Hiding in plain sight

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You may have heard somewhere, maybe in the movies or TV-series, that “They are among us”…who and again you guessed it right… the aliens of course. This field of investigation is also very wide and today I’m going just to scratch the surface an easy way. This is also hard topic to investigate, because everyone is demanding evidence but it is very hard to find. Today you can do almost anything with Photoshop and different kind of 3D modelling software. So what is my solution to approach this? I try to find evidence, witch has been shown in “official” TV-channels.

Couple of days ago I found this video clip of Barack Obama giving his speech at Washington Convention Center and there seems to be someone who souldn’t in the picture. Or he’s caught on the video and suppose this is what they don’t want. I’m speaking one of Obama’s bodyguards who look very much like an alien being. And because of this is official newscast it could have some more credibility. But as always you decide.



There are different cases where people have reported of contacting different kind of extraterrestrial beings and the list of races is unbelievable. Here are couple links to these different kind of alien races:


Video of secret russian field manual of alien races (3 parts):


So that’s just a scratch of this topic, but hey you must to start somewhere! Have a good weekend everyone and keep on searching… the Truth.

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