Tag Archives: Matrix deciphered

DARPA Insider Dr Robert Duncan Says: Scientist On Verge Of Cataclysmic Discovery

This is highly important video. Just what we are headed to… it’s insanity. Human race and mankind will be doomed if this technology is in wrong hands. Please watch this video and you understand the insanity in the World much better:

Here is a book written by Dr Robert Duncan:

The Matrix Deciphered

Bio of Author

“True nobility is exempt from fear”.

– King Henry the Sixth, Part II (Act IV, Scene I).

Call me The Saint. I am the all American – prep school, Harvard College graduating with honors in computer science and a minor in premedical studies, and advanced degrees from Harvard and Dartmouth in business and science. My famous ancestors are President Lincoln, King Duncan of Scotland, and Governor William Bradford, the first governor of Massachusetts.My research interests have been neural networks, virtual reality, and EEG controlled robotics. Before graduate school I worked for the Department of Defense, Navy, NATO, and various intelligence agencies‟ computer science projects. I have done business consulting and computer consulting for the largest companies in the world. I have been a professor, inventor, artist, and writer. I am one of the last Renaissance men.

My projects have included algorithms f or Echelon and CIA natural language parsing and classification of document content, IRS formula for red flagging audits, writing the artificial intelligence code to automate tracking of the Soviet Nuclear Submarine Fleet and all water vessels, work integra ting HAARP with SIGINT SIGCOM and SPAWAR. I have worked on projects for the Justice Department connecting local, state, and federal databases for the tracking of terrorists. I developed a system for the FBI to track license plates past toll booths and other locations. I worked on the soldier 2000 program to create body networks for reading vital signs and other information. A system I worked on called Snyper is operational in Iraq which triangulates on intercity conflict gun shots. I have been to a couple secret bases in the so called free world. I have developed telemedicine robotic surgery and virtual reality applications for the Army. For DARPA, I have worked on satellite computer vision target tracking applications and tank simulation as well as integration of the land, sea, and air surveillance systems like SOSSUS, towed arrays, and others. Projects that I have worked on outside of government contracts include my thesis on computer generated holography, a project making paralyzed people walk again using choreographed stimulated muscles movements, face recognition, voice identification and recognition, finger print recognition, and neural network robotic controller. My research interests moved to enhanced reality heads up displays and wearable computing systems. My current research involves finding a cure for the mind control directed energy weapons fiasco. The integrated global surveillance grid is actually part of the holy grail of weapons and human control systems.

My apologies to the human race for my contribution to tyranny. I was tricked into thinking it would not be misused by corrupt government especially in my beloved country. I was wrong. The Joint Non – Lethal Weapons Directorate has Skip Green on the governing board. One of my old colleagues at a technology think tank in Cambridge partly in charge of the radio frequency weapons testing for neurological disruption now torturing and killing people worldwide. Several other US Navy and UK Navy scientists have been knocked – off and that is why I have come forward. I know my time may be near. I am currently a professor in computer science and business, helping to educate the public on government corruption, greed, and stupidity. Like my ancestor Lincoln, I am fighting against mental slavery in a new Civil War engineered by the same useless elements in over 80 government agencies who have tested radiological, drug, and viral weapons on unsuspecting Americans for over 45 years.

I have great pride in the fundamental and constitutional values of America and me an no disrespect by my blasting the incompetence, apathy, and stupidity of those involved in the conspiracy of involuntary biological, chemical, and psychotronic human effects testing. There are so many brave men and women serving in the armed forces who fight and protect us for the American values they believe in. But because of the silos of information called compartmentalization in the security agencies and the lack of accountability and oversight of black operations and some top secret projects, diabolical elements become rogue or worse destroying the very country they are tasked with protecting turning it into a hypocracy rather than a democracy.

My goal is to awaken Americans to the continued horrific acts of military and CIA weapons testers in this country and the other branches of government‟s inability to stop them and hold them accountable. All I ask from the reader is to listen to testimony and validate facts presented here and come to their own conclusion. Then fight to win back America from this silent overthrow. This has been my project for about two years, investigating government corruption, incompetence, and cover-up upon which I accidentally stumbled one day while looking at a reverse MRI scheme to inject electromagnetic signals into the brain for virtual realityapplications.

I have interviewed over two hundred people and worked on the highest level of military projects for the U.S., NATO, and U.K. and have given videotaped testimony to senators and representatives on this topic resulting in lip service since they have no real power to enforce. Two high level FBI agents and a couple CIA agents have come forward to validate the existence of an MKULTRA-like project that continues to grab random people for mind control experimentation. Two of these have since become part of the program and endure daily psychotronic tortures. All the torture can be done using directed energy psychotronic weapons with the so called continental ballistic missile surveillance defense grids.

I apologize to the human race for any contribution to these 4th generation weapons that I may have worked on that are more horrific than the nuclear bomb and whose cover-up is more pervasive than the Manhattan Project. And because of the horrific acts of violence beingcommitted on as many as two thousand Americans as far as my research has uncovered and many others in other countries, I understand the extreme risk to my own welfare that publishing this material will have. But freedom is so important to me that I know full heartedly that the human race must have an open discussion on these weapons to decide their own fate before the point of decision is gone, that I am willing to risk divulging so called national secrets. All I offer you is the truth. All information presented in this book was received through legitimate channels such as the Freedom of Information Act, military documents, victim testimony, and turned agents. I still hold valid the oath I took to keep secret the details of the projects that I worked on under DoD budgets. The majority of the proceeds of this book will go towards helping the psychotronic experiment survivors and surviving families of those that have perished. When the government fails, business and the citizens must look out for each other.

“Remember. All I offer you is the truth.”
– Morpheus, The Matrix

Link to this book:
The Matrix deciphered

The Mandela Effect

I have been rather busy lately, but there has been one thing that has caught my attention and it’s an effect called “Mandela” Effect. It’s a phenomenom when you remember some things and when you check them out, they are totally different. I noticed when a cartoon series I remembered to be “Looney Toons” is now actually called “Looney Tunes”.  Then I checked something else and came accross that cerials which I thought were “Fruit Loops” is now called “Froot Loops”… that really sounds weird…Froot? Really?

Then I studied it more and I noticed changes in all my bibles. Lord’s prayer has changed. And I know this, because it’s the only thing I REALLY remember properly from the bible. So it has changed like this:

It used to say:

“And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those
who trespass against us.”

And now in all my bibles it says:

“And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.”

I NEVER remember it was like this…

Then I noticed geographical changes and maybe the biggest one is the South America has moved to the right towards Africa. There is no icecap in North Pole in Google Maps. And I thought North and South Koreas were beside Vietnam on the right, but this one I’m not so sure…

And there are few more like Wolkswagen, Ford and Volvo logos, but I don’t remember how those were, but I have a strange feeling that they were different.

So is this “Mandela Effect” a real thin like Deja-Vu effect in a movie called Matrix or have I just lost my mind…

Here’s some info about the Effect:

Welcome to The Mandela Effect


The phenomenon where a group of people discover that a global fact – one they feel they know to be true and have specific personal memories for – has apparently changed in the world around them.


Given nature of the effect, ‘evidence’ inevitably takes the form of shared personal memories; physical evidence of the previously remembered state is unavailable. If such evidence is discovered, that’s proof of an alternative explanation.

Check out META MANDELA for satire and chat.


A Mandela Effect is where you realise that something you knew to be a general fact of the world, no longer seems to be true.

The “effect” is named after a particularly common example: many people remember Nelson Mandela dying in prison in the 1980s, when in fact he survived long after his release.


● Celebrity deaths that now didn’t happen.

● Geographical locations which seem to have shifted.

● Movies, books whose details seem to have changed.

Not Examples

● Personal reality-breaking experiences (go here).

● Things that you can’t quite remember (go here).

● When you don’t have a specific personal memory.


If your post relates to one of these centralized threads, you must submit it as a comment in that thread:

The Berenstæin Bears

Geographical Changes

And some videos about the bloody thing:

And there are tons or more in the Youtube, so I’m not the only one… what a relief. Maybe I’m not grazy after all.

Transcending the matrix

If you haven’t check out this great info from Montalk.net now it’s time to check out. It explains nicely the agenda of aliens and the whole battle of good and evil in our universe:

There is far more to this world than taught in our schools, shown in the media, or proclaimed by the church and state. Most of mankind lives in a hypnotic trance, taking to be reality what is instead a twisted simulacrum of reality, a collective dream in which values are inverted, lies are taken as truth, and tyranny is accepted as security. They enjoy their ignorance and cling tightly to the misery that gives them identity.

Fortunately, some are born with spiritual immune systems that sooner or later give rejection to the illusory worldview grafted upon them from birth through social conditioning. They begin sensing that something is amiss, and start looking for answers. Inner knowledge and anomalous outer experiences show them a side of reality others are oblivious to, and so begins their journey of awakening. Each step of the journey is made by following the heart instead of following the crowd and by choosing knowledge over ignorance.

Knowledge is the key to unlocking our potential. It gives us the self-​determination, responsibility, and power necessary to cast off the chains of covert oppression. Knowledge is therefore the greatest protector, for it also gives us foresight to impeccably handle the challenges of life and, most importantly, to sidestep the traps on the path to awakening. The more you know of higher truths and apply what you know, the more you begin operating under higher laws that transcend the limitations of the lower.

Here you will find articles and resources that push the boundaries of fringe knowledge. Specific subjects include:

  • alternative science, from orgonomy to quantum physics
  • current events and the New World Order
  • the role of extraterrestrial and hyperdimensional aliens
  • how you are being farmed for your spiritual energies
  • the Matrix and its agents
  • how most people are asleep, what it takes to wake up
  • possible cataclysmic futures and what they entail
  • nonlinear nature of time and reality
  • meaning of deja vu’s and synchronicities
  • the reality shift into fourth density

For a more detailed outline of ideas at montalk.net, read Key Concepts. Take only what resonates with your inner sense of knowing and correlates with your observations and experience – leave the rest. Enjoy the site!

Book Cover

Fringe Knowledge
for Beginners

by Montalk

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Philip K. Dick – The Man Who Remembered the Future

Awesome author Philip K Dick and so many modern day sci-fi classic owns to this legendary man.

 Philip K. Dick – The Man Who Remembered the Future

This year saw the 30th anniversary of the death of one of the most influential writers of all time, the iconic Philip K. Dick. Although virtually unknown outside of science fiction circles, during his lifetime Dick’s intriguing philosophy on the nature of reality has become a staple of the modern Hollywood movie.
Huge blockbusters such as Total Recall, Minority Report, The Adjustment Bureau, Blade Runner, A Scanner Darkly and Paycheck were loosely based directly on his novels or short stories, and movies such as The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Memento, The Matrix, The Truman Show and Inception all owe a huge debt to his vision.

One of the most intriguing themes of Dick’s writing was the concept of the “precog,” a person who could “see” the future before it happened. In 1954 Phil introduced the concept of precognition in his novel The World Jones Made.

In this novel the eponymous anti-hero Floyd Jones can see exactly one year into the future. From then on “precogs” occur regularly in his novels and short stories, most notably in his 1956 short story The Minority Report, his 1964 novel Martian Time-Slip, The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch and many others.

What was it that made Philip K. Dick interested in precognition? It had not been a particular theme within classical science fiction nor had it been part of the books that the young Philip read during his childhood years and early teens.

The answer may lie in one simple fact: Philip K. Dick himself was a “precog.” He was not writing fiction but heavily disguised autobiography. Let us review the evidence. Like many of his schoolmates, Phil was expected to attend the University of California in his hometown of Berkeley. But in order to do so he needed to reach the entrance grades required.

This possibility started to fade rapidly when, during a crucial physics test, Phil couldn’t remember the key principle behind the displacement of water. As eight of the ten questions involved this principle, he was clearly in trouble.

And then it happened: a voice clearly and precisely explained to the surprised young man the scientific principles he so desperately needed to understand. All Phil had to do was write down the words in his head. Phil received an ‘A’ grade.

Although this “voice” effectively disappeared for many years, Phil continued to sense there was a part of him that was alien in some way. Throughout the 1950s the voice remained silent and then, under somewhat prosaic circumstances, it re-appeared. In an interview with his friend Greg Rickman, recorded in October 1981, Phil described how he had been watching a TV programme about the Galapagos turtles.

The fight for survival of one particular female turtle had really upset him. After laying her eggs she had turned in the wrong direction and instead of going towards the sea she crawled inland. Soon the heat had brought about extreme dehydration. She was dying. As she began to fade her legs were still seen to be moving.

The film had been edited to give the impression that the dying turtle was imagining she was back in the ocean. He went to bed with this tragic image in his mind. He woke up in the night to hear a voice.

In careful and deliberate terms the entity explained to Phil that the turtle actually believed she was in the water:

“I was just terribly amazed and dumbfounded to hear that voice again. It wasn’t my own voice because one of the sentences the voice said was ‘And she shall see the sea’ and I would not use the two words ‘see’ and ‘sea’ in the same sentence. It tends to do that, use word choices I don’t use. One time it used the expression ‘a very poisonous poison’ which I would not use.” [1]

It is clear Phil recognised the voice as being the same entity that had helped him in his physics exam all those years before. It was back. He was to continue hearing this entity for many years, but only as a faint background whisper. In another 1981 interview he stated:

“I only hear the voice of the spirit when I am falling asleep or waking up. I have to be very receptive to hear it. It’s extremely faint. It sounds as though it is coming from a million miles away.” [2]

The “Voice” Returns

In February and March 1974 the voice was to reappear and stay with him. It all started quite innocently. Phil had been in considerable pain after having a wisdom tooth pulled out. His wife, Tessa, called the dentist who prescribed painkillers.

As Tessa did not want to leave her husband alone in such a state of agitation she asked if somebody could deliver the prescription to their house in Fullerton. Half an hour later the doorbell rang and Phil dashed to the door. On opening it he saw a young woman clutching the much-needed painkillers.

Phil stood back stunned. Around the young woman’s neck was a necklace with a fish pendant. Phil recognised this as a symbol of something deep within himself. He asked her what it was and she explained it was a sign used by the early Christians as a code to show their secret beliefs to fellow Christians.

Dick later reported this was the first time he experienced the pink light, the same light so central to the Beatles incident (described below).

He said a beam of this light shot out of the pendant and entered his brain. This light opened up a part of his brain that had long been asleep. He described it in this way:

“I suddenly experienced what I later learned is called anamnesis – a Greek word meaning, literally, ‘loss of forgetfulness.’ I remembered who I was and where I was. In an instant, in the twinkling of an eye, it all came back to me.” [3]

As we have already mentioned, up until March 1974 what Dick had called “the voice” manifested itself on rare occasions such as the incident during the school exam. But after Phil’s “anamnesis” his hidden partner was to become very active in his life.

It decided that Phil had become far too slovenly in his personal appearance. He was made to go out and buy a pair of nasal hair-clippers and it suggested he trim his beard. The entity even had Phil go shopping for new trendy clothes.

It was also concerned about the health of the shared body. It had Phil go through his drugs cabinet and forced him to throw out those medications that were proving problematical to his health. It discovered that wine was too acidic for his sensitive stomach and suggested he change to drinking beer.

This being had many skills that Phil sadly lacked, such as business acumen. It realised he had made quite a mess of his tax matters and within weeks the entity sorted this out. It also had Phil sack his agent after it read over his royalty statements and discovered massive irregularities.

All of these were minor interventions compared to its apogee, the saving of Phil’s son’s life. Phil describes how one morning he was lying in a semi-sleep state when he heard the voice announce that his recently born son, Christopher, had a potentially fatal birth defect and that urgent medical attention was needed. Indeed the voice was quite precise when it stated:

“Your son has an undiagnosed right inguinal hernia. The hydrocele has burst, and it has descended into the scrotal sac. He requires immediate attention, or will soon die.” 

Phil told various versions of this story, including one involving him listening to the Beatles and the lyrics of “Strawberry Fields” were changed to give the instruction.

Tessa, acting on her husband’s frantic instructions, took Christopher to the family doctor and it was, indeed, confirmed that Christopher had exactly the problem the “voice” had described and surgery was needed.

Dick’s “Homoplasmate”

What was the source of this “voice” and how did it have information unknown to Phil? Phil was to conclude that it was an immortal part of himself, something he called a “plasmate.” He argued this entity had bonded with him and in doing so had taken human form, something Phil termed a “homoplasmate.”

He was later to describe how his mind had been invaded by a “transcendentally rational mind, as if I had been insane all my life and had suddenly become sane.” He explained that:

“…mental anguish was simply removed from me as if by divine fiat… some transcendental divine power which was not evil, but benign intervened to restore my mind and heal my body and give me a sense of the beauty, the joy, the sanity of the world.”

This being, set free from its shackles by Phil’s “anamneses,” was able to use its powers to help Phil precognise the future. Indeed, Phil realised this being had been the source of a series of peculiar precognitive incidents that had taken place throughout his life.

For example, in his 1974 novel Flow My Tears the Policeman Said, Phil has a sequence in which one of his characters, Felix Buckman, is distraught at the death of his twin sister, Alys. He finds himself in an all-night gas station and there he meets up with a black stranger.

Buckman and the black man start up a conversation. In the summer of 1978 Phil, uncharacteristically, decided to go out late at night to post a letter. In the darkness he noticed a man loitering by a parked car. Phil posted his letter and on the way back the man was still there. In a second uncharacteristic impulse Phil walked over to the man and asked if anything was the matter.

The man replied that he was out of gas and he had no money with him. Much to his surprise Phil found himself digging into his pocket and giving the man some cash. The man asked for Phil’s address and said that he would return later and pay him back.

As Phil entered his apartment he realised that the money would be of no use to his new friend. There were no gas stations within walking distance. Phil went back out, found the man, and offered to drive him to the nearest all-night gas station. As he stood watching the man fill up his metal gas can he had an alarming sensation of a déjà vu-like recognition:

“Suddenly I realised that this was the scene in my novel – the novel written eight years before. The all-night gas station was exactly as I had envisioned it in my inner eye when I wrote the scene – the glaring white light, the pump jockey – and now I saw something which I had not seen before. The stranger who I was helping was black.” [4]

Phil drove the black man back to his car, they shook hands and Phil never saw him again. He finishes off his description of this event with a slightly chilling comment:

“I was terribly shaken up by this experience. I had literally lived out a scene completely as it had appeared in my novel…. What could explain all this?” [5]

Uncanny Precognition

In early 1974 Phil started a long-term correspondence with a graduate student called Gloria Bush.

As time went on Phil described to Gloria some of his deepest thoughts, including his fascination regarding his own precognitive abilities. In a letter dated 9 May of that year he described to Gloria a particularly strange recurring dream he experienced in November 1971.

In the dreams he always saw what looked like a Mexican city with “square arrangements of streets and yellow cabs.” The yellow cabs suggested to Phil a location in the USA rather than Mexico or Latin America. At the time of these dreams he was living in Marin County, north of San Francisco.

In 1974 he was living in Fullerton, a southern suburb of Los Angeles. Right next to Fullerton is a place called Placentia which is a strongly Hispanic area. Phil explains to Claudia that he was convinced this was the place he saw in these dreams. [6]

But Phil’s dreams in 1975 took a turn to the macabre. On 25 February he wrote a letter to Bush that was very different from those he had sent before. In a fascinating postscript to an otherwise standard letter, he mentions “the entity” again.

It had clearly been manifesting itself within his life at that time. How regularly and to what intensity we cannot say as we have no other source other than this letter. However, it is clear Phil wanted to bring things to a head. He told Claudia:

“I was up to 5 a.m. on this last night. I did something I never did before; I commanded the entity to show itself to me – the entity which has been guiding me internally since March. A sort of dream-like period passed, then, of hypnogogic images of underwater cities, very nice, and then a stark single horrifying scene, inert but not still; a man lay dead, on his face, in a living room between the coffee table and the couch.” [7]

On 9 May 1974 he wrote another typewritten letter to Claudia stating that he felt “scared.” He didn’t elaborate on this comment but at the bottom of the letter is a handwritten note that states the following:

“p.s. What scares me most, Claudia, is that I can often recall the future.”

Almost exactly seven years later Phil had failed to answer a series of phone calls to his condominium. A group of neighbours then found his front door open. One witness, Mary Wilson, entered the condo and described how she initially thought nobody was home, but then she spotted Phil’s feet sticking out from behind a coffee table.

She immediately asked her mother to phone Phil’s close friend, science-fiction writer Tim Powers. Powers jumped on his motorcycle to see what he could do to help. In his introduction to The Selected Letters of Philip K Dick Volume Four Powers describes what happened next:

“As I was putting the key in the ignition of my motorcycle I heard the sirens of the paramedics howl past me down Main Street. When I got to Phil’s place the paramedics and Mary Wilson were already there and the paramedic had lifted him from between the coffee table and the couch and carried him to his bed, and Mary and I answered a few hasty medical questions about him before they got him into a stretcher and carried him downstairs to the ambulance.” [8]

Phil’s February 1975 dream had come true in stunning detail. He had seen the circumstances of his own death.

Who, or what, was the “entity” that seemed to share Phil’s life and know his future? Surprisingly enough Phil believed this being to be a version of himself that existed outside of time; a being that could observe the whole of Phil’s life from a position of timelessness.

Phil believed that during his dreams, in his semi-waking states and during certain times of heightened awareness, this timeless part of himself could communicate and use its foreknowledge to assist him.

In October 1977 Phil made a very curious statement during a radio interview at the Berkeley radio station KPFA FM. He described an incident that took place in 1951:

“Back at the time I was starting to write science fiction, I was asleep one night and I woke up and there was a figure standing at the edge of the bed, looking down at me. I grunted in amazement and all of a sudden my wife woke up and started screaming because she could see it too.

“She started screaming, but I recognised it and I started reassuring her, saying that it was me that was there and not to be afraid.

“Within the last two years – let’s say that was in 1951 – I’ve dreamed almost every night that I was back in that house, and I have a strong feeling that back then in 1951 or ’52 that I saw my future self, who had somehow, in some way we don’t understand – I wouldn’t call it occult – passed backward during one of my dreams now of that house, going back there and seeing myself again. So there really are some strange things…” [9]

If the figure at the end of the bed was a future version of Phil then that version would have foreknowledge of all Phil’s life-experiences between 1951 and 1977. Indeed, if Phil’s interpretation can be taken at face value, we have here evidence that in some way his mind from the mid-1970s was manifesting itself back within its own past.

Vertical Vs. “Orthogonal Time”

But Phil was not simply happy with accepting this may be the case, he wanted to create a model to explain such a belief. Immediately after the strange events of February and March 1974, or simply 2-3-74 as he termed them, Phil started to keep a journal.

Initially in hand-written form and later as page after page of typewritten sheets with diagrams and side notes, this became known as his Exegesis. In effect this was Phil’s attempt to understand the source and meaning of the visions and revelations that he continued to receive until his death in March 1983.

We are fortunate that in November 2011 a single volume containing all the main sections of this huge work was published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Running to 976 pages this is a fascinating read and in it one can discover Phil’s own understanding of how a part of him could see the future. His solution was a radical re-interpretation of time itself – something Phil called “orthogonal time.”

He proposes there are two variations of time, both of which exist at right angles to each other. We are usually only aware of “Vertical Time,” but there is another which runs at right angles to our space-time. He calls this “Orthogonal Time.”

If we could perceive both times simultaneously it would look cubical, hence his term cubic time. He proposed that events are actually located within this cubic time. As such the idea of cause and effect cannot be applied within this model.
Causality can run in reverse or act simultaneously with an event in the past or the future. In other words within orthogonal time all past and future states exist at this moment.

In the whole of the Exegesis Phil makes one passing reference to a physicist by the name of Herman Minkowski, the teacher of the much more famous Albert Einstein. With reference to his own precognitions, Phil wrote:

“This is a disturbing new view but oddly enough it coincides with my dream experiences, my precognition of events moving this way from the future; I feel them inexorably approaching, not generated from the present, but somehow already there but not yet visible.

“If they are somehow ‘there’ already, and we encounter them successively (the Minkowski block universe; events are all already there but we have to encounter them successively), then this view might be a correct view of time and causality.” [10]

Phil suggested that the basic premise of his short story Adjustment Team – that there exists a way in which the past can be “adjusted” to change the present – may be another of his fictionalised accounts of something that really takes place. [11]

Phil believed that part of us exists within orthogonal time and this alternate-consciousness can, under certain circumstances, communicate with the every-day self that perceives only linear time. This was the source of “the voice” and VALIS (Vast Active Living Intelligence System, Dick’s gnostic vision of one aspect of God).

This is how, in dreams, Phil found himself back in his own past observing an earlier version of himself. In this way “the voice” was his own voice speaking from his own future.

This entity created his plot-lines using material from his own future. Was this how the meeting with the black man at the gas station ended up in A Scanner Darkly? All information from all parts of our life is readily available to a mind open to receive it.

Phil suggested in a letter to his friend Patricia Warrick, written in September 1981, that:

“The universe is an information retrieval system; which is to say, everything that has ever happened, ever been, each arrangement and detail – all are stored in the present moment as information; what we lack is the access or entry mechanism to this stored information… where the past of each object – all its prior manifestations along the Form axis – this is all stored in the present object and can be retrieved.” [12]

This is again astounding evidence that Phil seemed to be accessing information from some form of infinite data-field. It is very much in keeping with the work of modern-day researchers such as Ervin Laszlo and Bernard Haisch, both of whom suggest this “library” is, in fact, something known as the Zero-Point Field. [13]

Is this the answer to the mystery of Phil’s precognitions? It certainly makes sense. The future and the past are simply illusions. Phillip K. Dick and every being that reads this article consist of two independent consciousnesses.

One lives in linear time and the other in orthogonal time. And in this way we may all be immortal. After all, the transition between life and death takes place in linear, not orthogonal, time.

In his novel Ubik Phil created a concept known as “Half Life.” This is a timeless place, hovering between life and death. Tibetan Buddhists call this the “Bardo State.”

Is this from where Phil’s eternal mind communicated with him? To paraphrase the title of one of his most intriguing books, could it be we all exist in a place where “Time is Out of Joint”?

For more on the above, read Anthony Peake’s book The Man Who Remembered the Future: A Life of Philip K. Dick.

By Anthony Peake, New Dawn Magazine


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Breaking The Matrix

Are we living inside the computer program? It’s the question that only we can find the answer. Here’s a little brief of what it could mean:

It shouldn’t be a surprise that The Matrix and its follow-up, Matrix Reloaded, have become cult movie classics and have surpassed the financial expectations of filmmakers and film critics alike. The simple fact is that people here on this planet are waking up from their own long programmed sleep.

The movies raise many questions about our group reality and individual reality; the biggest being,

“who is really in control and what, if anything, can we do about it?”

Indigenous groups of the past understood this and within the program of their time learned all the nuances to keep themselves from being suckered into the black hole of lost and forgotten souls; that is, sheep being led to the slaughterhouse.

They learned to survive using their own senses rather than by the noise of outside institutions constantly telling them how to live, breathe, think, pray, and behave, to conform to rigid and unnatural social mores and laws.


  • Who really are the controllers?

  • Is it one overlord, is it many, is it the government, or is it the entire institutionalized system?

The Matrix is confounding to most because not only does it present a scenario that most people haven’t ever considered, let alone understand, but one that presents a picture that is not pretty and creates fear for those who might even want to consider its message.

Exactly what is the Matrix?

We all dream and some are fortunate enough to remember our dreams. We are programmed by institutions such as psychiatry to view our dreams as preoccupations, fears, neuroses and sometimes psychoses. But the Maya and many indigenous cultures understood far better that our dreams were the key to reality rather than the other way around.

Our dreams show us a side of life that we all live when our ego is no longer involved in the process of maintaining the physical. They show us what is really going on from an objective point of perspective and can also be prophetic, helping us to realize our own power and those weaknesses that must be overcome to live unrestrained. Most of all, they show us how we remain bound in a controlled world, and sometimes they even show us how to break through the boundaries imposed on us by others, and mostly by ourselves.

Traditional psychiatrists would have us think that these dreams manifest to show us just the opposite; how we must find a means to control our impulses and fit into the system, rather than break out of it.

How does this tie in with the Matrix?

 If you take your current reality and your dreams, and transpose them so that your dreams are your reality and your reality the dream or maybe I should say, “the living nightmare”, you start to get the gist of the program.

If you can buy this, then you’re starting to understand the Matrix!

Then you begin to wonder just who is controlling the entire waking scenario, keeping you in a constant state of amnesia so that you don’t even realize you’re a walking, talking slave, feeding a system that cares little about your wellbeing. This faceless system feeds you crap about family values to contain you, and then brainwashes you into believing that there is value in fighting and dying and working for such causes as economic freedom, liberty, etc.

In fact, these actions do not liberate us but just tie us further into a system that benefits only a few and keeps us from determining our own values!

  • And where are the people who are feeding you this garbage?

  • Do you see them on the frontlines, or do they instead take your money and your time, and then run, glorify everything that will help them in their pursuit of power at your expense?

Now you’re beginning to understand the Matrix…

The Matrix is in fact a machine, a political machine, an economic machine, a social machine, a religious machine, a family machine, and any machine that feeds off the people without them realizing it.

The Matrix raises serious issues about choice, destiny, control, and the nature of God and faith.

  • Are we then all programmed to do exactly what we do and to believe exactly what we believe?

  • Or are there a few brave souls out there who see through the Matrix, ask questions, understanding that there is an element of choice, destiny, control and faith existing within the collective unconscious and even themselves?

  • Remember the old hippie adage, “challenge authority?”

  • How did we ever draw that conclusion?

  • Was it a result of programming, or by some of us choosing to expand our minds and tapping into the collective unconscious?

  • Was the drug culture a program to wake us up?

  • Do you understand why the church and government is so fearful of those who woke up and ask questions?

  • Is it any wonder that alcohol, a depressant is legal and marijuana, a mind expanding stimulant is illegal?

  • If we are one big universal computer program, can we break the code?

  • If so, what’s in it for us?

  • If we break the code, do we become terrorists as our governments want us to believe we are, or heroes to those of us who saw through the program of the few and mighty and fought it to obtain their freedom of choice?

  • But once broken, what are our choices then and what is our destiny?

  • Is there a God who created us as part of his imagination so that we think we’re living but instead we’re his program that he can turn on and off as he chooses?

  • Are there those in his favor who carry out his program for his and their own self interests?

  • Are his interests solely in his favor or are they humanitarian?

  • Do our lawmakers and church leaders really make laws to protect us or protect their own interests?

  • Are they part of the programmed hierarchy of foot soldiers and agents who get special treatment for doing so?

We are all God’s creation, whatever God is.

The God program has many embedded programs that play themselves out; some are useful and some become obsolete. We are not perfect and will never be so despite the God program that occasionally tries to wipe his own creations off the face of the planet either in biblical proportions or by use of his agents. Once here, we gradually mutate to accommodate our new environment.

New programs may be instituted to control mutants, and programs can even be aborted if they no longer have the desired effect. But some mutants may become anomalies. They adapt but sometimes not according to plan. They run amuck and threaten the status quo. Some programs may contain their actions but ultimately lose control due to unforeseen expectations; that is, the lack of foresight in programming.

These anomalies somehow manage to tap into the spiritual guidance source code; sort of like the hippies of the 60s. They get inspiration from the angel program, the ghost program, the UFO program, or the oracle program.

As humans, with spiritual guidance, we learn we must move beyond playing by other people’s rules if we want to spiritually survive. While we physically mutate by evolutionary design to adapt to our physical environments, we also have the capacity to change our destiny and make our own choices by taking back control of our thoughts, beliefs, and creativity.

Believing in anyone or anything other than ourselves keeps us a prisoner in the Matrix. Some people succumb to the spiritual program, and as with most religions, give up their free will believing that a higher force they do not understand has more power than them. However, understanding that we each have a role in creating our own destiny if we follow own intuition and heart, and by refusing to play by other people’s or higher power’s rules, is the key to breaking through matrix prison.

There can never be a perfect world if that world is conceived only by one and everyone else becomes a part of that person’s limited and controlled design. We are all “the one” when it comes to controlling our own destiny. And when we realize we are all “the one” and we each have the same purpose of fulfilling our individual destinies, we all become one with each other, raising a new consciousness level that breaks the old programming.

The currently running limited-edition God program will most likely abort in the near future. More sheep are due to wake up upon realizing something is very out-of-sync, which will result in cracking the cosmic code.

Then a brand new program will take over within the God program.

  • Could that program be the one where we are expected to progress to a new level of understanding; the understanding that the one ultimately in control is just “you”, and that the choices we make must be of our own free will, and that those choices are what ultimately create our destiny?

  • Do we have enough faith in ourselves to unravel and understand our coded purpose?

Don’t bother to ask the “authorities” for the answers because authorities won’t tell you.

They have too much to loose and everything to gain by keeping us trapped in a six-sided, limited-view box. You must find the answers within yourself to free yourself.

You are your own oracle and your oracle’s sole purpose is to function not as a slave master, but as a guide, moving you to new dimensions in awareness.
