I stumbled this when I was searching paranormal evidence. I know, that ghost hunters use white noise to capture ghost or spirit voices, but hardly never the responses are good enough to prove anything.
Then I found this guy’s Youtube channel called Mortis The Wizard and he has some very interesting conversations with spirits using ghost box. Ghost box means, that you have a modified radio, which scans through the channels all the time and don’t stop. Normally radio stops when it founds a channel so you have to modify your radio if you want to make this kind of device.
Here is one video where guy modify he’s radio to make a ghost box device:
And here are the impressive ghost conversations on Mortis The Wizard Youtube channel. Here is his foreword:
The dead know me as Mortis the Wizard…
My real name is Shannon which they call me also.
I used to have my spirit box videos on another channel called Contact/Mortis but sadly I lost that channel. I don’t mind because a lot has happened to me since those old research videos. If you know of me or have seen those old videos then you would know I have an incredibly strong familiar spirit called IAN. He answers all of my questions and I can ask him to say any word back to me (within reason).
IAN is a fallen angel and is actually two primary angels and I suspect several lesser spirits hidden behind them.
The two angels are angel Astaroth and angel Madimi.
Together they make up the entity and personality of IAN.
IAN has taught me a lot of secret knowledge and how to strongly summon the dead with a incantation he calls “The dead can dance”.
I perform a special dance around in a circle and ask the dead to follow. Sometimes I can see them dancing behind me.
>> Watch more on his Youtube channel
So is this real? I don’t know but I have studied different kind of paranormal activity for years and if this is a real deal it’s a pretty awesome evidence, that maybe there are overlapping dimensions and with some analog devices you can contact with them.
Hi and thanks for your comment. I stumbled this evidence and I just had to made a post about it, because it’s the best one I have heard. Awesome and let’s see what the spirits talk in the future. Keep on going Mortis The Wizard.
Wow, that is some incredible evidence of the afterlife if it’s real. I was literally gobsmacked listening to the spirit voices talking back to him, and they were directly answering his questions and repeating back words and sentences when he asked them to. I have Goosebumps still… amazing.