The Clementine conspiracy – a.k.a. Project Golden Dragon

I have always has some thoughts, that NASA isn’t telling the whole truth about moon and all the space missions. So here is another interesting case called “Project Golden Dragon”.

This is an updated version of “Project Golden Dragon”.

Before you watch this video please read this message:

This project is based on a personal “theory” about a major conspiracy by the US Department of Defense, a whistle-blower who left cryptographic clues and finally complete exposure of an obfuscated object found in the Zeeman crater.

* * * This is no scientific build disclosure (yet). * * *

This presentation is the result of 14 years of research; collecting data, analyzing and making enhancements using high-end forensic image enhancement software. I needed a very long time myself to look past the strange shape. Do not expect to see the machine immediately. Your eyes and mind need time to adapt so take your time and try not to think too hard of alien technology. You probably have an expectation what “technology on the Moon” may look like but this machine is unlike anything you have ever seen. In order to see it you must A) be willing to accept the impossible, B) free your mind and C) capable of “out of the box” thinking. Note: I cannot promise that you will see the alien technology. All depends on your willingness to accept that there is life outside Earth atmosphere. Only users who are fully open to extraterrestrial technology and who are able to watch this video without prejudice will have a better chance to comprehend the images.

English is not my native language, so perhaps Roc Hatfield, author of 2 books “Ancient man On the Moon” and “Moon Base Cover Up?” may have a proper description of what to expect:

“Our brains are not used to seeing Alien Technology so it might take a few minutes to see it. It is clearly a vast machine. I was able to make out a number of features after looking at it for a long time. It is made of thousands of inter-locking plates, like scales on an alligator. I believe this allows it to undulate like a snake or caterpillar. The machine is so long that it needs to flex in order to set flat on the lunar surface. If it was ridged it would be like a pencil on a basketball, both ends would be in the air when the middle was on the ground. By being flexible it can wrap it’s huge length around the curvature of the Moon’s surface.

The machine is a mining crawler that takes in moon material at the front using a giant gantry and processes it on board in a massive on board factory. I believe the machine can fly and has been to earth in the past. Could be the dragons seen by ancient Chinese people. It looks like a dragon from the side”.

That really was a thorough description. Before people start telling me that this is all fantasy: My conclusions are based on facts (though non-scientific build) and for those who watch the video entirely they will know that I did not build my theory on a single gray-scale picture. There are still a lot of unanswered questions for which I too do not have an answer.

From ALL your comments I will create a sequel and try to give throrough explanations but I might not have an answer for every question. I am still full of questions myself.

At the time I finished this video I had serious vocal problems and therefore used a text to voice application. This resulted in a “robotic sounding voice” for which I must apologize.
For those who still think that I am hiding myself behind a synthetic voice, just watch my other videos. Furthermore do not believe any disinfo agent comments about me. I have no political agenda. I am just interested in the truth.

Your comments are appreciated but do not lecture me on how I should (have) perform(ed) my research, do not question my honesty, don’t act like an imagery expert when you are not, no swearing, insults, fascist remarks, off topic commentary, criticize narration or presentation, do not compare my videos with Luna Cognita’s – we are different and work in a different manner. I will ban annoying photoshop-experts, trolls, black-listed debunkers, shills, religious fanatics, vague people, saboteurs, drunk- and drugged Youtubers, musicians (I am neither interested in you nor your music) and finally money makers!

I am NOT doing this for the money: My Playback-based gross revenue $0.00*

Enjoy the presentation and spread the news! Make this disclosure to a success!




“In all perception of the truth there is a divine ecstasy, an inexpressible delirium of joy, as when a youth embraces his betrothed virgin.”