Tag Archives: NWO

Here’s your program booklet, Project Red Book

Last one of these colored projects is “Project Red Book”.  This project is a huge database focusing mainly underground bases D.U.M.B.S and hollow earth theory.

Here is one explanation & database copnsidering this so called “Project Red Book”:

First there was Project Blue Book [Alien Aerial Phenomena], and Project Yellow Book [Alien Intervention in History], which have apparently been used as tools of propoganda to some extent. Now PROJECT REDBOOK [a global subsurface database on regressive alien activity sites] is here! No propoganda, just the flat out data! Unlike UFO’s which are here today and gone tommorrow, underground facilities can not so easily “disappear” and thus PROJECT RED BOOK may be an even more valuable resource for investigators and activists…

REDBOOK is the most concise “public” database of its kind in the world. The data is given as is, with no claims as to authenticity. These reports may range anywhere from absolute fact to mythological fantasy. However the sites are there, and pinpointed in most cases, for those who are daring enough to probe the depths of these subsurface facilities [or the depths of the folktales or legends themselves, whatever the case may be]. I have tried to focus on those sites which might pose a potential security rist to the sovereign nations, states, and individuals of the surface. The Red Book database will deal with underground sites where (alleged) benevolent encounters as well as (alleged) malevolent encounters have taken place… or you might say, areas where both ‘progressive’ (or benevolent) and ‘regressive’ (or molevolant and/or “neutral”) scenarios have been encountered underground.


Big part of this project is also called “Branton files” by Bruce Alan Walton. Here is a small description of them:

The Branton Files are a series of documents espousing various conspiracy theories. They have circulated on the internet since at least the mid-1990s. They are named after their editor, Bruce Alan Walton.The UFO conspiracy theory is prominently featured, but many other conspiratorial ideas are also mentioned. Many wild claims are made and are presented as self-evident, but little in the way of coroborative evidence is offered. The Branton Files might be seen as elaborate urban legends.

The Branton Files are typically written in a rambling style, with many digressions and asides… probably due mostly to the fact that his manuscripts are ‘collections’ of writings from dozens of different sources, compiled/edited in no particular order, but given with the intent that the reader will sort through and assimilate the information in keeping with their own individual perspectives on reality.


Here is more about Bruce Alan Walton:

Branton states that he is a “sleeper” agent for the CIA who was (possibly after stumbling on some information that he wasn’t supposed to know) electronically induced with an alternative personality which was “programmed” to serve the CIA Black Projects and the Bavarian-Gray collective. In this alternate or “double life” he had access to several underground bases, and has apparently encountered several alien groups as well.

When his “conscious” self began to awaken to the facts of this alternate existence (facts that were confirmed by others whom he knew), he began to investigate deeper and to expose the conspiracy against this planet in the best way that he knew how. He is not yet certain whether or not his “alternate self” presently shares his conscious values.

A great many people are involved in such “double” lives and have been programmed with alternate nocturnal personalities which “kick in” once they are in the presence of the aliens … these include contactees who work with human “Federation” personnel, others who work with the “Ashtar” collective, and still others who are being used by the “Gray” Empire in their continued efforts to infiltrate our society.

Several of the “Montauk” crowd such as Preston Nichols, Al Bielek and Duncan Cameron also claim that they had been programmed with alternate personalities during their work with the space-time and mind-control projects being carried out at Montauk Point, Long Island in the mid 1980’s.

Branton himself has a strong feeling that he was also involved with this project in some fashion. In 1985 when the Montauk Project was sabotaged and had ceased for a time, he was 25 years of age. This project is once again in full swing at Montauk, but everything has now been taken underground down into the 8-leveled subterranean facility there, which is being operated jointly by the CIA, the (Nazi) Thule Society, and the alien Grays and is to be a key operational base for the implementation of their “New World Order“.

This base has some connection with another base under the Archuleta mesa near Dulce, New Mexico where the Grays themselves have their underground headquarters.


Here is the link to Bruce Alan Walton’s Project Red Book files:

>> Project Red Book by Bruce Alan Walton

And then there is this huge database, which I have just scratched including all kind of info considering Project Red Book:


This is a huge flow of information and I have to get back to this Project in the future. But this was the end chapter of Project Blue, Yellow and Red books and it is a tough one. Have a good weekend my friends.

Excuse me but isn’t that water you are fueling?

Could you imagine a car, that runs on water? It may sound ridicilous, but there was a man called Stan Meyers, who designed and crafted a car or buggy, which used water as fuel. Actually he invented “water fuel cell“, which he’s buggy was using. This case belongs to category of inventions, which are forbidden from bigger audience. Interesting about this case is, that Stan was maybe murdered, because of his invention. Here is Stans explanation of water as a fuel:

“Many people do not realize that when you run a car or truck on gasoline of diesel fuel, you are actually running it on hydrogen. And all we are doing is using the hydrogen from water. And under the National Bureau of Standards figures shows that when you use water, the energy release is roughly two and a half times more powerful then that of gasoline. So water is a very powerful fuel.”


So why Stan was maybe murdered? That is because big corporations don’t want these new inventions to be published. Oil companies has bought many patents of inventions and just put them on hold. They want to suppress this kind of knowledge, because all they want is money. They don’t care if the Earth is getting polluted or people are dying, because of oil wars. And you always know, that there is something in the case when the inventor drops dead.

Here is the video of Stan Meyer’s death and other supressed projects:




That’s just sad, that big corporations use brutal force to silence these projects, which could be the salvation of mankind. Here is the short document of Stan Meyer and his water powered car:



>> Stan Meyer’s water power powered car website

I get back to projects like these later for example Nikola Tesla’s free energy and other medical breakthroughs. But since then have a good weekend and keep the water running! 🙂