This next post of the series is about an Irish Catholic priest who investigated the Vatican conspiracies and also paid this with his life. I found this guy when I investigated the pope prophecies, satanism, freemason & Illuminati influence in Vatican. Here is a brief story of this truthseeker:
Malachi Brendan Martin (July 23, 1921 – July 27, 1999) was an Irish Catholic priest and writer on the Catholic Church. Originally ordained as a Jesuit priest, he became Professor of Palaeontology at the Vatican’s Pontifical Biblical Institute, and from 1958 Martin also served as a theological adviser to Cardinal Augustin Bea during preparations for the Second Vatican Council.Disillusioned by reforms he renounced his vows in 1964 and moved to New York. His 17 novels and non-fiction books were frequently critical of the Catholic Church, which he believed had failed to act on the third prophecy supposedly revealed by the Virgin Mary at Fatima.Among his most significant works were The Scribal Character Of The Dead Sea Scrolls (1958) and Hostage To The Devil (1976) which dealt with satanism, demonic possession, and exorcism.[1] The Final Conclave (1978) was a warning against alleged Soviet spies in the Vatican.
My interest toward this guy deepened, when I investigated the satanism in Vatican. This guy was investigating a ritual murder in Vatican and maybe he got too close to the truth. The murder that I’m talking about was the murder of Alfred Kunz:
Father Alfred Joseph Kunz, (April 15, 1931 – March 4, 1998), was a Catholicpriest who was found with his throat slit in his Roman Catholic church in Dane, Wisconsin.The still-unsolved murder investigation has been described as the most expensive and time-consuming investigation in Dane County’s history.
Kunz, though he continued to say the Latin Mass, also said the Mass in English and was in communion with his diocesan bishop. “Father Kunz was a well-known expert in canon law, so he knew how to walk the lines,” Bill Brophy, a spokesman for the Madison, Wisconsin Catholic Diocese said shortly after his murder.Kunz was pastor at the church for 32 years before his death.
Prior to his death, Kunz had his own radio show and had been a close associate of Malachi Martin, an author and exorcist. After Kunz was murdered, Martin alleged that the priest had been killed by “Luciferians” and said Kunz had performed several exorcisms before his death. Martin said Kunz felt his life was in danger in the weeks before his murder. Kunz’s friend, Abbot Ryan St. Anne Scott felt Kunz’s murder was related to Kunz’s investigation of sexual abuse scandals in the diocese.
The Dane County Sheriff’s Department also investigated a calf mutilation 15 miles from Kunz’s church the day before his murder that a farmer attributed to a cult. Kunz had allegedly been investigating reports of homosexuality and sexual abuse by priests within the diocese of Springfield, Illinois. There were also allegations that Kunz had been involved with female parishioners.
“The motives are all over the place, anything from jealousy, power and control to betrayal and fear of exposure,” Dane County Sheriff’s Lieutenant Kevin Hughes said in 2001. “So take your pick at this point. We just don’t know yet.”In 2002, Dane County sheriff Gary Hamblin stated that his department was still receiving tips about the case. By this time, according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, investigators had concluded that the killer knew Kunz and was familiar with the church property.Dane County Sheriff David Mahoney stated in March 2008 that his department no longer uses the term “intimate” in regard to the murder investigation of Father Kunz, which dispels any hint of impropriety. Mahoney is also willing to cooperate with “cold case” investigators, even though his department does not consider the Kunz investigation “cold.”
By 2009, investigators with the Dane County sheriff’s department were willing to state that they have a long-time suspect, who has never been named as they lack sufficient evidence to indict him. Steve Gilmore, lieutenant of detectives with the department, said that the suspect left town soon after Kunz’s death. Gilmore also said, “We still know where he’s at and what he’s up to. If indeed he had committed this one, he’s stayed pretty clean. We certainly don’t think there’s any threat to the public out there.”Gilmore has also stated that the suspect is alive (as of 2008) and under constant surveillance, although no longer living in the Dane County jurisdiction.
Malachi Martin talked about murders in the Vatican many times on Coast to Coast AM radio show and here is one video of them:
>> Art Bell with Malachi Martin – Vatican murders Coast to Coast AM
Then there is a tons of speculating considering about his death and Henry’s site is a good starting point, but nearly all of his links are mysteriously disappeared considering Martin’s death:
During Vatican Council Two, Fr.Malachi Martin made several trips to B’nai Brith in NYC as Secretary to Cardinal Bea. Martin was still a member of the Jesuit Order at the time and appeared as a modernist progressive during the Council.
There are those who think he remained a “double agent”
Martin did tell this author that he had worked for the CIA as a linguist on the Turkish border at one time.
Martin knew first hand where the Vatican was headed. (this link is mysteriously dead)
According to Fr Charles Fiore, Martin’s the last book, Primacy, How the Institution of the Catholic Church became a creature of the New World Order, (the so called ‘survival manual”) was never completed. In fact, Fr. Fiore claimed he was in the process of editing the book himself at the time of Malachi’s death. Questions remain as to whether the book was completed and somehow kept from circulation.
Some question whether Fr Martin was murdered.. (this link is mysteriously dead)
Fr. Martin allegedly read the mysterious Third Secret of Fatima, which had to do with Russia and communism. (this link is mysteriously dead)
Confirmation was given that Fr Martin was relieved of his priestly Vows and Duties and released from the Jesuit Order upon request. (this link is mysteriously dead)
Conversations with Fr. Malachi Martin near the end of his life convinced this author that he was fearful by both what he knew and what he saw happening in the world and to Catholicism in particular.
He knew he would probably not live to see it lived out in full himself, but felt a deep sorrow for those who were young now trying to raise children in the New World Order.
Although he was pressed by interviewers to reveal something of the Third Secret he claimed to remain faithful to his vow not to reveal it’s contents. However, he did indicate to several friends that darkness was to cover the earth and that it would be both physical and spiritual in nature. He referred to communist freemasonry as the “Luciferian evil.”
Fr. Martin Rest In Peace.
There is something odd that many of those links considering about Martin’s death are dead. So what was the reason why Malachi Martin was maybe murdered? I think that he got too close to this satanism in Vatican topic. Here is a small video snippet of this:
And, because of that Martin maybe saw the third secret of Fatima in the Vatican, it could be one of the reason he was murdered: