Category Archives: Vril

Animated short clips of Donald Marshall info

I found these cool videos made by Youtube user called The Elvish Magic. They explain simply the issues, that Donald Marshall has told in his interviews. So if you don’t have time to check out all the Donald Marshall info you can watch these small videos about the different topics:

Donald Marshall – R.E.M. Consciousness Transfer

Donald Marshall – Cloning: Replication and Duplication

Donald Marshall – The Cloning Floor

Donald Marshall – Project Muffin

Donald Marshall – Clone Types

Donald Marshall – Vril Synopsis

Donald Marshall – Droning Process

Donald Marshall – Atlantis

Donald Marshall – Recorded Consciousness On Microchips

Donald Marshall – The Awakening

Donald Marshall – Project Camelot

Donald Marshall – Nostradamus Prophecies

Donald Marshall – The Pharisees

Donald Marshall – Animated Interviews

Donald Marshall – Justin Bieber


Here’s more Donald Marshall info:

Read more from Auricmedia:


Illuminati droned (bodysnatched) his son

Now I post a really sad story about a man called John Welgos. His son was droned (bodysnatched) by Illuminati. If you don’t know what droning means you should read my previous Donald Marshall info about Droning here:


This man took his son to a dentist and there they planted a Vril consciousness into this 3 yearld old boy. It means that this boy’s real consciousness and soul is dead and there is now a Vril consciousness acting like this boy. Read the Donald Marshall info and watch these videos below and you understand. Sad story and this must end. It’s up to you and only sharing this information you can help to fight against Illuminati.

John Welgos tells how Illuminati droned (bodysnatched) his 3 year old son. There is pretty remarkable video of his son showing illuminati hand signs, which he has no knowledge of after this operation. Just watch these videos:

>> Here’s more John Welgos videos about how his son was droned and other videos related to Illuminati.

Read more from Auricmedia:


Vril – The Power of the Coming Race

Now when The sequel to this movie Iron Sky is coming closer I have to make a post about the second one called Iron Sky the Coming Race, why? That’s because I think that the story of it has been stolen from a man called Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton. And there’s no credit about that.

Here’s his book. It’s not long so read it through and make you own decision:

The Power of the Coming Race
by Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton

from SacredTexts Website

Legendary for his turgid prose (“it was a dark and stormy night…”) Bulwer-Lytton’s pioneering science fiction novel “Vril” was taken very seriously by 19th Century Atlantis fans (for instance, Scott-Elliot).

Vril is a mysterious energy which is used by Lytton’s subterranean race (refugees from the Deluge) to power their advanced civilization; it was later treated as a reality by occultists.


Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVII
Chapter XXVIII
Chapter XXIX


And here is the trailers for the upcoming Iron Sky the Coming Race:

If you want to know more about real Vril lizards and stuff check out Donald Marshall links:

The Black Sun and The Vril Society

There is lots of mystery surrounding the Vril society and the black sun myth. Here is a small article, which covers some of that mystery, but as always you are the investigator and make your own conclusions:

Peter Moon tells us in his book ’The Black Sun’, on page 172 –

“The Vril Society began around the same time as the Thule Society when Karl Haushofer founded the “Bruder des Lichts“, which means Brothers of the Light. This organization is sometimes referred to at the Luminous Lodge. This group was eventually renamed the Vril-Gesellschaft as it rose in prominence and united three major societies:

  • the Lords of the Black Stone, having emerged from the Teutonic Order in 1917

  • the Black Knights of the Thule Society

  • the Black Sun, later identified as the elite of Heinrich himmler’s SS

Whereas the Thule Society ended up focusing primarily upon materialistic and political agendas, the Vril Society put its attention on the “Other Side.”

A local medium named Maria Orisc began getting messages in an unknown language and couldn’t transcribe them, so began meeting with key members of these societies, along with another medium named Sigrun. Accordingly, the messages were coming from a being from the star Aldeberan, which has two planets which form the ’Sumeran Empire’. In the Sumeran empire were two classes of people – the Aryan or Master race, and a subservient race which had developed in a negative fashion as a result of mutation from climatic changes.

Peter Moon goes on to say,

“A half billion years ago, the Aryans (known as the Elohim or Elder Race) began to colonize our solar system as Aldebaran’s became uninhabitable. Marduk, existing in what is today the asteroid belt , was the first to be colonized, then Mars. When they came to Earth, these Aryans were known as the Sumerians.

(Note: Here we are coinciding with the work of Zechariah Sitchin)


From some of the accounts available, Shambhala appears to have been a centre of spiritual enlightenment, very reminiscent of James Hilton‘s ’Shangri-La’, but others say that it was a centre of occult power and arcane teaching. Its leader was thought variously to be either an evil, tyrannical Sorcerer-King or a God-like ’Lord of The World’.

We seem to be left with a choice as to which story we prefer to follow, and evidently which Path one desires to follow, too. The evil Left, or the good Right!

Apparently there were two factions (as in Hyperborea), one of which followed the Golden Sun, and the other the Black Sun. (The ’Black Sun’, incidentally, was as prominent an emblem of the Nazi mythos as was the Swastika!) According to Jean-Claude Frére, author of ’Nazisme et Sociétiés Secretès’, the people of Hyperborea, after migrating to the Gobi Desert over 6000 years ago, founded a new centre, which they named Agartha. It became a great centre of world learning, and people flocked there from all over the world to enjoy its culture and civilization.

However, a huge catastrophe supervened, and the earth’s surface was devastated, but the realm of Agartha somehow survived, under the earth.

The legend continues to relate that, as with the original Hyperboreans, the Aryans now split into two factions:

  • one group heading north-west, hoping to return to their lost Hyperborea

  • the second going south, where they founded a new secret centre under the Himalayas

Jean-Claude Frére concludes:

The sons of the Outer Intelligences split into two groups, one following the ’Right Hand Path’ under the ’Wheel of The Golden Sun’, the other the ’Left Hand Path’ under the ’Wheel of the Black Sun’. The first preserved the centre of Agartha, that undefined place of contemplation, of the Good, and of the Vril force.

The second supposedly created a new place of initiation at Shambhala, the city of violence in command of the elements and human masses, hastening the arrival of the ’charnel-house of time.’

According to Peter Moon, in his book ’The Black Sun’, the ultimate concept of Thule is well represented in the myth of it as the capital city or center of Hyperborea, a word which literally means ’beyond the poles’.

As it is beyond the poles, Hyperborea is positioned as being outside of this dimension. Thule, being in the center, is positioned as the source of all life on Earth. In Greek mythology, Pythagoras was taught sacred geometry by Apollo, a god who was identified as a resident of Hyporborea. In Pythagorean teachings, the Earth itself geometrically unfolds from a void in the center. This void has been recognized by many ancient groups, including the Sumerians, as the Black Sun. In this sense, Thule is synonymous with this Black Sun.

The word Swastika itself is means ’source’ amongst other definitions, and represents eternal cause or the fountain of creation. Accordingly, the Thule Society used the swastika symbol in their log to represent this idea.

The Black Sun is an even more esoteric concept than that of Thule. Represented as the void of creation itself, it is the most senior archetype imaginable. Thus, this namesake was reserved for the elite of the Thule Society. The Black Sun was actually a secret society within the Thule Society.

It was senior to other societies.

The various ways in which the Swastika is depicted. It is revered by Hindu and ranks second only to OM. Today, the Swastika is known the world over not as a religious symbolism of the Hindus but as the Nazi emblem. Hitler’s use of the Swastika on the flag of National-socialist Germany has besmirched the Swastika. But the Swastika continues to hold a religious significance for the Hindus. Like OM, the origins of Swastika are lost in the misty realms of the past and they can only be guessed by piecing together of the surviving clues.

The Swastika Stone near Ilkley in West Yorkshire (England) The stone overlooks the valley of the River Wharfe, and is identical to some of the ’Camunnian Rose’ designs in Val Camonica, Italy – nine cup-marks in a cross shape, surrounded by a curved swastika- shaped groove. The Ilkley carving also has an ’appendage’ off the east arm – a cup surrounded by a curved hook-shaped groove. It is unique on the moor (which is covered in hundreds of cup-and-ring type carvings) although there is an unfinished swastika design (more angular, without cups) on the nearby Badger Stone.

We find here the Aztecan calendar cycle of 52 uncorrected years represented in the form of a left rotating “swastika”. The wheel starts with the year 1 Acatl, then turns left to 2 Tecpatl, 3 Calli, 4 Tochtli, 5 Acatl, etc. There is a good explanation of the whole composition in Duran and Seler. The question is, did the Hopi have a real writing system like the Aztecs and did they share the same calendar around the year 1000? Why do they not have a developed writing in the 17th century?

This is from a Russian website

(click images to enlarge)

After World War II and the subsequent occupation of Germany, Allied military commanders were stunned to discover the penetrating depth of the Nazi regime’s state secrets.

The world’s best intelligence organization was not the least of these revelations. Also discovered were massive and meticulous research file on secret societies, eugenics and other scientific pursuits that boggled the imagination of the Allied command. Even more spectacular was an entire web of underground rocket and flying saucer factories with an accompanying technology that still defies ordinary beliefs.

A missing U-boat fleet possessing the most advanced submarine technology in the world left many wondering if the Nazis had escaped with yet more secrets or even with Hitler himself.

Behind all of these mysteries was an even deeper element: a secret order known to initiates as the Order of the Black Sun, an organization so feared that it is now illegal to even print their symbols and insignia in modern Germany. The Black Sun probes deeper into the secrets of the Third Reich and its Tibetan contacts than any other previous attempt.

The Black Sun is an adventure in consciousness that reveals a vast array of new information.

From the German flying saucer program to the SS mission into Tibet, we are led on a path that gives us the most insightful look ever into the Third Reich and the holy relics they sought in their ultimate quest: the Ark of the Covenant and the Holy Grail.


A Book Review
from FSReview Website

In the late 1800’s, early 1900’s, there were a variety of secret /occult societies in Germany, the main ones being, The Bavarian Illuminati, The Freemasons, The Rosicrucians, The Thule Society and The Vril Society.

Each of these five societies, although based in secrecy and mysticism, had its role and function. Of these five, two were especially noted for their occult connections, The Vril Society and its purely German offshoot The Thule Society.

The chief architect of the Thule Society was Baron Rudolph von Sebottendorff, sometimes referred to as Rudolf Glauer. Sebottendorff / Glauer possessed a wide knowledge of Islamic Mysticism in all its aspects, encompassing the Dervish sects and particularly the cult of Sufism which differs markedly from mainstream Islamic teaching.

The name, Thule, refers to the capital of the legendary polar country Hyperborea.

Also referred to as ‘Ultima Thule’, it was supposedly the gateway to another world. Thule was therefore recognized as a place where humans could, by whatever means, ‘leave the earth’, it also reputedly stood at the portal of the ‘Hollow Earth.

Interestingly, the major players in the 20th century, the USA and the Russian Federation have ELF – extra low frequency – transmitters sited in this area. These transmitters are supposedly used to communicate with submerged submarines, but worryingly, they broadcast these messages at brain-wave frequencies, around 18 to 20Hz.

Traditionally, the Hyperboreans were in contact with extraterrestrials or ‘alien cultures’, in some versions of this, there was interbreeding. In common with the legendary inhabitants of Atlantis, they engaged in war with neighbouring civilizations. This escalated into the use of atomic weapons, resulting in a pyrrhic victory for the Hyperboreans, who, as well as defeating their enemies, virtually destroyed themselves in the process. In common with radiation damage in recent times, the surviving Hyperboreans were soon faced with the prospect of mutated and otherwise damaged offspring.

Showing remarkable resolve, those who had not sustained any apparent genetic damage, banded together and effectively removed themselves from the gene pool, a variety of self imposed quarantine.

Any ‘damaged’ offspring from this group, were neutered. This early example of eugenics was practiced until they were sure that any defective genes had been bred out. The other mutated group eventually died out, whether they were ‘assisted’ in this, is open to debate. This may seem like, and indeed is, a harsh, clinical line to adopt, but being faced with the extinction of their entire race, they had little other option.

The descendants of this seminal ‘Mother race’ were the Celts who, like the ripples on a pond, spread out, colonizing various northern areas of the planet. Scots, Irish, Basques, Spanish, Scandinavians, Icelanders and the Portuguese, all these peoples are of Celtic origin. These disparate nationalities have one common genetic trait, a large percentage of RH-negative blood types, which, according to the beliefs of the Thule society was a characteristic of the Hyperboreans and their extraterrestrial associates.

In recent times, the majority of alien abductees are reportedly from RH negative blood groups, is this a possible indication that UFO cultures are tracking their cross-bred progeny?

Other races and peoples who posses a positive blood type were considered to be racially impure, as positive blood is thought to be contaminated by contact with the ape evolved strand of human DNA.

“In Germany at the turn of the century and particularly after WW I many secret societies developed. One of these groups was the Vril Society.

“In 1917 four people met in a cafe in Vienna. There was one woman and three men. The woman was a ’spiritual medium’. They met under a veil of mystery and secrecy.

“They discussed secret revelations, the coming of the new age, the sphere of destiny, the magical violet black stone, and making contact with ancient peoples and distant worlds.

“Their source of power was the Black Sun, an infinite beam of light which though invisible to the human eye is real and there.

“The Vril emblem was the ’Black Sun’ – a secret philosophy thousand of years old provided the foundation on which the occult practitioners of the Third Reich would later build. The Black Sun symbol can be found in many Babylonian and Assyrian places of worship. They depicted the Black Sun – the godhead’s inner light in the form of a cross. This was not much different from the German’s Knight’s Cross.

“With supposed channeled information from ET’s, the Vril society built the Vril Machine. It was saucer shaped. It was supposedly an interdimensional or time travel machine. The first piloted flight was in 1934.

The Vril Force and the Black Sun
In Lytton’s The Coming Race, the subterranean people use the Vril Force to operate and govern the world (a few children armed with vril-powered rods are said capable of exterminating a race of over 22 million threatening barbarians).

Served by robots and able to fly on vril-powered wings, the vegetarian Vril-ya are – by their own reckoning – racially and culturally superior to everyone else on Earth, above or below the ground.

At one point the narrator concludes (from linguistic evidence) that the Vril-ya are,

“descended from the same ancestors as the great Aryan family, from which in varied streams has flowed the dominant civilization of the world.”

The Vril Force or Vril Energy was said to be derived from the Black Sun, a big ball of “Prima Materia” which supposedly exists in the center of the Earth, giving light to the Vril-ya and putting out radiation in the form of Vril. The Vril Society believed that Aryans were the actual biological ancestors of the Black Sun.

This force was known to the ancients under many names, and it has been called Chi, Ojas, Vril, Astral Light, Odic Forces and Orgone.

In a discussion of the 28th degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry – called Knight of the Sun or Prince Adept Albert Pike said,

“There is in nature one most potent force, by means whereof a single man, who could possess himself of it, and should know how to direct it, could revolutionize and change the face of the world.”

This is the force that the Nazis and their inner occult circle were so desperately trying to unleash upon the world, for which the Vril Society had apparently groomed Hitler. A manifestation of the “Great Work” promulgated by the Adepts of secret societies throughout the ages. The Vril Society latched on to a very old archetype already in the minds of alchemists and magicians, which was only re-interpreted, by Lytton, in light of that age of occult revival and scientific progress.

The idea of mutation and transformation into a higher form of a “god-man” was envisioned, through the Vril-ya, in Buller-Lytton’s The Coming Race.

Lytton, himself, was an initiate of the Rosicrucians and was well versed in the arcane-esoteric philosophies (and of course the greatest advances in the sciences of his day).

“Through his romantic works of fiction he expressed the conviction that there are beings endowed with superhuman powers. These beings will supplant us and bring about a formidable mutation in the elect of the human race.”

(J. Bergier)

This is where the philosophy turns dangerous.

The moment we speak of an elect and “illumined” class which is above the general populace, you inevitably encounter racism and classism – with fascism in due course.

“We must beware of this notion of a mutation,” Bergier warns. “It crops up again with Hitler, and is not extinct today.”

Bergier and Pauwels were writing in 1960, but today this philosophy is, sadly, once again in the forefront of popular culture.

The New World Order, so vehemently opposed, is under the direct influence and guidance of the New Age Movement. A hodgepodge of occult doctrines and dangerous socialism, which hides under a cover of “spiritual enlightenment.” Theosophy is considered the main foundation, and its founder, Mme. Blavatsky, was a great admirer of Lytton’s.

In The Occult Conspiracy, the excellent researcher, Michael Howard, writes about the compatibility of the two philosophies:

Blavatsky had read Bulwer Lytton’s novels and was very impressed by their occult content, especially Zanoni and the Last Days of Pompei. The latter was published in 1834 and dealt with the time between early Christianity and the Mysteries of Isis in Italy in the first century A.D.

Blavatsky’s esotericism was virulently anti-Christian… The racial ideas of Madame Blavatsky, concerning root races and the emergence of a spiritually-developed type of human being in the Aquarian Age, were avidly accepted by the nineteenth-century German nationalists who mixed Theosophical occultism with anti-Semitism and the doctrine of the racial supremacy of the Aryan or Indo-European peoples.

FROM: Isis Unveiled,

Volume I, page 550

This tradition of the Dragon and the Sun – occasionally replaced by the Moon – has awakened echoes in the remotest parts of the world. It may be accounted for with perfect readiness by the once universal heliolatrous religion. There was a time when Asia, Europe, Africa, and America were covered with the temples sacred to the sun and the dragon.

The priests assumed the names of their deities, and thus the tradition spread like a network all over the globe:

“Bel and the Dragon are uniformly coupled together, and the priest of the Ophite religion as uniformly assumed the name of his God.”

page 551

Kircher places the origin of the Ophite and heliolatrous worship, the shape of conical monuments and the obelisks, with the Egyptian Hermes Trismegistus.

She goes on to say that one finds glimpses of this religion and its origins in the ’Books of Hermes’, in magical art reproduced by the Quiches, and even in fragments of the Popul Vuh, which shows that the evidence of its origins and religious customs of the Mexicans, Peruvians, and other American races are nearly identical with those of the ancient Phoenicians, Babylonians and Egyptians.

That said, she relates the religion from the Quiche Cosmogony, and compares it to some Apocrypha, with the Jewish sacred books and the kabalistic theories of creation, including the ’Book of Jasher’, which traces it to the population of Ur of the Kaseans, where Magism flourished before the days of Abraham.

page 549

“The divine beings, “brought down to the level of human nature,” perform no feats or tricks more strange or incredible than the miraculous performance of Moses and of Pharaoh’s magicians, while many of these are exactly similar in their nature.

A woman who calls herself Whitefeather contacted us in the year 1999. She sent us drawings of a black sun (click above image). Here is some of what she said:

Originally, when White Feather saw the Black Sun the only thing she could think of calling it was the Donut Sun.

“I moved to Lexington, KY, May, 1973. I had been hired by some horse people in Hialeah, Florida, and they moved me up there to be Director of Research for their Horse Sales firm. Some time before that, I don’t know if it was a year or more, I had a dream or a vision of finding myself in a “natural tree Cathedral”, and one day at my new house in Lexington, the kids kicked a boll into a bunch of trees and I realized that I was in the Tree Cathedral – it was a circle of big fur trees. But anyway, that proved that I was supposed to move there. I have had psychic experiences ever since I was a child.

Of the drawings I made of the “Black-ringed Sun,” they were different shapes more or less that other people told me they had seen. What I saw, the light green and light yellow, translucent fluorescent “sun flares” was impossible for me to draw.”

Oddly she ended up having coffee with a Native American who had also seen the Black Sun. The person who served her donuts. She originally thought of the sun as ’The Eye in the Sky’. {Eye of Ra, the sun God, perhaps!}

After I met a man who was part Apache, who told me he had seen that sun when he thought he was dying in Vietnam, I decided to call it the “Life Saver Sun.” It seems this sun is what the Indians call “the feathered Sun” and extremely sacred sign.

From: An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Traditional Symbols: The Feathered Sun – the Black Sun – as a Plains Indian symbol with stylized feathers pointing both inwards and outwards; inward towards the centre and outward to the circumference; it combines the symbols of the sun and the eagle and depicts the universe; the center; solar power; radiation of power; majesty.


Donald Marshall’s Vril Info Bomb

Here comes an info bomb, which may be odd if you are not familiar with Donald Marshall story, but you can check it here:


But now here’s the info bomb about Vril aliens:


click the bomb for complete information and links pertaining to the Vril: spread these links far and wide.

ATTENTION: If you are a HUMAN you must read this, it contains knowledge of VRIL the reptilian shape shifters people talk about, there has never been a more comprehensive and informative expose of their appearance ecology and behavior ever before. David Icke is NOT going to tell you about them, this is your one chance to know about the lizards do not squander this opportunity. This is a major time in earth’s history my friends and the importance is astronomical, go to the page on the link provided below, this is crucial to the SURVIVAL of our SPECIES.THIS IS the most important time of your lives, you must read all relevant posts in here including older posts, the most important and interesting information you will ever see… no one else is going to tell you about Vrill but me. If you disregard these facts you doom the human race to becoming drones and allowing people to continue to sacrifice children and adults to these “demons” It is absolutely crucial to the survival of our species that these things be eradicated from our planet. Copy all pertinent facts and keep them for posterity show others, the only thing that will stop this is getting this information to the populace… I have no agenda but to share the truth with the world as I’m going to die from heart failure due to clone torture. Read all of my posts especially older posts and all corroborating info. This will be your only chance to save our race and world from Vrill. You have been warned.

Illuminati want to sear the surface of the Earth to avoid persecution and they live comfortably in underground dumbs bases for the rest of their lives, cloning people at leisure messing with them in odd ways for fun…there are also other problems..the human hosts don’t want to be killed…

they want to be sent to an island to live out the remainder of the hosts bod…but no country wants to pay for it…droned hosts threaten violence if backed into a corner AND the dead consciousnesses on microchip put into a victims body…

bodysnatching them that way, they don’t want to be shut down,…

and THEY ALSO want to be segregated on an island BUT they don’t want to live on the same island as the lizard hosts…

politics lol ..

I say kill all the lizards and the human hosts they made and shut down all the evil reanimated dead freaksin clones and stolen bodies…

problem solved.

easy breezy..

droned hosts are bad enough but dead reanimated people come back a shadow of their former selves… its a technology flaw they cant fix it, they’re almost as bad as pet cemetery, it’s why they need handlers.

one track mind, insulted easily, dumber, jealous of how your alive and normal and this dead guy gotta walk around dumb and weird…..almost zombies… but they try to act normal and don’t rot….richest dead people in the world did this,… and they aren’t about to have anyone shut down the chip that makes them continue to exist.

Do not believe that morph from human to lizard shit or the slitted eyes stuff,… they put that out there to throw people off the truth.

Without a CT scan or MRI of the brain or a possible blood test method the ONLY way to tell externally is “sometimes” the eye that gets the proboscis in it swells out further than the other…

and how stupid they are, but some regular humans are stupid too so you cant go with that.

Trust in a stranger for once in your life, n just read the wall lol I don’t get paid for this, just trying to do the right thing…

like the Avatar movie… during R.E.M driven mark 2 cloning… they give up the ability to have dreams or nightmares and go walk and talk in D.U.M.B’s as clones… its how the Illuminati communicate in secret.

Song I made for Brittany Spears called Break the ice… she made the video idea, its a Japanese animation of her getting into a cloning center and blowing it up… this is what the clone growing tubes actually look’s a fantasy of hers (Britney spears)… she hates the place,… but basically “sold her soul” for life in exchange for fame and fortune… now shes cloned into the place every REM stage to be used, and regrets it.

Oh btw all,… my ex family are almost all freemasons, a large faction of the illuminuts, and if you read my wall you will know the 33rd degree of freemason knowledge, which is also the highest scientologist knowledge. FREE

3 different types of Vrill have basic pic representations of types 1 and 3

type one… theyre small… they’ve been depicted in gremlins critters and many more

type 3, young one, depicted in the movie Star wars “Attack of the clones” when they get old the neck shortens and they get all wrinkly and look like Pumpkinhead from the movie pumpkinhead.

they are very real and live DEEP underground… they are “parasitic” lizards. and have a unique biological property of their bodies that allows them to stick a brain proboscis into another animals eye, preferably a humans and bodysnatch them making them a human host, they mimic human behavior and are already all over the place…

thats the shapeshift… no morphing to it at all,.. its a biological transfer, the old lizard body dies and they just become you… there is no reversing the process… an old name for them was mimic, they have many names, they take over celebs all the time.

the illuminati use them to replace people.

it is widespread. Most of the most heinous crimes in the world are done by drones… thats what they call human hosts,… drones

and the only way to detect them besides the change in behavior is by either CT scan or MRI to see the brain damage from the droning process.

there’s no mystical magic or morphing… its all biological parasitic cellular transfer.

all set up… same eyes as you or me… sometimes the eye will pop out more than the other but not always… the proboscis going in sometimes causes swelling behing the eye.

sometimes the brain swells on the one side too causing this… same reason Nicholas Cage recently did a movie with a bullet wound to his eye for almost the entire length of the movie, because his eye is swelled out so bad from it.

they do that on purpose with camera tricks,…

they’re very arrogant about it and think they will never be discovered.

proboscis in the eye…

there’s a lot of drones in the world…

come read my you’ll know… no need to even join the friends list, wall is public. Just read have to, they’re all scared to, I always felt that they “wanted” me to tell about them, like a murderer kinda hints at they’re crimes thing, but they’re pretty pissed now because I didn’t sugarcoat stuff lol

its pretty vast… kinda a matrix. lol bunch of celebs thought it was another dimension… 5th 7th astral plane..just cloning, or cloning on different drugs pre injected into your clone before activation there.

When ppl have a popped out eye it could just be natural, some people are not symmetrical,… but with them it is either from the lizards proboscis or the microchip pushed into the brain behind the eye.

they say they’ve had some plastic surgery or have used strange facial peel solutions in expensive salons. But it’s because they’re remade.

different ways too,… they can literally get dna from someone from from the past and remake them, the consciousness has fled long ago but the newly made baby grows up looking the same and has a different upbringing and environment and is like an entirely separate person… these clones are permanent and no way to tell the difference from a normal person. Sometimes they’re brains are chipped and taken over too or droned.

that’s replication cloning (from a baby) not duplication cloning (fully formed adult copy)

duplicate clones have to be remade from time to time, they get rashy and growths and the brain degrades,… they just re-clone. Sometimes come back looking different.

slightly complicating but you get the idea.

know Pharoah Tutankamun looked like? King Tut? Vrill really liked him. Its Little Wayne

didnt wanna get into that until Phase 4, but I thought I’d throw that out there, cuz I hate “Wayne” bad. Made almost all his songs.

I know, it’s pretty whacked… theres a buncha Pharoes around…

Vrill liked pharoes a lot.

Could be bs,… that’s what they told me years and years ago though while making him tunes when they thought I was a friend to them.

use people from the past like that because their faces inspired loyalty and awe in armies and populaces in the past. So they figure it’ll work again for show business or something.

Donald Marshall November 18, 2012 at 12:53pm

The Droning Process

Droning occurs when a Vril injects its proboscis into the human eye where the lizard parasite takes over the human host brain. It is terribly painful for the human being until the human consciousness dies and the vril parasite consciousness is in full control. All (or most) memory and ability of former human is retained & the lizard consciousness now mimicks the former human’s behaviors. The former human is now a drone. These are the ‘people’ that are used by vril to infiltrate governments, religious, legal & financial systems, organizations and/or corporations. It is not uncommon for male or female drones to lose their hair at a younger age. Malformed offspring is reported to be typical and intelligence seems a little decreased-with a minimal capacity-if any, to understand sarcasm and/or dry humour. Drones often seem incapable of empathy/sympathy and can quite often display psychotic behaviours. Drones enjoy perversion, sexual deviance and self gratification. The drone will seem to be an ill human until fully recovered from the parasitical infection which takes varying degrees of time, but is usually minimal. The eye that was droned with the proboscis will be affected and sometimes never fully recovers, leaving the affected eye to seem different from the other. Most drones appear completely normal and walk among us undetected.

The Vril proboscis connects with human eye and releases a foamy substance where the parasite injects itself into the human brain. The unfortunate human suffers temporary agony. Once the parasite is effectively in the brain, the human ceases to exist and the Vril is in full control of it’s host body.The age-old ‘eye of Horus’ symbol represents the age-old droning process that has been so effectively concealed from the history books. The drones ensure the Vril agenda continues succesfully and the fearful and/or willing compliant humans effectively aid them in their mission…until NOW!

From Don Marshall; “VRILL DEAD BODY!!! at 33 seconds in, one of 2 kinds, this one has scales gone and arm skin stretched out, its a young one, notice the proboscis coming from the head, the holes for the eyes once held eye stalks and the tail has been added.!!!”

parasitology lab ~ health canada
fepn ~ ottawa university
parasitism ~ wikipedia
cdc ~ parasites

After Reading Donald Marshall’s story where he claims to be a clone victim subject to tortuous acts by Queen Elizabeth & her gross elite friends, there was one part to his claims that I could NOT allow myself to believe….the parasitic ancient lizards called Vril. My conscious brain would not allow me to believe this part of Donald’s claims yet something was subconsciously driving me to look into it. Finally I decided to allow my ego to risk the potentials of embracing this ‘ludicracy.’

I communicated with Donald via skype several times and found that not only was he very REAL, he is very mentally stable as well. He’s humorous, kind & intelligent. He truly is an amazing, strong, courageous & moral human being. After getting good vibes from Donald, I kept up some really intense research and I believe I can offer merit to Donald’s claims about Vril Lizards. Please open that mind of yours to very real scientific possibilities that may just explain a few things.

I aim to link science to Vril lizard possibilities as I believe this is the one area that people are unable to wrap their minds around, as was I.

Humans, animals, insects & REPTILES can all become infected with a parasite. This is not a new concept and is widely known. Parasites ‘take over’ the thought process of the host (body) that it invades. An infected ant will be ‘driven’ to climb up on a blade of grass to purposely become eaten by grazing animals so that it can enter the stomach of sheep, cow, etc. and complete its life cycle. Sometimes the parasite can be transferred to a human that eats the newly infected animal, such as a pig. Pigs are very nasty creatures biologically and the bible FORBIDS any consumption of this meat or meat of any other ‘split hoofed’ animal. Sometimes humans can contract a parasite from an infected cat as well (Toxoplasma gondii). No matter how it gets contracted, once it enters the body it can in fact invade the brain. Parasites mimic their host yet the thought processes and further behaviors of infected persons alter significantly.

In the case of ‘Toxoplasma Gondii’ found in the stomachs of cats, the cats excrete the eggs and the eggs are eaten by smaller animals such as rats. The rats ingest the parasite and are ‘taken over’ to the point of losing their fear of cats and exposing themselves directly to a cat so that it can be ingested by and further infect that cat. Parasites instinctual nature is to ‘take over’ as much and as often as possible. There are various ways the parasites transfer from animals/bugs/reptiles to humans and once inside the human host, the natural process is to ‘take over’ the human thought process and control it. This is scientifically proven! Since humans are superior and there is nothing left to ‘take over’, the parasite is content to live in the human and the human becomes diseased. The parasite must feed and if it has infected the brain, then it begins to feed of the brain itself where the host begins to lose feelings like empathy & sympathy, they become sinister and self-driven. They eventually care for nothing but themselves and their self-preservation. They will hurt/destroy almost anyone/anything to get what they want/need. They become the most ruthless people on the planet.

See where this is going? Our world leaders fit this ‘psychopath’ description to a tee. Do you think all of our corrupt leaders, corporations, scientists, teachers, doctors, military, clergy, lawyers/judges, child welfare workers, police, etc. got infected by a cat scratch or could there be a different way they became infected? Since parasites are very common in lizards, I wonder if you could believe for even a fraction of a second that there may be truth to the fact that the illuminati’s best kept secret is Vril lizards. Could Vril lizards possibly transfer a parasite & ‘take over’ the elite characters on our planet and drive them to be the ‘evil’ that we just cannot understand in today’s world? I think so. If you’re not so sure, please keep reading.

When an uninfected rat senses a ‘predator’ cat nearby it becomes very frightened and aims to avoid the cat at all costs, as us ‘normal’ humans do when we sense an ‘evil’, ‘bad’, or ‘corrupt’ person. Yet when an infected rat senses the ‘predator’ cat it will present itself to the cat. This makes so much sense as far as I’m concerned. ‘WE’, the uninfected ‘rats’ naturally sense this same ‘fear’ when we are exposed to the ‘predator’ cat and we ‘run away’ from it, yet the infected ‘rats’ (psychopaths) among us do not fear the ‘predator’ qualities of the cat and instead desire & seek to become the same powerful ‘predator’. These people do not fear the bigger cats who could potentially ‘eat them’ and ‘desire’ to be as ‘powerful’ thereby giving up everything they are to become such. They don’t care about their former self…they now thrive for the power. Parasites and psychopaths often crave ‘evolving power’.

Now that was a lot of cat & rat talk but it is only being used as an example to highlight what parasites do by nature & what they are capable of once entering the brain after a transfer to its new host. Imagine if a certain parasite found in a certain ancient breed of lizard was indeed transferring to human beings & driving them to act with little regard for humanity such as we are seeing all around us today. Just imagine if that were possible.

This is not to say that everyone who gets a parasite infection will be bad/evil (unless invaded by Vril, then it’s always bad), I believe it has to do with what kind of a person you were before infection. If you were a good-hearted person, I believe the invasion will make you weak, vulnerable and depressed as you struggle to ‘fit into the world’ while being incapable of going against your fundamental morals without any way of really understand the bottom line of what’s occurring. If you were bad/mean/evil/ruthless before the parasite invasion then you will likely embrace the driving qualities of psychopathy and give little if any resistance to the changes happening in your brain. If you are ‘normal’, you likely become concerned upon learning this stuff. If you are ‘psychotic’, you are likely smirking while reading this & thinking ‘whatever’.

Just imagine for one bloody second that this is possible….then think….if it is possible, is it happening? After that, you should probably ask “if it’s possible & perhaps occurring, what can, should and/or will be done about it?”

After considering the science of parasites, I hope you can see that there are many links to be made. Why are there ancient carvings of lizards from around the world? Why does the world seem so full of mystery around reptiles & their correlation to the Bible? Why do we ‘sense’ evil at work on the planet? Why are the worlds deep caves so heavily guarded and intriguing? Where did the ideas of ‘reptilians’ and/or shape shifters come from?

I strongly urge you to investigate Donald Marshall’s claims & to help expose the heavily guarded secrets of our society that threaten the very existence of mankind if these claims should prove true. This is not gloom and doom…I totally believe in the power of love, positivity and peace. Is it really that difficult to believe that there are ancient lizards living underground? I mean alligators survived right? Now is it so terribly hard to see that if these creatures are in existence that they may just be able to carry parasites? I had to wrestle with the idea for a while, but now I believe that it is very possible indeed!

I obviously cannot ‘PROVE’ anything on this matter (just yet) and therefore do not supply links or resources as proof. This article was written for your speculation with the hopes of provoking curiosity and further research from you the reader. Thank you!


There’s tons more info out there folks….it’s time to wake up; a lot has happened while you were asleep!

There are scores of interwoven conspiracy theories out there. This article is based on my opinions and/or observations. Please use your common sense when researching and stick to things that are scientifically suggestive. I do not claim in any way, shape or form claim to know everything on these matters, in fact, I’m just learning as I go & finally able to connect some dots. I sincerely hope you will too.

Please share!

The author offers opinion through informed research. The author exercises freedom of speech with no intention towards: treason, sedition, blasphemous and defamatory libel, disruption of religious worship, hate propaganda, spreading false news, public mischief, obscenity, indecency and other forms. Content of expression is TRUE. The manner of expression is PEACEFUL. The intentions of the speaker are GENUINE AND NON-VIOLENT. The circumstances are a HUMAN RIGHTS ISSUE requiring information sharing.

Vril quotes
By Douglas Henson on Monday, July 2, 2012 at 3:30am

*VRIL*: Edited quotes from Donald. I would refer anyone to google search or go back through the archives to find the context in which some of these statements were given if you’re interested, but hopefully this will consolidate some info and Donald can elaborate or expand on any of these points so there can be a good introduction to Vril for people unfamiliar with these creatures. Dates that I managed to get are included. **Document is continuously revised and ongoing.**

— Physical Appearance

They have 2 claws…. like big fingernails… one main big one and a smaller thumb claw…. they couldn’t operate machinery…. ok their mindset… eat sleep sex…. get torturous on a human….. that is all…. [31 May at 17:35]
They have 2 claws, one big main one and a smaller thumb claw… they’re just like fingernails just big and thick, they’re diggers so they’re evolved for burrowing. Smart enough to use tools- They’re just parasitic prehistoric lizards… all are a foot tall….. they all must be killed….[31 May at 17:35]-
They’re 1 foot tall weak and hollow boned, their weaknesses are how weak they are 🙂 there are a bunch deep underground unknown how many in colonies… on surface people hide them as pets and there are a bunch of humans in the world (drones) walking around in human bodies they’ve body-snatched.-
Their heads resemble the body of a king crab-
Body covered in red scales-
Exoskeletal spine, with proboscis on top of spine that can shoot a parasite into a human’s eye and into the brain, creating a body-snatched human “drone”.-
On the discovery channel there is an odd prehistoric looking insect that lays eggs in a body near water… like body of a grasshopper… oddly enough….this small bug controls the grasshoppers brain very basic… makes it jump to the nearest water source to then lay its eggs in the grasshoppers dead body as it kills the grasshopper not by bodily control or muscle, this bug is very small… visible to the naked eye… it controls the grasshoppers brain for i forget how long just to instinctively jump towards nearest water source… grasshopper lands badly too from jumps… like stupid zombie grasshopper [31 May at 12:32]- Their heads slightly resemble the crab people in the K-os video for the song “Crabukkit” ——>     ,    ,

— Vril Mouth

They’re suckers

the one tooth is like a blood dart its connected to the spinal vertebrae, pointing outward like a tongue, [but they have] no tongue

now to extend the dart, which i can draw, it’s like a christmas tree kinda pointy side out

they push their head down like we would compress our neck…but when they do it, their one vertebrae [which the “tooth” is connected to] pops out forward and the blood dart shoots out too…plus when they bite they like to have claws dug in so they can smack face-first with arm strength…the dart pops out and in and again and again
they drink the blood first, and then soft organs, and saw off soft skin stuff with the christmas tree side [of the blood dart] like a saw…little spikes all over it…promotes bleeding
This “chupacabra tooth” is like a fingerprint, no two alike.

— Vril and Music

– Vrill love music…and pain causing and screams… –
really like music…. they dance to it….. [31 May at 17:35]-
they live to hear music- soothes the savage beast- even advancing at me as a horde… to swarm me… if i start singing a new song- they start bobbin their ugly heads buzzin along they get happy and dance start havin sex with each other- till songs over n omg lookout if you stutter or voice cracks- they will swarm you…

— Vril language, Screams, clicks…

– vrill are ancient… survived dinosaur extinction… other things but they couldn’t tell you, they didn’t record their history… dumb things… they scratch stuff on the walls but no written language….. oh they scream too when in distress… calls to others… and it is a scream…sounds like nothing you’ve heard before.-

vrill passed the story down with their language of clicks and squeaks. They were there before Atlantis :)-
the things are stupid and erratic violent and evil, also being so small they are instinctively cowards alone… they attack in groups… they can communicate with a language of clicks and whistles, they have built in sonar for clicking in total darkness underground… they used the mindcomputer stuff on them to see what sonar visually looks like to them and they saw it,… its a kind of pretty bluish view … they used this view to make a recreated view with computer graphic its how daredevils (Ben Affleck) saw when he looked at Elektra in the rain…. nearly exact… 31 May at 12:32-
Yeah those disgusting things bit me a bunch of times Ive picked em up… now lizards didn’t evolve so good intelligence wise they are so dumb… can say some words like talking after breathing helium, sound like that….  1 June at 18:52

— Vril Sexuality

– they’re A sexual….its comical…. they make trains of group sex… its horrifying to behold… 30 front to back [31 May at 13:51]-
they’re a-sexual, all the same gender…. both male and female sex organs…. their asses double as vaginas…. and they make trains… they put this in a psi factor show… where a guy was trapped with them… and underground with them…. only they were bigger…. they formed a chain at the end of the program and did their thing and the guy screamed..

— Vril Religion

Azazel…. this is the name of the reptilian god from an ancient religion called Gerber…. the vrill used to worship.- and now they worship me 🙁 – as a living god- they cant wait for me to die- they want to eat me daily- multiple times daily once im dead-
There’s a few religions that worship them as demons from hell here to help humans in the name of the devil…. been hiding them secret for centuries… till now – 31 May at 15:28

—Donald fighting the Vril, Their poison bite, Black Eyed Peas reference to Vril

– to be eaten alive by one or more of these things as a clone or in real life is worse than being burned to death which is one of the worst things itself… they have a necrotic bite that paralyses after about 5 seconds,… less if they swarm you which they do because they’re only a foot tall. Elizabeth has sicked them on me many times but I kill many before they get me… as a kid i was terrified… then i figured why not… so I started stomping the shit out of them… dancing around in the dirt stomping… they restrained me after that if they had them bite me… its why i put the line in the BLACK EYED PEAS song let the beat rock??? um sez beats so big um steppin on leprechauns y’all gettin down with the boom boom…. half the celebs loved it because they’re terrified of vrill… [30 May at 22:07 ]

– oh so the one i had picked up I grabbed its legs and smashed its upper half off the edge of the hockey-boards….obliterating it…. Elizabeth had me bit for that …1 June at 20:36

– I have to tell you about these grotesque hideous things as it is very possible that I may have an aneurysm or after i wake up a little while… I stomped a bunch and they got mad that I killed too many of em… gotta tell people 🙂 1 June at 18:15

– I had physical wars… their saliva is one of the most painful substances to living things in the world… 2 June at 10:01

— What do the Vrill eat?

–  people… occasionally because the vrill thing gets mad… like a druggie needs humanbevery once in while… real too…1 June at 20:47

– its going to sound like im scaring you…. with this but Im not…. you must know this… the Vrill prefer… to eat children, said they taste better… same difference from eating a large old lobster and a smaller younger lobster… some say smaller younger lobsters taste better… also some say female lobsters are better than male… the popes sex slaves that no one can believe about….. theyre used as sex slaves…. then thrown into the pit to be eaten by Vrill… while others watch…. im sorry to just say so plainly… 2 June at 10:11

–  kidnap children to feed the things… also feed them live victims because as someone else said to me and surprised me they knew… they frighten their prey first…for the adrenaline surge, it makes human blood and tissuez taste better to vrill 2 June at 12:21

— Human Fear of The Vril

– humans have an automatic instinctual fear of them…. just like looking at spiders and scorpions… humans somehow instinctively fear stuff like that. And with Vrill its times two… and they look so evil ugly… its incredible…. you’ll understand what I mean when they’re bein hunted 🙂 Theyll be on tv- ive seen this reaction when Vrill are exposed to the highest level scientologists that pay for the highest level of knowledge, even when they regret becoming a scientologist at this point they know they must follow or they will die… possibly eaten by aliens potentially through cloning over and over… its a trap… to make you unquestionably loyal…. [31 May at 13:12]-
Britney Spears can’t even look at them when shes a clone lmao… flips… its like the instinctual fear when humans look at a big spider or scorpion, you know somehow that thing can possibly kill you… but its like double spider scorpion at the same time… they eat people.. animals… total carnivores… can eat some fruit but veggies make em sick… they get tired of eating clones its not as good to them…. and they like it when humans scream n then don’t scream anymore [31 May at 11:42]

— Maria Orsic – VRIL Society, claims they escaped to Aldebaran using ufos they made from instructions apparently channeled by Maria Orsic via humanoids from Aldebaran

– no… some true some is bs they’ve spread…. right about rockefellers hiding them… roths[childs] too…. no space travel though these things can make a sandwich but no… Saucers? Lol

— Comparison to Mythical Creatures

– Chupacabra is another name for vrill… I didn’t want to say chupacabra because it sounds dumb… but yeah… leprechaun demon mag yoi troll pixie fairy fey folk gremlin, doppelganger mimic… but their name has always been Vrill from their earliest records which are scratches on the wall- gremlins is another name of theirs… next, the shapeshifting refers to the transition from Vrill to human drone….. truthers say this [shapeshifting] as a hint so they don’t have a remote aneurysm like Tila [Tequila] had… they could have killed her… allowed her to live… the truthers don’t like vrill but are afraid…. they add their hints in [and] hope someone will talk and save them someday…. and that day is now- they’re not demons not dark ones they’re stupid lizards they use to bodysnatch people… they don’t come in spirit form they come at people when clones… in rem… its science and technology… not mystical spiritual… [31 May at 16:55]-
they’re not magic or demonic unholy power, they’re simply parasitic lizards… a really smart bipedal iguana… waaay uglier than an iguana though…. ugliest animal on earth [31 May at 17:02]

– they’re not demons… its a metaphor… they’re prehistoric parasitic lizards from underground… dumb… that’s all…. amazing intelligence for an animal… but no emotions… evil… born evil… its just an animal, 31 May at 15:30

– an animal which must be rendered extinct, 31 May at 15:32

— How the Vril would infiltrate homes and lay eggs to parasite humans

–  i had one picked up once… and it was trying to look cute but this thing is a human killing bodysnatching thing…so the cute act did not work… it was literally stumbling around clasping its claws behind its back like Marylin Munroe at a photoshoot…. they do this instinctively to infiltrate…then when in and kept safe as an unknown thing wow this thingvis smart some ugly though.. ugly scaled monkey toy!!! then the Vrill once infiltrated releases reproductive fluids by choice… stored stuff… and faster than you think secretly without the owners knowing like an evil alf… which it is… just a terrestrial alien tho… So lays a clutch its called of 3 eggs… they hatch in secret then someone is taken over by the parent…n he supposedly is ill…. this happened many times in the past… people thinking they had an angel demon or leprechaun… or troll… some of the old fables about trolls are about these guys and are true… you think they are made up bedtime stories but nope legends passed down to warn against the danger of trolls… mag yoi in china means underground troll. 1 June at 19:58

— Vril and Norse Kings

– Both had Vrill…trolls to Viking- Parasitic to some human priests- They mined gemstones for Vikings and the Danish kings…why the Danes were so wealthy back then

– they told me they knew the danish kings and in return for bringing the king the amethyst from a massive underground geode, the king *so they said* would give the “Trolls” [they called them] dogs chickens and children… for eating. not trying to scare… 1 June at 18:52

—Caverns, Worshiped as Gods, Rewritten into History by Drones

– deep in earth are tunnels and huge caverns… too much pressure that deep for humans to survive.. vrill dont need as much oxygen and are aquatic too… stay under a long time… they’re worshiped secretly by certain religions that I’ll reveal later… they’re worshiped now because for hundreds of years in one case 1000s of years they were thought to be demons… angels… gods from stars… now they got written into secret pages of some older religions by idiotic people and drones they took over and mimicked, they were protected as a religious devotion… they say God made them for a reason and everything happens for a reason… and when I get them extincted… that will be happening for a reason too 🙂

— What Killed dinosaurs?

-Meteor they’ve said to me… but vrill survived this cataclysm being so far underground….

— Erased message about Vril eating children – Recorded and watched on TV monitors at the cloning facility in the arena.

– [PARAPHRASED FROM A DELETED MESSAGE] They have giant tv monitors at the clonezones, they watch children being dropped by rope into a cylindrical hole in the ground, with a 1ft door at the bottom. The child thinks its friends are playing a trick on them, and then someone opens the tiny door and Vrill begin to very slowly walk out as if to maximize terror in the confused child. They begin shaking and trembling, trying to befriend the Vril out of fear by saying how cute they are, but they are killed and eaten while everyone at the cloning center watch on large tv monitors which also record the event.

— Vril as pets for the elite

– they’re kept secret, some world leaders grew up with them, they made the sitcom “Alf” about them, some have a hole in their basement walls and give these things animals and in some cases humans… they’re kept ultra secret, Elizabeth’s pet is named Matilda… its bigger than average and old…they’re smart. not nearly as smart as a human but can say some English words and have their own language of clicks n pops n gurgles built in sonar and everything… secret room recently made public tell all about these things, and there’s even more… gotta kill these things off, and gas internal earth on a global scale…

— Machines That Can Hunt Them Down

– they’re small though… and tunnels underground only a foot around… each country will mass produce a killing robot… MASS PRODUCE like a rolling killing thing…. mini flashbang grenades they’re blinded by bright light… they have built in sonar the robots will train on the clicking they click… then just send em in…. there’s millions of these things down there….- above ground it wont take much to track them down… they stink like something rotten and people will give them up to save themselves… for the many underground, a gas or virus toxic to lizards will be made and mass produced so we can internally gas the planet internally…. I can imagine it will be a worldwide collaboration.

— Vril In Dungeons N’ Dragons

– they modeled the body of vrill off a hook horror in dnd… the rich guy gary gygax that invented dnd did that and put their name in the game… he attended cloning centers too…dead now though…- made hook horrors have a different head though cuz theyre uglier than anything in dnd… also added muscle to the hook horrors body… Vrill are skinny and breakable… hollow bones- yup… the power is the takeover [how they swarm a single person]

— Elites turning the Vril in to save themselves

– the rich are giving them up… to save themselves…. problem the good people there as clones that pass out if you make them look at Vrill too close, and the incredibly evil people that like Vrill more than humans and have helped them become drones. These two different types of humans want to claim they were ALL only complicit because of fear…. they all want to survive after turning in the lizards…- people like Elizabeth and Charles and Vladimir don’t want to get lynched…. no vrill have their claw on a nuke button… their handlers do….no one is gonna push the button…. they want a way to ensure their own survival…. they will give up the Vrill with pleas for mercy for themselves… leniency… they will help make them extinct… I can imagine no mercy will be tolerated for the vrill society leadership, but that is to be expected and is not my problem,… shut down cloning centers eradicate Vrill and punish and replace ringleaders… this key to ensure the survival of the earth [31 May at 13:44]-
if the vrill society get found out helping another species helping control humans the vrill society would be known as people that betrayed the human race to an alien being… they would be executed or worse lynched in the street… so they really try to cover all the bases… [31 May at 12:41]

–   people scared now… its ok… the nwo want to destroy them now… to save themselves… its all but over… this is why they gave tila supposed permission to join me without getting killed… theyre gonna give up with the first angry crowd and point the way… to save themselves…from the populace… seriously…31 May at 15:24

–  no need to be scared… no reprisals coming…. they have capitulated… that means surrendered basically…. unconditionally but will beg for theyre lives and leniency. Dont get stressed out in fear…. there is no need to… its as good as done… I need to raise an angry mob… to confront harper or elizabeth… Harper will fold easily… he is terrified. 31 May at 15:26

— So the lizard vril are being thrown out as the scapegoat, and the Illuminati want to dodge the blame?

– Yes…a planned hoax of theirs that will not succeed- they’re hoping for my success…. guys they’re gonna allow me to win… DO NOT STRESS They just want it to unfold correctly without chaos…- they’re not a faction even in the Illuminati….they have little say [31 May at 17:10]-
they’re an oddity they [need?] for the biological properties…. the Satanists try to play like Lucifer and Azazel the lizards’ god, which supplied them with his demons to grant them powers of immortality… but most of even them know this part ——> they’re just a stupid animal 🙂 and the Illuminati will give them up to be destroyed in an attempt to get leniency and mercy from the populace… [31 May at 17:12]

— Drones- [My Paraphrasing]

the Vrill have a proboscis on their exoskeletal spine that shoots a parasitic worm containing the intelligence of the vrill into someone’s eye, then into the brain where it controls them and the vrill gets to experience life as a human, albeit a dumber and more evil human known then as a drone.-
there are many Vrill in society walking around trying to enjoy life as humans… but they’re detectable… with catscans and other tests- sometimes they have one eye swelled out more than the other due to the “transition” and theyre way more dumb than the original person…. but smarter than normal Vrill… as they adapt to higher intelligence but are still dumb… they have a vacant look, there are medical ways to detect them… drones do a LOT of the unbelievable evils you hear in the world-
[They] are very loyal slaves… they just like the opportunity to be humans,… they say the quality of life is better…. they become smarter…. like a really dumb guy… and they’re evil child molesters, half turn gay other half are bisexual

— Vril’s getting chipped with human consciousness, then droning a human to make a new chipped-Vril drone.

– Vrill heads are too small for a chip…so they put the chip on the outside of their heads and insert a wire to the spot in the brain it needs to go… Then they can literally put a human conscience in the vrill… Its disorienting but they do… Then they do the spine-in-your-eye thing to a human and cheat death but this drone is different… Less side effects regarding intelligence and other things but… Evil…. Very evil afterwards, half gay child molester and hurting things bring them pleasure…. They’re all over the place too… We will need a worldwide cat scan and destroy them all….

— Aliens, Greys, Vril Society, Area 51…

– there are no greys, no nibiru, there are only vrill and they come from underground… feel privileged to know this…anyone else tell you this they will have an aneurysm…. tila [tequila] calls them demons… because that’s what they told her they were called…she had an aneurysm before when SHE tried to tell people about them – The idea [of aliens] was born in area 51. The vril society in Germany were brought to area 51 to make saucers… Made em… Test flyin but it was during the cold war… This thing was unstable, incredible speed i dont know how the pilot didnt die… If it accidentally crashed in a town the russians woulda got wind of it and become nervous of a superweapon… So they put alien looking symbols on it in case of a crash…. It crashed, the skin was mylar… Now they said they made this material ten years later but they had it before just didnt disclose it to public… The russians heard about the landing and were afraid the americans were down with aliens… The americans fostered this idea to keep russia in check…. Russians and chinese have been vrill droning the world for decades from hospitals…and other places… They could be lying but i dont think so i would have met one… They said there’s just vrill. Oh and drones are detectable in cat scans… There will be a world wide purge as they call it of all vrill drones. And markIII clones with a dead mans consciousness in the chip in his head…

– –Are they an alien/e.t. race, or an indigenous earth race?

earth…. always been on earth… they say they were in Atlantic… kept really primitive records…said Atlantis destroyed itself rather than be entirely parasitized…. these things have an instinctual like sex drive to take over humans… and half the illuminuts think that Lucifer or Azazel wants his followers to make drones… in tribute to him… so they do. 2 June at 09:43

– Yeah they don’t know any EXTRA terrestrials though… they speculate on anunnaki and greys are a total invention… leaked because they if their saucer crashed in a town they wanted [the] Russians to think it was aliens and not a secret weapon being tested… which it was… and that was cold war time too… there are no greys, they don’t hang with space aliens… there are only Vrill.l 31 May at 20:15

— Vril and “South Park”

crabnasties is the name I called Vrill… the makers of south park or the owners thought it would be funny to put something similar into a south park episode… making fun of me trying to inform the world about Vrill… had Eric Cartman running around as if he were me saying aaah the crab people oooh someone save me from the crab people and they come up from underground and start running around taking over…. they look something similar to vrill too… Its all right under your noses…

— Vril and “The Simpsons”

I forget if it was a halloween episode or not… but…. It was Illuminatti made… um was the one where the aliens with the pods were from space and they were posing as clinton and bob dole and were laughing about how they were still voting pro alien lol for clinton or dole…. I want you guys to watch that because they made that episode to stick it in the worlds face…. but they dont come from outer space… they come from deeeep underground in tibet they said… and they named themselves… theyre name is Vrill and they must all be destroyed… animal activists had better shut theyre mouths when it comes to these terrible things as they must be rendered extinct… Im sure you agree… I know its scary too… but cant hide under the bed… you have to do something… because your a human. and no one is safe… unless the cloners and handlers of these things are stopped.

click the exploding BIRD for complete information and links pertaining to the Vril: spread these links far and wide.
