Rene Caisse and Essiac – Herbal tea promoted as an alternative treatment for cancer and other illnesses

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Here’s something to think about. Alternative, silenced treatment for canser and other illnesses. When U.S. Food and Drug Administration,  the National Cancer Institute,and the American Cancer Society say this treatment doesn’t work and should be suppressed, then it must be the Truth. I think when those kind of big organizations get scared, then there is something that threats their money. So here we have a nurse who cured many canser patients until she was forced to stop. What? Yes she was forced to stop curing people from canser. It’s a insane World we are living…

First something about Rene Caisse:

Rene Caisse

Many believe Rene Caisse (pronounced “reen case”) is one of the greater heroines of the past century.

This modest Canadian nurse discovered a natural herbal formula she took no money for it and died in relative obscurity.

Rene didn’t feel herself a writer so she never wrote an autobiography. She did, however, write a series of articles entitled “I Was Canada’s Cancer Nurse” which was published in the seventies with Bracebridge Examiner. Additionally, a collection of her writing and interviews was published posthumously in the Bracebridge Examiner.

She wrote a brief biography of her family and their settlement in Bracebridge, which you can read in her own words (click here).

A Great Discovery

In the 1920s Rene encountered a prospector’s wife who survived breast cancer. She tells it her own words (click here).

It Looked Encouraging

The initial use of Essiac was encouraging, so much so that a group of doctors assisted her in setting up a test lab and clinic in Toronto. She tells it her own words (click here).

The Bracebridge Clinic

She was invited by the Bracebridge Town Council to open her clinic in the old British Lion Hotel. Her lease payment, as stipulated by the Council, was $1 per month. It was here she ran her clinic from 1934 to 1942. She tells it her own words (click here).

Challenging the Establishment

Even before she opened the clinic, the medical establishment viewed her with skepticism. With the clinic now open, the full weight of the establishment unrelentingly bore down on her for years to come. She tells it her own words (click here).

A Requiem for Rene

Rene Caisse passed from this world on the day after Christmas, 1978, at 90 years of age. This obituary was published for her in the Bracebridge Examiner, click here to view.


Here is the story about Essiac:


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Essiac, marketed as Flor Essence and several other brands, is an herbal tea promoted as an alternative treatment for cancer and other illnesses.[1] As with many alternative remedies, the exact composition of essiac is unclear, but it reportedly contains burdock, Indian rhubarb, sheep sorrel, and slippery elm bark. Some formulations may also contain watercress, blessed thistle, red clover, and kelp.[2] From the 1920s through the 1970s, essiac was promoted as a cancer treatment by Rene Caisse, a Canadian nurse, who claimed that it had been given to her by a patient and that the recipe derived from an Ontario Ojibwamedicine man.[2] The name “Essiac” is Caisse’s surname spelled backwards.

In 1977, Caisse gave the essiac formula to a Canadian company, which attempted to commercialize the product. However, the company was unable to show any efficacy of essiac against cancer. Repeated laboratory tests showed that essiac failed to slow tumor growth and, in large doses, killed test animals. In a number of studies, essiac actually increased the rate of cancer growth.[3] As a result both the U.S. and Canadian governments refused to approve essiac as a medical treatment. Essiac was instead marketed as a dietary supplement, subject to much looser regulation and not required to show any proof of effectiveness.[2]

Essiac’s purported effect on cancer has been reviewed by several major medical and scientific bodies, including the U.S. Food and Drug Administration,[4] the National Cancer Institute,[2] and the American Cancer Society.[5] All have found no evidence that essiac has any effect against cancer. The U.S. FDA described essiac as a “Fake Cancer ‘Cure’ Consumers Should Avoid”.[4] Researchers at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center have written that Essiac continues to be a popular cancer therapy despite unsubstantiated claims of its effectiveness.[6]


And here is the documentary about Rene Caisse and the Essiac (4 parts):


Then we have a documentary about other suppressed canser treatments here:



So I think that Big Pharma just want to keep us sick and ill, because it is a damn good business!!!

If you shut up truth and bury it under the ground, it will but grow, and gather to itself such explosive power that the day it bursts through it will blow up everything in its way.

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