Astral Dreamscape Manipulation, Part II

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Astral Dreamscape Manipulation, Part II continues…

Part 2

Violence Promoted Within the Dreamscape

Violent and sociopathic behaviors can also be promoted through astral dreamscape manipulation. Children, teenagers and adults can be shown images of blood and gore in the astral dreamscape and can even be compelled to participate in violent scenarios in which the abductee is made to either watch or take part in horrific acts of violence.

The reptilians can use the image of a child’s parents whilst they perpetrate acts of physical and sexual abuse upon the child. (In case the reader is wondering, the descriptions of psychosexual abuse given by the children has been obtained by parents with a heightened sense of awareness about the abduction syndrome. The reptilians typically mete out their reprisals upon the children of abductees who are actively resisting them.) Later I will discuss in more detail how sexuality can be manipulated to the extent of altering the sexual orientation of certain humans.

Regarding violence as a conditioned response, I know personally an adult male who was made to kill his wife and children again and again in the astral dreamscape. The killings would always be done in a gory vicious fashion. His waking hours were no relief either as “voices in his head” urged him to act on the “fantasies” he’d been having and murder his entire family. He told me that he could understand how someone could be made to kill after they had been subjected to this type of treatment for awhile.

Violent tendencies within males can be fostered by this type of manipulation. It is especially useful if the male is the partner of a female abductee that the reptilians want to keep in a state of physical and sexual degradation. The reptilians will use Tarzan as their proxy handler. Often times, if Tarzan is hosted himself or if he is being plied with deviant erotic mental imagery, he will begin to manifest deviant sexual desires including acting out fantasies of bondage and discipline upon his hapless girlfriend or wife. Vulgarity, sexual perversion and the need to control others are hallmarks of the reptilian influence upon human beings.

Violent tendencies can also be promoted within male abductees undergoing the “Alien Love Bite.” Barbara Bartholic and Eve Lorgen have made in depth studies of this form of alien manipulation.

During the latter stages of the Love Bite manipulation, a male abductee can become enraged at the female he has become obsessed with. The aliens will send images into the mind of the male abductee of his targeted love bite partner having sexual intercourse with another man. It is as if a videotape is playing in the mind of the male abductee which is designed to drive him crazy with rage.

Abductees can be made to eat what appears to be raw meat, bloody “pancakes” or even human body parts such as hands in the astral dreamscape. Abductees have been known to suffer extreme nausea lasting for weeks or months after being subjected to this kind of manipulation. I cannot stress enough the importance of never eating or drinking anything in the astral dreamscape.

Sexual Conditioning of Abductees

The final part of this treatise deals with the most controversial aspect of the reptilian astral dreamscape manipulation of humans. This is the conditioning of a certain percentage of humans towards adopting homosexuality as well as Sadomasochism and its related behaviors as an alternative lifestyle. Pedophilism can even be programmed into the abductee via this dreamscape manipulation.

Here comes the disclaimer and I’d like the reader to read this part twice so there is no misunderstanding.


I will now describe how this is done. I mentioned earlier how the reptilians are able to “turn up” the sexual arousal mechanism in humans. This is an absolutely critical point to understand. Another is the fact that the reptilians and their alien vassals can ensure that an abductee remain single and celibate for extended periods of time. The reptilians have been known to alter the olfactory senses of female abductees to such an extent that they will react negatively and be immediately repulsed by the scent of human male pheromones.

By the same token a male abductee that has had his endocrine system altered can emit pheromones that will literally repel women. This is not conjecture or speculation. Thus we have male abductees who can have their libido manipulated at will by the reptilians and yet be unwittingly forced into extended periods of celibacy. This sets the stage for the astral dreamscape manipulations which may lead to this person’s conscious or unconscious adoption of AN alternative lifestyle.

A male abductee will find himself in an astral dreamscape environment that is highly charged with sexual energy. He himself becomes aroused as the reptilians manipulate his libido. The male abductee will find himself in a bedroom setting. Oftentimes the bed will be large and circular. There may be one or two beautiful women lying on the end.

As he approaches the women, they begin to assume very seductive postures and positions on the bed. The male will find himself extremely aroused. He may begin to hear telepathic suggestions encouraging him to engage in intercourse with one of the women.

He will position himself so as to penetrate the woman. AT EXACTLY THE SAME INSTANT HE PENETRATES THE WOMAN, HE FEELS AN INTENSE PAIN IN HIS ANUS AS A REPTILIAN BEING SODOMIZES HIM. At this point the male abductee often times wakes up from the pain he feels. He feels an icky tingling energy in the bedroom and feels this energy throughout his whole body as if it had tried to penetrate his very being, but is now exiting his body. The icky tingly energy seems to hover directly over him but gradually begins to dissipate and finally goes away.

He may ponder and reflect on what just occurred. His pain and discomfort is real enough but he may not be able to relate his discomfort to the unusual erotic “dream” he just had. Soon after, the male abductee has another dream. This time he may be walking around in a large sparsely furnished house with a number of rooms. He may wander into a living room area and see a very attractive woman wearing lingerie sitting on a lazy boy lounge chair. There may be other people wandering around the house too. The male begins to feel aroused and the scantily clad woman beckons him to engage in sexual intercourse but since there are others walking around the house, the male is reluctant to engage in intercourse.

Finally he submits to the entreaties of the sexy woman and begins to kiss and caress her. She adopts a sexually provocative pose on the floor or on the lazy boy. He positions himself to have sex with the “woman” (as we shall see later, often times these women are not really women at all) and once again, the moment he penetrates her vagina, he feels intense pain in his anus as he himself is penetrated by a reptilian. The sodomizing reptilian is often times invisible during these activities.

Once again the male abductee immediately wakes up. Again, the room and his body are saturated with this icky tingly energy which seems to ooze out of his own pores. This time he is concerned because this is the second time this has happened to him. He knows that something is going on but can’t figure out exactly what it is. He is concerned but he also begins to experience certain feelings and emotions during his waking hours.

He may begin to wonder what it feels like to engage in homosexual activity but quickly dismisses the thought from his mind. He may have “random” thoughts enter into his mind about the nature of pain and how it might be transformed into pleasure if a method is developed or introduced that will bridge the gap between the two. Of course, these are not HIS ideas. His reptilian “Familiars” are telepathically suggesting this to him. In a synchronistic fashion he may be exposed to certain types of literature or film which endorses or seemingly legitimizes in his mind this kind of lifestyle.

Soon the male abductee finds himself in another “dream.” He once again finds himself in an erotic dreamscape with one or more willing partners.The women once again adopt certain positions to facilitate sexual intercourse.By now, the abductee, because of his previous experiences in the astral dreamscape which he can now remember, has consciously or unconsciously associated Heterosexual Intercourse WITH PAIN because of what the reptilians have done to him in the past each time he attempted heterosexual intercourse. He may be reluctant to engage in sexual intercourse for fear of the possible consequences and resultant pain that heterosexual intercourse engenders. This is an absolutely essential point to understand about all this: The concept of Heterosexual Intercourse has become associated with PAIN in the mind of the male abductee being thus manipulated.

Now the male abductee is reluctant to engage in heterosexual intercourse. However he is still in a very aroused state of being. The women are there and he is being telepathically encouraged to engage in sexual activity with them. So the male abductee arrives at a compromise. Instead of engaging in coitus with the women he decides to penetrate their orifices with his fingers.

So he penetrates the vagina of one of the women with his fingers and again, he feels simultaneous pain in his anus! He quickly withdraws his fingers and realizes that the entity probing him from behind has simultaneously withdrawn its member from his anus. He soon realizes that he can regulate the rate of penetration and the depth of penetration into his own anus merely by inserting his fingers in the vagina of the woman. His actions with the woman seem to synchronize with the anal probing that he is experiencing. Meanwhile he is receiving telepathic suggestions encouraging him to go along with it. “Go ahead, you know you really want to do it” or “its just a dream, go ahead, nothing will happen to you,” or “it doesn’t hurt that bad, keep doing it, it gets better.”

He may continue in this fashion for a short while but then he stops, either out of revulsion or because he has reached a certain pain threshold.

The next time he finds himself in the dreamscape, he may find himself with women again but during the activity, one or all of the women “shapeshift” into a hermaphrodite type being i.e. one with both male and female sexual organs.

This “shapeshift” occurs whilst he is in a highly aroused state of being. This metamorphosis may occur as he is inserting his fingers into the vagina or anus of the “woman.” Sometimes the male abductee may be momentarily taken aback by this sudden transformation but due to the conditioning both in the dreamscape and the telepathic suggestions and erotic homosexual imagery in his mind’s eye during normal waking consciousness, he may decide to continue engaging in sexual activity. His reptilian familiars will still be encouraging him to continue this activity and will even encourage him to try this, that or the other sexual activity with the hermaphrodite.

Soon, whether it’s this dreamscape experience or the next, the hermaphrodites may completely shapeshift into males. The reptilian sodomizing the male abductee may also materialize in the visual spectrum but as a man instead of a reptilian. That will come later if they so choose.

All of this has taken place over a period of weeks, months and years. By now the male has lost any interest in heterosexual intercourse. If the reptilians intend to turn this individual into a practicing sado-masochist/bondage and discipline practitioner they will begin to emphasize these kinds of activities within the astral dreamscape and in the mental imagery he receives during his conscious waking hours. The male abductee may be sodomized quite violently or he may witness other male abductees violently sodomized. Reptilians have literally been described wearing studded leather jackets in some of these dreamscape scenarios.

It must be understood by the reader that reptilians, despite all the propaganda espoused by their hive consciousness muppets, are very much mired in the lower chakras of existence. These are beings that are absolutely driven to sexually control humans and manipulate every aspect of their existence if they have the opportunity. The astral dreamscape manipulation of human beings is just one aspect of their methodology.

We haven’t even discussed the relationship that crystal methedrine and “crank” have with the reptilians. Crystal methedrine and crank have a “Sympathetic Resonance” with the reptilians. Have you ever wondered why many cranksters and speed freaks become involved in acts of mayhem and sexual violence? It is because prolonged use of these kinds of amphetamines leads to the user becoming a “Host” for a reptilian entity.

The entity utilizes the host as a vehicle to wreak all kinds of mayhem and sexual violence and deviance upon society. Indeed crystal meth and crank use is the FAST TRACK TO BECOMING HOSTED BY A REPTILIAN ENTITY. Forget about occultic rituals and group meditations at vortex areas. This is the best (or worst) way to become a full on reptilian host. I have spoken to a mental health professional who told me that many people in the state hospital where this person worked were speed freaks who confidentially spoke of “the spirits” that told them to commit their crimes. Many people who use crank have confessed that their sexual desires became more and more deviant as time went on. They began to visit the child pornography sites on the internet or began to mentally sexualize women in a sadomasochistic and bondage and discipline fashion. I will discuss in more detail below how some abductees can be turned into pedophiles by the reptilians but this is a good opportunity to discuss how the reptilians and their alien vassals keep people addicted to certain forms of substance abuse.

Drugs in the Dreamscape

In my previous writings I alluded to the promotion of substance abuse amongst abductees by the reptilians. Sorcery by any other name is still sorcery. In the strictest sense, Sorcery refers to the use of natural or artificial substances by humans in order to attain a certain level of consciousness as a means of establishing and maintaining contact with non-human intelligences. I will now point out how astral dreamscape manipulation can and will be used to keep abductees of both sexes hooked on various drugs including but not limited to alcohol, crystal methedrine, crank, cocaine and marijuana.

If an abductee has given up alcohol for awhile, he may have dreams where he is drinking booze. Not just drinking beers but guzzling whiskey out of a bottle. The dreamscape environment might be simulated to look like a favorite pub or hangout. During this dreamscape experience, the abductee may be drinking with what appear to be old drinking buddies he hasn’t seen in years. He may wake up in the morning with a hangover or a tremendous headache.

The ritualistic aspect of marijuana usage is exploited big time by the reptilians in the astral dreamscape. An abductee will find himself in a dream where he is back in a “party house” he used to hang out at as a teenager for example. Again, the reptilians have scanned his memories and know exactly how to create a reasonable facsimile of this party house. Everything including the Led Zeppelin posters on the wall will be simulated.

The abductee’s party buddies as they appeared years ago will be present. Here is where the ritualistic aspect of pot use comes into play. The abductee will find a bag of pot in his pocket. He will pull it out and begin the ritual of removing the seeds and the stems or depending on the quality of the dreamscape pot, pull out little scissors and begin cutting up the buds. Every nuance of the joint rolling or pipe stuffing ritual is re-enacted in minute detail. Finally, the group gathers around in a circle and begins the ritual of smoking the pot and passing it around. The duration of these experiences are the same as if it were being done in real life with each smoker expectantly waiting for their next hit of pot.

When the abductee wakes up shortly thereafter (this is usually done in the late morning so the memory is still fresh) he may actually feel as if he’s high on pot for few minutes. The reason he may feel high albeit momentarily is because the reptilians can manipulate brain chemistry in order to simulate the feeling of being under the influence of any drug they choose. They will even inject or otherwise introduce the drug into the sleeping abductee.

Barbara Bartholic actually has cases where the abductee woke up with powder under their noses or remembered seeing grays injecting them and telling them they were being injected with Crank!

For this and many other reasons, crystal methedrine and crank are some of the most difficult drugs to quit. When an individual is on speed they resonate at a different frequency than they ordinarily would. Excess nervous frenetic energy oozes out of the crank user which is assimilated greedily by any and all reptilians that are present in or out of the visible spectrum. Speed makes people paranoid and easier to manipulate. Some crank users begin to develop deviant sexual thoughts and desires and may begin acting on them. In some cases, crank users have found it well nigh impossible to stay off of the child porno sites on the internet.

Crank users are manipulated into becoming violent and unpredictable thus creating an environment of high drama and tension for the other family members in the household. The wives or girlfriends of crank users who have become hosted have described how they suddenly realized that the individual they were living with “was not the same man I married.” This comes up so often that it cannot be ascribed merely to some kind of hundredth monkey effect. More like a hundredth reptilian host effect. The woman will notice that her crankster boyfriend or husband has developed extremely deviant sexual desires which he wants to try on “his” mate. “He’s not the same man I married.” No doubt.

When the speed user decides to quit using the drug, that’s when the astral dreamscape manipulation kicks in that is tailor made to keep him on crank or crystal meth. There really is no need to elaborate on it suffice to say that they ensure that the user in the dreamscape is always in a situation where the drug is being used by himself and others or he is always in possession of the drug. Whether he’s sitting in a dreamscape parking lot, theater, park or classroom, the former user will always find that he has his drug of choice in his possession. Pretty soon the crank user begins using again in “the real world” and the whole miserable cycle begins anew.

Pedophilism in the Astral Dreamscape

Pedophilism is promoted much the same way as mentioned above. A man may find himself in an erotic dreamscape scenario with a woman. He begins to caress and fondle the woman. He is in a highly aroused state of being. The woman he is with contrives to make the man lie on his back and she mounts him while he is in a fully aroused state. However, the moment the woman mounts him and he penetrates her vagina, the woman shapeshift into a young child. Sometimes the woman will shapeshift into the man’s own daughter.

Other times the man may be kissing and caressing a woman and then the woman will shapeshift into a young teenage boy. The man will be taken aback by this sudden change of events and pull back. Meanwhile a voice in his mind will be encouraging him to continue caressing this young boy. The voice will tell him things like “Go ahead. Its just a dream. Go ahead, no one will know.” The male’s erogenous zone is being manipulated by the reptilians all the while in order to keep him in this highly aroused state.

In the case of a female abductee, she may be having an erotic dream with her “ideal man” or someone she has a crush on in real life. One thing leads to another and right before she begins performing fellatio on the dream guy, he shapeshift into a young boy or in some cases, into her own son.

There are numerous variations of this form of astral dreamscape manipulation. Suffice it to say that it is all meant to encourage that individual to begin indulging himself or herself in pedophilism.

Heightened Awareness Prevents it from Working

I found this fascinating insight in the classic book “The Art of War” by Sun Tzu which was interpreted and translated by General Samuel B. Griffith USMC Retired.

“All warfare is based on deception. A skilled general must be master of the complimentary arts of simulation and dissimulation; while creating shapes to confuse and delude the enemy, he conceals his true dispositions and ultimate intent. When capable he feigns incapacity; when near he makes it appear that he is far away; when far away, that he is near. Moving as intangibly as a ghost in the starlight, he is obscure, inaudible. His primary target is the mind of the opposing commander; the victorious situation, a product of his creative imagination. Sun Tzu realized that an indispensable preliminary to battle was to attack the mind of the enemy.”

General Griffith might as well have been writing about Astral Dreamscape Manipulation by the Reptilians. All of the methods I’ve mentioned above have been used again and again by the reptilians and their alien vassals. Those abductees who haven’t developed nausea or suffered a migraine and have actually finished this treatise now have the information they need to protect themselves from this form of manipulation and behavior conditioning.

Intelligence, especially operational intelligence, is worthless if it doesn’t get to the people who have the most need for it. History has proven this time and again. The reptilians come out at night to assault us and manipulate us in the astral dreamscape. To paraphrase Mao:

“When humans sleep, the reptilians attack. When we are awake, the reptilians retreat”

The tide has turned. More and more spiritual warriors are awakening to the reality of the reptilian overlordship. Our ability to fight the reptilians on something approaching equal terms in the astral dreamscape is becoming more evident every night. Myself and the team I am a part of will continue to provide operational intelligence to the abductees with a heightened sense of awareness. I can assure the reader that they will not find this kind of information at a UFO conference unless my colleagues or myself is present. The UFO Research Community is a reptilian stronghold polluted with hive consciousness muppets spewing out hive cliches with boring regularity.

Our team has decided to bypass the mainstream UFO community and take this information straight to the people. So beware all of you Serial Rapetoids in the UFO research community and in the astral dreamscape. We are going to expose you for what you are. The TRUTH to a reptilian hybrid-reptilian hive consciousness muppet is like sunlight to a vampire or kryptonite to Superman. The Truth is anathema to the reptilians. Notice how the Hive Consciousness took over David Icke’s bulletin board until it became a propaganda organ for the reptilian-reptilian hive consciousness. It got so bad that Icke had to write a plaintive letter pointing out that he was only exposing the agenda of “the bad reptilians.”

I am not constrained by the need to be politically correct.

James Bartley

© 2000 All Rights Reserved


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