Tag Archives: Moon

Apollo 20 & The Alien Mothership

Hi I have made post about this before, but maybe it’s time to open your eyes again on the subject. What else we have not been talked about? About the dark side of the Moon and other planets like Mars?

Here is previous post about this:

>> https://www.auricmedia.net/real-life-prometheus-mona-lisa-in-space/

Apollo 20 & The Alien Mothership

Beginning in April of 2007, an individual with the user name ‘retiredafb’ began posting a series of video clips on YouTube. These were described as from ‘Apollo 20′, a secret joint U.S./Soviet space mission in 1976 to examine a crashed UFO near the crater Izsak on the far side of the Moon. The Apollo 20 story offers a chance to examine the methodology and mindset of exopolitics advocates regarding evidence and its use in reaching conclusions.

The postings drew the attention of Italian journalist Lusa Scantamburlo, who conducted an on-line correspondence with ‘retiredafb’ over the spring and summer. Retiredafb said his real name was William Rutledge, and that he had been born in Belgium in 1930, emigrated to the U.S., and worked for the aircraft manufactories Avro and Chance Vought. He later worked for Bell Laboratories and the U.S. Air Force. Rutledge said that he had studied Soviet technology, such as the N1 Moon rocket, the ‘AJAX plane project’, and the ‘Mig Foxbat 25′. He said that he was skilled in computer navigation and had volunteered to be an astronaut for the Air Force’s Manned Orbiting Laboratory. This was a space station for reconnaissance missions, cancelled in 1969, and never flown. He was not selected and worked on the KH-11 reconnaissance satellite before retiring.

The Apollo 15 mission, according to Rutledge, photographed a crashed alien mothership on the far side of the Moon, which was never visible from Earth. The following year, the Apollo 17 mission also photographed the alien ship. Plans were made for two secret NASA/U.S. Air Force Space Command Apollo missions to examine it. These were Apollo 19 and 20, which were launched from Vandenberg AFB in California, rather than the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. (The Apollo 18 mission was the American half of the joint U.S./Soviet Apollo Soyuz Test Project (ASTP) flown in 1975.)

The Apollo 19 mission was to explore the roof of the spindle-shaped mothership by climbing the ‘Monaco hill’. Rutledge gave few details of the mission. He did not give a launch date, or the full crew list. Rutledge did say the name of the Apollo 19 Command Module (CM) was Endymion, while the LM was called Artemis. He also said that one of the crew was ‘Stephanie Eilis’, the first U.S. black woman in space. According to his account, Eilis was born in 1946 in the Ivory Coast and arrived in the U.S. at the age of seven months. She worked at Grumman on the Apollo Lunar Module (LM) navigation system. Rutledge also said that she was his girlfriend.

The Apollo 19 mission ended in tragedy. Rutledge said that telemetry was lost at the end of the engine burn to send the spacecraft to the Moon. The reason was not understood at the time, but Rutledge believed it was due to a collision with a ‘quasi-satellite’ or a meteor.

Despite the loss of the first mission, plans went ahead for Apollo 20. Rutledge was the mission commander; Lena Snyder, also from Bell Labs, was the CM pilot; while Alexei Leonov was the LM pilot. A Soviet cosmonaut, he was the first man to walk in space, and the commander of the Soyuz which docked with Apollo 18 during the ASTP mission. The Apollo 20 CSM was named Constellation, while the LM was Phoenix. The mission control was at Vandenberg rather than Houston. The call sign ‘Vandenberg’ was used in the audio posted on YouTube videos. Three hundred people were involved with preparing the Saturn V at Vandenberg. Why Rutledge, Snyder, and Eilis were selected for the Apollo 19 and 20 crews was not made clear. Rutledge said only that he had been picked because he did not believe in God.

The Apollo 20 launch was made from Vandenberg AFB on August 16, 1976. The launch was seen, but people did not know it was a Saturn V booster. The YouTube videos included shots of Snyder entering the capsule (with his back to the camera), the launch itself, video from the LM as it prepared to land, photos of the mothership from orbit, and surface photos of a city on the Moon. This was described by Rutledge as only debris, except for one building.

Rutledge and Leonov entered the alien ship and found “…many signs of biology… vegetation in the ‘motor’ section, special triangular rocks which emitted ‘tears’ of a yellow liquid which has some special medical properties, and of course signs of extra solar creatures.” Two alien bodies were still in the mothership – one was in very poor condition, while the other was an intact female body. Dubbed ‘Mona Lisa’, she was 1.65 meters tall. Unlike her earthly namesake, Rutledge said she had six fingers on her hands. ‘Piloting devices’ were attached to both her fingers and eyes, while two cables were on her nostrils. Rather than clothes, she was covered in a thin transparent protective layer. Rutledge commented that the body “seemed not dead not alive.” He and Leonov attached their biomedical sensors to her body, and telemetry was received by mission control.

In all, Rutledge said he and Leonov spent seven days on the Moon exploring the alien ship. This was about twice as long as the Apollo 15, 16, and 17 crews had each spent on the surface. Rutledge said that since 1990, he had lived in Rwanda under a false identity, and had not spoken English during that time, only Kinyarwanda and French.

Rutledge gave little explanation as to why he released the videos, saying only that it was because of “The wonder of it all”, and “2012 is coming soon”. As for the secrecy of the two Apollo missions, he claimed the reason was “not a problem of panic, but simply a problem of economy”. Rutledge said that all currencies on Earth are based on the value of gold, but exploding stars spread large amounts of gold in young star systems. “This means that it is the most common substance in the universe, no more value than a piece of plastic”.

Scantamburlo was impressed by Rutledge’s videos and information, calling them “coherent and plausible, and it shows a detailed knowledge of Aerospace history, of Geology, Chemistry and of Space exploration history….” He continued, “Waiting for the rest of Rutledge’s testimony, we should prepare ourself for the wait and new Copernican revolution: we are not alone in the Universe and, at last, historical and technical evidences are supporting it beyond any doubt.”

In attempting to support the claim that secret Apollo launches were made from Vandenberg AFB, Scantamburlo wrote that the Saturn V booster was listed in an April 19, 2006 Air Force report, and claimed that documents from the 1960s indicated Air Force interest in using the Saturn V booster. From this, he argued, “The fact that the Apollo 20 would have been launched from Vandenberg AFB, according to Rutledge’s testimony, is now supported by strong circumstantial evidence.”

Despite his comments, Scantamburlo did note a problem with the YouTube video of the Apollo 20 liftoff. This clip had an opening frame listing it as film of the Apollo 11 launch, made in July of 1969. Rutledge explained that he was no longer in Africa, and that the videos were being converted from analogue to digital by friends in Rwanda for uploading to YouTube. They apparently made a mistake.

Dr. Michael E. Salla, a leading figure in the exopolitics faction of ufology, wrote a commentary about the Apollo 20 videos on June 24, 2007. Dr. Salla was impressed by Scantamburlo’s work, saying his report “…demonstrates a sincere effort to verify a number of the details provided by Rutledge….’”

Salla also found inconsistencies in Rutledge’s account. One of these dealt with the Apollo 20 mission patch. Salla noted, “…the Apollo 20 insignia that is shown in a number of his films shows only the names of the three astronauts (Rutledge, Synder and Leonov) and the name of the Apollo mission. This is inconsistent with the 1975 insignia of the joint Apollo-Soyuz mission which had both the ‘Apollo’ and ‘Soyuz’, and the names of the three astronauts/cosmonauts on them.”

The second inconsistency was Ingo Swann’s account of his remote viewing of artifacts and aliens on the far side of the Moon for a “covert intelligence agency” in 1975. Salla wrote that, “Swann deduced from what he had been told that there was a concerted effort to gather intelligence using remote viewing since physical access to the moon had been curtailed.”

According to Swann, this was probably because the aliens had decided no further landings would be permitted. Salla continued that other whistleblowers had also indicated that this “…is the real reason why the Apollo moon landings were quietly terminated after the 1971 Apollo 17 mission.”

Salla noted that if Swann’s statements and conclusions were true, they would be inconsistent with a secret Apollo 20 landing on the Moon. This, combined with the Apollo 20 patch error, “…could lead to the conclusion that Rutledge’s testimony and videos are a sophisticated hoax to deceive the public.”

Yet having said this, Salla continued, “…Rutledge’s video evidence and testimony may be the final straw that breaks the camel’s back concerning UFO secrecy.” If Rutledge’s claims were proved to be true, and the inconsistencies were successfully explained, Salla predicted that, “…this will lead to an escalation of public disclosures. More officials will recognize that the secrecy system is imploding and will wish to be on the winning side of history as that part of the government that played a proactive role in preparing the public for disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence.”

The same was also true, Salla wrote, if the Apollo 20 story proved to be a hoax, as it may be “…an attempt to raise the public’s awareness of extraterrestrial life through partially valid information.” Salla concluded his commentary by writing: “I recommend considering Scantamburlo’s report due to the possibility that this is a genuine disclosure of a secret mission to investigate an ancient extraterrestrial mothership….”

Only four days later, Salla posted an update of the Apollo 20 commentary. Salla noted that the video of the ancient Moon city used a sound clip from the Apollo 15 mission. He initially wrote that this suggests that Rutledge’s story and videos were nothing more than an elaborate hoax, and that “…this discovery will suffice to dismiss the whole affair.” But he added, “However, this does raise the question of what the underlying agenda of Rutledge is in performing such an elaborate deception? Is it merely to disinform the public or to direct the public’s attention to something important?”

See original NASA Apollo 15 image @


Salla preferred the second option, noting that “…the natural starting point is the … Apollo 15 photo … That is a genuine photo and may depict an extraterrestrial artifact as Rutledge claims.” He also noted “…that a joint mission insignia was not correctly depicted in Rutledge’s Apollo 20 videos.” Salla suggested that Rutledge was “…suggesting that there may have been [a] joint secret mission to discover more about the artifact depicted in the Apollo 15 photo, but that its actual name was not Apollo 20 which would have signified solely a US space mission.”

Scantamburlo also acknowledged the falsehoods in Rutledge’s account in an August 22, 2007 paper. He noted a YouTube user had identified the city on the Moon photo as being a composite of images from the Apollo 17 mission with the fake ruins added. Scantamburlo, like Salla, offered a mixed analysis of the Apollo 20 case. On one hand, he wrote: “…there is the slight possibility that the fake was fabricated on purpose to provide us with a clue in investigating a lunar anomaly.” Yet Scantamburlo added: “However I am aware that now the contradictions of the Apollo 20 case are too many to be simply mistakes made by inexperienced helpers who would live in Rwanda…”

But Scantamburlo then asked, “Is it possible that behind the William Rutledge’s identity [sic] there is an agent of some Secret service of a European country who is trying to push (or to drive) the US government to reveal what it knows about the possible extraterrestrial in the Solar System? Or is he a person in control of some shadow Government scheme to subject the public to a psychological and sociological test in the context of the unofficial and rumoured `Public accommodation program.”‘

To assess controversial issues, modern society draws upon the heritage of the Greeks, the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, and the Scientific Revolution. These include rules of evidence, procedures to test a hypothesis, and methods of limiting biases and errors. These are applied on a daily basis to settle scientific, historical, journalistic, and legal questions.

The process has three basic steps. The first is to determine what is required for the claim to be valid or false. The second is to determine what evidence is available regarding the claim. The third is to analyze the collected evidence, and decide what conclusions can be drawn regarding the claim’s validity or falsehood.

If Rutledge’s basic claim is true, the Apollo 20 mission should follow the patterns of the known Apollo flights. This would include the hardware, ground support facilities, and mission profile. Another requirement is that the use of Vandenberg as the launch site would keep the missions secret. If he is a hoaxer, the Apollo 20 mission profile would not match that of earlier flights, and his evidence would have inconsistencies, falsehoods, and errors. To see which best fits the available evidence, we need a little rocket science.

Launching a Saturn V from Vandenberg would require the existence of support facilities for the booster like those at the Kennedy Space Center. The Saturn V was the largest U.S. booster ever built. It stood 364 feet tall, consisted of three stages, and produced 7.5 million pounds of thrust at liftoff. The Saturn V was assembled inside the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB). When the VAB was built in the mid-1960s, it was the largest enclosed space on Earth. Once the Saturn V was assembled, it was moved from the VAB to the launch pad on the crawler-transporter. This vehicle is the size of a baseball infield and moves on eight caterpillar tracks. The launch pad is a large concrete mound rising above the Florida swampland. A large launch control center would be needed, and there would be supplies of liquid oxygen, kerosene, and liquid hydrogen to fuel the booster.

A possible option was that an existing launch pad, used for another large Air Force booster, was modified to support a Saturn V. The Titan IIID was the largest rocket being launched from Vandenberg in 1976. This consisted of a modified Titan II ballistic missile “core stage” with two solid fuel strapon rockets. (These were called “Stage 0″ and were on each side of the core stage.) The two strap-on boosters were ignited at lift-off and produced a total of 2.36 million pounds of thrust. After the stage 0 rockets burned out, the first stage engines ignited in flight. The rocket stood 155 feet tall. The core stage and the strap-on boosters were each ten feet in diameter.

The question then becomes what evidence is available that Saturn V support facilities existed at Vandenberg in the mid-1970s? The Saturn V and the Titan IIID had different configurations. The Saturn V had over three times the Titan IIID’s thrust and was more than twice as tall. The Saturn V’s first stage was also circular, was 33 feet in diameter, and had five F-1 engines. Four of the engines were arranged in a square, with the fifth in the center. All five engines ignited on lift-off. With the Titan IIID, only the two solid boosters are ignited at lift off. Because of the difference in thrust, engine arrangement, size, and other factors, the existing Titan IIID pad would have to have been completely rebuilt for use by a Saturn V booster.

No evidence exists that any facilities ever existed at Vandenberg that could have been used to launch a Saturn V. Such facilities would be distinctive, and their use would be apparent. They would take years to build and check out, and involve a large number of people.

Rutledge also claimed that while the Apollo 19 and 20 launches were seen, witnesses did not realize the boosters were Saturn Vs. For his claim to be valid, there could be no public or press access to Vandenberg, and the site would have needed a sufficient buffer zone so that the facilities, preparations, and launches would be hidden from public view. As a result, while outsiders were aware the launches occurred, they did not understand they were secret Apollo missions, and not regular satellite or ballistic missile test firings.

The evidence is that Vandenberg does not meet the security requirements for the claim to be valid. A public road runs by Vandenberg’s main gate, and the city of Lompoc is nearby. Even in the 1970s, reporters were allowed on the base to cover civilian satellite launches. Finally, a railroad line runs through the base itself and past many of the launch pads. On September 20, 1959, a passenger train carrying Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev passed through Vandenberg during his state visit to the U.S. The three nuclear-armed Atlas ballistic missiles at the base were clearly visible from the train. Given the access to the base, hiding a VAB, launch pad, and Saturn V booster would not have been possible.

Nor is it possible to ‘hide’ a Saturn V launch from Vandenberg. It would have been visible not only from Lompoc and other nearby cities, but throughout central and southern California. The sound of Saturn V launch, which was only exceeded by a nuclear explosion, would have caused Lompoc residents to realize this was not a Titan HID or ballistic missile launch.

Another requirement for Rutledge’s claim to be true would be that the Apollo 20 mission would meet the same requirements and limitations as the earlier flights, and share the same limitations as to hardware, duration, mission plans, and timing of events. The Apollo program completed six successful Moon landings between 1969 and 1972. The Command Module and Lunar Module were proven spacecraft, and there would be little time or need to make major modifications to the booster and spacecraft hardware, or to the Apollo mission profile, for the secret lunar missions.

There is ample evidence available that the Apollo 19 and 20 flights would have required fundamental changes in all aspects of their mission plans, compared to the other Apollo landing missions. The most basic difference is launch direction. The Apollo launches from Florida were to the east, so the rocket could take advantage of the Earth’s rotation to increase its payload. Also, both expended stages and malfunctioning rockets would fall into the Atlantic Ocean.

If an easterly launch from Vandenberg was made, the Saturn V would fly over the continental United States. The Saturn V’s first stage, called the “S-1C’” was 138 feet long, 33 feet in diameter, and had an empty weight of 370,000 pounds. After separating, it would break up during the reentry and debris would impact about 355 nautical miles down range. This would be along the Colorado River, on the border between California and Arizona. The falling SAC debris had the potential for causing deaths and injuries. Additionally, the reentry would be visible from the ground. The S-II second stage would impact off the U.S. east coast. Should a launch abort occur during the ascent, debris could potentially fall on cities and towns anywhere along this flight path.

To avoid such possibilities, launches from Vandenberg are made at azimuths between 158 degrees and 201 degrees (an arc from the south south west to the south west). This avoids passing over land, and results in the satellite entering a polar orbit. (A launch to the north would head toward the USSR.)

While these range limits avoid dropping debris on the American southwest, polar orbits have a payload penalty. The rocket cannot take advantage of the Earth’s easterly rotation. For a Saturn V polar orbit launch from Vandenberg, the maximum payload was calculated to be 40 metric tons. The smallest payload for the early Apollo Moon landings was 44 metric tons. This would rule out a Vandenberg launch. If the Saturn V had been launched due west, an azimuth of 270 degrees (which is outside the range limits), the payload penalty would be 13 metric tons, as the rocket would be going the opposite direction to the Earth’s rotation.

A little rocket science also allowed the landing time of the Apollo 20 LM on the Moon to be calculated. Apollo landings took place soon after sunrise. The low sun angle allowed the crew to spot the long shadows cast by obstacles. Therefore, the timing of all the mission events, from launch to the actual touchdown, was determined by the time the Sun was at the proper elevation at the landing site.

The video of the Apollo 20 launch on August 16, 1976 showed that it took place in daylight. Sunset at Vandenberg AFB on that date occurred at 7:49 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time (2:49 a.m. GMT on August 17). The Apollo 12 mission took 110 hours and 32 minutes from liftoff to the landing on the Moon. Using this as the maximum, the Apollo 20 landing at the alien mothership at the Izsak crater would have occurred no later than 5:22 p.m. GMT on August 21, 1976.

Sunrise at Izsak crater was calculated to have occurred at about 2:00 p.m. GMT on August 22; nearly a day after the maximum flight time. This is extremely poor mission planning. Rutledge and Leonov would have had to make a night landing on the Moon, with only starlight to illuminate the surface. (As the landirig site was on the far side of the Moon, there would have been no earthlight to provide illumination.)

If a morning landing was made, the crew would have had to spend a day or more waiting in orbit. This required additional hydrogen and oxygen for the fuel cells to generate electrical power, as well as food and other consumables. The claim that Rutledge and Leonov spent seven days on the lunar surface also required an additional 1,500 pounds of payload for the LM. A Saturn V launched into a polar orbit lacked the payload for even a normal landing mission.

The second hypothesis is that the Apollo 20 story is a hoax. For this to be valid, evidence would have to be found that the claims were false beyond that which could be explained by Rutledge’s age, faulty memory, and simple mistakes. Scantamburlo and Salla both noted various problems with the YouTube videos and images. The Saturn V launch video, for example, was from the Apollo 11 mission, but had been edited so it started with the rocket in flight, rather than lifting off the pad. This hid the views of the Florida swamps. Vandenberg has hilly terrain with brush and grasslands. An audio clip from the Apollo 15 mission was also used. Other video and photos were either faked outright or were altered. This includes the “flyover” video and the Moon ‘city’ photo. The ‘alien mothership’ itself appears to be a natural geological feature, such as a landslide.

Ironically, Salla’s two objections to Rutledge’s claims were flawed. Salla believed the Apollo 20 patch should have read ‘Apollo Soyuz’, to signify a joint mission. (Soyuz was the name of the Soviet spacecraft that the U.S. Apollo 18 docked with on the ASTP mission.) But since Apollo 20 did not involve a Soyuz spacecraft, the word ‘Soyuz’ would not have appeared on the patch. His other objection, that the aliens had forbidden landings on the Moon, has several problems. Using an unproven phenomenon, like remote viewing, as evidence about the reality of a disputed event is not valid.

In reaching a conclusion as to which of the two hypotheses is valid, one must rely on the available evidence. There is no evidence to support the Apollo 19 and 20 missions as real events. Without Saturn V facilities at Vandenberg, the booster could not be assembled, checked out, fueled, or launched. Without the ability to launch the booster, the whole Apollo 20 story is false on its face. There are also the issues of range safety, lost of payload capability, the landing time vs. sunrise time on the Moon and the added consumables the mission plan entailed. These indicate the claim is false in its details.

In contrast, the hoax hypothesis is supported by the evidence which Rutledge himself offered. The videos and stills were altered or outright forgeries. Assessing the accuracy or falsehood of a controversial theory is based on evidence that can withstand critical examination. In this case, the claims by Rutledge fail the test on numerous levels. This has implications beyond Apollo 20. Ufologists frequently complain that the scientific community is blindly refusing to accept their evidence. The Apollo 20 story implies the problem is not with the scientific community’s outlook, but rather that the UFO evidence lacks sufficient merit to be accepted.

Scantamburlo and Salla made only limited and informal analyses of Rutledge’s claims and evidence. Scantamburlo, for example, pointed to 1960s documents about Air Force interest in the Saturn V as representing “strong circumstantial evidence” that the story was true. These documents are not provided or quoted, nor do they indicate a Saturn V launch capability ever existed at Vandenberg.

The approach taken by both Scantamburlo and Salla in analyzing the Apollo 20 story does not reflect the procedures used by scholars to analyze controversial theories. They accepted the story immediately. In Salla’s case, this was based on his assessment of Scantamburlo’s work. He wrote that it “…demonstrates a sincere effort” to check out the story. Sincerity is not evidence. Both individuals made grandiose predictions that the Apollo 20 story would soon bring about “disclosure.” Very soon, however, they had to backtrack when the flaws, inconsistencies and falsehoods became clear.

Both Scantamburlo and Salla papered over these flaws by claiming they were deliberate falsehoods added to a true story. In short, they claim that obvious falsehoods prove the story is true, rather than a crude hoax. At best, this is wishful thinking. At worse, it is a rejection of the basic tenets of scholarship.

The question remains – who would produce such an extraordinarily elaborate (and expensive) hoax – and why? Please see the following video:


Read more from Auricmedia:


Space Agency: Phobos Is Artificial

Hello folks! I have studied this before in my previous post and I thought it would be nice to bring the idea of artificial and hollow Phobos moon back to life.

Here’s the previous post:

>> https://www.auricmedia.net/scientist-claims-mars-moon-phobos-is-hollow-and-artificial/

And here’s something new, but unfortunately no real answears:

The prestigious European Space Agency has declared Phobos, the mysterious Martian moon, to be artifical. At least one-third of it is hollow and it’s origin is not natural, but alien in nature. The ESA is Europe’s counterpart to NASA. Could this revelation motivate NASA to release the secrets it’s harboring? Don’t count on it

Proven right: Dr. Iosif Samuilovich Shklovsky

Phobos first believed artificial by famous astrophysicist

Astrophysicist Dr. Iosif Samuilovich Shklovsky first calculated the orbital motion of the Martian satellite Phobos. He came to the inescapable conclusion that the moon is artificial and hollow–basically a titanic spaceship.

The Russian astronomer, Dr. Cherman Struve, spent months calculating the two Martian moons’ orbits with extreme accuracy during the early 20th Century. Studying the astronomer’s notes, Shklovsky realized as the years progressed into decades Phobos’s orbital velocity and position no longer matched Struve’s mathematically predicted position.

After lengthy study of the tidal, gravitic, and magnetic forces, Shklovsky came to the firm conclusion that no natural causes could account for the origins of the two odd moons or their bizarre behavior, particularly that exhibited by Phobos.

The moons were artificial. Someone or something built them.

How Mars appeared many millions of years ago

During an interview about the mysterious Martian moon Shklovsky explained: “There’s only one way in which the requirements of coherence, constancy of shape of Phobos, and its extremely small average density can be reconciled. We must assume that Phobos is a hollow, empty body, resembling an empty tin can.”

For decades most of mainstream science ignored Shklovsky’s breakthrough work, until the ESA began to take a closer look at the odd little moon.

ESA study declares Phobos not natural

The ESA study abstract that appeared in the peer-reviewed Geophysical Research Letters reveals that Phobos is not what many astrophysicists and astronomers believed for generations: a captured asteroid.

“We report independent results from two subgroups of the Mars Express Radio Science (MaRS) team who independently analyzed Mars Express (MEX) radio tracking data for the purpose of determining consistently the gravitational attraction of the moon Phobos on the MEX spacecraft, and hence the mass of Phobos. New values for the gravitational parameter (GM=0.7127 ± 0.0021 x 10-³ km³/s²) and density of Phobos (1876 ± 20 kg/m³) provide meaningful new constraints on the corresponding range of the body’s porosity (30% ± 5%), provide a basis for improved interpretation of the internal structure. We conclude that the interior of Phobos likely contains large voids. When applied to various hypotheses bearing on the origin of Phobos, these results are inconsistent with the proposition that Phobos is a captured asteroid.”

Casey Kazan writes in ESA: Mars Moon Phobos ‘Artificial,’ that “the official ESA Phobos website contained explicit scientific data, from multiple perspectives, which strongly ‘supported the idea that this is what radar echoes would look like, coming back from inside ‘a hugegeometric hollow spaceship’. In fact, they were the primary source of the decidedly ‘internal, 3-D geometric-looking’ radar signature. The concurrence of all three of these independent Mars Express experiments- ‘imaging,’ ‘internal mass distribution,’ (tracking) and ‘internal radar imaging’ now agreed that ‘the interior of Phobos’ is partially hollow with internal, geometric ‘voids’ inside it.’ Meaning that Phobos is artificial.”

In other words, phobos is not a natural satellite, is not a “captured asteroid,” and is hollow. This is exactly what Dr. Shklovsky found back in the 1960s.

Phobos was artificially constructed and placed into Martian orbit by…what?

Phobos: what is it?

Data reveals Phobos is not natural. As of now there isn’t enough information to discover exactly what the Martian moon is, but there are several intriguing possibilities.

1. It’s a gigantic spaceship possibly built as an orbiting station or space observatory.

2. It’s a generation starship that arrived from another star system and was placed in parking orbit around Mars.

3. It was being built in Mars orbit for insterstellar travel but was never completed.

A fourth possibility is more ominous and deeply disturbing.

4. It is a functional (or non-functional) gargantuan planet-killing space bomb, perhaps left over from some interplanetary space conflict millions of years in the past. (Some researchers are actually proposing this hypothesis.)

Alien ship, superbomb, or uncompleted project?

Whatever Phobos actually is its origin and purpose are completely unknown.


Read more from Auricmedia:


Who Built the Moon? Interview with Christopher Knight

Interesting theory how the moon was built and why it was built:

Christopher Knight’s first book ‘The Hiram Key”, which he co-authored with Robert Lomas was published in 1996.

Quickly becoming a best seller, The Hiram Key was acclaimed a classic in the field of alternative history, going on to influence a generation of researchers among them The Da Vinci Code’s Dan Brown.

In the last ten years Knight has written six books, four with Robert Lomas and two, including his latest Who Built the Moon?, with Alan Butler. In Who Built the Moon?, Knight and Butler raise some fascinating and challenging questions, foremost: Could it be that the Moon is artificial? Could it even be hollow? And does the Moon really exist through some happy accident, or is a blueprint apparent – and if so, who was the architect?New Dawn recently spoke with Christopher Knight about his controversial book and his astonishing conclusions.

NEW DAWN: All of mankind’s visits to the Moon have not answered some of the most basic questions about its origin and importance. Your new book Who Built the Moon? (co-authored with Alan Butler) brings to light some extraordinary facts about the Moon, and comes to a mind-blowing conclusion about its origin. Could you briefly outline some of these little known and ignored facts?
CHRISTOPHER KNIGHT: The Moon sits very close to the Earth yet it is widely regarded as the strangest object in the known universe. It is a bit like knowing that every person in the world is completely normal except the person you live next door to, who has three heads and lives on a diet of broken razor blades.
The book lists the strangeness of the Moon, which includes the fact that it does not have a solid core like every other planetary object. It is either hollow or has a very low-density interior. Bizarrely, its concentration of mass are located at a series of points just under its surface – which caused havoc with early lunar spacecraft. The material the Moon is made from came from the outer surface of the Earth and left a shallow hole that filled with water and we now call the Pacific. This rock left the Earth to produce the Moon very quickly after our planet had formed around 4,6 billion years ago.
The Moon is not only extremely odd in its construction; it also behaves in a way that is nothing less than miraculous. It is exactly four hundred times smaller than the Sun but four hundred times closer to the Earth so that both the Sun and the Moon appear to be precisely the same size in the sky – which gives us the phenomenon we call a total eclipse. Whilst we take this for granted it has been called the biggest coincidence in the universe.

Furthermore, the Moon mirrors the movement of the Sun in the sky by rising and setting at the same point on the horizon as the Sun does at opposite solstices. For example, this means the Moon rises at midwinter at the same place the Sun does at midsummer. There is no logical reason why the Moon mimics the Sun in this way and it is only meaningful to a human standing on the Earth

ND: What led you to write Who Built the Moon? And does this latest book relate to your earlier research when writing Civilization One and Uriel’s Machine?
CK: All of the six books I have had published over the last ten years are part of a continued single piece of research. I came to write Who Built the Moon?with Alan Butler after we had finished Civilization One, because our research led us to study the Moon very closely.
We had found that the superbly advanced measuring system in use over 5,000 years ago was based on the mass, dimensions and movements of the Earth.
However, for thoroughness we checked every planet and moon in the solar system to see if there was any pattern. Amazingly, it worked perfectly for every aspect of the Moon but did not apply at all to any other known body – except the Sun.

It was as though we had found a blueprint where the Moon had been ‘manufactured’ using very specific units taken from Earth’s relationship with the Sun. The more we looked, everything fitted – and fitted perfectly in every conceivable way.

ND: Most astoundingly, you found that an ancient system of geometry and measurement used in the Stone Age works perfectly on the Moon. What exactly is this system and how could the ancients have attained this knowledge?
CK: It is not possible to describe the greatness of this ancient system of geometry and measurement without repeating the content of Civilization One.
The work of Alexander Thom, a brilliant professor of engineering from Oxford University, was our starting point. He identified the existence of what he called the Megalithic Yard. This was a precise unit of measurement that was the basis of late Stone Age structures across Western Europe – such as Stonehenge. Most archaeologists have written his work off as a mistake but when one looks coldly at their objections they are baseless.
Alan and I were able to show how they made these highly precise linear units based on the rotation of the Earth and how they were also the basis of all time, capacity and weight units in use today. Once again these are exact – not approximations or close fits.
Where the ancients got such knowledge is quite baffling. All we can be certain of is that they were way ahead of us today! It’s easy to check out by anyone with a calculator.
ND: Your conclusion is there are more than enough anomalies about the Moon to suggest it is not a naturally occurring body and was quite possibly engineered to sustain life on Earth. How did you reach this conclusion?
CK: Not only is the Moon an apparently impossible object, it has some unique benefits for us humans. It has been nothing less than an incubator for life. If the Moon was not exactly the size, mass and distance that it has been at each stage of the Earth’s evolution – there would be no intelligent life here. Scientists are agreed that we owe everything to the Moon.
It acts as a stabiliser that holds our planet at just the right angle to produce the seasons and keep water liquid across most of the planet. Without our Moon the Earth would be as dead and solid as Venus.
ND: If the Moon is an artificial construct, what are your theories on who or what built it, and why?
CK: In Who Built the Moon? we explain that we could not come to any other conclusion than the Moon is artificial. Because it is certain that it is 4.6 billion years old that raises some interesting points. Another factor was the obvious message that has been built into the Moon to tell us it’s artificial. The language of the message is base ten arithmetic so it looks as though it is directed to a ten digit species that is living on Earth right now – which seems to mean humans.
The question of why the Moon had to be built is easy to answer: To produce all life, especially humans. As to who did it – well that’s a lot tougher! We give the three possibilities we can think of, namely: God, aliens or humans. The only one of these that is 100% scientifically possible is the last one. Time travel is universally accepted as being physically possible and a number of scientists are close to sending matter back in time. We can envisage that machines could be built in the future that could be sent back to remove matter from the young Earth to construct the Moon – probably using mini black hole technology.

Read more from Auricmedia:



Interesting stuff… don’t step in to the Light… hmmm:


“Religion is what keeps the poor man from murdering the rich.” — Napolean

Krishna with sun haloBuddha sun haloIslamJesus with sun halo

Who are we? Where did we come from? Why are we here? What is the meaning of life? Where do we go when we die? These are the primary questions we all ask as human beings. We wake up one day on this planet as helpless babies raised as children by our parents. Everything we know is pretty much taught to us by our mothers and fathers and the conditioning of society/culture as a whole.

CREATIONISM — Under this scenario “God” created us. This is the view/teachings of the major religions such as Christianity. In this scenario we will go to either heaven or hell (and in some cases pergatory) when we die. Or in the case of Hinduism and Buddhism we will reincarnate over and over again until we attain perfection or nirvana and then we will graduate from this earthly plane. Religion was designed to control the masses through hope and fear. ALL MAJOR RELIGIONS WERE GIVEN TO HUMANITY BY PRINCES OF THE ELITE ROYAL FAMILIES OR NOBILITY. Notice how the religious messiahs are often depicted with the golden halo of the sun.

Krishan halo
The teachings of Hinduism are largely based upon Lord Krishna who was a prince, the eighth son born to the princess Devaki. Krishna married Rukmini, the Vidarbha princess. In the epic holy writing the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna convinces the hero, Arjuna, on the battlefield why fighting the war against his own family with full dedication is just.

In his groundbreaking book “The Gods of Eden” William Bramley explains how the caste system came into being:

“Somewhere between 1500 B.C. (the time of Thutmose in in Egypt) and 1200 B.C. (the time of Moses), the Indian subcontinent was invaded from the northwest by tribes of people known as “Aryans.” The Aryans made themselves India’s new ruling class and forced the native Indians into a servient status.

Precisely who the Aryans were and exactly where they came from is a puzzle still debated today. Historians have generally used the word “Aryan” to denote those peoples who spoke the Indo-European languages, which include English, German, Latin, Greek, Russian, Persian, and Sanskrit…”

“… The Aryans invaded India just before monotheism was created in the Brotherhood, but at a time when the Brotherhood had already begun sending out missionaries – and conquerors. In India, the Aryan conquerers established a complex religious and feudal system known today as “Hinduism.” Hinduism proved to be yet another branch of the Brotherhood network. Some Brotherhood organizations in the Middle East and Egypt maintained close ties with the Aryan leaders in India and frequently sent students to be educated by them. Because of the Aryan invasion, India became an important world center of Brotherhood network activity and remains so today. The Aryan leaders of India claimed obedience to the same type of space age Custodial “gods” found in Mesopotamia and Egypt. Many of the humanlike “gods” worshipped by the Aryans were called “Asura.” Hymns and devotions to the Asura are found in a large collection of Hindu writings known as the Vedas…”

“… If accurate, these and other translations of the Vedas give us humanlike “gods” centuries ago who cavorted in whizzing spaceships, engaged in aerial dogfights, and possessed ffatal beam weapons.

As in Mesopotamia and Egypt, many Hindu gods were obvious fabrications and the apparently real “gods” had an enormous mythology woven about them. Behind the blatant fictions, however, we find important clues regarding the character of mankind’s Custodial rulers.- Hindu writings indicate that people of diverse races and personalities made up the Custodial society, just as they do human society. For example, some “gods” were portrayed with blue skin. Others displayed a kinder and more benevolent attitude toward human beings than others. By the time of the Aryan invasion, however, the oppressive ones were clearly the dominant ones. This was evident in the social system imposed on India by the Aryans. That system was unmistakably designed to create human spiritual bondage. As elsewhere, this bondage was partially accomplished by giving spiritual truths a false twist. The result in India was a feudalistic institution known as the “caste” system. The Aryan caste system dictates that every person is born into the social and occupational class (caste) of the father. An individual may never leave that caste, regardless of the individual’s talent or personality. Each stratum has its own trades, customs, and rituals. Members of the lowest caste,who are known as “outcasts” or “untouchables,” usually perform menial work and live in abject poverty. Untouchables are shunned by the higher classes. The highest castes are the rulers and Brahman priests. During the Aryan invasion, and for a long time thereafter, the highest castes were composed of, naturally, the Aryans themselves. The caste system is still practiced in India today, although it is no longer quite as rigid as it once was and the plight of the untouchables has been eased somewhat. In northern and some parts of western India, the lighter-skinned Indians who descended from the original Aryan invaders continue to dominate the upper castes.

Force and economic pressures were the initial tools used by the Aryan invaders to preserve the caste system. By the 6th century B.C., distorted religious beliefs emerged as a third significant tool.

The Hindu religion contains the truth that a spiritual being does not perish with the body. Hinduism teaches that upon the death of the body, a spiritual being will usually search out and animate a newly-born body. This process is often called “reincarnation” and results in the phenomenon of so-called “past lives.” Many people are capable of recalling “past lives,” sometimes in remarkable detail.

Evidence accumulated from modern research into the phenomenon of “past lives” indicates that highly random factors usually determine which new body a spiritual being takes on. Such factors may include a person’s location at the time of death and the proximity of new bodies (pregnancies). Whether a person chooses a male or female body may depend upon how happy she or he was in the life just ended. Because of these variables, the taking of a new body by a spiritual being is a largely random and unpredictable activity in which sheer chance often plays a role. The Aryan religion distorted an understanding of this simple process by teaching the erroneous idea that rebirth (“reincarnation”) is governed by an unalterable universal law which dictates that every rebirth is an evolutionary step either toward or away from spiritual perfection and liberation. Each Hindu caste was said to be a step on this cosmic staircase. If people behaved according to the laws and duties of their caste, they were told that they would advance to the next higher caste at their next rebirth. If they failed in their duties, they would be born into a lower stratum. Spiritual perfection and freedom were achieved only when a person finally reached the highest caste: the Brahmans. Conversely, the caste into which a person was born was considered an indication of that person’s spiritual development, and that alone justified whatever treatment the person received.

The purpose of such teachings is clear. The caste system was designed to create a rigid feudalistic social order similar to the one created in Egypt under the pharaohs, but carried to an even greater extreme in India.

Hindu reincarnation beliefs accomplished two other Custodial aims. Hinduism stressed that obedience was the principle ingredient bringing about advancement to the next caste. At the same time, Aryan beliefs discouraged people from making pragmatic attempts at spiritual recovery. The myth of spiritual evolution through a caste system hid the reality that spiritual recovery most probably comes about in the same way that nearly all personal improvement occurs: through personal conscious effort, not through the machinations of a fictitious cosmic ladder.”


Buddha with sun halo

Buddhism was given to us by Gautama Buddha or Siddhartha Gautama Buddha. Siddhartha was born in a royal Hindu Kshatriya family. According to the most traditional biography the Buddha’s father was King Suddhodana. His mother, Queen Maha Maya (Mayadevi) and Suddhodana’s wife, was a Koliyan princess. Siddhartha is then said to have spent 29 years as a prince in Kapilavastu and had three palaces. He taught that suffering was part of life and that one should suppress desires. He outlined what is the “right” way to think and behave.

Judaism was given to us from Moses, their most important prophet, via the first five books of the old testament, the Torah, which was said to be written by him and the ten commandments which God supposedly gave to him while on Mount Sinai. He then went on to lay down countless laws in the book of Deuteronomy which were interpreted by the priests and overrode those of the kings. According to Exodus 2 Moses was conveniently said to have been found in a reed basket in the Nile river by the princess daughter of the Pharoah and adopted by the egyptian royal family and raised in the court of Pharoah so Moses was treated as an egyptian prince. Dreamworks Pictures even made a famous animated movie based on this named The Prince of Egypt starring Val Kilmer as Moses. Moses’ name is similar to that particular dynasty (Ah-mose, Thut-most, Kah-mose, etc.).

Turkey flag

Muhammad, the founder of Islam, was the son of the most noble family in Arabia of Banu Hashim and married a wealthy businesswoman from a very prominent family of an elite tribe named Khadijah who was given the title Amirat-Quraysh, Princess of Quraysh. The royal family of Jordan and the Moroccan royal families claim descent from Muhammad, the founder of the muslim faith. (The Arab kings of Seville married into the royal families of Castile and Portugal, which married other European royal families?) The Hashemite royal family of Jordan are direct descendants of the Prophet through his daughter Fatima and her husband Ali bin Abi Talib. From United Press International
October 10, 1986 article entitled MOSLEMS IN BUCKINGHAM PALACE: “Mixed in with Queen Elizabeth’s blue blood is the blood of the Moslem prophet Mohammed, according to Burke’s Peerage, the genealogical guide to royalty. Brooks-Baker said the British royal family is descended from Mohammed through the Arab kings of Seville, who once ruled Spain. By marriage, their blood passed to the European kings of Portugal and Castille, and through them to England’s 15th century King Edward IV.”

Jesus sun haloVirgin Mary standing on moon

Christianity was based upon the life and teachings of Jesus. Jesus was in the line of King David and was the source for the controversial books Holy Blood, Holy Grail and The Da Vinci Code. We can also see how much power the royal family had in the creation of Christianity in the very fact that Emperor Constantine, a murderer, officially made it the state religion. Also, King James commissioned the translation of the King James Bible. There are even two books in the Old Testament named Kings and Kings II. So as you see, Christianity and the Bible was very much rooted in politics. In fact, councils were held to decide which books to include and exclude from the Bible.

As a small group of people with enormous wealth and power, the easiest way to control the masses and prevent them from revolting and taking all that gold and power from them was to placate them and promise them eternal life for being good and doing good works and playing on the fears by scaring them with an eternal hell if they don’t behave. They were instructed to turn the other cheek and forgive others for their sins lest they be judged. The meek shall inherit the earth.

Why wouldn’t a God reveal himself to humanity all at once telepathically by appearing in the sky? Why appear in a localized manner and give conflicting messages throughout time to different racial groups? This is surely a recipe for diaster. Of course, this is by design by the ruling elite in order to divide and conquer. War is a very profitable business for them. It is also quite a convenient excuse to justify their actions. It is quite easy to get the backing of a populace if you can convince them it is God’s will. This has resulted in countless holy wars when the real reasons are to plunder nations for natural resources such as gold, oil and drugs, if not secretly engaging in a sacrificial rite.

Religion and using its books as a propaganda tool are a clever means to control the population. If the people believe that an event, such as armageddon, is God’s will then they will do nothing to stop it. They will not fight back, but allow the “prophesied” event to occur. Has turning the other cheek and loving your neighbors ever worked? Cultures who practice unconditional peace and love set themselves up as doormats for warfaring tribes.

And then you have the question of who created God? Where did God come from? If your answer is that God has always existed then the same thing can be said about the universe itself. God just seems to be a catchall phrase for what we don’t know or understand. No proof for God exists apart from humans who have had “visions” or heard God “speak” to them. So it thus becomes a personal matter of experience or belief. Faith by its very definition is belief in something that can’t be proven or measured.

“Religion is what keeps the poor man from murdering the rich.” — Napolean, Emporor of France (quoted from Robert Byrne, 1,911 Best Things Anybody Ever Said, 1988).

“Religion is the opiate of the masses.” — Karl Marx.

“If I had to choose a religion, the sun as the universal giver of life would be my god” — Napolean

Pope Leo X has been incorrectly attributed with the following quote: “What profit has not that fable of Christ brought us!” These books are nothing more than propaganda given to us by the elite themselves. Much of this has come to light recently in the latest research in the books by Ralph Ellis who relates evidence that Moses and Jesus were pharoahs.

Caesars Messiah book

In fact, the smoking gun may just have been found by Joseph Atwill author of “Caesar’s Messiah: The Roman Conspiracy To Invent Jesus” where Joseph outlines the series of events in Jesus’ ministry that are parallels with the events of the battle campaign of Titus Flavius as recorded by Josephus Flavius in “War of the Jews”. Numerous scholars had noticed the parallels between the Gospels and Josephus’ work before, but Atwill is the first to notice that all the parallels take place in exact sequence and use the names and exploits of Caesar’s family for characters and events in the New Testament. Also the Calpurnius Piso/Flavian dynasty whom Caesar was inlaw of was detailed in the book “The True Authorship of the New Testament” by Abelard Reuchlin.

Researcher Ralph Ellis has further shown in his trilogy of books that Jesus was the great grandson of Queen Cleopatra and was actually the king of Edessa, King Izas Manu. Jesus-Izas fulfills the prophecy that the messiah would be named Emmanuel as predicted in the Old Testament in the Book of Isiah and in the hymn “O Come O Come Emmanuel” in that Emmanuel was said to be translated as “God is with us”. God in ancient texts was called El so Em-Manu-El could allude to “God” Manu.

At any rate even the Bible admits that Jesus is from the line of King David and was mocked by the Roman soldier as “King of the Jews”.

As an aside it is interesting to note a homophone for “god” is “gaud” whose original, archaic meaning is a trick or deceit.

Jordan Maxwell has revealed that Christianity and all of the other major world religions are, in fact, descended from earlier solar, lunar and stellar cults, and represent the sun. In his book That Old Time Religion and his video series The Naked Truth, he explains since no one on earth can claim ownership of the sun, it must be “God’s sun“. Since it provides daylight, the sun of God is the “light of the world“. Ancient man feared the cold, dark conditions of the night and waited each morning for “the risen sun“. Without the energy which the sun sacrifices to sustain life on earth, we would die so it was said that the sun was “our saviour” and “sacrifices his life for us” so that mankind can have “everlasting life” on earth.

Jordan continues to explain how in Egypt, the sun was known as Horus and at daybreak Horus had risen on the horizon (Horus-risen) and was said to be “born again“. When the sun died at night, we were ruled by the “Prince of Darkness” whom the Egyptians called “Set” because God’s sun had “Set” at “sun-SET“. When the sun died, it was said to wear a “crown of thorns” or a corona. The sun is said to begin its ministry at the age of 30 because it enters each house of the zodiac at the 30th degree and is said to die at 33 because it exits at the 33rd degree. He further explains how you can draw a cross over the circle of the sun, dividing it into the four seasons comprised of two solstices and two equinoxes, which is why you can look at the cross on top of most churches even today and see a circle over the top of it. “God’s sun” is on “the cross”.

To quote Jordan, “On December 22, the sun going south, reaches its lowest point in the sky (our winter solstice). At that lowest point, the sun stops moving on the sundial for three days, Dec. 22, 23, & 24th, in the Southern Constellation known as “The Southern Cross”. Hence, our Savior (dead for three days) died on the cross. … The “Southern Cross Constellation”, that is. This is the only time in the year that the sun actually stops its movement in our sky. On the morning of December 25th, the sun begins its annual journey back to us in the northern hemisphere, bringing, of course, our spring. Therefore, on December 25th, our sun is “BORN AGAIN”. And to this day, his worshippers still celebrate his birthday!

book Suns of God

Jordan claims the Bible is astrotheology. In the age of Taurus, the altars were made in the image of a golden calf. In the age of Aries, rams were sacrificed. In the age of Pisces the fish, Christians used the symbol of the fish to signify themselves as believers. In Revelations, a book purported to prognosticate future events, a man bearing a pitcher of water is mentioned. That is the sign of Aquarius which is the sign we are currently entering. The days of our week relate to Gods and their planets. Saturday is Saturn’s day, Sunday is the Sun’s day, and Monday is the Moon’s day. Did you catch that? Sunday, the day when Christians go to church to worship God, is SUNday!

recycle symbolwater cycleinfinity symbolmoebius strip

REINCARNATION (EARTH AS A SCHOOL) — This belief teaches that we reincarnate over and over again in order to learn lessons and once all our karma has been overcome we can graduate from this earthly plane onto a higher dimension. As one of tenets of the major religions of Hinduism and Buddhism, believers are taught that their reward will be given to them in their next lifetime in the form of karma. If reinarnation is true then why don’t we remember the reason we are being punished for? How can we possibly learn from our mistakes if we can’t correlate events of this present life with mistakes we made in a previous one? How can we know what we are being rewarded for? And it seems there are much better teaching mechanisms. When we go to school we are able to learn from text books and from spoken instruction. Yes, there are experiential labs especially in the sciences which could equate to life here. Also if lessons learned are stored in our soul’s character or our subconcious memory, then why can’t the data or knowledge just be transferred directly and save us all the trouble? And why is the process so slow and painful? We could learn lessons without going through so much difficulty, it would seem. If, as most eastern religions teach, we are part of the infinite all, then why limit ourselves like this? Are we that bored? Why couldn’t we cycle through a temporary forgetting of sorts to make experiences still seem fresh and exciting without the dull, tedious boredom which could come with knowing everything. It would be like being able to hit a hole in one on every single hole in golf. There would be no challenge and would become boring. I get that, but why go to the other extreme where there are wars, people being tortured, and children starving? Are they being taught lessons too, and isn’t there any other possible way that would be more humane? Surely an all-knowing, all-loving, all-powerful God could find a better way. Then there is the not so small matter of increasing population. Where do all the new souls come from? Are they reincarnating on a more frequent basis? Are souls being fragmented so that they live multiple lives at once? Many eastern religions teach that god is an energy that flows through everything and that we are all one and have forgotten our true divinity so we need to return to the source that is god.

Evolution to robot

EVOLUTION – This theory is widely believed by most scientists and is based on Charles Darwin’s Origin of the Species. It is the prevailing theory taught in schools today. It posits that man evolved from monkeys based on the similar DNA and appearances.

evolution monkey to alien

INTERVENTIONISM – This recently emerging ancient astronaut theory claims that an avanced alien race of beings intervened in the evolutionary process on earth and created humans by merging their own DNA with that of the evolving primitive man. It is a marriage of both evolution and creationism. There would be no need to find the missing link since there needn’t be one. The theory’s main evidence is the translation by Zecharia Sitchin of sumerian texts and supported by all the ancient out of place artifacts that have been found and mysteries such as who built the great monolithic structures.

book The 12th Planet


Who Built the Moon? Interview with Christopher Knight

Here is some information about that could the Moon be artificial:

Who Built the Moon? Interview with Christopher Knight

Christopher Knight’s first book ‘The Hiram Key”, which he co-authored with Robert Lomas was published in 1996.

Quickly becoming a best seller, The Hiram Key was acclaimed a classic in the field of alternative history, going on to influence a generation of researchers among them The Da Vinci Code’s Dan Brown.
In the last ten years Knight has written six books, four with Robert Lomas and two, including his latest Who Built the Moon?, with Alan Butler. In Who Built the Moon?, Knight and Butler raise some fascinating and challenging questions, foremost: Could it be that the Moon is artificial? Could it even be hollow? And does the Moon really exist through some happy accident, or is a blueprint apparent – and if so, who was the architect?New Dawn recently spoke with Christopher Knight about his controversial book and his astonishing conclusions.
– New Dawn
NEW DAWN: All of mankind’s visits to the Moon have not answered some of the most basic questions about its origin and importance. Your new book Who Built the Moon? (co-authored with Alan Butler) brings to light some extraordinary facts about the Moon, and comes to a mind-blowing conclusion about its origin. Could you briefly outline some of these little known and ignored facts?
CHRISTOPHER KNIGHT: The Moon sits very close to the Earth yet it is widely regarded as the strangest object in the known universe. It is a bit like knowing that every person in the world is completely normal except the person you live next door to, who has three heads and lives on a diet of broken razor blades.
The book lists the strangeness of the Moon, which includes the fact that it does not have a solid core like every other planetary object. It is either hollow or has a very low-density interior. Bizarrely, its concentration of mass are located at a series of points just under its surface – which caused havoc with early lunar spacecraft. The material the Moon is made from came from the outer surface of the Earth and left a shallow hole that filled with water and we now call the Pacific. This rock left the Earth to produce the Moon very quickly after our planet had formed around 4,6 billion years ago.
The Moon is not only extremely odd in its construction; it also behaves in a way that is nothing less than miraculous. It is exactly four hundred times smaller than the Sun but four hundred times closer to the Earth so that both the Sun and the Moon appear to be precisely the same size in the sky – which gives us the phenomenon we call a total eclipse. Whilst we take this for granted it has been called the biggest coincidence in the universe.
Furthermore, the Moon mirrors the movement of the Sun in the sky by rising and setting at the same point on the horizon as the Sun does at opposite solstices. For example, this means the Moon rises at midwinter at the same place the Sun does at midsummer. There is no logical reason why the Moon mimics the Sun in this way and it is only meaningful to a human standing on the Earth

ND: What led you to write Who Built the Moon? And does this latest book relate to your earlier research when writing Civilization One and Uriel’s Machine?
CK: All of the six books I have had published over the last ten years are part of a continued single piece of research. I came to write Who Built the Moon?with Alan Butler after we had finished Civilization One, because our research led us to study the Moon very closely.
We had found that the superbly advanced measuring system in use over 5,000 years ago was based on the mass, dimensions and movements of the Earth.
However, for thoroughness we checked every planet and moon in the solar system to see if there was any pattern. Amazingly, it worked perfectly for every aspect of the Moon but did not apply at all to any other known body – except the Sun.
It was as though we had found a blueprint where the Moon had been ‘manufactured’ using very specific units taken from Earth’s relationship with the Sun. The more we looked, everything fitted – and fitted perfectly in every conceivable way.
ND: Most astoundingly, you found that an ancient system of geometry and measurement used in the Stone Age works perfectly on the Moon. What exactly is this system and how could the ancients have attained this knowledge?
CK: It is not possible to describe the greatness of this ancient system of geometry and measurement without repeating the content of Civilization One.
The work of Alexander Thom, a brilliant professor of engineering from Oxford University, was our starting point. He identified the existence of what he called the Megalithic Yard. This was a precise unit of measurement that was the basis of late Stone Age structures across Western Europe – such as Stonehenge. Most archaeologists have written his work off as a mistake but when one looks coldly at their objections they are baseless.
Alan and I were able to show how they made these highly precise linear units based on the rotation of the Earth and how they were also the basis of all time, capacity and weight units in use today. Once again these are exact – not approximations or close fits.
Where the ancients got such knowledge is quite baffling. All we can be certain of is that they were way ahead of us today! It’s easy to check out by anyone with a calculator.
ND: Your conclusion is there are more than enough anomalies about the Moon to suggest it is not a naturally occurring body and was quite possibly engineered to sustain life on Earth. How did you reach this conclusion?
CK: Not only is the Moon an apparently impossible object, it has some unique benefits for us humans. It has been nothing less than an incubator for life. If the Moon was not exactly the size, mass and distance that it has been at each stage of the Earth’s evolution – there would be no intelligent life here. Scientists are agreed that we owe everything to the Moon.
It acts as a stabiliser that holds our planet at just the right angle to produce the seasons and keep water liquid across most of the planet. Without our Moon the Earth would be as dead and solid as Venus.
ND: If the Moon is an artificial construct, what are your theories on who or what built it, and why?
CK: In Who Built the Moon? we explain that we could not come to any other conclusion than the Moon is artificial. Because it is certain that it is 4.6 billion years old that raises some interesting points. Another factor was the obvious message that has been built into the Moon to tell us it’s artificial. The language of the message is base ten arithmetic so it looks as though it is directed to a ten digit species that is living on Earth right now – which seems to mean humans.
The question of why the Moon had to be built is easy to answer: To produce all life, especially humans. As to who did it – well that’s a lot tougher! We give the three possibilities we can think of, namely: God, aliens or humans. The only one of these that is 100% scientifically possible is the last one. Time travel is universally accepted as being physically possible and a number of scientists are close to sending matter back in time. We can envisage that machines could be built in the future that could be sent back to remove matter from the young Earth to construct the Moon – probably using mini black hole technology.
And the some videos about the topic:



Here is also my post about Mars Moon Phobos and how that could be artificial also:

>> Scientist Claims Mars Moon Phobos Is Hollow and artificial!