Intersting article about MK-Ultra experiments:
April 1996
News for Freedom of Thought Foundation Members
Vol.2 No.4, Whole Issue Number 16, April, 1996
Dallas, Texas — Best-selling author Richard Condon, whose
prophetic novel about mind control “The Manchurian Candidate”
suddenly became frighteningly realistic after the CIA MKULTRA
revelations were made public in the 1970’s, died April 9th,. He
was 81.
Mr. Condon, who died of kidney failure, saw “The Manchurian
Candidate”, the darkly comic “Prizzi’s Honor,” and a satire
about the JFK assassination, “Winter Kills,” made into acclaimed
Many other novels by Mr. Condon had a strong satirical, anti-
establishment bent: “The Oldest Confession,” “Some Angry
Angel,” “Emperor of America,” “A Talent for Loving,” ‘and
“An Infinity of Mirrors.”
“Every book I’ve ever written has been about abuse of
power,” the Associated Press quoted him as saying. “‘I feel very
strongly about that. I’d like people to know how de,ply their
politicians are wronging them,”
A former film publicist who didn’t take up novel writing until
he was in his 40s, Mr. Condon published “The Manchurian
Candidate” in 1959. But the novel – about an American prisoner
of war in Korea who is brainwashed and programmed to kill, then
returns to the United States and assassinates a powerful
politician – didn’t become a big seller until after the 1962 film
The Associated Press report said,” When Kennedy was
assassinated in 1963 by a former Marine who had spent time in the
Soviet Union, the film was withdrawn for many years.”
Condon said that the film had been pulled from distribution by
Frank Sinatra, the star of the film, and a close personal friend
of John Kennedy’s.
The rights to the movie, starring Laurence Harvey as the
brainwashed man, Angela Lansbury as his mother and Frank Sinatra
as a fellow soldier who tries to thwart the plot, were bought by
Sinatra. Later the film was released in both theaters and on
video to new acclaim.
‘Winter Kills,” published in 1974, portrayed events more
closely resembling the Kennedy assassination. In it, the
half-brother of a slain president of Irish descent overhears the
deathbed confession 14 years later of a man who claims to have
been involved in the murder.
The book gave Mr. Condon his biggest critical success since
“Prizzi’s Honor,” in 1982, was the first in a series of
novels on the Mafia. It was followed by “Prizzi’s Family” in
1986, “Prizzi’s Glory” in 1988, and in 1993, “Prizzi’s
Money,” about the outlaw family’s efforts to gain the summit of
political respectability.
Angelica Huston, who grew up as a neighbor of Mr. Condon’s in
Ireland, played the female lead in film version of “Prizzi’s
Honor” opposite Jack Nicholson. Mr. Condon also co-wrote the
screenplay for the 1985 film – about a hit man and his wife who
are sent to kill each other. The screenplay earned Condon an
Oscar nomination.
Before writing books, the New York City native pitched films.
Hired as a press agent for Walt Disney Productions in 1937, Mr.
Condon worked in the movie business for more than 20 years,
putting in time at nearly all the major studios.
In the mid 1970’s Condon wrote the introduction to W.H.
Bowart’s “Operation Mind Control” and was amazed at what
Bowart had uncovered.
When asked if he’d known about the MKULTRA program of the
CIA, Condon told Bowart,” I just read Salter and Pavlov and
invented the rest.” Today, there are those who still believe
Condon had inside information.
Condon gave Bowart his wholehearted support and said
“Operation Mind Control” was,” Moral, significant and
In 1977 Condon wrote to Bowart after reading his non-fiction
account of the cryptocracy’s developments in mind control:”I feel
like a monk in the Dark Ages who is writing to the captain of a
Space Ship. .. This whole thing blows my mind…’
Survivors include his wife, Evelyn, two daughters, and
A long term mind control researcher, Steve Bratcher, 38,
recently underwent surgery for brain cancer. Doctors predicted
that “unless a miracle happens” Bratcher wouldn’t live much past
A private investigator who founded SKBI Research, Bratcher was
a long time private contractor for the CIA. When terminating his
employ with CIA he says he experienced a ten-month period of
“detainment” in Florida during which time he described being an
involuntary victim of a variety of high-tech mind control
experiments. He described holographic phenomena and “remote
mental telepathy,” as well as UFO-like phenomenon and a variety
of “tortures” commonly described by the survivors of mind
control. His account is available on videotape from FOTF by
special request.
Bratcher notified FOTF of his condition before he traveled
from his home in MacLean, Va. to New York City for surgery. The
primary site of the cancer was thought to be in his prostate
gland. The secondary site was thought to be in his brain.
According to his videotaped account, photographed in 1993,
Bratcher believed he was exposed to more than one kind of
radiation. He had suffered severe headaches since the ten month
long experiment.
Bratcher told the FOTF in a series of email messages all under
the heading “Terminated,” — “I thought this was a great country
when I started working for it. I volunteered… You can be
patriotic… you can volunteer… just hope that you don’t get
Bratcher said that what he believed to be implants had shown
up in the x-rays of his head.
Disaffected Spook Spills SEAL Mind Control Experiences
The following information was titled “A Working Outline of a
U.S. Intelligence Mind Control Program” when received. It comes
from a former Navy Intelligence officer who was attached to the
CIA and was also a Navy SEAL team leader. Shortly before his
“separation” from the “community” he was the overall commander of
all the SEAL teams. To clarify: “Open Eyes” is the name of the
entire operation. A “Clear Eyes” is a programmed victim of
“Operation Open Eyes.” The following opinions are not those of
the Freedom of Thought Foundation, nor of the editors of FREE
This segment is dedicated to Operation “Open Eyes,.” A preset
group of our people canvass the country hospitals and immigration
centers in order to find viable candidates for above named
operation. We locate the target individuals, who have no close
family or real good friends. They are then put under heavy stage
one hypnosis, where a clear and definitive pattern of their
usefulness is determined by our shrinks and field officers. If
the candidate possesses a relatively high IQ he will be filed in
a category file, called “call file.”
If the tested applicant has more than 120 IQ, he will be
serviced by a trigger word or number, while under level 1
hypnosis. We then systematically do a background search and
create a file for future reference. If there are no relatives to
speak of, the subject will be moved to a location of our choice
where further tests for vulnerability are conducted. He is then
brought to level 2 hypnosis where diverse small orders and
specific instructions are written into his personality.
If subject, upon release shows that he has retained
instructions and carries out small and unimportant work duties,
assigned under level 2 hypnosis, he will receive a recall
“Service notice” by a person we have introduced him to.
The next step is level 3 hypnosis, where he will become an
overwrite upon his own personality. He/She will be told that
everything the subject does for his “friends” is okay, even
though it may very well be against all laws of the land. He will
believe that he is capable of fulfilling all their (our)
commands, and will be again discharged to live his normal life. (
All operatives have to go to/through these 3 levels before any of
us are fielded!)
The higher the IQ of a given subject, the further the
programming goes! If the IQ is high enough we will bring the
subject to the Farm or one of our numerous facilities throughout
the U.S. and Canada. ( Dallas — “Doctor’s Hospital” is one of
our main centers.)
There we will put the subject into level 4 hypnosis, where he
does no longer differentiate between right and wrong. ( We do
this at the medical facility at the Farm — one of our contract
hospitals. If he has to perform a articulately suicidal or
important assignment we do our job at Stony Mountain facilities.)
At level 4, diverse programs can be written/or overwritten into
the brain. Any command is accepted at this level. At that level
you can give the test subject a complete personality, history and
make him/her believe anything the program requires for the
accomplishment of any desired project. He is then given a new
life in a new state and town. Driver’s license, car, bank
account, passport, credit cards, Birth Certificate, and all the
small things — such as photos of his family (that don’t really
exist.) Subject and patient (one and the same) has now an agenda
(that he believes is his own) and is prepared for level 5
hypnosis. At this stage, very carefully a code word or sequence
of numbers or a voice imprint is etched into his brain. That is
commonly known and referred to as the trigger that will activate
subject to action.
He then lives a very normal and sometimes useful life, until
subject is required to perform the programs implanted/written
into level 4 hypnosis at the point of activating the trigger,
subject is beyond recall. That’s why a level 5 person can only be
approached after his/her operation. There is no actual recall in
the subconscious program of any of the hypnosis. If an act of
violence had been perpetrated, subject will not be able to
associate with the deed. Only shrinks trained in this particular
form of sub mental behavior will find any tracks leading to post
level 1 or 2 mind control.
I have personally witnessed level 1-5 programming, and was
myself a subject of level 3 programming.
Due to the fact that subject has such high IQ ( Preferably
around 130-140) subject its very quick to learn anything fed to
him/her. All major patriot groups, and normal workers and workers
in big (government contract firms) corporations have at least one
or more “sleepers” attached to them.
Project Clear Eyes is always a violent group or commune in any
given community. The OKC incident was a clear cut case of project
clear eyes. Tom Valentine’s group is the trigger mechanism for
Open Eyes. Waco was an Open Eyes group that had a specific job to
perform. Randy Weaver was a control subject that ended out of
control. Robert Hunt is a sleeper that was put on hold. At some
not too distant date you will see Bob Hunt performing his true
and final role.
Now it must be clear to you the various levels used by the
Intel community to get their job done. Remember Jonestown? It was
one of ours that went sour because a clear eyes was in the
group. When he began firing on the runway, it all
self-destructed. The man (Congressman Leo Ryan) who was killed,
knew it was a government operation. Clear Eyes was accidentally
— through a lone sequence — activated! There was no way to stop
the killings. They were all programmed to at least level 3, the
culties themselves. There were only 3 deaths attributable to
cyanide, the rest died of gunfire. Now you know a little more
about our line of work. I am glad I am out of it.
>> Download PDF Operation Open Eyes
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