Category Archives: Gnostics

Interview with the Magus: Bluefluke and The Complete Psychonaut Field Manual

I stumbled against this weird manual called “The Complete Psychonaut Field Manual” and read it through… then I find out the author and found this article. I have little thoughts about this topic, but this realm of information seems to be very interesting and has been too little investigated. Gnostics and magigians have been around for centuries, maybe it is time to find out what they know about this reality…

I am supremely excited to present an interview with magician, artist, author and creator of “The Psychonaut Field Manual”, Arch Traitor Bluefluke. His PFM is fast becoming one of the most well known and iconic texts of modern chaos magic. In addition to the manual, Bluefluke has a tarot deck in the works based upon the Eight Circuits of Consciousness of which the filed manual also uses as a foundational map. 

Q: What do you consider your greatest magical achievement?

A: Being able to connect with and form genuine bonds with Fear Eaters (i.e. shadow people) and creating a system that empowers others to do the same. Our new found ability to communicate with them has put the long running view that they were (at best) sentient thoughtforms reflecting the inner psyche or (at worst) just hypnagogic hallucinations, to rest. These are sentient, intelligent beings, with complex social structures, capable of camaraderie, empathy and even love. And while their behavior can often seem odd or disturbing this boils down to having radically different psychological frameworks as our mind are structured to process information much differently.

My hope is that we as a community will begin to better differentiate between spirits that emanate within us (local spirits) from those that emanate from without (non-local spirits). Both exist and both are valid subjects of study. I’m also fairly proud of my reconstruction of the aging Eight Circuits of Consciousness. This revolutionary illumination system was meant to be an agnostic answer to theological heavy systems such as Kabbalah and the Chakras. Shamefully, this incredible technology had been neglected for almost thirty years and hadn’t been updated with the many groundbreaking discoveries made in psychology, neuroscience and the occult so I stepped to the plate and did so myself.

Q: Who are your personal heroes, those who most inspired you on your own journey?

A: Robert Anton Wilson is my philosophical cornerstone. He taught me that while occult technologies absolutely do work, not to fall into explanations just because they confirm my personal ideological belief system. To observe evidence divorced of my own bias and question the claims made by those who are considered authorities on the subject, not just in the occult but on any matter as even the greatest minds may confuse indubitable truths with their own confirmation bias regardless of suffixes attached to their name. No one is immune to human nature. Art wise, I learned to draw and color using an NES emulator called Nesticle that allowed you to replace in game graphics with your own.

The limited graphical abilities of the console was a great teacher as it forced me to be creative in order to make the most of as little resources as possible. The greats of the “Demoscene” were a huge influence on me in that regard. Their projects taught me how to use complementing colors, how to create the illusion of extreme detail with only a few lines and the importance of thick outlines to convey boundaries. Even with unlimited hardware resources, I still abide by demoscene rules and use six similar sets of four color palettes. I was fully content in that medium until the day I read Incal, a comic book illustrated by Moebius and instantly fell in love.

I’d read comics most of my life and while there were a fair number of truly talented artists along the way nothing compared to Moebius. Every panel was on par with a painting in an art gallery. I put down rom hacking and trained myself to master pens and pencils. To this day he remains my favorite artist and I use his work as a motivation to push myself as far as I can.

Q: What importance, if any, do you place on full visual manifestation of a spirit during evocation?

A: Visual manifestation of spirits is hugely important for me, personally. I spent years doing grueling visual meditations solely for this purpose. Sure, you can “see” them in your imagination as you would a day dream with little or no practice (and most do) but actually seeing them in right front of you in full detail, in real time, with no morphing or distortion removes all doubt and gives them a “realness” that is hard to describe. This becomes even more profound if you’ve chosen to bond with a companion spirit. Instead of just being trapped as a voice in your head they can move freely about the environment however they wish.

This may seem small but for them it means the world. It makes them feel human. Solid. It gives them a feeling of independence and selfhood that we very much take for granted. Again, you don’t need advanced visualization skills, you can just keep you eyes closed and imagine the spirit you are interacting with. In fact, should you be able to reliably quiet your mind during regular meditation, the image you’ll see in your imagination will be very close to what the spirit is attempting to project themselves as since there should be little or no “thought noise” to interfere with your connection.

Q: What was your first “oh fuck, this shit is real” moment in your personal magical practice?

A: I was thrown headfirst into the occult fairly early. When I was young I frequently suffered bouts of sleep paralysis and all the stereotypical experiences that go along with them. They were benign at first (annoying at worst) but as time went on they became increasingly dark and were inevitably accompanied by Fear Eaters looking for an easy meal. I went from doctor to doctor. Each of whom would fail, one after another. Their treatments progressively became more and more condescending, painful and dehumanizing until, out of desperation, I feigned wellness to escape the torture.

I began my own search for answers. My travels down the rabbit hole eventually landed me in an occult chat room occupied by magicians who sympathetically pieced together a banishing ritual to combat my attackers. I felt a sort of mix of skepticism (society at large declared magic to be make believe) and fear (I had been raised in a Catholic family) but I was desperate enough to try anything. I performed the ritual and to my shock, it worked. It really worked. Magic was real. A whole new secret world had opened up in front of my eyes. I was instantly hooked and quickly became obsessed with learning all I could.

Q: What is one piece of magical tech you could not live without?

A: Astral work in general. All about is weaved a fantastical wonderland of our own making, populated by beings both native and foreign. It’s an exciting frontier that never fails to produce something new every time you play with it. That kind of stuff hits me in all the right places.

Q: At what age did you start practicing magic and why?

A: I started a steady magical practice right after controlling the above said sleep paralysis. I began studying and experimenting with every technology I could find.

Q: What is your advice to the young aspiring magician just getting started today?

A: First, don’t take another magician’s word as absolute fact, including mine. Experience it for yourself and come to your own conclusions. If you are following a fraternities curriculum or an author’s instructions and you aren’t getting results after numerous attempts, change something. Tailor your magic to suite YOU. Second, DO THE WORK. Do it everyday. The first step of breaking in your mind through meditation can be boring as fuck (which is why it’s so difficult), but the more you do it, the easier it will become until you will be able to enter gnosis at whim.

Q: What are your current magical endeavors?

A: Currently, I’m about to release the first truly universal Tarot deck that works with all three major illumination systems, Kabbalah, the Chakras and the Eight Circuits of Consciousness. While it can be used as a divination tool like any modern deck it’s primary function will be Tarot’s original purpose, to act as a decryption key to a plethora of occult goodies. I’m also collaborating with I.O.T. wunderkind Julian Vayne on a comic covering chemognosis which is fairly exciting. And of course, I’m working on the fifth chapter of the Psychonaut Field Manual.

Q: How do you respond to Christian evangelists knocking on your door at dinner time?

A: I tend to be fairly tolerant of people who hold opposing viewpoints to my own. Outside of a poisonous handful of con men, cultists and theological dictators, I find most people who’ve devoted themselves to Christianity/Judaism/Islam do so because they feel helpless in the face of tragic circumstance or are lonely and just want someone, anyone, to love them. 99.9% of these people really do mean well and are, in my experience, sweet and tolerant people. However, I completely understand the utter disgust some have for such religions if they’re trapped in an overtly oppressive ultra orthodox environment or have had their lives either disrupted or destroyed by the constant attempts to dismantle the separation of church and state.

It must also be stated that occultists must stay vigilant as these religions are in their death throes. As such, some of their less intelligent believers have turned to conspiracy to justify their faith in a world moving on without them. Within these conspiracies we are portrayed as illuminati-esque monolithic juggernauts hell bent on destroying their religion so that we would stand unopposed in creating a one world government for the devil. This may all sound laughable but these ideas are quickly gaining traction. We must do everything in our power to keep those who parrot this nonsense from commanding the reigns of government.

Q: What effect and focus do you think magic should have upon politics and world events?

A: We’re all aware of Masonry’s legacy, throwing down the great kings of the earth and founding the democracies we live under today. They kept the ultra rich from seats of power and forced gender/racial equality when it was being cock blocked by zealotous jackasses. But because of Masonry’s massive decline there is no longer a collective force to keep corporations and the ultra rich from raping the body populace. It may be wise to emulate their model to some extent in order to keep our society from either devolving into a cyberpunk-esque dystopian hellscape or crumbling to ruin.

While this endeavour would require unprecedented cooperation by the occults great houses, it may be our last chance to right this battered ship. Occupy failed. Anonymous failed. The meme war campaign is a fucking joke. We have one last option to right the course and not long before that option will leave the board. We need to act, now.



Here is the PDF-link to “The Complete Psychonaut Field Manual” if you want to download it.

Here is Nathan Smith’s alias “Bluefluke” Facebook site

Are we living in Westworld?

In recent times I have tried to figure out this reality matrix topic. It all started when I watched an old movie called Westworld. That is an old sci-fi movie about an artificial themepark where robots are controlled and people can go there an have a fun in different kind of time eras. Then they released a new TV-serie from this idea last year and that show is just amazing.

So I watched the whole season and started thinking, that if so called Illuminati/Elite or whatever have been showing reality in our faces for years in movies and TV-series, could it be that this serie is too? Last weeks I have tried to figure how it all could work in our reality and most of it makes perfect sense.

I won’t be describing my whole ideas here, because you just have to watch the old movie and the whole serie to catch the idea, but could it be that we are just bionic robots and our “souls” are just little piece of self-learning AI-code inside these bionic robotsuits? Then there are these aliens/gods/shadow people who run this our “flat earth” and some of them are living among us and have just fun in this amusement park? Have you noticed that some of us will always get the “free jail card” like in Monopoly game?

This concept could explain so many weird things, which we are experiencing right now.  Paranormal activity when they change the scene like in Dark City movie or glitches/deja-vu’s like in Matrix movie. Or like in almost every work Philip K Dick has released, most obious one is probably The Adjustment Bureau movie. Then they could create natural catastrophes like we are dealing with now like Hurricane Harvey, Irma etc. If you have played an old PC-game called Sim City you catch the idea… it’s just a game for them and they are laughing… and they are laughing out loud.

It also explains why some of us have felt that something is wrong in our life like a splinter in our mind. Maybe some of us didn’t get the latest software/AI update and remember things. This could explain also the so called “Mandela Effect” so many of us are experiencing. In Westwold serie the bionic robots or hosts have program inside them, which can be manipulated and upgraded. It could explain why some of us are so intelligent and superior to others. They also show a flat earth model in the show and there have been a lot of debate about this topic in the Internet.

It just makes so much more sense that any of our religion, except that is there a God above these Westworld controllers? In the show there is this Dr. Ford who could be Satan and controlling this material reality, who knows. There are many good videos about this but absolutely the best one is this one:

Then there are videos which are just kind of solving the Illuminati side of the show like symbolism etc.  and those are also interesting, because this whole thing is just a show for them. And they enjoy to rub these truths in our faces and laugh, because we don’t get it.

So are we just bionic pupets with a piece of AI-code inside of us or something more? In any case I think we are living in prison… for our mind if not else.

Are Archons Greys?

Modern ufology usually postulates that aliens come from another planet or dimension. But what if they’ve been here since the dawn of time? Autodidactic scholar John Lash has a most compelling theory rooted in Gnosticism: that some aliens are Archons, devoid and corrupt cousins of man put here by the same celestial forces that created human beings.

The Archons were whispered about in texts after the burning of the library at Alexandria which contained some mention of these mysterious beings. But the powers that be spent 1,300 years expunging the records and have practically written out the Archons from human history. In 1947, texts were found in clay jars in Nag Hammadi, Egypt. In these texts was a story of what the Nag Hammadi people, 2,000 years ago, thought the world was about.

The word Archon means “primordial” and “a ruler,” and exist in contrast to the Aeons, who, in Gnostic theory, are “any number of emanations of God, taking part in the creation and government of the universe.” “According to the myth, Archons were created by a celestial interdimensional entity, Sofia, who was pleiroma with other Aeons, and thus partly emancipated from the wholeness of the Heavenly Father. The Archons are a spinoff of Sophia, and corrupt because they had not been approved by the other Aeons.

This happened billions of years ago, before the solar system was born. These celestial consciousnesses are hard to imagine, since they exist outside of space and time. A materialized neonate-type of Archon would appear to be quiet, psychotic and prone to lying.


John Lash

Archons are interdimensional inorganic beings, who rule and reign over matter. This makes them look godlike to humans, but they are incomplete entities, since they lack human consciousness and experience. They don’t come from any civilization, or create them, either. The first Archon, who created all others, is called Yaldabaoth (“breeder of the hive”). This “reptilian” leader is aggressive, territorial, and charged with demonic powers. The Archons wish to keep mankind under “the constraint of fear and worry,” because they feed off such emotions. Negative energy gives them room to operate. They are psychic parasites capable of mind control on many levels. But they are, and have been, without humans, and don’t need us for their survival. The Archons can’t inhabit earth, which is hostile to them. Archons are caught in a delusion that they created humans. They have no soul, only a hive-like, common mind.

According to John Lash, Gnostic texts describe two kinds of Archons, an embryonic or fetal type—hence, the Greys of modern UFO lore—and a reptilian type. They “abduct souls by night,” a precise description of modern ET abductions. Envy (covetousness) and arrogance (egomania) are  their primary features. They are mindless drones, greedy for power over us and too cowardly to come out in the open and reveal themselves. They have no concentrating power, no innate faculty that would unite intention with attention. Gnostic gospel says, “The Archons cast a ‘trance’ over Adam… They put him into a sleepy state, but it was his perception they dulled… They make our hearts heavy that we may not pay attention and may not see. So we lose the reflection of the Divine Light within us.”

Ancient Gnostic seers detected and investigated the problem of alien intrusion before the first century AD. They believed the Archons to be the primary threat to humanity. Gnostic seers had to be skilled in non-ordinary reason to interpret the experiences they underwent in states of heightened perception. Lash cautions to not expect the Archons to be rational. What we learn about these entities will involve non-ordinary reason, but it will not be irrational nonsense. In general, “The mentality of the Archons “cannot be rectified,”” and, what’s worse, “the Archontic hive-mentality is not capable of development.”

In ancient Rome, Gnostics considered themselves as Christians, and lived in harmony with others for hundreds of years. They were mainstream in a religious sense. New age, “modern”  Gnostics have little to do with them.

Psychonautics, Carlos Castaneda and the concept of spiritual reality

The word psychonaut literally means “sailor of the soul” who uses altered states of consciousness to investigate the mind, and address spiritual questions, through direct experience. Psychonauts tend to be pluralistic, willing to explore mystical traditions from established world religions, meditation, lucid dreaming and technology. John Lash, David Icke and Graham Hancock, for example, have gone on such journeys. Terence McKenna is probably the most famous advocate for the use of psychoactive plants.  According to Lash, these plants aid “shedding the filters of conditioning and [facilitating the ability] to commune directly with the planetary intelligence. “

Dr. Carlos Castaneda was a psychonaut, and his books record his apprenticeship with a Yaqui Indian, Don Juan Matus, who plays mentor to Dr. Castaneda’s skeptical anthropologist. Dr. Castaneda managed to alter the parameters of his perception and explore other worlds. In the process of his adventures, he encounters certain inorganic alien beings. According to Lash, these are Archons, the small grey aliens.

To the horrified astonishment of Dr. Castaneda, the elder sorcerer Don Juan explained how the human mind has been infiltrated by an alien intelligence: “We have a predator that came from the depths of the cosmos and took over the rule of our lives. Human beings are its prisoners. The predator is our lord and master. It has rendered us docile and helpless. If we want to protest, it suppresses our protest. If we want to act independently, it demands that we don’t do so.”

The Yaqui sorcerers believe that the predators have given us our systems of beliefs, our ideas of good and evil and our social mores. They are the ones who set up our hopes and expectations and dreams of success or failure. They have given us covetousness, greed and cowardice. It is the predators who make us complacent, selfish and egomaniacal. The predators give us their mind, which becomes our mind.

The late Harvard professor John Mack wrote that “a number of shamans with whom I have spoken, from native cultures of North and South America, Africa, and Australia, know of, or have had encounters with, beings that have properties much like the grey aliens that visit abductees in the United States and other Western societies. Each culture has its own name for them. According to these shamans, beings of this sort have been around for thousands of years and seem to have a great interest in the face of Earth, functioning as its scavengers or protectors depending on the particular shaman’s experience or point of view.”

There is too a connection to modern alien abduction phenomena. Mack talks about the different reality people inhabit during an abduction and interaction with aliens. Many abductees feel that another spiritual reality is an essential feature of the abduction experience. According to Lash, this is because the aliens create virtual realities, false realities, also known as HAL in abductee circles. An abductee steps into a world where time-space is separate from our world. It is like a small parallel universe. The aliens generate this using mind power. Castaneda documented human power sorcerers who can do the same. They have learned this skill from the Archons and at the same time lost something essential from their human soul.

Dr. Karla Turner lectured on an abduction case in which the subject was asleep in bed. The aliens came, raised her into the air, and a glow of silvery light surrounded her body. At the same time there was a UFO on top of the building. When the aliens left and she was revived, she explained that she had been on a UFO and interacted with aliens there. This happened although two witnessed her body remaining in bed for the duration of the encounter. Here, according to Lash, a person is inside a HAL or virtual reality, while their soul essence is with Archontic spiritual reality, which is another reality. It is not observed by any humans present, who only see the levitating, glowing body of the abductee.

Some Archon-ET hypothesis similarities with modern ufology

The interdimensional hypothesis (IDH or IH) is an advanced theory by Jacques Vallee that says UFOs and related events involve visitations from other “realities” or “dimensions” that coexist separately alongside our own. He called the ET/UFO phenomenon “a spiritual control system.”  ET/cyborgs probably belong to the local planetary realm.  Paranormal researcher Brad Steiger wrote that “we are dealing with a multidimensional paraphysical phenomenon that is largely indigenous to planet Earth.” In his book UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse published in 1970, John Keel linked UFOs to supernatural entities such as ghosts and demons.

In his book Passport to Magonia, Dr. Jacques Vallee describes how long and versatile UFO and abduction/contact history is with the humanity. Albert S. Rosales has collected over 17,000 humanoid encounters from 2500 BC to the present day showing all kinds of creatures being interested in humans. Dr. Vallee suspects that alien entities manifest themselves in forms the subjects are familiar with and/or expect them to be. Lash says Archons can do this via HAL/virtual reality capabilities. The motive is to camouflage the phenomenon.  In Haunting of America, Bill Birnes and Joel Martin describe paranormal phenomena like hauntings and ESP occurring quite frequently in conjunction with remarkable historical events. Archons operate in the same spiritual world as ghosts. Gnostic myth states Archons do not sleep nor nourish themselves, i.e., are ghostlike. Is there a reality beyond our reality? Are the aliens and UFOs only a part of it? Ancient Gnosticism suggests that there is life after death, and that the Archons are linked with reincarnation.

In the early 1980s, infamous spook Richard Doty made many seemingly outlandish claims to Linda Moulton Howe, including these two: “EBEs said that souls recycle, and reincarnation is real. It’s the machinery of the universe” and that “extraterrestrials created Jesus”. He also told her that the aliens possessed information about the past and the future via “yellow” and “red” books, i.e., were interdimensional beings who existed outside of space and time, just as Gnosticism suggests of the Archons. The extraterrestrials also have an interest in our souls, possibly in a predatory way. A member of MJ-12 was asked to elaborate on this, and his alleged answer was “you don’t want to know that.”

According to Karla Turner’s research, aliens (Archons) have the ability to retrieve what we call the soul, to store it in a container, and to put it into another body. Two traits, she had come to conclude, characterized alien behaviour above all: deceitfulness and cruelty. Dr. Turner stated that “aliens (Archons) can take us–our consciousness–out of our physical bodies, disable our control of our bodies, install one of their own entities, and use our bodies as vehicles for their own activities before returning our consciousness to our bodies.” Could it be that humans, possibly the military or others, are using Archontic platforms (grey bodies) to carry out their own agendas? Could it be that throughout time some humans have been in alliance with the Archontic forces, furthering their own or their group’s interests through the Archons’ diabolical means? John Lash does not have an answer to this.

In his book Grey Aliens and the Harvesting of Souls, Nigel Kerner claims the Greys are seeking to master death by obtaining something humans possess that they do not: souls. Through the manipulation of human DNA, these aliens hope to create their own souls, apart from the hive, and thereby escape the entropic grip of the material universe in favor of the timeless realm of spirit.

In his book The Key, Whitley Strieber suggests that the aliens used souls in the past as tools, and that they were imprisoned in containers. Raymond Fowlers’ The Watchers has accounts of Out-of-body (OBE) experiences during alien abduction, noting that the human race is being “watched” by alien beings. Abductions are becoming strange indeed–they do not always appear to involve the physical body. This suggests the duality of mind and matter, a concept inherent in Gnosticism.

In his book Intruders, Budd Hopkins tells about abduction cases where aliens were interested in collecting genetic material from their abductees. Dr. David Jacobs firmly believes that aliens have a cross-breeding program with the goal of creating an alien-human hybrid race. Bob Lazar, while working at the S-4 sector of Area 51, claims to have seen documents stating that human beings are actually “containers,” and that mankind is the result of 65 genetic corrections by alien biological manipulations. John Lash does not believe that an alien-human hybridization program could work, since the genome is so well protected by our Creator, yet the ancient dream of the Archons is to be born like humans to a paradise called Earth.

Reincarnation is an accepted belief in Buddhism and Hinduism; certain non-canonized Christian texts mention it as well. The cult of Scientology and many new age movements believe that souls reincarnate and have lived on other planets before moving on to Earth.

John Lash and Gnosticism

John Lash is a self-educated scholar who combines studies and experimental mysticism to teach directive mythology. He has had remarkable experiences since the age of four, including lucid dreams in which he encountered magical beings who helped him, as well as other beings who attacked him.

On, Lash presents a revision of Gnosticism, and claims to present a complete restoration of the Sophianic myth of the Pagan Mysteries. He has developed a theory of the grey type of space aliens, or Archons, who want to take us over. Lash describes these entities as inhumane, stupid, blind, imitative and distorted. While they influence the way we perceive the world, they do not influence the world itself.

Lash says that Archons did not succeed in taking us over, and moved to plan B: “we’ll get them to become like us.” This echoes the transhumanist agenda, one which the Archons desire. They are willing to “enhance” the human experience via technology, and prolong life. They want humans to become androids and abandon our human souls.

In a recent interview, self-styled Satanist Winter Leeke recent discussed the merging of humans and machines, and how it’s “planned” to happen by the year 2040. He calls this event “singularity,” and it would mean the end of humanity as we know it. This, according to Lash,is Archontic; to prune us violently into building blocks of machinery is a very alien idea. On the other hand, this “singularity” could be disinformation to make people scared and quiet.

In ancient Gnosticism there was a saviour figure, many times Jesus, who wakes humanity from the spell of the Archons. This leads to a golden age of innocence and freedom. John Lash’s Gnostic view denies this. “The Gnostic Christos is an Aeon, a divine force that does not assume human form.” His message is clearly anti-Christian, against the ideology of divine redemption, but not against love, kindness and good works. Lash does not talk about the divine force of Heavenly Father or Barbelo (God’s acting thoughts), mentioned so often in the Nag Hammadi texts. Apparently, Lash thinks it is indifferent or disinformation, since he does not believe in “salvationalism.”

OI an interview for Red Ice Radio, Lash condemns all “Abrahamic” religions as mind control by the Archons. He sees nothing good in any religion, and considers it as an instrument of zombifying the human race. He believes that the alien abduction phenomena is the work of the Archons, but has also stated that UFOs, aliens and abductions, in some cases, could be governmental psyops/blackops.

He believes the goddess Aeon Sofia is personified on earth as flora and fauna. She has the soul of an animal, and is a conscious interdimensional being, even guiding and steering earth through space. We live in her skin. Lash recommends going into the wild and making a vow to Gaia Sofia, a promise to live in harmony with her.

He claims he has found the only true way to Gnosticism, but according to scholarly Gnostic sources, his Gnosticism is his own brand, scarcely related to current and ancient practices.
Lash believes that a “planetary shift is leading to the close of the present world cycle in 2216 CE,”  preceded by a massive spiritual awakening. The Gnostics taught that nous, the spiritual intelligence alive in humanity, could be blocked by Archons. They rely on humans remaining ignorant of their inherent, individual spiritual potential. Lash sees activation of Kundalini forces as tools of protection. Arousal of Kundalini produces ecstasy, triggers super consciousness, opens the occult faculties, and releases waves of healing energy that release physiological and hormonal secretions through the body. Also luminous epinoia or the proper use of our imagination can be used against Archons. Lash states that to have a good life we need goodwill, innocence, transparency, communication and play. We can build immunity to Archons by strengthening our vital bond with Gaia-Sofia, the living planet. And one more thing: people shouldn’t fill their hearts with the mindless fear constantly stoked by entertainment and the media.

John Lash doesn’t know if we’ll ever be rid of parasitic Archons; they certainly won’t go away on their own. He quotes Castaneda: “Human beings are on a journey of awareness, which has been momentarily interrupted by extraneous forces.”

Lash believes the Archons do not care for us at all. The trick, he says, is  to get past the extraterrestrial tricksters to the real magic of life on this earth.  He seems to be a visionary and a prophet having faith in his studies of mythology and his experiences with entheogens and Gnostic practises.  As such, his material and alien hypothesis are intriguing, thought provoking. On the other hand, he has very little–if any–proof for his claims. Is Lash’s Gnosticism only an esoteric system unto himself?  Is it a religion among others? Substantial material on the subject can be found at his archive:

Interview with John Lash

John Lash was kind enough to speak with UFO Digest via email.

UA: Many times, the Nag Hammadi texts mention a savior figure, sometimes called Jesus (as well as Heavenly Father and Barbelo). He is an announcer who wakes up humanity from the Archontic spell. What are your thoughts about this as well as other Aeons? Are they real and do they have any role in the fate of humanity?

JL: The Gnostic soter (“healer” or “bestower of health”) is an illumined teacher who imparts knowledge of the cosmic order and human potential, not a Jesus-type messiah who performs self-sacrifice for humanity. Humanity always needs illumined teachers to educate the species in how to develop its true potential. Gnostic eduction has nothing in common with salvation. The assumed historical Jesus is never named specifically in the Nag Hammadi Library. The Coptic initials IS are used. What IS means is open to interpretation.

UA: The alien abduction phenomena. Are Archons or people in collusion with them culprits of the phenomena?

JL: I believe that some alien abduction may be due to black op mind control experiments. Others may be due to the virtual reality manipulations of the Archons who are capable of temporarily inducing a trance state in human subjects.

UA: What are your eschatological views? You mention the year 2216 as an end of a cycle. Can you elaborate? Will there be a world-wide “spiritual awakening”? And if so, who would be behind it?

JL: I have no eschatological view. I base the date 2216 on astronomical data. It is simply the zero hour of the 26,000-year cycle of precession. I do not see a spiritual awakening for humanity at large at this time.

UA: How do your views differ from a “religion”?

JL: Religion demands faith and prevents untestable propositions. Gnosis is an alternative to religion that does not demand faith. It is an open path of experimentation using propositions that can be tested, changed, corrected, and rejected.

UA: What are your views towards H. Blavatsky and A. Crowley? What do you think of Ecclesia Gnosticae Catholice?  How do you view Freemasonry?

JL: Frauds. Freemasonry is not worth thinking about.

UA: What are your moral and ethical views in general? Do you, for example, believe in a brotherhood of man, equality, love and tolerance towards others? Do you renounce violence?

JL: I am not an idealist in human values. I do not renounce violence but consider the right use of violence to be essential for social health.

UA: In general, how do you picture the future of humanity?

JL: It’s impossible to predict anything.

Do Archons dream of robotic sheep?

What if John Lash is right? What happens if we take his views and current knowledge of UFO phenomenon and attempt to cast the future? Lash’s recent interview with Red Ice Radio conjures images seemingly extracted from Philip K. Dick’s cranium; he claims that the Archons have interacted with humanity since their creation. Our culture, ideologies, religions and values are saturated with Archontic ideas.  Some people, some faction of the “elite” have been secretly co-operating with the aliens since the dawn of time. Interdimensional Archons manifest themselves as space aliens from other civilizations, as angels and as UFOs, but these are deceptions.

The aliens manipulate humans, since they are interested in soul energy. They feed from it.  Archons produce human misery in every culture and country. They have possibly founded secret societies and have used the occult to draw humans closer to their presence.

All mainstream thinking has a hostile attitude towards studying their existence. Science largely considers UFOs, aliens and the paranormal as little more than figments of our overactive imaginations. Archons have in fact created materialistic science to distort the truth, to keep people in the darkness. Their dream is to make us drones like them by creating war, famine, mental retardation, hate and disgust. We ought to be cynical, remote controlled and at the mercy of our basest drives. They encourage financial gain, fostering the belief that it is synonymous with success and freedom [shades of John Carpenter’s They Live? –ed.]. They delight in popular culture filled with sex, drugs and rampant violence. They would like to drive us crazy us with mindless stimuli; as in these Leonard Cohen lyrics: “Your private life will suddenly explode.”

To end this misery we would merge with the machines. Our soul essence will be uploaded into a flawless body impervious to stress and time. A selected few would become immortal. The industrial elite would rule the planet and mankind. The Archons will make an imitation of man, an artificial human and present him as a Messiah of a new age world religion that annihilates all other religions. The transhumanist agenda wins, as the new human androids serve one God and ruler. Our minds will be programmed for maximum benefit for the work of our new invisible rulers. There will be no human misery, but humanity as we know it will cease to exist.

Is this the future we want? It’s hard to conceive that the faith and suffering of billions, and their prayers to God, would be for nought. Would people really give up free will to something so completely (and literally) alien?  The Archons have had thousands of years to assimilate us, with little success. Wouldn’t people fight back?  Could the powers that be really force us into this new world order?  Are Yaldabaoth and his hive-mind Archons the biblical Satan and his fallen angels? Will there be a happy ending, with or without religion? Or could Archons just be one man’s fantasy based on crumbling beliefs? More, as they say, will be revealed.

Jay Weidner on Rense Radio 14.7.2010
The Apocryphon of John II 22: 14-10, through 27-20
Gilhus, The Nature of the Archons, p. 40).
Prof. Ismo Dundenberg: The hidden wisdom of Nag Hammadi 1999(Nag Hammadin kätketty viisaus)
John E. Mack. Passport to the Cosmos. p. 163
A dialogue of Budd Hopkins and John Mack, John Hancock Hall, Boston, 1997 video.
Karla Turner: UFO Abduction: The Secret Agenda” (1993) Google video
The Art of Dreaming, 1993. ISBN 0-06-092554-X. (Review of don Juan’s lessons in dreaming.)
The Active Side of Infinity, 1999). ISBN 0-06-019220-8. (Memorable events of his life.) Jacques Vallee, Wikipedia
Richard Dolan: UFOs and the national security state: Cover up exposed 1973-1991) (p. 303, 308,353)
Winter Leeke on Coast to Coast AM 27.10.2011
John Lash on Red Ice Radio interviews between years 2008-2011
Nigel Kerner 2010: Grey Aliens and the Harvesting of Souls: The Conspiracy to Genetically Tamper with Humanity
Whitley Strieber: The Key: A True Encounter (p.53)
Raymond Fowlers The Watchers 1991
Budd Hopkins: Intruders 1987
Karmapolis interview of John Lash 2005
Photo above right John Lash –

Mr. Usko Ahonen (Cand. Med) studied medicine in Kuopio, Finland, and worked as a physician for seven years in Finnish hospitals and in the military. Now he has a new career as a newspaperman in a local weekly tabloid Kiuruvesi. Mr. Ahonen had studied Finnish UFO contactees and abductions as a team leader in FUFORA, the Finnish UFO Association. He had a Military abduction experience in 2004, which shook his world view fundamentally. Mr. Ahonen is also in politics and a vice-councilman of Kiuruvesi county council representing the Liberal-Democratic party. He teaches medicine for beginners at his local community college.



Rise of the Archons

This is a fascinating idea about the Worlds cruelty and how we have been deceived thousands of years. They want that we live in fear and they love it. Take a ride when Auricmedia stick it’s teeth to Archons and this one is not easy one:

An interview with Jay Weidner on Rense Radio

Rense: Many people have heard the term “Archon” but would be hard-pressed to define it. What is an Archon?

Weidner: To begin with, I would draw attention to two articles on your site: The Global Coup d’Etat and the one about ownership of the world. The Queen of England owns one sixth of the non-ocean surface of the world; and keep that in mind as we go into the Archon subject. The Archons were whispered about in texts after the burning of the library at Alexandra with some mention of mysterious beings called Archons. But the powers that be spent 1,300 years cleaning up the records and had written out the Archons from our history. In 1947, texts were found in clay jars in Nag Hammadi in Egypt and, on these texts was a story of what the Nag Hammadi people, 2,000 years ago, thought the world was about.

The reason the Nag Hammadi texts, which date back 2,100 years (100 BC), are so important is that no-one has been able to put a spin on it [the texts have not been altered, destroyed or omitted as in the Bible], no-one has been able to distort or destroy them which is what they’d really like to do [to keep the information and knowledge from the masses]. Luckily, they survived, were successfully translated and when many people read them, they found a clear and defined discussion of what these Archons are. The texts had been buried in a deep cave in Egypt, in order to protect the most important information that they had.

Rense: There are 13 codices containing over 50 texts, which is quite a substantial amount of writing.

Weidner: A highly descriptive document of an entirely different world [from the one we know]. People don’t realise that, 2,000 years ago, there was a religion on this planet called Gnosticism, which was the biggest religion on earth at the time, was vying with Hinduism. You could go take a university course on the history of religions now and wouldn’t even find a mention of Gnosticism. The Nag Hammadi texts provide a description for what the Gnostics believed. Gnostic is a Greek word meaning knowledge – gnosis. The Gnostics believe that liberation can only be achieved by knowledge, by the consumption and evaluation of reality through knowledge. The library at Alexandria was run by Gnostics and they were the first people to collect scrolls and books and assemble this information. Their culture spread throughout Europe and the Middle East. This was long before the advent of the Western religions outside of Judaism which was mostly concentrated in Israel. Gnostics preached that there was an invasion that occurred about 3,600 BC and, about 1,600 years before the Nag Hammadi texts were buried, they wrote that this invasion was like a virus and, in fact, they were hard pressed to describe it. The beings that were invading were called Archons. These Archons had the ability to duplicate reality, to fool us. They were jealous of us because we have an essence of some kind, a soul, that they don’t possess, and the Nag Hammadi texts describe the Archons. One looks like a reptile and the other looks like an unformed baby or a foetus. It is partially living and partially non-living and has grey skin and dark, unmoving eyes. The Archons are duplicating reality so that when we buy into it, when we come to believe that the duplicated, false state reality is the real reality – then they become the victors.

Rense: How are they duplicating reality? Is it by using consciousness?

Weidner: Yes, according to the texts, they can get into people and can manipulate people to do things very suddenly that are very odd. But also they are actually responsible for the deterioration of culture, so unlike the culture of the ancient Greeks or Chinese but a cheap façade of a culture. As the Archonic presence has spread across the earth and has escalated in the 20th century, you can see that they are responsible for sprawl and the mass ugliness that is everywhere.

Television is an example of Archonic imitation.

Humans are imitated on television but the imitation is altered and is nearly always obscene and profane because the Archons not only do not understand the sacred but they hate it. They are jealous of the natural world and of human beings with the natural world. Also of sexual relationships: loving couples make them angry and they love violence and are sexually titillated by anger and war and death. They create war to consume energy from the dying.

Rense: The Archons seem to be making their big move now, at this time. You can find out about the Nag Hammadi Library on the Internet, which is the living record of the great Gnostic movement. Gnostics and Templars seem to have been all but cleansed from history. How, in the texts, have the Archons been described as coming here? Is there any reference to their mode of transit, travel?

Weidner: Supposedly, they live or lurk outside the inner planets near Saturn i.e. in our solar system. The Gnostics thought that Jehovah was an alien, off planet, demon and that he was a fake god – a masquerading Archon again – duplicating reality. They did believe in God, they believed in what they called the one true God and that’s how they always defined it. Interestingly, Jesus defined his belief as being of the one true God, always delineating it. I believe many of the stories of Jesus are actually Gnostic myths about a possible rebellion against the Archons who came down very severely on the rebel.

So the Archons were released somehow from a prison – and this is probably what The Book of Enoch is about – where he said he took the demons and locked them in a box but that they would come back at the end of time. Jesus was very interested in relating this idea that something was going to happen at the end of time. So you see this illusion going on and then we see also that when Sitchin translated the texts, the cuneiform tablets, that the Annunaki are probably also the Archons. So we can learn more about the Archons by reading about the Annunaki who came here and altered us genetically [using our DNA] so that they could make slaves of us. So we can work out a picture of what these Archonic forces are. They were somehow successfully quelled and then began their re-emergence and they are as close to immortal as we could understand and that’s why their plan is so precise but they needed time to gain power because, the people of the earth were essentially Gnostics who were resistant to, and didn’t believe in the “religion” that was being foisted on them where they must be fearful of an angry, war god called Jehovah. But eventually, the forces of Jehovah conquered the last of them and now they are pretty much in control of the system and are getting ready for the final, gleeful [sarcastic] orgy of despair and horror [imposed upon humans] which is what they like. So, following Tim Rifat and his horrific description of what is about to happen. This is very appropriate, very accurate because this is exactly what they want to occur.

When I did a show for the History Channel last year, I shot it so that it would not end up making people fearful. I shot it so that it didn’t have any fearful footage and they went behind my back and they shot more footage without my knowing and they filled this special, for which I was one of the producers, resulting in two hours of terrorising fear. This is the head of a major network. I think the Archons are involved in some bizarre pornography where they are here and they are perverting us and enjoying every last second of it and we’re letting it happen and I don’t know if there’s any escape from it because now they’ve made it almost desirable to be violent and perverted and sick.

Rense: Ask any young person what their life is like and you will hear much of what Jay Weidner is describing. There was a news story, the average 14-year old watches an average of one and half hours of hard core porn per week. There are current terms that we use which could be ascribed to Archon activity: Zionists, megalomaniacs, but this evil that we’re talking about certainly has been around for a long, long time.

Weidner: It’s highly organized and beyond human and one of my reasons for delving more deeply into the subject, was that I could see that the organization was just too effective and too trans-generational

[to be earthly] and that’s when I found John Lamb Lash’s book, which I highly recommend, called “Not in His Image” about the Nag Hammadi and the Archons. We must realize that we can tell which ideas are the truest by how much they are repressed. When they are suppressing an idea, a language, or individuals [or a way of being] you know you have accessed the truth or that individual is portraying the truth. The Gnostics were completely wiped out. One group of people that were exposing that they were being invaded by these duplicators, these Archons – were wiped out of history. They were wiped out completely. They called them pagans and other names but that is not what they named themselves, which was Gnostics who were very knowledgeable. They knew at the center of the galaxy were millions of stars, they knew how far the sun was from the earth. They were incredibly advanced people and the undertow of this one war-god religion spread across the entire world and now it’s going to burn itself up in a conflagration where all the Jehovah worshiping religions are going to murder each other – which has always been the point.

I really hate to say this but we have all been fooled. The whole idea that some kind of messiah is going to come to save us is an Archon trick to make you think you don’t have to do anything about your present situation, no accountability. Maybe some supernatural force will come but I think you have to look at how this oppression occurred and why it was written out of history. When you begin to look back, you realize the early Christian, from the time of Jesus to the time of Constantine in 310 AD, they were preaching that they did not worship Jehovah; they worshiped the one true God. It could be argued that the early Christians were actually Gnostic followers of Jesus instead of what we, today, call Christians. The entire New Testament was completely rewritten by Constantine and all of the information on the Archons was removed and the ideas of Jehovah being a cruel god were lessened. This is a fact. The Nag Hammadi texts are older than the New Testament by 400 years. The New Testament that we have today wasn’t concocted until about 350 AD. When you go back to the Nag Hammadi, it doesn’t have the sin factor; they say what they really think.

Rense: The issue of someone coming here to save us, whether it’s the second coming of Christ, a spiritual master or ET which may be the most sorry line of them all. This is the most damaging of all to take humans off the hook of responsibility.

Weidner: I agree. It’s an abuser/abused relationship. What these religions have done is beat us with a stick with nails and, whilst they are beating us, they are telling us they love us and that they are doing it because they love us. It’s a trick, a reversal of reality that the Archons are always doing. They are always trying to convince you that war is peace, that love is hate. Everything is always backwards and the ultimate in this duplication. Once you can see it, you are able to see that everything is being turned into a head-over-heels con trick where everything is reversed. I don’t know how we get out of this except to talk about it and people are very afraid. Even scholars who know about the Archons are very afraid to talk about them in public because you attract Archonic energy by even mentioning them but, at this late stage in the game, we have to start thinking about who is fooling us and why they are doing it – and study what the ancients had to say about all of it.

Rense: Many people look into the media – not the mainstream media – for information. So who are these Archons now? These are Talmudic Zionists, to a large degree. They are part of it, perhaps they are the central core of it. We need to start looking at the name values are and where their DNA says they came from, the Czarian Empire. They adopted Judaism and used it like a stick to beat people and hide behind at the same time which is a great tragedy for true, honest and Jews of good heart and there are millions of them. So they are being used perhaps more cruelly and ruthlessly than any other group. This is a summation, a viable thesis as to why there is so much cogent evil on the planet and why so many deaths in the last century – well over 100 million people have been killed and something is feeding psychically off the energy of these events.

There is a blood lust, a very dark and evil satanic blood lust and we are, apparently, well in the hands of these beings now. They have made their plans long ago and intensified them over the last two hundred years and they’ve pulled it off. They’re doing it without any stealth now. They’re pushing it in the faces of an ever dumber and helpless American populus. Did the Gnostics leave any strategies in the Nag Hammadi texts or anywhere else or any ideas to attack or subvert this evil?

Weidner: The Gnostics believed that there were advanced beings who actually care for us and that there was a bet or forecast made that the advanced beings’ creation i.e. human beings, would one day stop falling for the tricks of the Archons and wake up and they provided avenues for this to happen. One thing that is certain is that the Archons hate more than anything after love is courage. They cannot stand up to courage or a clear, articulate debate because their own premises are built entirely on falsity. It’s all false and so we can begin deconstructing history by seeing through the lies. By observing outside the box, outside the norm, you can see the tricks of the Archons. Everything they do is fake, it is not real and has no history, no veracity. It is always a parasitical living off others. Anyone who is following this mad, insane god, Jehovah, will be lead to their death for certain. If you think there’s a reward for you for serving the Archons, I assure you there is not. As they hate courage, stand up to them. They will try to destroy, try to tear you down and do everything they can but nothing makes them shudder in fear more than someone standing up to them and they always overreact to it because they are cowards and terrified themselves.

They don’t believe in an afterlife and there may not be an afterlife for Archons but I think there is for humans and that humans are a divine principle. This is also what the Gnostics say and we were gifted with intelligence and reasoning and this is what makes the Archons so angry and jealous of us because we have this innate, creative intelligence, which can almost solve any problem.

Solving the Archon problem may very well be the test. The final test of humanity is can you define the Archon problem and solve it? The thing that will solve the Archon dilemma more than anything is to love each other unconditionally. That just drives them out of their minds. They cannot stand familial love or the love between men and women and that’s why they do all these things to destroy the pureness of it. If you look at the path of modernity, it’s one attempt after another to remove any sense of purity even from the children. It is really hard for them because children of 6 or 7 years old who watch television see things that probably no human should even see. The same thing is true about the horror films, these are all Archonic tricks to desensitize people so that they create even higher levels of violence when that point becomes necessary for them, so they can become satiated. Because that’s what they are doing, drawing energy from us because they have no intrinsic assets.

Rense: The whole idea of the Archon controlled media is to desensitize the masses and reprogram them with the most base of drives and instincts.

Weidner: I don’t watch television but I was at a conference recently and switched on the television in the hotel room and was bombarded with people getting killed, all kinds of sex going on.

Rense: I won’t have a television in my home and got rid of it over 21 years ago.

Weidner: Television images are the fastest way into your mind.

Rense: The saddest thing is that this is all self-policing. They understand how the masses work perfectly and peer pressure. They understand the drive of young people defining themselves in order to be accepted by a group and they know that no-one wants to be threatened by expulsion from a group. So we get stories like the one last week: British middle school age students who are very bright, gifted kids on the fast track, individuals are now dumbing themselves down so they can have friends.

Weidner: It happened to me in school. I had to play stupid so my peers would get along with me and would stop beating me up.

Rense: Intelligence is viewed as arrogance and conceit by those who don’t have it or don’t want it.

Weidner: They are against gnosis, they are against knowledge. The defining myth of Western mythology is that Jehovah told Adam and Eve that they could not eat of the Tree of Knowledge. Not only that but if they did eat of it, they would surely die. Yet they both ate of it and didn’t die so he wasn’t even telling them the truth.

This essential core myth that we’re being told from the very beginning is that we are to stay stupid and if you attempt to smarten yourself up, you will be punished. This central myth is the reason we are caught in this nightmare world of abused relationship where they beat us up whilst telling us how much they love us and say, don’t worry, some saviour somewhere is going to save you. You don’t have to do anything, just lay there because it’s going to come in an alien spaceship or the clouds or Obama.

Rense: Many of the photographs of Obama picture him, as they did Bush, with halo-like lighting above his head. Look at the video of Obama on and his deep-waisted bow at the same time as holding his right hand with the King Abdullah of Saudi, which they denied and at the photo shoot, see him grinning from ear to ear. He is as phoney as they get.

Weidner: Yes, and the thing with the Archons is, as soon as you get rid of one, they will trick you and just produce another face. Islam is not what we want to have in this world either. It is another form of Archonic trickery. I’m not saying we shouldn’t believe in the spiritual world, I do, but I’m saying we have to be a lot more discerning about what is being forced upon us.

Rense: I’m seeing the most primitive behaviour now, rising up, as more of the second and third world climbs up the metaphorical ladder.

Weidner: If anyone thinks that we are not being targeted by foreign powers with that president and our current state weakness, well they are out of their mind.

Rense: If they have any minds left to get out of anymore! We are heading towards a conflagration, as you say, there’s no question about it. When and how, we don’t yet know but please do prepare. We’re talking about food, protection, common sense, growing your own food. The Archons have made it very difficult for anyone to live a healthy life because of the constant toxicity pumped into their bodies, the air they breathe, the water they drink but beyond that, but also through energetic subjugation of the masses through cell-phone radiation, all kinds of ELFs and EMFs, Gwen towers, the HAARP projects (including the mobile HAARPs that can be set up anywhere), so there is a tremendous amount of these technologies. All of the telephones all of the media can come through the electricity into your homes, everything can be carried over the electric grid, as we know.

The issue is, they know that, too.


Here is a video about Archons – Archons: Humanity’s Controllers – Robert Stanley

This Saturday’s program, on “Shattering The Matrix”, Robert Stanley is our guest. Robert takes us on a heart based journey into awareness of those forces in our worlds which have direct effects upon us in all kinds of ways. He takes the archontic knowledge to a level of inspiration, of empowerment, of humility, of communion with the Divine, Prime Creator.

He is formerly a corporate journalist and an author. He has written two books: “Close Encounters on Capitol Hill” and “Covert Encounters in Washington, D.C.”. Robert is also the host of The UNICUS Radio Hour and has served as a correspondent for America’s Morning News. Hear the interview on BlogTalkRadio/ShatteringTheMatrix and join our website at: Like us on


And here is something about Gnoticism:

Red Ice Radio interviews John Lash and reveals the Archons, extra-dimensional entities that interact with the Elites controlling this planet. The Archons were first revealed in ancient Gnostic texts. The Vatican sought the complete and utter destruction of the Gnostics and their scriptures, Learn what secrets they knew…