Donald Marshall books, videos & info

If you see the insignia of DM somewhere it means Donald Marshall. His info is the most crucial to know if you are trying to find the Truth. His info is gathered in 2 free books, which you can download from this page. Here you can find also videos, which explain his info in a very good way. Here’s the introduction and the books and some other info…


Just  read  it.  Every  word  in  this  document  is  true,  and  it  is  the most  important  document  to ever  reach  the  internet. This document is  written to  empower  good  people  of  the  world against  the tyranny which exists all around  us  in our world today. Effectively,  the document presented  here discloses concealed information about  the extent  to which  medicine, science, and technology  has advanced  in our current era. Moreover, I am disclosing this  information because I  have been extensively abused, and I am  victim of  current advances  in medicine, science, and technology, which  I describe  in  detail below.  There  are  many,  many, other victims  of abuse,  including  myself, and  therefore  it  is  our plea  that  you  read this  document with  an  open  mind and  you  investigate ALL statements  which  may  initially  irk  you  and appear ‘suspect’  to begin  with (the  circumstantial  evidence  is  available  all  around you); because  as  a  victim  of  abuse,  I  can  honestly  say, there  is  nothing  worse  than  experiencing abuse, and those who have the power to protect you from your abusers, ignore you.

I  will  now  discuss  what  qualifies  as  whistle  blowing  disclosure.  After  detailing  the  criteria which qualifies for whistle blowing disclosure, I will detail aspects of the Serious Crime Act, and  preface  a  foundation  which  defines, explains,  and  references  key  information  for  the  reader to understand as well as explore the extent to  which medicine, science, and technology has  advanced  today; all  for  the  express  purpose  of  compelling  the  reader  that  medicine, science,  and  technology, has  advanced  at  an  incredible  rate; that current advances  in medicine,  science  and  technology  are  withheld  from  public  knowledge; and  finally  these advancements  in  medicine,  science, and  technology,  have  been  and  are currently used  to commit serious unspeakable crimes against  humanity  and our  environment  here  on  earth. Moreover, it  is  my  aim  to  present  this information  as coherently  as  possible  to  assist the reader  to  save  me,  and save many,many  others  who  experience  abuse  daily  resulting  from concealed advances in technology.

Here is the original Donald Marshall disclosure letter and the 2 books, which you can download (pdf):

And here you can find more info about Donald Marshall:

Here is a list of small videos, which you can watch and share easily to new people and spread the information:


I found these cool videos made by Youtube user called The Elvish Magic. They explain simply the issues, that Donald Marshall has told in his interviews. So if you don’t have time to check out all the Donald Marshall info you can watch these small videos about the different topics:

Donald Marshall – R.E.M. Consciousness Transfer

Donald Marshall – Cloning: Replication and Duplication

Donald Marshall – The Cloning Floor

Donald Marshall – Project Muffin

Donald Marshall – Clone Types

Donald Marshall – Vril Synopsis

Donald Marshall – Droning Process

Donald Marshall – Atlantis

Donald Marshall – Recorded Consciousness On Microchips

Donald Marshall – The Awakening

Donald Marshall – Project Camelot

Donald Marshall – Nostradamus Prophecies

Donald Marshall – The Pharisees

Donald Marshall – Animated Interviews

Donald Marshall – Justin Bieber


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