24 Signs that You could be an Original Annunaki Descendant on the Earth Today

1. Annunaki believe that you can truly create something from nothing.

The Annunaki are rumored to be many things. Supposedly they were the charged with a great task. This was the creating and controlling the physical world, literally not symbolically. They were given the tools to create existence from the energies of the great void of nothingness and had the power to manipulate it. This would have begun this great work sometime around 500 thousand years ago, perhaps longer. The true time frames of such matters are not known to anyone, anymore. Perhaps not even to the Annunaki, this period may have been more like a dream to them.

2. Annunaki are gifted in all of the powers to create matter from energy.

Form was made first by creating matter itself, with the basic building blocks of the universal energies. The Annunaki accomplished this by working from materials they gathered from the Abyss. From there they created space. The reason they created space was so that substance could exist, and then matter itself, beginning with atoms and building from there. It is assumed that this work, although complex, happened at a very high rate of time. Almost instantly, as if they said “Let there be light”, to use a Biblical metaphor. This is up to debate, as this is not recorded in history.

3. Annunaki hate all strict time schedules, especially being held to them.

While creating Paradise, the Annunaki kept begging for more time. They wanted more time, so that they could make the world of matter perfect in every way, shape, and form. They were attempting to do this before setting God’s greatest creation, humanity, in it. They were creating the world of the Earth as we know it now. It can be argued that either they do not exist in a world where time is relevant or observable. It can also be argued that God may not have allowed the creation of Paradise or the Earth to continue, the job was to be finished and there was no more time to be had. This was upsetting to the Annunaki in either case.

4. Annunaki have always been portrayed as having stood against Lucifer in mythology.

Most mythology agrees that Lucifer, or a name that refers to an illuminous fire, was the Archangel that orignally oversaw the Annunaki work. After eons of delay, during which they shaped the Earth and all of its forces, fields, and landforms, but they were still demanding more time for the project. After they had not finished before the final timeline God had officially decreed, the Archangel Lucifer finally put his foot down. Many Annunaki never felt Creation was allowed to be perfected, and more than several nursed a grudge toward Lucifer. He held responsible by the Annunaki for his disruption of their work.

5. Annunaki don’t like being referred to or compared to the other angels.

Originally, the Annunaki had only two forms called the Antu and the Kishar. The Kishar created the Earth and everything upon it, save for life. The Kishar believed in what was called the One Law, they believed in one God, one truth, one purpose and did not have patience for anything other. They were the builders and the first that were set to work on the great project of the Earth’s creation. This would be a bone of contention later in the history of the Annunaki. The Kishar were also deeply loyal to the Archangel Lucifer, some had been under his leadership since the beginning of the Annunaki history.

6. Annunaki understanding of gravitation and physics would be beyond gifted.

It was late in the creation process that the Antu came into play. The Antu made movement and travel upon the Kishar’s creation possible. Their work often took them away from the other Elohim, leaving them somewhat separate and having time to develop different beliefs from their angelic brethren. The Antu came to believe in what was called the Strict Observance. This was an idea that they came up with, but it basically caused them to return to the belief that there were many Gods, goddesses, energies and influences on the universal powers. They also came to believe that God may not have been the original creator of the universe. This belief was greatly at odds with the Kishar and the One Law.

7. Annunaki are overly self conscious especially about their bodies.

When it came time to make humanity, the Annunaki were responsible for the creation of the body itself. They were very proud of their creation, they synthesis of material energies into DNA, the construction of the skeletal system, mapping out blood vessels and nerves, and placing the organs. They even created unused pathways within the Brain that could be altered or mutated later, as the human species grew within its Earthly evolution. When they were finished, even they found no fault with what resulted and proudly presented their creation to the Creator God.

8. Annunaki are capable of love, but it does not always serve them well.

Originally the Annunaki had no intentions of try to inhabit, influence and they did not even intend on having any control over the world we live in. They fell in love with their own perfect production of the human being. This was futile, the Annunaki proudly presented their creation with love, only to have that love shattered when the Creator God told them they could never reveal themselves to their most accomplished creation. That humanity was to remain ignorant of the first creation of the Universe, the Annunaki, the original Abyss and many other things. This was the day that many Annunaki came to believe, what many of them had long suspected, that the Creator God may not be the true Creator.

9. Annunaki are opinionated, but do not debate what they think or know is true.

The resentment that many Annunaki always felt towards the Creator and their suspicions that he or it, was actually a Demiurge. Word of these suspcions slowly leaked itself, these rumors spread through the Angelic heirarchies and the other Elohim began to bubble over with controversy. Then one of the Elohim named Ahrimal had an apocalyptic vision of the Earth, it fortold the Fall of humanity from God’s grace and a great war in the heavens. When the Annunaki heard of Ahrimal’s vision, they were concerned, but still felt that taking sides over the creation was not worthy of debate. For most Annunaki already knew where they stood and what their opinions had always been.

10. Annunaki took the side of humanity in mythology.

The Archangelic powers and the Elohim called upon all of their bretheren for what was called the Great Debate. The Archangelic powers had come to quarrel over wheather God was the source of all power, or wheather the Archangels derrived their power from that source. Thus was God the original Creator or not. When the Annunaki refused to join the Great Debate, they kept true to their belief in pure neutrality and thus were left keeping their grief and arguments to themselves. Both the Antu and the Kishar were in agreement with each other on this. In the end, over half of the Annunaki left Heaven to take up sides with humanity.

11. Annunaki are very earthy, having a love of precious gems and metals.

The Fall of humanity was either true, or was the result of the angels acting on Ahrimal’s vision. Either way the Annunaki had seen this before. They remembered the Fall of the first Earth, during the war between the Atlantean and Lemurian root races. The Annunaki were the fifth house of angels, and the only group to present themselves at the Fall ofhumanity. They came to the human species presenting precious metals and jewels before Adam and Eve, or the original tribes of humankind. These may have been fragments left over from the great weapon that had caused the Fall of Atlantis, and the destruction of the first Earth.

12. Annunaki made one very big mistake in judging humanity.

Humankind was as divided and caught up in the propoganda of the Fall as anyone. The curse that came soon after would be for humans use the tools that the Annunaki had created. Humanity sought to use these tools for their own was. This sparked rebellion within the Annunaki, who agreed that their tools could be used as a means of destruction, rather than creation, as they sought to control and master Creation; with this, the rebellious Annunaki became known as the Malefactors. Although different intentions and purposes prevailed, the Malefactors and the remaining true Annunaki continued to work together to ensure the survivial of the human species.

13. Annunaki are naturally creative, and love creating useful new tools.

It became clear to the Annunaki, that they needed help of humans if they were to survive, as well. They needed us, much more than humanity needed them. After the Fall of humankind, the Malefactors were determined to help humans survive. They offered to create tools and shelter for Adam and Eve, but they were determined to create things themselves. By now the various Archangelic powers had finished their Great Debate, and no resolution was come to or agreement. The Archangel Lucifer had drawn the line in the sand, having decided that since the angels themselves were going to argue forever, he would take up sides with the Annunaki to defend the human species. Many of the other angelic powers left as allies with Lucifer.

14. Annunaki are natural inventors and teachers in many disciplines.

The teaching of the Annunaki would be one of the many things that left their mark on humanity. While constructing a house of stones, Adam had difficulty in moving one large rock, and so one of the Malefactors created the lever to help him. In teaching mankind how to create and use tools, new orders within the Annunaki evolved. After the Fall, and long after the War that was about to begin between Heaven and Earth, there would come a great flood. During this period after the flood the it would be the Annunaki who had originally taught man how to domesticate animals, do agriculture, mathematics, writing, engineering, metallurgy, calendars, astrology, science, and many other arts. But this would not be for an epoch and humanity would be blissfully unaware that these ideas were genetically encoded within their bloodline DNA, thanks to the Annunaki and the Malefactors.

15. Annunaki in war are likely to be consciencious objectors.

The heavenly powers cursed the angels that sided with Lucifer, calling them the Fallen or the Nephilim. When the armies of Michael began to fall upon the fallen, Lucifer organized the Legions so the fallen and their allies could defend themselves, they used their knowledge to forge weapondry and prepare what was called the Iron Legion. Many Annunaki joined with the Iron Legion, building what the fallen and humanity would need to survive and prepare for the War against the Demiurge and the forces of Heaven, but over half the Annunaki refused to join the war itself. The Iron Legion annointed themselves in the holy enemy war rituals, they had become unified in the belief that the Creator God had not been the Creator, and was a false God. “The Demiurge must now Fall” was the only command ever given by Lucifer.

16. Annunaki are responsible for creating most weapons of modern war.

The other half of the Annunaki began working on new inventions that would give humanity an even bigger advantage, including demonic relics that could be used to protect humans. It was not with total agreement that the Annunaki and the Malefactors began sharing the secrets of transmutation, transmigration and the all essential art of Alchemical transformations. It is not recorded historically, but many suspect that the Annunaki also made the realization that during the creation of matter and the Earth, they had developed an usually powerful untested weapon. It was this power of harnessing the nuclear atomic energies that would provide the ultimate weapon in the Earthly third dimension. It was never decided amonst the Annunaki if they should have shared such secrets of weapondry construction with the humankind.

17. Annunaki are unsure how to react to many human emotions.

Somethings were beyond the human scope of understanding, at least at this point in their evolution. In fact, the more complex tools they gave humans, while marvels, could not actually be used by mortals as they did not have the Faith that the Malefactors had. This was the case with the idea for a nuclear weapon, modern man now knows that this Faith is called the Observer Effect in quantum mechanics. Many Annunaki tried to demonstrate and work the tools for them, but many humans became resentful and frightened and began to turn from them to do things on their own. The humans that were on the side of the Iron Legion, now turned their attentions against all of the Archangelic powers, the Annunaki and even both sides of the great War. Humans declared they would fight only for the side of humans.

18. Annunaki take things very personally and take rejection very hard.

The Annunaki were greatly hurt by this second rejection, and many began to despair that they could never be with humans on their terms. It was equally hurtful, when most of the human species declared war against their proud creators. The choice and opportunity is always before humanity for us to remember more of who they are. Even as the humans rebelled against the Anunnaki so long a time ago, although deeply saddened they also had never been more proud of the creation. Seeing the human species step up and take a hold of their evolution, maybe the reason why most of the Anunnaki left. What does this say about the human species and the Annunaki? Many have pondered this question, but it is something that cannot clearly be known for sure.

19. Annunaki are morally neutral, believing in sprituality and science.

When the great War first began, Lucifer and the Iron Legion swore to defend and never kill any member of the human species. When humans went to war against the Archangelic powers, the humans that wanted to remain neutral were considered traitors to the human species. The leader of the consciencious objectors that followed the Annunaki model of pacifism was killed by his own brother. This is the story of Cain and Able, or Enki and Elil in modern Annunaki tales and mythology. When the first murder occurred, the many of Annunaki were among the first to turn from Lucifer decree and peaceful ways. They wanted to remake Creation on their terms, and began to use their abilities, relics, and tools to harm fallen and human alike. This is where the peaceful story of the Annunaki ends in most histories.

20. Annunaki are natural healers and often this power was misused.

They experimented on the bodies and souls humans, trying to further perfect what was once their perfect creation; these Annunaki were the first to use souls to power relics. The more peaceful Malefactors continued to teach and protect humans, as well as help Lucifer in his campaign to round up the errant Legions. The Malefactors helped in all ways that they could and healed many humans back from death during the War to use for experimentaion. This gained many human allies as the Malefactors prepared and began the kingship of Earth. Modern theories say that all of european royalty, american presidents descend from these aliens, this maybe a bit extreme but is what the histories point to. It is also rumored that throught these earliest alliances, the Annunaki and Malefactors gained power, wealth and status, in modern times they started the industries of insurance, banking, governments, police, the justice system and the media to maintain supreme control. Again, there is almost nothing to backup such claims.

21. Annunaki believe in perfection, and actively seek it in everything.

The Malefactors took up arms with humanity, sharing in the spoils of war, but not fight against the remaining Iron Legion. Regrouped, the Annunaki began to create tools that could be used by the hybrids and mortals, as well as teach them how to shape and create tools of their own. Humans began to show their true potential. The Annunaki decendants and their bloodline mingled with humans creating powerful hybrids that became the creators of the pyramids, stonehenge, mermaids, Goliath, the Illuminati, Merovingians, great emperors of Asia, the Nagas of india, Buddha, Quetzalcoatl and the Mayan calendar, olympiads of Greece, noah and his descendants, Melchizedeks, Thoth, the Pendragons, the Tuatha de Danaan, Argartha, Shamballa, Pacal Votan, Jesus of Galilee, Vlad the Impaler, the Egyptian Pharohs and Julius Ceasar. Many natives from the americas and africa speak of the ancestors as dragon or serpent people who came from the sky. All of these may be partial bloodline decendants, just to name a few of the supposed lineage survivors of the Annunaki.

22. Annunaki are easily corrupted by the quest for power.

One of the Annunaki leaders named Cepta, became convinced that if mortals and fallen mated, their children would be the perfect creatures they had sought to create in the first place. The artifact that she eventually created allowed the fallen to take on fleshy forms and parent children, but perfection was not the result. The genetic alterations, modification and cross hybrid technologies was not capable of what the Annunaki sorceress believed. But it did alter humans in another way, it made our genetics into a stable and viable food source, through the mingling of the bloodlines. This is what many scholars believe the Annunaki came to sustain themselves on after the flood, that they are now psychic parasites who use us as food. Or at least the few Annunaki that chose to remain on Earth and survived, this is a matter of some debate.

23. Annunaki are deeply aware of the world and its darkest problems.

Instead, the product of these unholy couplings were the what the Bible refers to as the Nephilim. It was the nephilim who caused the downfall of humanity, and the Annunaki realized they had made their most bitter mistake in a misguided attempt to once again attain humanity’s love. This is a karmic burden that has not finished playing out itself on the Earth. Humanity is currently a combination of our past and present, creating our future selves. The dark resonance of history repeating itself was one of greatest concerns the Annunaki had, but there was no time to do anything about such matters. Because the great flood that is written of all throughout human history, was about the cast its waters across the Earth. All of the Annunaki had to decide what their fate would be, to try to survive the flood or choose to cease to exist.

24. Annunaki believe in the Law of One.

The Strict Observance was over, although the Annunaki would never believe in the one God as the Creator, it was the false God or the Demiurge that had won the War. This even caused the Annunaki to unite their entire tribe in belief, faith and history, the Annunaki united under the One Law. All that is exists and should not be changed, and cannot be changed. In the end, there was not much left for the Annunaki but to sadly end their existences or surrender to the Host of Heaven. They watched, together, as Heaven destroyed their great creations before marching into the Abyss when they could bear no more. The Annunaki in their second Earth incarnation and the first incarnation of humanity, they fell under the waters of the flood.
