Time To Open the Gates of Hell? CERN

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Do you think, that there is something more going on in CERN than just searching the so called “God particle”? I think, that there is something that they are not telling us, because CERN is the most sophisticated machine the human race have ever built. I think it could be a stargate.

Time To Open the Gates of Hell? CERN: Large Hadron Collider Discovers ‘Very Exotic Matter’ That Challenges Traditional Physics! (Must-See Videos)

The Key to the Bottomless Pit, Top World Researchers are attempting to open other dimensions.   2014 God Particle Project: Opening A Bottomless Pit to Hell Now! (Disturbing Video)​

The Large Hadron Collider beauty collaboration has confirmed the existence of exotic hadron with two quarks, two anti-quarks.

“The last time they fired it up, it was almost openining dimensional  portals like a stargate! There were reports that people were seen coming in and out of different dimensions!”  —Hagmann and Hagmann Report

Scientists finally discovered a brand new “very exotic” type of matter, which challenges the standard model of particle physics. Using the Large Hadron Collider beauty (LHCb) Collaboration at Cern in Geneva, the New York scientists confirmed the discovery of what they call exotic hadrons that are unable to be classified using the standard quark model – a classification scheme for hadrons.

International Business Times, in a recent article dated April 14, 2014, said:

A quark is an elementary particle and essential constituent of matter. Quarks bind together to form particles called hadrons. Quarks are found in the nucleus of an atom. When they combine in threes, they form compound particles, such as protons. Anti-quarks are created when quarks interact with corresponding anti-particles that have the same mass but opposite charges.

These types of compound are often found in the decay of man-made particles in nuclear reactors and cosmic rays. Lead author Tomasz Skwarnicki, from Syracuse University’s College of Arts and Sciences, said: “We’ve confirmed the unambiguous observation of a very exotic state — something that looks like a particle composed of two quarks and two anti-quarks. ”The discovery certainly doesn’t fit the traditional quark model. It may give us a new way of looking at strong-interaction physics.”

Enthusiastically, he added:

This experiment is the clincher, showing that particles made up of two quarks and two anti-quarks actually exist,” Skwarnicki says. “There used to be less-clear evidence for the existence of such a particle, with one experiment being questioned by another. Now we know this is an observed structure, instead of some reflection or special feature of the data.”

And, Sheldon Stone, from CERN, said:

“We analysed tens of thousands of meson decays, selected from trillions of collisions in the Large Hadron Collider. Because the data sample was so large, it forced us to use statistically powerful analysis that could, in turn, measure properties in an unambiguous manner. It’s great to finally prove the existence of something that we had long thought was out there.”

What is a Quark? CLICK HERE

LHCb Confirms Existence of Exotic Hadrons


The Technological Side of the Beast!

2014 God Particle Project: Opening A Bottomless Pit to Hell Now!

They are calling it the “God Particle”, and they are upgrading it! By the end of the year they hope to have its energy boosted significantly. They are building up their supply.  For three months in the winter, they have to shut it down so they have enough electricity for heat…that is how powerful it is! What’s more, world powers are rushing to contribute to its cause, Israel being the latest!

According to Yorkshire Post:

Preparations for a dramatic follow-up to the discovery of the “God particle” will be taking place at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) throughout 2014.

The giant atom-smashing machine is currently shut down as technicians and scientists work on its upgrade.

By the end of the year they should be ready to boost its particle energy from eight trillion electrovolts, or teraelectronvolts (TeV) to 14 TeV. This will allow it to perform the highest energy particle collisions ever attempted.A new series of experiments due to resume early in 2015 could take scientists into an uncharted realm of physics known as “beyond the Standard Model”. It opens up the possibility of solving the riddle of Dark Matter, finding evidence of a far-reaching cosmic concept known as “supersymmetry”, and even discovering signs of extra hidden dimensions that help explain the mystery of gravity.

Why would billions of tax payer dollars from all over the world and hundreds of scientists be working on this God particle project? BP Earth explains, and it’s mind blowing!



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