Could you imagine a car, that runs on water? It may sound ridicilous, but there was a man called Stan Meyers, who designed and crafted a car or buggy, which used water as fuel. Actually he invented “water fuel cell“, which he’s buggy was using. This case belongs to category of inventions, which are forbidden from bigger audience. Interesting about this case is, that Stan was maybe murdered, because of his invention. Here is Stans explanation of water as a fuel:
“Many people do not realize that when you run a car or truck on gasoline of diesel fuel, you are actually running it on hydrogen. And all we are doing is using the hydrogen from water. And under the National Bureau of Standards figures shows that when you use water, the energy release is roughly two and a half times more powerful then that of gasoline. So water is a very powerful fuel.”
So why Stan was maybe murdered? That is because big corporations don’t want these new inventions to be published. Oil companies has bought many patents of inventions and just put them on hold. They want to suppress this kind of knowledge, because all they want is money. They don’t care if the Earth is getting polluted or people are dying, because of oil wars. And you always know, that there is something in the case when the inventor drops dead.
Here is the video of Stan Meyer’s death and other supressed projects:
That’s just sad, that big corporations use brutal force to silence these projects, which could be the salvation of mankind. Here is the short document of Stan Meyer and his water powered car:
>> Stan Meyer’s water power powered car website
I get back to projects like these later for example Nikola Tesla’s free energy and other medical breakthroughs. But since then have a good weekend and keep the water running! 🙂