutual trust and respect. My wife does not share my political views or read my website.

11. Your seed (semen) is your unique spirit and essence. Would you entrust it to a vulgar or mediocre woman just because she is attractive? Ideally we would only have sex with a woman we would want to mother our children. This is why sex was reserved for marriage.

12. Children represent your organic growth. They are an extension of yourself. The media is doing a number on us. How often do we see children portrayed in a truly positive light? As the angels they often are? We are rich in proportion to the things we love. The highest love is between husband and wife, and parents and children.

13. Don’t waste your time “looking for God.” We find God by serving and obeying Him. God speaks through our sense of right and wrong, and ideals of absolute truth, justice and love. We are not men if we refuse to sacrifice our “selves” to God ( i.e. obey) . Truth is liberating even if the truth is about our present bondage.

14. You are not the voice in your head. We cohabit with a monkey. Don’t be deceived or upset by how mean and vulgar his thoughts often are. They’re not you. You are a spark of Divine consciousness housed in the body of an evolved ape. Your job is to train the ape by training the shared mind.

Some of this was common knowledge when I was a child in the 1950’s. Over the years, the Illuminati have gradually undermined the natural order by promoting homosexuality which includes sexual liberation and lesbianism in the guise of feminism.

An establishment that sows fear and confusion between the sexes, and promotes promiscuity and family breakdown does not have the country’s best interest at heart.

Many of our feminist political, cultural and economic “leaders” are moral whores, dupes, traitors and often worse. We resist them by building strong healthy families and giving our children wholesome values.


See also my “Managing the Male Sex Drive”


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Fifty Shades of Satanism

I have posted about this topic before, but there’s never too much information. Don’t go see this highly praised satanistic movie called “50 Shades Of Gray”, because it’s just another way to brake families and moral. Just pushing satanic agenda to people:

Make no mistake, Fifty Shades of Grey invites us to engage in BD S&M: bondage-discipline-sadism & masochism. Society is being transformed into a satanic cult.

Fifty Shades of Satanism

by Henry Makow Ph.D.

Sadism is “the tendency to derive pleasure, especially sexual gratification, from inflicting pain or humiliation on others.” Masochism is getting pleasure from receiving pain or humiliation.

Make no mistake, Fifty Shades of Grey invites us to engage in BD S&M bondage-discipline-sadomasochism.

Monkey see, monkey do. Apparently we are jaded with pornography and need to up the ante.  The Illuminati are transforming society into a satanic cult modeled on …themselves! The more perverted and degraded we become, the better they like it. “We corrupt in order to rule..” Giuseppe Mazzini said. We are satanically possessed.


Illustration from Marquis de Sade’s novel, Juliette

In the past, only they engaged in kinky sex. The Marquis de Sade (1740-1814), whom liberals and Satanists consider a pioneer of sexual freedom, was deemed a moral reprobate in his day. He was confined to a prison and later an insane asylum. He gave his name to “sadism.” Now we’re all being invited to engage in it.


Satanism denies the existence of God, i.e. that man has a soul which contains the blueprint for becoming the person the Creator intends us to be.

Satanists say we have no God connection which allows us to distinguish right from wrong and strive for spiritual ideals. They say there’s no such thing as human dignity, beauty, loyalty, compassion and altruism. These are spiritual qualities;  man is defined by his lust and greed.

The Illuminati-Satanist motto is “Do as thou Wilt Shall be the Whole of the Law.” This masquerades as “liberation” but it is license to become a demon.

Satanic possession takes the form of sexual addiction. It dehumanizes us, reducing everyone to their sexual utility. Satanists have always championed sexual “liberation” i.e. enslavement. We are constantly sexually titillated by the Illuminati mass media.


Born in 1949, I have watched society gradually degenerate into a sex cult. PLAYBOY’s vision of masculinity was distinctly homosexual: sex for its own sex, without marriage or family.

Illuminati Hollywood hooked us on sex as sure as any drug trafficker. Movies like Risky Business, Fast Times at Ridgemount High, and American Pie made porn seem cool.

Now, along comes Fifty Shades of Grey with a new sexual thrill. The trilogy sold 100 million books in 52 languages. If  successful, they’re planning two more movies. Movie reviewers have panned it  often because it is not pornographic enough. In France, the Film Board deemed it suitable for children.

A British hardware store  advises employees to study the book and movie so they can answer queries about ropes and duct tapes etc.


Shades author E.L. James’ real name is Erica Mitchell

Shades author E.L. James is not content with the $105 million she has earned so far. She is merchandising  a line of lingerie, perfumes, sex toys and nipple clamps.


Satanism is all about making perverse seem healthy and healthy seem sick. Thus the movie is released on Valentine’s Day, a time formerly reserved for innocent celebration of romance. The hero of the movie is named “Christian.”

Society seems schizophrenic about BDSM. CBC radio host Jian Ghomeshi was disgraced for things sanctioned in this movie. In fact, the first volume of Shades ends with the “heroine” rejecting her lover for being too violent. Society is in a rage about abused women yet Hollywood sends the message that women actually enjoy being abused.

The human race has to propagate. The new generation has to be raised in wholesome environment. Female sex appeal coincides with peak fertility and is intended to attract a life mate and a father. It is not intended to be exploited for cheap transitory thrills. We are not supposed to become sex addicts.

Women want to be loved permanently and exclusively. They want to belong to one man. They do not want to be used in the most brutal fashion to give some pervert a thrill, and then discarded like a used Kleenex.

But this film could confuse and tempt millions of young women. Feminism convinced them that “hooking up” with strangers is “empowering”; why not let strangers flog them as well?

Once marriage and family are obsolete, the Illuminati are ready to take over human reproduction as in Brave New World.  This is why they promote BD S&M, a deeper shade of Satanism.


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MD Pill Pushers

Isn’t it weird that when you go to the doctor, say for example if you have back pains. They don’t touch you and they don’t ask about your life or other activities. It’s a small conversation and then they write some pills for you. The same thing is with mental problems. I think that most of these so called mental problems could be solved if thre was a functional family unit, healthy diet, exercise and couple of good friends to talk to. But the problem is that doctors are medical companies whores, who are told to prescribe drugs to all people’s problems. Early stages of medical training the big pharma arranges free lunches and studying equipment to these future doctors and that’s how they become dependent of these corporations. And the deal is that if you sell a lot of drugs you get a lots of benefits.

Here’s a story how drug-free treatment led to life:

MD Pill Pushers- A Personal Story
February 10, 2015

The medical profession is an extension of the pharmaceutical industry. Instead of curing us, many doctors are making us sick, preying on us for profit like drug traffickers.

by David Scott Douthit (henrymakow.com)

This is the story of Matthew. He is my step grandson, who has been raised entirely by my wife since shortly after birth. I have know Matthew since he was eight-years-old. Although Matthew is a good kid, at that time he was struggling with what was called Autism, a label for a wide spectrum of abnormalities surfacing in early childhood.

Matthew’s issues started shortly after he was given a vaccination for Measles, Mumps, Rubella. This is often the case for children with Autism. The doctors claim it is just coincidence. The critics claim it is the ethyl-mercury contained in the serum as a preservative that actually causes Autism.

Of course the doctors have an answer for the critics. That answer is to unleash a horde of government-paid spokesmen to dispel such pesky old wives tales. The Doctors also have a solution for autism. That solution is to unleash a horde of potent psychoactive chemicals to mask, stiffle, and cripple the dread disease, which just happens to reside within human beings.

Those chemicals include but are not limited to, Zyprexa, Seroquel, and Zoloft. Zyprexa was the subject of a Rolling Stone Magazine article clearly explaining how drugs are often marketed for conditions they were not developed for. This makes billions in profits for the stockholders, who risk their very fortunes to help humanity. You see, it is those overwhelming profits that help develop new drugs to help humanity. And so this cycle goes.

Meanwhile back on the block, kids like Matthew have to wade through a chemical maze designed to generate an entirely new perception of life.


That is where Matthew was when I came into the picture. The Doctors were working fervently to solve Matthews problems with a pill. And Matthew exhibited all sorts of problems too. He would have mini-seizures called “posturing”.

Isn’t it lovely how the Doctors always seem to hatch a clever euphemism to cover an ugly truth. Posturing consists of holding both hands out in front of the body, palms up as if being inspected. Matthew would then roll both beautiful brown eyes completely into the back of his head exposing just the whites of his eyes.

This would occur all throughout the day. Matthew seemed to be completely unaware of what occurred. It all seemed so strange to me, but my future wife assured me the doctors had told her this was perfectly normal. Of course it didn’t have anything to do with those potent psychoactive chemicals…

It was those wonder-working chemicals that caught my interest. I accepted the Doctors’ explanations for Zyprexa, Seroquel and Zoloft because I simply did not know enough. Ignorance is bliss. But when the Doctors added Adderall to Mathew’s regime, they were pushing the very limits of credibility.

Adderall is an amphetamine class drug such as Ritalin. When Matthew was on Adderall, he exhibited behaviors very similar to crack heads. His eyes would roll in their sockets in a different way. His behavior at school had reached the point they were going to expel him. I convinced my wife, the Doctors were barbarians who had sold there souls for a free trip to Hawaii perk. I convinced her to take Matthew off all the drugs, to at least let his poor system clear.

Within two weeks, 80-90% of what the Doctors were calling Autism totally disappeared never to be seen again, including “posturing”.

Matthew’s behavior corrected itself. A new Matthew emerged from the ruins of the old, like say a Phoenix or something. The transformation was complete. The new un-drugged Matthew no longer shoveled Potato chips into his mouth, and he consequently lost a bunch of excess weight. He developed a vibrant sense of humor. He was a human being again.

The special school Matthew had been attending had a policy that required all parents to drug their children. Working in conjunction with the school, the doctors found fertile ground to traffic drugs. It all seems so “drug-dealer-like” to me, but what do I know I am just a parent?

In any event, Matthew was not welcome at the special school anymore, so for the very first time he ventured into the public school system. It was a daunting task, but something he lived up to. Isn’t it weird how people excel when challenges are placed in front of them, and they are free to use their minds?

Many years later Matthew graduated from that public school system without incident, and with many new friends. He regularly works out with weights. He has many hobbies and interests, including girls which is far beyond the scope of this article.

Matthew is almost 20-years-old now and is looking forward to facing life’s challenges, undrugged, unfettered, and flags flying in the wind.

Also by David Scott Douthit:
The AIDS Hoax
Gulf War Troops Got “Vaccine” of Nerve Gas

Related- Dan Abshear

Thoughts of a Recovered Drug Addict
Italian Court Rules Vaccines Cause Autism
Vaccinated Spread Measles
Parents Break Silence on Vaccine Violence


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Now, Heterosexuals are in the Closet

I don’t know about you, but I’m sick of this gay agenda pushing. I’m not a racist, but I think enough is enough. This whole thing is just about NWO and their agenda to destroy the family unit nothing else. Why? Because humans are meant to live in a family unit and it’s the strongest unit there can be. So here’s another article about how they are pushing this shit and did you know, that 97% of the people are straight, where is our rights?

Now, Heterosexuals are in the Closet
November 27, 2008
(From Oct. 2004-updated Nov 27, 2008)

Although 97% of the population is not gay, there is relatively little cultural support for heterosexual institutions (family, motherhood, fatherhood); roles (masculinity and femininity); and life events (courtship, marriage, birth and child rearing.)

Although building a strong family is probably the purpose of life and key to happiness for most, this knowledge is kept under wraps. Millions of dollars are spent to make women find careers but not a dime to become mothers. On the contrary, women who devote their lives to family are criticized.

If you search “heterosexual” in Google, you will get 16 million citations. Search “homosexual” and you get more than 20 million citations, pretty good for 3% of the population. (“Lesbian” got 10 million.)

Per capita “homosexual” received 100 times the citations “heterosexual” got. “Homosexuality” (10.7 million citations) got roughly 11 times the citations of “heterosexuality” (990,000.) Per capita, homosexuality got 3500 times more citations than “heterosexuality.”

The fact that the word “heterosexuality” is in rare use is a shocking illustration of the cultural vacuum the non-gay majority inhabits. Our majority “default” status doesn’t explain it. In terms of cultural support, non-gays are being starved or as I will suggest later, poisoned.

Another example. There are 21 times as many used books listed with the Advanced Booksellers Exchange under the keyword “homosexuality” as “heterosexuality” (24233 to 1154). Per cap this means there are 6750 references to homosexuality for every one to heterosexuality .

Heterosexuals are being brainwashed to function “on the quiet,” “out of the public view,” so that we don’t “offend” our gay brothers and sisters. There are exceptions but generally speaking our lifestyle and rituals are not celebrated. Instead they are portrayed in a jaundiced way.

On the other hand, homosexual behavior is portrayed as cool and trendy. Kate Perry’s “I Kissed a Girl” got more than a million views on YouTube.

Certainly, there is an obsession with male-female sex but mostly in homosexual terms, i.e. promiscuous and anonymous. Heterosexuals are being turned into homosexuals in the sense of being unable to establish a permanent bond with the opposite sex.

Heterosexuality is the basis of the natural life-cycle; it is not a “sexual preference.” Non-gays, especially women, are naturally monogamous because heterosexuality ultimately is about procreation.

Heterosexual norms and institutions are routinely ridiculed and affronted in the mass media.

For example, in opening scene of the hit movie, American Wedding, (2003) which is aimed at impressionable teenagers, the future bride performs fellatio on the groom from under a table in a crowded restaurant.

At the wedding reception the groom’s unruly friend accidentally has sex with the groom’s grandmother in a dark closet. He thought he was making it with the bride’s sluttish sister. The grandmother is so satisfied that she removes her objection to her grandson marrying a shiksa. In the final scene, another friend performs cunnilingus on the unruly friend’s mother in a bubble bath.

This cultural assault on heterosexual norms is part of a long-term program by the Masonic Jewish financial elite to decrease population, destroy the family and destabilize society.

Far-fetched you say?

The Rockefeller Foundation is funding this campaign. Type in Google “Rockefeller Foundation” and “Women’s Studies” and you will get 136,000 entries, many acknowledging support. Type in RF and “homosexual” and you will get 221,000 entries. Type in RF and “heterosexual” and you get only 11,700 entries, mostly in reference to their promotion of homosexuality.

The Rockefeller Foundation is on the vanguard of the elite’s efforts to breed a slave race. For almost a century, it has funded research and lobbying designed to control population (the pill, abortion) separate sex from procreation (e.g. the “Sexual Revolution,” The Kinsey Report) and destroy the nuclear family.

It has funded the eugenics movement worldwide including Dr. Josef Mengele’s experiments on live concentration camp inmates. Ladies, these are the folks who are bringing you feminism. See Rockefeller, Nazis, The UN, & Genocide

The Rockefeller Foundation’s agenda is reflected in government, education and the media. It doesn’t matter which party you vote for, which TV network you watch, which university you attend. The agenda is the same: the New World Order, not-so-friendly fascism run by the London-based cartel of cartels and their New York branch office.

I have written more than two dozen articles about how heterosexuality works. (See “Cruel Hoax”) They resound with many people. Agree or disagree, I haven’t had a single interview or mention in the mainstream media. This is not sour grapes. It merely illustrates that our “free and open” society is a fraud. We have freedom of speech. Being heard is another matter.

It is a misunderstanding to think Communism is dead. Communism was always an instrument of the New World Order and still is. See “Wall Street’s Utopian Hoax: Communism and the New World Order.”

Communism takes many forms, all designed to advance the rule of the central banking cartel by infiltrating and subverting Western culture and institutions. Feminism is designed to destroy the family (a long-time Communist goal) thereby creating docile and facile people.

“Women’s Studies” which originated in Communist Training Schools, is devoted to the indoctrination and psychological neutering of young women at university. They learn that men (“the patriarchy”) are the cause of the world’s problems. Gender roles and family are social inventions to oppress women. They devote their few precious years of fertility to starting a career instead of a family.

From “Women’s Studies” feminist militants fan out to all departments of university and society to act as dreary Rockefeller “change agents” and Commissars. They demand that the record of civilization be recast in terms of women’s oppression and research and policy conform to feminist diktat. See “Remove Feminist Professors”

I was expelled from the University of Winnipeg for teaching the work of an unrepentant heterosexual D.H. Lawrence. Meanwhile, two lesbian instructors who showed lesbian porn to high school girls at summer school and told them to use zucchini to satisfy their sexual needs are still teaching. See “Give Back the University of Winnipeg”

I urge you to read Dr. Charles Socarides’ book “Homosexuality: A Freedom Too Far” to understand the true nature of homosexuality and the insidious campaign to mainstream it. As a psychiatrist, he treated homosexuals for 40 years. See also “Is this Gay Behavior Sick?”

The cry of “equality,” “tolerance” and “diversity” is the classic underhanded Masonic Jewish Communist- elite method of subverting society. They champion some minority whom they portray as victims. They divide and conquer, putting their minority agents in power. They call this “progress” when in fact it is social disintegration and tyranny.

Their claim to champion “equality” is belied by the fact that their proteges far outnumber anyone else per capita. This is about power not justice.

In today’s context, “tolerance” etc. really means non-gays must embrace homosexual behavior. This is also seen in their attempt to force schools to adopt “gay friendly” values.

Resistors are typically accused of “hatred” and “intolerance.” There is a clear distinction between accepting differences without rancor and not wanting to adopt those differences yourself or to see society subverted.

The continuing assault on heterosexuals is seen in the demand for same sex marriage which is really about redefining and destroying marriage. Few gays want to marry.

Gay adoptions are criminal. Heterosexual children need heterosexual models. So is the policy of Big Brothers to allow gays to mentor fatherless boys. They don’t let straight men mentor teenage girls.

Homosexuality is a developmental disorder. The elite’s policy is to use it to subvert heterosexuality. I elaborate here.

In conclusion, our political and cultural leaders are sell-outs and frauds that have embraced a collective death wish for society. They think they have sold out to “the corporations.” But the corporations mostly belong to one interlocking cartel. This is controlled by people who actually believe in the Occult. Their agenda is to subvert Western Civilization and create a world dictatorship dedicated to Lucifer.

The promotion of homosexuality is designed to weaken us so we will submit to this tyranny. This is behind the lack of cultural support for heterosexuals.

We live in a world where only minorities have identity to undermine the collective interests of the majority. In the Protocols, the author writes, “we shall undermine all collective forces except our own.”

We can resist by reaffirming the traditional family and the elements necessary to make it strong.The most important ingredient is strong responsible male leadership and willing resourceful female collaboration and love.


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Ten Signs Western Society is a Satanic Cult

Some examples about westerns society’s decadence:

Ten Signs Western Society is a Satanic Cult
January 16, 2015

Many Jews, Freemasons, liberals, socialists and feminists
have unwittingly been inducted into a satanic cult based on
the Jewish Cabala.  Society increasingly resembles this cult.

We all seek a paradigm that makes sense of the world…

by Henry Makow Ph.D.

Ten Signs Western Society is a Satanic Cult:

1.  The membership is kept in the dark. It’s not told the cult’s true objectives (to exploit and enslave them) but are deceived instead with noble sounding platitudes. Leaders routinely lie to the people as in the case of false flags, assassinations and wars. False flags are a form of mass brainwashing, arousing mass sympathy for the alleged victim and hatred for the alleged perpetrator.

2.  The symbols of the cult are everywhere and its monuments (obelisks) dot our cities. Illuminati motifs are also prominent in corporate logos. Illuminati bankers control most corporations.
3. Mention of “God” and a universal design and intelligence are repressed. Instead of God, (conscience) we are to obey the cult leaders and their factotums. Believers in God are persecuted. By denying our Divine soul, they redefine us as animals who can be domesticated or culled. They encourage us to explore and indulge our animal nature.

4. They attempt to overrule nature and encourage unnatural and perverse behaviour. A prime example is their occult hatred of gender (masculine and feminine), and their encouragement of gender confusion, homosexuality and androgyny. Teaching school children to experiment with sex toys and homosexuality is state-sanctioned child sex abuse. Homosexuality is a developmental disorder. Its official promotion is proof society has gone over to the dark side.

5. They promote promiscuous and anonymous sex in order to degrade and dehumanize people to the level of animals. They normalize sexual deviance to defy God and serve their god Lucifer. The cult’s obsession with sex is only surpassed by its love of money. The cult (society) encourages both addictions, and addictive behaviour in general is rampant.

6. They attempt to destroy the institutions of marriage and the nuclear family so that the cult (society) will be our first loyalty, and ultimately will take over procreation

7. They create an imagined enemy who is threatening to attack us. They use this as an excuse to remove civil rights and create a police state capable of ensuring cult control.

8. There is extensive surveillance to extract blackmail information in order to control every individual. The cult demands conformity in all matters. Thought criminals are shamed and expelled. The CEO of Mozilla was forced to resign after giving a donation to a group that opposes gay marriage. This enforced conformity, which is becoming commonplace, is characteristic of Communism, or a cult.

9. They suppress the truth. They use entertainment as occult ritual and to degrade and distract us from reality (by creating an alternate fantasy world.)  Entertainers are often mind-controlled agents of the cult.

10. Society is obsessed with sickness. Sick people are easier to exploit and control. Real cures are suppressed. There’s also a relentless focus on dysfunctional people and “underdogs” rather than the strong, effective and healthy.

Finally, a cult usually has a strong God-like leader whose judgment is never questioned. Think Hitler or Stalin.

In the West, we are still waiting for this figure to emerge. When he (or she) does merge, the cult will be complete.

Humanity is Satanically Possessed
Liberal Jews, Sex, & the New Satanic Order
Liberals are Unwitting Shills for Communism & Satanism

First Comment from FF:  I thought your list on the proof of the pervasive satanic cult was actually unpersuasive.

Love your stuff as outlandish as it seems sometimes.

I think one hurdle people have with this stuff is denial of the murdering ethic. I do not believe there is one single solitary man who does not understand fully that an impregnated woman has a baby inside her, yet thousands of these men procure abortions for women. Once you grasp that some men will kill there own son or daughter in order to dodge responsibility the idea of Mossad secretly orchestrating 911 in order to further there interests seems quite reasonable – and 2700 dead a minor secondary detail.

I thought your list on the proof of the pervasive satanic cult was actually unpersuasive.

1. Abortion = is infanticide and is accepted. This is far worse than the Myan human sacrifice rituals that outraged Western civilization when first discovered.

2. Usury- People accept obvious extortion in the banking system as the only way to survive.  As if under a spell.

3.  Taxes- People do not even loosely believe that gov’t has their interest in mind, yet they continue to pay out of irrational fear.

4. The military in the US has become de facto a French Foreign Legion in service to the military industrial complex.

5. “False flag” is more rightly should be called corporate flag.  Basic to any crime in motive. ‘Hate’ gives people indigestion, money gets people out of bed to do complicated stuff.

6. The Holocaust.  = It is the corporate boogyman. There are millions of American children who have men in their family tree who died in battle fields of Europe and they know nothing about it. Yet they can name 2 or three concentration camps.

7. Somebody must be in charge of the carefully orchestrated campaign to drive the culture to dependance. The forces must be covert because they are hidden.


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