The Day Before Disclosure

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It’s time for disclosure… what? It’s time to reveal alien intelligence on Earth. Let’s face it folks. The evidence is overwhelming… millions of reports of alien contact & abduction cases can’t be just a hoax. Over 50% of people believe an extraterrestial life. So let’s play a little game on this subject. If aliens have been around… say it about 20 000 years and all the big governments know about it. Now aliens are saying, that they want to reveal themselves. How they are going to do it?

My scenario is that someday in the near future US, Russia or China are going to reveal the alien precense on Earth, because if they don’t, the aliens will. It could be some Friday night, perhaps some big government releases the info and all mankind has weekend time to swallow this fact.

Even the vatican says that aliens are God’s creation and did you know, that vatican owns one of the biggest telescope in the world (L.U.C.I.F.E.R), why? And why United Nations named an alien ambassador? This all kind of points that somewhere in the near future we are going to be informed about this fact and it could be sooner than you think.

There is a movie about this topic called The Day Before Disclosure:



There is also a website, which main goal is to reveal this alien agenda:

It’s time for disclosure! 😯

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