The Montauk Project – Experiments In Time

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Aaaahh… the legendary Montauk Project. This is a tricky one to crack. There is so much information considering about this case that it is almost impossible to investigate. On the other hand it is one of the most exciting cases, because of living persons who stick to their testimonies. So either they really went through this or they are just plain mad lunatics. Just right case to Blogman’s journey.

There are different kind of ways to approach this subject, but my way is through couple of persons and they are; the legend itself Preston B. Nichols, Duncan Cameron, Al Bielek and Steward Swerdlow. Those are the main characters of this case and you just have to read & listen all their testimonies to get the full picture. I can lead this, but you have to do your work yourself if you want to make your own conclusions.

There is also another aspect of this and it is the military projects carried through on the Plum island. This story includes the famous Montauk monster, but I consider this another story and maybe I investigate it later. Now we focus in the Montauk project, which includes disappearing warships (USS Eldridge), time traveling, soul transferring (soul matrix or walk-in), mind control and PSI. Awesome!

First I post here the testimonies of Preston B. Nichols and Duncan Cameron, because these were the first videos that I watched when I found this interesting case. So here you have these videos (10 parts). These videos mainly contains all the basic Montauk project data, so they are considered as mandatory, if you want to understand anything about this case:




You can find Preston B. Nichols testimony on the left sidebar called “The Montauk Project – Experiments In Time“.

Then there is a lots of information in Alfred Bielek’s own website. Here is one of him’s interview in Art Bell show in 1993. Lot’s of Philadelphia experiment stuff too, but it is impossible to separate these two cases so here you go (12 parts):




And then there is a man called Steward Swerdlow. I think he is one of the famous Montauk boys, but he also talks about Al Bielek and he has written a book of this case called “Montauk: The Alien Connection“. I have this book, but not yet read it, but soon I will and maybe I wrote a review about it, because I have thought to release some book reviews too. But here is a small snippet of Steward talking for example Al Bielek:


And here is the Steward’s story:


This Philadelphia experiment/Montauk project is just a big mess… I have studied this case since 2007 and it still makes me wonder, that if this really happened, should we know about it?

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