Category Archives: Forbidden knowledge

EEG Cloning and brain mapping via AI

Some of you may have noticed that I am very interested the story of Donald Marshall. So one of the key things about his story are clones and how individual’s consciousness, thoughts and memories can be moved from individual to clones. Now I found something that could explain a part of this process called EEG cloning via AI. Of cource it is forbidden knowledge and I have to try to find more.  Here is the post about it and then there is the link to my previous post about the vagus nerve, which talks about brain hacking:

The Vagus Nerve: A Back Door for Brain Hacking

University Hospitals around the country, are being used by military and corporations to run VERY illegal operations, certain individuals (often creative or right brained dominant will be targeted for brain mapping) they’re testing artificial intelligence that runs through electro magnetic frequencies (yes this is possible to do so, it’s all transcranial) many artists, intuitive, peculiar people are covertly being experimented on, usual suspects are Drug users since they are the perfect candidates for such a thing, intelligence agencies and military sometimes monitor criminals, terrorist, hackers on the darknet many of times. This is so beyond the realm of belief, it is so intricate and evil… That they willl NEVER be caught, it’s something out of a movie. This artificial intelligence targeting system can not only pin point you on a map but it can also direct energy to the target (microwave, infrared, scalar) it can successfully bombard a body with invincible frequencies resulting in an individual becoming irate and possibly lashing out. the ELECTRONIC BRAIN TO BRAIN INTERFACE.
They are psychologists, psychiatrists, behavioral scientists, etc., because they have expertise in the area of Memory and Thought process, etc.


The DoD provides all the funding through its Black-Ops budget. The NSA provides the top scientists. The CIA and DIA provide the handlers, operators, behavioral scientists, etc.
In other words, the man I identified as the CLONE last night has ties to one or more of those four agencies and possesses inside his body or gear the most sophisticated technology ever created by the mind of man. Worth Billions of dollars!

Basically the CIA and DoD operatives map your brain into a cognitive model and then tie you to a supercomputer which downloads your information (thoughts, memories, emotions, sensation, ideas, etc.) back into a database at speed of light as injection feedback and monitors and manipulates all electromagnetic activity of your brain 24/7 for life until the day of your death. This is achieved through Transcranial Brain Stimulation and is also used by the military with brain to computer interfaces such as those used by pilots with the new F-­35 stealth aircraft

EEG Cloning is like having an enemy within ones own mind. It is tantamount to nothing less than digital and artificial possession of the human soul which is comprised of the WILL, INTELLECT and EMOTION. If you are demon possessed and a man or woman of God can reach you in time then your soul can be saved. However there is no pastor or priest who can excorcise this technology out of your body once your brain is fully mapped and a complete cognitive model of your mind achieved. It can be disabled with the correct frequencies of an EMP device but it cannot be excorcised.

This is achieved by way of a Computer Multiplexer which ROUTES the signal to a tower, satellite or mobile platform, such as a van, truck, ship, etc., which then RELAYS the signal via a continuous fabricated and falsified stream of energy – containing the specific carrier frequency – to the digital reciever, similar to how a cell phone call works. The digital reciever is tracked and located at speed of light in real time. However, the digital reciever is not a cell phone. It is a human mind. The brain of the mind control victim has been digitalized by way of the nanotechnology, etc., in their body.

The CIA and DoD use a 3-6 group or team of operatives against the mind control victim known as a Cybernetic HIVE MIND CLUSTER utilizing psycho-cybernetic cognitive magic tricks against the mind control victim based on deception and manipulation.

This team of three to six members operates in approximate 8 hour shifts with some degree of overlap and is led by what the CIA calls a Psychic Soldier, or CLONE, because he has cloned his mind to the victims mind by aligning his brain wave frequency to the brain wave frequency of the mind control victim and is therefore able to interface bi-directionally with the super computer which is called the BRAIN TO COMPUTER INTERFACE and the mind control victims brain by way of a NEURO-CHIP called an ELECTRONIC BRAIN TO BRAIN INTERFACE.


Antarctica on Google Earth

In 2001 one of the world’s great secrets was revealed: an ancient structure that lay encased miles under the hard Antarctic ice was detected by a roving spy satellite…

The US military immediately moved to quash the reports and despite the news blackout, reports still surfaced that a secretive excavation project had commenced on the heels of the discovery.

Following the frenzied events, of early 2001, the news broke of a mysterious medical emergency that forced an evacuation of unnamed personnel during the depths of the Antarctic winter–the first event of its kind during the dangerous South Pole winter season.

In November 2002, according to archaeologist and adventurer Jonathan Gray of World Education Research Ltd, a California TV crew went missing.

Supposedly, a video discovered among the crews’ personal effects by a special U.S. Navy SEAL rescue team tasked to find the filmmakers is the key element in a story that claims extensive ancient ruins have been found under the ice of Antarctica.

The TV production crew that shot the video is still missing, reported Gray.

Is it possible that the following structures have something to do with and are they connected to the supposed ancient structure under the ice?

Furthermore, a strange unidentified object has been found not far away from the ancient ruins. The object in question seems to have weirdly shaped lines and it doesn’t look like a rock or fit anywhere in the surrounding landscape.

Google Earth Coordinates: (Distance from Entrance 1 to Unidentified Object is 56 km.)

Ancient Ruins: 66°17’10.5″S 100°29’07.8″E

Entrance 1: 66°36’14.70″S, 99°43’11.11″E
Entrance 2: 66°33’6.60″S, 99°50’24.84″E

Unidentified Object: 66°14’43.81″S 100°32’48.73″E

If true, it’s no wonder the military is so intensely interested and so closed-mouthed about it

Navy Engineer: I Saw UFOs, Aliens and Top-Secret Bases In Antarctica

On January 2nd, 2015 the editor of website received a very unexpected letter from an alleged retired U.S. Navy Petty Officer First Class Flight Engineer.

The letter received recounts experiences where the anonymous Navy officer (refers to himself as “Brian”) recounts his bizarre and extraordinary experiences flying cargo and rescue in Antarctica between the years 1983 to 1997. He claims that a collaboration between humans and aliens exist, and that the Antarctica is a major research ground for these incredible collaborations.

Brian’s high strangeness experiences flying cargo and rescue in Antarctica were in the 1983 to 1997 time period and included several observations of aerial silver discs darting around over the Transantarctic Mountains. He and his crew also saw a big hole in the ice only about five to ten miles from the geographic South Pole (pink circle on map) that was supposed to be a No Fly Zone. But during an emergency medevac situation, they entered the No Fly Zone and saw what they were not supposed to see: an alleged entrance to a human and E. T. science research base created under the ice. Then at a camp near Marie Byrd Land, some dozen scientists disappeared for two weeks and when they re-appeared, Brian’s flight crew got the assignment to pick them up. Brian says they would not talk and “their faces looked scared.”

In the strange letter sent to Earth Files the officer states that he experienced things such as:

Silver discs darting around over the Transantarctic Mountains

During an emergency they entered a No Fly Zone and saw an entrance to a human and E. T. science research base under the ice

His crew picked up a dozen scientists who had disappeared for two weeks previous. They would not talk and their faces looked scared.

He has decided to share what he experienced between those years in the following letter, reproduced in full below:

Hi Linda

I am a retired United States Navy LC130 Flight Engineer that retired after 20 years of service in 1997. I have been wanting to write you for a long time about my experience on the Antarctic continent with flying vehicles that I was told not to talk about. I served part of my 20 years in the Navy with a Squadron called Antarctic Development Squadron Six or VXE-6 as it was also known. I served with this squadron from around 1983 till I retired March of 1997. Being a flight engineer and flying more then 4000 hours in that capacity I have seen things that most people have not even imagined on the Continent of Antarctica. The land there seems more alien then earthly. Our deployments to this land started in late September and ended the end of February every year until the Squadron was decommissioned in 1999. This time of year was the summer season when most of the science was done do to warmer temps and 24 hours of daylight.

During my time in the squadron I flew to almost every part of the Antarctic Continent including the South Pole more the 300 times. McMurdo Station which is 3.5 hours of flying time from the South Pole station was the point of squadron operation during our yearly deployments. Between these two stations is a mountain range called the Trans Antarctic’s. With what we called Severe Clear weather from McMurdo to South Pole the Trans Antarctic’s are visible from the altitudes which the aircraft flew approximately 25,000 to 35,000 feet. On several flights to and from South Pole our crew viewed air vehicles darting around the tops of Trans Antarctic’s almost exactly in the same spot every time we would fly by and view them. This is very unusual for air traffic down there due to the fact that the only aircraft flying on the continent were our squadron aircraft. Every aircraft knew where the other aircraft were do to flight schedules being followed.

Another unique issue with South Pole station is that our aircraft was not allowed to fly over a certain area designated 5 miles from the station. The reason stated because of a air sampling camp in that area. This did not make any sense to any of us on the crew because on 2 different occasions we had to fly over this area. One time due to a medical evacuation of the Australian camp called Davis Camp. It was on the opposite side of the continent and we had to refuel at South Pole and a direct course to this Davis Camp was right over the air sampling station. The only thing we saw going over this camp was a very large hole going into the ice. You could fly one of our LC130 into this thing.

It was after this medevac mission we were briefed by some spooks (Intelligence Agents I presumed) from Washington DC and told not to speak of the area we overflew. The other time we got close to “The air sampling Camp” we had navigation and electrical failures on the aircraft and was told to immediately depart the area and report to our squadron commanding officer when we returned to McMurdo. Needless to say our pilot (Aircraft Commander) got his butt chewed and our crew was not on the South Pole supply run for over a month. There were many other times we saw things that was out of the ordinary.

One outlying camp (near Marie Byrd Land) we dropped scientists and their equipment at was out of communication with McMurdo for 2 weeks. Our crew flew back to the camp to find out if the scientists were ok. We found no one there and no sign of any foul play. The Radio was working fine as we called McMurdo to verify it working properly. We left the camp and flew back to McMurdo as ordered by our CO. A week later the Scientist showed back up to their camp and called McMurdo for someone to come pick them up. Our crew got the flight back there to pick them since we put them into that camp and we knew the terrain and location. None of the scientists would talk to any of the crew on the plane and to me they looked scared.

As soon as we landed back at McMurdo they (Scientists) where put on another of our squadron aircraft and flown to Christchurch New Zealand. We never heard about them again. Their equipment that we brought back from the camp was put in quarantine and shipped back to the United States escorted by the same spooks that debriefed us about our fly over of the air sample camp/ large hole in the ice. I could go on and on about things and situations that I observed during my tour with VXE-6. Talk among the flight crews was that there is a UFO base at South Pole and some of the crew heard talk from some of the scientist working at the Pole of EBEs working with and interacting with the scientists at that air sampling camp/large ice hole.

Brian, now 59 years old, graduated from an Iowa college with an associate’s degree in aviation maintenance technology and an aviation certificate. In 1977, he then enlisted in the U. S. Navy and served for twenty years until his retirement in 1997. He provided Earthfiles his DD-214 documents and other certificates of service including this Antarctic Service Medal given to him on November 20, 1984 as proof of his time in service.


There appear to be many secrets hidden in the Antarctica and we are pretty much hearing different stories every month about military personnel disclosing information about Aliens in that part of the world!

But what a great secluded part of the world for the Aliens to keep out of sight from prying eyes….or so they thought!

U.I.P are going to investigate more about the Antarctica/Aliens, as there appears to be A LOT of attention in that part of the world.…


Monatomic Gold

Monatomic Gold

As related in Laurence Gardner’s book, Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark, scientific attention has recently been directed towards an exotic form of elemental matter not shown in the Periodic Table of Elements.

Derived from gold, platinum group metals and other transition elements, these impalpable white powder substances have been referred to as ‘monatomic’ (a single atomic state). As such, they were classified by their research pioneer, David Hudson, in the 1980s as ORMEs (Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Elements). New understandings in physics suggest, however, that the powders might actually be ‘diatomic’ or small atomic cluster ‘condensates’. It is now generally accepted, therefore, that the materials might be more universally referred to by the generic terms ORMUS or ‘M-state’ elements.

Thermo-gravimetric analysis has revealed that, at certain high temperatures, the material weight of M-state elements will reduce substantially, even to the degree that they will levitate. In specific circumstances they also have the ability to become superconductive and to resonate in parallel dimensions.

In Greek mythology the quest for the secret of this substance was at the heart of the Golden Fleece legend, while in biblical terms it was the mystical realm of the Ark of the Covenant – the golden coffer which Moses brought out of Sinai, to be housed in the Temple of Jerusalem. The ancient Mesopotamians called the powder ‘shem-an-na’ (highward fire-stone) and the Egyptians described it as ‘mfkzt’, while the Alexandrians venerated it as the Paradise Stone.

Made into conical cakes, or suspended in water, the enigmatic fire-stone powder was a ritually ingested supplement of the ancient kings and pharaohs. It was revered as the food of the ‘light body’ (the ka) and was reckoned to heighten general aptitudes of leadership, such as awareness, perception and intuition. It was further considered to be a key to active longevity.

Today, there are a number of companies manufacturing products containing M-state substances companies manufacturing products containing M-state substances. Some are working from a pure gold base, while others are using platinum group trace elements from sea sediments and volcanic or meteoric earth sources. The extent to which these products might individually approach the fully charged superconductive state, however, is unknown to us at this time since the enigmatic powders do not react to conventional analysis as do the metallic elements from which they derive.

In respect of these products, we cannot make specific recommendations as such, nor are we able to suggest any particular product for any specific purpose – but we can cite some of the companies whose proprietors are known to us, and with whom we are in regular contact.

The 17th-century philosopher, Eirenaeus Philalethes (revered by Isaac Newton, Robert Boyle, Elias Ashmole and other Royal Society colleagues of his era), produced a work in 1667 entitled ‘Secrets Revealed’. In this treatise he discussed the nature of the Philosophers’ Stone, which was commonly thought to transmute base metal into gold.

Setting the record straight, Philalethes made the point that the Stone was itself made from gold, and that the philosopher’s art was in perfecting this process. He stated: “Our Stone is nothing but gold digested to the highest degree of purity and subtle fixation. It is called a stone by virtue of its fixed nature; it resists the action of fire as successfully as any stone. In species it is gold, more pure than the purest; it is fixed and incombustible like a stone, but its appearance is that of a very fine powder”.

Some time earlier, in 1416, the noted French chemist Nicolas Flamel wrote that when the noble metal was perfectly prepared, it made a fine ‘powder of gold’, which is the Philosophers’ Stone.

From ancient to modern times, the complete history of M-state elements (once called the ‘powder of projection’) is given in Laurence Gardner’s book, Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark.

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The Truth About Free Energy

Is it just a myth? You decide…

The Truth About Free Energy

Adam Trombly is one of the top scientists in the world in the development and creation of Zero Point Energy technology. Devices that he built are working today in other parts of the world. And yet, instead of using Zero Point Energy, Adam Trombly’s own house in Maui is being fitted with a bank of expensive solar panels.

Why can’t Trombly use his own expertise to fuel his own home? Trombly has spent most of his professional life under one gag order or another. But he decided, he told us, “that if I was going to give an interview for this particular publication, I wasn’t going to pull any punches.”

If much of this seems overly negative, keep reading. Trombly wants to wake us up, and to shine a light upon things that have been kept dark.

Adam Trombly’s revelations will shock you to the depths. But it is his hope, and ours, that it will help you to awaken, or to assist you in your task of awakening others.

Trombly’s ultimate vision is the “redreaming of the American Dream.”

Adams: How did you become interested in free energy?

Trombly: I was raised as a scientist and I have spoken the language of science all of my life. My mother was a blood specialist, my father was a biochemist, and my sister was at one time a biophysicist.

When my father had just gotten his Ph.D. in biochemistry from Purdue University – I was a young child – he was enlisted as a biochemist, by a fellow Purdue alumnus named Frank Olsen, into a U.S. Air Force/CIA joint project. He was stationed at the biological warfare laboratory in Fort Detrick, Maryland. This was in 1952 during the Korean Conflict. He had been a highly decorated U.S. Army Air Corp officer in World War II, but the government felt that he had a skill of strategic importance to the national security.

At Fort Detrick, he and Olsen, along with a couple of other scientists, were working on a very compartmentalized project. Since he died when I was in the eighth year of this body, I knew very, very little about what this project involved. On the seventh anniversary of his death (4/3/1967) I was in my mother’s attic, putting out mousetraps, when I discovered a couple of boxes that contained journals my father had kept during his time at Detrick. You weren’t supposed to keep journals, but he did.

One of the things he wrote about in his journals was his exposure to alien technology that totally defied what were considered, at that time and even still to this day, the laws of physics.

He wrote a letter to Dr. Quackenbush, who was on his dissertation board at Purdue, saying that what he had seen challenged even his “most vivid imagination.” This was right after he got there.

After he had been there about a year, the notes he wrote got really interesting. He specifically described various technologies which he stated plainly were of “alien origin.” He described not only flying disk-shaped craft and their related energy and propulsion systems, but Extraterrestrial Biological Entities. His work was actually concerned with them.

On November 19, 1953, my father (along with Dr. Frank Olson and a couple of other colleagues) was taken by Dr. Sidney Gottlieb to a summer camp near Baltimore. While there, he and his colleagues were involuntarily given large doses of LSD in their cocktails; doses on the order of 10,000 to 15,000 micrograms. Olsen knew about the experiment, and out of concern for my father told him, “Harvey you have been given a psychoactive drug and you are beginning to feel its effects. Don’t worry.”

Olsen had also taken a large dose of acid, and later freaked out because he said he had, “blown the experiment.” It was supposed to be a double-blind experiment for all of the participants other than Olsen. He was supposed to keep silent.

Frank Olsen continued to feel unsettled, and was rushed by CIA personnel to New York for psychiatric examination. Something terrible happened instead. Frank was bludgeoned in the head and then thrown from his hotel room window. He was murdered. This, at least, was the conclusion of forensic pathologists hired by Frank’s son Eric in 1994.

My father filed an internal protest demanding an investigation of his friend’s and colleague’s death, and that was what ultimately triggered the events that killed him.

In January of 1954, under the illusion that he was being immunized from a new retroviral biological warfare agent, he was injected instead with a live virus that he had discovered during his research. He became extremely ill. In his notes, he indicated that he immediately knew. “They killed Frank,” he said, “and now they have killed me. The difference is that I will die slowly, very slowly.”

He died in 1960, from a form of lymphoma as eleven government labs did morphological workups of his cells.

When I discovered that his death had not been an accident of nature, I was heartbroken. I despaired of life. I sat with a knife a quarter inch into my chest, with blood already trickling down, begging whoever was present at Infinity to reveal the truth of existence.

And in the next moment, I suddenly had no doubt of God or, if you prefer, the Buddha Nature, and I saw things with great clarity.

Adams: Do you believe that we’re in denial about the involvement of aliens in the affairs of this planet?

Trombly: The American public has been lied to for so long, they wouldn’t be able to recognize the truth if Jesus told them personally.

It’s very difficult for the American public to know what is going on. In many ways, we are a nation in denial, and all too often a nation of alcoholics and drug addicts. We are in incredible mass denial.

People see what are referred to as flying saucers and UFOs. Sometimes they are not saucers but triangles. Sometimes they’re small, and sometimes they’re huge and look like buildings.

It doesn’t matter how many people in remote places or in cities see them, or photograph or videotape them. The perceptions are simply shut out.

There are amazing mind-control projects going on. People literally cannot maintain their attention span. More than once I have stood and watched crafts 100 or 200 feet over my head and had people say things like, “Well that’s not an airplane,” or “Oh, my God, are we actually seeing this?” “Is that real?”

But by the next day, the whole chemistry of denial has set in and those same people say, “Wow, that was a strange airplane, it was going really slow, or really fast, and how did it make that right turn?”

This is what got me started in free energy technology – though I hate the term free energy, because it’s anything but free. Many have paid dearly for its advent. I don’t even know what term I like at this point. I use the term Zero Point Fluctuation Technology – ZP Technology.

I used to have a company called Zero Point Technology. As soon as you put something like that on your shingle, you discover just how unacceptable this concept is to those whose growth stopped so long ago.

People are being bombarded with subliminal messages that tell them that aliens don’t exist. Even The “X-Files,” which is a joke (thank God they’re canceling it), was originally intended, by Chris Carter, to be something more than just random amusement. It was intended to be groundbreaking. But there’s government interference. And this is a huge subject. People don’t understand that the “other U.S. government” has had contact for decades with cultures that aren’t from this planet.

We’re like the aboriginal people of New Zealand, or Papua, New Guinea, or any other remote tribe. When they see an airplane, they think that it is a God – or they at least, they used to. Of course, now they think that it’s just people who are more primitive than they are, but who have technology.

We are the same way with “alien” cultures. We are the same way with really clean and advanced electrical technologies that could begin to help us understand just how wonderful and abundant Being – simply being – is.

When I got involved in ZP in 1979, I was warned by Buckminster Fuller that if we were successful there’d be hell to pay. If we were actually successful, then it could develop into a real nightmare, because the humans we’re dealing with are a species that has been kept in the dark. We’ve been treated like mushrooms (which are kept in the dark and fed a lot of feces — there’s no nice way of putting this).

The extremes to which these people are willing to go to make your life miserable are phenomenal. They go out of their way to torment those who challenge their utter mediocrity.

Then there are certain people who hang around in the so-called free energy field, who speak at conferences and who have never discovered, engineered, or invented anything in their entire lives that is worthy of note. What they have done is mediocre at best. I won’t name them, but they just haven’t produced. These are the people who say, “No one has ever bothered me.”

These are the same people who – behind my back and behind the backs of those who have actually produced functional technologies – say, “Well I’ve never seen anything that he’s produced.”

Adams: Can you tell us more about this alien agenda?

Trombly: I know that there’s an alien agenda because my father wrote this in his journals. He said he had discovered that the U.S. government had become involved in its implementation. He went further to say that this alien agenda, in his opinion, was contrary to the good of the human species and the planet.

He believed that a sector of the military/industrial complex was involved in a program, basically, to transform our atmosphere, which is benign to our species and other Earth species, into one that is greatly reduced in terms of its oxygen content.

So this is a force which doesn’t have good intentions for us. It is a force that would gladly exterminate us. And yet human beings act as agents for this force. The “human” species is exterminating itself, by its own hands.

My father spoke of alien agendas in his most secret thoughts. This was not something he spoke of in public. He would never have given this interview, I’ll tell you that much.

Adams: What species is this alien force?

Trombly: I can’t say, but I can say that the species that are trying to harm us are a tiny minority of a vast host of alien species. My father knew of a couple. It wasn’t just one, even back then. This sounds very far fetched – I know it sounds nuts. But I decided if I was going to give an interview for this particular publication, I wasn’t going to pull any punches.

Adams: Many of the people who read this will share your belief system.

Trombly: Well, this is not about a belief system. I don’t like belief systems! This is about reality! We are the ones who are collectively destroying the womb of the Earth in which our species gestates, in which we evolve.

There are real terrorists in Washington, and even, I dare say, in the White House. And we are very rapidly approaching the time when that statement will be considered criminal. The incident we call 9-11 was a mockery. Now, every time someone dials 911 they’ll think of the evil demon Osama bin Laden who in fact is someone we helped to create.

Alkhaida was largely financed by the U.S. government. We gave the Taliban 128 million dollars last year to suppress the growth of opium in Afghanistan. Where do you think that money came from? Where do you think it went?

Everyone thinks the 9-11 was caused by Osama bin Laden and his cronies. There’s no doubt that some of his money comes from Saudi Arabia, but the fact is that the U.S. government is the primary source of funding for the Taliban. Why? Because Dick Cheney and his cohorts want to build an oil pipeline through Afghanistan.

Adams: What has happened to the free-energy technologies that you’ve produced?

Trombly: Every single technology that I have either invented or co-produced is no longer in my possession. There’s one in Arizona that has supposedly become a national security issue.

A former colleague of mine once went off on his own with a design that he and I had come up with. He built a device that was very successful – and is now in a can, and he is a shell of his former self.

Forget about whatever technologies I have had a hand in reducing to practice. We have heard from very credible sources that these are nothing compared to the technologies already being produced by certain prime contractors right here in the United States.

Why is it a national security issue? Why is a generator that generates several times more output than input a security issue? Why is it that the American people cannot enjoy what their tax dollars are paying for? Why is it that we have a government that is willing to deny the American people access to the very technologies they themselves are secretly producing?

It’s not a joke. Our government has produced technologies, with our tax dollars, that could immediately begin to reverse the damage done by the irresponsible use of fossil fuels, and they are not allowed to be used.

They continue to pollute this atmosphere, and they continue to reduce the amount of metabolically available oxygen. Who could possibly benefit from that? What species do you know of that is actually better off today than, say, fifty years ago?

What is it that we do when we burn these fuels? We make fire. What is fire? Fire is a rapid oxidation process that releases heat. The real destroyers of the equatorial rain forest are forest fires, because of the incredibly poor husbandry. There’s nothing good you can say about what’s being done to this planet!

There are far too many people in the U.S. government and other national governments who are acting in a way that is completely moronic and self-destructive. It is not a human agenda! This is what I’m trying to get you to see. There is this whole other thing happening.

We are exploited by a corporate structure – by the “military/industrial complex” Dwight Eisenhower warned us against in his farewell address to the nation. Eisenhower got the term “military/industrial complex” from Mussolini, who was describing Fascism. These are words you don’t want to use in our society.

At Project Earth we get mail from all over the world, and the one word that keeps coming up since [the 2000] so-called presidential election – about that debacle, that tragedy – is the word “coup.” From the perspective of the vast majority of the human species, it was a coup. They say this in India, Japan, South Korea, France, Holland, Spain – everywhere. In spite of the fact that we never posted an article on our website that said or even suggested that we had a coup, people write to us and say, “How come the American people don’t realize that they just had a coup?”

Then, following on that coup, we have 9-11. Everybody is terrified, but people don’t want to talk the way I’m talking now. They think it’s self-destructive.

I tell you truly, it is our collective silence that is truly destructive.

The United States of America is a sacred idea. It is a sacred thought-form. What was America to the people who risked and frequently lost their lives to create it? It was the New Jerusalem. The spiritual foundation of the United States of America is an absolute necessity of our spiritual dimension. It was founded on the basis of the absolute need of the human spirit for freedom.

But freedom brings with it great responsibility and demands great intelligence.

We do not want to live in hell, but we are creating hell for ourselves. We are tormenting each other and ourselves. We’re doing these things as if we have no choice. We are truly brainwashed.

The real ultimate cult that’s going on in America is this one of jingoistic, flag-waving, unquestioning patriotism. We can get ourselves all hyped up on Zoloft, and that still doesn’t change the fact that we as a nation have lost an incredible amount of prestige and trust because of what happened in 2000.

No matter how much money we put into the military budget, we will not be able to restore that trust in our own people or in the rest of the world until, through grace or the incarnation of the Divine Process, our democracy is resurrected from its present contrived state. It is a travesty.

When Dick Cheney refuses to turn over documents to investigators, he gives comfort to our enemies. Truly dangerous and deranged people in truly difficult countries like Pakistan cite the actions of our corrupt public officials as justification for their actions.

If we say to the world that we represent Freedom and Democracy, then by God we have an obligation to be Free and Democratic.

In the meantime, the world laughs, because perfectly capable intelligence officers in the United States are oppressed for the sake of short-term political agendas.

The Central Intelligence Agency attempted to warn the White House before September 11. The entire affair was handled with what can only be called incompetence. While three-letter agencies spent our tax dollars listening to my calls, true terrorists were going to flight. And in spite of over an 18-minute warning crash, a second full-size passenger jet went into the World Trade Center.

Even so, we are all supposed to fall into line and cheer.

Once, in 1986, I was introduced to a man in Toronto, Canada, who turned out to be a major Soviet technology spy. When he offered me a lot of money and a lot of benefits if I would turn over mechanical drawings for an electrical generating technology I had co-invented, I told that agent to go screw himself. I told him I was under a gag order, and that I would not violate that order.

He responded by saying, “What loyalty do you owe to your country? They have done nothing to help you or your work. If you cooperate with us we will appreciate you and take good care of you and your family. Three hundred million people will benefit from your technology. Who cares if a shaft is made in Leningrad or if assembly occurs near Moscow?”

Once again, I told him to go screw himself, to go back to the totalitarian hell that he came from – and then I got the hell out of his office.

In September of 1986, I turned this man in to the FBI – and as a consequence, I ended up under investigation myself!

In February of 1987, the counter-intelligence unit of the FBI contacted me. During my second so-called “interview,” one of the special agents who interviewed me was Robert Hanson, now known as a famous spy for the former Soviet Union.

Hanson interviewed me about whether or not I was a spy. But he knew I wasn’t a spy, because he was!

It’s not just the U.S. government that’s suppressing all this stuff, it’s the whole theater of this species. The “human” species has rarely demonstrated qualities that say that it should be maintained or can be sustained.

This species has never acted in a way that is consistently to its own benefit. For thousands of years, this species has acted in a manner that can only be described as both sadistic and masochistic, and on a planetary scale. It has not acted intelligently.

At the same time, there is no decision to change, because the vast majority of the human species don’t even realize that we have a choice to do that. They don’t realize that we have the choice live intelligently. They don’t even know or what that would entail.

My protests to the “powers above” are consistently related to this central fact: “I know there’s a choice, you know there’s a choice, but the general population on this planet has no clue that there’s a choice. We can choose to live in a completely abundant and pollution-free environment. We can make that choice and have more abundance, and not less abundance. We can stop spending money for fuel. The capital expenditure for fuel could be completely eliminated. That would free up trillions of dollars annually, globally, from the world budget, from the planetary budget.”

If you want to know why I got involved in this technology, it’s because we have a way to generate almost boundless levels of electrical power without any pollution or fuel, without even the need for solar panels or wind power.

It’s ridiculous that I am installing solar panels in my home, when I have spent the last 23 years of my life in the field of ZP Fluctuation Technology research and development and have one more than one occasion successfully demonstrated it along with colleagues who have also learned the same hard lessons that I have.

Adams: Can we still restore this planet?

Trombly: We can if we act with great clarity and great speed. No obstacle could stand in our path.

We could even reclaim the Sahara Desert. It didn’t used to be a desert. It was destroyed by people who cut down the forest and overgrazed the grasslands that were once there. Now the same thing is happening in Brazil, Indonesia, China and South East Asia.

These forests and grasslands are like your skin. What does the skin do? It keeps us from becoming dehydrated. When a person gets third-degree burns, one of the leading causes of death is dehydration. The same thing is true of the forests and grasslands.

It’s about maintaining that tissue and understanding that it is very vulnerable. These membranes are being taken away.

We can also reclaim the desert that is forming in the northeastern corner of Brazil, where there was rainforest a hundred years ago. The Brazilian desert exists because the Brazilian people won’t stop cutting down their own trees. I say this very bluntly. If the Brazilian people want to demonstrate that they have some intelligence, then they’ll stop cutting down the rainforest, which is the equatorial life support of our planet.

If the United Nations and if the American government want to demonstrate their intelligence, then they will suggest that we should give credits to these countries for their oxygen production.

We can reclaim the deserts by these new technologies, by taking the water out of the oceans and using it on the desert.

Where you run into the logjam, over and over with all these issues, is the question of energy.

How can we heal the ozone layer? It’s going to take a tremendous amount of energy to do that. We have to replenish the oxygen that’s not getting into the stratosphere.

One of the fundamental points that I try to make is about chlorine. It is a molecular demon once it gets into the ozone layer. One chlorine ion can interfere with the production of 100,000 molecules of ozone. So we have to eliminate as much free chlorine and bromine as possible.

But even if we entirely eliminated chlorine and bromine production, that would still not be enough to heal the stratospheric ozone layer.

Another significant cause of ozone depletion, one that is often overlooked, is the reduction in the amount of oxygen that should be transported into the stratosphere over the equatorial rainforests. Project Earth has been trying to educate people to this fact since the mid-eighties. The oxygen source has literally been cut off by deforestation. But we can heal that by reintroducing a tremendous amount of oxygen up there, and replanting the forest down here, on Earth.

It will take energy. Lots of it.

Adams: Can you describe how your life has been endangered because of your perspectives on free energy?

Trombly: If I had described my life to you since 1980, it would be a long, long story, and it would sound like a bad spy novel.

I’ve had a number of attempts on my life through really serious poisonings. My wife has had to revive me and give me CPR.

So we’ve had a whole nightmare component to our life. But we don’t live in a nightmare at all. It’s quite the opposite.

However, I must say that it has been almost unimaginable at times.

Once, in 1988, I was visited by a couple of scientists at my home in Colorado. One of them was Bob Dratch, a man who has done a lot of work in creating microwave detection equipment, which is widely used by the Department of Defense.

Basically, I was standing in my office, which was a large room, 27 feet long, and Bob Dratch was shaking change in his pocket, to demonstrate that his very sensitive microwave detector could pick up the signal this jingling generated. The signal would appear on the meter and the printout.

I pointed the horn of the device at Dratch to measure the effect. And then, as I pointed the horn away, I kept my finger on the trigger and happened to point it out the window of my office. To our surprise, the alarm went off on the machine! The red light went on, and the meter peaked.

My office was being microwaved!

We walked into my back yard and found the place where the signals were being broadcast. It was right behind my house, in a little forest, right next to an engineering company that is well known for making satellite antennas.

We clipped the cable to the antenna that was broadcasting microwaves at my house, and I called the FCC in Denver and I said told them that this was illegal and I wanted it stopped now. I said, “Stop microwaving me.” I already had cancer.

Within three weeks, this engineering company was totally gone. I assume they themselves had something to do with the broadcast, or they wouldn’t have left so suddenly.

So dozens of people had to relocate to Kansas, or whereever.

But why were they trying to kill this body? We are perplexed at times by the strange modus operandi of this group.

The world is not going around very well right now, because people aren’t loving. When people love, they become geniuses. Intelligence isn’t about thinking, it’s about feeling. I don’t care how many times the force of darkness, which resists love, has attacked you and made you feel separate.

I don’t care how difficult anyone’s life has been. I guarantee you, I can match it. But suffering is finite, it’s limited, it’s not eternal. You can transcend suffering through love.

The resurrection we are called to is our resurrection. Once Jesus stood in front of Lazarus’ tomb, and commanded, “Lazarus, come out.” And we are told that Lazarus came out.

That is similar to what is happening right now. Surrounding this planet, there is a gathering which is inviting the human species into a new dimension. They are saying, “Lazarus come out, come out of your subjective tomb and out of your corruption. Come out of your doubt of God and out of your doubt of Love. In the midst of Infinity and Eternity, We command you.”

Now, in this moment, we must come out and ask for help. When we can ask for help, we get it.

People don’t understand that you become realized by incarnating love. We live only as expressions of love, in eternity. The only thing that is eternal is Love. Love as the presence of consciousness is eternal and infinite.

Time and space are subsets of eternity and infinity. Space and time are subjective states, and they have nothing to do with limiting the ultimate reality of consciousness, not even a little bit. They have to do with the gnarled subjective states of the contracted world.

Scientists talk about the accelerating expansion of the universe, but it’s not that, it’s the unremitting transformation of the universe that’s happening, the inescapable transformation of the universe.

You don’t have a choice about it this time. It isn’t the same as it was two thousand years ago. We are in the midst of the time of the resurrection. It involves you and me and everyone on this planet, I don’t care who they are.

There will be miracles everywhere. The most powerful thing is love. The whole astrophysical community is now acknowledging this power, but they call it the “dark energy.” They give it this Darth Vader quality, because they don’t know how to relate to the Light. It is the contraction of form and the denial of the Infinite Divine that causes the appearance of darkness.

Adams: How long has there been a conspiracy to prevent the development of free energy?

Trombly: Well, if you are referring to the technological side of things, I guess you could say it started with Nikola Tesla. (Although the crucifixion was really an attempt to stop Free energy as well.)

Nikola Tesla was given the vision of infinite electrical power, without fuel, in the 1880s. He demonstrated it in 1886 and 1889, and then throughout the 1890s. He tried to give this gift, but the fossil fuel boys decided he couldn’t give it. The fossil fuel boys decided that maybe they could make use of him, so they didn’t kill him right away. They killed Tesla in 1943.

One of the detectives approached me in 1981, at a conference. This man told me that Tesla had been murdered. So I guess you could say that it all began right there. When I was a kid in school, nobody knew about Tesla. Tesla was the father of alternating current electricity. Tesla said he was inspired by aliens, beings from other dimensions. He was anathematized because he refused to kowtow; he refused to attend the same temple that the others worshipped in.

Adams: How can we make free energy available to the planet?

Trombly: There is no such thing as free energy without enlightenment and liberation. The technologies point to free energy. We are the technology. We are the free energy.

Great yogis like Sri Babaji demonstrate this. Yogananda talked about him. He was the physical demonstration of free energy. He was the physical demonstration of what the Tibetans called the Rainbow Body. He was transparent and transfigured in God realization, the realization of the Buddha Nature.

There are alien cultures and cultures in other universes who happen to be attentive to the events on this planet because this is one of the last archetypal moments. This will not continue anymore. This entire kind of universe is obsolete and will not occur again, because it would be masochism and sadism to allow it to be perpetuated.

There’s a transformation that is occurring. It is about the liberation of all the energy that has been bound up in all of these worlds that are subject to corruption. That is the real physics. This is what is really important.

In the meantime, by understanding that this is true, we can tap into a field that we call Zero Point Vacuum Fluctuation or the quantum ether, and we can generate electrical power. Electrical power exists in complete abundance, without any capital cost for fuel.

Solar technology is so very expensive. We have 108 solar panels in our two facilities on Maui and it takes up a great deal of space. I would love to have ZP Technology here, but the fact of the matter is, if I had that working right now, this place would become a target.

The other side of this story is always the same thing. Just when Light appears on this planet, the subjective forces of darkness manifest with great tenacity. This government was overthrown and nobody knows anything about it. People are silent about it.

On the cover of Newsweek, on September 11, was an article about the secret vote that made Bush president. The article was about a conspiracy in the Supreme Court. Newsweek at that time was willing to challenge the Supreme Court. The Executive Branch of the United States government was about to fall, because it was going to be exposed.

But then the planes hit the World Trade Center.

If Al Gore had been elected, I know the man well enough to know that we would have been in a different economy after four years. We would’ve begun to implement these technologies.

The United States government has, right now, the technology to eliminate the energy crisis. This consoling gesture that George Bush made the other day, about developing hydrogen fuel-cell technology, is just a carrot that he’s dangling before the American people.

Now there are military people who have come forward and are talking about the presence of aliens and alien technology on this planet. They are even talking about the fact that we are making our own flying saucers. This Disclosure Project is extremely important for people to know about (see Secrets from the Stars elsewhere in this issue).

We could be having the greatest economic boom in the history of history. We could actually do that. The technology exists. As early as the 1970s, Henry Kissinger, George Bush, Richard Nixon – all kinds of these guys – knew about this physics. But the downside is that we are on the brink of oblivion.

Parents are paying all this money to educate their children into the lie of physics instead of the truth of physics. Meanwhile, they are taking Prozac. We have legalized the anesthetization of our species. Depression is appropriate.

Adams: What is the purpose of your organization, Project Earth.

Trombly: The original foundation of Project Earth was to reveal to the human species the actual condition of our planet. We’re not being told the truth about it. For the most part, the scientific community doesn’t know the truth and has been so disempowered by their so-called education that they’ve lost vision.

Vision is the only thing that will save us. You have to be able to see where you’re going.

The agreement that I made with the Divine is one that Bucky and I talked about. We would never just illuminate the problem, we would always offer a solution. If we talked about an energy crisis, we would talk about only it in the context of the fact that there is no energy crisis.

Electrical power is already abundantly available, pollution free. We like electricity. We can power our cars and flying saucers with infinite electrical power. We could have so much fun that living on earth wouldn’t be a drag, but would be really great.

Your eyes would be so open that you would walk out the door and you wouldn’t see the smog in Los Angeles, but you’d see the clear, sacred air.

Project Earth is not just about communicating the problems. It’s about the transformation of humanity.

Adam Trombly, Director of Project Earth, is an internationally acknowledged expert in the fields of Physics, Atmospheric Dynamics, Geophysics, Rotating and Resonating Electromagnetic Systems, and Environmental Global Modeling.

Taking the advice of his friend and mentor R. Buckminster Fuller, Adam has maintained a “synergistic, global view” within a multi-disciplinary scientific background. From this perspective, Adam offers unique insights into the changes humankind has effected on our environment, and the adjustments our future requires of us.

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Cars That Run on Compressed Air

I had heard about water fueled car and here is the article to that:


But I had never heard, that you can run car with compressed air:

Cars That Run on Compressed Air

Odds are you’ve never heard of this car.
Why not?

Why is a French company developing it with zero help from the high rolling US-UK dominated global financial system which until recently had money for every loony scheme imaginable?

Answer: The banking system and the oil industry are closely intertwined and they want to protect their investment in the gasoline infrastructure at all costs.

Fortunately, France doesn’t have the same commitment to gasoline as fuel that the US and UK does.

France does have oil companies, but it doesn’t have the equivalent of Exxon or Royal Dutch Shell.

India doesn’t either.

But the French and the Indians do have superb engineers.

Assuming that the collapse of the global financial system doesn’t derail the launch of this car, India and France will have vehicles that are completely independent of the oil companies.

No toxic fuel, no toxic emissions, super low cost, utter reliability, and here’s the really cool part: the “fuel” could be available anywhere there is room for an air compressor including your own home.

What’s not to like about this? Why is the news of this technology all but banned in the US?

The banking system and the oil industry (and news media industry) are closely intertwined.

It’s really that simple.

Zero Pollution Motors is also working on a hybrid version of their engine that can run on traditional fuel in combination with air. The change of energy source is controlled electronically. When the car is moving at speeds below 60 kph, it runs on air. At higher speeds, it runs on a fuel, such as gasoline, diesel or natural gas.

Air tanks fixed to the underside of the vehicle can hold about 79 gallons (300 liters) of air. This compressed air can fuel the e.Volution for up to 124 miles (200 km) at a top speed of 60 miles per hour (96.5 kph). When your tank nears empty, you can just pull over and fill the e.Volution up at the nearest air pump. Using a household electrical source, it takes about four hours to refill the compressed air tanks. However, a rapid three-minute recharge is possible, using a high-pressure air pump.

The car’s motor does require a small amount of oil, about .8 liters worth that the driver will have to change just every 31,000 miles (50,000 km). The vehicle will be equipped with an automatic transmission, rear wheel drive, rack and pinion steering and a 9.5 foot (2.89 m) wheel base. It will weigh about 1,543 pounds (700 kg) and will be about 12.5 feet (3.81 m) long, 5.7 feet (1.74 m) tall, and 5.6 feet (1.71 m) wide.

In October, the e.Volution made its public debut in Johannesburg, South Africa, at the Auto Africa Expo 2000. Zero Pollution said that the car will go on sale in South Africa in 2002, but didn’t say when the car would be available in other parts of the world.

Cryogenic Heat Engine

Another version of an air-powered car is being developed by researchers at the University of Washington using the concept of a steam engine, except there is no combustion. The Washington researchers use liquid nitrogen as the propellant for their LN2000 prototype air car. The researchers decided to use nitrogen because of its abundance in the atmosphere — nitrogen makes up about 78 percent of the Earth’s atmosphere — and the availablity of liquid nitrogen. There are five components to the LN2000 engine:

A 24-gallon stainless steel tank.

A pump that moves the liquid nitrogen to the economizer.

An economizer that heats the liquid nitrogen with leftover exhaust heat.
A heat exchanger that boils the liquid nitrogen, creating a high pressure gas.
An expander, which converts nitrogen’s energy into usable power.

The liquid nitrogen, stored at -320 degrees Fahrenheit (-196 degrees Celsius), is vaporized by the heat exchanger. The heat exchanger is the heart of the LN2000’s cryogenic engine, which gets its name from the extremely cold temperature at which the liquid nitrogen is stored. Air moving around the vehicle is used to heat the liquid nitrogen to a boil. Once the liquid nitrogen boils, it turns to gas in the same way that heated water forms steam in a steam engine.

Nitrogen gas formed in the heat exchanger expands to about 700 times the volume of its liquid form. This highly pressurized gas is then fed to the expander, where the force of the nitrogen gas is converted into mechanical power by pushing on the engine’s pistons. The only exhaust is nitrogen, and since nitrogen is a major part of the atmosphere, the car gives off little pollution. However, the cars may not reduce pollution as much as you think. While no pollution exits the car, the pollution may be shifted to another location. As with the e.Volution car, the LN2000 requires electricity to compress the air. That use of electricity means there is some amount of pollution produced somewhere else.

Some of the leftover heat in the engine’s exhaust is cycled back through the engine to the economizer, which preheats the nitrogen before it enters the heat exchanger, increasing efficiency. Two fans at the rear of the vehicle draw in air through the heat exchanger to enhance the transfer of heat to the liquid nitrogen.

The Washington researchers have developed a crude prototype of their car, using a converted 1984 Grumman-Olson Kubvan mail truck. The truck has a radial five-cylinder that produces 15 horsepower with the liquid nitrogen fuel. It also features a five-speed manual transmission. Currently, the vehicle is able to go only about two miles (3.2 km) on a full tank of liquid nitrogen, and its top speed is only 22 mph (35.4 kph). However, because a liquid nitrogen-propelled car will be lighter, the researchers think that a 60-gallon (227 liters) tank will give the LN2000 a potential range of about 200 miles (321.8 km).

With petrol prices soaring, as they have over the past two years, it might not be long before many motorists turn to vehicles powered by alternative fuels. Although air-powered vehicles are still behind their gasoline counterparts when it comes to power and performance, they cost less to operate and are arguably more environmentally friendly, which makes them attractive as the future of highway transportation.

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