Superstructure Vehicles

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Hello! We were on vacation, but now we are back in the game and postings continue so keep on reading I stumbled this article about odd behemoth space vehicle and as always you decide is it true or just a hoax:


(click to enlarge)

[ IMAGE ( above ) Earth Escape Ship for Living With A Star ( LWS ) Program involving Exoplanetary Colonization utilizing a Superstructure Vehicle designed for Biological Life Support ( Courtesy: Kentron Intellect Research ). Click on Image to Enlarge ]
Superstructure Vehicles
by, Concept Activity Research Vault ( CARV )
April 16, 2009
CALIFORNIA, Los Angeles – April 16, 2009 – The United States Department of Defense Emerging Special Projects new superwarfighter ( larger than an aircraft carrier ) appears to be a strategic tactical multi-environmental ( aerial-apace and ocean-going ) craft employing a combination of 21st Century warfighter technologies ( e.g. advanced stealth applications and advanced high-energy weapon delivery systems ) rather than legacy – landing crafts laden with tube and ammunition weapon systems.
Pre-Legacy Battlestar Gallactica Clunker
The long-range submersible space vehicle [ click to enlarge photo ( above ) ] is obviously designed for strategic advanced stealth pursuits where it will encounter ‘extreme heat’ as a factor [ NOTE: evidenced from craft surface heat shield tiles, capable of space re-entry or traversing Earth’s inner space near the core with ultra deep sea re-surfacing ]. The craft size appears suitable for many passengers. Undoubtedly large power generation systems perhaps, capable of hosting a new type of Directed High-Energy Weapon ( DEW ) or something more advanced when in a salt water environment as a laser would be suicidal but maybe not a high-energy Sonic Flocculator ( not using laser light heat to burn or melt ) but ‘ultra low frequency sound’ to shatter molecular structures of objects it may encounter.
The behemoth vessel / craft was believed secretly dry docked [ click to enlarge photo ( above ) ] inside a shuddered offshore facility near Hokaido, Japan.
A close-up view [ click to enlarge photo ( above ) ] of this superstructure submarine space vehicle reveals several small-framed ‘asian men’ – wearing ‘white laboratory coats’ and hard-hat helmuts – whom are positioned directly beneath this large craft that appears in-size somewhat like the ‘mother ship’ publicly seen in the film and television series “BattleStar Gallactica.”
Coupling its ‘heatshield tiles’ and sheer ‘behemoth size’, could this particular submarine space vehicle have been purposely designed to exodus Earth carrying onboard a great number of passengers? Very large ‘observation windows’ [ click to enlarge photo ( above ) ] are seen at the design juncture where the craft’s ‘forward wings’ – at the ‘leading-edge’ portion – meets the ‘fuselage’.
The superstructure submarine space vehicle must have remained secret – for a period of many years – with its development having been derived from a multi-national source of private placement project ( PPP ) funding that could only have been sourced from such outside the purview of any government budget oversight.
Perhaps, a contingent of multi-national joint venture capitalists funded this superstructure submarine space vehicle, much in the same fashion as only a few saw something similar along the lines of the Bill Gates entrepeneur inspired “Eye-In-The-Sky” ’52 satellite constellation’ PPP investment program found accepted by high-net worth Arab businessmen investors and a few others in the secret program project to ‘obtain superiority over internet broadband delivery’ utilizing the U.S. National Security Agency ( NSA ) firm TELEDESIC HOLDINGS LIMITED ( UK ) that coordinate investments in such.
Who or what other entity could otherwise fund and at the same time technologically engineer development of such a behemoth vehicle?
For years speculation ( e.g. resembling computer graphic interface art from some video game craft ) has arisen about the superstructure vessel ( above ) photo validity, but nothing could be further from that wild speculation than the truth that came from a source ( extremely close to the photo ) informing Unwanted Publicity Intelligence the superstructure vehicle is ‘not from any video game’ and ‘not a hoax’ but ‘was passed to someone who was asked to pass it on as such. Is the general public ( gamers included ) undergoing an ‘advanced public indoctrination’ or ‘advanced public acceptance test’?
There is no shortage of new advanced concept designs for various crafts, especially for a lighter-than-air dirigible (aka) airship (aka) blimp ( see below ):


[ PHOTOS ( immediately above ): WhiteCloud Airship II; believed-designed by Jean-Marie Massaud for the Office National d’Etudes et de Recherche Aérospatiale ( click image to enlarge ) ]

Submitted for review and commentary by,

Kentron Intellect Research Vault ( KIRV )
E-MAIL: KentronIntellectResearchVault@Gmail.Com
WWW: http://KentronIntellectResearchVault.WordPress.Com


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