Donald Marshall On The Real Reptilian Agenda: Vrils and Droning

I think the info starts finally spread. When Donald Marshall released his info about vrils and cloning back in the 2012 hardly anyone knew about this agenda. The information was kind of there, but Donald Marshall’s story filled in all the gaps between major conspiracy theories. Here is again another nice article about vril and vril droning:

Forget the Reptilians and Greys being from the Orion Nebula, Sirius, or Alpha Draconis, they are just Earth-based, terrestrial but subterranean troglodytes, of several distinct morphologies which we’ll get to in a moment. But first, if you are a budding Flat-earther such as myself and looking for a story about these “aliens” that fits a flat earth paradigm, then the one disclosed by whistleblower Donald Marshall does not conflict, because the parasitic predator plaguing humanity and behind the Illuminati are in fact purely terrestrial in origin.

If you aren’t familiar with Donald Marshall I suggest you read this post first.

Also, they do not shape-shift, as purported by Icke. They body-snatch, one way. So they take over a host and the host dies, and the old lizard body becomes an empty husk. The lizard in the human body is called a drone.


The lizard (Vril Type I pictured above) does this by protruding a wormlike bundle of nerves that contains its consciousness, which enters the victim through their eye socket to the brain. It then releases its parasitic cells and like a virus take over the body. You can see in the image above the person behind Dali has a bandage over his eyes.

Suddenly the medical symbol and the Eye of Horus take on a new meaning. In fact these things being revealed here will begin to pop up everywhere in mainstream culture, albeit in a disguised and hinted at fashion.

The Vril Type I and II are apparently controlled by the more humanoid form, (yet still of reptilian origin) the Vril Type III:

Donald Marshall – “I did not know this, I thought they were gene-spliced things…They are the things the NWO/Illuminati were planning on using to usher people onto the saucers to “take them away” to Alderaan..They are the project bluebeam things… These are what they will use. They put them in the star wars movie “Attack of the clones” and they are identical… They wanted to be in a movie. They speak with a female soothing voice and they are empathic… Can make u feel one emotional extreme to the next…Their pineal glands are way more advanced than ours. Oh they also have spikes on the insides of the wrists that come out a foot, look like a feather quill with no fluff on it and it injects you with some kinda narcotic… A natural defence mechanism… Cave men have drawn them on walls. They were here even then… Behind the scenes. Oh they like eating human too. 7 feet tall and more… They’re the reason there is no more Atlantis. An empathic mind blast doesn’t feel nice…They got 3 fingers a thumb and claws.. And sharp teeth like a shark. Its not good,… I’m freakin out a lil. They didnt build saucers, Atlanteans did, and primitive saucers too… With Gyro’s and all, the US military have improved upon the design… Vril Society helped back engineer them…They’re smarter than Vrill but still dumber than an average human… They were waiting to find new human friends to take up the technology that they couldn’t replicate themselves… So Hitler the idiot went and made friends with em… Got the tech plans and set his scientists to work… Then the americans took over. None underground are friendly…(SOURCE).”

It is key to note here that although they can body-snatch, that is their only gimmick so to speak. The idea that reptilians are highly advanced is a psyop that fits with the outer-space paradigm: they must be highly advanced to have traversed vast reaches of interstellar space. And yet if it is revealed that they are troglodytes, than we see that they are no smarter than orcs or goblins from Lord of the Rings. The one other gimmick they had was obtaining relics of the old high civilization of Atlantis. But these were human relics, saucers and such things, cloning technology even, according to Marshall, of purely human invention, albeit this long lost high civilization. And what brought it down, and humans back to the stone age? Many competing theories but perhaps it is due to these very parasitic beings, their body-snatching, and the misuse of cloning technology for sick and sadistic purposes (REM consciousness transfer AKA soul snatching). Again if you don’t know what I’m talking about read part one on Donald here. The Vril and cloning are closely linked in a way I don’t quite understand yet.

The idea of body-snatching is a popular idea in science fiction. For example, in the show by JJ Abrams “Fringe,” there is a crisis of body snatching shapeshifters from a parallel universe. Further analysis of them shows they are partly mechanical with AI parts. But could this really be a subtle disclosure of the Vril parasitism?

In the show they stick a wire in the victims mouth and take on their appearance that way, killing the victim in the process. This is adding a Hollywood glitter to it, but the basic premise of what Marshall is revealing is there.

Could the droning process be the reason for this scene in “The Island:

The Illuminati supervisor with his pyramid computer mouse, interrogates the protagonist, who voices his dissent to the programmed reality presented to him. For this he receives a high-tech MRI. The  tiny brain scanner bots enter through his optic nerve to his brain:


From wikipedia: “The Host is a romance novel by Stephenie Meyer about Earth, in a post apocalyptic time, being invaded by a parasitic alien race, known as “Souls”, and follows one Soul’s predicament when the consciousness of her human host refuses to co-operate with the takeover of her body.”

And might I remind you of this scene in Minority Report where they are removing his eyes for new ones to fool the scanners.

maxresdefault (6)If we accept Marshall’s testimony as true regarding the modus operandi of these lizards, than through that lens the symbolism from Hollywood starts to pop out more and more, this is the true meaning behind all the one-eye symbolism.

Notice the V for “Vril” below:


Roseanne Barr mentions droning in passing, remember most of these celebrities are too afraid to speak out and corroborate Marshall’s testimony, and yet for some reason Barr can speak out. Perhaps she has some kind of inner connections and protection we don’t know about. Remember Marshall’s protection is that he has written so many songs and movie ideas for them that they don’t want to kill him. He is a cash cow for the wicked music industry.  It’s funny that greed will do them in, the Illuminati, if this is real whistleblowing and real exposure for once instead of the controlled and contrived “second farm” disclosure coming from shepherds David Icke and Alex Jones. If not killing Donald Marshall is what finally gets the cloning centers shut down and the whole Vril operation exposed and dismantled, how fitting would that be?

After revealing a lot of truth about the psychopaths in charge on a TV interview, she says (at 2:41) , “I’ll probably get assassinated or droned when I’m out of here.”

I’m just scratching the surface here but I suggest you read his whole letter he initially put out to the public here:
