Tag Archives: Nazi

Brief Description of Operation Highjump

Hello folks! And again just refreshing your memories some update on Operation Highjump. You can read previous posts here:

>> Operation Highjump Auricmedia posts

In the 1930’s, Nazis exploring the southern extremities of the globe set up a base (called base-211) in Antarctica. You may have heard of Operation Highjump and how Admiral Byrd had an altercation with entrenched German forces that overpowered them with amazing flying craft. A map from the Third Reich (obtained by Russian forces during WW2) has recently surfaced detailing not only the direct passageway used by German U-boats to access this subterranean domain, but also a complete map of both hemispheres of the inner realm of Agartha!

After the Soviet collapse in 1991, the KGB released previously classified files that cast light on the mysterious US led Naval expedition to Antarctica in 1947.

The intelligence report, gathered from Soviet KGB spies embedded in the US, revealed that the US Navy had sent the military expedition led by Admiral Byrd to find and destroy a hidden Nazi base.

On the way, they encountered and were defeated by a German saucer force that destroyed several ships and planes, forcing the US to retreat and implement a media cover-up lasting up until today.

Officially called “The United States Navy Antarctic Development Program,” the naval component of Operation Highjump was comprised of 4700 military personnel, an aircraft carrier (the USS Philippine Sea among the largest of all carriers of the time), and a number of naval support ships and aircraft.

The Naval expedition was headed by famed polar explore Admiral Richard Byrd, who had been ordered:

“to consolidate and extend American sovereignty over the largest practical area of the Antarctic continent. To establish Little America”

Byrd’s expedition ended after only 8 weeks with “many fatalities” according to initial news reports based on interviews with crew members who spoke to the press while passing through Chilean ports.

Rather than deny the heavy casualty reports, Admiral Byrd revealed in an interview that they had encountered a new enemy that “could fly from pole to pole at incredible speeds.”

Admiral Byrd’s statements were published in the Chilean Press but never publicly confirmed by US authorities. Indeed Byrd did not speak again to the Press about Operation Highjump, leaving it for researchers to speculate for decades over what really happened, and why Byrd was silenced.

Indeed, Operation Highjump had suffered “many casualties” as stated in initial press reports from Chile, which may have ended up exposing the first known historical incident involving a battle between US naval forces and an unknown UFO force stationed near Antarctica.

It is a historical fact that Nazi Germany devoted significant resources to the exploration of Antarctica, and established a prewar presence there with its first mission in the Antarctic summer of 1938/1939.

According to a statement by Grand Admiral Donitz in 1943, “the German submarine fleet is proud of having built for the Führer, in another part of the world, a Shangri-La land, an impregnable fortress.”

If the fortress was in Antarctica, was it built by the Nazis, or discovered there? After the defeat of Nazi Germany, according various sources, elite Nazi scientists and leaders escaped to this impregnable fortress by Uboats, two of which experienced difficulties and surrendered in Argentina.


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Nazi regime’s closely guarded state secrets

Info about Nazi connections with aliens:

After World War II and the subsequent occupation of Germany, Allied military commanders were stunned to discover the penetrating depth of the Nazi regime’s closely guarded state secrets.

The world’s best intelligence organization was not the least of these revelations. Also discovered were massive and meticulous research file on secret societies, metaphysics, genetics, alternative energy, and other scientific pursuits that boggled the imagination of the Allied command.

Even more spectacular was an entire web of underground rocket and flying saucer factories with an accompanying free-energy technology that still defies ordinary beliefs.

Missing U-boat fleets possessing the most advanced submarine technology in the world left many wondering if the Nazis had escaped with yet more secrets or even with Hitler himself.

Behind all of these mysteries was an even deeper element: a secret order known to initiates as the Order of the Black Sun, an organization so feared that it is now illegal to even print their symbols and insignia in modern Germany.

It’s roots stem from The Vril Society that began around the same time as the Thule Society, when Karl Haushofer founded the “Bruder des Lichts”, which means Brothers of the Light, sometimes referred to as the Luminous Lodge.

Whereas the Thule Society ended up focusing primarily upon materialistic and political agendas, the Vril Society put its attention on the “Other Side.” This group was eventually renamed the Vril-Gesellschaft as it rose in prominence and united three major societies:

– The Lords of the Black Stone, (Teutonic Order)
– The Black Knights, of the Thule Society
– The Black Sun, the elite branch of the SS

When the German secret societies came into being after World War One, the world’s leading authorities on archeology and linguistics, especially regarding ancient Sumer and Babylon, were primarily German.

A local medium named Maria Orisc began getting messages in an unknown language and couldn’t transcribe them, so began meeting with key members of these societies, along with other mediums.

The messages supposedly came from the star sytem of Aldebaran, an orange giant located about 65 light years away in the zodiac constellation of Taurus, which they believed has two planets which form the ’Sumeran Empire’.

In the Sumeran empire were said to exist two classes of people – the Aryan or original “pure” race, and a subservient race which had devolved, or developed in a negative fashion, as a result of mutation from climatic changes likely due to nuclear fallout. From Peter Moon’s book The Black Sun:

“A half billion years ago, the Aryans (known as the Elohim or Elder Race) began to colonize our solar system as Aldebaran’s became uninhabitable. Marduk, existing in what is today the asteroid belt , was the first to be colonized, then Mars. When they came to Earth, these Aryans were known as the Sumerians.”

Here is a more detailed summary of messages the Vril medium had received over the years and which formed the basis for all further actions by the Vril-Gesellschaft, compiled by author Jan van Helsing. This material is not science fiction, but represents truly what was going on in the Inner Core of Thule and Vril. It should be emphasized to the reader that even if you don’t believe a word of this, it’s irrelevant. They believed it and they built at least two very complicated secret societies around it – and these societies became quite powerful and influential:

The solar system Aldebaran has a sun around which revolve two inhabited planets that form the empire SUMERAN. The population of the Aldebaran system is divided into the original “pure” race of people (Aryans) and several other human races that had devolved by genetic mutation from the parent population because of climatic changes brought about by nuclear war upon the planets.

The more the races intermixed, the lower the spiritual development of these people collectively sank, which led to the situation that when the sun Aldebaran began expanding they could no longer maintain the space travel technology of their forefathers and could not leave the planets by their own means.

The genetically degraded races, totally dependent upon the master race, had to be evacuated and were brought to other inhabitable planets. They colonized our solar system, starting with the planet Mallona (also called Maldek, Marduk or Phaeton among Russians) that existed at that time between Mars and Jupiter, now occupied by the asteroid belt.

Despite their physical and cultural differences, all the races respected one another and did not interfere with each other, neither the so-called genetically “pure” people nor the mutated hybrid races. Each respected that the others just made their own developments [in contrast to what happens on Earth].

Members of the Vril Society believed that Aldebaranians landed on Earth following global cataclysms, when the planet became slowly habitable again in the region of Mesopotamia. Re-establishing civilization they formed the dominant ruling nobility of the Sumerians and various other early societies, governing through an elite bloodline and segregated caste system; interracial inter-breeding (mixing blood) was strictly taboo.

The mediums were said to have had also received precise information about the civilizations on the inhabited planets situated around the sun Aldebaran and a ‘one way’ trip was scheduled to depart towards the Pleiades to re-unite.

According to volkisch (folk) beliefs, Aryans had created a high civilization which existed eons ago and was destroyed by – and here the mythology is hazy – either the melting of the ice at the end of the last ice age (12,000 years ago), or the onset of the ice age.

The original home of the Aryans was Thule, at the northernmost reaches of the Earth. That warm country was flooded and iced over, with the advanced race finding underground sanctuary in massive subterranean caverns.

The melting occurred during the final years of the Pleistocene, from approximately 110,000 to 12,000 years ago. During this period, there were several changes between glacier advance and retreat.

The maximum extent of glaciation within this last glacial period was approximately 22,000 years ago, when sea levels were 400 feet lower world-wide.

The “weather branch” of the Nazi Ahnenerbe (archeological research) headed by Dr. Hans Scultetus, was concentrating on weather forecasts resting on the world-ice cosmology. The Ahnenerbe’s forecasts took place over many millenia.

Scultetus was interested in the big picture, in knowing how the weather would change over the long term. He wanted to know how the weather on Earth would change when the Sun goddess, to use the volkisch analogy, shifted her attention and her golden rays from Earth to that other planet which deserved it more – Mars.

The Nazis believed that the ice at the poles represents the Earth’s original state, not its wintry death. The Fire and Ice theory held that it was the Flood, not the ice, that signified the Earth’s Last Days. It was an age of evil, and the New Age to be brought in would restore the golden age.

In the meantime, if the Nazis couldn’t prevail, they would take their blood to Mars, which, according to volkisch belief, was the home of mankind before Earth. Mars was a kind of Thule taken to planetary extremes.

The name Thule, or ‘Ultima Thule’, refers to the capital of the legendary polar country Hyperborea, which also reputedly stood at the portal of the ‘Hollow Earth’. Traditionally, the Hyperboreans were in contact with extraterrestrials or ‘alien cultures’, and participated in interbreeding.

In common with the legendary inhabitants of Atlantis, the Hyperboreans engaged in war with neighboring civilizations. This escalated into the use of atomic weapons, resulting in a pyrrhic victory for the Hyperboreans, who, as well as defeating their enemies, virtually destroyed themselves in the process.

The surviving Hyperboreans were soon faced with the prospect of mutated and otherwise radiation damaged offspring. Showing remarkable resolve, those who had not sustained any apparent genetic damage, banded together and effectively removed themselves from the gene pool by relocating underground, a variety of self imposed quarantine.

On the surface, a branch of the descendants of this seminal ‘Mother Aryan race’ were the proto-Indo-Europeans/Iranians who, like the ripples on a pond, spread out, colonizing various northern areas of the planet after the Deluge, spreading their agricultural civilization and universally recognized symbol (卐)
Scots, (original) Basques, Scandinavians, (original) Guanches, (original) Berbers, Icelanders, (original) Ainu of Japan, (original) Iranian/Indian ruling class, (original) Chinese of the Gobi desert, (original) Tibetans, Caucasoid Pharaohs of Egypt, proto-Greeks, certain native American, Mesoamerican, and South American tribes; the nobility that established and governed all of these civilizations were of Aryan origin.

These disparate nationalities share linguistic patterns, have mythological similarities, and poses at least one common genetic trait; a large percentage of RH-negative blood types. According to the beliefs of the Thule society, a blood characteristic of the Hyperboreans and their extraterrestrial associates.

Other races and peoples who posses a rhesus monkey positive blood type (over 80% of the world population) were considered to have gradually become racially impure, as rhesus monkey positive blood (RH+) was thought to be contaminated by generations of contact with the simian-hybridized strands of human DNA.

Much like the Nazi party’s use of race as a political tool to promote their right-wing ideology, so too does modern post-WW2 governments – through academia and media – use the issue of race as a political tool to further establish their globalist Marxist agenda.

It is not socially acceptable to attempt to explain human anomalies that do not fit the prevailing “out-of-Africa” model, such as origins of RH negative blood-type.

Many indoctrinated anthropologists, elected politicians, working celebrities, and other unqualified media “news” personalities unanimously insist that there is no such thing as race. The hostility and intolerance shown towards opposing theories backed by scientific evidence is truly ironic.

Unfounded accusations of racism have become common as the prevailing Darwinian inspired theory is constantly being challenged by the growing mountain of conflicting scientific evidence, especially in the evolving field of genetics.

It is now scientifically irrefutable fact that the “human species” has been found to contain a substantial quantity of DNA (at least 20%) from other hominid populations not classified as Homo sapien; such as Neanderthal, Denisovan, African archaic, Homo erectus, and now possibly even “Hobbit” (Homo floresiensis).

If not given drugs to prevent infant death, the pregnant body of a rhesus negative mother will attack, try to reject, and even kill her own offspring if it is by a rhesus positive man.

The Domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris) is a sub-species of the gray wolf (Canis lupus), and they produce hybrids.

There are numerous other examples of where two separate species (for example with different numbers of chromosomes) can also produce viable offspring, yet are considered separate species. That said, humanity has been shown to be, genetically speaking, a hybrid species that did not all share the same hunter-gatherer ancestry in Africa.

Recent sequencing of ancient genomes suggests that interbreeding went on between the members of several ancient human-like groups more than 30,000 years ago, including an as-yet unknown human ancestor. “there were many hominid populations,” says Mark Thomas, evolutionary geneticist at University College London.

Recent genetic studies are touting shocking headlines about how ancient humans ‘rampantly interbred’ and indulged in inter-species interracial sex with multiple mystery sub-races in a “Lord Of The Rings”-style world of different creatures, including mystery DNA – neither human nor Neanderthal, not yet identified.

After WW2, the Aryan utopia of a Thule paradise was completely abolished, replaced by an egalitarian utopia promoting a mythical sub-Saharan cradle of civilization, promoted globally with funding by the UN. The “out of Africa” hypothesis backed by the united nations was universally adopted, often times enthusiastically celebrated, and treated as religious dogma in Universities that currently enjoy public federal or state funding and tax exempt status.

It is correctly said that history is always written by the winners, but history is not the only field to have been politically influenced by the victors of the second world war. Many ‘conspiracy theorists’ claim that there is ongoing technology suppression in the field of free-energy, and that much of the UFO phenomenon, specifically the area of propulsion, is not really as “unidentified” as it is made out to be. An example is the physics behind Die Glocke (German for “The Bell”), a top secret Nazi scientific technological device, secret weapon, or Wunderwaffe.

The NAZI Bell is described as being a device made out of a hard, heavy metal approximately nine feet wide and 12 to 15 feet high, having a shape similar to that of a large bell.

This device ostensibly contained two counter-rotating cylinders which would be filled with a mercury-like substance, said to be violet in color, code-named “Xerum 525” and cautiously stored in a thermos flask a meter high encased in lead.

This Die Glocke was further described as emitting strong radiation when activated, an effect that supposedly led to the death of several unnamed NAZI scientists and various plant and animal test subjects.

The ruins of a concrete framework, dubbed “The Henge”, in the vicinity of the Wenceslas mine (50°37′43″N 16°29′40″E) may have once served as a test rig for an experiment in “anti-gravity propulsion” generated with Die Glocke.

Claims have been made by some that the device was considered so important to Hitler that he ordered 60 scientists killed that worked on the project just to guard the technology. Others have speculated that The Nazi Bell was moved, along with other advanced saucer-type craft, to the US as part of a deal made with SS General Hans Kammler, or possibly even ended up in Nazi-friendly South American country like Argentina.

In the 1930’s, Nazis exploring the southern extremities of the globe set up a base (called base-211) in Antarctica. You may have heard of Operation Highjump and how Admiral Byrd had an altercation with entrenched German forces that overpowered them with amazing flying craft. A map from the Third Reich (obtained by Russian forces during WW2) has recently surfaced detailing not only the direct passageway used by German U-boats to access this subterranean domain, but also a complete map of both hemispheres of the inner realm of Agartha!

After the Soviet collapse in 1991, the KGB released previously classified files that cast light on the mysterious US led Naval expedition to Antarctica in 1947.

The intelligence report, gathered from Soviet KGB spies embedded in the US, revealed that the US Navy had sent the military expedition led by Admiral Byrd to find and destroy a hidden Nazi base.

On the way, they encountered and were defeated by a German saucer force that destroyed several ships and planes, forcing the US to retreat and implement a media cover-up lasting up until today.

Officially called “The United States Navy Antarctic Development Program,” the naval component of Operation Highjump was comprised of 4700 military personnel, an aircraft carrier (the USS Philippine Sea among the largest of all carriers of the time), and a number of naval support ships and aircraft.

The Naval expedition was headed by famed polar explore Admiral Richard Byrd, who had been ordered:

“to consolidate and extend American sovereignty over the largest practical area of the Antarctic continent. To establish Little America”

Byrd’s expedition ended after only 8 weeks with “many fatalities” according to initial news reports based on interviews with crew members who spoke to the press while passing through Chilean ports.

Rather than deny the heavy casualty reports, Admiral Byrd revealed in an interview that they had encountered a new enemy that “could fly from pole to pole at incredible speeds.”

Admiral Byrd’s statements were published in the Chilean Press but never publicly confirmed by US authorities. Indeed Byrd did not speak again to the Press about Operation Highjump, leaving it for researchers to speculate for decades over what really happened, and why Byrd was silenced.

Indeed, Operation Highjump had suffered “many casualties” as stated in initial press reports from Chile, which may have ended up exposing the first known historical incident involving a battle between US naval forces and an unknown UFO force stationed near Antarctica.

It is a historical fact that Nazi Germany devoted significant resources to the exploration of Antarctica, and established a prewar presence there with its first mission in the Antarctic summer of 1938/1939.

According to a statement by Grand Admiral Donitz in 1943, “the German submarine fleet is proud of having built for the Führer, in another part of the world, a Shangri-La land, an impregnable fortress.”

If the fortress was in Antarctica, was it built by the Nazis, or discovered there? After the defeat of Nazi Germany, according various sources, elite Nazi scientists and leaders escaped to this impregnable fortress by Uboats, two of which experienced difficulties and surrendered in Argentina.

Vril: The Power of the Coming Race

In 1871 Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton published a novel entitled Vril: The Power Of The Coming Race about a subterranean civilization able to utilise a powerful force or earth energy called ‘Vril’. This energy could be used for good or ill, to heal or to destroy (similar to Prana, Chi, Orgone).

The novel was a huge success in its time, and is credited with giving rise to the Science Fiction Genre. However, it is rarely read today, Lytton’s prose style being incompatible with modern taste.

This can be seen from an annual competition, run by a Californian University, known as ‘The Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest’. The one condition of entry is ‘to compose the opening sentence to the worst of all possible novels’.

Joke-worthy as the book may be now, its influence at the time cannot be downplayed. And it was Bulwer-Lytton’s professed interest in all things occult that led to speculation that this work of fiction was really based on fact, i.e. that Vril is a real force or energy.

The Theosophists developed this idea attracting interest from such notables as Sir George Bernard Shaw. Vril became the centre of secret societies devoted to its study, the most remarkable arising in pre second-world-war Germany.

The medium Maria Orsic was leader of the ‘Vrilerinnen’, the beautiful young ladies of the Vril Gesellschaft. Characteristically they all wore their hair in long horsetails, contrary to the popular short bobbed fashion of their day, claiming their long hair acted as cosmic antennas that helped facilitate their contact with beings from other worlds.

According to the legend of the German Vril society, a fateful meeting was held in 1919 at an old hunting lodge near Berchtesgaden, where Maria Orsic presented to a small group assembled from the Thule, Vril and Black Sun Societies, telepathic messages she claimed to have received from an extraterrestrial civilization existing in the distant Aldebaran solar system, sixty-eight light years away, in the Constellation of Taurus. One set of Maria’s channeled transmissions was found to be in a secret German Templar script unknown to her.

Researcher Wendelle Stevens tells us that, rather than a militant gesture of aid to aggressive Nazis, the Aldebarans perceived an economic disparity in Earth cultures that fueled perpetual wars and conflict.

To alleviate this disparity the Aldebarans reasoned that by offering ‘free-energy’ technologies, used to create affordable mass transportation devices, a new innovative generation of industries, promoting prosperity and greater peaceful interaction between nations might result; thus diminishing violent wars.

Clearly such a plan resonated with members of both the Thule and Vril Societies and their dream for a clean and free technology based on this ‘alternative science’ harnessing Vril energy.

Here is a short summary of messages the Vril medium had received over the years and which formed the basis for all further actions by the Vril-Gesellschaft, compiled by author Jan van Helsing. This material is not science fiction, but represents truly what was going on in the Inner Core of Thule and Vril. It should be emphasized to the reader that even if you don’t believe a word of this, it’s irrelevant. They believed it and they built at least two very complicated secret societies around it – and these societies became quite powerful and influential:

The solar system Aldebaran has a sun around which revolve two inhabited planets that form the empire SUMERAN. The population of the Aldebaran system is divided into the original “pure” race of people (Aryans) and several other human races that had devolved by genetic mutation from the parent population because of climatic changes brought about by nuclear war upon the planets.

The more the races intermixed, the lower the spiritual development of these people collectively sank, which led to the situation that when the sun Aldebaran began expanding they could no longer maintain the space travel technology of their forefathers and could not leave the planets by their own means. The genetically degraded races, totally dependent upon the master race, had to be evacuated and were brought to other inhabitable planets. They colonized our solar system, starting with the planet Mallona (also called Maldek, Marduk or Phaeton among Russians) that existed at that time between Mars and Jupiter, now occupied by the asteroid belt.
Despite their physical and cultural differences, all the races respected one another and did not interfere with each other, neither the so-called genetically “pure” people nor the mutated hybrid races. Each respected that the others just made their own developments [in contrast to what happens on Earth].

Members of the Vril Society believed that Aldebaranians landed on Earth following global cataclysms, when the planet became slowly habitable again in the region of Mesopotamia. Re-establishing civilization they formed the dominant ruling nobility of the Sumerians and various other early societies, governing through an elite bloodline and segregated caste system; interracial inter-breeding (mixing blood) was strictly taboo.

The mediums were said to have had also received precise information about the civilizations on the inhabited planets situated around the sun Aldebaran and a ‘one way’ trip was scheduled to depart towards the Pleiades to re-unite.

Despite their distrust of men, the women of Vril eventually did join with the Thule Gesellschaft and DHvSS in order to construct an inter-dimensional channeled flight disc known as the JenseitsFlugMaschine (JFM).

But unlike the other two groups the Vril Gesellschaft were an inner circle of women who were also fighting against their times and culture.

With substantial financial backing, the odd disc shaped machines were successfully constructed in Munich and secretly tested for several years. Thule wanted to develop both a production combat craft and a functional Raumschiff (Spaceship).

The Vril, by comparison, only wanted to develop Raumschiffe (Spaceship) to reach Aldebaran in the Taurus Constellation 64 light years from earth. Had the Vril maidens retained control of the projects born from the channeled information they received, subsequent events may have been very different.

Unfortunately they got tangled up with the militarized political branch of the Thule and other nationalist occult groups, all bent on revenge against the rest of Europe for the humiliation of defeat of World War I. When the Nazi party came to power in Germany, Maria and the Sisters had no real choice but to go along for the ride.

The Nazis successful development of functioning disc craft during the war is now well documented. Virgil Armstrong, former CIA operative and former Green Beret, said the German flying machines during World War II could land and take off vertically and fly at right angles. They reached 3000 km / h and were armed with cannons which could penetrate a shield 10 cm thick.

In early 1943, the Nazis embarked on the design of a cigar-shaped spaceship that was to be built in the workshops of Zeppelin. It was the ”Andromeda” Apparatus and was designed to transport several spacecraft in a plate form for interstellar flights.

When they occupied Germany, in early 1945, the British and the Americans discovered, among other things, the secret files of the SS, photos Haunebu II and the Vril 1 as well as the Andromeda. In March 1946, President Truman gave the orders to collect the Nazi material and to classify the technology as Top Secret. German scientists working undercover, were given false papers and sent to the U.S. as part of the framework of “Operation Paperclip”.

Meanwhile Maria Orsitsch and the Vril Circle mysteriously disappeared, never to be heard from again, fueling speculation among some writers that Maria may have in fact escaped, as she claimed, to Aldebaran. A recently published “Letter of Departure” to the Young Vrilerinnen (jungen Vrilerinnen), dated March 11, 1945, mentions the “Odin Departure” (Odin-Ausflug). It refers to a temporary evacuation location with Maria, and the final departure to Aldebaran.

The letter ends: “niemand bleibt hier” (no one is staying here) and is signed “With Cheerful Courage” (Mit frischem Mut) by Godrun.

In Norse mythology Gudrun was the sister of Gunnar, both children of Giuki – king of the Nibelungs. Sigrun (another Vril Maiden) was one of the nine daughters of Odin.

Regardless of how much of this story is factual, and how much is modern myth, why is there nothing about this in school textbooks, encyclopedias, or reported in the media?

Particularly in Germany, where there is freedom of the press and they declare that they only teach the truth.

Surely it is reasonable to discuss the real truth now, after 70 years, openly without being arrested or publically labeled a “racist”.

During the time that I. G. Farben supported Hitler, their partner Standard Oil (Rockefeller) organized the people against the Nazis. Likewise, Ford Motor Company made armaments for the U.S. Army, but produced, while in Germany, military vehicles for the Nazis. Ford and Opel (subsidiary of GM that is controlled by JP Morgan) were the two largest car manufacturers in Germany for Hitler. No matter the winner, globalist multinational corporations were instigating and profiting from all sides.

What’s more, in 1946 the Rockefeller foundation paid $139,000 USD for the exclusive rights to the official ‘public version’ report of the History of the Second World War, which concealed all the help provided by American bankers in financing and arming the Nazi war machine.

They also made sure to keep from the public the truth behind Admiral Byrd’s mission to Antarctica immediately following WW2, a secret that has lasted as long as the cover-up concerning the events at Roswell.

It was also silent about the mystical and occult ideology behind the Nazi regime, including the Vril inspired free-energy technology, which was rumored to have been later perfected at the infamous Area 51, near the site of the Roswell incident. The major donor was the Rockefeller’s Standard Oil.


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UFO War in Antarctica – Fact or Fiction?

Intersting story about the the so called UFO war in Antarctica. I have posted something of this before and here you can find the info:

>> https://www.auricmedia.net/ophjp-whats-that-operation-highjump-of-course/

And here is the article:

by Michael Salla

October 26, 2012

from Examiner Website

According to John Kettler, a former US military contractor and scientist, there is an expanding UFO war that is now taking place in waters off Antarctica.

Kettler cites unnamed “sensitive sources” to substantiate his claims that a US led coalition of naval forces is militarily engaging with hostile extraterrestrials. This UFO war is an extension of alleged naval battles off the coast of San Francisco earlier reported by Gordon Duff from Veterans Today who refers to his own unnamed “reliable” sources.

There is little more than a collection of unnamed sources supporting such allegations, and there is good reason to conclude that Kettler’s and Duff’s claims are part of a psychological warfare operation that may be related to planning for a false flag alien event. There is one historical incident that casts light on whether or not Kettler’s claims are part of a psychological warfare program being slowly unveiled to the world.

There is new evidence that Admiral Richard Byrd’s famed 1946/1947 naval expedition Operation High Jump did encounter and battle a mysterious UFO force in Antarctic waters.

According to John Kettler, who has written a series of articles claiming that the US Navy along with its allies are battling hostile extraterrestrials based in underwater locations in the Pacific (watch below video):

The UFO War continues to expand, with heavy action in the Antarctic Ocean… according to highly sensitive sources.


Two submarines of the Chinese PLAN (Peoples Liberation Army Navy) have been slammed together, resulting in injuries, but no fatalities, to the submariners inside them.

Kettler goes on to claim:

Last night, 20 UFOs, traveling at 25,000 mph, left the Antarctic Ocean in a group and went to Guadalajara, Mexico. Another group of 15, flying at the same speed, went to Argentina. This morning, 12 more emerged and went to Chile.

Duff made similar claims to a UFO war in the Pacific that he originally reported in September.

Now an Asian intelligence agency reports that a combined fleet operation between the US and China has been going on, a full combat operation against what we are told is a “highly unfriendly extra-terrestrial threat.”

The verifications of the fleet operations have been many, there have been no confirmations from the US side though the ships have been seen by every vessel that makes it offshore.

The true nature of both the threat and the extent of the multinational military force used is beyond any imaginable classification level.

Kettler also wrote an article titled, “UFO War Explodes Through Entire Pacific Ocean! Now A Coalition War!,” where he claimed:

UFO War in the Pacific has now become a five-nation coalition war through the Pacific Basin, per supersensitive terrestrial sources.


Naval forces involved include the U.S. Navy (U.S.), PLAN (People’s Liberation Army Navy) (China), JMSDF (Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force) (Japan), ROKN (Republic of Korea Navy) (South Korea) and ROCN (Republic of China Navy) (Republic of China/Taiwan)…

Total is around 200 ships, including two U.S. aircraft carrier battle groups, many additional surface combatants (frigates through cruisers), numerous submarines and multiple URGs (underway replenishment groups) to keep all the warships fueled, munitioned, crews fed and supplied with multitudes of items.

The UFO War is an unprecedented kind of coalition war – with all the headaches and political delicacies that entails.

Given that Kettler, along with Gordon Duff, only cite unnamed sources in support of an expanding UFO war in the Pacific and now Antarctica, it is tempting to dismiss their claims as part of some agenda to make the general public believe in hostile extraterrestrials attacking the US military and allies.

There is one historical incident that does give circumstantial support for Kettler’s and Duff’s claims. In 1947, a US naval expedition did appear to engage in a UFO war – one where the US Navy apparently suffered significant casualties and had to withdraw.


An extraordinary 2006 Russian documentary

…was recently translated into English


It revealed new information about the US Navy Antarctica expedition of 1946/47 – Operation Highjump. The Naval expedition was headed by famed polar explore Admiral Richard Byrd whose expedition ended after only 8 weeks with “many fatalities” according to initial news reports.

Rather than deny the heavy casualty reports, Admiral Byrd revealed in a press interview in Chile that his Task Force had encountered a new enemy that “could fly from pole to pole at incredible speeds.”

After the Soviet collapse in 1991, the KGB released previously classified files that cast light on Operation Highjump.


A 2006 Russian documentary, recently translated, made public for the first time a 1947 secret Soviet intelligence report commissioned by Joseph Stalin of the Operation Highjump mission to Antarctica.

The intelligence report, gathered from Soviet spies embedded in the US, revealed that the US Navy had sent the military expedition to find and destroy a hidden Nazi base. On the way, they encountered a mysterious UFO force that attacked the military expedition destroying several ships and a significant number of planes. Indeed, Operation Highjump had suffered “many casualties” as stated in initial press reports from Chile.

While there is a possibility the report resulted from US disinformation fed to a known Soviet mole, the more likely explanation is that the report exposes the first known historical incident involving a battle between US naval forces and an unknown UFO force stationed near Antarctica.

In the Soviet intelligence report, never before known testimony by two US Navy servicemen with Operation Highjump was revealed.

The most revealing was Lieutenant John Sayerson, a flying boat pilot, who is quoted as saying:

The thing shot vertically out of the water at tremendous velocity, as though pursued by the devil, and flew between the masts [of the ship] at such a high speed that the radio antenna oscillated back and forth in its turbulence.

An aircraft [Martin flying-boat] from the Currituck that took off just a few moments later was struck with an unknown type of ray from the object, and almost instantly crashed into the sea near our vessel…

About ten miles away, the torpedo-boat Maddox burst into flames and began to sink… Having personally witnessed this attack by the object that flew out of the sea, all I can say is, it was frightening.”

[Our Real “War of the Worlds”]

There is a serious question mark over whether or not another USS Maddox served with Operation Highjump, and a further question arises over whether the US misled Soviet authorities with false intelligence in 1947.

Despite these unresolved questions, there is a very real possibility that the 1947 Soviet report is substantially accurate. If so, then we have a historical precedent for the US Navy battling an unknown UFO force in Antarctic waters.

The lack of confirmed sources makes Kettler’s and Duff’s claims of an undeclared war between hostile extraterrestrial forces and a US led naval coalition in Antarctica and/or the Pacific, something to be seriously questioned, if not dismissed altogether. This is especially so given whistleblower testimony that a UFO false flag war has been planned for several decades.

The likelihood that Kettler and Duff are unknowingly disseminating misinformation about hostile extraterrestrials as part of a false flag UFO scenario is high as I have written earlier.

The alleged 1947 UFO battle in Antarctica involving the US Navy either really happened or was US misinformation fed to the Soviets during the Stalin era, and later released to the general public in 1991.

If the Soviet report is based on disinformation, then its release serves to promote international conditions for a future false flag UFO operation.

If the Soviet report is substantially accurate, then the historical precedent of a 1947 UFO US Navy battle suggests that it would be unwise to simply dismiss Kettler’s and Duff’s claims as disinformation.

In either case, great vigilance is required on the part of those investigating claims of battles between a US led alliance of naval powers, and hostile extraterrestrials based in undersea bases in Antarctica and/or the Pacific Ocean.





Hitler’s role in New World Order plan

Everyone is trying to predict that who the Antichrist will be but here’s an article about real life Antichrist who killed millions of people:

Occult Reich

This article will be the exception on The Cutting Edge, because it will not be based upon a current news article; rather, we will be teaching you facts about Adolf Hitler that you probably do not know. We will briefly discuss the role that Adolf Hitler played in the grand Plan of the New World Order. Then, we shall go on to the spiritual training Hitler received from the Master of the Thule Secret Society, Meister Dietrich Eckhart. This information is crucial to your understanding of the coming New World Order, because, in every way possible, Hitler was the perfect picture of the coming New Age Christ, the Antichrist. In other words, the coming Antichrist will be like Hitler in every way, and will rule in the same ways, carrying out the same goals against the same people.

Before we get any further in our story, let us review some Biblical prophecies which foretell the spiritual attributes of the coming Antichrist.

1. Daniel 8:23-25 — “And in the latter time … a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up. And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practice, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people. And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many …”

This is a description of the coming Antichrist who will reign in the “latter time”. Most people have no idea of the description of witchcraft in this passage.

  • “A king of fierce countenance” is one very correct way to describe Adolf Hitler or anyone who is a witch. Make no mistake about the fact that Hitler was a practicing witch, and most of his outdoor spectacles involved active witchcraft. His countenance was severe, yet that was a huge part of his popularity.
  • “Understanding dark sentences” literally means, in the original language, “dark trickery and craftiness”. And, in the next sentence we read that “he shall cause ‘craft’ to prosper in his hand”. This clearly refers to witchcraft. Witches take great time and effort to understand and perfect the “dark” sayings and rituals they must know in order to become a practiced witch, to carry out spells and hexes. As far as the word, ‘craft’, referring to witchcraft, all you have to do to confirm that they refer to their religion as a ‘craft’ is to go into any New Age or Satanic bookstore and browse their books. They clearly and often refer to their witchcraft as the ‘craft’.

So, this passage clearly foretells that the Antichrist will be someone who is a most practiced adept in the craft of witchcraft.

2. Daniel 11:37-38 — “Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all. But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces: and a god whom his fathers knew not… ”

  • Antichrist will not regard the God of his fathers. In other words, he shall practice a religion that is not based upon the Hebrew Scriptures, the Old Testament.
  • Antichrist will not desire women. Scholars believe this either means he shall be sexually perverted or a homosexual, or both. Keep this fact in mind as we discuss some of the rituals of Satanism in a few moments.
  • Antichrist will honor the ‘god of forces’. All occultists, including Freemasons, Illuminists, and Satanists, teach that God is not a person, or a being; rather, he is a “Force”. The movie which did most to popularize this Satanic concept is the movie, “Star Wars”, where Black Magic duel White Magic, both of whom were using the “Force” to try to win the war. The phrase, “May the Force Be With You” was on everyone’s lips after that movie. This is classic witchcraft, and yet, most Americans are not aware.

3. Revelation 17:10-11 — “And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space. And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.”

The “seven kings” of this chapter are seven Mystery Kings. What is a ‘Mystery King’? He is a unique leader in two respects: 1). Politically, he is an absolute dictator. This is truly nothing new, as history is full of such characters. 2). Spiritually, he is an ordained Satanic High Priest, and fills the unique role of daily ruling his nation according to the precepts of Satanism. When you put these two aspects together, you get a very short list of rulers who have ruled accordingly. At the time the Apostle John wrote the Book of Revelation, the world was under the heel of the sixth Mystery King, Nero of Rome, (this is the ‘one is’ above).

Prior to him, the world had five Mystery Kings, dating back to Nimrod of Babylon. But, after Nero, no one arose who fulfilled this unique role of ‘Mystery King’; until, Adolf Hitler!! Hitler was both the Absolute Dictator, and the Satanic High Priest for the entire nation. Remember Alice Bailey writing, in her book, ‘The Externalisation Of The Hierarchy’ that the Great One (The New Age Christ) will restore the Ancient Mysteries to outer expression? Bailey meant that he will restore the Ancient Satan worship to public practice; this is exactly what Hitler accomplished. Anyone versed in Satanism will tell you that his huge public spectacles were simply huge public Satanic ceremonies with Hitler as the High Priest.

So, Hitler was history’s Seventh Mystery King, and just as the Scripture foretold, he ruled for just 12 years, (a ‘short space’, above). Now, the antichrist will be history’s eighth ‘Mystery King’, and he will be ‘of the seven’; in other words, he will be just like the seven other ‘Mystery Kings’ that have ruler before him. He will be just like Adolf Hitler!

If we study the Satanism of Hitler, we can be assured that Antichrist will be just like him. Stay with me for some eye-opening truths. (Remember, finally, that this Kingdom of Antichrist, as terrible as it will be, will be immediately preceded by a period of ‘Peace and Safety’, and an apparent end to war and suffering. All the peoples of the world will be mightily deceived).

Immediately after World War II, stories began to appear about Hitler’s involvement in the occult, the deep, dark Black Magic Witchcraft. But, just as suddenly as they appeared, they abruptly disappeared. Historians and politicians seemed very reluctant to openly admit this Satanic side of Adolf Hitler. Yet, we must understand it, because much of what happened during World War II, especially the mass exterminations, cannot be understood apart from the Witchcraft in which Hitler and his cohorts were practicing. When I read accounts of the Holocaust, from earnest authors who were trying to understand “why” Hitler and his fellow German citizens, could have carried out such a monstrous and systematic campaign, I am struck that they have no clue. They will never understand this question unless they delve into the blackness of Satanic practices.

This type of study was simply not possible from the public sector, either from libraries or book lists. To gather material for this story, I had to go to New Age and Satanic bookstores, where the authors do not flinch in discussing Hitler’s Satanism. When I met Doc Marquis, the former Illuminist-Satanist that had converted to Jesus Christ, I checked these sources with him, to ascertain the truthfulness and accuracy of their reports. I was also able to verify, from other sources, the veracity of the material I am sharing with you.

I will be quoting material from two Occult sources:

  • “Hitler’s Ashes — Seeds of a New Reich”, by Col. Howard A. Buechner, M.C., A.U.S. (ret), Battalion Surgeon, 3rd BN, 157 Inf., 45th Inf. Division, WWII, and Capt. Wilhelm Bernhart, Reich Undersea Boat Service, Knoght of the Holy Lance, WWII, Thunderbird Press, Metairie, Louisiana, 1989.
  • “The Spear of Destiny”, by Trevor Ravenscroft, Samuel Weiser, Inc., York Beach, Maine, 1973.

In “Spear of Destiny”, Trevor Ravenscroft stated that the Nuremberg Trials had totally failed to identify the real nature of evil which lay behind the “outer facade of National Socialism”; indeed, “initiation rites and black magic practices [lay at] the inner core of the Nazi leadership”. (Page xiii). Just a few pages later, Ravenscroft stated that, from 1909-1913, “Hitler attained higher levels of consciousness by means of drugs and made a penetrating study of medieval occultism and ritual magic …” (Page xxi). Jesus Christ warned that a person must guard his heart, for out of his heart all the issues of life spring forth (Matthew 12:34-35; 15:18-19). Every decision Hitler made as Dictator of Germany sprang from his most evil, Black Magic heart, producing the monstrous person of which most of us think when we contemplate this man.

In 1904, when Hitler was 15 years of age, he was with a friend, August Kubizek, when suddenly, he grabbed Kubizek’s hands and held them extremely tight. His eyes turned feverish and he began to speak in a voice that was loud, hoarse, and raucous. Kubizek felt that some strange being had seized control of Adolf, and was inhabiting his body. Hitler began to speak eloquently about a Mandate to rule Germany, leading her back to her rightful glory. (P. 3)

The die was now cast; Hitler had been experimenting with the occult for about one year, and now he was demon possessed. Hitler was also, at this time, mightily influenced by two other men: Friedrich Nietzsche, who urged that Germany’s Christian values be reevaluated, and replaced by the values of evil. Richard Wagner, the great German composer, who “worshipped Lucifer cunningly disguised as an exclusive Aryan Christ”. Indeed, Wagner coined the term, “Final Solution” as the term for the elimination of all Jews. (Page 36)

Young Adolf was also spending much time in the public library, filling his mind with books on such varied subjects as Ancient Rome, Eastern Religions, Yoga, Occultism, Hypnotism, and Astrology. (Page 25) Many people today are not aware of the deeply Occult, Satanic basis that these religions and practices contain. If you are involved in any way with any of these occult practices, please immediately stop and repent, for these practices are evil to the core, even though they might not appear to be, and they formed a tremendous early influence on Hitler. Adolf was also deeply influenced by Hegel, that German Philosopher and College Professor, whose concept of Thesis battling Antithesis producing the hybrid system, Synthesis, so influenced Weishaupt, leading to the creation of Communism and the general flow of history in this 20th Century.

It was at this time that Hitler began to delve into the New Age works of Madame Blavatsky, the head of the House of Theosophy, and one key leader to the drive to the New World Order. Blavatsky, writing through Tibetan Masters, wrote “Isis Revealed” and “Secret Doctrine”, from which Hitler derived his deep hatred for all Jews, considering them to be an inferior race which were threatening the “purity” of the German race. Alice Bailey, writing in her book “The Externalisation Of The Hierarchy”, calls the Jews a race of lower evolution, interested only in money, a theme Hitler struck often. Hitler became “aware” of his Karma and the “Karmic” situation concerning the Jewish Race.

Do not be deceived: Hitler’s early occult training relied heavily upon the same New Age and New World Order teachings that are so popular throughout the world today. Also like many New Agers today, Hitler was consumed by the stories of the “Holy Grail” and the “Spear of Destiny”. Hitler was also deeply involved in achieving ‘transcendent consciousness’ through meditations and drugs, so critical if he was to open his Pineal Gland, or the Third Eye of Eastern Mysticism. Hitler was also deeply interested in the Akashic Record and Reincarnation. (New Agers, are you listening? These are many of the occult interests in which you are interested).

In this period, 1903-1913, acquaintances also noted that Hitler changed from a shy, timid speaker who seemed to stumble over his words, to a most powerful, spellbinding orator, who seemed to be able to weave a spellbinding effect over his audience. Yet, his voice was not his own, and he seemed to be transfixed by a strange force, as he was speaking (Page 69). In the book, “Hitler’s Ashes”, the authors comment on the change in Hitler’s oratorical style, “Many people believe that the poorly trained Adolf Hitler became the most accomplished orator who ever lived … His technique has been compared to the gradual seduction of a beautiful woman applied to a whole nation.” (P. 95, “Hitler’s Ashes”) What a tremendous difference this demon pssession made in Hitler’s life. The women of Germany found him to be “polite, charming, polished and very handsome. Perhaps it was his hypnotic eyes that led many of them into a fatal attraction.” (Ibid., p. 96) My study of Satanic possession has led me to understand that the demon inside does seem to mesmerize, or hypnotise, other people. Hitler loved to get his enemies into a one-on-one meeting, because he could sway them easily, as he did British Prime Minister Chamberlain at Munich! His pale blue eyes radiated hypnotic power.

Hitler also became deeply immersed in stories of Pan-Germanic mysticism, old Nordic legends, of a people involved in a blood brotherhood, who had substituted the Swastika for the Christian Cross, and who participated in Black Magic rituals involving sexual perversions. All of this was a heady brew for young Adolf’s mind and soul, but it prepared him for the ultimate experience of all, joining the Satanic Brotherhood of Death Society, the Thule Society, in 1919. The Master at that time was Dietrich Eckhart who exercised a deep influence over Hitler. It was also at this time that Hitler became mesmerized by person, power, and office of the Antichrist. It was also at this time that Hitler’s eyes changed to a pale blue color (Page 40), a very common occurrence in people who are demon possessed!

As Eckhart lay dying in December, 1923, he uttered a most prophetic statement, “Follow Hitler! He will dance, but it is I who have called the tune! I have initiated him into the ‘Secret Doctrine’, opened his centres of vision and given him the means to communicate with the Powers. Do not mourn for me: for I shall have influenced history more than any other German.” (Page 91). Eckhart was one of Europe’s most dedicated and practiced Satanists. He repeatedly told his fellow adepts in the Thule Group that he had received a Satanic annunciation, that he was “destined to prepare the vessel of the Anti-Christ, the man inspired by Lucifer to conquer the world and lead the Aryan race to glory”. (Page 92) Eckhart led a series of seances attended by both Russian and German occultists, in which Alfred Rosenberg played a key role. Rosenberg, considered himself to be the prophet of Antichrist and interpreter of the Protocols of Zion, regularly called forth the “Beast of the Revelation — the Luciferic Leviathan which had taken over body and soul of Adolf Hitler”. (Page 104)

From 1919-1923, Eckhardt spared no effort to thoroughly train Hitler in all aspects of Black Magic, transforming him into one of the greatest occult Adepts in history. Thus, Eckardt selected Hitler for training in one of the highest forms of Black Magic, magic which had been perfected 1,000 years earlier and resurrected by Aliester Crowley. This Black Magic elevated sexual perversion, sexual illuminism, to a degree unheard of. The rituals and rites involved perverse and highly sadistic sexual practices, animal sacrifice, heterosexual orgies, bloody scourgings and sodomy, for Crowley had “discovered that indulgence in the most sadistic rituals awakened penetrating vision into the workings of evil Intelligences and bestowed phenomenal magical powers.” (Page 167) Hitler was greatly tortured during these rituals, including the initiation of “Hitler in a monstrous sadistic magic ritual” which made Hitler “smooth between the legs”, unable to “give pleasure to any woman”. This monstrous act rendered Hitler incapable of any normal sexual activity, but it did fill him with supernatural hatred and venom. So monstrous, so unnatural, was Hitler’s perversion now, that he was capable of planning and executing the most terrible deeds humanity was to ever see. Hitler’s monstrosity were so terrifying that historians and biographers could not, or would not, see and understand. As Ravenscroft so aptly stated, “..the other leading biographers of Hitler have been unable to perceive that sexual perversion took the central place in his life. They deal with the question in a fragmented way under such headings as ‘Was Hitler Impotent’, or ‘Hitler’s Attitude To Women’. They fail altogether to understand that a monstrous sexual perversion was the very core of his existence, the source of his mediumistic and clairvoyant powers, and the motivation behind every act through which he reaped a sadistic vengeance on humanity.” (Page 171)

“There can be no doubt that Adolf Hitler was equally as impotent as King Klingsor, who was ‘smooth between the legs’ for he, to, was incapable of achieving orgasm through normal sexual relations”. At this point, please understand that we are not talking about physical castration; rather Hitler’s “impotency had a deep psychological foundation. He only knew sexual fulfillment through the extremes of sadism and masochism, sexual delight either through inflicting pain on others or from suffering such pain himself .. [Hitler] would furtively retire to the red-light district of [Vienna] to have himself tied up and whipped by any prostitute who was willing … ” (Page 173). Hitler also had this type of relationship with Eva Braun, with whom he later committed suicide. “She suffered his tyranny at all other times except in the bedroom where she became the all-powerful mistress and he [Hitler] the groveling slave.” (Page 174) This type of Black Magic is officially known, among occultists, as ‘Astrological Magic’. (Page 155)

Hitler, in 1921, at age 33 years of age, was totally possessed by the Evil Hierarchies of Spirits, and prepared to take the leadership of the National Socialist Party. No one can understand the monstrosity of Hitler’s mass exterminations and his precipitation of World War II without understanding this Satanic perversion into which he eagerly plunged himself.

Remember, Hitler considered himself to be THE Antichrist, as did many other occultists in the world at that time. In reality, Hitler was the immediate forerunner of the true Antichrist. Hitler was the Seventh Mystery King of Revelation 17:10-11; the true Antichrist will be the Eighth Mystery King and will be exactly like him, just as prophecy foretold. Yet, this Eighth Mystery King will successfully hide his monstrosity from everyone in the world, convincing them he is coming as a “Loving” Christ, a bringer of “Peace and Safety” to a world that is so hungry for it. After he has convinced nearly everyone that he is Divine and worthy of worship, he will strip off his mask and initiate the monstrous events of the book of Revelation. Truly was the prophet Daniel correct when he said, “By peace he shall destroy many.” (Daniel 8:25).

The time is very close for him to appear.

Are you spiritually ready? Is your family? Are you adequately protecting your loved ones? This is the reason for this ministry, to enable you to first understand the peril facing you, and then help you develop strategies to warn and protect your loved ones. Once you have been thoroughly trained, you can also use your knowledge as a means to open the door of discussion with an unsaved person. I have been able to use this knowledge many times, and have seen people come to Jesus Christ as a result. These perilous times are also a time when we can reach many souls for Jesus Christ, making an eternal difference.

If you are not born again, I encourage you to either E-Mail me so we can talk, or go to a Fundamental Bible-believing church in your area (we can help you find one), where someone can show you the blessed, and easy, Biblical way in which you are born again. Remember Jesus’ Words, “You must be born again …” (John 3:3-7).

If you have been blessed by this ministry, which seeks to educate and warn people, so that they can see the coming New World Order — Kingdom of Antichrist — in their daily news, then we need your support to stay on the Internet.

The sword is coming, and coming both quickly and with enormous power. But, most people, including most Christians, do not see it coming. Will you be a “Watchman On The Wall” with us? (Ezekiel 3:17-19, God’s most solemn warning)

Finally, we would love to hear from you.

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God bless you, and may He maintain a “Hedge of Protection” around you and your family.

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BONG! What’s that? It’s just Hollow Earth Theory

This story has puzzled me sometime and I just can’t figure it out. This is Hollow Earth theory and that there lives creatures or aliens below our feet. I have posted something about this before in a post where I told you about Operation High Jump:


But here I focuse more about the facts about Hollow Earth theory.

A map of the Interior World, from The Goddess of Atvatabar (1892).

The Hollow Earthhypothesis proposes that the planet Earth is either entirely hollow or otherwise contains a substantial interior space. The hypothesis has been shown to be wrong by observational evidence, as well as by the modern understanding of planet formation; the scientific community has dismissed the notion since at least the late 18th century.

The concept of a hollow Earth still recurs in folklore and as the premise for subterranean fiction, a subgenre of adventure fiction. It is also featured in some present-day pseudoscientific and conspiracy theories.


Ancient history

In ancient times, the concept of a subterranean land inside the earth appeared in mythology, folklore and legends. The idea of subterranean realms seemed arguable, and became intertwined with the concept of “places” of origin or afterlife, such as the Greek underworld, the NordicSvartálfaheimr, the Christian Hell, and the Jewish Sheol (with details describing inner Earth in Kabalistic literature, such as the Zohar and Hesed L’Avraham). The idea of a subterranean realm is also mentioned in Tibetan Buddhism belief,[1][2] according to one story there is an ancient city called Shamballa which is located inside the earth.[2]

According to the Ancient Greeks there were caverns under the surface which were entrances leading to the underworld, some of which were the caverns at Tainaron in Lakonia, at Trozien in Argolis, at Ephya in Thesprotia, at Herakleia in Pontos, and in Ermioni.[3] In Thracians and Dacians legend it is said that there are underground chambers occupied by an ancient God called Zalmoxis.[4] In Mesopotamian religion there is a story of a man who, after traveling through the darkness of a tunnel in the mountain of “Mashu”, entered a subterranean garden.[5]

In Celtic mythology there is a legend of a cave called “Cruachan,” also known as “Ireland’s gate to Hell,” a legendary and ancient cave from which according to legend strange creatures would emerge in ancient times and be seen on the surface of the earth.[6] There are also stories of medievalknights and saints who went on pilgrimages to a cave located in Station Island, County Donegal in Ireland, where they made journeys inside the earth into a place of purgatory.[7] There is an Irish myth which says tunnels in County Down, Northern Ireland lead to the land of the subterranean Tuatha de Danaan, a group of people who are believed to have introduced Druidism to Ireland, and then went back underground.[8]

An ancient legend of the Angami Naga tribes of India claim that their ancestors emerged in ancient times from a subterranean land inside the earth.[9] There are legends from the Taíno people that their ancestors emerged in ancient times from two caves in a mountain underground.[10]

It is the belief of the natives of the Malinowski’s Trobriand Islands that their ancestors had come from a subterranean land through a cavern hole called “Obukula”.[11] There is an ancient legend held in Mexican folklore that a cave in a mountain five miles south of Ojinaga, Mexico is possessed by devilish creatures who came from inside the earth.[12]

There was an ancient myth held in the middle ages that some mountains located between Eisenach and Gotha in Germany hold a portal to the inner earth. There is an old Russian legend that says the Samoyeds, an ancient Siberiantribe, traveled to an underground cavern city to live inside the earth.[13]

In Native American mythology, it is said that the ancestors of the Mandan people in ancient times emerged from a subterranean land through a cave at the north side of the Missouri River.[14] There is also a tale about a tunnel in the San Carlos Apache Indian Reservation in Arizona near Cedar Creek which is said to lead inside the earth to a land inhabited by a mysterious tribe.[15] It is also the belief of the tribes of Iroquois that their ancient ancestors emerged from a subterranean world inside the earth.[16] The elders of the Hopi people believe that a Sipapu entrance in the Grand Canyon exists which leads to the underworld.[17][18]

According to South American mythology the belief of the Brazilian Indians, who live alongside the Parima River in Brazil, claim that their forefathers emerged in ancient times from an underground land, and that many of their ancestors still remained inside the earth. There are also legends that say the ancestors of the Inca Empire came from underground caves which are located east of Cuzco, Peru.[19]

17th and 18th centuries

Edmond Halley in 1692[20] put forth the idea of Earth consisting of a hollow shell about 800 km (500 mi) thick, two inner concentric shells and an innermost core, about the diameters of the planets Venus, Mars, and Mercury. Atmospheres separate these shells, and each shell has its own magnetic poles. The spheres rotate at different speeds. Halley proposed this scheme in order to explain anomalous compass readings. He envisaged the atmosphere inside as luminous (and possibly inhabited) and speculated that escaping gas caused the Aurora Borealis.[21]

De Camp and Ley have claimed (in their Lands Beyond) that Leonhard Euler also proposed a hollow-Earth idea, getting rid of multiple shells and postulating an interior sun 1,000 km (620 mi) across to provide light to advanced inner-Earth civilization but they provide no references; indeed, Euler did not propose a hollow-Earth, but there is a slightly related thought experiment.[22]

De Camp and Ley also claim that Sir John Leslie expanded on Euler’s idea, suggesting two central suns named Pluto and Proserpine (this was unrelated to the dwarf planet Pluto, which was discovered and named some time later). Leslie did propose a hollow Earth in his 1829 Elements of Natural Philosophy (pp. 449–453), but does not mention interior suns.

Le Clerc Milfort in 1781 led a journey with hundreds of Creek Indians to a series of caverns near the Red River above the junction of the Mississippi river, according to Milfort the original Creek Indian ancestors are believed to have emerged out to the surface of the earth in ancient times from the caverns. Milfort also claimed the caverns they saw “could easily contain 15,000 – 20,000 families.”[23][24]

19th century

In 1818, John Cleves Symmes, Jr. suggested that the Earth consisted of a hollow shell about 1,300 km (810 mi) thick, with openings about 2,300 km (1,400 mi) across at both poles with 4 inner shells each open at the poles. Symmes became the most famous of the early Hollow Earth proponents. He proposed making an expedition to the North Pole hole, thanks to efforts of one of his followers, James McBride. United States president John Quincy Adams indicated he would approve of this but he left office before this could occur. The new President of the United States, Andrew Jackson, halted the attempt. It is possible this is the source of the (untrue) legend that Jackson believed in a Flat Earth, and was consequently the only United States president to do so.

Jeremiah Reynolds also delivered lectures on the “Hollow Earth” and argued for an expedition. Reynolds went on an expedition to Antarctica himself but missed joining the Great U.S. Exploring Expedition of 1838–1842, even though that venture was a result of his agitation.

Though Symmes himself never wrote a book about his ideas, several authors published works discussing his ideas. McBride wrote Symmes’ Theory of Concentric Spheres in 1826. It appears that Reynolds has an article that appeared as a separate booklet in 1827: Remarks of Symmes’ Theory Which Appeared in the American Quarterly Review. In 1868, a professor W.F. Lyons published The Hollow Globe which put forth a Symmes-like Hollow Earth hypothesis, but failed to mention Symmes himself. Symmes’s son Americus then published The Symmes’ Theory of Concentric Spheres in 1878 to set the record straight.

20th century

An early twentieth-century proponent of hollow Earth, William Reed, wrote Phantom of the Poles in 1906. He supported the idea of a hollow Earth, but without interior shells or inner sun.

The spiritualist writer Walburga, Lady Paget in her book Colloquies with an unseen friend (1907) was an early writer to mention the hollow earth theory. She claimed that cities exist beneath a desert, which is where the people of Atlantis moved. She said an entrance to the subterranean kingdom will be discovered in the 21st century.[25]

William Fairfield Warren, in his book, Paradise Found: The Cradle of the Human Race at the North Pole presented his belief that humanity originated on a continent in the Arctic called Hyperborea. This influenced some early hollow earth theorists. According to Marshall Gardner, both the Eskimo and Mongolian peoples had come from the interior of the earth by an entrance at the North pole.[26]

Marshall Gardner wrote A Journey to the Earth’s Interior in 1913 and published an expanded edition in 1920. He placed an interior sun in the Earth and built a working model of the hollow Earth which patented (U.S. Patent 1,096,102). Gardner made no mention of Reed, but did criticize Symmes for his ideas. About the same time Vladimir Obruchev wrote a novel Plutonia, in which the hollow Earth possessed an inner sun and was inhabited by prehistoric species. The interior was connected with the surface by an opening in the Arctic.

ExplorerFerdynand Ossendowski wrote a book in 1922 titled Beasts, Men and Gods. Ossendowski said he was told about a subterranean kingdom exists inside the earth. It was known to Buddhists as Agharti.[27]

George Papashvily in his Anything Can Happen (1940) claimed the discovery in the Caucasus mountains of a cavern containing human skeletons “with heads as big as bushel baskets” and an ancient tunnel leading to the centre of the earth. One man entered the tunnel and never returned.[28]

Novelist Lobsang Rampa in his book The Cave of the Ancients said an underground chamber system exists beneath the Himalayas of Tibet, filled with ancient machinery, records and treasure.[29]Michael Grumley a cryptozoologist has linked Bigfoot and other hominidcryptids to ancient tunnel systems underground.[30]

Douglas Baker wrote in one of his books that he had an astral journey to the inner earth where he observed a subterranean civilization.[31] Other occult writers such as Guy Ballard and Alice Bailey have written that they have had out of body experiences and met mysterious beings inside of the earth.

According to the ancient astronaut writer Peter Kolosimo a robot was seen entering a subterranean tunnel below a monastery in Mongolia, he also claimed a light was seen from underground in Azerbaijan.[32] Kolosimo and other ancient astronaut writers such as Robert Charroux linked these activities to UFOs.

A book allegedly by a “Dr. Raymond Bernard” which appeared in 1964, The Hollow Earth, exemplifies the idea of UFOs coming from inside the earth. The book rehashes Reed and Gardner’s ideas and ignores Symmes. Bernard also adds his own ideas: the Ring Nebula proves the existence of hollow worlds, as well as speculation on the fate of Atlantis and the origin of flying saucers. Bernard argued that the inhabitants of Atlantis took refuge in the Earth’s interior before the city was destroyed in great calamity.[33] It was Atlanteans who piloted the flying machines known in ancient India as vimanas and in the modern world as flying saucers.[33] After the US bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Bernard claimed, the Atlanteans became concerned that radioactive air might flow into the world’s interior, and so some emerged in their flying saucers in an act of self-defense.[33] An article by Martin Gardner revealed that Dr. Walter Siegmeister used the pseudonym `Bernard’, but not until the publishing of Walter Kafton-Minkel’s Subterranean Worlds: 100,000 years of dragons, dwarves, the dead, lost races & UFOs from inside the Earth, in 1989, did the full story of Bernard/Siegmeister become well known.[34]

The pages of the science fiction pulp magazineAmazing Stories promoted one such idea from 1945 to 1949 as “the Shaver Mystery”. The magazine’s editor, Ray Palmer, ran a series of stories by Richard Sharpe Shaver supposedly claimed as factual, though presented in the context of fiction. Shaver claimed that a superior pre-historic race had built a honeycomb of caves in the Earth, and that their degenerate descendants, known as “Dero”, live there still, using the fantastic machines abandoned by the ancient races to torment those of us living on the surface. As one characteristic of this torment, Shaver described “voices” that purportedly came from no explainable source. Thousands of readers wrote to affirm that they, too, had heard the fiendish voices from inside the Earth. The writer David Hatcher Childress authored Lost Continents and the Hollow Earth (1998) in which he reprinted the stories of Palmer and defended the hollow earth idea based on alleged tunnel systems beneath South America and central Asia.[35]

Hollow earth theorists have claimed a number of different locations for the entrances which lead inside the earth. Other than the North and South poles, entrances in locations which have been cited include: Paris in France,[36]Staffordshire in England,[37]Montreal in Canada,[38]Hangchow in China,[39] and the Amazon Rainforest.[40]

Fantastic stories (supposedly believed as factual within fringe circles) have also circulated that Adolf Hitler and some of his followers escaped to hollow lands within the Earth after World War II via an entrance in Antarctica. (See also Hitler’s supposed adherence to concave hollow-Earth ideas, below.)

Some writers have proposed building megastructures that have some similarities to a hollow Earth – see Dyson sphere, Globus Cassus.

21st century

In 2011, Horatio Valens and Paul Veneti presented a two-hour “Lazeria Map Collection” video on centuries-old maps of the Arctic region and the North Pole, making a case for a 100-mile wide canyon in the center of the physical North Pole, into which north-flowing rivers drain into a hollow Earth.[41] The maps were collected by Harry Hubbard.[42]

Concave hollow Earths

Instead of saying that humans live on the outside surface of a hollow planet — sometimes called a “convex” hollow-Earth hypothesis — some have claimed humans live on the inside surface of a hollow spherical world, so that our universe itself lies in that world’s interior. This has been called the “concave” hollow-Earth hypothesis.

Cyrus Teed, a doctor from upstate New York, proposed such a concave hollow Earth in 1869, calling his scheme “Cellular Cosmogony”. Teed founded a group called the Koreshan Unity based on this notion, which he called Koreshanity. The main colony survives as a preserved Florida state historic site, at Estero, Florida, but all of Teed’s followers have now died. Teed’s followers claimed to have experimentally verified the concavity of the Earth’s curvature, through surveys of the Florida coastline making use of “rectilineator” equipment.

Several twentieth-century German writers, including Peter Bender, Johannes Lang, Karl Neupert, and Fritz Braun, published works advocating the hollow Earth hypothesis, or Hohlweltlehre. It has even been reported, although apparently without historical documentation, that Adolf Hitler was influenced by concave hollow-Earth ideas and sent an expedition in an unsuccessful attempt to spy on the British fleet by pointing infrared cameras up at the sky.[43][44]

The Egyptian mathematician Mostafa Abdelkader wrote several scholarly papers working out a detailed mapping of the concave Earth model.[45][46]

In one chapter of his book On the Wild Side (1992), Martin Gardner discusses the hollow Earth model articulated by Abdelkader. According to Gardner, this hypothesis posits that light rays travel in circular paths, and slow as they approach the center of the spherical star-filled cavern. No energy can reach the center of the cavern, which corresponds to no point a finite distance away from Earth in the widely accepted scientific cosmology. A drill, Gardner says, would lengthen as it traveled away from the cavern and eventually pass through the “point at infinity” corresponding to the center of the Earth in the widely accepted scientific cosmology. Supposedly no experiment can distinguish between the two cosmologies.

Gardner notes that “most mathematicians believe that an inside-out universe, with properly adjusted physical laws, is empirically irrefutable”. Gardner rejects the concave hollow Earth hypothesis on the basis of Occam’s Razor.[47]

Purportedly verifiable hypotheses of a “concave hollow Earth” need to be distinguished from a thought experiment which defines a coordinate transformation such that the interior of the Earth becomes “exterior” and the exterior becomes “interior”. (For example, in spherical coordinates, let radius r go to R²/r where R is the Earth’s radius.) The transformation entails corresponding changes to the forms of physical laws. This is not a hypothesis but an illustration of the fact that any description of the physical world can be equivalently expressed in more than one way.[48]

Contrary evidence


The picture of the structure of the earth that has been arrived at through the study of seismic waves[49] is quite different from the hollow earth theory. The Earth’s interior is made up of layers of molten rock and various elements, in the mantle and core.[50]


Another set of scientific arguments against a hollow Earth or any hollow planet comes from gravity. Massive objects tend to clump together gravitationally, creating non-hollow spherical objects we call stars and planets. The solid sphere is the best way in which to minimize the gravitational potential energy of a physical object; having hollowness is unfavorable in the energetic sense. In addition, ordinary matter is not strong enough to support a hollow shape of planetary size against the force of gravity; a planet-sized hollow shell with the known, observed thickness of the Earth’s crust, would not be able to achieve hydrostatic equilibrium with its own mass and would collapse.

Someone on the inside of a hollow Earth would not experience a significant outward pull and could not easily stand on the inner surface; rather, the theory of gravity implies that a person on the inside would be nearly weightless. This was first shown by Newton, whose shell theorem mathematically predicts a gravitational force (from the shell) of zero everywhere inside a spherically symmetric hollow shell of matter, regardless of the shell’s thickness. A tiny gravitational force would arise from the fact that the Earth does not have a perfectly symmetrical spherical shape, as well as forces from other bodies such as the Moon. The centrifugal force from the Earth’s rotation would pull a person (on the inner surface) outwards if the person was traveling at the same velocity as the Earth’s interior and was in contact with the ground on the interior, but even the maximum centrifugal force at the equator is only 1/300 of ordinary Earth gravity.

The mass of the planet also indicates that the hollow Earth hypothesis is unfeasible. Should the Earth be largely hollow, its mass would be much lower and thus its gravity on the outer surface would be much lower than it is.

Direct observation

The deepest hole drilled to date is the SG-3 borehole which is 12.3 km (7.6 mi)[51] deep, part of the SovietKola Superdeep Borehole project; thus, visual knowledge of the Earth’s structure extends that far.


Here is some videos about Hollow Earth Theory and more:


Here’s a video about how Earth might be hollow and it has openings on the poles. And how Nazis used these openings:


And here Shield Of The Son talks about Hollow Earth:


So there you have some information to grasp on and remember as always… you decide what is the Turth I just offer you some information where you can start your own search of the Truth.


“Truth crushed to earth shall rise again.”