Vaccinating Without Parental Knowledge Soon To Become The Norm Across The World

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Health officials in the U.S, U.K, Canada, Australia and around the world are officially crossing into dangerous territory with parents when it comes to vaccinations. Not only are public health entities habitually and deliberately failing to inform the public of their right to refuse vaccines in both school and work settings, but they are working towards mandatory vaccination protocols which will allow officials to conduct childhood vaccinations without any parental consent at all.


It was just a little over one year ago when the pharmaceutical industry, the Department of Health and Human Services, and Centers for Disease Control allocated millions of dollars in funding to establish vaccine clinics in public schools, causing a huge uproar from concerned parents.

The RAND Corporation, paid by Sanofi Pasteur, outlined how to turn schools into vaccine clinics, which critics claimed will inevitably poison children with multi-dose vaccines.

These school based health centers (SBHCs) are located in school settings that claim to provide children and adolescents with comprehensive primary, acute, and preventive care for physical and mental health conditions. The following report Are We ‘Making the Grade’ With Our Children is a concise overview of school based vaccination centers and their objectives.

SBHCs are becoming a matter of routine in other countries such as Australia, where the focus has been to implement the same HPV vaccination programs. Queensland Health has so far finalised arrangements with approximately almost 800 schools to offer the HPV vaccine to students.

Naturopathic Doctor and vaccine researcher, Dave Mihalovic stated that public health agencies are pushing the centers in the guise of preventive medicine, when they will effectively promote the opposite. “The centers are providing an entry portal for pharmaceutical giants to access student health records and provide dangerous treatments such as untested drugs and vaccines without the full informed consent of parents.”

Consent packets are sent home by the school, completed by a parent/guardian, and then returned to the school. Vaccines are provided during the school day by nursing staff. Parents are not required to be present.

The consent forms are a one-time process, meaning parents will not have to submit consent more than once regardless how many vaccines their child receives. “This leaves the door open for the injection or administration of any drug treatment to the child which the school’s health staff deems appropriate, without any informed consent by the parents on the treatment’s effects, contraindications or consequences,” said Mihalovic.

“It’s certainly an incredibly advantageous position for big pharma,” said Mihalovic. The decisions will ultimately be between parents and the respective policy makers of school system, however the responsibility to make the right decision will lie solely with the parents. “Any parent who would not sound the alarm at a policy that does not inform them of every single injection, drug or treatment to their child is simply not paying attention to the potential consequences,” concluded Mihalovic.

Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry recently came under fire from the public and his opposition for an executive order mandating the HPV vaccine as a requirement for young girls without their informed consent or that of their parents.

One of the most concerning issues relating to Perry’s executive order is that HPV has been repeatedly shown not to cause cervical cancer, and that it is the persistant infection, not the virus, that determines the risk. More than 90% of women initially infected with a particular strain of HPV will not show the same strain four menstrual cycles later making the vaccine useless. Another astonishing fact, as shown by a CDC study, is that HPV types 16 and 18, the two HPV vaccine-relevant strains, are NOT the prevalent types in American women. Three published papers on HPV prevalence in the U.S., indicated that types 62, 84 and 52 are the most prevalent. None of these are targeted in either approved HPV vaccine, and type 52 is an accepted high-risk “carcinogenic” strain of HPV.

SANE Vax, Inc. recently informed the FDA that the Gardasil HPV vaccine currently on the market has been found to be contaminated with residual recombinant HPV DNA. This hitherto unknown contaminant may have provided a scientific basis for Gardasil-induced autoimmune-based inflammatory diseases in various tissues, including inflammation in the joints and central nervous system.

SANE Vax contracted with an independent lab to test for contamination and found HPV recombinant DNA (rDNA) in 13 vaccine vials. The Gardasil vials with different lot numbers were from New Zealand, Australia, Spain, Poland, France and three states in the U.S. 100% of the samples tested positive for the presence of the genetically modified HPV DNA.

The state of California recently passed bill AB499, permitting minors as young as 12 years old to be vaccinated with vaccines such as Gardasil without parental knowledge or parental consent. The worst part is that parents will still be legally and financially responsible for their child even if severe damage results from the secret vaccinations without parental consent.

The overbearing reach of public health officials extends far beyond the United States. As vaccine examiner noted last year, a ‘demonstration project’ conducted by PATH International in cooperation with ICMR and the Indian state governments and funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation was called to an abrupt halt amidst allegations of unethical conduct.

58 various health advocacy groups took it upon themselves to conduct an independent fact finding mission when reports of 4 unexplained deaths and 120 girls suffering from debilitating new illnesses after being vaccinated against the HPV virus.

In Canada, health officials routinely ignore the fact that there are no laws that can force a person to be vaccinated against their will. Parents are often pressured to vaccinate their young infants with the threat that the child won’t be allowed in school–even though most provinces don’t have acts legislating compulsory vaccination.

In the three provinces (Ontario, New Brunswick and Manitoba) that have legislation for school-entry vaccinations, parents are rarely told that exemptions for reasons of conscience and/or religion exist within these laws to allow their children to opt out of having any shots.

Although there is no specific law in British Columbia that governs vaccination for school entry, the Infant’s Act gives health officials a veritable carte blanche to perform medical procedures on children without parental knowledge and consent. The Vaccine Risk Awareness Network (VRAN) has been contacted on several occasions by parents whose children were hauled in by school nurses and vaccinated against their will despite the child’s protest that they were not to get any vaccines.

In Burnaby, BC, parents have been infuriated by the lack of parental consent obtained by health authorities. A Burnaby mom was one of those parents upset that her 13-year-old daughter was vaccinated for HPV without her parental consent. “She didn’t bring home any forms or anything,” said Rosemary Reid. “I had absolutely no idea.”

The BC based Fraser Health Authority states they try to get parental consent, and if the girls don’t bring the forms back, it’s up to a public health nurse to decide if they are mature enough to give informed consent. “This informed consent thing, I don’t think I agree with it. I think it should still be up to the parents. You can take some kids into a room and brainwash them,” she said. “They’re only 13 and 14.” Fraser Health spokesperson Lisa Thibault said kids can overrule parental objection if they’re deemed mature enough by a public health nurse, and it’s the nurse’s responsibility to make that assessment.

At issue, of course, is whether 12-, 13- or 14-year-olds are mature enough to fully analyze the benefits versus risks of vaccination (or any medical treatment for that matter), or recognize the alternatives.

On a broader level, the vaccine situation involving nursing students, students in teachers’ college, dental tech students, health care workers and workers in nursing homes is fairly grim. These people are often threatened with expulsion and job loss if they refuse to submit to hepatitis B, tuberculosis tests or flu shots.

Health workers who refused the flu shots have been laid-off their nursing home jobs without pay when cases of flu have broken out. Those who do agree to get the flu shot are required to sign a waiver that absolves the institution, the union and the pharmaceutical company from any liability for damages should health injury or disabilities occur from vaccine reactions.

In the U.K, nurses regularly disregard the wishes of parents relating to the health and welfare of their children. U.K department of health does not deny that parental consent is desirable but not essential. Family rights campaigners called for a change in the law one year ago after it was revealed that girls as young as 12 can be given the cervical cancer vaccine without their parents’ consent. Doctors and nurses have been told they are under no legal obligation to seek the permission of the parent or guardian.

Norman Wells, director of Family and Youth Concern, said: ‘Giving the vaccination to girls without the consent of their parents is unethical and a recipe for disaster. “It is sending out the message that girls under 16 have a right to a private sex life and is treating parents with contempt.”

U.K Doctors have reported that girls aged just 12 and 13 have suffered paralysis, convulsions and sight problems after being given the HPV vaccine.

Family doctors in the U.K have even been accused of administering the MMR jab by stealth to children coming into their surgeries to receive other vaccinations. At least 50 horrified parents have complained that their GPs have ‘mistakenly’ given their children the combined measles, mumps and rubella vaccine, it has emerged.

Studies sponsored by pharmaceutical giants continue to embark on several qualitative and quantitative research projects to show biased results on how to assess the competency of consent from children for vaccinations. BMC Public Health published a study in 2009 which claimed to demonstrate that health providers have a duty of care to girls for whom no parental consent for HPV vaccination has been given, and in the UK, this includes conducting, and acting upon, an assessment of the maturity and competence of an adolescent minor.

The British Journal of Cancer published a clinical study on HPV vaccination among ethnic minorities in the UK: knowledge, acceptability and attitudes, to assess what they refer to as unique opportunities for the “primary prevention” of cervical cancer. The background statement alone was erroneous and false before the study was even initiated. Vaccination has never been proven on any scientific grounds to be a primary prevention tool for cervical cancer.

Regardless, the quantitative study assessed ethnic differences in knowledge and acceptability of HPV vaccination in the UK to attempt to validate informed consent and refusal of HPV vaccination in ethnic communities.

The study further demonstrates how desperate vaccine manufacturers have become to obtain public acceptance for bypassing informed consent. The need to initiate a study to derive data on the differentiation between ethnicity, religion and other factors to define acceptability of informed consent is not only immoral, but also shows a complete disregard for what consent represents as a human right.
The right to “informed consent” when considering any medical procedure or drug, is a fundamental human right and a key medical ethic that governs medical law in almost every country in the world. This ethic has grown from the Nuremberg trials after World War II. It forbids human experimentation and the use of force or intimidation in medical procedures.

The institutions that are using these strong-arm tactics are in violation of fundamental medical ethics and must be challenged forcefully if we are to preserve what remains of health freedom for humanity. The unions who have conspired with the various institutions to enforce vaccination must also be called to task for failing to protect children and workers’ rights from medical coercion and battery.

At the pinnacle of defending our health freedoms, we need to muster strength in numbers as the majority to secure amendments that will guarantee freedom of choice in health, and protection from enforced medication at all costs.



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