Real-life Prometheus & Mona Lisa in space

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Many of you maybe watched the Ridley Scott’s latest sci-fi movie Prometheus. I waited that movie many many years and was a little bit dissapointed. The movie was awesome but it left too many questions to be answered. Second it was way too short for that kind of script. Ridley should have made trilogy out of it. The best thing was that he gave the respect back to H. R. Giger, maybe the best sci-fi illusionist on the planet. Did you know that he got nothing out of Aliens, Alien3, Alien resurrection, AVP, AVP2? Those bloodsucking moviemonsters didn’t even add his name to the end credits. Ok, without Giger there wouldn’t be the fucking alien saga at all. But still his role on Prometheus was too little, because Ridley thought that he was too slow for modern time movie production, phew the man is 73 years old.

Ok, but now for the bomb. What would you say if I told you, that there is a real-life Prometheus (ancient space ship), which is lying on the back side of the moon? Ahaa got your attention. I had heard about this before I saw the movie and started my investigations. All is based around the Apollo space missions and especially Apollo 18,19 and 20 missions. Official story is that those missions were cancelled. But of course there is another story, that tells that those were awesome missions were they tested Saturn V rocket and studied an ancient space ship on the moon.

The most interesting one of these Apollo missions is Apollo 20 and the testimony of one of it’s crew members William Rutledge.  Here is a little exceprt of his story:

William Rutledge (according to his story, a man of 76 years old who lives in Rwanda, former of Bell Laboratories and employed by USAF) is the name of the “deep throat” who, since April 2007, has been disclosing information and spreading a lot of video and photographic material on YouTube, about the presumed Apollo 20 space mission. His user name on YouTube is “retiredafb”, and the most amazing footage he released so far is the presumed flyover of an ancient alien spaceship found on the backside of the Moon by the Apollo 15 crew.

Source (whole interview of William Rutledge)

The main thing is that they scouted the object on Apollo 15 and in Apollo 20 mission they landed on the back side of the moon and investigated that space ship. There is evidence of this trip and some are claiming that it is a hoax and some are saying that it is authentic footage. Here is couple of pictures and the videos.

The Pilot of the ship “Mona Lisa” as the crew named her

Here they have removed the psychic piloting gear from her face

Then there is the actual video footage of this mission. First one is a flyover of the craft:


And then there is videos of recovering the space “Mona Lisa” and some other footage of writings inside the space ship etc. Oh and the hidden city on the moon (just like H. R. Gigers art):



There’s also a book of this case called Apollo 20 The Disclosure by Luca Scantamburlo. I have read this book and you can find pretty much everything about this case in that book.

And again this is jus a snippet of this story, because I don’t want to make too long postings. Just to provide a starting point where everyone can check the footage themselves. But this is awesome case and if it is a hoax it is a beautifully built one and again it would make a hell of a movie… heh heh some more moon hoax cases coming so stay tuned… same Blogtime… same Blog-channel.

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2 thoughts on “Real-life Prometheus & Mona Lisa in space”

  1. Great. You are the on of the few people who really are wondering about these things. Interesting point and I have to check out those Vimanas better. Thank you for your answer.


  2. Just a co-incidence. If u note the Indian God Shiva is supposed to have three eyes….one in the middle of the forehead. The Epics in India and the stories about him say that when he opened the third eye there was pralaya..which is total uncontrolled destruction. The alien lady has similar eye like structure on her forehead. It is said in the epic of Mahabharata that ancient vimanas were used. People of those times were usually 9-12 ft tall (possibly earth was located elsewhere so gravity was very different). The weapons used seem like atomic weapons today. It is said the survivours of the Mahabharata wars were the 5 pandavas and Draupadi their wife. They moved to the Himalayas from where the ascended to the heavens…possibly they either used fuel of uranium found there or the height to propel their craft up….and then went into suspended animation… be found by these Apollo missions….? Just wondering

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