Tag Archives: Forbidden knowledge

For Those Who Are Interested In Truth

I have always been interested in the Truth. Since I was a little, you could see me trying to watch behind the puppet show just to see who is actually pulling the strings. So here is something related to that:

In a time of universal deceit –
telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
George Orwell

Living in fairytale land is easy.

The art of denial is ruling human consciousness and that is understandable for those who do not want a clear idea of the future. Most people are actually terrible at foreseeing the future allowing it to come up from behind. We have our own little realities to deal with as well as the collective reality of our culture and civilization, which crosses national boundaries after decades of globalization.

The future is hurling itself at us like a high speed express train.

The truth of the future is a combination of outside factors like Nature, which are mostly out of our control. Add to that our own skills of perception and creativity leading to our own personal life manifestation.

And then there is the collective, which is dominated by the rich and powerful and what they are willing into existence for themselves at the expense of everyone else.

What seems to spook people now is the possibility
that everybody in charge of everything is a
fraud or a crook. Legitimacy has left the system.
James Howard Kuntsler

The first and most basic answer to the world’s problems is the truth. Not subjective relative truth but truth itself.

All solutions to all problems lie in the truth of the problem. In the truth is the solution. Without the truth we are lost, swimming in a sea of contradictions and arguments. Without truth we have untruths, lies, deception, and a sea of pain.

The absolute nature of truth is distasteful to those who embrace the subjective nature of perception. For most objectivity actually ceases to exist. Objective truths exist independent of our subjective natures and our opinions and beliefs about things.

We can believe whatever we want and as passionately as we please but believing something is so does not necessarily make it so, though it is true that lies become truth to people who believe in the absolute truth of their beliefs.

It is one thing to show a man that he is in an error,
and another to put him in possession of truth.
John Locke

If you are a person of truth and you hear the truth it kind of excites you.

With everyone else it disturbs them plenty because they are self-righteously set in their ways, stubborn, inflexible, selfish, and unwilling to change. Such people want to get rid of anyone who proclaims the truth because any such truth becomes like a thorn in their side, a thorn to be pulled and discarded with distaste.

The truth, if we are not living it, is almost unbearable to hear.

All the world’s religions are in conflict with the collective for by their very nature they tend to create separations not one whole sense of humanity.

Krishnamurti once said,

“To love anything beautiful in a country is normal and natural, but when that love is used by exploiters in their own interest it is called nationalism.

Nationalism is fanned into imperialism, and then the stronger people divide and exploit the weaker, with the Bible in one hand and a bayonet in the other. The world is dominated by the spirit of cunning, ruthless exploitation, from which war must ensue.

This spirit of nationalism is the greatest stupidity.”

The Future Truth is Here Already

The spirit of war on earth at this time is the most basic evil on our planet.

In today’s world with nuclear weapons almost everywhere we are playing Russian roulette in the Middle East especially in Syria where it seems WWIII has already started with foreign powers increasingly being drawn in.

“Deleveraging Everywhere,” said Stifel Nicolaus.

“No one knows how it will end but we do know this; it all comes at once,” says Peter Kenny, chief market strategist at Knight Capital.

If the Federal Reserve does not intervene soon and allows the bond bubble, which it has deliberately created, to burst, we are going to see unprecedented carnage in the world.

Last week, the yield on 5 year U.S. Treasuries rose by an astounding 37 percent. 

That was the largest increase in 50 years and if this keeps up it will be taps for the world economy and for most people who depend on the system for their bearings.

“Global financial markets are now in a very perilous state, and there is a much higher than normal chance of a crash.

Bernanke’s recent statement revealed just how large a role speculation had played in the prices of nearly everything, and now there is a mad dash for cash taking place all over the world. The early stage of any liquidity crisis is a mad dash for cash, especially by all of the leveraged speculators.

Anything that can be sold is sold. As I scan the various markets, all I can find is selling.

Stocks, commodities, and equities are all being shed at a rapid pace, and that’s the first clue that we are not experiencing sector rotation or other artful portfolio-dodging designed to move out of one asset class into another (say, from equities into bonds).

The increasing number of flashing indicators warning that a 2008-style – but worse – sell-off is arriving. We say “worse” because this time it looks like it will be accompanied by a vicious cycle of rising interest rates.

Plus, governments and central banks have used up all of their major options already. There are no more white knights to hope for,” writes Chris Martenson.

John Rubino writes,

“They’ve been playing with fire for such a long time, trying to balance incompatible goals of low interest rates, stable currencies and accelerating growth, that for a while they almost believed that they would get away with it, that the laws of economics could be bent to their will forever.

Now they see that this was hubris, that their sense of control was just an illusion bought with credit on a scale so large that the numbers had become meaningless.”

The Economic Collapse Blog writes,

“Do you want to know the primary reason why rapidly rising interest rates could take down the entire global financial system?

Most people might think that it would be because the U.S. government would have to pay much more interest on the national debt. And yes, if the average rate of interest on U.S. government debt rose to just 6 percent (and it has actually been much higher in the past), the federal government would be paying out about a trillion dollars a year just in interest on the national debt.

But that isn’t it. Nor does the primary reason have to do with the fact that rapidly rising interest rates would impose massive losses on bond investors.

At this point, it is being projected that if U.S. bond yields rise by an average of 3 percentage points, it will cause investors to lose a trillion dollars. Yes, that is a 1 with 12 zeroes after it ($1,000,000,000,000). But that is not the number one danger posed by rapidly rising interest rates either.

Rather, the number one reason why rapidly rising interest rates could cause the entire global financial system to crash is because there are more than 441 TRILLION dollars’ worth of interest rate derivatives sitting out there.

This number comes directly from the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) – the central bank of central banks. In other words, more than $441,000,000,000,000 has been bet on the movement of interest rates.”

Preparation might appear to be a waste of time at this point but lack of preparation could be more costly.

It’s ridiculous to think that our political leaders will guide the world economies through the upcoming hard times. What they will do is aggravate the hard times ahead by following policies that benefit the political and financial elite at the expense of the middle class and the poorer classes.

When the going gets rough it is love not governments that will get us through.

In the case of our current reality governments are not even going to be able to take care of themselves though they will try till the bitter end. The survival instinct runs deep in the psychology of governments even though they operate with suicidal objectives and sadist tendencies.

Sounds crazy because it is!

I think control is going to slip through everyone’s hands and for at least a time anarchy will rule or the army will rule. Historians will love what is coming for they will be able to write about it endlessly.

Just try to image all the bank cash machines in the world stopping and start imagining from there. Like the science fiction movie ‘The Day the Earth Stood Still’ things could grind to a halt quite quickly.

We are vulnerable as the present system/definition of money collapses taking away huge portions of the world’s real economy with it.


Klaus Dona The Secret History Of The Human Race

I have always been interested about the history of human race. So if you want some different view of human origins you should check out Klaus Dona’s website and the excellent work he has done. Here is a small article:

The bible wants us to believe that the history of mankind dates back to 6,000 years. Klaus Dona proves otherwise. Question everything!

Being a specialist in culture and art exhibitions he organized since 1991 over 30 cultural exhibitions in Austria, Japan and Korea. His attention was automatically drawn to a phenomenon called ‘Ooparts’ – out of place artifacts. These artifacts should not exist according to current science. Klaus Dona has been researching these type of artifacts for over a decade and, after a long preparation, he decided to set up an exhibition of 470 of these (Ooparts) pieces called ”Unsolved Mysteries”. The artifacts are from different places such as Colombia, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Mexico and many other countries. He has been able to display such artifacts – a feat no one had been able to achieve since museums bury these in their basements to avoid raising uncomfortable questions. A large portion of the pieces are scattered around the world and held in secret private collections. Klaus Dona has been able to research more than 3500 pieces, which have no logical explanation!

His Ooparts exhibition was a big success in Vienna, after it travelled to Switzerland, Berlin and Seoul. Being physical pieces, they are irrefutable evidence and difficult to reject. All through his search for unexplained archaeological artifacts the answer has always been: we are not alone, more so, we’ve never been.




>> Here’s Kalus Dona’s website

The return of the Annunaki King Marduk?

I have been quite busy on other projects so here’s just something to think about:

Occasionally a good rumor is entertaining as well as distracting from the often negative barrage of daily world news which is usually slanted to indicate the demise of populism which is far from true.

This article involves a story which I certainly hope turns out to be just a funny rumor. The problem is that the source for this story has very deep Intel connections and usually is right on the money.

And there are certain background details which create many more questions than they answer.

And it is these questions which seem quite remarkable in scope and themselves generate many more questions and raise new issues.

A very strange trip to Africa during the last week of June 2013 for the last three American Presidents.

In the June 18, 2013 issue of the Africa Review (Kenya, Africa), a very interesting story detailed expected intersecting visits of both former President Clinton and current President Obama to Senegal, Africa (1).

This alone has not received any suitable explanation other than the flimsy reason that they were there to commemorate the “Al Cia Duh” bombing at the US Embassy in Tanzania.

And believe it or not former President George W. Bush is alleged to also have arrived in Africa during this time period.


Former US President Bill Clinton is expected in Senegal hours before the arrival of the incumbent President Barack Obama, sources said. The leading Le Populair daily on Tuesday quoted American embassy sources hinting that the two statesmen could likely meet during their stay in Dakar.

The sources further said that President Obama was expected to extend his visit initially billed for 48 hours to 72 hours, beginning June 26.

Several sitting world leaders, including, former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan and the late Pope Jean Paul II, have visited Senegal over the last decade and toured the famous slave dungeon on Goree Island.


This visit of three American Presidents to the continent of Africa during the same time period is unprecedented in history and would appear to require an extraordinary explanation which has not been forthcoming.  

As if this story wasn’t already strange enough it gets even stranger, a story in CNN Politics on June 22, 2013 stated that President Obama and former President George Bush were to be on the African continent at the same time.

Obama flies Wednesday across the Atlantic for a trip that takes him to Senegal, South Africa and Tanzania, marking his second visit to sub-Saharan Africa as president (He went to Ghana during his first term).

Meanwhile Bush, who’s made multiple visits to Africa since leaving office, leaves next week for Zambia, where he’s working with his global health initiative to renovate a clinic that will serve as a cervical cancer screening and treatment center, according to the George W. Bush Presidential Center.

While the 44th and 43rd president are not scheduled to meet up, first lady Michelle Obama will attend an event hosted in part by former first lady Laura Bush. The two will attend the African First Ladies Summit, put on by the George W. Bush Institute, in Tanzania on July 2, the final day of the Obamas’ trip.

Aid to Africa was a big part of the Bush administration’s foreign policy. The former president started the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, otherwise known as PEPFAR, during his tenure at the White House. Started in 2003, the program grew into a $50 billion program to combat AIDS around the globe through testing, counseling and medical treatment.(2)


President Obama changed his African trip schedule.

It was announced that President Obama changed his initial schedule to extend his stay from 48 to 72 hours in Senegal (3).  No reason was given for this change.

The Washington Post noted another change with President Obama’s trip. It reported that his plans to participate in a Tanzanian safari were cancelled and changed to a visit to Robben Island, the place where Nelson Mandela was held for 18 of his 27 years as a political prisoner (4)(5).

As the story goes was reported that it was suggested that objections voiced over the use of special sniper rifles for use by President Obama to hunt large African animals with (and also for use by his special security detail).  Was there a concern arising that this special protection team could not be trusted and perhaps be turned?

Former high ranking CIA analyst Ray McGovern reported that it was rumored that President Obama had remarked to a friend that he had backed off on campaign promises because he was afraid of ending up like JFK (6).

Or perhaps this was just a cover story for a last minute change which was “suggested” by President Obama’s handlers, opening up his schedule for ”required” or at least highly desired meeting with a very powerful dignitary?

Here is President Obama’s official travel schedule (7). It scheduled him to be in Senegal the same time as former President Clinton. President Obama joined George W. Bush at a special Tanzania memorial to end his African trip (8).

It was reported that Bush and Obama just happened to find time to meet together by coincidence in Tanzania on July 2, 2013, to lay a wreath at the site of a 1998 “Al Cia Duh” bombing of the US embassy (10).

Did former President Clinton Meet up with Obama and former President George W. Bush?

But could former President Clinton have been there too at the same time and could there have been a special meeting between the three Presidents in Tanzania, or could there have been such a special meeting earlier in Senegal?

Or could each president have visited Senegal earlier and individually met with a very special world dignitary who is covertly assuming power, first in Africa and then the world to pay homage to him and agree to support his NWO final takeover which necessitates throwing Kingpins and Cutouts under the bus?

Is this “mystery entity” a powerful dignitary that is the actual ruler of the Third Force that has descended to Earth to assert control over the nations?

Certainly the visitation of a current sitting American president at the same time as two prior American Presidents to the African continent is unprecedented. This alone suggests that something very strange is up.

Of course with the apparent impending death of Nelson Mandela, control over the South American regime is now perhaps up for grabs. As many know the revolution in South America was an installation of a new socialist Bankster’s regime, actually a large scale social experiment. Doubt this then consider the triangular CIA center built in Johannesburg to represent the interests of the City of London Banksters.

In President Obama’s speech at Tanzania, he said that America was going to get more involved in Africa not just for charitable reasons but for self-interest too, that is, for new business opportunities for American corporations. This was a surprisingly blunt and honest acknowledgement since traditionally any involvement in South American or African matters have been to set up situations where the large international Banks covertly set hugely profitable “business opportunities” with the major international offshore corporations to sack the natural wealth of Africa, just as they used to do in South America, using USG trained death squads to clear the way, murder opposition and suppress the rights of the inhabitants.

Perhaps the prominent reason for the simultaneous African visits of three American Presidents, one current and two former may be to pay homage to a new world ruler who is now being revealed only to the very top insiders.  At least this is the rumor circulating at a deep level inside the Secret Shadow Government (SSG) and MJ12 support staff.

And who might this important and powerful NWO dignitary be, one so important three American Presidents would pay homage to him even over and above their own country and its sovereignty?

As the rumor goes, it is Marduk who has descended to planet Earth to Africa from an alien spacecraft. According to legend, Marduk is supposedly an Annunaki (aka Anakem or Nephilim), a luciferian demon being that allegedly represents the inter-dimensional black planet “Nibiru” which is invisible to astronomers. Allegedly the Annunaki were killed and/or driven away from earth during the flood and have begun a comeback during the 20th century by once again interbreeding with certain chosen bloodlines which have maintained the “ancient luciferian heritage” dating back to Babylon.

As the storyline goes, the have been rules established by God Almighty which limits their exercise of power over mankind. If they are to make a full scale return as they were before the flood and their previous destruction on Planet Earth, they must obey God Almighty’s rules and gain a foothold by deceiving the masses through temptation to violate God Almighty’s laws.

This involves creating and anointing various selective hybrid bloodlines which are the merger between luciferian fallen angel blood and earth woman’s blood and using them to tempt and corrupt mankind to break God’s laws which require loving God Almighty (the real one) and loving one’s neighbor as one self (aka “the golden rule”).

And as this narrative goes, lucifer anoints his hybrids and followers with special powers of deception to gain a foothold and corrupt the people of the Earth, allowing construction of a common base of corruption and perversion by dirtying up and compromising the people of the earth.

Thus these select “lucifer illuminated” (aka Illuminati) families are allegedly anointed with luciferian power to take over the world step by step through a long process of step-by-step Fabian incremental socialism.

This process involves and necessitates destroying normal male/female sex roles and the family system, “dirtying up” the population with drugs and pornography, hijacking and consolidating organized crime systems, creating an unlimited supply of money to buy and bribe governmental officials, creating massive intel systems to blackmail and compromise officials, setting up perpetual war systems and crime to create 24/7 perpetual bloodletting and death sacrifices, and making people dependent on mass media entertainment and mindkontrol systems to keep them from knowing and processing the truth.

And of course one must not overlook the power of money to buy and corrupt, so it is easy to understand why the creation of a centralized privatized world banking system which specializes in creating millions of debt-slaves in place of the serfs of the middle ages is so vital to the creation of the corrupted base which can allow the NWO Globalist “alien leader” dent by lucifer to gain a Strong foothold and take over control of all the nations of the world.

The return of the Annunaki King Marduk?

The upward facing triangle is Annunaki fallen angel blood of the Nephilim, the “great men of old” and the downward facing triangle is the blood of the earth woman.  Merged together they form the six pointed star, called the hex or the Babylonian “luciferian hex”, a symbol of Annunaki/human hybrid bloodlines anointed by lucifer.

It is interesting that it has been alleged by several top researchers of UFOs and alien visitations, that the triangle symbolizes the Annunaki which have been alleged to have been deeply involved in human and animal abductions and dissections. Some have alleged that the Annunaki have eaten a large number of human abductees.

Some historians say this was used by King Solomon when he returned to “foreign gods” and became “hexed” or under the con and curse of the six pointed Babylonian Annunaki star. The six pointed star was never used by most Hebrews to describe their various tribes or nations.  It was adopted in approximately 700 AD by Judaics from a small secret sect some have referred to as the “synagogue of Satan” going all the way back to Babylon and also later adopted by the upper echelons of Freemasonry. Most non-zionist Judaics have no idea what the hex star really represent and would be horrified if they understood. The nation of Israel flies the hex flag and this symbolizes that it is a pure free-masonic nation run by the luciferians or “synagogue of satan” unbeknownst to most of its citizens or even most Judaics in the world.

So, has Marduk landed, has he made his final return to take back planet earth and establish a complete luciferian globalist NWO system?  And if so does he represent the Third Force that has secretly been pulling the strings covertly in the background? And as some astute researchers have stated, the Third Force is remarkably deceptive and crafty and uses Kingpins and Cutouts to do its dirty work, typically disposing of them by throwing them under the bus after their missions are completed.

The Third Force (10).

The Third Force has never been regarded as being able to treat any Kingpins or Cutouts (11) it selects and uses with loyalty. Once their mission is completed, they are thrown under the bus. The best evidence so far is that the Third Force is an ancient evil entity which has exerted worldwide luciferian control from behind the scenes.  It does not like humans, nor does it experience any human emotions.  It is a beast, a blood thirsty demonic fallen angel that is allegedly an energy vampire which feeds off the constant bloodletting, pedophilia and sacrifice of human victims, and thus massive perpetual 24/7 wars are its forte.

It’s apparent goal to destroy the human race through war, destruction, high tech eugenics, and various sophisticated soft-kill methods, while creating its own substitute, a trans-human genetically spliced triple helix superman that is uni-sexual, and a beast with no conscience.  Some researchers believe that the luciferian NWO plan involves complete replacement of humans with genetically spliced trans-human borgs which are inhabited by evil fallen angels (aka demons).

And of course the giant 140 interconnected major international corporations which form a power block that runs the world central banking systems is now well entrenched in the continent of Africa and has deployed major covert eugenic programs to radically depopulate it so that its numerous natural resources and assets can be cheaply acquired and stripped.

Hi, we’re from the US Government and we are here to help you” (The biggest lie ever told?).

Thus when Presidents set up 40 Billion dollar plans to help prevent and treat aids in Africa one must be very suspect.  It is always like the old saying goes, the time to start worrying is when the suits show up and say, “hi, we’re from the government and we’re here to help you.” And that includes all the other supposed do gooder programs like Gates vaccination help and other sophisticated means which can allegedly be turned as used as sterilization or “thin the herd” depopulation means.

Thus we find many of these large corporations there and this includes many Chinese business ventures too, as the various NWO power structures compete to grab up as much as they can.

So when three American Presidents show up in Africa, all at the same time, one wonders how such a remarkable occurrence could be explained. And then when a highly placed respected source shares a rumor that an “alien ruler” from the past has returned as the inter-dimensional planet Nibiru is approaching in its 3600 year orbit, one wonders, could this be the reason?

Edward Snowden is alleged to have just made a major new disclosure which if true, could be a game changer and could perhaps make this rumor of Marduk landing in Africa more credible.

And now a new claim has entered the situation.  A recent article (12) from an unvetted source now claims not only has Venezuela granted Edward Snowden asylum, but that Snowden has revealed that the USG and specifically NSA has massive proof UFOs and Aliens exist and “doesn’t know what to do with this information”. Sometimes misinformation sites are used to break real news so that it will be ignored and discredited.  Kind of like using “blown cover” as “cover” in the Intel business.

Stay tuned because in the weeks and months to follow this whole storyline may get even stranger. Veterans Today will likely be the first to break such any such stories which clarify any of these claim one way or the other.

The Third Force cannot gain ground when folks are unwilling to harm others and do what is wrong.

The Third Force is only able to gain ground and power as long as humans behave in unnatural ways and violate God Almighty’s laws. Doing what is wrong which essentially is violating the golden rule, harming others, oneself or one’s family or nation is what gives the Third Force a means to invade.

If individuals truly follow the “golden rule” of “treating others as you would like them to treat you”, refuse to be mindkontrolled by the Controlled major Mass media (CMMM), television, video games, maintain their personal character, a commitment to truth and honesty, and maintain their basic human right to self-defense and the defense of their family and nation from outside invaders and any enemy within, this evil onslaught of the Third Force can be stopped.


Couple of very important documents! (must read)

Now I just want to inform you few of very important documents, which you should all read. The website which has these document is http://www.stopthecrime.net/ . There is a lot of information on that site, but these few documents are the most important ones. These documents relate to the agenda how the “world bankers”, “The powers that be“, “Elite”, “Illuminati” or whatever you want to call them is trying to destroy the World and lead us to the New World Order (NWO). First one is called “NASA – Future Strategic Issues / Future Warfare (circa 2025)“. This document tells you how “They” have the future for us and it doesn’t look good I promise you that. Here’s a flier about the document (click to enlarge):



>> Here is the link to the document, which you can find also on the left side under “Downloads”


Here is the YouTube video where Deborah Tavares explains the document:


Then we have another document on that same site called “Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars“. This document tells you how “They” are using silent weapons against us and our health:

Conspiracy theories are nothing new to history. Plots to “kill Caesar” and overthrow Rome abounded, for instance. however, it is s eldom that concrete clues to such plots come to light, and are generally known.
Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, An Introduction Programming Manual was uncovered quite by accident on July 7, 1986 when an employee of Boeing Aircraft Co. purchased a surplus IBM copier for scrap parts at a sale, and discovered inside details of a plan, hatched in the embryonic days of the “Cold War” which called for control of the masses through manipulation of industry, peoples’ pastimes, education and political leanings. It called for a quiet revolution, putting brother against brother, and diverting the public’s attention from what is really going on.
The document you are about to read is real. It is reprinted in its virgin form, with diagrams, as a touch of reality.
Here is couple of videos related to this document:


Then we have a very important document called “The Matrix Deciphered“. This document tells you how your mind is attacked every day and you don’t even know it:

Monday, November 8, 2010
The Matrix Deciphered
Bio of Author
“True nobility is
exempt from fear”.

King Henry the Sixth, Part II (Act IV, Scene I).
Call me The Saint. I am the all American – prep school, Harvard College graduating with honors in computer science and a minor in premedical studies, and advanced degrees from Harvard and Dartmouth in business and science. My famous ancestors are President Lincoln, King Duncan of Scotland, and Governor William Bradford, the first governor of Massachusetts.

My research interests have been neural networks, virtual reality, and EEG controlled robotics. Before graduate school I worked for the Department of Defense, Navy, NATO, and various intelligence agencies‟ computer science projects. I have done business consulting and computer consulting for the largest companies in the world. I have been a professor, inventor, artist, and writer. I am one of the last Renaissance men.

My projects have included algorithms for Echelon and CIA natural language parsing and classification of document content, IRS formula for red flagging audits, writing the artificial intelligence code to automate tracking of the Soviet Nuclear Submarine Fleet and all water vessels, work integrating HAARP with SIGINT SIGCOM and SPAWAR. I have worked on projects for the Justice Department connecting local, state, and federal databases for the tracking of terrorists. I developed a system for the FBI to track license plates past toll booths and other locations. I worked on the soldier 2000 program to create body networks for reading vital signs and other information. A system I worked on called Snyper is operational in Iraq which triangulates on intercity conflict gun shots. I have been to a couple secret bases in the so called free world. I have developed telemedicine robotic surgery and virtual reality applications for the Army. For DARPA, I have worked on satellite computer vision target tracking applications and tank simulation as well as integration of the land, sea, and air surveillance systems like SOSSUS, towed arrays, and others.

Projects that I have worked on outside of government contracts include my thesis on computer generated holography, a project making paralyzed people walk again using choreographed stimulated muscles movements, face recognition, voice identification and recognition, finger print recognition, and neural network robotic controller. My research interests moved to enhanced reality heads up displays and wearable computing systems. My current research involves finding a cure for the mind control directed energy weapons fiasco. The integrated global surveillance grid is actually part of the holy grail of weapons and human control systems.

My apologies to the human race for my contribution to tyranny. I was tricked into thinking it would not be misused by corrupt government especially in my beloved country. I was wrong. The Joint Non – Lethal Weapons Directorate has Skip Green on the governing board. One of my old colleagues at a technology think tank in Cambridge partly in charge of the radio frequency weapons testing for neurological disruption now torturing and killing people worldwide. Several other US Navy and UK Navy scientists have been knocked – off and that is why I have come forward. I know my time may be near. I am currently a professor in computer science and business, helping to educate the public on government corruption, greed, and stupidity. Like my ancestor Lincoln, I am fighting against mental slavery in a new Civil War engineered by the same useless elements in over 80 government agencies who have tested radiological, drug, and viral weapons on unsuspecting Americans for over 45 years.

I have great pride in the fundamental and constitutional values of America and mean no disrespect by my blasting the incompetence, apathy, and stupidity of those involved in the conspiracy of involuntary biological, chemical, and psychotronic human effects testing. There are so many brave men and women serving in the armed forces who fight and protect us for the American values they believe in. But because of the silos of information called compartmentalization in the security agencies and the lack of accountability and oversight of black operations and some top secret projects, diabolical elements become rogue or worse destroying the very country they are tasked with protecting turning it into a hypocracy rather than a democracy.

My goal is to awaken Americans to the continued horrific acts of military and CIA weapons testers in this country and the other branches of government‟s inability to stop them and hold them accountable. All I ask from the reader is to listen to testimony and validate facts presented here and come to their own conclusion. Then fight to win back America from this silent overthrow. This has been my project for about two years, investigating government corruption, incompetence, and cover – up upon which I accidentally stumbled one day while looking at a reverse MRI scheme to inject electromagnetic signals into the brain for virtual reality applications.

I have interviewed over two hundred people and worked on the highest level of military projects for the U.S., NATO, and U.K. and have given videotaped testimony to senators and representatives on this topic resulting in lip service since they have no real power to enforce. Two high level FBI agents and a couple CIA agents have come forward to validate the existence of an MKULTRA – like project that continues to grab random people for mind control experimentation. Two of these have since become part of the program and endure daily psychotronic tortures. All the torture can be done using directed energy psychotronic weapons with the so called continental ballistic missile surveillance defense grids.

I  apologize to the human race for any contribution to these 4th generation weapons that I may have worked on that are more horrific than the nuclear bomb and whose cover-up is more pervasive than the Manhattan Project. And because of the horrific acts of violence being committed on as many as two thousand Americans as far as my research has uncovered and many others in other countries, I understand the extreme risk to my own welfare that publishing this material will have. But freedom is so important to me that I know full hear tedly that the human race must have an open discussion on these weapons to decide their own fate before the point of decision is gone, that I am willing to risk divulging so called national secrets. All I offer you is the truth. All information presented in this book was received through legitimate channels such as the Freedom of Information Act, military documents, victim testimony, and turned agents. I still hold valid the oath I took to keep secret the details of the projects that I worked on under DoD budgets. The majority of the proceeds of this book will go towards helping the psychotronic experiment survivors and surviving families of those that have perished. When the government fails, business and the citizens must look out for each other.

“Remember. All I offer you is the truth.”

Morpheus, The Matrix

>> Here is the link to the document, which you can find also on the left side under “Downloads”

So I think that these documents or books are good to start and of course “The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave by Cisco Wheeler and Fritz Springmeier” relates to these topics also.

Truth will ultimately prevail where there is pains taken to bring it to light.

Rene Caisse and Essiac – Herbal tea promoted as an alternative treatment for cancer and other illnesses

Here’s something to think about. Alternative, silenced treatment for canser and other illnesses. When U.S. Food and Drug Administration,  the National Cancer Institute,and the American Cancer Society say this treatment doesn’t work and should be suppressed, then it must be the Truth. I think when those kind of big organizations get scared, then there is something that threats their money. So here we have a nurse who cured many canser patients until she was forced to stop. What? Yes she was forced to stop curing people from canser. It’s a insane World we are living…

First something about Rene Caisse:

Rene Caisse

Many believe Rene Caisse (pronounced “reen case”) is one of the greater heroines of the past century.

This modest Canadian nurse discovered a natural herbal formula she took no money for it and died in relative obscurity.

Rene didn’t feel herself a writer so she never wrote an autobiography. She did, however, write a series of articles entitled “I Was Canada’s Cancer Nurse” which was published in the seventies with Bracebridge Examiner. Additionally, a collection of her writing and interviews was published posthumously in the Bracebridge Examiner.

She wrote a brief biography of her family and their settlement in Bracebridge, which you can read in her own words (click here).

A Great Discovery

In the 1920s Rene encountered a prospector’s wife who survived breast cancer. She tells it her own words (click here).

It Looked Encouraging

The initial use of Essiac was encouraging, so much so that a group of doctors assisted her in setting up a test lab and clinic in Toronto. She tells it her own words (click here).

The Bracebridge Clinic

She was invited by the Bracebridge Town Council to open her clinic in the old British Lion Hotel. Her lease payment, as stipulated by the Council, was $1 per month. It was here she ran her clinic from 1934 to 1942. She tells it her own words (click here).

Challenging the Establishment

Even before she opened the clinic, the medical establishment viewed her with skepticism. With the clinic now open, the full weight of the establishment unrelentingly bore down on her for years to come. She tells it her own words (click here).

A Requiem for Rene

Rene Caisse passed from this world on the day after Christmas, 1978, at 90 years of age. This obituary was published for her in the Bracebridge Examiner, click here to view.


Here is the story about Essiac:


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Essiac, marketed as Flor Essence and several other brands, is an herbal tea promoted as an alternative treatment for cancer and other illnesses.[1] As with many alternative remedies, the exact composition of essiac is unclear, but it reportedly contains burdock, Indian rhubarb, sheep sorrel, and slippery elm bark. Some formulations may also contain watercress, blessed thistle, red clover, and kelp.[2] From the 1920s through the 1970s, essiac was promoted as a cancer treatment by Rene Caisse, a Canadian nurse, who claimed that it had been given to her by a patient and that the recipe derived from an Ontario Ojibwamedicine man.[2] The name “Essiac” is Caisse’s surname spelled backwards.

In 1977, Caisse gave the essiac formula to a Canadian company, which attempted to commercialize the product. However, the company was unable to show any efficacy of essiac against cancer. Repeated laboratory tests showed that essiac failed to slow tumor growth and, in large doses, killed test animals. In a number of studies, essiac actually increased the rate of cancer growth.[3] As a result both the U.S. and Canadian governments refused to approve essiac as a medical treatment. Essiac was instead marketed as a dietary supplement, subject to much looser regulation and not required to show any proof of effectiveness.[2]

Essiac’s purported effect on cancer has been reviewed by several major medical and scientific bodies, including the U.S. Food and Drug Administration,[4] the National Cancer Institute,[2] and the American Cancer Society.[5] All have found no evidence that essiac has any effect against cancer. The U.S. FDA described essiac as a “Fake Cancer ‘Cure’ Consumers Should Avoid”.[4] Researchers at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center have written that Essiac continues to be a popular cancer therapy despite unsubstantiated claims of its effectiveness.[6]


And here is the documentary about Rene Caisse and the Essiac (4 parts):


Then we have a documentary about other suppressed canser treatments here:



So I think that Big Pharma just want to keep us sick and ill, because it is a damn good business!!!

If you shut up truth and bury it under the ground, it will but grow, and gather to itself such explosive power that the day it bursts through it will blow up everything in its way.