Category Archives: Titans

Petrified titans, giants and huge ancient trees

Recently I have stumbled more and more websites and videos telling about giants and more recently so called titans. The story is that there were bigger beigns on this planet than we have ever dreamed of. If this theory is real, it means that these things were HUGE and I mean really huge! Was there a time once when these titans roamed on the Earth and the somekind of cataclysm, war or the great flood wiped them off? If even part of this hidden knowledge is true, then this is the biggest lie we have ever faced. Mankind must get up from it’s knees and start to investigate these monstrous lies we have taught about our history, geology and our past. This is just a glimpse so please, my fellow friends, don’t believe me do the research yourself. Go outside and look the mountains, rocks, cliffs… I have looked and starngly they are showing me something I have never seen before. And it is awesome!

So here is a little article and then I link some videos at the end of the article:

Am still suprised how Petrifaction took place on Giants and Huge animals with flesh and blood without decomposing them and instead turning them into Solid-Rocks, was some Technology  used or was this a natural event?? Its sound similar to a Rajasthan Cursed Kiradu Temple located in india as rumor goes they say that it turns humans into stones! The Dragon on the 2nd Vdo shocked me!!… seriously we are fucked up on this prision planet with LIES

~ Galactic Human ~

Now when we look at the mud fossils of animals in your videos, we can observe that they were much, much bigger than today. This bring me to the conclusion that even normal human before the flood must have been much bigger than today… maybe 20-40 feet tall(still far from the titan 200 feet tall), 4.13 .. is a woman lying head east .. with her hair flowing down .. and a child lying on her stomach .with clothes on

Heres the Dragon from Egypt , You can even see the bone structure of the wing and where the soft tissue of the wings would be. Mouth slit, nose, peak at back of head. Simply amazing.

This will totally change your thinking about our earth and how you see it. … buttes and mountains being giant petrified tree stumps is astounding. … taller than us when God made them



And here are some awesome videos about the topic where you can start your investigation:

And then we have kind of the same idea, but about giant ancient trees. When you realize this huge lie about table mountains your perspective towards the Earth we are living turns upside down… this is just mad and I mean the lies we have been fed all of our lives…

Do your reseach and have a nice day my friends.