Category Archives: Creatures from beyond

Did Mothman warned about Fukushima?

Just some article about how two guys saw “Mothman” before Fukushima disaster:

Posted by: mystery_man on November 2nd, 2013

Source & References: Marcus P.

I was in Japan on business and had emailed a lifelong friend who was living in Japan and teaching English at a local school. He had insisted on my staying with him for the duration of my stay, saying it would help save me money and make my expense report look better when I turned it in.

My friend (I will call him Tim for the sake of his reputation and career) was a lifelong bachelor and had a fairly large apartment all to himself and his cat.

After several days of day long meetings and group seminars, we had decided to go out to get a bite to eat and take in the town.

After a fairly large meal and hopping from one night spot to another we decided to go toward the ocean and check out the moonlight reflecting off the waves.

My friend stated that he wanted to check on a biology station that some of his graduate students had set up near a large power plant.

As we approached the plant from the west, we walked along some paths and came to a simple metal box bolted into the ground, from this box there were a myriad of weather vanes, and other meteorological devices.

My friend stated the schools science class students had a theory that just like the water being used and discharged by the power plant was warmed by the production of electricity; the air around the plant was also being warmed and thus affecting weather and tidal patterns in the surrounding eco-system.

It all sounded too complex and in my slightly tipsy and tired state was only able to grasp the bare bones of the complex theory he laid out. He finished up and changed the subject to something more jovial when all of a sudden we heard a loud and distinct “WHOOSH” at first my mind thought it might be the sound of the distant waves crashing ashore when we heard it again, followed by an ear pitching screech that shook me down to the bone and made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.

We looked around for the cause of the noise, when we heard the sound again.

The best way I can describe it is a city buses brakes when they are in need of service.

Loud and ear splitting. We both continued to look around when my friend’s attention was drawn toward the plant by another nearby couple. A younger couple, out for a walk were staring toward the plant, arms outstretched and the obvious fear in their voice showing itself.

I looked toward the plant, and against the lights of the plant I thought I saw a figure silhouetted against the moonlit sky.

The figure was large and black, from the distance I was at it looked to be sitting on top of one of the squared shape buildings.

It sat there for about 5 seconds then it unfurled a large set of what I could only describe as large, black wings. The only reference I can compare them too are from the old John Travolta movie “Michael” where the main character unfurls his wings and spreads them out to their full length. To say that this creature was large was an understatement.

The creature then took flight and circled the plant at least 4-5 times, some circuits he took at a fast pace, some he seemed to slow down, all the while he kept his attention on the row of square shaped buildings that I later found out housed the reactors.

The creature then came toward us, flying at least 25-30 feet off the ground. The younger couple who had noticed the creature first were now screaming and cowering, the man shielding the woman while shielding his head with a jacket.

My friend and I looked in awe as this creature flew over us.

That’s when I noticed the two large red eyes; they seemed to glow from within and with a blood red hue. They were unblinking in the 3-4 seconds we saw them, we knew they were looking straight at us, we knew this creature knew we could see it and it made no attempt to disguise itself.

The sick, intense and overwhelming feeling of dread came over us. A feeling that we shouldn’t be there was to say the least, overwhelming.

As quickly as it came, it flew away, back toward the town, eventually melting into the black night sky and as it flew away from us a loud whoosh was heard again and then…silence.

This lasted a second or two before I heard the sound of a shutter and turned to see my friend trying to take pictures with his cell phone, but all he got was dark, night time sky. We went straight home and my friend bolted the door and drew all the blinds, he was shaking and saying that he could not believe what he saw, could it have been a large, unknown species of bird? He kept mumbling to himself until I was able to calm him down and get him to relax and talk about what we had seen.

Eventually we both agreed that it must have been some sort of large bird, or maybe an optical illusion caused by the lights given off by the plant on a regular, known species of bird.

We talked about it late into the night, till we both fell asleep on the couches and awoke the next morning to stiff necks and backs. My friend and I spent the last two days out and about and enjoying each other’s company, till he drove me to the airport and we bid each other farewell and I came home.

We spoke about it only once more in an email about a week before he was due to come to the U.S. for his sister’s wedding.

When I brought it up at the wedding rehearsal dinner, he was convinced that it had been an optical illusion. That was until the day before the wedding when he woke me out of a deep sleep with a frantic phone call telling me to turn on the TV.

There came the images of the devastation of the Japanese earthquake and the near total destruction of the city of the town of Okuma, where my friend was living and working.

The day of the wedding the news came of the explosions at the local nuclear power plant and as CNN broadcast the report, we were both a gasp as the same power plant where we had seen the strange bird-like object was now being shown on the television set.

The Fukushima Daiich was the exact same plant we had seen the strange bird like creature circling. Was it pure coincidence or was it the mythical Moth-Man doing his strange work of predicting disasters? I may never know and may go to the grave wondering that, but one thing is certain for sure, I don’t think that neither of us is going to forget this event, no matter how long we live.


You can check more info about Mothman from my series called “Creatures From Beyond”:


“Many yet are the secret truths of God which will be unfolded as they are needed.”
HENRY WARD BEECHER, Proverbs from Plymouth Pulpit

Last Month’s Poll winner: The Truth about Giants (Nephilims)

Last month’s Poll winner post was Giants so I make a quick repost about these creatures here. You can read my previous posts about them here:


And then some new information about these creatures:

The Truth about Giants

Stretch your mind back to childhood. What giants do you remember? Jack and the Beanstalk? Hercules? Paul Bunyan? Goliath? What were you told and what did you read? With the exception of Goliath and an occasional ornery cyclops, legends emphasized their innate goodness, eye-popping feats accomplished with unparalleled strength, victories over the bad guys and all performed by “gentle giants”. What if it were all a lie? What if the truth were something much MUCH more sinister?

I have invested over 30 years researching the vast history of giants. It has, for the most part, been kept from the public. Proof of giants’ existence – their skeletal remains – has been quickly secreted away in obscure museums, when not destroyed. Additionally, time has cloaked and sugar-coated these creatures’ true perverse nature, the majority too vile, too demonic for bedtime stories. However, history is replete with their tales of unimaginable cruelty, sexual perversity, cannibalism and pagan rituals. This is only the beginning. Some things are best forgotten. . . or are they?

Where did these giants come from and what was their connection with ordinary humans? Just who were they? What happened to these extraordinary creatures? Is it possible they could ever return? The last question I will answer right now – YES, they most definitely could return! And they have something much worse in mind for mankind.

  • Present day modern man which averages about 6-feet tall + or – several inches or more.
  • 15-foot human skeleton found in southeast Turkey in late 1950’s in the Euphrates valley during road construction. Many tombs containing giants were uncovered here. This pertains to the picture of the giant human femur and myself above.
  • Maximinus Thrax Ceaser of Rome 235-238 A.D. This was an 8′ 6″ skeleton.
  • Goliath was about 9 feet + or – a few inches. I Samuel 17:4 late 11th century.
  • King Og spoken of in Deuteronomy 3:11 whose iron bedstead was approximately 14-feet by 6-feet wide. King Og was at least 12-feet tall, yet some claim up to 18.
  • A 19’6″ human skeleton found in 1577 A.D. under an overturned oak tree in the Canton of Lucerne.
  • 23-foot tall skeleton found in 1456 A.D. beside a river in Valence, France.
  • A 25′ 6 ” skeleton found in 1613 A.D. near the castle of Chaumont in France. This was claimed to be a nearly complete find.
  • Almost beyond comprehension or believability was the find of the two separate 36-foot human remains uncovered by Carthaginians somewhere between 200-600 B.C.


I ask you to do only one thing when reading this book: Read it with an open mind. And by open, I mean that you will for a time suspend the notions (and — as I will prove to you in this book — propaganda) that you have been taught in school, by news magazines, and the majority of other outlets for the “facts” of science and history.


In doing this, you will discover that you are like the sleepers in the movie Matrix. You have been living a life in a dream world, where things are not as they seem. You are living in a place that has the truth hidden, substituting a series of carefully crafted lies to keep you permanently blinded, with the truth only having a chance to briefly surface from time to time.

This book will be your chance to see the truth, to learn what is going on behind the scenes and the many telling facts that have been carefully hidden from your view. If you will read it with an open mind, you will be able to take the first step toward seeing what is really going on, and see the monsters behind the scenes who are attempting to keep the truth from being revealed about them, as well as the ancient past and the ways it will effect the future.

Why must you keep an open mind as you read this?

Because like most of those reading this book, you have been hoodwinked by the education establishment which by intent or by accident, has become the prime purveyor of the lies that make up the “party line” that keeps the truth hidden. This education has been so deeply ingrained in almost every educated human being, so that responses and views are like thick sunglasses that prevent seeing in a dimly lit room. It is only by removing those glasses that one can see what’s real, and in the process find the truth.

Because of this conditioning and training through the educational system as well as the entertainment and news media, those hiding the truth have a very powerful tool: Denial. And often they don’t have to employ it directly; like rats trained by electrical shock, you jump to attention and deny the truth when it’s presented to you. Years of conditioning with the electric shock of scorn and derision have taught you to do this. You not only do the work of hiding the truth, because of your conditioning you may even humiliate those who would bring the truth to you.

This conditioning has filtered through the educational system for centuries, so that today’s scientists, doctors, and historians are likewise victims to it. As I will document in this book, when confronted with the truth of history, artifacts, or fossils, they have learned to shut out the facts from their minds through their educational conditioning.

Or if that truth is too strong to ignore, then they may hide it from site and attempt to forget. Because if they do not, they will quickly become the object of scorn and derision from their peers, with a quick trip to unemployment as one of the “kooks” or “nut cases” that are today full of similar men who attempted to have an open mind and register their second thoughts or reservations about the dogma of lies which they had been taught.

Thus denial is the first tool trotted out. It is the typical “educated response” when a researcher, newsman, or scientist is presented with anomalous evidence and findings that don’t fit neatly into the category of “containment.” And likewise today’s academia is comprised of individuals living in intellectual boxes of dishonesty.

The Time of Change Is At Hand

For you and each person who will read this book with an open mind, that can change. Because for over 30 years now, I have been carefully tracing, finding, sleuthing the truth.

I started by investigating the origins of ancient civilizations: Their builders, their myths, their legends. Little by little what I discovered prompted and provoked me to seek answers beyond the party line. As Henry Ford, the automotive genius of the last century so aptly put it, “History is more or less bunk.”

The Romanian–born French philosopher E. M. Cioran put it even more bluntly when he wrote, “History is nothing but a procession of false absolutes, a series of temples raised to pretexts, a degradation of the mind before the improbable.”

As I will show you, these men are not far off the mark (perhaps because they were often rubbing shoulders with those working behind the scenes to hide the truth). As you’ll see, past civilizations were not the primitive collectives they’ve been portrayed as being in textbooks and Hollywood. They were truly amazing, yes, even breath-taking. Because far from being the crude cultures they have been pictured as being, they held technology not only equal to today’s, in many respects they were advanced beyond modern day technology, often to the point that they defy “modern man’s” imagination in how they achieved their more remarkable accomplishments.

Modern historians, of course, play a game of deny, deny, deny, coming up with explanations for these accomplishments that are nearly as amazing as the artifacts they try to explain away. As you will see, the explanations and dismissals are full of holes. For there is truth to the many stories that are now denied. What you have been taught to scoff at and dismiss as myth more often than not may be truth.

This is not that hard to prove, either.

By simply looking at the ruins of the past, a person quickly discovers that the ancients constructed architecture that was so accurately positioned to “stellar and planetary coordinates” that only recently has modern science and computer technology been able to fathom the relevance of such positioning. (Indeed, some ancient constructions appear to have positioning that modern science does not yet understand.)

How the ancients were able to gain such knowledge with crude tools and the marginal math today’s archeologists claim they had is impossible to explain. When not ignoring and denying, today’s “modern sciences” develop very pathetic explanations and theories. Yet these remain as “facts” because those scientists and researchers seldom dare to suggest otherwise, less they find their careers at an end.

Perhaps the most startling thing about the ancient wisdom and understanding which you’ll be looking at throughout this book is that the calculations and knowledge behind them was, as is the case today, dependent on computers for such computations. Instead, it seems entirely possible (indeed probably since instrumentation that would permit such calculations has never been found) the work was done in the heads of those creating the monuments and machinery.

The conventional view of ancient peoples is that they are dumb brutes. And the farther back in time you go, the dumber they must be for the simple “reason” that human kind is supposed to be evolving into a better, wiser beast. Yet as you’ll see, the exact opposite may have taken place. Because hidden in the truth is the fact that giants not only existed, they most likely ruled and controlled lesser men due to both their physical as well as their mental superiority.

Think about this: The skeletal remains of individuals up to 36 feet in height doesn’t mean that giants were simply big. It also means that they were also smarter. Because with skulls (of which there are examples from South America and elsewhere) with three to six times the cranial mass of modern day humans, those ancient beings must have had mental abilities that would make Einstein seem retarded by comparison.

However, ancient people and giants aren’t the only ones who created the artifacts and monuments of the past. Because, as I will show later in this book, there is conclusive evidence that many of these ancient artifacts were most likely made by non-human technology and hands.

Of course such things don’t fit neatly into modern thinking that today’s culture is the pinnacle of mental prowess, or that today’s technologies are superior to those of the past. Thus they are denied and those who consider such possibilities quickly laughed out of the hall in which they present their facts.

Yet the truth remains: Those legends, myths, and oral traditions may not be so far fetched as you have been taught, and even would prefer to think. In fact they may have at least nuggets of truth in them. That truth points back to a period of time in the dateless past when great civilizations flourished with scientific and engineering achievements (which still challenge modern intellects) were the norm.

I don’t want you to just take my word on this — it is, after all, a hard pill to swallow, especially after the propaganda you have been fed from the popular media as well as the “facts” found in almost any science or historic textbook. Instead I simply want you to read this book with an open mind. Do that, and I will provide you with enough evidence and background findings so as to challenge the official “scientific party line” and give you a set of mind-boggling exclamation points in place of question marks you have when approaching these with only the conventional party line.

Grant me this, and then in the next chapters I promise I’ll give you the answers to history’s puzzles instead of the denial and fabrications that you have heard from your youth until you picked up this book (and which you’ll continue to hear — but be able to recognize for the lies they are).

Now… It’s time to commence the journey that will lead to this amazing revelation of the truth.

To ORDER this book please call: (406) 586 – 4842

  • The Days of Noah
  • Giants in Scripture
  • Book of Enoch – new translation
  • Book of Enoch
  • Epic of Gilgamesh
  • Ancient & Lost Civilizations
  • Gilgamesh Tomb Found!
  • Gog
  • Floods Stories from Around the World
  • The Book of Giants
  • Ancient Egyptian Treasures in Grand Canyon
  • The Karankawa
  • Lost City of the Grand Canyon

Giants in Ancient Texts

Native American Legends

Ancient Civilizations and Technology

Articles on Giants

Twelve Giants and Their Rings

Genesis 6 Giants Archive


And here are couple of interesting videos about the topic:


Ok so now you see, that your vote counts and I will do more research about those “Poll Of The Month” winners so keep on voting folks!

“The truth … is a beautiful and terrible thing and should therefore be treated with great caution.”
J. K. ROWLING, The Sorcerer’s Stone

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Creatures from beyond part XV, Chupacabra



There’s a tons of information and testimonies about this creature called Chupacabra. I try to post here some basic info so, that you can find more about it yourself. But here it goes… Chupacabra:

The Chupacabra or Chupacabras (Spanish pronunciation: [tʃupaˈkaβɾa], from chupar “to suck” and cabra “goat”, literally “goat sucker”) is a legendarycryptid rumored to inhabit parts of the Americas. It is associated more recently with sightings of an allegedly unknown animal in Puerto Rico (where these sightings were first reported), Mexico, and the United States, especially in the latter’s Latin American communities.[1] The name comes from the animal’s reported habit of attacking and drinking the blood of livestock, especially goats.

Physical descriptions of the creature vary. Eyewitness sightings have been claimed as early as 1995 in Puerto Rico, and have since been reported as far north as Maine, and as far south as Chile, and even being spotted outside the Americas in countries like Russia and The Philippines. It is supposedly a heavy creature, the size of a small bear, with a row of spines reaching from the neck to the base of the tail.

Sighting reports of the Chupacabra have been disregarded as uncorroborated or lacking evidence, while most reports in northern Mexico and the southern United States have been verified as canids afflicted by mange.[2] Biologists and wildlife management officials view the chupacabra as a contemporary legend.[3]


The first reported attacks occurred in March 1995 in Puerto Rico.[4] In this attack, eight sheep were discovered dead, each with three puncture wounds in the chest area and completely drained of blood.[4] A few months later, in August, an eyewitness, Madelyne Tolentino, reported seeing the creature in the Puerto Rican town of Canóvanas, when as many as 150 farm animals and pets were reportedly killed.[4] In 1975, similar killings in the small town of Moca, were attributed to El Vampiro de Moca (The Vampire of Moca).[5] Initially, it was suspected that the killings were committed by a Sataniccult; later more killings were reported around the island, and many farms reported loss of animal life. Each of the animals were reported to have had their bodies bled dry through a series of small circular incisions.

Puerto Rican comedian and entrepreneurSilverio Pérez is credited with coining the term chupacabras soon after the first incidents were reported in the press. Shortly after the first reported incidents in Puerto Rico, other animal deaths were reported in other countries, such as the Dominican Republic, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Brazil, United States, and Mexico.[4]

Possible origin

A five-year investigation by Benjamin Radford concluded that the description given by the original eyewitness in Puerto Rico, Madelyne Tolentino, was based on the creature Sil in the science-fiction horror film Species.[2] The alien creature Sil is nearly identical to Tolentino’s chupacabra eyewitness account and she had seen the movie before her report: “It was a creature that looked like the chupacabra, with spines on its back and all… The resemblance to the chupacabra was really impressive,” Tolentino reported.[6] Radford revealed that Tolentino “believed that the creatures and events she saw in Species were actually happening in reality in Puerto Rico at the time,” and therefore concludes that “the most important chupacabra description cannot be trusted.”[2] This, Radford believes, seriously undermines the credibility of the chupacabra as a real animal.[7]

In addition, the reports of blood-sucking by the chupacabra were never confirmed by a necropsy,[2] the only way to conclude that the animal was drained of blood. An analysis by a veterinarian of 300 reported victims of the chupacabra found that they had not been bled dry.

Radford divided the chupacabra reports into two categories:

In late October 2010, University of Michigan biologist Barry O’Connor concluded that all of the ‘chupacabras’ reports in the United States were simply coyotes infected with the parasite Sarcoptes scabiei, the symptoms of which would explain most of the features of the chupacabras: they would be left with little fur, thickened skin, and rank odour. O’Connor theorized the attacks on goats occurred “because these animals are greatly weakened, they’re going to have a hard time hunting. So they may be forced into attacking livestock because it’s easier than running down a rabbit or a deer.” [8]

Although several witnesses came to the conclusion that the attacks could not be the work of dogs or coyotes because they had not eaten the victim, this conclusion is incorrect.[2] Both dogs and coyotes can kill and not consume the prey, either because they are inexperienced, due to injury or difficulty in killing the prey.[2][9] The prey can survive the attack and die afterwards from internal bleeding or circulatory shock.[2][9] The presence of two holes in the neck, corresponding with the canine teeth, are to be expected since this is the only way that most land carnivores have to catch their prey.[2]

Reported sightings

In July 2004, a rancher near San Antonio, Texas, killed a hairless dog-like creature, which was attacking his livestock.[10] This animal, initially given the name the Elmendorf Beast, was later determined by DNA assay conducted at University of California, Davis to be a coyote with demodectic or sarcoptic mange. In October 2004, two more carcasses were found in the same area. Biologists in Texas examined samples from the two carcasses and determined they were also coyotes suffering from very severe cases of mange.[11] In Coleman, Texas, a farmer named Reggie Lagow caught an animal in a trap he set up after the deaths of a number of his chickens and turkeys. The animal was described as resembling a mix of hairless dog, rat, and kangaroo. Lagow provided the animal to Texas Parks and Wildlife officials for identification, but Lagow reported in a September 17, 2006 phone interview with John Adolfi, founder of the Lost World Museum, that the “critter was caught on a Tuesday and thrown out in Thursday’s trash.”[12]

In April 2006, MosNews reported that the chupacabras was spotted in Russia for the first time. Reports from Central Russia beginning in March 2005 tell of a beast that kills animals and sucks out their blood. 32 turkeys were killed and drained overnight. Reports later came from neighboring villages when 30 sheep were killed and had their blood drained. Finally, eyewitnesses were able to describe the chupacabras. In May 2006, experts were determined to track the animal down.[13] According to Russian paranormal researcher Vadim Chernobrov, the territory allegedly frequented by chupakabras lies in the Kharkov region of Ukraine and neighboring regions of Russia, but also in parts of Belorus and Poland. Recently the reports appeared of chupakabra-like attacks in the Moscow region of Russia with dozens of birds and animals found bloodless, with strange incisions. At least twice the mysterious kangaroo-like creature (“with a crocodile head”) attacked humans, causing no serious damage, though. According to Chernobrov,the two extraordinary things about chupakabra’s ways are – the thing leaves a ‘vanishing’ line of footprints, looking as if it takes off as a bird, and also it tends occasionally to assort its victim’s bodies ‘aesthetically’, often by colour and size, or build pyramids with killed bodies.[14]

In mid-August 2006, Michelle O’Donnell of Turner, Maine, described an “evil looking” rodent-like animal with fangs that had been found dead alongside a road. The animal was apparently struck by a car, and was unidentifiable. Photographs were taken and witness reports seem to be in relative agreement that the creature was canine in appearance, but in widely published photos seemed unlike any dog or wolf in the area. Photos from other angles seem to show a chow– or akita-mixed breed dog. It was reported that “the carcass was picked clean by vultures before experts could examine it”. For years, residents of Maine have reported a mysterious creature and a string of dog maulings.[15]

In May 2007, a series of reports on national Colombia news reported more than 300 dead sheep in the region of Boyaca, and the capture of a possible specimen to be analyzed by zoologists at the National University of Colombia.[16]

In August 2007, Phylis Canion found three animals in Cuero, Texas. She and her neighbors reported to have discovered three strange animal carcasses outside Canion’s property. She took photographs of the carcasses and preserved the head of one in her freezer before turning it over for DNA analysis.[17] Canion reported that nearly 30 chickens on her farm had been exsanguinated over a period of years, a factor which led her to connect the carcasses with the chupacabras legend. State Mammologist John Young estimated that the animal in Canion’s pictures was a Gray Fox suffering from an extreme case of mange. In November 2007, biology researchers at Texas State University–San Marcos determined from DNA samples that the suspicious animal was a coyote.[18] The coyote, however, had grayish-blue, mostly hairless skin and large fanged teeth, which caused it to appear different from a normal coyote.[19] Additional skin samples were taken to attempt to determine the cause of the hair loss.[18]

On January 11, 2008, a sighting was reported at the province of Capiz in the Philippines. Some of the residents from the barangay believed that it was the chupacabras that killed eight chickens. The owner of the chickens saw a dog-like animal attacking his chickens.[20]

On August 8, 2008, a DeWitt County deputy, Brandon Riedel, filmed an unidentifiable animal along back roads near Cuero, Texas on his dashboard camera.[21] The animal was about the size of a coyote but was hairless with a long snout, short front legs and long back legs. However, Reiter’s boss, Sheriff Jode Zavesky, believes it may be the same species of coyote identified by Texas State University–San Marcos researchers in November 2007.[22] The video footage was shown on an April 2011 episode of the Syfy television series Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files where an investigative team tried to recreate the dashboard video footage using a miniature horse and a Mexican Hairless Dog (both of which were bred locally). Neither test animal matched the creature in the video. The team had also tested a DNA sample taken from an alleged carcass of one of the creatures found by a local rancher which was later identified as being a hybrid wolf/coyote.

In September 2009, CNN aired a report showing closeup video footage of an unidentified dead animal. The same CNN report stated that locals have begun speculating the possibility that this might be a chupacabras. A Blanco, Texas, taxidermist reported that he received the body from a former student whose cousin had discovered the animal in his barn, where it had succumbed to poison left out for rodents. The taxidermist expressed his belief that this is a genetically mutated coyote.[23][24]

On September 18, 2009, taxidermist Jerry Ayer sold the Blanco Texas Chupacabra to the Lost World Museum. The museum, as reported in the Syracuse Post Standard on 9/26/09, is placing the creature on display as they work with an unnamed university to have the remains tested.

In July 2010, there were reports of chupacabras being shot dead by animal control officers in Hood County, Texas. A second creature was also reportedly spotted and killed several miles away.[25][26][27][28] However, an officer of Hood County animal control said Texas A&M University scientists conducted tests and identified the corpse as a “coyote-dog hybrid” with signs of mange and internal parasites. The second reported chupacabra, shot July 9 about 8 miles south of Cresson, was eaten by vultures before it could be taken for testing.[29]

On December 18, 2010, in Nelson County, Kentucky, Mark Cothren shot and killed an animal that he could not recognize and feared.[30] Many pictures of the Chupacabra were taken and the story was well documented by various news organizations. Cothren described the creature as having large ears, whiskers, a long tail, and about the size of a house cat. Cothren says he spoke with the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources and handed over the preserved animal for further analysis.[31]

Another sighting was on July 4, 2011. Jack (Jeff) Crabtree, of Lake Jackson, Texas, reported seeing a chupacabra in his back yard. At first, Crabtree stood firmly on his original theory of the chupacabra, but after the local newspaper and several other media reporters wrote his story on July 11, he quickly backed down, agreeing with wildlife experts that it was most likely a coyote with mange. “It was a spoof or a practical joke,” Crabtree said. “…I really didn’t believe it.” His story appeared on CNN, as well as MSNBC.[32][33][34][35][36][37] On July 15, 2011, local authorities caught what Crabtree saw. Experts confirmed that the animal was definitely a coyote with mange.[38]


The most common description of chupacabras is a reptile-like creature, appearing to have leathery or scaly greenish-gray skin and sharp spines or quills running down its back.[39] This form stands approximately 3 to 4 feet (1 to 1.2 m) high, and stands and hops in a similar fashion to a kangaroo.[40] In at least one sighting, the creature was reported to hop 20 feet (6 m). This variety is said to have a dog or panther-like nose and face, a forked tongue, and large fangs. It is said to hiss and screech when alarmed, as well as leave behind a sulfuric stench.[40] When it screeches, some reports assert that the chupacabras’ eyes glow an unusual red which gives the witnesses nausea.

Another description of chupacabras, although not as common, describes a strange breed of wild dog.[40] This form is mostly hairless and has a pronounced spinal ridge, unusually pronounced eye sockets, fangs, and claws. It is claimed that this breed might be an example of a dog-like reptile. Unlike conventional predators, the chupacabra is said to drain all of the animal’s blood (and sometimes organs) usually through three holes in the shape of an upside-down triangle or through one or two holes.[41]

Naming convention

Chupacabras can be translated as “goat-sucker.” It is known as both chupacabras and chupacabra throughout the Americas, with the former being the original word,[42] and the latter a regularization of it. The name in Spanish can be preceded by singular masculine article (el chupacabras), or the plural masculine article (los chupacabras).

Related legends

A popular legend in New Orleans concerns a popular lovers’ lane called Grunch Road, which was said to be inhabited by “grunches”, creatures similar in appearance to the Chupacabra.

The Peuchen of Chile also share similarities in their supposed habits, but instead of being dog-like they are described as winged snakes. This legend may have originated from the vampire bat, an animal endemic to the region.[43]

In the Philippines, another legendary creature called the Sigbin shares many of the same descriptions as the Chupacabra. The recent discovery of the cat-fox in Southeast Asia suggests that it could also have been simply sightings of this once unknown animal.[44]


The Chupacabra is a creature in mythology and is studied by cryptozoologists around the world. Its name is Spanish and translates to “Goat Sucker”.


The first reported Chupacabra attack was in March 1995 in Puerto Rico when a farmer found eight of his sheep dead and completely drained of blood. He found puncture marks on the chest of each victim. The most common description of chupacabras is a reptile-like being, appearing to have leathery or scaly greenish-gray skin and sharp spines or quills running down its back. This form stands approximately 3 to 4 feet (1 to 1.2 m) high, and stands and hops in a similar fashion to a kangaroo. In at least one sighting, the creature was reported to hop 20 feet. This variety is said to have a dog or panther-like nose and face, a forked tongue and large fangs. It is said to hiss and screech when alarmed, as well as leave behind a sulfuric stench When it screeches, some reports assert that the chupacabras’ eyes glow an unusual red which gives the witnesses nausea. Another description of chupacabras, although not as common, describes a strange breed of wild dog. This form is mostly hairless and has a pronounced spinal ridge, unusually pronounced eye sockets, fangs, and claws. It is claimed that this breed might be an example of a dog-like reptile. Unlike conventional predators, the chupacabras is said to drain all of the animal’s blood (and sometimes organs) usually through three holes in the shape of an upside-down triangle or through one or two holes. An even less common eyewitness account has described it to be a heavy creature, the size of a bear.

Two reports during 2010 stated to have found, and killed, chupacabras, one in Kentucky and one in Texas.

On the news, reporters claimed that the Chupacabra was simply an unknown animal.A sort of “coyote-dog” hybrid.


Here is the document about this creature:


So there it is… goatsucker 😉 This was the next season of CREATURES FROM BEYOND… Next something else.

Creatures from beyond part XIV, Vampire Beast of Bladenboro


This next episode is about the Vampire Beast of Bladenboro. Here is the history of the beast:

The Beast of Bladenboro refers to the creature responsible for a string of deaths amongst Bladenboro, North Carolina animals in the winter of 1953-54. According to witnesses and trackers it was likely a wildcat, but the uncertain nature of its identity lends itself to cryptozoology.


Possibly related to the Bladenboro incidents, a dog was found dead in Clarkton, North Carolina (about eight miles from Bladenboro), killed by what Police Chief Roy Fores reported witnesses as describing as “sleek, black, about 5 feet long….” on December 29, 1953.[1]

On December 31, two dogs belonging to a Bladenboro man named Johnny Vause were found dead. There was reportedly a significant amount of blood at the scene near their kennels.[2] The two dogs were “torn into ribbons and crushed,” according to Vause.

My dogs put up a good fight. There was blood all over the porch, big puddles of it. And there was a pool of saliva on the porch. It killed one dog at 10:30 and left it lying there. My dad wrapped the dog up in a blanket. That thing came back and got that dog and nobody’s seen the dog since. At 1:30 in the morning, it came back and killed the other dog and took it off. We found it three days later in a hedgerow. The top of one of the dogs heads was torn off and its body was crushed and wet, like it had been in that thing’s mouth. The other dog’s lower jaw was torn off.[3]

— Johnny Vause

On the next day, January 1, 1954, two more dogs were found dead in Bladenboro at Woodie Storm’s farm. One was “sort of eaten up,” according to a witness.[2]

On the night of January 2, a farmer named Gary Callahan reported that a dog of his had been killed.[1]

Two more dogs were found dead on January 3. One of the dogs was autopsied, and according to Police Chief Roy Fores “…there wasn’t more than two or three drops of blood in him […] The victim’s bottom lip had been broken open and his jawbone smashed back.” Fores also said of the dogs found dead so far, “The ear of one dog was gnawed off and the tongues of two had been chewed out.”[4]

According to The Charlotte News, on the night of the 5th a pet rabbit was found “cleanly decapitated and still warm.” [3] On January 7, a dead dog was found in a pasture near the Bladenboro swamp.[5]

Julian “Tater” Shaw, who owned a local gas station, heard that a goat had died in a strange way and traveled to the edge of town to see for himself. According to him, “His head was flat as a fritter […] it had a great big ol’ track… It was weird.” Shaw also claimed that whatever killed the goat killed cows and hogs.[6]

Encounters and Descriptions

Resident Malcolm Frank reported seeing the animal crossing the street. He described it as “about four and a half feet long, bushy, and resembling either a bear or a panther,” according to the January 4th edition of the Wilmington Morning Star.[2] A son of a Bladenboro man named Carl Pate reported seeing the monster as well on the night of January 3. According to him, “it was small, and a little one just like it was running beside it.” Both accounts were withdrawn late at night on January 4. A third sighting on January 3rd was reported by James Pittman: “[…] about 11:00 o’clock I heard a strange noise outside my window, like a baby crying.” He went outside to follow the noise for “close to a mile […] I saw bushes moving, but I never did actually see whatever it was. However, I think it must have been close to 150-pounds, the way it went through the bushes.”[4]

Around 8 o’clock in the evening on January 4, Lloyd Clemmons claims to have seen the beast. The following account, reported in the Wilmington Morning Star, contains a physical description.

I got two dogs, Niggy, the little black one, and Peewee, a brown one, that’s bigger. Me and my wife were sitting here in the living room. We heard the dogs get awful restless. My front light was on and Larry Moore […] had his back light on. I glanced out the window and saw this thing. It had me plumb spellbound. It was bout 20 inches high. It had a long tail, about 14 inches. The color of it was dark. It had a face exactly like a cat. Only I ain’t ever seen a cat that big. It was walking around stealthy, sneaky, moving about trying to get to Niggy and Peewee. I jumped for my shotgun and loaded it and went out to shoot it, but it moved into the darkness right away and I couldn’t find him again.[7]

A group of hunters from Wilmington including S. W. Garret, G. V. Garret, and Joe Gore spent that night tracking the creature for three miles around swampland. According to them, the tracks showed claws at least an inch long and indicated an 80 lb. to 90 lb. animal. The beast’s circling movement suggested it might have had offspring or a mate nearby, the hunters said.[1] During the early hours of January 5, Chief Fores and one D.G. Pait witnessed the beast attacking a dog from a hundred or so feet away. According to them, the dog ran away, yelping, and was not found. Pait also reported seeing tracks along a creek bank near one of the attack sites. He said that there were two sets of prints, and one was smaller.[7] Later that day, in the early evening, Mrs. C. E. Kinlaw went to her front porch upon hearing whimpering dogs. She saw what she described as looking like “a big mountain lion” near the dogs, three houses down. The creature ran toward her, but turned and fled when she screamed. Outside her home, the tracks left in the dirt road were “bigger than a silver dollar” according to Police Chief Fores.[1]

After we first saw it, and my husband [scared it away], it circled back and came running toward the porch where I was standing. I screamed and it stopped on all fours, turned and ran off. […] You know, the Bible speaks of sights and wonders before the end of time. This could be one of them. The Bible’s coming true, day by day.[3]

— C. E. Kinlaw

A young boy named Dalton Norton reported seeing what he called “a big cat” on January 6. According to him: “We heard a noise on the porch […] whatever it was made a noise like a baby crying. It jumped off the porch and I watched it through the window. It went over to one house, then went off towards another and I didn’t see it anymore.”[3]

On January 11, Two cars stopped for an animal reported to be four feet long. Jeff Evers, one of the men in the cars, was quoted as saying the animal had “runty-looking ears” and being “brownish and tabby.” Fores said the animal “really upset the women. They were wringing their hands and like that.” [8]

Hunt for the Beast

The night of January 3, Police Chief Roy Fores searched for the creature with his dogs, but they reportedly would not follow the trail.[9]

“A half-dozen brave youths” and their dogs spent January 4 searching for the creature responsible for the deaths. That night, Police Chief Roy Fores and eight to ten other officers conducted their own hunt.[4] Hunters who traveled to Bladenboro from Wilmington also searched for the beast that evening, reportedly tracking it for 3 miles around the swamp.[1]

On the night of January 5, more than 500 people and dogs hunted through the woods and swamps for the creature.[1]

On January 6, more than 800 people turned out to hunt for the beast in the swamps. Fores planned to tie up dogs as bait to lure the creature in. This particular plan was called off, and the hunt itself was also ended by officials as safety became a concern.[10]

January 7, another 800 to 1,000 people gathered to hunt the creature.[11]

During the evening of the 8th, four fraternity brothers from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill were the only reported hunters. Mayor Fussell officially called off the hunt unless the creature made another obvious kill or there was a legitimate sighting. The armed hunting parties of previous nights had become too large for safety, and Fores received a telegram from a humane society in Asheville, North Carolina protesting his plan to stake out dogs as bait for the creature.[12]

In an interview with Amy Hotz for Star News, Julian “Tater” Shaw recalled, “Everybody was scared. Everybody, near ‘bout, that had a gun was carrying it. […] Anyhow, it was getting so bad, it was getting in the newspapers and the radio […] There came hunters from all over, I mean big hunters.” Another gas station owner, Jabe Frink, said the panic “[…] kept snowballing and snowballing. It got so nobody would walk out on the street at night.”[6]

Luther Davis, a local farmer, produced a dead bobcat on January 13. He found the bobcat struggling with a steel trap in Big Swamp, four miles from the city, at 6:00AM. He proceeded to shoot it in the head at about 8:30AM.[13] Woodrow Fussell, The mayor of Bladenboro, told newspapers that the beast of Bladenboro had been found and killed. According to Gallehugh, however, it was unlikely that such a small cat could have killed and mangled the dogs.[14] On the same day, Bruce Soles from Tabor City was leaving Bladenboro when he hit a cat with his vehicle. According to reports, it was “spotted like a leopard,” about 20 to 24 inches high, and weighed between 75 and 90 pounds. He took the cat home with him to Tabor City.[13] Yet a third man is credited in some newspapers as having killed the animal. There are conflicting newspaper reports about whether it was Davis’s or “professional hunter and guide” Berry Lewis’s cat that Mayor Fussell photographed and sent out to the press. According to Corey, from The Carolina Farmer, Lewis was hunting in a different part of Bladen county when he shot and killed his bobcat.[15]


Many reported accounts describe the Beast of Bladenboro as feline, but do not agree on any one species.

Malcolm Frank, whose account was later withdrawn, described the animal as “[…] resembling either a bear or a panther.” Wilmington hunter S.W. Garrett claimed to have heard the creature scream while hunting, and likened it to that of a panther.[16] Harry Davis, curator at the Raleigh State Museum, has said said that a panther “[…] never occurs in this country […] We’ve checked on panther stories before. One turned out to be a big house cat.” He was of the opinion that it might have actually been a coyote: “[…] they’ve been traded around quite a bit, brought East as pets and released after owners got tired of them.”[15]

James Pittman claimed the beast had tracks like those of a dog, but he also said “only I’ve never seen a dog that large.” Chief Fores was also reported as believing the beast to be a mad wolf. He said that “old folks say they remember seeing wolves in the bay-swamp area and talk about them every now and then.”[4]

C.E. Kinlaw described the creature as looking like “a big mountain lion” when it charged her on January 5. (‘Mountain lion’ is another name for ‘cougar‘.)

Cougar (mountain lion, catamount)

The January 7th edition of The Bladen Journal reports that some people described the animal as likely being a wolverine. The article goes on to mention that there is speculation the creature may have been a “wild police dog.” [17]

The game warden of Elizabeth City, North Carolina, Sam Culberth, said that the tracks he investigated indicated a “catamount.”[3] (This is yet another name for a cougar.)

A.R. Stanton, a man from Lumberton, North Carolina thought that the beast of Bladenboro was a German Shepherd and Hound mix named “Big Boy” that he gave to a Native American boy who lived along the edge of Big Swamp. Big Boy was dark and had a “long, bushy tail.” Stanton was quoted as saying: “I raised him from a pup […] but if I met him in the woods I wouldn’t call him I’d kill him.” He claimed Big Boy was capable of leaping over a six-foot fence and killed chickens from time to time.[18] Lumberton veterinarian N.G. Baird said, in regards to Big Boy, that it was “very feasible” he was responsible for the attacks. Baird also said that it was possible Big Boy (or another dog) could have killed the other dogs and lapped up blood, rather than sucking it.[19]

In a letter to the editor of The Robesonian, Daisy Morris claimed to have heard a wild panther years before, and remarked “a dog can’t scream or cry like a baby – and I can testify that towns mean nothing to a hungry panther and certainly not to a mad panther.”[20]

In 2008, the History Channel television series MonsterQuest performed an analysis concerning these attacks, which were beginning to happen again, and concluded that the attacker might have been a cougar.


Literature about the events of the winter of 1953-54 tends towards skepticism, particularly because of the publicity involved for the town through the sensational news reports.

Mayor Woodrow Fussell, who operated the town theater, went to Charlotte, North Carolina on January 6 to book the film The Big Cat for a day. Leaflets published by the theater proclaimed “Now you can see the ‘Cat.’ We’ve got him on our screen! And in Technicolor too! ‘The Big Cat.’ All day Saturday, Jan 9.”[21] In an interview with John Corey, Fussell said that he believed the creature to be a hoax, even though he was the one who called the Wilmington newspapers about the dead dogs. He found the manner of their deaths strange, and said that “a little publicity never hurts a town.” What he didn’t anticipate however, was how far the Wilmington Morning Star, The Wilmington News, and other newspapers would take the story.

We had to do something. The town was armed to the teeth. Even small boys carried guns. Chief of Police Roy Fores and I knew someone would be shot accidentally. […] The animal was about 90 percent imagination, 10 percent truth. Newspaper reporters labeled it ‘The Beast of Bladenboro’ and called it a vampire.

— Woodrow Fussell, mayor of Bladenboro during the Beast of Bladenboro incident

Corey writes that a “one-arm sign painter” tailored his art to fit the sensationalism surrounding the incidents in 1954, making bumper plates proclaiming “Home of the Beast of Bladenboro.”[15]

On the morning of December 15, 1954 on a tenant farm near Robeson Memorial Hospital, a man named Marvin McLamb found “five mediumsized pigs and three chickens” dead. According to The Robesonian, “[…] strewn around a sty approximately 10 by 15 feet in area. The animals were mutilated and four had crushed skulls. Three of the pigs had legs torn apart from their bodies. Strangely enough, no blood was evident, indicating the killer employed the same blood-sucking traits as the Bladenboro beast.”.[22] The next day, a stray dog weighing 65 pounds was killed. Carol Freeman, the County Dog Warden, said it was “most probably” the killer from the day before, even though the tracks found at the farm were not compared to the dead dog’s, and it was not explained how the dog could have reached the chickens, who McLamb said were roosting in a tree. According to Dog Warden Raymond Kinlaw, the feeding of raw meat to pet dogs “[…] definitely would cause a dog to become blood thirsty.”[23]

Boost The ‘Boro, a community booster for Bladenboro, holds an annual “Beast Fest” in which the Beast of Bladenboro (or ‘BOB’, as they call him) serves as mascot. Boost The ‘Boro makes use of the beast’s sensational history amongst locals to generate excitement for the community event.[24]


Vampire Beast

The Vampire Beast (A.K.A the Beast of Bladenboro) is a vampire-like monster that made several livestock and pet killings in Bladenboro, North Carolina in December of 1954. It lasted for ten days. In 2007, the beast returned, but in other regions like Boliva, Greensboro, and Lexington.


The killings first happened on December 29, 1954, when a farmer reported a large cat-like beast has attacked one of his dogs and dragged it to an underbrush. More killings happened on New Years Day, 1955, where two dogs were found dead, all of their blood was drained out. The next day two more dogs were attacked by the mystery predator.

On January 6, 1954, a 21-year-old mother named Mrs. C.E. Kinlaw walked outside one morning at 7:30 am and saw the beast stalking towards her. She screamed and ran inside the house. Her husband ran outside with a shotgun and saw the beast left cat-like paw prints.

A farmer also reported a mystery creature killed three of his hogs, some of his cows, and one of his goats. The goat’s head was fat and fritter. People also heard weird noises that sounded cat like, and some that sounded like a baby crying and a woman screaming.

Locals reported seeing a creature that was part bear and part panther, it was three to four feet long, twenty inches high, weighing 150 ponds. It has brownish and tabby with bushy fur. The beast also has runty looking ears with a long tail and a cat-like face. These were the only descriptions of the Vampire Beast.

The town’s police chief, Roy Fores, organized a hunt for the creature but came up empty handed. When the Mayor, W.G Fussell, told the news papers about the creature. The beast got national publicity and hunters all the way from Tennessee. Newspapers from Arizona to New York made coverages for the hunts for the beast.

Meanwhile the town was in choas. Children were not allowed out at night and men stormed the forests with guns trying to find the creature. After a large bobcat was killed by a hunter, Fores and Fussell but end to the search, and after that, things started to settle down again.


The beast returned to North Carolina in 2007, bringing more surprises and fear with it. In Lexington, 60 goats were found with their blood drained and there heads crushed. Thirty miles away in Greensboro, another farmer lost his goats in the same way.

In Bolivia, a man named Bill Robinson lost his pit bull to the creature. He buried it, but the next day it was in the same location were it was killed. Four days later, another resident, Leon Williams, found his pit bull dead, it was covered in blood and it was missing a few body parts. There was sign of a struggle, which is strange for a pit bull. Other places lost a total amount of ten dogs in just two weeks. More tracks were found, these ones were measured 4 and a half inches in diameter.


In 2008, TV show MonsterQuest did a search for a beast. They concluded that what people may had and have been seeing and been killing animals was a cougar. However, the cougars has been dismissed as extinct throughout the east coast of America, except the tip of Florida.


Here is, that History Channel’s MonsterQuest document:


There you have some vampire stuff… Stay tuned for more CREATURES FROM BEYOND!!!