*ZAP* And you’re gone

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Have you ever thought a missing people dilemma? Where all these missing people go? I think that if you are living in the US you have seen pictures of missing persons on the side of the milk bottle/box. There are millions of cases around the world of missing people. Sure there are logical explanation too like suicides,  kidnappings and some people just got lost. But then there is a bunch of stories and cases when the main suspects are… yep you guessed it right… aliens. These so called abductions have fascinated me since I was a little boy. I founded a book, that told cases of paranormal activity etc. There was this one section where people told their stories about alien abduction.

Recently I have noticed, that in newspapers there are growing number about these missing cases. People are just dropping like a flies, where did they go? One of the possible explanation is alien abduction. The main theory is, that in 1947, after the famous Roswell crash, US government made a deal with the aliens, that they have a permission to abduct certain amount of people/animals. In return US government would get a hold of alien technology like anti gravity propulsion systems.

The main reason why aliens or this one species called “Grays” want to abduct people is that they want to make  a hybrid race of us combined with them, why? Because in one theory their own genetics are deteriorating and they need our DNA/genetics to fix this problem.

Here is just one example where Dr. David Jacobs (Jacobs has studied alien abductions for ages, since 1981) talks about abductions and the alien hybrid program. In this videoclip, just watch those drawings that abductees have drawed. It’s kind of hard to explain those with “sleep paralysis“:



So that was the video and I would like to put some abductee links here so anyone who is interested can check those out. One of the best videomateial is so called The McPherson tape, where a family videotapes an alien abduction, but I’m a little bit skeptic about this one. They are sayin that it’s a hoax, but if it is, they invented Blairwitch project for long time ago:


And then there is just another story in the blog called “Taken By The Grays“.  And recently I watched this document called “Touched by an alien“. In this document there is also good stories about alien implants.

These stories are all around the Internet so you can find them pretty easily, but as always you decide is it real or just a huge hoax where millions of people are just getting lost and suffering from sleep paralysis.

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