Tag Archives: Negative energy

How Your Metaphysical Abilities are Being Suppressed

I think that  people are much more powerful than they realize. The powers we inside have been suppressed, because negative forces want to control and enslave us. Now we have to learn these abilities again and take our powers back:

How Your Metaphysical Abilities are Being Suppressed

Many writers and people have said that we as a human species are far, far, far more powerful than we know.

Yah’Shua (the real name for Jesus Christ) said “Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also, and greater works than these shall he do, because I go unto my Father.” John 14:12. Well, we are obviously a LONG way from doing what Jesus did, let alone outperforming him.

I believe that metaphysical abilities, such as telepathy, are gifts that were given to us by God Yahweh, that have been largely taken away from us by evil ones. I am talking here about true spiritual abilities such as telepathy, as distinct from magick & psychic abilities which is done by occult means and is actually done by the power of demons (see www.exvampire.com for confirmation of this).

For example, animals and young children often display telepathic powers. (One example: See the report by the U.S. Air Force of a group of chinese children who can teleport). Yet the abilities of children are generally lost or greatly reduced by the time they ‘grow up’.

I believe this is because there is a concerted plan by species that do not own the metaphysical abilities that Yahweh gave to us, to enslave the human species and make sure we never access the powers that we have. We are like an eagle in a cage that has never been taught or shown how we can fly and soar over the skies.

A few metaphysical abilities are:

  • Telepathy – receiving
  • Telepathy – projectional
  • Telekinesis
  • Teleport – self
  • Teleport – other things

  • Teleport – live objects

  • Open portals that people can walk through, to other times and places

  • To go to other universes

  • Travel places others cannot

  • Clairvoyancy

  • Clairaudient

  • Healing

  • Empathy

  • Explode things

  • Kill people with mind

  • Create fire at a distance

  • Change the quantum matrix

  • Change matter

  • Manifest physical objects

  • And whatever else you can dream up – anything is possible.

Below I have listed just a few of the ways that human metaphysical abilities have been suppressed, and give some suggestions as to ways to overcome these. I believe that the first three listings are the most important. The rest are in no particular order of importance.

Method of Reducing Metaphysical Abilities How This Method Robs us of
Our Metaphysical Abilities
Possible Ways
To Combat This

It is the belief of myself and my husband Michael, from our own experience, that almost anyone who has advanced metaphysical abilities will have been abducted at least once and probably a number of times throughout their lives.

This may have been done by non-humans such as greys, reptilians, insectoids or other aliens, or by humans who are in black operations in the military. (If you think this is not for real, then you haven’t done enough research on this matter. There is literally tons of information on this. Start with our weblinks section).

During this abduction the person was given programming and possibly other things including operations to stop them from harnessing the full power of their metapsychic abilities for themselves.

1) Stop abductions now by changing the quantum matrix inside yourself and your family at least twice a week. This is crucial to do if you have children.

2) Remove the effects of previous abductions with kinesiology, including removing wernicke’s commands.

WARNING: Check first for implanted death thoughts.


Fluoride is a rat poison that is rated 4 out of 5 on the list of world poisons. It was also used by the Nazis and Russians.  They fluoridated any water because it calms people down and makes them easier to control.

I have also read reports that it calcifies the pineal gland, the third eye, which is partly where our metaphysical abilities come from.

1) Of course the best thing is to not use toothpaste that contains fluoride (available only from health food stores) and to drink only reverse osmosis water or springwater. For reverse osmosis filters, check out Sam’s Club (USA) and ebay.

2) To get rid of fluoride that you already have, or get through your skin when showering, there are reports that turmeric can help get rid of the calcification of the pineal gland. Eat more lentil curries with turmeric!


Vaccines contain mercury and formaldehyde for starters. There is NO safe level for either of these two substances.

Vaccines are meant to work by stimulating the immune system – so why do they vaccinate babies many months before they have any immune system?

Read this article by myself and you will see I found out through muscle testing that there is something in vaccinations, possibly some sort of microchip or crystal, that suppresses metaphysical abilities.

Credo Mutwa, a Shaman in Africa, reported that the only children that can see UFO’s flying around are the ones that have never been vaccinated.

Most of us have been vaccinated and we will never know what abilities we have lost.

If you have children that are not vaccinated, start learning about the huge dangers of this and how you can avoid it. I do not want to repeat the experience I had of speaking with a woman crying on the phone because her baby died within a few weeks of being vaccinated.

Breast milk contains much that will protect your children. Read The Breastfeeding Book and learn why you should breast feed to AT LEAST 3 years old. Children do not get their full immune system till six years old.

As for the rest of us who have been vaccinated, pray to remove the effects.

And balance out the effects of vaccines with kinesiology. I show how to balance out substances on my DVD kinesiology training series.

Junk food

Your body is the instrument through which your metaphysical abilities will go. Your body is like an automobile and if you are driving a beat up old VW then you need a makeover.

The more healthy and finely tuned your body is, the more metaphysical abilities you will have.

Metaphysical abilities require energy. Junk food and other toxins deplete you of energy.

Cut out all junk food and unhealthy food.

Get muscle tested with kinesiology to find out which foods are positive, neutral and negative for you.

Eating Meat

Uri Geller, perhaps the most famous psychic in the world, is a vegetarian.

The higher frequency your body resonates at, the more metaphysical abilities you will have.

Dead flesh is a very low frequency. Plants are much higher.  Think about this, if you increase your metaphysical abilities, you will probably increase your empathic abilities – the ability to feel the emotions of others. Eventually you may feel the pain that the cow felt when it had it’s throat cut, as well as the terror it experienced before that event.

Plants don’t like dying either but they don’t have the highly evolved nervous system and intelligence of animals.

Eat more whole grains, fruit and vegetables, especially raw fruit and vegetables.

Eat foods with more protein but don’t get hung up on the need for tons of protein. Gorillas are 100% vegetarian and they obviously don’t have any problem growing large muscles!!!

To become vegetarian, don’t eat a lot of soy which is toxic unless it is fermented and non-GMO (eg miso is good for you).

Instead, learn from Indians. In India, the highest cast is the Brahmins and they are all 100% vegetarian. Eat a lot of lentils (for protein) as well as brown rice.

Schooling System

Our schooling system is very much logical and rational. It develops mainly the left brain without developing the right brain.

This teaches us to think which has its usefulness. However, it does not teach us to know, to access our intuition.

Knowing is much more powerful and faster than thinking. Knowing comes from our right brain and our intuition.

In addition, the time that children attend school and the way they have to sit still for many hours at a time is mind control.  A German discovered that children who are taught to go to school five days a week are later trained to be good 9-5, Monday to Friday workers.

Wouldn’t you rather your children were taught to be healthy, happy, spiritual millionaires whose purpose in life is to improve the life of others rather than have a job to make a living?

Do whatever it takes to do homeschooling. Virtually anyone can do it, so long as you buy curriculums.

See “55 Serious Reasons why You Should Homeschool


Preventing Meditative States

Some people, in particular some Christians, believe that meditation is bad, because they think once that they empty their mind it will be filled with bad things.  This is not correct.

Meditation is not emptying your mind. It is impossible to empty your mind.

Meditation is stilling your mind.

It has been said that prayer is talking to God, while meditation is listening to God. If your mind is full of thoughts, how can you hear God speak to you?

..to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.” Romans 8:6 (Note: Carnally means relating to physical things, especially the body)

Once you have stilled your mind you can more easily access your metaphysical abilities.  While your mind is filled with rubbish thoughts that go round and round and round, you cannot access your metaphysical abilities.

However, not all forms of meditation are recommended. Meditation techniques where one chants a mantra may be bad because the mantra could be the name of a demon.

Stick with forms of meditation that still your mind rather than chant a mantra.

You could just sit still and close your eyes and focus on your breath and/or on God.

Also focus on feeling God and love in your heart:

  • God is a Spirit” John 4:24.
  • Behold, the kingdom of God is within you.” Luke 17:21
Western Birth

Although they don’t remember it, most people were put into incredible trauma through the process of their birth.  After a traumatic birth, possibly with drugs that made it worse, many babies were slapped, put into bright lights, put into noisy areas, and worst of all, taken away from their mother and not given breast milk.

This put those people into shock, which is one reason why we don’t remember much of those early years. Shock and trauma inhibit all types of growth, especially metaphysical abilities.

Even worse, some people don’t get to keep their own baby if they have a hospital birth, in particular, a military hospital. There are reports of babies being swapped or the mother being told that it was a still birth but not shown the baby.

In addition, many men had an additional shock of being sexually mutilated – circumsized – often even without pain killers. Is that why little boys cry more than girls? If you have a boy, let him decide when he is old enough whether or not he wants to be circumcized.

For more information on how different birthing and child raising methods can increase normal and metaphysical abilities, read the amazing book Magical Child (Just ignore what he says about reading age – teaching reading early does not decrease metaphysical abilities).

Return to natural home birthing, preferably a water birth, which enables the woman to squat which makes more room for the baby.

Add soft lights and as few people who are loving and caring present as possible.

Drugs/either pharmaceutical or recreational. INCLUDING White Powder Gold.

What goes up due to chemical means, must come down – PLUS side effects.

White powder gold actually DESTROYS your native metaphysical abilities.

If you have drug addictions,  Ibogaine, which has been reported to heal people of all drug addictions within 24 hours with no side effects with a 70% success rate.

Note: I understand that this drug is currently not legal in Belgium or America.


It has been shown that when watching television you are in an hypnotic state within one minute.  Once you are in a hypnotic state you cannot access your metaphysical abilities.

In addition you will be resonating at the same frequency as a lot of zombies watching television.

Plus there is all kinds of technological and spiritual encryption added to some TV and movies these days.

Watch the movie “The Matrix” at least two or three times until you understand the message of this movie.

Put your television in the garage for three months and see what difference it makes to your life.

Cancel your cable bill.

No / Insufficient Breast Milk

Breast milk contains substances which are essential for optimal brain growth.  That’s for normal intelligence.

Muscle testing has indicated to me that there are one or more substances in human breast milk which help metaphysical abilities. Muscle testing also indicated to me that production of this substance peaks at 18 months and ends at three years.

Research of large primates show us that humans, who are also large primates, should breast feed their babies until four to seven years old.  Note that this is not talking about public nursing. By three years of age, babies probably only want one nurse a day, and that will be to put them to sleep (without crying).

The powers that be that are controlled by the alien/reptilian  species have seen that breast milk gets replaced by formula which has many toxic substances in it, including soy. Formula definitely doesn’t have the range of substances which are needed.

In addition I believe that while the baby is breast feeding the baby is soaking up the mother’s energy from her heart chakra, which also helps to develop metaphysical abilities.

Do whatever it takes to breast feed your children for 4 to 7 years old.  If it’s too late for you, spread the word so the next generation knows this.

Mother not Sleeping with Babies and Young Children

Dr William Sears (The Baby Book) found that mothers with the most advanced babies slept with them. Most cultures sleep with their babies. We used to. Babies and children up to at least 7 years old NEED their mother. Nature designed them that way.

That is why they cry when not with their mother, especially at night time. How do they know that something is not going to come and eat them if mother is not around? If you were on a desert island, would you put your baby to sleep at one end of the beach while you slept at the other? Of course not. It’s no different at home.

Not sleeping with children traumatizes them every night.

I met one man who could remember at two years old being terriifed every night because he had to sleep on his own. He wondered why he couldn’t sleep with his parents. No wonder so many children don’t want to go to bed.

Anything that traumatizes you, affects your metaphysical abilities.

Keep babies and young children in your bed. Take the legs off the bed for a few years. You yourself will get a LOT more sleep this way!!!

Metaphysical abilities grow with love, love, love.


Aspartame, Monosodium Glutamate and other excitotoxins.

These toxins scramble your brain, just like drugs. Anything that scrambles your brain will suppress your metaphysical abilities. When you want to sweeten anything, use raw honey. That is, something that is as close as possible to what nature produced, without processing.
Cellular Telephones

Cell phones shrink brain cells.

Whatever hurts your brain, hurts your metaphysical abilities.


Use only a landline and get an answering machine. It’s really not that difficult!!!! NEVER let children use a cellphone.

Be aware that some people have suggested that there may be something addictive about cellphones if you feel it’s hard to give up.

Microwave Ovens

Eating microwaved foods for just TWO months has been shown to cause effects similar to poisoning.  It decreases your red blood cells, increases your white blood cells and affects your immune system.

Anything that decreases your health decreases your metaphysical abilities.

Throw out your microwave or put it in the garage. To heat up food, put it in a saucepan with a little water and a lid.

When eating out ask if any of the food you are ordering is microwaved, as it very often is (even when the menu says “steamed vegetables”.)

Electric blankets

Every time we get away from nature and get closer to technology we decrease our metaphysical abilities.  Electric blankets put your body under major stress.

Other major electromagnetic stresses are listed here.

Never use one.

When travelling, take it off the hotel bed – it can affect you even when not plugged in, because of the coils of metal.

Rock & Rap “Music”

Rock and rap ‘music’change brain wave patterns. They stop you from accessing your higher powers.

If you can find music that vibrates at a high frequency, that is performed by people who operate at high frequency, listen to that instead.

Silence is golden to listen to.

Negative people

We become like the people we spend time with. We pick up their vibrations unconsciously. For example, see how people pick up accents when they visit a different area.

If you really want to grow, you will probably have to let go of some of the people you spend time with now. It is better to be on your own than with people who pull you down or who anchor you to the material universe.I personally find that my metaphysical abilities take a quantum leap whenever I am with other people who also have and ACKNOWLEDGE THE EXISTENCE of metaphysical abilities.
Lack of Practice
Use it or lose it.

Find a way to practice the particular abilities you are interested in, even if for only a few minutes a day.

eg Try this telepathy course.


The reptilians in particular will focus on increasing your rage and anger, because your metaphysical abilities definitely go down with rage and anger.

Would you rather be right or would you rather have peace?

Focus on forgiveness.

Focus on feeling love radiate in your heart.

Toxins Deliberately Added to the Food Supply
Many toxins include GMOs which contain bacterial DNA which produces poison, wheat that has been altered from the original einkorn by the Rockefellers and excitoxins such as MSG & Aspartame have been deliberately added to the food supply to destroy our bodies, our brains and our metaphysical abilities. This is a very big subject which cannot be handled in one article. I spent 2 years writing “You’re not Fat, You’re Toxic” to show how and why you should give up these toxins, and what to replace them with. It’s much more than an excellent weight loss manual. Please get a copy or ask your library to buy one, and extend your life by decades.

Copyright ©:  Stephanie Relfe – 2006 – 3000

Permission is granted to use this article, or parts of this article, provided you link to www.Metatech.org or www.Relfe.com


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Ouija: Not a Game

Many of you have seen how people use this board or make the board to paper and try to contact dead realtives or ghosts. I have just one advice: DON’T EVER USE IT! It’s not a game and if you don’t know how to deal with spirits and negative forces it could ruin your life forever. Here’s just one article and some cases what has happened:

Ouija: Not a Game

by Dale Kaczmarek

The Ouija board has been used by thousands of people for spirit communication and is very similar to automatic writing, the only difference between the two being the absence of the board itself in automatic writing. Both forms of communication are very dangerous; as are séances, because they are usually uncontrolled forms of communications. In other words, the individuals that use these channels are usually novices and are unaware of the possible dangers that await!

A controlled situation would be where a psychic, medium or clairvoyant is present. This way the medium could sense if any dangers are present and close off the communication before any harm was done.

The Ouija board is just a piece of compressed wood, sold at virtually all toy stores and occult supply and book stores. Ouija is a combination of two words: “oui” and “ja” which mean “yes” in French and German respectively. The board itself is not dangerous but the form of communication that you are attempting often is.

Most often the spirits whom are contacted through the Ouija are those whom reside on “the lower astral plane”. These spirits are often very confused and may have died a violent or sudden death; murder, suicide, etc. Therefore, many violent, negative and potentially dangerous conditions are present to those using the board. Often times several spirits will attempt to come through at the same time but the real danger lies when you ask for physical proof of their existence! You might say, “Well, if you’re really a spirit, then put out this light or move that object!” What you have just done is simple, you have “opened a doorway” and allowed them to enter into the physical world and future problems can and often do arise.

I would strongly advise against the use of the Ouija, automatic writing or séances. If you don’t happen to be lucky or unlucky enough (depends on how you look at it) to contact any ghosts, then if nothing else, you could become emotionally attached or dependent on the board’s advice. This can be psychologically adverse on the psyche as you will attempt to get more and more information out of the board and you could actually just be using the board as an avenue to the inside of your own mind without realizing it. In other words, you could be asking questions of the board and then your subconscious mind would be using the planchette to answer your own questions! This often happens to those people who use the board by themselves.

I believe the following cases are true examples of what could happen to those who continue to use the board or become obsessed or possessed!

Ouija Board’s Evil Spell Still Lives in Our House

(National Examiner, 31787 by Robert Stamper)

I invited a foul horror into my house with a Ouija board. My brother and I got no results when we started to use the psychic device, but suddenly the message indicator mysteriously began to move. The first thing the board told us was that the message was being sent by Seth. Then I made the tragic mistake of telling the board to prove it was real by doing something supernatural. The results were startling and scary. The board told us that the grandfather of one of my best friends would die in a week. The chandelier in the room began to shake violently and the chimes rang like pieces of metal being smashed together. The room became as cold as ice and we were shivering, though the thermometer read 70 degrees. The horrible stench of death filled the room and we couldn’t stop gagging and coughing.

Suddenly, the noises stopped and the room was as quiet as a cemetery in the middle of the night. My brother and I looked at each other in terror. We opened the windows to get rid of the stink or rotting flesh and told each other we’d forget the whole thing. But a week later the grandfather of one of my best friends died just as the board has predicted! And from time to time the chandelier would rattle, the room freeze and that awful smell return. I couldn’t take it any more. I threw the board away and told my mother about the experience. She told me that once you tamper with a Ouija board, its evil spell will remain forever. And to this day, those terrifying tremors shake the house and the stench of death fills the room.

Ouija Board Summons Demons

(The Sun, 12986)

A simple Ouija board became a passport to Hell for a family that accidentally summoned a demon into their living room. “I thought it might have been the Devil himself,” says John Ravens, father of the tormented family. “When it was over, we were all bleeding and had severe burn marks. Our living room was a disaster area.”

“It was supposed to be a joke,” says Gloria, the girl’s mother. “We were going to make believe we were talking with the spirit world.”

Little Lynda, her nine-year-old brother Ronald, and their parents gathered around the board for what they thought was going to be an evening of fun at their home in a Toronto, Canada suburb. “We were just playing around with it when suddenly the planchette that spells out answers began moving by itself,” says John. “We were all scared, but then I thought maybe one of the kids was up to tricks. We started asking questions, and this spirit began speaking to us. “Then it asked if it could visit with us. By this time, I was sure someone was playing a joke, and I said yes,” he adds.

That’s when the nightmare began. “The demon appeared within seconds,” says John. “It spun around the room overhead, laughing and cursing at us. “It was surrounded by a ring of fire and the room became so hot, it was like an inferno from Hell.” The family describes the demon as red and black with scaly skin and horns. It also had giant bat wings. “Then it suddenly swooped down and attacked us,” recalls John, horror flickering over his features. “It started biting each of us on the face and arms. “We tried getting up and running for the door, but every time we did, the creature started clawing us. It was so fast, we couldn’t escape from it.”

Lynda and brother Ronald were picked up repeatedly and hurled across the room. As they lay helplessly on the floor, the creature pounded on their chests and heads. “It had hooves that dug into my children’s faces and skin, marking them badly,” says Gloria. The attack lasted for more than an hour before the horrifying demon vanished as quickly as it first appeared. The children were screaming and crying as John pulled them out of the house and drove to a nearby hospital, where they were treated for cuts and burns.

Demons Use Ouija Board As Gateway To Take Over Soul

(The Sun, 22884) by Lewis Clifford.

Terrifying demons freed from other dimensions are preying on helpless human victims. And the gateway used by the grotesque monsters is being kept open by innocent toying with Ouija boards and other tools of the occult, top medical and religious experts caution.

“They are vile creatures of the night,” warned Dr. Alberto Gonzalez, of the Pan American Institute of Health. “They exist. They can possess the bodies of their victims and cause normally gentle, nonviolent people to commit outrageous crimes. They can assume other forms some quite ghastly.

“And they are among us in many instances solely because of these sinister toys called Ouija boards.” Gonzalez, a psychiatrist and parapsychologist, claims he has found demonic links to several cases of cattle mutilation and human vampirism in Central America.

Says the Rev. Morris Cerullo, president of World Evangelism and author of The Black Side Of Satan, Creation House, Carol Stream, Illinois, 1973. “Many people have related to me weird tales of answers given by the Ouija board. This and other occult games may seem intriguing, but the implications are serious and not to be tampered with. They can lead to dangerous waters indeed.

“Use of a Ouija has even led to violence and even to murder…” Dr. Marta Prohazka of Fairfax, Virginia, is also convinced that spirits can play terrifying destructive games with human behavior. During her practice as psychotherapist and psychoanalyst, she realized that many patients she had considered “hallucinating paranoid schizophrenics” might instead merely be in touch with something invisible to her but visible to them.” I came to understand that another plane, or dimension or existence interrelated with our plane or visible manifestation,” she said. “By training and expanding consciousness, some individuals gain entrance into that invisible dimension. It seems to some like a window into heaven.

“I also learned that contact with the other dimension can be dangerous, especially if a psychically sensitive person loses his emotional harmony. The window into heaven can then become a window into Hell.”

Millions of the plastic oracles are in use in American households, nevertheless. And the eerie messages from beyond they have spelled out have been credited or blamed for marriages, divorces, sickness, misery, mystery or murder. Psychic and medium Anne Rose told the Sun: “Horrible demons have definitely been released by the Ouija board.

“The Ouija board is a vehicle which makes it easy for negative spirits and demonic forces to enter this plane of existence.” The Merrillville, Indiana clairvoyant cautioned that evil spirits or demonic forces often gain the trust of people experimenting with Ouija boards by answering several questions truthfully and providing predictions. “Once they have gained the trust of their victims, it is easy for the entity to move in and take over either by strongly influencing that person, or by outright possession,” she said. People who are untrained and unsophisticated in the field of the paranormal and supernatural should never play with devices such as the Ouija board, according to the clairvoyant.

A Letter from a Reader

Just was doing some work on your site and I wanted to share something with you and maybe you can help me. I am very sensitive about this. I went through your site and you had a warning about the Ouija board and I have had a bad experience when I was 19 years old and I am still haunted by this. I am 49 now.

My Mom, got involved with the board when I went away for about a month. You see I was the fourth child and kind of the loner. I was the one that went to church and had a strong belief in God. When I got back from being away everyone but my mom greeted me outside and all were very upset and hurt. They tried to tell me before I greeted my mom, but when I saw how she looked and how she came up to me, this was not my mom. This woman was a stranger to me.

I went up to my room, and very tired from the trip, I laid on my bed and fell to sleep. When I got this feeling that I was being watched, I opened my eyes and staring down at me was my mom. She was smoking in my room which she never done before and she just gave me this look, that frightened me. She told me that “I was protected”. Looking up at her, I said, “I knew that I was and that God watches out for me everyday.” She laughed and said that I was protected but it was not by God. And I told her that I did not want protection from anyone but the good Lord himself. She got nasty with me and left my room.

That night I heard a party going on downstairs. I looked at the clock and it was one in the morning so I got up and went downstairs, peaked around the corner and the plastic piece on the board was going by itself and several different voices of men and women were coming out of my mom. My mom could not get by a minute without asking this board what to do first.

I think what bothered me the most is my dad would not do anything about it, or my older sister and brothers. One afternoon I came home and it was so bad that I fought with her and I went out and burned it. That was a mistake because what I saw coming out from the fire was not fire. And I remember it so well. I moved out.

My mom bought another board and lived with it until she died in 1996. My dad went to the place that she had stored it, but it was not there.

My mom and I worked things out and she seemed to get better, but she would not give up the board. She left me this haunting and I have to live with this. I have lived all my life with spirits and ghosts and they don’t bother me. But the board I don’t like it. I know first-hand how it can take over people’s lives and you are right to say it is a door-way for things to come through. I am still working through this and if any of your readers want to know first-hand, you can share this with them.

Thank you! Pam Frost

Suggested further reading:

  • Ouija: Most Dangerous Game by Stoker Hunt

  • Psychic Summer by Arnold Copper

  • On Sacred Ground a Demon Walks by Jennifer Arnold onsacredground@yahoo.com

Written and edited by: Dale Kaczmarek, President, Ghost Research Society, PO Box 205, Oak Lawn, Illinois 60454-0205.

Please read:

I am not an expert in Ouija but do warn people against using this or any means of spirit communication including, séances, automatic writing, etc. This is not a parlor game nor is it something for anyone to experiment with as there are many dangers involved. I constantly get calls and emails from people who are absolutely terrified after using the Ouija and ask for my help. Often this comes in the middle of the night, from out-of-state and by way of adolescents. 

Please do not call me for advice or how to rid oneself of what you may have conjured up through communication with the Ouija because I really cannot help especially over the phone in the middle of the night. My best advise has and will always be not to use this or any other form of communication! If you have general questions about the Ouija, try Googling Ouija or picking up copies of any of the books listed in Suggested Further Reading or email author Jennifer Arnold at the email listed. She has gone through sheer Hell since her early experiments with the Ouija while a teenager herself. Thank you and leave ghosthunting to the researchers and investigators!


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