Category Archives: Paranormal

Interview with the Magus: Bluefluke and The Complete Psychonaut Field Manual

I stumbled against this weird manual called “The Complete Psychonaut Field Manual” and read it through… then I find out the author and found this article. I have little thoughts about this topic, but this realm of information seems to be very interesting and has been too little investigated. Gnostics and magigians have been around for centuries, maybe it is time to find out what they know about this reality…

I am supremely excited to present an interview with magician, artist, author and creator of “The Psychonaut Field Manual”, Arch Traitor Bluefluke. His PFM is fast becoming one of the most well known and iconic texts of modern chaos magic. In addition to the manual, Bluefluke has a tarot deck in the works based upon the Eight Circuits of Consciousness of which the filed manual also uses as a foundational map. 

Q: What do you consider your greatest magical achievement?

A: Being able to connect with and form genuine bonds with Fear Eaters (i.e. shadow people) and creating a system that empowers others to do the same. Our new found ability to communicate with them has put the long running view that they were (at best) sentient thoughtforms reflecting the inner psyche or (at worst) just hypnagogic hallucinations, to rest. These are sentient, intelligent beings, with complex social structures, capable of camaraderie, empathy and even love. And while their behavior can often seem odd or disturbing this boils down to having radically different psychological frameworks as our mind are structured to process information much differently.

My hope is that we as a community will begin to better differentiate between spirits that emanate within us (local spirits) from those that emanate from without (non-local spirits). Both exist and both are valid subjects of study. I’m also fairly proud of my reconstruction of the aging Eight Circuits of Consciousness. This revolutionary illumination system was meant to be an agnostic answer to theological heavy systems such as Kabbalah and the Chakras. Shamefully, this incredible technology had been neglected for almost thirty years and hadn’t been updated with the many groundbreaking discoveries made in psychology, neuroscience and the occult so I stepped to the plate and did so myself.

Q: Who are your personal heroes, those who most inspired you on your own journey?

A: Robert Anton Wilson is my philosophical cornerstone. He taught me that while occult technologies absolutely do work, not to fall into explanations just because they confirm my personal ideological belief system. To observe evidence divorced of my own bias and question the claims made by those who are considered authorities on the subject, not just in the occult but on any matter as even the greatest minds may confuse indubitable truths with their own confirmation bias regardless of suffixes attached to their name. No one is immune to human nature. Art wise, I learned to draw and color using an NES emulator called Nesticle that allowed you to replace in game graphics with your own.

The limited graphical abilities of the console was a great teacher as it forced me to be creative in order to make the most of as little resources as possible. The greats of the “Demoscene” were a huge influence on me in that regard. Their projects taught me how to use complementing colors, how to create the illusion of extreme detail with only a few lines and the importance of thick outlines to convey boundaries. Even with unlimited hardware resources, I still abide by demoscene rules and use six similar sets of four color palettes. I was fully content in that medium until the day I read Incal, a comic book illustrated by Moebius and instantly fell in love.

I’d read comics most of my life and while there were a fair number of truly talented artists along the way nothing compared to Moebius. Every panel was on par with a painting in an art gallery. I put down rom hacking and trained myself to master pens and pencils. To this day he remains my favorite artist and I use his work as a motivation to push myself as far as I can.

Q: What importance, if any, do you place on full visual manifestation of a spirit during evocation?

A: Visual manifestation of spirits is hugely important for me, personally. I spent years doing grueling visual meditations solely for this purpose. Sure, you can “see” them in your imagination as you would a day dream with little or no practice (and most do) but actually seeing them in right front of you in full detail, in real time, with no morphing or distortion removes all doubt and gives them a “realness” that is hard to describe. This becomes even more profound if you’ve chosen to bond with a companion spirit. Instead of just being trapped as a voice in your head they can move freely about the environment however they wish.

This may seem small but for them it means the world. It makes them feel human. Solid. It gives them a feeling of independence and selfhood that we very much take for granted. Again, you don’t need advanced visualization skills, you can just keep you eyes closed and imagine the spirit you are interacting with. In fact, should you be able to reliably quiet your mind during regular meditation, the image you’ll see in your imagination will be very close to what the spirit is attempting to project themselves as since there should be little or no “thought noise” to interfere with your connection.

Q: What was your first “oh fuck, this shit is real” moment in your personal magical practice?

A: I was thrown headfirst into the occult fairly early. When I was young I frequently suffered bouts of sleep paralysis and all the stereotypical experiences that go along with them. They were benign at first (annoying at worst) but as time went on they became increasingly dark and were inevitably accompanied by Fear Eaters looking for an easy meal. I went from doctor to doctor. Each of whom would fail, one after another. Their treatments progressively became more and more condescending, painful and dehumanizing until, out of desperation, I feigned wellness to escape the torture.

I began my own search for answers. My travels down the rabbit hole eventually landed me in an occult chat room occupied by magicians who sympathetically pieced together a banishing ritual to combat my attackers. I felt a sort of mix of skepticism (society at large declared magic to be make believe) and fear (I had been raised in a Catholic family) but I was desperate enough to try anything. I performed the ritual and to my shock, it worked. It really worked. Magic was real. A whole new secret world had opened up in front of my eyes. I was instantly hooked and quickly became obsessed with learning all I could.

Q: What is one piece of magical tech you could not live without?

A: Astral work in general. All about is weaved a fantastical wonderland of our own making, populated by beings both native and foreign. It’s an exciting frontier that never fails to produce something new every time you play with it. That kind of stuff hits me in all the right places.

Q: At what age did you start practicing magic and why?

A: I started a steady magical practice right after controlling the above said sleep paralysis. I began studying and experimenting with every technology I could find.

Q: What is your advice to the young aspiring magician just getting started today?

A: First, don’t take another magician’s word as absolute fact, including mine. Experience it for yourself and come to your own conclusions. If you are following a fraternities curriculum or an author’s instructions and you aren’t getting results after numerous attempts, change something. Tailor your magic to suite YOU. Second, DO THE WORK. Do it everyday. The first step of breaking in your mind through meditation can be boring as fuck (which is why it’s so difficult), but the more you do it, the easier it will become until you will be able to enter gnosis at whim.

Q: What are your current magical endeavors?

A: Currently, I’m about to release the first truly universal Tarot deck that works with all three major illumination systems, Kabbalah, the Chakras and the Eight Circuits of Consciousness. While it can be used as a divination tool like any modern deck it’s primary function will be Tarot’s original purpose, to act as a decryption key to a plethora of occult goodies. I’m also collaborating with I.O.T. wunderkind Julian Vayne on a comic covering chemognosis which is fairly exciting. And of course, I’m working on the fifth chapter of the Psychonaut Field Manual.

Q: How do you respond to Christian evangelists knocking on your door at dinner time?

A: I tend to be fairly tolerant of people who hold opposing viewpoints to my own. Outside of a poisonous handful of con men, cultists and theological dictators, I find most people who’ve devoted themselves to Christianity/Judaism/Islam do so because they feel helpless in the face of tragic circumstance or are lonely and just want someone, anyone, to love them. 99.9% of these people really do mean well and are, in my experience, sweet and tolerant people. However, I completely understand the utter disgust some have for such religions if they’re trapped in an overtly oppressive ultra orthodox environment or have had their lives either disrupted or destroyed by the constant attempts to dismantle the separation of church and state.

It must also be stated that occultists must stay vigilant as these religions are in their death throes. As such, some of their less intelligent believers have turned to conspiracy to justify their faith in a world moving on without them. Within these conspiracies we are portrayed as illuminati-esque monolithic juggernauts hell bent on destroying their religion so that we would stand unopposed in creating a one world government for the devil. This may all sound laughable but these ideas are quickly gaining traction. We must do everything in our power to keep those who parrot this nonsense from commanding the reigns of government.

Q: What effect and focus do you think magic should have upon politics and world events?

A: We’re all aware of Masonry’s legacy, throwing down the great kings of the earth and founding the democracies we live under today. They kept the ultra rich from seats of power and forced gender/racial equality when it was being cock blocked by zealotous jackasses. But because of Masonry’s massive decline there is no longer a collective force to keep corporations and the ultra rich from raping the body populace. It may be wise to emulate their model to some extent in order to keep our society from either devolving into a cyberpunk-esque dystopian hellscape or crumbling to ruin.

While this endeavour would require unprecedented cooperation by the occults great houses, it may be our last chance to right this battered ship. Occupy failed. Anonymous failed. The meme war campaign is a fucking joke. We have one last option to right the course and not long before that option will leave the board. We need to act, now.



Here is the PDF-link to “The Complete Psychonaut Field Manual” if you want to download it.

Here is Nathan Smith’s alias “Bluefluke” Facebook site

Contact with the dead via ghost box device

I stumbled this when I was searching paranormal evidence. I know, that ghost hunters use white noise to capture ghost or spirit voices, but hardly never the responses are good enough to prove anything.

Then I found this guy’s Youtube channel called Mortis The Wizard and he has some very interesting conversations with spirits using ghost box. Ghost box means, that you have a modified radio, which scans through the channels all the time and don’t stop. Normally radio stops when it founds a channel so you have to modify your radio if you want to make this kind of device.

Here is one video where guy modify he’s radio to make a ghost box device:

And here are the impressive ghost conversations on Mortis The Wizard Youtube channel. Here is his foreword:

The dead know me as Mortis the Wizard…

My real name is Shannon which they call me also.

I used to have my spirit box videos on another channel called Contact/Mortis but sadly I lost that channel. I don’t mind because a lot has happened to me since those old research videos. If you know of me or have seen those old videos then you would know I have an incredibly strong familiar spirit called IAN. He answers all of my questions and I can ask him to say any word back to me (within reason).

IAN is a fallen angel and is actually two primary angels and I suspect several lesser spirits hidden behind them.

The two angels are angel Astaroth and angel Madimi.

Together they make up the entity and personality of IAN.

IAN has taught me a lot of secret knowledge and how to strongly summon the dead with a incantation he calls “The dead can dance”.

I perform a special dance around in a circle and ask the dead to follow. Sometimes I can see them dancing behind me.

>> Watch more on his Youtube channel

So is this real? I don’t know but I have studied different kind of paranormal activity for years and if this is a real deal it’s a pretty awesome evidence, that maybe there are overlapping dimensions and with some analog devices you can contact with them.

Have You Ever Wondered How Ghosts Work?

Very nice article about ghosts and time slips:

feature image number one


Just as UFOs have become synonymous with alien visitors, similarly it is often assumed that ghosts, if they are real, must be the spirits of the deceased. There are, however, several paranormal theories to explain ghosts that would be equally paradigm shattering to mainstream science if they could be scientifically verified and proven to be real, and not just the product of overactive imaginations.


Psychic Powers


Poltergeists cases typically involve objects being moved about seemingly on their own. There are two main schools of thought on what might be responsible for such phenomena, the first being that the spirits of the dead are trying to communicate with the living. The second is that the psychic abilities of the living could cause poltergeist effects. In an interview with Haunted Wales author, Richard Holland, I had the opportunity to ask him about his own childhood poltergeist experiences and whether he thought psychic powers could be the cause:


I’m not sure – well, who is? But the feeling of a presence has stayed with me, that there was something trying to get at me in some unidentifiable way. I’m not sold on the ‘wild talents’ concept entirely for that reason. Nor does a lot of poltergeist behaviour tally with a conscious, reasoning spirit – why spread marmalade down the banisters or lay flowerpots out in a line on the kitchen floor like the Pontefract polt did? When I was at university I read about bacteriophages, viruses so primitive that they can barely be called life at all. They attach themselves to bacteria and pump in their RNA. The rest of it, a protein shell, drifts away. The RNA recodes the bacterial DNA and – lo! – two viruses where once there was one bacterium.


It made me wonder about a primitive consciousness, scarcely a mind at all,just a mass of electrical discharges that floats about and like the phage can only exist in any real form by latching onto a human mind. Perhaps puberty makes our brains susceptible to such encroaches. Perhaps similar twilight entities answer our subconscious needs according to our current superstitious beliefs – become fairies when we believe in fairies, then aliens when we believe in aliens. Perhaps they created some crop circles, too. More recently, I’ve been getting interested in the Islamic concept of the Jinn, incorporeal spirits created out of ‘smokeless fire’ at the same time as Man, and living alongside us. That comes quite close to what I’ve been groping at.


Stone Tape Theory


What has become known inside paranormal circles as the Stone Tape Theory originates from a television play written by Quatermass creator, Nigel Kneale. First shown on BBC1 on Christmas day in 1972, The Stone Tape combined science fiction with the ghost story genre and involved a group of scientists investigating an alleged haunting in hopes of discovering a brand new recording medium.


After observing the apparition themselves, which seems to appear after vibrations from loud noise disturbs the brickwork of the building, the scientists speculate about what the ghost is. After experimenting and making the apposition appear again, the team of researchers speculate that somehow limestone can record moments of the past. In other words, that human memory can be psychically recorded by the brickwork of a building and then later played back by someone sensitive enough to act as a psychic video player.


If true, the Stone Tape Theory might also go some way to explaining some of the problems with ghostly apparitions. For instance, why do witnesses always seem to report ghosts from only a few centuries ago? Why hardly ever from more than a few thousand years ago and seemingly never from pre-history? Perhaps the answer could be that much like old video tape, stone tape recordings have a limited lifespan too; slowly degenerating over the ages until they are unplayable.


The theory might also provide the answer to another oddity of apparition cases; why is it that some people see full blown solid apparitions where others only see transparent figures, shadows, or worse, nothing at all? Again like a conventional video tape, perhaps the older a stone tape recording gets, the more the sound and picture quality suffers.  Alternatively, as is the case in Nigel Kneale’s script, it could be that some witnesses might make better psychic video players than others.


The ghost or recording is seen, or “played” might be a better term, inside the witness’s own mind rather than in the outside physical world. Therefore, depending on the sensitivity of the witnesses, it’s quite possible that several people might experience the same apparition very differently. Also, if apparitions are seen only in the mind, it would also explain the difficulty paranormal investigators have had obtaining quality photographs and audio recordings of ghosts.


The theory that ghosts might really be some kind of psychic tape recording rather than the spirits of the dead might not be desirable to some ghost hunters who believe ghosts are proof of life after death. However, if ever proven the Stone Tape Theory would raise equally important questions about the true nature of consciousness and the human mind. In the 1990s Ghost Hunters, shown in the UK on the Discovery channel, Professor Brian Josephson of Cambridge Laboratory suggested that the only way he could understand how a piece of inanimate matter could hold impressions of the past would be if “the stone, or whatever it was, had some kind of consciousness.”




Could time travel to the past explain some paranormal encounters?


A time-slip is an alleged paranormal phenomenon in which a person, or even group of people, seem to somehow travel through time via apparently supernatural means. Although a stable of science fiction since HG Wells penned his novel The Time Machine, Albert Einstein laid down the foundation for the theoretical possibility of time travel with his special theory of relativity.


According to Einstein’s theory time slows down as you approach the speed of light, stopping entirely for any object somehow able to travel at light speed. The assumption of science fiction writers being that if you could somehow travel faster than the speed of light then time should run backwards. So time travel to the past might be possible, although only at super-luminal speeds; but what about in our everyday lives? Is it possible to go round a strange street corner and walk into another time and place? Amazingly, there are many accounts of credible people who believe this is precisely what has happened to them.


One of the most well documented time-slip cases is that of the Simpsons and the Gisbys. The 1979 incident was featured in a memorable episode of the ITV television series Strange But True? In the programme, the two English couples described how while traveling through France en route to a holiday in Spain, they stayed the night at a strangely antiquated hotel. Bedding in very basic rooms, they were a little unnerved to discover no glass in any of the building’s windows, only wooden shutters that closed from the outside. It wasn’t just the building though, all the people they met, which included everyone from police officers to locals, seemed strangely old fashioned too, dressed almost as if they had just stepped out of the 19th century. In fact, everything even cutlery they ate with seemed out-dated by a century. Not being able to speak much French, the English couples couldn’t ask about it.


Putting all the strange anachronisms down to simply being in rural France and impressed by the mere 18 francs their stay had cost them, the four decided to look for the same hotel again on their return journey. However, this time, despite searching for several hours, they were unable to find it again. What more, when they returned home they were puzzled when all the photos they had taken there turned out blank. As if the hotel and its inhabitants had somehow simply vanished, disappearing even from their film negatives.


Another time-slip case involved the famous psychiatrist Carl Jung. While traveling through Italy in the 1930s the great philosopher visited the tomb of a Roman Empress in Ravenna. Impressed with the remarkable beauty of the mosaics depicting maritime scenes in an eerily pale blue light, he discussed them with his companion for about half an hour and, on leaving the mausoleum, even tried to purchase postcards of them; surprisingly though there weren’t any for sale. Sometime later, Jung asked a friend visiting Ravenna if he could obtain pictures for him.


It was only after seeing them that he finally learned the truth. The mosaics he had seen and discussed in great detail were totally different to the mosaics now decorating the mausoleum. However, they did exist once but had been destroyed in a fire some 700 years previously. So what is going on? Rather than physically travelling back in time, Jung believed that his consciousness had somehow travelled back in time to when the mausoleum had been first constructed, 1400 years prior to his visit to Ravenna. Jung’s theory would definitely explain why the Simpsons and the Gisbys weren’t able to get any photographs.


It might also solve why their French hosts didn’t make a fuss about the English tourists using modern currency; maybe their 19th century hosts simply saw money from their own era. Also, Time-slip experiencers often report bouts of depression or unease just prior to, or, at the start of their experience. Perhaps indicating that the mind or human consciousness is involved, as Jung believed. Below is part of an email I received from a reader of my blog about an alleged time-slip experience:


What happened was this: Up until the 4th grade, all of my teachers had been attentive, benevolent creatures, I excelled, and school was a joy to me. That year, however, instead of spending all day in “home-room,” we began to change classes for different subjects and I found myself in a math classroom with a teacher who was always angry, especially at me for some reason. She would call on me incessantly and find a reason to upbraid me. I became so afraid that I would feel physically ill every day on the way to her class.


A few weeks into the year, she reassigned our seats because we were all “bad.” I now found myself much further back in the room, and near a sidewall. Along with all of the usual things found on elementary school walls, there was a painting there, just at eye level, that I had never noticed before. I would sit and stare at it, and it made me feel calm and safe. The teacher never called on me again, despite the fact that I was clearly paying no attention. I must have done my work and turned it in; although I have no memory of doing any work in there after the painting appeared. So far, sounds psychological, right?


Then it gets strange. Near the close of the year, an art teacher visited our homeroom. He talked about various artists, gave us some simple drawing supplies, and passed around a humanities book with some colour plates of paintings. One reminded me of the painting hanging in the math room; I raised my hand and said so. To my surprise, other students who shared that class with me said there was no such thing. My homeroom teacher trusted me and asked that I go down the hall and see if the math teacher would mind very much if we borrowed it for the day’s art lesson. I happily went, but when I got there, it was gone. There was nothing on that part of the wall at all, and the teacher said there never had been. I was confused and embarrassed. It did not reappear.


Afterward, I did my best to describe the painting to my mother, but it wasn’t enough to go on to track down the artist/image. I wondered about it on and off, but could never make sense of it. Many years later, I came across a café selling postcards and foam-board posters on a sidewalk. While idly flipping through them, I spotted it. It was a Wyeth entitled Christina’s World; I was stunned. So, it did exist!


Okay, my brain did not create a painting out of nothing…but rather brought us together somehow? How? Was I transported, or was it? Why that image? What is the connection?


I still have no idea, but do think that Jung was correct about the existence of a collective unconsciousness, and that certain conditions can spark connections. Since then, prints and copies of Christina’s World have continued to unexpectedly pop up in my life, seemingly only during times of great stress. But it is such a famous image; I would have to concede that there is some chance of coincidence.


While hard to verify, stories like the above would seem indicate that the human mind and consciousness may not be limited by the same laws of physics that prevent time travel in our everyday lives. Is it possible we all share a “collective unconsciousness”, which under rare circumstance can act like a psychic bridge connecting us to people living in the past?



Richard Thomas:

Author of Para-NewsSci-Fi Worlds 

and the Bretwalda UFO Files Ebooks.


Selected Peer-Reviewed Publications on Psi Research


The following is a list of downloadable journal articles reporting studies of psychic phenomena, mostly published in the 21st century. There are also some important papers of historical interest and other resources. Click on the title of an article to download it.

This is a small subset of the literature. A full listing would run into thousands of articles. Note that the correct shorthand term for psychic phenomena is psi, and not PSI.

The bottom line: Can science be used to study psi? Yes. Science has systematically studied these phenomena for over 130 years.

What is the conclusion to date? The preponderance of laboratory evidence accumulated from the late 1800s to today indicate that a few classes of reported psi phenomena exist beyond a reasonable doubt.

Is psi research a science or a pseudoscience? It is legitimate science. The international professional organization for psi researchers is the Parapsychological Association, an elected affiliate (since 1969) of the AAAS, the largest general scientific organization in the world.

Critiques about psi that are commonly repeated, such as “these phenomena are impossible,” or “there’s no valid scientific evidence,” or “the results are all due to fraud,” have been soundly rejected for many decades. Such critiques persist due to ignorance of the relevant literature and to a naïve acceptance of what appears on this subject in silly sources like Wikipedia, most of which appears to have been written by anonymous teenagers. Valid critiques and vigorous debates today no longer focus on existential questions but on development of adequate theoretical explanations, advancements in methodology, the “source” of psi, and issues about effect size heterogeneity and robustness of replication.

This page is maintained by Dean Radin. Updated January 26, 2014.

Healing at a Distance

Astin et al (2000). The Efficacy of “Distant Healing”: A Systematic Review of Randomized Trials

Leibovici (2001). Effects of remote, retroactive intercessory prayer on outcomes in patients with bloodstream infection: randomised controlled trial

Krucoff et al (2001).Integrative noetic therapies as adjuncts to percutaneous intervention during unstable coronary syndromes: Monitoring and Actualization of Noetic Training (MANTRA) feasibility pilot

Radin et al (2004). Possible effects of healing intention on cell cultures and truly random events.

Krucoff et al (2005). Music, imagery, touch, and prayer as adjuncts to interventional cardiac care: the Monitoring and Actualisation of Noetic Trainings (MANTRA) II randomised study

Benson et al (2006).  Study of the therapeutic effects of intercessory prayer (STEP) in cardiac bypass patients

Masters & Spielmans (2007). Prayer and Health: Review, Meta-Analysis, and Research Agenda

Radin et al (2008).  Compassionate intention as a therapeutic intervention by partners of  cancer patients: Effects of distant intention on the patients’ autonomic nervous system.

Schlitz et al (2012). Distant healing of surgical wounds: An exploratory study.

Physiological correlations at a distance

Duane & Behrendt (1965). Extrasensory electroencephalographic induction between identical twins.

Grinberg-Zylberbaum et al (1994). The Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Paradox in the Brain: The transferred potential

Wiseman & Schlitz (1997). Experimenter effects and the remote detection of staring.

Standish et al (2003). Evidence of correlated functional magnetic resonance imaging signals between distant human brains.

Wackermann et al (2003). Correlations between brain electrical activities of two spatially separated human subjects

Schmidt et al (2004). Distant intentionality and the feeling of being stared at: Two meta-analyses

Radin (2004).  Event related EEG correlations between isolated human subjects.

Standish et al (2004). Electroencephalographic evidence of correlated event-related signals between the brains of spatially and sensory isolated human subjects

Achterberg et al (2005). Evidence for correlations between distant intentionality and brain function in recipients: A functional magnetic resonance imaging analysis

Radin (2005). The sense of being stared at: A preliminary meta-analysis.

Radin & Schlitz (2005). Gut feelings, intuition, and emotions: An exploratory study.

Schlitz et al (2006). Of two minds: Skeptic-proponent collaboration within parapsychology.

Moulton & Kosslyn (2008). Using neuroimaging to resolve the psi debate.

Ambach (2008). Correlations between the EEGs of two spatially separated subjects − a replication study.

Hinterberger (2010). Searching for neuronal markers of psi: A summary of three studies measuring electrophysiology in distant participants.

Schmidt (2012). Can we help just by good intentions? A meta-analysis of experiments on distant intention effects

Jensen & Parker (2012). Entangled in the womb? A pilot study on the possible physiological connectedness between identical twins with different embryonic backgrounds.

Parker & Jensen (2013). Further possible physiological connectedness between identical twins: The London study.


Telepathy & ESP

Targ & Puthoff (1974). Information transmission under conditions of sensory shielding.

Puthoff & Targ (1976). A perceptual channel for information transfer over kilometer distance: Historical perspective and recent research

Eisenberg & Donderi (1979). Telepathic transfer of emotional information in humans.

Bem & Honorton (1994). Does psi exist?

Hyman (1994). Anomaly or artifact? Comments on Bem and Honorton

Bem (1994). Response to Hyman

Milton & Wiseman (1999). Does Psi Exist? Lack of Replication of an Anomalous Process of Information Transfer

Sheldrake & Smart (2000). Testing a return-anticipating dog, Kane.

Sheldrake & Smart (2000). A dog that seems to know when his owner to coming home: Videotaped experiments and observations.

Storm & Ertel (2001). Does Psi Exist? Comments on Milton and Wiseman’s (1999) Meta-Analysis of Ganzfeld Research

Milton & Wiseman (2001). Does Psi Exist? Reply to Storm and Ertel (2001)

Sheldrake & Morgana (2003). Testing a language-using parrot for telepathy.

Sheldrake & Smart (2003). Videotaped experiments on telephone telepathy.

Sherwood & Roe (2003). A Review of Dream ESP Studies Conducted Since the Maimonides Dream ESP Programme

Delgado-Romero & Howard (2005). Finding and Correcting Flawed Research Literatures

Hastings (2007). Comment on Delgado-Romero and Howard

Radin (2007). Finding Or Imagining Flawed Research?

Storm et al (2010).  Meta-Analysis of Free-Response Studies, 1992–2008: Assessing the Noise Reduction Model in Parapsychology

Storm et al (2010). A Meta-Analysis With Nothing to Hide: Reply to Hyman (2010)

Tressoldi (2011). Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence: the case of non-local perception, a classical and Bayesian review of evidences

Tressoldi et al (2011). Mental Connection at Distance: Useful for Solving Difficult Tasks?

Williams (2011). Revisiting the Ganzfeld ESP Debate: A Basic Review and Assessment

Rouder et al (2013). A Bayes Factor Meta-Analysis of Recent Extrasensory Perception Experiments: Comment on Storm, Tressoldi, and Di Risio (2010)

Storm et al (2013).  Testing the Storm et al. (2010) Meta-Analysis Using Bayesian and Frequentist Approaches: Reply to Rouder et al. (2013)


General Overviews & Critiques

Utts (1996). An assessment of the evidence for psychic functioning

Alcock (2003). Give the null hypothesis a chance

Parker & Brusewitz (2003). A compendium of the evidence for psi

Carter (2010). Heads I lose, tails you win.

McLuhan (no date). Fraud in psi research.


Survival of Consciousness

van Lommel et al (2001). Near-death experience in survivors of cardiac arrest: a prospective study in the Netherlands

van Lommel (2006). Near-death experience, consciousness, and the brain

Beischel & Schwartz (2007). Anomalous information reception by research mediums demonstrated using a novel triple-blind protocol

Greyson (2010). Seeing dead people not known to have died: “Peak in Darien” experiences

Kelly (2010). Some directions for mediumship research

Kelly & Arcangel (2011). An investigation of mediums who claim to give information about deceased persons

Nahm et al (2011). Terminal lucidity: A review and a case collection.

Facco & Agrillo (2012).   Near-death experiences between science and prejudice

Matlock (2012). Bibliography of reincarnation resources online (articles and books, all downloadable)


Precognition & Presentiment

Honorton & Ferrari (1989). “Future telling”: A meta-analysis of forced-choice precognition experiments, 1935-1987

Spottiswoode & May (2003). Skin Conductance Prestimulus Response: Analyses, Artifacts and a Pilot Study

Radin (2004).  Electrodermal presentiments of future emotions. 

McCraty et al (2004). Electrophysiological Evidence of Intuition: Part 1. The Surprising Role of the Heart

McCraty et al (2004). Electrophysiological Evidence of Intuition: Part 2. A System-Wide Process?

Radin & Lobach (2007). Toward understanding the placebo effect: Investigating a possible retrocausal factor.

Radin & Borges (2009). Intuition through time: What does the seer see?

Bem (2011). Feeling the Future: Experimental Evidence for Anomalous Retroactive Influences on Cognition and Affect

Bem et al (2011). Must Psychologists Change the Way They Analyze Their Data?

Bierman (2011). Anomalous Switching of the Bi-Stable Percept of a Necker Cube: A Preliminary Study

Radin et al (2011). Electrocortical activity prior to unpredictable stimuli in meditators and non-meditators.

Radin (2011). Predicting the Unpredictable: 75 Years of Experimental Evidence

Tressoldi et al (2011). Let Your Eyes Predict : Prediction Accuracy of Pupillary Responses to Random Alerting and Neutral Sounds

Galek et al (2012).  Correcting the Past: Failures to Replicate Psi

Mossbridge et al (2012). Predictive physiological anticipation preceding seemingly unpredictable stimuli: a meta-analysis



Josephson & Pallikari-Viras (1991). Biological Utilisation of Quantum NonLocality

May et al (1995). Decision augmentation theory: Towards a model of anomalous mental phenomena

Houtkooper (2002). Arguing for an Observational Theory of Paranormal Phenomena

Bierman (2003). Does Consciousness Collapse the Wave-Packet?

Dunne & Jahn (2005). Consciousness, information, and living systems

Henry (2005). The mental universe

Hiley & Pylkkanen (2005). Can Mind Affect Matter Via Active Information?

Lucadou et al (2007). Synchronistic Phenomena as Entanglement Correlations in Generalized Quantum Theory

Rietdijk (2007). Four-Dimensional Physics, Nonlocal Coherence, and Paranormal Phenomena

Bierman (2010). Consciousness induced restoration of time symmetry (CIRTS ): A psychophysical theoretical perspective

Tressoldi et al (2010). Extrasensory perception and quantum models of cognition.

Tressoldi (2012). Replication unreliability in psychology: elusive phenomena or “elusive” statistical power?


Mind-Matter Interaction

Crookes (1874). Researches in the phenomena of spiritualism

Crookes (1874). Notes of séances with DDH

Medhurst & Goldney (1964). William Crookes and the physical phenomena of mediumship.

Merrifield (1885/1971). Merrifield’s report (on D. D. Home)

Braude (1985). The enigma of Daniel Home.

Zorab (1971).  Were D. D. Home’s ‘spirit hands” ever fraudulently produced?

Jahn (1982). The persistent paradox of psychic phenomena: An engineering perspective.

Inglis (1983). Review of “The spiritualists. The passion for the occult in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries by Ruth Brandon.”

Schmidt (1987). The strange properties of psychokinesis.

Schmidt (1990). Correlation between mental processes and external random events

Radin & Nelson (1989). Evidence for consciousness-related anomalies in random physical systems

Radin & Ferrari (1991). Effects of consciousness on the fall of dice: A meta-analysis

Jahn et al (1997). Correlations of Random Binary Sequences with Pre-Stated Operator Intention: A Review of a 12-Year Program.

Nelson et al (2002). Correlations of continuous random data with major world events.

Crawford et al (2003). Alterations in Random Event Measures Associated with a Healing Practice

Freedman et al (2003). Effects of Frontal Lobe Lesions on Intentionality and Random Physical Phenomena

Bierman (2004). Does consciousness collapse the wave function?

Jahn & Dunne (2005). The PEAR Proposition.

Bosch et al (2006).  Examining Psychokinesis: The Interaction of Human Intention With Random Number Generators—A Meta-Analysis

Radin et al (2006). Reexamining psychokinesis: Commentary on the Bösch, Steinkamp and Boller meta-analysis.

Radin et al (2006). Assessing the Evidence for Mind-Matter Interaction Effects

Radin (2006). Experiments testing models of mind-matter interaction.

Radin. (2008). Testing nonlocal observation as a source of intuitive knowledge.

Nelson & Bancel (2011). Effects of mass consciousness: Changes in random data during global events.

Radin et al (2012). Consciousness and the double-slit interference pattern: Six experiments

Shiah & Radin (2013). Metaphysics of the tea ceremony: A randomized trial investigating the roles of intention and belief on mood while drinking tea.


Potential Applications

Carpenter (2011). Laboratory psi effects may be put to practical use: Two pilot studies

Schwartz (1980/2000).   Location and reconstruction of a Byzantine structure … [by remote viewing]

Some recommended books

Radin (1997). The Conscious Universe: The Scientific Truth of Psychic Phenomena

Radin (2006). Entangled Minds: Extrasensory Experiences in a Quantum Reality

Irwin & Watt (2007). An Introduction to Parapsychology

Mayer (2008). Extraordinary Knowing: Science, Skepticism, and the Inexplicable Powers of the Human Mind

Kelly et al (2009). Irreducible Mind: Toward a Psychology for the 21st Century

Tart (2009). The End of Materialism: How Evidence of the Paranormal Is Bringing Science and Spirit Together

Carter (2010). Science and the Near-Death Experience: How Consciousness Survives Death

Van Lommel (2011). Consciousness Beyond Life: The Science of the Near-Death Experience

Sheldrake (1999; new edition 2011) Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home, And Other Unexplained Powers of Animals

Alexander (2012). Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Afterlife

Carpenter (2012). First Sight: ESP and Parapsychology in Everyday Life

Carter (2012). Science and Psychic Phenomena: The Fall of the House of Skeptics

Targ (2012). The Reality of ESP: A Physicist’s Proof of Psychic Abilities

Sheldrake (2003; new edition 2013) The Sense of Being Stared At, And Other Aspects of the Extended Mind

Radin (2013). Supernormal: Science, Yoga, and the Evidence for Extraordinary Psychic Abilities


Websites with access to more articles

Daryl Bem: Click here

Brian Josephson: Click here

Edwin May: Click here

Stephan Schwartz, Click here

Rupert Sheldrake: Click here

James Spottiswoode: Click here

Charles Tart: Click here  

Russell Targ: Click here

Patrizio Tressoldi: Click here

Jessica Utts: Click here

Richard Wiseman: Click here

Journal of Scientific Exploration: Click here

Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) Laboratory: Click here or here.

Division of Perceptual Studies, University of Virginia: Click  here

Esalen Center for Theory and Research: Click here



Greyson (2008). Consciousness Without Brain Activity: Near Death Experiences (United Nations)

Radin (2008), Science and the taboo of psi (Google TechTalk)

Sheldrake (2008) The extended mind (Google Tech Talk)

… more to be added …


Robert and Annabelle dolls – Fact or fiction?

These are just those stories, which are hard to believe if you don’t see it yourself… I would like to see these dolls and make my own conclusions about them, what about you?

Robert, otherwise known as Robert the Doll,[1]Robert the Haunted Doll,[2][3][4] or Robert the Enchanted Doll;[5] is a doll that was once owned by Key West painter and author Robert Eugene Otto. The doll is alleged to be possessed by evil spirits and has a terrifying reputation.

The doll, which is allegedly cursed, has become a fixture of ghost tours in the Key West area since it was inducted into the Fort East Martello Museum. Aesthetically, Robert resembles an early 20th-century American Naval officer. Contrary to popular belief, however, the doll’s hair is not made of human hair, but rather, it consists of a synthetic material resembling wool yarn.[6]

Eugene was given the doll in 1906 by a Bahamian servant who was skilled in black magic and voodoo and was displeased with the family. Soon afterward, it became clear that there was something eerie about the doll. Eugene’s parents said they often heard him talking to the doll and that the doll appeared to be talking back. Although at first they assumed that Eugene was simply answering himself in a changed voice, they later believed that the doll was actually speaking.

Neighbors claimed to see the doll moving from window to window when the family was out. The Otto family swore that sometimes the doll would emit a terrifying giggle and that they caught glimpses of it running from room to room. In the night Eugene would scream, and when his parents ran to the room, they would find furniture knocked over and Eugene in bed, looking incredibly scared, telling them that “Robert did it!”. In addition, guests swore that they saw Robert’s expression change before their eyes.

When Eugene died in 1974, the doll was left in the attic until the house was bought again. The new family included a ten-year old girl, who became Robert’s new owner. It was not long before the girl began screaming out in the night, claiming that Robert moved about the room and even attempted to attack her on multiple occasions. More than thirty years later, she still tells interviewers that the doll was alive and wanted to kill her.[7]

The doll is annually rotated to the Old Post Office and Customhouse in October, with the museum staff claiming that strange activity in the museum increases during such times.

The doll made an appearance at Taps CON,[8] a paranormal convention held in Clearwater, Florida in May 2008. This was the first time that it had left Key West, Florida in the 104 (at the time) years of its existence.

For individuals who visit Robert in the Fort East Martello Museum and wish to take a picture of him, according to legend, the person must ask the doll politely. If the doll feels disrespected it may choose to curse or follow a person. [9] If he does not agree (by tipping his head to one side), and the individual takes a picture anyway, the doll will curse the person and their family.[10]

The doll served as an inspiration for the Chucky doll in the Child’s Play film franchise.[1]


Creepy Legends Paranormal Research investigates Robert the Possessed Doll of Key West, Florida and the old Civil War Fort East Martello. Support the team by going to Creepy Legends Paranormal Research on facebook and mark “Like”. Visit the Creepy Legends Website at and learn of our research






Annabelle was the focus of a case that famed paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren took part in during the early 1970s and is highlighted in the book The Demonologist. It has been stated that this is one of the most unusual cases of a possessed object on record.

In 1970 a mother purchased an antique Raggedy Ann Doll from a hobby store. The doll was a present for her daughter Donna on her birthday. Donna, at the time, was a student in college, preparing to graduate with her nursing degree and resided in a tiny apartment with her roommate Angie (a nurse as well). Pleased with the doll, Donna placed it on her bed as a decoration and didn’t give it a second thought until a few days later. Within that time, both Donna and Angie noticed that there appeared to be something very strange and creepy about the doll. The doll apparently moved on its own, relatively unnoticeable movements at first, like a change in position, but as time passed the movement became more noticeable. Donna and Angie would come home to find the doll in a completely different room from which they had left it. Sometimes the doll would be found crossed legged on the couch with its arms folded, other times it was found upright, standing on its feet, leaning against a chair in the dining room. Several times Donna, placing the doll on the couch before leaving for work, would return home to find the doll back in her room on the bed with the door closed.

The Medium

One night Donna came home to find the doll had moved again, this time it was on her bed. Donna had come to find that this was typical of the doll but somehow she knew this time it was different, something wasn’t right. A sense of fear came over her when she inspected the doll and saw what looked like blood drops on the back of its hands and its chest. Seemingly, from nowhere, a red liquid had appeared on the doll. Scared and desperate, Donna and Angie decide it was time to seek expert advice.

Not knowing where to turn, they contacted a medium and a séance was held. Donna was then introduced to the spirit of Annabelle Higgins. The medium related the story of Annabelle to both Donna and Angie. Annabelle was a young girl that resided on the property before the apartments were built. She was a young girl of only seven years old when her lifeless body was found in the field upon which the apartment complex now stands. The spirit related to the medium that she felt comfort with Donna and Angie and wanted to stay with them by moving into the doll. Feeling compassion for Annabelle and her story Donna gave her permission to inhibit the doll and stay. They were to soon find out however, that Annabelle was not what she seemed.


Lou was friends with Donna and Angie and had been with them since the day the doll arrived. He had never been fond of the doll and on several occasions warned Donna that it was evil, saying that she should get rid of it. However, Donna had developed a personal tie to the doll and decided to keep it, despite Lou’s feelings. Her decision was a terrible mistake.

One night Lou awoke with a jolt of terror, a jolt that didn’t seem like it was from his usual nightmares. Somehow, something felt different. What would appear to be a common case of sleep paralysis became all too real; he looked around the room but couldn’t discern anything out of the ordinary. At first anyway. Looking down toward his feet he saw the doll, Annabelle. It began to slowly glide up his leg, moving over his chest and stopping at his neck. Helpless against it, the doll began to strangle him. After a moment Lou, at the point of asphyxiation, blacked out. He awoke the next morning, certain it wasn’t an ordinary night terror, and was determined to rid himself of that doll and the spirit that possessed it.

Preparing for a road trip the next day, Lou and Angie were reading over maps alone in her apartment. The apartment was eerily quiet. The silence was broken when rustling sounds coming from Donna’s room aroused fear that someone had broken into the apartment. Lou, determined to figure out what was causing the noise, quietly made his way to the bedroom door. He waited for the noises to stop before entering and turning on the light. The room was empty except for Annabelle, whom was tossed in a corner on the floor. Lou searched the room for signs of forced entry but nothing was out of place. As he got closer to the doll he got the distinct impression that somebody was behind him. Spinning around Lou found that despite his unease nobody besides himself and the doll were in the room. Then in a flurry of motion he found himself doubled over in pain, with blood dripping from a cut on his chest. Upon opening his shirt, there on his chest were what appeared to be 7 distinct claw marks.


I hope you enjoyed this article and should you ever want to visit the famous Annabelle, she can be found at the Warren Occult Museum in Moodus, Connecticut. The museum is run by Lorraine Warren, the famous paranormal investigator, and now frequent guest on the television show “Paranormal State”. Housed in a glass case at the museum you will find Annabelle. Mrs. Warren relates that Annabelle still moves about occasionally and is still known to make growling noises at unsuspecting visitors….






So what is the Truth… hard to believe. I would have to see the doll myself and do some investigations. Once again it’s up to you.

“Many yet are the secret truths of God which will be unfolded as they are needed.”
HENRY WARD BEECHER, Proverbs from Plymouth Pulpit