Category Archives: NASA Coverup / Moon hoax

Structures on Mars & The Secret Space Program

And more NASA (Never A Straight Answer) cover-ups:

Structures on Mars & The Secret Space Program

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General Stubblebine is a retired United States Major General. He was also the Commanding General of the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM), and one of America’s most distinguished soldiers and chief of U.S. Army Intelligence, with 16,000 soldiers under his command.

He was a major proponent of “psychic” warfare and a key player in the “Stargate” project, which was a remote vewing program. Remote viewing can be defined in multiple ways. It’s the ability of individuals to describe a remote geographical location up to several hundred thousand kilometers away (sometimes even more) from their physical location.

The results of this project were declassified and published in the peer reviewed Journal of Scientific Exploration. In this program, individuals successfully described physical objects that were nowhere near their physical location.

These programs were the inspiration behind the movie “Men Who Stare At Goats.”

Here’s what General Stubblebine had to say about Mars, perhaps thanks to some intel from the Remote Viewing Program?

“There are structures on the surface of Mars. I will tell you for the record that there are structures underneath the surface of Mars that cannot be seen by the Voyager cameras that went by in 1976. I will also tell you that there are machines on the surface of Mars and there are machines under the surface of Mars that you can look at, you can find out in detail, you can see what they are, where they are, who they are and a lot of detail about them.” (Dolan, Richard. UFOs And The National Security State: New York: Richard Dolan Press)

I’ll let you think about that for a moment. Is it really that farfetched? With all of the recent UFO/extraterrestrial phenomenon disclosure happening within the past few years, is it really hard to fathom the existence of structures, bases, etc. on the Moon and on Mars?

U.S. Defence Physicist Spills the Beans on What’s Really Happening on the Moon


“I’m skeptical about many things, including the notion that government always knows best, and that the people can’t be trusted with the truth. The time to pull the curtain back on this subject is long overdue. We have statements from the most credible sources – those in a position to know – about a fascinating phenomenon, the nature of which is yet to be determined.”
– John Podesta, Chief of Staff for Bill Clinton, Counsellor To Barack Obama.

Dr. John Brandenburg, PhD is a plasma physicist. He did his graduate work in California at Lawrence Livermore National Lab in controlled plasmas for fusion power, and has worked in energy, defence, and space research for a number of years. He is currently a consultant at Morningstar applied Physics LLC, and a part-time instructor of Astronomy, Physics, and Mathematics at Madison College.

He is the principle inventor of the MET (Microwave Electro-Thermal) plasma thruster using water propellant for space propulsion.

Brandenburg was involved in the Clementine Mission to the Moon, which was part of a joint space project between the Ballistic Missile Defence Organization (BMDO) and NASA. The mission discovered water at the Moon’s poles in 1994. He was the deputy manager of that mission.

It’s noteworthy to mention here that the Russian government recently called for an international investigation into the U.S. moon landings regarding missing artifacts (lunar rock) and the dissapearance of film footage.

According to Brandenburg:

It was (the Clementine Mission) a photo reconnaissance mission basically to check out if someone was building bases on the moon that we didn’t know about. Were they expanding them?

He also went on to state that after the completion of the Clementine Mission, they were analyzed by an elite defence department team with the highest security clearance:

They basically kept to themselves and just did their work, and we were told not to interfere with them…

The mission was designed to investigate and map all corners of the moon.

This is a very brief background of someone who is clearly a well respected “academic” in his field. Not long ago, he joined a long and growing list of “academics” who are helping to pull back the curtain that’s been blinding the masses for what seems to be a very long time, even though this subject is still ridiculed by some in the academic world.

It was during the Clementine Mission, more specifically, the mapping of the Lunar Surface, that he began to suspect an extraterrestrial presence on the moon.

Of all the pictures I’ve seen from the moon that show possible structures, the most impressive is a picture of a miles wide recto-linear structure. This looked unmistakably artificial, and it shouldn’t be there. As somebody in the space defence community, I look on any such structure on the moon with great concern because it isn’t ours, there’s no way we could have built such a thing. It means someone else is up there.

He’s also been quoted as saying:

We were aware there was a possibility of an unknown presence, possibly alien/extraterrestrial near the Earth … There I am sitting in a room of retired army and airforce generals and a few admirals, and we’re watching what looks like a firefight in space. The most senior general there … turned to me and said, “Where do you think they’re from?” and I said, “I don’t know sir, I’ve heard they’re from 40 light years from here.”

Bradenburg was and still is a very respected academic. He did, however, open himself up to much criticism in 2012 when he suggested there was evidence of a thermonuclear war on Mars in the distant past. Since then, he has been heavily criticized, as has any one of the hundreds of credible witnesses that have now come forward to speak about the extraterrestrial reality.

With more and more people like coming forward, the stigma associated with such claims is slowly being mitigated, giving others the courage to share their stories. Here are a few quotes from other “academics,” taken from a very long list:

Intelligent beings from other star systems have been and are visiting our planet Earth. They are variously referred to as Visitors, Others, Star People, ETs, etc. … They are visiting Earth now; this is not a matter of conjecture or wistful thinking.
– Theodor C. Loder III, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Earth Sciences, University of New Hampshire (source)

There is another way, whether it’s wormholes or warping space, there’s got to be a way to generate energy so that you can pull it out of the vacuum, and the fact that they’re here shows us that they found a way. (source)
– Jack Kasher, Ph.D, Professor Emeritus of physics, University of Nebraska.

There is abundant evidence that we are being contacted, that civilizations have been visiting us for a very long time. That their appearance is bizarre from any kind of traditional materialistic western point of view. That these visitors use the technologies of consciousness, they use toroids, they use co-rotating magnetic disks for their propulsion systems, that seems to be a common denominator of the UFO phenomenon.
– Dr. Brian O’Leary, Former NASA astronaut and Princeton physics professor

A whistleblower has come forward to claim that he spent 17 years on Mars serving at a secret military base whose main mission was to protect five civilian space colonies. In exclusive testimony released today on ExoNews TV, the whistleblower, who uses the pseudonym, Captain Kaye, said that the Mars Defense Force recruits personnel from different military services. He claims that he was recruited from a covert branch of the U.S. Marine Corps called “Special Section.”

Captain Kaye’s testimony reveals that the main human colony on Mars is called Aries Prime which is located inside a crater. Aries Prime serves as the headquarters for the Mars Colony Corporation. According to Captain Kaye, the air is breathable on the surface of Mars, and the temperature could be warm at times.

He claims that there are two indigenous species on Mars, both of which are highly intelligent. One of these was a Reptilian species that was very aggressive in defending its territory. The other was an Insectoid species that was equally capable of protecting its territory. He said that indigenous Martians are not particularly interested in expanding their territory, only maintaining it. Captain Kaye said that as long as the Mars Defense Force and Mars Colony Corporation did not encroach on the territory of the indigenous Martians, there would be stable relations.

After serving 17 years of a 20 year tour of duty, events changed dramatically when virtually all combat personnel from the Mars Defense force were asked to retrieve an extraterrestrial artifact from a cave sacred to the indigenous Reptilians. Captain Kaye described how over 1000 men and women were killed in a subsequent battle and only 28 of his colleagues, including himself, survived.

Captain Kaye is currently seeking documents to verify his incredible experiences, and for now offers his testimony as evidence of a break away human civilization based on Mars. Parts of his testimony is consistent with the claims of other whistleblowers who have previously come forward to reveal secret events on Mars. Michael Relfe, for example, claims that he also was recruited for a 20 year tour of duty that involved covert operations on Mars. Also, Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, the great granddaughter of President Eisenhower, claims that covert efforts were made to recruit her to join a colony on Mars that was headed by famed physicist, Dr Hal Puthoff. Finally, Captain Kaye’s claims that Mars has a breathable atmosphere is supported by a number of NASA images revealing small animals on the surface.


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Orbs & The Tether Experiment

Interesting experiment…

Orbs & The Tether Experiment

>> Video

The term orb describes those unexpected light manifestations in spherical form which appear in photographs and on film. Authentic orbs have their own flight trajectory and they emit their own light. The phenomenon has attracted the interest of scientists and even that of NASA researchers, especially in the case of the famous Tether Experiment.

Across the entire planet an event was broadcast which had taken place at the end of the year 1972. According to the information communicated by NASA:

The three American astronauts on the way to the Moon have announced that on the number two panel of the space shuttle Apollo 17 a light signal has been observed, followed by a sound signal. A few seconds later, they disappeared, without the astronauts being able to discern their nature. The problem was immediately studied on Earth. A NASA delegate declared that it was not for the first time, during the Apollo program, that such signals have been recorded during flights.

So these luminous globes known by the name of orbs also seem to manifest themselves in extraterrestrial environment. Very rarely, they are accompanied by weak sound manifestations.

Before this event, NASA researchers were already aware of the phenomenon and they even had a series of recordings brought in by various astronauts. From these, a series of images have been published such as the luminous orb of M. Scott Carpenter from aboard the space shuttle Aurora 7, the images obtained by James McDivitt on board Gemini 4, and then confirmed by the film made by astronauts James Lovell and Frank Borman aboard Gemini 7 and many others.

Still, after the publication of the images caught on camera by Frank Borman aboard Apollo 8, documents of this type have never been made public, only being accessed by NASA specialists. An interesting film which was made public showed a large group of luminous entities which had come from outer space close to Earth. These entities flew at an altitude of over 500 kilometers (310 miles), but as it was intended for the film to remain at the discretion of specialists, it was quickly ‘forgotten’.

In the year 1996, the astronauts from the Columbia space shuttle were working on the technical mission named “The Tether Experiment”. Aside from the research activities, the astronauts had to launch a satellite connected to a very long metallic cable, or tether, for experimental purposes. The launch was filmed with more cameras from aboard the ship, including an ultraviolet light (UV) camera. As the satellite was launched, some devices began to malfunction.

The 19 kilometer- (12-mile)-long tether snapped and drifted away into space. Nobody had an explanation for the phenomenon—but nobody had suspected any outside interference. Still, upon their return, the surprise came when scientists looked at the UV camera footage.

The astronauts had not seen anything strange while on their mission, but the footage showed a totally different story. On film, the distant metal tether is visible as a small line, but a series of intensely radiant and large sized forms are seen moving in various directions around it. They had well defined, round shapes and they all pulsed with a sort of rhythmic energy. The most surprising thing was the fact that the invisible entities were accompanied by some giant forms with apparent dimensions of approximately three kilometers (almost two miles) across. These forms also radiated in the UV light and their outlines displayed a sort of technical symmetry. The bigger shapes seem to pass behind the tether, revealing their enormous size.

It is believed by some researchers that the cause of the strange phenomena which had taken place around the tether and satellite may have been the unexpected interference of the energy fields generated by the strong radiations of these unknown entities. Still, these strange intelligences apparently never moved too close to Earth in order to avoid affecting it with their radiations. From all of this, one might conclude that these entities are highly intelligent and there is still a lot more to find out about them.


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Richard Alan Miller

Tumbled on this guy several years ago… I don’t know if he’s real or not, but you decide:

Richard Alan Miller

If you pay attention to alternative media you have likely heard the name Richard Alan Miller. In the past several years the physicist has been interviewed by all the “usual suspects” (and more), including Kerry Cassidy, George Noory, Mike Harris, Jeff Rense, Vinny Eastwood, Veritas Radio (Mel Fábregas), Red Ice Radio (Henrik Palmgren), and most recently, Dark Journalist (Daniel Liszt).

Miller’s story is fascinating. As he puts it, he has “been there and done that,” with a career as a physicist in the “military” that began in the late sixties, “ending” in 1981 when he left to cultivate a life of “personal sovereignty” as a “dirt farmer” and (self-described) “mountain man.”

His recent emergence was encouraged and facilitated by his friend, well-known activist, lecturer and writer, Nick Begich, son of former United States Congressman from Alaska Nick Begich Sr., and brother of former U.S. Senator Mark Begich.

The following material is taken from interviews with Miller, as well as from a discussion I had with him.

Navy ManRichard Alan Miller was born on March 16, 1944 in Everett Washington to a military family, and is a legacy Swiss Mason, “holy bloodline, holy grail” of the Nelson line. His lodge was formed in 1480, he says, “to protect the bloodlines of Christ.”

According to Miller, his mother and grandmother were famous psychics in the Seattle area and the television show One Step Beyond, which ran from 1959-61 on ABC, was based on their work with the Seattle Police Department in the 1930s.

Miller’s scientific genius flourished early. During his junior year at Mount Rainier High School in 1960, he won the Navy Cruiser award with “A New Meson Field Theory,” and in 1961 he created a linear accelerator and hydrogen bubble chamber, and was, he says, the first American to create particles moving faster than the speed of light.

Thereafter he studied physics at Washington State University (WSU) (Bachelor’s Degree in Theoretical Physics) and the University of Delaware, (Master’s Degree in Solid State Physics). He also did graduate work at Princeton and MIT. While at WSU he built a plasma jet subsequently used to make space tiles for NASA. He “jokes” that “several Professors were afraid I was going to blow up the campus.”

His teachers have included such luminaries as Linus Pauling, Richard B. Murray, Roger Penrose, Richard Feynman, Charles Muses, Albert Szent-Györgyi, and John Wheeler. Miller believes his education was orchestrated sub rosa by “old man (Pierre) du Pont,” and that world-class scientists were “trotted out” one after another to teach him.

Another teacher was Andrija Puharich,famed occultist, scientist and spook, and the man who brought psychic “spoon-bender” Uri Geller to America. Miller was also influenced by Timothy Leary with whom Miller experienced LSD for the first time in 1964 as part of a program in which “geniuses” were administered the drug.

After graduate school, Miller was immediately hired by Boeing and given a top secret clearance along with three “vault permits” permitting him to explore certain reading rooms without the usual “need to know.” In these vaults Miller says he encountered three papers that changed his understanding of himself, and which were also his “first clue that things aren’t what they seem.”

One paper discussed how technology Miller developed in high school was used on the Mariner 4 by NASA to establish the existence of water on Mars in 1964, while another described a manned mission to Mars in 1968, one year before the moon landing.

Here Miller discusses the three documents he encountered while at Boeing, as well as a later trip to Antarctica in which he encountered what he describes as a bombed out Nazi base.

Three Documents.

Nazi Base Antarctica.

Miller was Northwest Regional Director of Mankind Research Unlimited (MRU), a front for Navy Intelligence, from 1974 to 1979. He worked out of the University of Washington, and his boss was Dr. Carl Schleicher. According to Miller, “the smoking man” of X-Files lore was based on Schleicher. Miller was himself an early consultant for the X-Files and wrote several workups for the show.Miller also helped ghostwrite the Carlos Castaneda book Tales of Power.

Miller’s job with MRU was to investigate “weird phenomena” that happened on the west coast. Wilbur Franklin at Kent State University handled Midwestern strangeness, and Schleicher covered the East Coast. The chain of command at MRU is telling: “Basically at that time, old man du Pont was in charge of technology in Navy Intel. And he reported to Rockefeller.”

Unusual phenomena that Miller studied included a man named Jack Schwarz who could stick needles through his arm without pain or bleeding, and “sherpas” who could climb frigid Mount Ranier barefoot without frostbite or other ill effects.

Here, among other topics, Miller discusses his government funded investigations into Navajo sand paintings, purportedly capable of altering the weather:

Navajo Sand Paintings.

According to Miller the Navy Seal program is an outgrowth of a predecessor organization, Seal Corporation of Amherst, Maine, an outfit for which Miller devised a method (questionnaire) for ascertaining “psychic” abilities amongst enlistees (“how to think with your gut”). Those who showed the most promise were then trained using protocols Miller developed for creating “super soldiers.” According to Miller, the first three Navy Seal units were thus trained.

One of the protocols Miller developed (in conjunction with Yugoslavian hypnotist Milan Ryzl) was an “ESP” protocol which Miller used to win the “First Psychic Tournament” on September 24, 1975, an event sponsored by Llewellyn Publications in which top “psychics” participated such as Jeane Dixon and Sybil Leek. According to Miller, he won the tournament by “three orders of magnitude” often choosing correctly 18 of 20 in a given series, and never getting less than 15 of 20 correct in any series!

This “ESP” protocol for Navy Seals is detailed in Miller’s book ESP Induction through Forms of Self-Hypnosis. The second book in the series, Power Tools for the 21st Century (and its associated workbooks, one of which is currently published), discusses additional protocols for turning soldiers into “supermen.”

The third book in the series, The Non-Local Mind in Holographic Reality, will complete his “Toward the Evolution of Consciousness” trilogy.

“Back when I was doing it, we knew about aliens but we were more worried about what the Russians were doing. And that’s a fact.” While Miller’s work did not generally involve “exopolitical” matters, he says he has personally seen “alien” artifacts. He was involved in two studies on artifacts, one of which was with scientist Wilbur Franklin, conducted at the University of Chicago “in their vaults.”

As he put it: “…I know there’s something going on out there because I’ve seen technology that isn’t us.” Miller adds, however, that the technology could have come from an ancient advanced human civilization, and was not necessarily of “alien” origin.

Miller says that he visited Groom Lake once, in the mid-1970s. The reason for the visit was rather simple: He was summoned there … by a seven to eight foot humanoid “alien” named Krill.

The story Miller was told about Krill’s background is as follows: After the Roswell crash, two dead aliens and a dying alien were recovered. After the third alien died an autopsy was performed, at which time a fourth alien (Krill) showed up demanding the bodies of the three dead aliens (because “…they could apparently resurrect those aliens on a physical plane. They had that kind of technology”). This happened during Harry Truman’s presidency, and “Majestic was set up” by or with Krill as a centerpiece of the program. Miller does not know why Krill wanted to meet him.For his part Miller knew nothing about Krill and little about Roswell: “I wasn’t even briefed.”

Upon arrival at “Area 51” Miller was taken eight floors below ground and brought into a room where sixty or so documents had been placed on a table. He was allotted one hour and “…I just started reading [the documents], grabbing one after another without even knowing what I’m looking at, just grabbing the documents, trying to get it into my optical memory, when the door opened,” and in walked Krill, a being with a “feminine” feel (though “she” was apparently sexless) and a long neck.

Miller spent an hour with Krill in a filmed encounter, during which Miller and Krill sat at opposite ends of a small table completely silent, dialoguing back and forth telepathically. “And that’s where I … first became familiar with synthetic telepathy. It’s how she was talking to me in my mind.”

Following the encounter Miller’s memory was somehow blocked (apparently by Krill), so that he was unable to recall what they “talked” about. “I just remember the peace and something very feminine talking to me inside my head and I dialogued it back.”

Later, “[the military] … spent more than eight hours in debriefing, trying to with hypnosis and scopolamine and something else, I forget, trying to … debrief me,” but to no avail. “And the problem is there’s some kind of a hypnotic block that … uh uh it um it um uh it it uh blocks my head like that. It it just it it I I can’t um I can’t get at it, it’s it’s like it’s there.”

“That’s my total alien experience.”

In the early seventies while at the University of Washington Miller worked in a lab next to infamous mind control scientist Jose Delgado.Delgado was doing chip implants in monkeys, and Miller was working with microwaves. Another scientist was studying drugs such as ketamine and BZ gas.

A researcher named Allan Frey had discovered a “new sensorimotor input” in man, a kind of “sixth sense,” which involved microwaves. Building on Frey’s work, and inspired, he says, by his experience with Krill, Miller was involved in developing “synthetic telepathy,” a technology that enables an audio signal (voices etc.) to be projected with microwaves into a person’s head, bypassing the ears.

Other names for this technology include “voice to skull” and “voice of God” weaponry. Newer capabilities include the ability to clone emotions and mental states (psychosis, suicidal depression, etc.) onto another person. This is sometimes referred to as “EEG cloning.”

Miller is concerned about the possibility of a BioAPI (Biological Application Programming Interface) as one project that may be in play in conjunction with the widespread spraying of “chemtrails.”

Part of his concern arises from his experience at the University of Washington working on a “site selective molecule” that could be put in drinking water (for example) and which would, following ingestion, migrate to the brain whereupon it could be activated using microwaves.A particular area of interest was the contingent negative variation (CNV) or “jump potential between neurons.” Miller claims that control over the CNV could possibly allow an external agency to “take over someone’s will.”

Miller’s concern is that nanoparticles in chemtrails could also target the CNV. He is fond of quoting Merlin: “Anything not specifically forbidden is mandatory … which means, if it’s possible, it’s probable.”And he believes it may well be possible.

Miller has not been entirely free from unwanted attention. In 1974 his business (he owned an occult bookstore and herb shop named Beltane) was raided by Army intelligence and “Feds.” Four people entered, two in civilian clothes and two in military fatigues.

He was held under arrest while his papers were ransacked. The agents seemed mainly interested in a paper he had recently written and delivered called “Embryonic Holography,” seizing all work related to this topic. Miller later re-wrote “Embryonic Holography” from memory.

More recently, in July 2014, someone broke into his home and wiped his hard-drive (and backup drive). Miller’s journal (what he calls his “magical memory”) was lost as well as ten manuscripts, which he is now rewriting.

rick-2013 scaledIn addition to the books already mentioned, Miller has written many other books on magick and alternative agriculture including The Encyclopedia of Alternative Agriculture, The Magical and Ritual Use of Herbs, and The Modern Alchemist.

Unpublished works include Spook Central (MRU Reports), The Seal Reports, Electro-Magick and Yogatronics, and The Holistic Qabalah. Publication of these works awaits a suitable patron.

“There’s a new world ahead of us where, you know, it’s gonna be different.”

Miller believes how this “new world” unfolds is up to us — that we must each decide, individually, to “change the movie.” He is fond of a saying he attributes to Rudolf Steiner, spoken in conversation with Miller’s great-grandfather: “We are no longer at war in the physical world. If you want to change this world, change yourself and the world changes with you.”

A mystical idea no doubt. Perhaps even true?

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Apollo 20 & The Alien Mothership

Hi I have made post about this before, but maybe it’s time to open your eyes again on the subject. What else we have not been talked about? About the dark side of the Moon and other planets like Mars?

Here is previous post about this:


Apollo 20 & The Alien Mothership

Beginning in April of 2007, an individual with the user name ‘retiredafb’ began posting a series of video clips on YouTube. These were described as from ‘Apollo 20′, a secret joint U.S./Soviet space mission in 1976 to examine a crashed UFO near the crater Izsak on the far side of the Moon. The Apollo 20 story offers a chance to examine the methodology and mindset of exopolitics advocates regarding evidence and its use in reaching conclusions.

The postings drew the attention of Italian journalist Lusa Scantamburlo, who conducted an on-line correspondence with ‘retiredafb’ over the spring and summer. Retiredafb said his real name was William Rutledge, and that he had been born in Belgium in 1930, emigrated to the U.S., and worked for the aircraft manufactories Avro and Chance Vought. He later worked for Bell Laboratories and the U.S. Air Force. Rutledge said that he had studied Soviet technology, such as the N1 Moon rocket, the ‘AJAX plane project’, and the ‘Mig Foxbat 25′. He said that he was skilled in computer navigation and had volunteered to be an astronaut for the Air Force’s Manned Orbiting Laboratory. This was a space station for reconnaissance missions, cancelled in 1969, and never flown. He was not selected and worked on the KH-11 reconnaissance satellite before retiring.

The Apollo 15 mission, according to Rutledge, photographed a crashed alien mothership on the far side of the Moon, which was never visible from Earth. The following year, the Apollo 17 mission also photographed the alien ship. Plans were made for two secret NASA/U.S. Air Force Space Command Apollo missions to examine it. These were Apollo 19 and 20, which were launched from Vandenberg AFB in California, rather than the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. (The Apollo 18 mission was the American half of the joint U.S./Soviet Apollo Soyuz Test Project (ASTP) flown in 1975.)

The Apollo 19 mission was to explore the roof of the spindle-shaped mothership by climbing the ‘Monaco hill’. Rutledge gave few details of the mission. He did not give a launch date, or the full crew list. Rutledge did say the name of the Apollo 19 Command Module (CM) was Endymion, while the LM was called Artemis. He also said that one of the crew was ‘Stephanie Eilis’, the first U.S. black woman in space. According to his account, Eilis was born in 1946 in the Ivory Coast and arrived in the U.S. at the age of seven months. She worked at Grumman on the Apollo Lunar Module (LM) navigation system. Rutledge also said that she was his girlfriend.

The Apollo 19 mission ended in tragedy. Rutledge said that telemetry was lost at the end of the engine burn to send the spacecraft to the Moon. The reason was not understood at the time, but Rutledge believed it was due to a collision with a ‘quasi-satellite’ or a meteor.

Despite the loss of the first mission, plans went ahead for Apollo 20. Rutledge was the mission commander; Lena Snyder, also from Bell Labs, was the CM pilot; while Alexei Leonov was the LM pilot. A Soviet cosmonaut, he was the first man to walk in space, and the commander of the Soyuz which docked with Apollo 18 during the ASTP mission. The Apollo 20 CSM was named Constellation, while the LM was Phoenix. The mission control was at Vandenberg rather than Houston. The call sign ‘Vandenberg’ was used in the audio posted on YouTube videos. Three hundred people were involved with preparing the Saturn V at Vandenberg. Why Rutledge, Snyder, and Eilis were selected for the Apollo 19 and 20 crews was not made clear. Rutledge said only that he had been picked because he did not believe in God.

The Apollo 20 launch was made from Vandenberg AFB on August 16, 1976. The launch was seen, but people did not know it was a Saturn V booster. The YouTube videos included shots of Snyder entering the capsule (with his back to the camera), the launch itself, video from the LM as it prepared to land, photos of the mothership from orbit, and surface photos of a city on the Moon. This was described by Rutledge as only debris, except for one building.

Rutledge and Leonov entered the alien ship and found “…many signs of biology… vegetation in the ‘motor’ section, special triangular rocks which emitted ‘tears’ of a yellow liquid which has some special medical properties, and of course signs of extra solar creatures.” Two alien bodies were still in the mothership – one was in very poor condition, while the other was an intact female body. Dubbed ‘Mona Lisa’, she was 1.65 meters tall. Unlike her earthly namesake, Rutledge said she had six fingers on her hands. ‘Piloting devices’ were attached to both her fingers and eyes, while two cables were on her nostrils. Rather than clothes, she was covered in a thin transparent protective layer. Rutledge commented that the body “seemed not dead not alive.” He and Leonov attached their biomedical sensors to her body, and telemetry was received by mission control.

In all, Rutledge said he and Leonov spent seven days on the Moon exploring the alien ship. This was about twice as long as the Apollo 15, 16, and 17 crews had each spent on the surface. Rutledge said that since 1990, he had lived in Rwanda under a false identity, and had not spoken English during that time, only Kinyarwanda and French.

Rutledge gave little explanation as to why he released the videos, saying only that it was because of “The wonder of it all”, and “2012 is coming soon”. As for the secrecy of the two Apollo missions, he claimed the reason was “not a problem of panic, but simply a problem of economy”. Rutledge said that all currencies on Earth are based on the value of gold, but exploding stars spread large amounts of gold in young star systems. “This means that it is the most common substance in the universe, no more value than a piece of plastic”.

Scantamburlo was impressed by Rutledge’s videos and information, calling them “coherent and plausible, and it shows a detailed knowledge of Aerospace history, of Geology, Chemistry and of Space exploration history….” He continued, “Waiting for the rest of Rutledge’s testimony, we should prepare ourself for the wait and new Copernican revolution: we are not alone in the Universe and, at last, historical and technical evidences are supporting it beyond any doubt.”

In attempting to support the claim that secret Apollo launches were made from Vandenberg AFB, Scantamburlo wrote that the Saturn V booster was listed in an April 19, 2006 Air Force report, and claimed that documents from the 1960s indicated Air Force interest in using the Saturn V booster. From this, he argued, “The fact that the Apollo 20 would have been launched from Vandenberg AFB, according to Rutledge’s testimony, is now supported by strong circumstantial evidence.”

Despite his comments, Scantamburlo did note a problem with the YouTube video of the Apollo 20 liftoff. This clip had an opening frame listing it as film of the Apollo 11 launch, made in July of 1969. Rutledge explained that he was no longer in Africa, and that the videos were being converted from analogue to digital by friends in Rwanda for uploading to YouTube. They apparently made a mistake.

Dr. Michael E. Salla, a leading figure in the exopolitics faction of ufology, wrote a commentary about the Apollo 20 videos on June 24, 2007. Dr. Salla was impressed by Scantamburlo’s work, saying his report “…demonstrates a sincere effort to verify a number of the details provided by Rutledge….’”

Salla also found inconsistencies in Rutledge’s account. One of these dealt with the Apollo 20 mission patch. Salla noted, “…the Apollo 20 insignia that is shown in a number of his films shows only the names of the three astronauts (Rutledge, Synder and Leonov) and the name of the Apollo mission. This is inconsistent with the 1975 insignia of the joint Apollo-Soyuz mission which had both the ‘Apollo’ and ‘Soyuz’, and the names of the three astronauts/cosmonauts on them.”

The second inconsistency was Ingo Swann’s account of his remote viewing of artifacts and aliens on the far side of the Moon for a “covert intelligence agency” in 1975. Salla wrote that, “Swann deduced from what he had been told that there was a concerted effort to gather intelligence using remote viewing since physical access to the moon had been curtailed.”

According to Swann, this was probably because the aliens had decided no further landings would be permitted. Salla continued that other whistleblowers had also indicated that this “…is the real reason why the Apollo moon landings were quietly terminated after the 1971 Apollo 17 mission.”

Salla noted that if Swann’s statements and conclusions were true, they would be inconsistent with a secret Apollo 20 landing on the Moon. This, combined with the Apollo 20 patch error, “…could lead to the conclusion that Rutledge’s testimony and videos are a sophisticated hoax to deceive the public.”

Yet having said this, Salla continued, “…Rutledge’s video evidence and testimony may be the final straw that breaks the camel’s back concerning UFO secrecy.” If Rutledge’s claims were proved to be true, and the inconsistencies were successfully explained, Salla predicted that, “…this will lead to an escalation of public disclosures. More officials will recognize that the secrecy system is imploding and will wish to be on the winning side of history as that part of the government that played a proactive role in preparing the public for disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence.”

The same was also true, Salla wrote, if the Apollo 20 story proved to be a hoax, as it may be “…an attempt to raise the public’s awareness of extraterrestrial life through partially valid information.” Salla concluded his commentary by writing: “I recommend considering Scantamburlo’s report due to the possibility that this is a genuine disclosure of a secret mission to investigate an ancient extraterrestrial mothership….”

Only four days later, Salla posted an update of the Apollo 20 commentary. Salla noted that the video of the ancient Moon city used a sound clip from the Apollo 15 mission. He initially wrote that this suggests that Rutledge’s story and videos were nothing more than an elaborate hoax, and that “…this discovery will suffice to dismiss the whole affair.” But he added, “However, this does raise the question of what the underlying agenda of Rutledge is in performing such an elaborate deception? Is it merely to disinform the public or to direct the public’s attention to something important?”

See original NASA Apollo 15 image @…/apo…/images/browse/AS15/P/9625.jpg

Salla preferred the second option, noting that “…the natural starting point is the … Apollo 15 photo … That is a genuine photo and may depict an extraterrestrial artifact as Rutledge claims.” He also noted “…that a joint mission insignia was not correctly depicted in Rutledge’s Apollo 20 videos.” Salla suggested that Rutledge was “…suggesting that there may have been [a] joint secret mission to discover more about the artifact depicted in the Apollo 15 photo, but that its actual name was not Apollo 20 which would have signified solely a US space mission.”

Scantamburlo also acknowledged the falsehoods in Rutledge’s account in an August 22, 2007 paper. He noted a YouTube user had identified the city on the Moon photo as being a composite of images from the Apollo 17 mission with the fake ruins added. Scantamburlo, like Salla, offered a mixed analysis of the Apollo 20 case. On one hand, he wrote: “…there is the slight possibility that the fake was fabricated on purpose to provide us with a clue in investigating a lunar anomaly.” Yet Scantamburlo added: “However I am aware that now the contradictions of the Apollo 20 case are too many to be simply mistakes made by inexperienced helpers who would live in Rwanda…”

But Scantamburlo then asked, “Is it possible that behind the William Rutledge’s identity [sic] there is an agent of some Secret service of a European country who is trying to push (or to drive) the US government to reveal what it knows about the possible extraterrestrial in the Solar System? Or is he a person in control of some shadow Government scheme to subject the public to a psychological and sociological test in the context of the unofficial and rumoured `Public accommodation program.”‘

To assess controversial issues, modern society draws upon the heritage of the Greeks, the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, and the Scientific Revolution. These include rules of evidence, procedures to test a hypothesis, and methods of limiting biases and errors. These are applied on a daily basis to settle scientific, historical, journalistic, and legal questions.

The process has three basic steps. The first is to determine what is required for the claim to be valid or false. The second is to determine what evidence is available regarding the claim. The third is to analyze the collected evidence, and decide what conclusions can be drawn regarding the claim’s validity or falsehood.

If Rutledge’s basic claim is true, the Apollo 20 mission should follow the patterns of the known Apollo flights. This would include the hardware, ground support facilities, and mission profile. Another requirement is that the use of Vandenberg as the launch site would keep the missions secret. If he is a hoaxer, the Apollo 20 mission profile would not match that of earlier flights, and his evidence would have inconsistencies, falsehoods, and errors. To see which best fits the available evidence, we need a little rocket science.

Launching a Saturn V from Vandenberg would require the existence of support facilities for the booster like those at the Kennedy Space Center. The Saturn V was the largest U.S. booster ever built. It stood 364 feet tall, consisted of three stages, and produced 7.5 million pounds of thrust at liftoff. The Saturn V was assembled inside the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB). When the VAB was built in the mid-1960s, it was the largest enclosed space on Earth. Once the Saturn V was assembled, it was moved from the VAB to the launch pad on the crawler-transporter. This vehicle is the size of a baseball infield and moves on eight caterpillar tracks. The launch pad is a large concrete mound rising above the Florida swampland. A large launch control center would be needed, and there would be supplies of liquid oxygen, kerosene, and liquid hydrogen to fuel the booster.

A possible option was that an existing launch pad, used for another large Air Force booster, was modified to support a Saturn V. The Titan IIID was the largest rocket being launched from Vandenberg in 1976. This consisted of a modified Titan II ballistic missile “core stage” with two solid fuel strapon rockets. (These were called “Stage 0″ and were on each side of the core stage.) The two strap-on boosters were ignited at lift-off and produced a total of 2.36 million pounds of thrust. After the stage 0 rockets burned out, the first stage engines ignited in flight. The rocket stood 155 feet tall. The core stage and the strap-on boosters were each ten feet in diameter.

The question then becomes what evidence is available that Saturn V support facilities existed at Vandenberg in the mid-1970s? The Saturn V and the Titan IIID had different configurations. The Saturn V had over three times the Titan IIID’s thrust and was more than twice as tall. The Saturn V’s first stage was also circular, was 33 feet in diameter, and had five F-1 engines. Four of the engines were arranged in a square, with the fifth in the center. All five engines ignited on lift-off. With the Titan IIID, only the two solid boosters are ignited at lift off. Because of the difference in thrust, engine arrangement, size, and other factors, the existing Titan IIID pad would have to have been completely rebuilt for use by a Saturn V booster.

No evidence exists that any facilities ever existed at Vandenberg that could have been used to launch a Saturn V. Such facilities would be distinctive, and their use would be apparent. They would take years to build and check out, and involve a large number of people.

Rutledge also claimed that while the Apollo 19 and 20 launches were seen, witnesses did not realize the boosters were Saturn Vs. For his claim to be valid, there could be no public or press access to Vandenberg, and the site would have needed a sufficient buffer zone so that the facilities, preparations, and launches would be hidden from public view. As a result, while outsiders were aware the launches occurred, they did not understand they were secret Apollo missions, and not regular satellite or ballistic missile test firings.

The evidence is that Vandenberg does not meet the security requirements for the claim to be valid. A public road runs by Vandenberg’s main gate, and the city of Lompoc is nearby. Even in the 1970s, reporters were allowed on the base to cover civilian satellite launches. Finally, a railroad line runs through the base itself and past many of the launch pads. On September 20, 1959, a passenger train carrying Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev passed through Vandenberg during his state visit to the U.S. The three nuclear-armed Atlas ballistic missiles at the base were clearly visible from the train. Given the access to the base, hiding a VAB, launch pad, and Saturn V booster would not have been possible.

Nor is it possible to ‘hide’ a Saturn V launch from Vandenberg. It would have been visible not only from Lompoc and other nearby cities, but throughout central and southern California. The sound of Saturn V launch, which was only exceeded by a nuclear explosion, would have caused Lompoc residents to realize this was not a Titan HID or ballistic missile launch.

Another requirement for Rutledge’s claim to be true would be that the Apollo 20 mission would meet the same requirements and limitations as the earlier flights, and share the same limitations as to hardware, duration, mission plans, and timing of events. The Apollo program completed six successful Moon landings between 1969 and 1972. The Command Module and Lunar Module were proven spacecraft, and there would be little time or need to make major modifications to the booster and spacecraft hardware, or to the Apollo mission profile, for the secret lunar missions.

There is ample evidence available that the Apollo 19 and 20 flights would have required fundamental changes in all aspects of their mission plans, compared to the other Apollo landing missions. The most basic difference is launch direction. The Apollo launches from Florida were to the east, so the rocket could take advantage of the Earth’s rotation to increase its payload. Also, both expended stages and malfunctioning rockets would fall into the Atlantic Ocean.

If an easterly launch from Vandenberg was made, the Saturn V would fly over the continental United States. The Saturn V’s first stage, called the “S-1C’” was 138 feet long, 33 feet in diameter, and had an empty weight of 370,000 pounds. After separating, it would break up during the reentry and debris would impact about 355 nautical miles down range. This would be along the Colorado River, on the border between California and Arizona. The falling SAC debris had the potential for causing deaths and injuries. Additionally, the reentry would be visible from the ground. The S-II second stage would impact off the U.S. east coast. Should a launch abort occur during the ascent, debris could potentially fall on cities and towns anywhere along this flight path.

To avoid such possibilities, launches from Vandenberg are made at azimuths between 158 degrees and 201 degrees (an arc from the south south west to the south west). This avoids passing over land, and results in the satellite entering a polar orbit. (A launch to the north would head toward the USSR.)

While these range limits avoid dropping debris on the American southwest, polar orbits have a payload penalty. The rocket cannot take advantage of the Earth’s easterly rotation. For a Saturn V polar orbit launch from Vandenberg, the maximum payload was calculated to be 40 metric tons. The smallest payload for the early Apollo Moon landings was 44 metric tons. This would rule out a Vandenberg launch. If the Saturn V had been launched due west, an azimuth of 270 degrees (which is outside the range limits), the payload penalty would be 13 metric tons, as the rocket would be going the opposite direction to the Earth’s rotation.

A little rocket science also allowed the landing time of the Apollo 20 LM on the Moon to be calculated. Apollo landings took place soon after sunrise. The low sun angle allowed the crew to spot the long shadows cast by obstacles. Therefore, the timing of all the mission events, from launch to the actual touchdown, was determined by the time the Sun was at the proper elevation at the landing site.

The video of the Apollo 20 launch on August 16, 1976 showed that it took place in daylight. Sunset at Vandenberg AFB on that date occurred at 7:49 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time (2:49 a.m. GMT on August 17). The Apollo 12 mission took 110 hours and 32 minutes from liftoff to the landing on the Moon. Using this as the maximum, the Apollo 20 landing at the alien mothership at the Izsak crater would have occurred no later than 5:22 p.m. GMT on August 21, 1976.

Sunrise at Izsak crater was calculated to have occurred at about 2:00 p.m. GMT on August 22; nearly a day after the maximum flight time. This is extremely poor mission planning. Rutledge and Leonov would have had to make a night landing on the Moon, with only starlight to illuminate the surface. (As the landirig site was on the far side of the Moon, there would have been no earthlight to provide illumination.)

If a morning landing was made, the crew would have had to spend a day or more waiting in orbit. This required additional hydrogen and oxygen for the fuel cells to generate electrical power, as well as food and other consumables. The claim that Rutledge and Leonov spent seven days on the lunar surface also required an additional 1,500 pounds of payload for the LM. A Saturn V launched into a polar orbit lacked the payload for even a normal landing mission.

The second hypothesis is that the Apollo 20 story is a hoax. For this to be valid, evidence would have to be found that the claims were false beyond that which could be explained by Rutledge’s age, faulty memory, and simple mistakes. Scantamburlo and Salla both noted various problems with the YouTube videos and images. The Saturn V launch video, for example, was from the Apollo 11 mission, but had been edited so it started with the rocket in flight, rather than lifting off the pad. This hid the views of the Florida swamps. Vandenberg has hilly terrain with brush and grasslands. An audio clip from the Apollo 15 mission was also used. Other video and photos were either faked outright or were altered. This includes the “flyover” video and the Moon ‘city’ photo. The ‘alien mothership’ itself appears to be a natural geological feature, such as a landslide.

Ironically, Salla’s two objections to Rutledge’s claims were flawed. Salla believed the Apollo 20 patch should have read ‘Apollo Soyuz’, to signify a joint mission. (Soyuz was the name of the Soviet spacecraft that the U.S. Apollo 18 docked with on the ASTP mission.) But since Apollo 20 did not involve a Soyuz spacecraft, the word ‘Soyuz’ would not have appeared on the patch. His other objection, that the aliens had forbidden landings on the Moon, has several problems. Using an unproven phenomenon, like remote viewing, as evidence about the reality of a disputed event is not valid.

In reaching a conclusion as to which of the two hypotheses is valid, one must rely on the available evidence. There is no evidence to support the Apollo 19 and 20 missions as real events. Without Saturn V facilities at Vandenberg, the booster could not be assembled, checked out, fueled, or launched. Without the ability to launch the booster, the whole Apollo 20 story is false on its face. There are also the issues of range safety, lost of payload capability, the landing time vs. sunrise time on the Moon and the added consumables the mission plan entailed. These indicate the claim is false in its details.

In contrast, the hoax hypothesis is supported by the evidence which Rutledge himself offered. The videos and stills were altered or outright forgeries. Assessing the accuracy or falsehood of a controversial theory is based on evidence that can withstand critical examination. In this case, the claims by Rutledge fail the test on numerous levels. This has implications beyond Apollo 20. Ufologists frequently complain that the scientific community is blindly refusing to accept their evidence. The Apollo 20 story implies the problem is not with the scientific community’s outlook, but rather that the UFO evidence lacks sufficient merit to be accepted.

Scantamburlo and Salla made only limited and informal analyses of Rutledge’s claims and evidence. Scantamburlo, for example, pointed to 1960s documents about Air Force interest in the Saturn V as representing “strong circumstantial evidence” that the story was true. These documents are not provided or quoted, nor do they indicate a Saturn V launch capability ever existed at Vandenberg.

The approach taken by both Scantamburlo and Salla in analyzing the Apollo 20 story does not reflect the procedures used by scholars to analyze controversial theories. They accepted the story immediately. In Salla’s case, this was based on his assessment of Scantamburlo’s work. He wrote that it “…demonstrates a sincere effort” to check out the story. Sincerity is not evidence. Both individuals made grandiose predictions that the Apollo 20 story would soon bring about “disclosure.” Very soon, however, they had to backtrack when the flaws, inconsistencies and falsehoods became clear.

Both Scantamburlo and Salla papered over these flaws by claiming they were deliberate falsehoods added to a true story. In short, they claim that obvious falsehoods prove the story is true, rather than a crude hoax. At best, this is wishful thinking. At worse, it is a rejection of the basic tenets of scholarship.

The question remains – who would produce such an extraordinarily elaborate (and expensive) hoax – and why? Please see the following video:


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The Apollo program

Info about Apollo space program and how heavily it was influenced by freemasons:

The Apollo program was rife with Masons; they were proud of being involved, and weren’t shy about advertising the fact.
Note how many of the astronauts themselves are Brother Masons: Edwin E. Aldrin, Jr.; L. Gordon Cooper, Jr.; Donn F. Eisle; Walter M. Schirra; Thomas P. Stafford; Edgar D. Mitchell, and Paul J. Weitz. Before his tragic death in a flash fire at Cape Kennedy on January 27, 1967, Virgil I. “Gus” Grissom was a Mason, too. Astronaut Gordon Cooper, during his epochal Gemini V spaceflight in August of 1965, carried with him an official Thirty-third Degree Jewel and a Scottish Rite flag. Via the lunar plaque, the Masonic ensignia and flag, and the Masonic astronauts themselves – Masonry already is in the space age. Can we doubt Freemasonry and its spiritual relevance to the modern era when even its material representatives have today made historic inroads into the infinite expanses of outer space?

Back then, Freemasonry wasn’t shy about admitting that the “Craft” is essentially a spiritual endeavor, either. In fact, right before Kleinknecht writes some bios on the Masonic astronauts (as well as Mason James Edwin Webb, the NASA administrator from 1961-68), he includes these words: “The mission of the Craft has always been one of salvation, but until now its field of endeavor was the individual and the bringing of him to the light. Masonry cannot think in these terms now. All men everywhere must hear our message or all men everywhere will perish” (ibid., pp. 15-16; my emphasis).

Kenneth S. Kleinknecht, by the way, was/is the brother of C. Fred Kleinknecht, 33°, Sovereign Grand Commander, The Supreme Council, 33° (Mother Council of the World), Southern Jurisdiction, USA, Washington.

Well, yes, as a matter of fact, we were indeed proud of the Masonic connections with the space program. As much as that seems to irritate the conspiracists.

Might as well let the other cat out of the bag. While he was on the Moon, Brother Aldrin claimed our lunar neighbor for the Masonic jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Texas. Aldrin was a member of Clear Lake Lodge # 1417 in Texas when he stepped onto the surface of the Moon. He carried a special deputation from the Grand Master to claim it as being in the territorial jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Texas.

In the wake of Aldrin’s Masonic space mission, the Grand Lodge of Texas formed Tranquility Lodge No. 2000, named after Tranquility Base, the location of Apollo 11’s landing. According to the lodge website,

On July 20, 1969, two American Astronauts landed on the moon of the planet Earth, in an area known as Mare Tranquilitatis , or “Sea of Tranquility”. One of those brave men was Brother Edwin Eugene (Buzz) Aldrin, Jr., a member of Clear Lake Lodge No. 1417, AF&AM, Seabrook, Texas. Brother Aldrin carried with him SPECIAL DEPUTATION of then Grand Master J. Guy Smith, constituting and appointing Brother Aldrin as Special Deputy of the Grand Master, granting unto him full power in the premises to represent the Grand Master as such and authorize him to claim Masonic Territorial Jurisdiction for The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Texas, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, on The Moon, and directed that he make due return of his acts. Brother Aldrin certified that the SPECIAL DEPUTATION was carried by him to the Moon on July 20, 1969.

Tranquility Lodge 2000 was Chartered by The Grand Lodge of Texas for the purpose of promoting, encouraging, conducting and fostering the principles of Freemasonry, and to assist in promoting the health, welfare, education and patriotism of children worldwide.

The Grand Lodge of Texas is the first Grand Lodge to have a Member step onto the Moon, Brother Buzz Aldrin, in 1969. Through this event, The Grand Lodge of Texas has Chartered Tranquility Lodge 2000 for the purpose providing Fraternal Assistance to Masonic Organizations and other worthy organizations who help make life better for all living on Earth.

Tranquility Lodge 2000 is based in Texas under auspices of The Grand Lodge of Texas until such time as the Lodge may hold its meetings on the Moon. Our meetings are held quarterly at various cities in Texas, with the annual meeting being held in Waco each July…

So, here’s to the three bravest men in the universe, Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins and the greatest moment in human history. It will never be equaled in my lifetime, not because men can’t achieve such things anymore, but because society has lost the vision to try. The most stirring human achievement we seem to able to muster up these days is Richard Branson assuring the world his Virgin Galactic space tourism program will be “carbon neutral.”

“Though thou exalt thyself as the eagle, and though thou set thy nest among the stars, thence will I bring thee down, saith the Lord.”

— Obadiah 4

The year was 1969. In what appeared to most eyes as the most monumental and technologically incredible feat in human history, man had walked on the moon. Blasting from earth into space, NASA’s Apollo 11 craft, carrying aloft three heroic astronauts, sat down on the moon’s dusty surface. A breathless and ecstatic audience numbering in the billions were glued to their TV sets and radios. Then, they heard those historic words from the astronauts,


Shortly thereafter, these same throngs of well-wishers saw Commander Neil Armstrong step out into the lunar environment and state the historic phrase, “One small step for man. One giant leap for mankind.”

A fitting and politically correct epitaph to a remarkable journey, was it not? A clarion call to global unity. No acknowledgement to the United States of America, the great nation that made it all possible… No thanks was given to suffering taxpayers whose dollars had paid for the nonessential, but propagandist, moon shot…

No, the Illuminati script called only for a nebulous acclaim for the human collective, of the “giant leap for mankind.” [An unexpectedly excellent lack of jingoistic nationalism and global unity of humankind – New Illuminati Ed]

True, a small replica of the… U.S. flag was dutifully carted off the Eagle lander and posted for all to see. But, then, a strange ritual of an entirely different sort… took place at Tranquility Base on the Moon. It was not beamed to the Earth via television, for this ritual was carefully crafted beforehand as a secret ceremony, to be hidden and seen only by the eyes of the adepts of the Illuminati and its Masonic fraternity.

Astronaut Neil Armstrong carefully took out his Masonic apron and held it up for the cameras over his space suit as if to cover his genitals area-the power center, or dynamo, of Luciferian energy in Masonic ritual. Today, a photograph of Armstrong holding his occult apron hangs on a wall at the House of the Temple, the sanctuary of the Scottish Rite, in Washington, D.C.

Astronaut Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin took this Masonic flag to the moon on Apollo 11 in 1969 and conducted a secret ritual.
Next, brother Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin, at the time a 32° Masonic initiate, planted on the moon’s surface the real flag intended for honor, the flag the Apollo 11 had carried in its storage compartment, the flag with the Scottish Rite’s emblem of deep and mysterious spirituality, the double headed eagle.

This, then, was the esoteric, but hidden and encoded meaning of the name “Eagle” for the lander. The cabalistic ritual script called for elevated man, initiated god-man, to “ride” the black phoenix bird, the “Eagle,” to glory, upward toward the sun. God-man was to make his nest among the stars which decorate the black-garbed night, amidst the day-time canopy of the blue sky (the blue lodge).

“Houston, we have a problem,” said actor Tom Hanks in the docudrama hit movie, Apollo 13. Indeed, they did. The Apollo 13 spacecraft was launched at exactly 13:13 military time, a bewitching moment. The official Apollo 13 emblem depicted the chariot and horses

And so, following their occultly prescribed pagan psychodrama ritual to the letter, the astronauts claimed the moon for their sovereign, whom they, the Masons, majestically address as The Great Architect of the Universe, known more simply as The Builder.

Just as Christopher Columbus, Hernando DeSoto, Ferdinand Magellan and all the great explorers had planted their flag and had claimed the land and territory they had discovered to be the legal possession of their respective monarch and country, the astronauts declared the celestial body of the Moon to be the property of their own noble and of his fiefdom… the Moon’s title is held by the high servant and potentate, the Sovereign Grand Commander, Supreme Mother Council, 33°.

Meanwhile, back on Earth, overseeing all, was Mr. Kenneth S. Kleinknecht, Manager for the Apollo Space Program.
This page 37 from Scottish Rite Journal (October 1994), the official publication of the Masonic Lodge, shows Kenneth Kleinknecht, 33°, NASA’s Apollo Program Manager, behind a featured display of Apollo 11 artifacts. The accompanying article discusses the Scottish Rite flag carried by Masonic astronaut “Buzz” Aldrin to the moon.
Mr. Kleinknecht, now retired, is a 33rd degree Mason and, not coincidentally, is the brother of C. Fred Kleinknecht, the current Sovereign Grand Commander and titular head of all Scottish Rite Masons throughout the world.

The incredible and unheralded saga of Apollo 11, the moonwalk by the astronauts, their bizarre occult ritual, and the ownership of the Moon by the Masonic Order, are among the many mind-boggling revelations found in my newest, two-hour video, “The Eagle has Landed!”-Magic, Alchemy, and The Illuminati Conquest of Outer Space (Available in VHS or DVD).

Perhaps the most astonishing discovery revealed in this video is the fact that NASA’s space program has from the start been founded on the principles of Masonic alchemy and the magic of the mystery religions of the ancients…

The earliest beginnings of the U.S. space program involved the secretive OSS/CIA project, Operation Paperclip, in which Nazi rocket scientists like Werner Von Braun were brought from war-torn Germany to America and given responsibility for development of space vehicles. The Freemasons were then put in charge of the newly created space agency, and magic and witchcraft were integrated and wedded with the newest advances in technology.

Crew of Apollo 13. Left to right: astronauts James Lovell, Jr.; Thomas Mattingly II (later replaced by John Swigert, Jr.wink emoticon and Fred Haise, Jr. In the foreground, at left is an octant, a navigation tool similar in shape to a Masonic compass, used aboard a ship in the year 1790. In the center is the Apollo 13 emblem, representing the Sun god who brings man light, and on the right is a Hindu astrolabe, written in the sanskrit language, which was used in ancient times to predict the position of celestial bodies.

Virtually everything that NASA does is permeated with magic and alchemy. Moreover, the real purpose of NASA is contained in another matrix, hidden from the public at large. This process involves the creation of… ritual magic enabling the Illuminati elite to acquire and accumulate power even as the mind-controlled and manipulated masses are pushed into ever increasing states of altered consciousness.

As occultist Antero Alli comments in his book, All Rites Reversed, “The most mysterious and fascinating areas of ritual work involve those triggering mechanisms producing altered states of consciousness.”

One is reminded also of the statement by Professor John Wu of Auburn University, “The truth is to know that everything is an illusion.”

In essence, the widely publicized successful flights and missions-and even the staggering tragedies such as the fate of the crews of the ill-fated Challenger and Columbia space shuttles-are masterfully scripted theatrical productions. It is all Grand Theater, hoodwink, in which some rather harmless rites are made public to deceive and charm the profane masses; while others, more sublime and evil, are concealed and known only to the elite.

Dr. Robert Anton Wilson, a well-known… rabid anti-Christian writer on occult magic and conspiracy, touches on this when he wryly remarks, “Theater is, and has always been, magic.”

It is time for the fog to be dispelled and the truth to become known about NASA, the U.S. space program, and the Illuminati.


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